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1978 Index City Council Proceedings
OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1978 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1978 COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS A. TULLY, JR., MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY D. MICHAEL KING CAROLYN FARRELL RICHARD WERTZBERGER City Clerk ......................................LEO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor .......................................... R. N. RUSSO Assistant City Solicitors ...........................WILLIAM G. BLUM BARRY A. LINDAHL CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHAVENELLE Assistant City Manager .................. .......GENT WITTENBERG Administrative Assistant ................ ....... Z. D. HANTELMANN Personnel Director ...................... ........MICHAEL ROHRET Program Planner ........................ ........ PAULINE J. JOYCE Finance Director ........................ ..........A. G. HEITZMAN Deputy Finance Director ................. ............GERALD HIRD Director of Public Works ................. .....FRANCIS A. MURRAY City Engineer ........................... ........MICHAEL A. KOCH Supt. of Water Works ................... ..........M. W. WILLIAMS Street Commissioner .................... ......MERLE FELDERMAN Community Development Director ........ ......DANIEL DITTEMORE Dock Commission Manager ............... ........... SHIRLEY LANG Supt. of Parks ........................... .......RICHARD KRAMER Building Department Commissioner ........ .........RICHARD FEYEN Electrical Inspector ...................... ......ROBERT McGARTEN Plumbing Inspector ...................... . ALVIN "BUD" ANDERSON Chief of Fire Department ................. ......ROBERT N. DUNPHY Coordinator, Office of Disaster Services ... ...........ROBERT GOOCH Chief of Police Department ............... .......ROBERT J. O'BRIEN City Assessor ........................... ....... JAMES J. GREGORY Director of Recreation .................... ......TERRY TRUEBLOOD Health Director ......................... .....ARTHUR J. ROTH, JR. Sanitary Officer ......................... ....... LaVERNE GOERDT Food & Restaurant Inspector ............. ........... REX BRAMMER Library Director ........................ ....WILLIAM G. FULLMER Airport Manager ........................ ..............JEFF MOLID Human Rights Director and E.E.O. Officer . ........ MATHIAS LORENZ Transit Manager ......................... .....WILLIAM G. KOHLER Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M. ~~ INDEX -BOOK 108 I H7R SUBJECT Page A Jan. 3 -American Trust & Savings Bank named depository for City 3 funds .................................................... 3 " 3 -Advisory Commission submitting minutes of their meetings. 4, 84, 110, 186, 234, 272, 355, 394, 407 3 -Airport Commission submitting minutes of their meetings. 4, 60, 110, 127, 155, 210, 271, 328, 377, 411, 452, 492, 531 3 -Automobiles, Parking and Storage of same m R-Districts approved ................................................. 5 3 -Anderson, Evelyn A., granted Cigazette License ............. 13 " 16 -Affirmative votes required for approval of amendments by the P & Z Commission following a public hearing ................. 22 " 16 -American Legion Auxiliazy requesting to sell poppies on May 26th & 27th .......................................... 26 ' 16 -Andresen. Thomas granted Irquor License ................... 46 Feb. 7 -Application for Community Development Block Grant, authorizing the filing of same ............................... 51 7 -Ambulance, City Manager advising of receipt of bids for same.. 54 7 -ANNEXATION to Qty, requested by Foot Levelers Inc....... 56 7 -AGREEMENT, Amendment to rental of same between City and The Old Creamery Theatre Co. of Garrison, Iowa......... 57 " 7 -Amendments to Zoning Ordinance, Planning & Zoning submitting same .......................................... 57,154 7 -Airport Commission .__,,......:,.~ding appointment of Dale Grashorn to same ......................................... 61 " 7 -Arbor Oaks Subd., Iowa Northwestern Development Notice of , hearing from District Court for same ........................ 62.107 2D -American Wind Symphony Floating Arts, Chamber of Com- merce relative to same ..................................... 69 ZO -Annual Performance Report for Community Development Block Grant Funds ........................................ 70.111 20 -AGREEMENT, option, with Klauer Mfg. Co. and City, approving same ..................................71, 92, 209. 283 419 l 2D- ANNEXATION requested by Schiltz Development Corp. & Sisters of Presentation .................................... 75. 105 ZO- Alta Vista Street and Loss College, traffic signal denied...... 79 ZO- Apel, Fred, appointed to Community Development Com- mission .................................................. 86 Mar. 13- Alspaeh, Virguua requesting revenue sharing fwds for elderly ................................................... 86 13- Advisory Colmttission urging hiring of 3 new housing in- spectors ................................................. 88 " 13- AGREEMENT between City and DOT for signali~ation of 17th & Central Ave ..................... _................ 102 " 13- Annexation, Voluntary, City Attorney submitting opinion relative to same .................. ........ ..... 105 " 13- ANNEXATION, requested by Dale W. & Beverly J. Sherman. 106 " 13- AGREEMENT with DOT for resurfacing Julien Dubuque Bridge m summer ......................................... 109 13- Alpha Phi Omega (Loss College) requesting to conduct "Shamrocks for Dystrophy Drive" on March 18th ............. 113 " 13- ANNEXATION, requested by Lorraine Muenster on Old Mill ~ Raad .................................................... 113 Mar. 13- Appel, Fred, Settlement of property damage ................. 114 20- AGREEMENT with DOT relative to improvement of John F. Kennedy Rd. (Widening and right of way purchase)........... 119 20- ANNEXATION requested by Tom Menster .................. 129, 149 29- " AGREEMENT, Buy and Sell with Thermolyne Corp. approved. 134 29- AGREEMENT, Approving option same with Thermolyne Corp. 134, 158 Apr. 3- ANNEXATION of Lot 2 of 1 of M.L. 499 in Table Mound Township requested by Kevin R. Beatty ..................... 148 3- Advisory Commission relative to study being started on recrea- tional faeiL'ties in the City .................................. 153 " 3- AGREEMENT with Development Designation for Urban Renewal Land ............................................ 137.219 INDEX -BOOK I OS ~ 978 SUBJECT " 3-Anderson, Ruth M., Notice of personal injury claim.......... . " 3-Arbor Oaks Sub., Iowa Northwest Development requesting N- stallation of street light poles m same ...................... . " 17-Airport Commission approving lease ab..~...<..t with Tri-State Flite Services, Inc. for leasing certain airport property....... " 17-Airport, approving execution of an acceptance of a Grant Offer for development of same (Snow removal equipment). ........ . " 17-ANNEXATION requested by Foot Levelers Inc. for parts of M.L. 500 and 501 .......................................... " 17-ANNEXATION requested by Lorraine Muenster for portions of M.L. 500 and 501 ...................................... . " 17-Advisory Commission requesting appointments to their Com- mission .................................................. May 1-Andrew Ct. & Boyer St., Stop at intersection ............... . " 1-Airport, Providing for Parking Lots at same ................ . " 1-"Asbury Springs Subd. No. 4" P & Z approving fmal plat of portion (Powers) .......................................... " 1-Astgen, Thomas M., granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License. " 1-American Wind Symphony, Chamber of C.,......<.« requesting fireworks display at same ................................. . " 1-Adkins, Marty L., Notice of car damage claim ............... . " 10-Andresen, Robert C. & Donna J., Notice of Code violations at 2914 Jackson St .......................................... . " 15-Amendment to Fiscal Yeaz'78 Budget ...................... . " 15-A. Y. McDonald requesting to purchase Petrakis Park (Withdrawn) ............................................. June 5-ANNEXATION of property on Peru Rd., requested by Melvin & Marion Aronsdor£ ............................... . " 5-Audit for City for yeaz of July 1, 19TT to June 30, 1978, to be done by CPA firm of O'Connor, Brooks and Co ............... . " 5-AGREEMENT with Shive Hattery to develop Industrial Park m Radford Road area ...................................... " 5-Anthony/Frommelt Property, approving final plat of same.... . " 5-Arbor Oaks Subd., approving final plat of portion of same.... . June 5-AGREEMENT with Milo Associates to construct inter- section etc. at intersection of U.S. 20 and site of Midway Motor Lodge-Hoffman House Restaurant .......................... " 5-Arvanitis, George K., granted Cigarette License ............ . " 5-A. Y. McDonald granted Cigarette License ............. . " 5-American Legion granted Liquor License & Cigarette License.. " 5-Asbury Springs Sub. q4, D.E.Q. submitting water expansion plans for same ............................................ " 5-Audereq Lloyd F. & Bazbaza, denial of car damage claim..... . " 5-American Trust & Savings Bank, Clement McGuire Trust, denial of claim ............................... .. ... " 19-AGREEMENT with Loss College for use of San Jose Pool for period of June 1, 1978 to May 31, 1980, approving same...... . " 19-AGREEMENTS to construct the R.E.T. Sanitary Sewer..... . " 19-Armory, National Guard, comments relative to same......... . " 19-Albert, Dick, granted Cigarette License 12) ................. . " 19-Andresen, John C., granted Cigarette Licenses (2).... _ ..... . " 19-Adams. Chazles granted Cigarette License .................. . " 19-Andresen, Thomas E., granted Cigarette License ............ . " 19-American Snack Inc. granted Cigarette Incense ............. . " 19-Anthony, Paul E., granted Cigarette License ................ . ,• 19-Adams. Gregory. granted Inquor License ................... . " 19-Arbor Oaks Block 7, sewer and water construction permit submitted by D.E.Q ....................................... " 28-Application for state transit assistance funds, Transit Trustee Board authorized to Ole same .............................. . July 3-Agreement, Rental, authorizing second amendment to same between the City of Dubuque and the Old Creamery Theatre Company of Garrison. Iowa ............................... . " 3-Abernathy, Glen, granted Cigarette License ................ . ,. 3-Allendorf, William. granted Cigarette License ............... . Pa~;r 154 155. 274 165, 196 166 170 171 187 193 194 207 209. 290 210 212, 273 217, 218 228. 254 239. 499 256 257, 309 258 2.ri8 2611, 261 263 267 267 268. 290 272 273 273 282 285, 397 289 290 290 290 29(1 29(1 2911 292, 545 295 306 316 326 326 INDEX -BOOK 108 197N SUBJECT Page " 3 -Arensdorf. Melvin et ux, Notice of property damage claims 12). 329, 356 " 12 -Alcoholic beverages, consuming of same, on City Streets, Council Member Brady requesting investigation of same....... 331 " 17 -Appel, Fred, objecting to portions of paving program... 333 " 17 -AGREEMENTS between IMek Commission and ContiCarriers and Dubuque Barge & Fleeting submitted ........354, 386, 387 , 505, 525 " 17 -Ackerman, David, denial of caz damage claim ................ 356 Aug. 7 -Aquinas Institute of Theology granted Cigarette License...... 374 " 7 -American Diabetes Assn. requesting to conduct bike ride...... 375 " 7 -Airport Commission, James N. Clark resigning from same..... 377 Aug. 7 -Appointments to Boazds & Commission, Executive Session for same (DENIED) ....................................... 379 Sept. 5 -Archdiocese of Dubuque, Inc., ab. «...~,.t with same for R.E.T. Sanitary Sewer ........................................... 397 " 5 -AGREEMENT for Assistance Grant Contract with the Urban Mass Transportation Administration and Dubuque Transit Board .................................................... 903 " 5 -Amvets Post N3 granted Liquor License ..................... 408 ° 5 -Auditor's Report for FY'77 submitted by City Manager........ 410 ' 5 -Anthony, Janet, car damage claim .......................... 412, 453 " 18 -Anderson, Don, objecting to rezoning at 3061 Asbury Rd...... 415 " 18 -Ames, Rose, in favor of rezoning Diamond-Milwaukee Sts. area ..................................................... 416 " 18 -AMENDMENT to FY'79 Budget ........................... 418 " 18 -Area "C" Development Study Committee terminated.......... 423 " 18 -AGREEMENT with the Division of Historic Preservation of the Iowa State Historical Preservation of the Iowa State lIis- torical Department Providing for cost sharing on an Archi- tectural Survey/Preservation Planning Project ............. 426 Oct. 2 -Ad Hoc Committee formed to promote Hotel-Motel Tax Referendum .............................................. 933 " 2 -Agricultural and Horticultural tax exemption list submitted to City Assessor ....... ............................ 440 " 2 -Advisory Commission, disbanding same ...................446, 951, 960 " 2 -Althauser's Subd., P & Z approving plat of portion of same. (Drcesslerl ............................................... 447 " 2 -Alverno Apartments, approving rezoning of portion of Stonehill for same ......................................... 949 " 2 -A.S.A.P., contract between the Police Department and State " Department of Public Safety for continuing same ............. 450 2 -Airport Land Use Plan and Master Plan submitted............ 952 " 16- "Area Residential Care Week" October 16 thru 22. .......... , 455 " 16- ANNEXATION of portion of Hawkeye Stock Farm requested " by Romac ............ ................................... 459 16- AGREEMENT, Supporting the Dubuque County/Municipal Mutual Aid same .......................................... 461 " 16- Ambulance/Driver Attendant, relative to giving Civi] Service " exams for said position ..................................462, 973, 499 16- Assembly of God Church requesting to canvass City with infor- mational Oyer . ........................................... 463 " 16- Annexation of Mercer Ihive, Staff directed to petition County Board of Supervisors for same .............................. 468 Nov. 6- AGREEMENT with 5 Flags Civic Center and Loss College " for installation of equipment in Center. ......... _ ........475, 494, 502 6- ANNEXATION of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Beverly Pines m Section 2 Table Mound Township requested by John K. Kramer......... 