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Central Avenue 2541
f 2541 Central Ave, 0 -John Steffen C -Giese Sheet Metal Co. Bernal Brick Bus. Bldg., B.P. 487 9 - -51 85.00 0-Leo Steffen C- Harold Henkels Add, to frame GarageB,P, 81 3 -23 -59 600.00 New Store Front Br. Bus. Bldg.B.P. 594 8 -17 -65 800.00 0. Jim McDonough Reroof Detached Fr Garage B.P. 962 11/21/73 200.00 Reroof Detached Fr Garage B.P. 963 11/21/73 400,00 - -- 2541 Central Ave.- - 0 -Union Prescription Center C -Drew Deutmeyer Const. drop ceilings remodel int. brk comm, bldg. BP 3666 8/24/81 $5900.00 0 -Jim McDonough C- Mid -State Co. reroof brk comm. bldg. BP 6978 5/16/84 $1600.00 0 -Jim McDonough C- Mid -State Co. repair steps comm. bldg. BP 7644 9/11/84 $500.00 0 -Jack Huze C- Mid -State Co. erect ramp -brk comm. bldg. BP 7903 11/2/84 $500.00 0 -Union Prescription C -Gene Bird erect 4x10 sign BP 9033 8/15/85 2541 Central 0 -Union Prescription C- Gerardy Const. erect add. to mas. & frm. comm. bldg. BP 12095 7/2/87 $18000.00 0 -Union Prescription C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. replace panel in outdoor sign BP 131 3/23188