477 " 6- Aspen Subd., P & Z approving portion of plat for same........ 982 •, 8- Airport Commission, appointments to same .................. 494 " 8- Albert, Cheryl, appointed to Community Development Com- micsion .................................................. 494 ' 20- AGREEMENT with Iowa DOT on issues relative to Freeway 561 Bridge (use of Area CL ................................ 503 " ZD- Area C land, ab. «,..<..t with DOT for use of same relative to " Freeway 561 Bridge ....................................... 503 20- Adhoc Electrical Bldg. Code Committee requesting amendment of Electrical Ordinance . ................................... 505 ___.. , INDEX -BOOK IOB INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page ~97 a SUBJECT Page Nov. 20-Ambulance Driver/Attendant exams results submitted........ 508 B Dec. 4-AGREEMENT with Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Fayne, Inc. to assist m initiating a program of housing i...r.,, ~~ <...:,nt and Jan. 3 -Barrett, Rev. Msgr. Norbert T., invocation given by same..... 2 and community Development ............................... 529 3 -Brady, James E., sworn in as newly elected Counei] Member... 2 4-Adams, Greg, relative to additional parking at 1064 Uni- 3 -Bakeq William H., Notice of car damages claim ............... 7, 273 versify Avenue ........... 531 3 -Beauticians and cosmetologists in OR-1 Residential District, 18-Au7wrt Manager, hiring of same, City Solicitor relative to..... 532 3 citizens in favor o£ ......................................... -Baker, Virginia Ann, refund on Cigarette License 7 8 18-Angel Investments Co. granted Cigarette License............ ~ 3 ............. -Boleyn, P & Z approving plat for same in "North Point 18-Asst. City Manager advising of termination of Dubuque Heights' in Dubuque County . 8 County Temporary Land Preservation Policy Commission. .... ~, 18-Asst. Zoning Administrator advising of issuance of conditional 546 16 ............ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Board of Supervisors, advising o£ claim filed by Kenneth L. use permits to Ryan Bldg. Co., Wallis Co., Margaret Winter Norpel, will not be held liable ............................... 19 Gindorff, Richard Muller, Larry Wolff and YMCA/YWCA..... 546 16 -Buechele, Robert P.. Notice of car damage claim .............. 19, 130 ~, 18-AUDTT for CITY OF DUBUQUE AND COMMUHITY DEVEL- , 16 -Birch Acres, rezoning portion of same ....................... ZO OPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM for period of July 1, 16 -Buildings, structures and uses on a Zoning Lot in re 1- 1977 to June 30, 1978 submitted by Qty Manager ............. 547 dential or Office-Residential Districts, limiting same.......... 23 18-Airport Security, Joseph Lytle of Hawkeye Security Agency 16 -BONDS, Street, providing for issuance of same o£ Sunset ................................ relative to same . 547 Ridge Dr. Asphalt Paving Project........ . 29 .......... 16 -BONDS, Street providing for issuance of same for City of Dubuque 1977 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 . ............... 39 16 -Becker. Marie Bertha granted Liquor License & Cigarette License .................................................. 46. 291 " 16 -Burke, Josephine granted Liquor License & Cigarette License. 46, 290 Feb. 7 -Bridge, City Island proposed, DOT submitting maps of same... 52 " 7 -Budget Review Conunittee relative to possible uses of General Revenue Sharing Funds ................................... 61 " 7 -Brown, Duane, Notice of car damage claim ................... 69, 115 " 7 -Babccek's Addition, approving plat of portion of same......... 65, 123 13 -BUDGET, City Manager submitting proposed for FY'79 and estimate for FY'80 .....:........................h......... 68 13 -Boards & Commissions Committee established ................ 68 " 20 -BUDGET, Setting Date of Public Hearing for FY'79........... 69, 88 " 20 -Byrne's Sub., approving annexation of same .................. 75 " 20 -Barrel diverters on Key Way Drive, providing for same... 75 20 -Breitbach, Mrs. Agnes property on Derby Grange Rd., approving plat ofsame ..................................... 76 " 20- Brady, Council Member requesting to make 10th St. two way between White &Central .................................. 82 20- Brimeyer, Vincent, notice of property damage claim.......... 85, 412 20- Building Board of Appeals, appointment to same .............. 86 Mar. 13- BRIDGE. City Council endorsing design of ,.. _,.:.: _d.......... 89 Mar. 20- Bertsch, Attorney Robert, representing West End Business Assn., relative to improvements on J.F.K. Road .............. 118 " 20- Bertsch, Atty., relative to granted extension to Thermolyne Corp. to commence construction under terms of deed date 4-7-75 .................................................... 123 " 20- Busses, Mrs. George Ries relative to use of tax monies for same ................................................. 128 ° ZO- Bisenius, David E., Notice of car damage claim ............... 128, 349 ' 20- Bender, Susan, Notice of car damage claim ................... 128 20- Boland, J. C., requesting 5 ton load limit on Rockdale Road.... 130 - - Apr. 3- Beatty, Kevin R., requesting annexation to the City.......... 143 3- Breitbach, Leo submitting bid on Lot 66 Vcekler Highlands..151, 172, 196 3- Brandel, Ken, objecting to rezoning of land at rear of Century Drive .................................................... 152 3- Board of Supervisors, Council expressing opinion to same rela- tive to rezoning at rear of Century Drive . ................... 152 " 3- Banks, Charles, Notice of personal injury claim ............... 154 3- Baumann, David A., Notice of personal property damage " c]aim ..................................................154, 239.2'73 " 3- Blatnek, Anthony L., Notice of car damage claim .............. 154, 369 17- Babcock's Addition, P & Z approving final plat of Lots 1-18 in same as submitted by Tschiggfrie and Schwers ............... 175 17- Bowman, Dwaine granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License.... 180, 290 " 17- Bisping Herbert F., granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License. 1811, 353 _ _. ., , INDEX -BOOK 108 ~ 978 SUBJECT Pege " 17- Blakeman, Ronald & Ronald Nowack requesting vacation of portion of Union St ........................................ 183, 376 " 17- Bradfield, Norman and Michael J. Kruser requesting to pur- chase Lot 590 m Ham's Addition ..........................183, 223, 252 " 17- Brewer, Gary et al, objecting to school busses using Ungs St... 184, 235 " 17- Barud, E. J., objecting to cement plant near Century Dr...... 187 " 17- Bridge Connections, W. 11th Neighborhood relative to same... 187 " 17- BUDGET for Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency for FY'79 submitted by Public Works Director ........................ 187 " 17- Brady, Council Member ,requesting consideration for rezoning r...r~.:.:es providing for taverns .....................187, 195, 234, 271 May 1- Boyer St. & Andrew Ct., stop at intersection ................. 192 " 1- "Breven Place" approving final plat of portion of same to pro- vide £or access to Marshall Park ............................ 203 " 1- Bisping Realty by John H. Rhomberg, expressing interest in several building lots owned by the City ....................210, 270, 375 " 1- Babcock's 2nd Addn., DEQ submitting water main extension permits for same .......................................... 211 May 1 -Boardman, Kay, objecting to barrels on Keyway Dr........... 213 " 10 -BOARD OF HEALTH, Special Session ...................... 217 " 15 -BOARD OF HEALTH, Special Session ...................... 218 " 15 -Bechen, Ethel, objecting to diverters on 17th St. & Keyway Drive .................................................... 220 " 15 -Bechen, Lester, Dorothy, Dennis and Ethel objecting to diverters on Keyway Dr ................................... 221. 293 " 15 -Beatty property contiguous to Patricia Ann Acres, P & Z approving rezoning ........................................ 224 " 15 -BUDGET, Amendment to same for Fiscal Year'78............ 228, 254 " 15 -Beecher Co. Inc., granted Beer Permits and Cigarette Licenses 231, 267 „ 15 -Bar-X Inc.. granted Liquor License ......................... 231, 290 " 15 -Bus Curtailment, objections to same ......................234 , 269, 294 " 15- Bakey, Ualista, relative to approving plat of KeOy's Bluff...... 241 June 5- "Burglary Prevention Month", June, 1978 .................... 295 " 5- Building and/or Uniform Building Code, City Manager rela- tive to same .............................................. 257 " 5- Brown, Wm. C., Co., requesting replacement deed for property purchased in 1974 ......................................... 264 " 5 -"Byrne's Subd.", P & Z approving final Plat of same........266, 278, 280 " 5- Brandt, A15~ed, granted Cigacette License & Liquor License... 267, 353 " 5- Billikas, William, granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit.... 267, 427 " 5- Bishop Buffet, granted Cigarette License .................... 267 " 5- Bradley, Donald, granted Cigarette License & Liquor License.. 267, 530 " 5- Bauer, Daniel W. & Marilyn, granted Cigarette Incense....... 9.67 " 5- Bemis, Mrs. R., objecting to schedule of Point Bus. 269 " 5- Becker Ct. residents requesting relief from tantem truck parking in same ........................................... 270 " 5- Bast, Arthur, denial of water damage claim .................. 273 " 5- Blake, Ambrose, denial of ear damage claim .................. 273 " 6- Bond, Dick, of Dubuque Packing Co., relative to operation of Waste Water'll~eatment Ylant .............................. 276 " 19- Big "G" Steak House granted cigarette License & Beer Permit. 290, 966 ° 19- Brown, W. C. Co., granted Cigarette Incense . ............... 290 ,• 19- B & D Standard granted Cigarette License ................... 291 " 19- Birkett, Dizabeth granted Cigarette License & Liquor Refund. 291, 411 " 19- Blakeman, Ronald, granted Cigarette License & Liquor License . ................................................. 291.292 .. 19- Burger King granted Cigarette Incense ...................... 290 " 19- Bastian, Jack, granted Cigarette License .................... 291 " 19- Bertolini, Angelina A., granted Cigarette License & Liquor License .................................................. 291.530 " 19- Bracewell. Richard, granted Cigarette License ............... 291 " 19- Boards & Commissions Study Group submitting progress report ................................................... 293 " 19- Brunskill Rd., Water Main extension for same submitted by D.E.Q ................................................ 295 INDEX -BOOK 108 ~ g 9 g SUBJECT Page June 28 -Brady, Council Member, directing Transit Authority to rein- stitute all services recently cut by same . .................... 306 July 3 -BUDGET CERTIFICATE, aceepting revised same for FY'79... 310 " 3 -Boards & Commissions Study Group, relative to Iowa Open Meeting Law ............................................. 311 " 3 -Baum, William J., granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. 326, 428 ' 3 -Boyes, Verne, relative to location of Northwest Arterial Highway ................................................. 327 " 3- Baskerville, Gary L., relative to location of Northwest Arterial Highway ......................................... 327 " 3- Building Commissioner relative to Housing Code Review Committee financing ...................................... 328 " 3- Barton Aschman and Downtown Development, Council Member King submitting progress report with same. ~ ........ 328, 350 " 3- Brunskill Rd., DEQ submitting water construction permit for same ................................................. 328 " 12- Brady, Council Member, relative to consuming alcoholic beverages on City Streets .................................. 331 " 17- Badger, Harold, objection to portions of Paving Project....... 333 " 17- Britt, Paul, resigning from transit Board ..................... 352 " 17- Boards & Commissions Study Group relative to resignation of Transit Board . ........................................... 352 " 17- Brady, Council Member, requesting revision of Transit Board Ordinance ................................................ 352 " 17- Birkett, James J., granted Cigarette and Liquor License...... 353 " 17- Brady, Council Member requesting for relief for property owners adjacent to the Site Gas Station ...................... 355 " 17- Brady, Council Member requesting solution to drainage problem m Orchard Dr. area ............................... 355 " 17- Bass, Jerry Alan by Atty. Bitter, Notice of personal clavn..... 356 ° 17- Berryman, Thomas H., appointed to Transit Board............ 357 " 17- Bridge tie down in regard to 561 Freeway, DOT submitting a preliminary layout of the Mississippi River same .............. 357 Aug. 7- Beecher property at 2369 White St., relative to rezoning of same ...........................................361.410, 435, 470 " 7- Bieberman, Louise, Requesting real estate tax suspension..... 370 " 7- Ikdish, Ann, requesting real estate tax suspension........... 370 " 7- Bridge Location, 5nding and construction, submitting by State of Wisconsin DOT ................................... 374 " 7- Buettell, Dorothy, requesting directional signs to Julien Dubuque's Monument ..................................... 376 " 7- Bertsch, Jim, requesting to block off Admiral Street.......... 377 " 21- Bertsch, Attorney Robert, relative to expansion in C-6 Districts ................................................. 384 " 21- "Bid Assignment" for Fire Station Building, City Manager relative to same ........................................... 368 " 21- Bainbridge, James R., granted Liquor License ............... 393 Sept. 5- Buildin¢ Dept., relative to appeal of Thomas Hill ............. 401, 413 Sept. 18- Board of Health Special Session ............................. 413 •, 18- BiJDGET AMENDMENT for FY'79 ......................... 418. 437 " 18- Boards & Commissions Study Group, requesting adoption of amendments to discussions ................................. 423 " 18- ffiasi, C. George, relative to use of Community Development Block Grant for Historic Preservation Planning ............... 426 " 18- Bandy, Claudette C., Notice of sewer cave-in claim............ 430 Oet. 2- Brady, James E., appointed to Ad Hoc Commnittee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 433 " 2- Bonnett, David, appointed to Ad Hoc Committee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 433 " 2- Bonnewell, Robert, in favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA property 934 " 2- Brother[on, Doug, in favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA property. 434 " 2- Brady, Council Member, relative to zoning in the case of YM-YWCA .............................................. 435 " 2- Belmont Addn., Lot 161 of same, City Manager ................ding dismantling building on same. (Otting) ...................... 439, 474 __._ , INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page " 2 -Board of Supervisors submitting canvass of election results for Library Expansion ........................................ 440 " 16 -"Bible Week", November 19 thru 26 ..... ................... 955 " 18 -Blum, William, relative to approval o£ Dubuque County/ Municipal request for assistance in the recovery phase of a disaster within the County ................................. 461 " 16 -Board of Supervisors requesting clar~cation of City's position in rezoning of Green Briar Ltd .............................. 461 " 16 -Billiard Hall, Cue Masters relative to prohibiting minors N same ................................................461. 473. 526 " 16 -Brady, Council Member requesting to hold promotional exams for Ambulance/Driver Attendant . .......................... 462 " 16 -Bergman, Emma, objecting to proposed TV rate increase...... 967 " 16 -Brauhn, Mrs. Donald L. objecting to proposed TV rate increase 467 " 16 -Boat, Hazel, objecting to proposed TV rate increase........... 467 Nov. 6 -Burkhart, Eugene, objecting to secondhand dealer definition and recommending garage sales by stopped .................. 473 " 6 -Boards & Commissions Study Group requesting time be set for appointments to vazious boards and commissions ............. 476 " 6 -Brietbach, Atty., on behaH of Green Briar Ltd., relative to County rezoning request for same ........................... 477 " 6- BONDS, General Obligation, providing for same for expansion of Library ................................................ 491, 509 " 6- B9lington, Mary, submitted as 4th St. representative on Com- munity Development Commission ........................... 492 " 6- Birch Acres Sub., DEQ submitting water main and sewer ex- tension permits for same ................................... 492 Nov. 8 -Bussan, Willa, appointed to Housing Commission.......... 494 " 8 -Bowman, Dan, appointed to Human Rights Commission....... 495 " 8 -Beecher, Rick, appointed to Historic Preservation Conunission. 495 " 20 -Board of Health, Special Session ............................ 497 " 20 -Building Commissioner requesting hearing on apartment building on W. 17th Street (Jeff Hawks) ..................... 497, 511 " 20 -Blake, Sandy, objecting to cab rates charged from Amtrak Station to elarke College ................................... 499 " 20 -Bertsch, Atty., representing Cab Co., relative to rates charged by same .................................................. 499 " 20 -Burns, Mike, requesting amendment to Dog Ordinance........ 500 " 20 -Bus Garage and City Garage facilities, approving proposed contract with Shive-Hattery Assoc. for study of same......... 503 " 20 -Bertsch, Atty., on behalf of H.R.W. Assoc. requesting recon- sideration for zoning at Kennedy Circle from C-3 classification to C-6 classification ........................................ 503 " 20- BOD sampling location change at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Iowa DEQ denying same ............................. 506 Dec. 4- BIDS received for General Obligation Library Bonds.......... 5(19 " 4- Board of Health Meeting, Special Session .................... 511 " 4- Beecher Sand Ltd., applying for a dredging permit............ 530 " 4- Buettell, Dorothy E., Notice of personal injury claim.......... 531 " 18- Bechen, Ethel, requesting CD Funds be held until positive location of Freeway ....................................... 532 " 18- Bicycle Club requesting to conduct a bicycle race and hillclimb.. 536 " 18- Bureau of Census, proof of publication of sending to same actual expenditures of Revenue and Antirecession Assistant Funds ending June 30, 1978 ................................ 547 19iR INDEX -BOOK 108 SUBJECT Page Jan. 2 -City Council, Regular Session . ............................. 1 " 3 -City Council, Adjourned Regular Session .................... 2 " 3 -Chavenelle, Gilbert D., appointed City Manager .............. 2 " 3 -City Manager advising all officers and employees under his supervision have been reappointed .......................... 3 " 3 -Chavenelle, Gilbert D., Personal Bond submitted ............. 3 " 3 -Community Development Commission submitting minutes of their meetings.....3, 127, 155, 235, 271, 328, 377, 399, 952, 492, 531, 546 " 3 -City Development Board advising of annexing within urbanized azea by City of Asbury . ................................... 4 " 3 -Community Development Specialist submitting names for appointment to Commission . ............................... 6 " 3 -Community Development Block Grant Fund Application, setting public hearing dates for same .....................9, 43, 51, 156 " 3 -City Manager recommending to sell Lot 153 Lenox Addition on sealed bid basis ........................................... 10 ., 11 -City Council. Special Session ............................... 15 " 11 -Coyle, Atty. Michael, relative to approving plat of "Phase Two of Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. 1" .................. 15 " 16- City Council. Special Session ............................... 17 " 16- City Manager submitting reports of month of November, 1977.. 17 " 16- Claims for month of November, 1977, proof of pubheation...... 17 " 16- Counci] Proceedings for month of July, approved as printed.... 17 " 16- City Manager requesting to renew lease in Fischer Building for Community Development and Planning & Zoning departments. 18 " 16- City Manager . ..............ding not to rename street Sheehy Drive as requested by Navy I,eague ......................... 18 " 16- Grippes, James A., Notice of car damage claim ............... 19, 114 " 16- Crewmasters Inc., Public Improvement Claim by Larry W. Dratzer against same ...................................... 19 16- Coriell's Dubuque Addition, rezoning portions of same......... 21 ' 16- Cable TV Conunission requesting appointments to same....... 26 " 16- CONSTRUCTION OF SUNSET RIDGE DRIVE ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT ....................................... 27 " 16~- CITY OF DUBUQUE 1977 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT N0. 1 .................................................... 31 " 16- GSty Manager relative to easement to Interstate Power Co. to install transmission line from southerly edge of Area'C" to their power plant ......................................... 43 " 16- ConstruMion oT PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS completed..... 44 " 16- Construction o£ COOPER PLACE STEPS completed......... 44 Jan. 16- Clancy, Rita, granted Liquor License & Cigarette License..... 46, 291 Feb. 6- City Council, Regulaz Session .............................. 49 " 7- City Council, Adjourned Regulaz Session .................... 49 " 7- Citizen Participation Plan for City, authorizing adoption of ' 7 same .................................................... -Cowhig, Bruce, relative to Housing Assistance Plan........... 50 54 " 7- City Manager, advising of receipt of bids for new modular type ambulonce ........................................... 54 " 7- " City Manager relative to utilization of Trenkle Building........ 57 7- CONSTRUCTION OF SCHMITT HARBOR MUNCIPAL BOAT RAMP completed. rag " 7- Civi] Service Comndssion submitting results of FIRE DE- PARTMENT Exams . ..................................... 61 " 7- City Manager recommending denial of street light request for Kelly Lane by Mrs. Oster .................................. 62 " 7- City Manager submitting department reports for month of December. 1977 ........................................... 62 ;, 7- Claims for month of December, 1977, proof of publication...... 62 7- Crewmasters Inc., Notice of claim against same by Walser Movers. Inc .............................................. 64 •, 13- City Council. Special Session ............................... 68 " 13- City Manager submitting BUDGET Recommendation for FY'79 and estimate for Fy'80 ..................................... 68 _.. __. , INDEX -BOOK 108 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page ~ 97R SUBJECT page " 20- City Cowcil, special Session ................................ 69 " 20 -Civil Service Commission submitting results of HOUSING " 20- Chamber of Commerce relative to Ameriew Wind Symp ony 20 INSPECTOR Exams.......... . , , "" ....................... -Cowcil Proceedings for month of December 1977 a roved PP 128 '~ 20- floating Arts ............................................. Community Development Block Grant Documents, authorizing 69 20 , , as printed .............. ..... ........... -Colts Drum & Bugle Corps requesting to conduct a Colt Buck 128 publication of Notice of availability for public inspection certain Sunday on Apri12 .............. 129 " same. (Annual Performance Report) ........................ 70 22 ........................... -City Cowcil, Special Session.... ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 131 20- City Manager recommending vacation and sale of portion of " 29 ~ " " -City Cowcil, Special Session....... ~ 134 _ Levi Street ............ .......... ....... ~ ~ " """ ~ ~ "" ~ ~ """" ~ 71.89 Apr. 3 .... .................... -City Cawcil, ggulaz ~ scion. ......................... 137 " AND DEBRIS FROM W. 32nd ST. DETENTION BASIN.....59, 72, 166 8 Apr. 3 3 g y -Colby, Brian re uestin vacatin of Mclffnle Avenue......... -City Mwager submitting reports of department heads f 151, 213 20- ., Construction of 5 Flags Sewer and Water Relocation completed 7 or month of February 1978 20- City Manager . ..........:...ding request for traffic signal at Loss 79 3 . ................................... -Claims for month of Febru roof of ubfication ni'3' P P 155 155 " ZO- College and Alta Vista Street be denied ...................... Cogan, Donald, granted Cigarette License ................... 79 3 ............ ~ -Clark, Julia requesting refwd on wexpired Cigarette & Liquor " 20- " 20- City Attorney relative to correction title to James S. O'Meara.. Civil Service commission submitting results of HEATING IN- 81 3 Licenses .................... ..... -Cedar Cross Industrial Park, approving final plat of same 155, 213 " SPECTOR Exams and WATER PLANT OPERATOR Exams.. 82, 128 17 (Hansel) . ................................................ -City Conncil Special Session 156 20- Conncil Proceedings for month of August, 1977 approved as ~ 17 , ....... . ....................... -"Child Awareness Week", week of May 1 thru 7 1978 158 158 " 20- p~~' ~ " " "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~ " " " " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cwmdngs, Mrs. Clarence, Notice of personal injury claim..... 85 17 , ......... -City Manager recommending denial of Herman Ginter et al " 20- Community Development Commission, appointments to same.. 86 petition requesting extension of storm sewer to rear of their Mar. 6- " City Cowcil, Regular Session .............................. 87 17 properties on Maplewood Court .............. . ..... ... -Cummings Connie relative to tattoo establi h t 163 13- Mar. 13- City Cowcil, Adjourned Regular Session .................... Cowcil of Chruches, requesting revenue sharing fwds far 88 " 17 , , s men s.......... -Carnegie Stout Public Library, General Obligation Bond Issue 163 y ................................................... elder) 88 for improvements for same......... . 168 " 13- Chamber of C........c..,o relative to budget operation........... 88 17 -City Manager submitting resolution establishing Job Classi- " 13- " Cowcil endorsing design of proposed bridge ................. 17 fication of 1.1re Captain Inspector........ ... ................ -CONSTRUCTION of WALSH (PARKWAY) STREET STORM 169 13- Carpenter, E. R., matter referred to City Manager and SEWER " 13- Attorney ................................................. Community Development Block Grant Fwds, providing for the 89 17 ............................ ..........174,199, -CURB REPLACEMENT PROJECT, coin leted.............. T 223,463 175 transfer of same in amt. of $135,238 ......................... 93 17 -CITY OF DUBUQUE, 1978 ASPHAL PATCHING PRO- ' " 13- CONSTURCTION OF CENTRAL AVE. AT 17th ST. SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS .................................101. 145. 201, 536 17- " JECI .................................................180. Connolly, Roger, objecting to use of Ungs St. by school busses. 197.402 184 " 13- CONSTRUCTION OF EAST 22nd ST. AT WINDSOR AVE. 6 442 17- ', 17- Campbell, Talmage, Notice of ear a claim. ............. Cement Plant near Century Dr obdj~ection to sam 185 15 " 13- SCHOOL SIGNALS ....................................102, Lyty Attorney submitting opinion relative to volwtary 14 , 17- ., e............ Civil Service Commission, a intments to same.............. n j4 1, 187 187 ............................... annexation 105 26- City Conncil, Special Sessio :30 P.M.) ..................... 189 " 13- ..... _ ........ City Attorney advising of dismissal of case of Iowa North- k fi l l f A b O May 1- 1- City Conncil, Re ar Session. ........... . ~ ...... Chamber of Commerce requesting fu•eworks dis la on beh lf 191 or a s na p at o r western Development corp. relative to 07 p y a of American Wind Symphony " 13- Subd .................................................... City Manager submitting invitation for proposals relative to 1 ,. 1- ............................... Cit Mwa Y ger submitting reports of department heads for 210 " proposal for downtown development........ ........... 107 15- month of March......... City Conncil Special Session 211 13- City Manager relative to purchase of building at 550 W. 8th St. by Smith & Felderman .................................... 108 15- , .................. . ....... Chicago, Milwaukee, SL Paul & Pacific R.R. objecting to 219 " 13 y age g av. _....... ng p -Cit Man r submittin - - - t coven the ro re- surfacing of the Julien Dubuque Bridge this summer.......... 09 5- diverters on 17th St . ................ ... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ .... . Clemens, Dave Atty., relative to relocation of Petrakis & ~ " 13 " -Cable TV Commission submitting minutes of their meetings.... h 111 15- McAleece Ball Fields ................. ....... ........ Community Development block Grant documents d t 222 13 e -Community Development Commission submitting resume oP t , amen men s to Third Year " 13 Washington Tool Library........ ...... """"""""""~"""" -City Manager submitting department reports for month of 111 15- ............................................. Comiske Park Im rovements, g Y P providm for same with 225, 275 1978 ................................................ Jan. 111 .. Commwity Development Block Grant Funds................. 225.252 " 13 „ . -Claims for month of jnnuary, proof of publication ............. 111 15- Cornish, Don, objecting to fees for inspection of multiple dwellings 13 -Cowcil Proceedings for months of Sept.. Oct.. & Nov., approved as printed ....................................... 111 ,. 15- ................................................ City Manager submitting amendment to FY'78 Budget. 227 22g " 13 -Colts Drw & Bugle Corps requesting to paint house 15- Greiner Croce Co. wted Beer Permit & Ci ''Y Sr garette License. 231, 267 numbers on ewbings. (DENIED) .......................... 112 15- City Manager advising of negotiations with owner of Medical ` ' " 13 -Creston St., Mettel Realty & Investment requesting to install Associates Bldg. for leasing same...... ................ " . , , , 232, 270 wdergronnd cable for street lighting on same ................ 113, 156 May 15- Chamber of Commerce requesting to conduct parade on " 13 -CROP Hnnger Walk requesting to conduct their walk on June 15th ...................................... .......... 232 Apri130th ................................................ 117, 127 15- City Manager relative to school busses on Ungs St............ 235 " 2D -City Cowcil, Special session ................................ 118 15- Claims for month of March, proof of publication............... 235 " ZO -City manager relative to location and design of J.F.K. Road 15- Crewmaster, Inc., Notice of claim against general contractor L..r..,~~ ~_...~..t (Widening and right of way purchase)........... 118 , of Water'I~eatment Plant .................................. ~g " 20 -Carpenter, E. R., Co., Mayor's Industrial Committee recem- 24- City Cowcil, Special Session ............ . .................. 241 mending sale of real estate in River Front Subd. No. 3 to same. 124, 138 31- City Cowcil, Special Session ............................... ~ _.., INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Pulse June 5- City Cowcil, Regular Session . ............................. 295 " 5- Caldwell, Rev. Robert, invocation by same ................... 245 " 5- City Manager relative to installation of parking meters........ 249 " 5- Commwity Development Commissiw advising of 4th Year Community Development Block Grant Program . ............. 255 " 5- Cowty-City of Dubuque Authority, Inc., dissolving same...... 256 " 5- City Manager requesting CPA firm of O'Connor, Brooks & Co. to do financial audit for City for yeaz July 1, 1977 to June 30, 1978 .......................................... 257. 309 " 5- City Manager relative to State Building and/or Uniform Building Code ............................................ 257 " 5- City Manager recommending developments by Mayor's In- dustrial Development Task Force ................... ...... 257 " 5- CONSTRUCTION OF CENTRAL AVENUE STREET LIGHT- ING FROM 9th ST. T012th ST..... _ . _ .................. 262 " 5- Clark Oil & Refining Corp., granted Cigarette License......... 267 " 5- Canfield Hotel, Inc., granted Cigarette License ............... 267 " 5- City Attorney relative to Dubuque Screw Products not building on their property N River Front Sub. No. 5 .................. 268 " 5- City Manager ..............:..ding not to sell Lots 314 & 315 in Lennox Addn. as requested by Herrig Real Estate............ 270 " 5- City Manager recommending not to sell Lots 138 & 139 in Mechanic's Addition as requested by Bisping Realty........ .. 270 " 5- City Manager recommending installation of street lights in 600 block of Providence Street .............................. 270 " 5- Carew, Allan J., submitting resignation from Plawing & Zoning commission ........................................ 270 " 5- Christ, Donald & Darlene M., and Margaret Casey, Notice of property damage claim .................................... 273. 492 " 5- Colley, Vicla M., Notice of property damage claim......... .. 273, 411 " 5- City Manager recommending installation of street lights m Arbor Oaks Sub .......................................... 274 " 5- City Manager recommending denial of Bertrand Thibadeau to divide lot ................................................. 274 " 5 -City Manager submitting reports for month of April, 1978..... 274 " 5 -Claims for month of April, 1978, proof of publication.......... 274 June 6 -City Coweil, Special Session ............................... 276 " 6 -City Solicitor directed to examine possible legal avenues to enforce cocipliance by Dubuque Packing Co., relative to operation of Waste Water Treatment Plant .................. 276 " 12 -City Cowcil, Special Session ............................... 278 " 19 -City Cowcil, Special Session ............................... 280 " 19 -Code Enf.,. _~...~..t, providing for release of Commwity Development Fwds to provide for same. _ ... _ ......253, 307 , 357, 378 " 19 -CITY OF DUBUQUE REPLACEMENT OF CITY HALL WINDOWS PROJECT completed ........................... 284 " 19 -City Manager submitting agreement for construction of R.E.T. Sanitary Sewer; expenses to be shared by City of Dubuque, Archdiocese of Dubuque, Schultz Development Corp., R.E.T. Corporation, Fondell and Sons,Inc .......................... 265 " 19 -CONSTRUCTION OF THE HAMILTON GLEN (RET. INC.) SANTTARY SEWER ...................................... 286. 312 " 19 -CITY OF DUBUQUE 1978 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT N0. 1 ................. ...............................287 ,333. 367 " 19 -Commwity Development Commission requesting to purchase property at 567 Arlington St. for recreative center............ 289 " 19 -C.K. of Dubuque, Inc., granted Cigarette License ............. 290 " 19 -Crave Enterprises granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses....... 290, 491 " 19 -Carousel Snack Bar granted Cigarette License ................ 290 " 19 -Qabarett, Terry L. & Sally J., granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses ................................................. 291, 292 " 19 -Clemens, Michael Scott, granted Cigazette & Liquor Licenses.. 291, 292 " 19 -Corbett, Earl, granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit....... 291, 393 " 19 -Creslanes Bowling Lanes, granted Clgazette & Liquor License. 291, 292 " 19 -Clarke College granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit...... 291, 595 INDEX -BOOK t 08 l v~ a SUBJECT Pugc June 19 -Clifford St., West End Neighbors requesting to block off same on July 16th .............................................. 292 " 19 -City Manager relative to petition of C. Robert Justmann requesting possible sale of Chicago-Milwaukee R.R. building... 293 " 19 -City Manager submitting summary of traffic signal installations anticipated in future for the City of Dubuque ................. 293 " 19 -City Manager relative to sale of Mobil Office Unit ............. 293, 355 " 19 -Colley, James A., Notice of property damage ................ 295 " 19 -Cummings, Florence, Notice of personal injury claim.......... 296 " 19 -City Manager submitting reports of departments for month of May, 1978 ................................................ 296 " 19 -Civil Service submitting results of exams for PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR CAPTAIN INSPECTOR... _ ........................................ 297 " 19 -Civil Service submitting results of exams FOR GARAGE AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS .............................. 297 " 19 -City Manager .;,.sling installation of street lights at Arabian Trail & Carter Rd. and between Arabian Trail and Kane St. on Carter Rd ..................................... 297 " 28 -City Cowcil, Special Session ............................... 299 " 28 -Commwity Development Funds, transfer of same from Rehab. Interim Assistance to Rehab. Loans and Grants........ 305 " 28 -C-6 Commercial Districts, provisions governing expansion of same ................................................306 .322.383 July 3 -City Cowcil, Regular Session ............ . ................. 307 „ 3 -City Manager submitting State Agreement for Primary Road Extension Maintenance for period of July 1, 1978 thru June 30. 1979 ............................................. 310 " 3 -City manager advising that State Comptroller has adjusted FY'79 Budget Certificate to reflect valuation subject to property tax .............................................. 310 " 3 -Cowcil Proceedings for months of San. & Feb., approved as printed . ................................................. 311 " 3 -City Manager relative to second amendment to the Rental Agreement between the City and the Old Creamery Theater Co. of Garrison, Iowa ...................................... 316 " 3- Chamber of Commerce Transportation GOUtlcll, relative to location of Northwest Arterial Highway ..................... 327 " 3- Claims for monfbs of May, 1978, proof of publication.......... 329 " 3- Conditional Use Permit issued for group home at 400 Maplewood Ct ............................................ 329 ,• 12- City Cowcfl, Special Session ............................... 331 " 17- City Cowcil, Special Session ............................... 332 " 17- Chamber of C........<.,.a by Art Hansen and Wm. Heitzman, m favor of Hotel-Motel Tax ................................. 333 " 17- C & NW Transportation objecting to paving of E. 19th St...... 334 " 17- City Manager submitting resolutiw designating Corridor Location for Dubuque North-West Arteriat Highway.......... 336 " 17- CONTRACT with Barton-Aschman for downtown street improvements approved ................................... 351 " 17- CONSTRUCTION OF PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS......... 350, 364 " 17- CONSTRUCTION OF COMISKEY PARK PARKING LOT..351, 362, 528 " 17- ContiCarriers and Dubuque Barge & Fleeting, agreements with same between Dock Conmiission .................354, 372, 505, 523 " 17- Conzett, Dock Commissioneq relative to si,_;.~...~..:; between Dock Commission and ContiCarriers and Dubuque Barge & Fleeting ................................................. 354 " 17- City Manager advising of request from Operation New View for designation of 4 city representatives to revised Adminis trative Board of Operation .......... ................... 355 " 17- Coakley, Loral D., Notice of car damage claim . .............. 356 " 17- Clark, Donald A., Notice of backed-up sewer damage claim.... 357, 429 Aug. 7- City Cowcil, Regular Session .............................. 359 " 7- CONSTRUCTION OF 20th ST. TRAFFIC SIGNALS FROM CENTRAL AVE. TO F.i,M ST. emm~letcd. ua INDEX -BOOK 108 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page 1978 SUBJECT Page 7- CONSTRUCTION OF MAIN ST. LIGHTING FROM 1st ST. Sept. 18 -Civil Service Commission submitting results of exams for TO 4th ST. completed ..................................... 368 BUS OPERATORS ........................................ 421 " 7- " Council F.....:.~.::..gs for months of march and April........... 370 18 -CivB Service Commission submitting resWts of exams for 7- City Manager relative to Shive-flattery contract for the pre- PLUMBING INSPECTOR................................. 421 " liminary investigation of a western industrial site ............. 370 18 -Council Proceedings for MaY. aPPTOVed as printed............ 422 7- " City Engineer relative to drainage problem on Orohazd Drive.. 371 18 -City Manager requesting to be absent from City to attend 7- City Engineer . ~..........~..ding Davis Ave. be included with 1978 seminaz .................................................. 423 ,. Asphalt Paving Project (DENIED).......... """~~"""" 373 18 -City Manager recommending to dismantle building at 677 7- ' Church of Nativity, granted Beer Permit and Refund.......... 374, 953 W. 8th St. (Lucas) ......................................423 475 522 7- Clemens, Atty., on behalf of Julius Sprenglemeyer, relative to 18 -Citizens Transportation Committee terminated ............... , , 424 " installation of storm sewer on Pazkway & W. Third St.. _ .... 375 18 -Citizens Freeway Study Conunittee terminated......... . 7- City manager relative to vacanies on Zoning Board of 18 -CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE II CONTRACT 1 OF THE " 7- Adjustment .............................................. City Manager relative to John H. Rhomberg's request to 375 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS- TERMINAL STREET FORCE MAIN completed. ............ 424 " purchase City Owned Lots ................................. 375 18 -City Municipal Garage construction completed ................ 425 7- City Manager relative to feasibility study for Ground 16 -Corps of Engineers to have consideration as to depositing of " Transportation Center......... ... ........ 376 spoils in the Ham Island fdl area ........:................... 429 7- " Clark, James N., resigning from Airport Commission......... 377 •' 20 -City Council. Special Session ............................... 931 7- (.Sty Manager approving installation of street lights on Valeria Oct. 2- City Council, Regulaz Session.............................. 433 " St. as requested by John Kirkpatrick ................ """' ~ 377 2- Cheever, Jean, appointed to Ad Hoe Committee to promote 7- City Manager requesting to advertise for bids for GPM Pumper 377 Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 433 " 7- " City Manager submitting reports for June, 1978 .............. 379 2- Cultural Advancement Committee, terminating same......... 937 7- " Clavns for month of June, 1978, proof of pubbcation........... 379 2- City Manager . ~..........~..ding dismantling of building located 14- " City Council, Special Session ............................... 381 on Lot 161 Belmont Addn. (Offing) ......................... 439,474 21- " City Council, Special Session ............................... ~2 2- Council Proceedings for month o£ June, 1978, ar,.. _._~ 21- Cafaro, Wm., relative to expansion of C-6 District for Kennedy as Printed .................................... 440 ................... MEI"""""""""""""""' ~~~ 393 2- CANVASS of Election results for Library expansion submitted 21- Community Development Block Grant Funds, tranferring same by County Board of Supervisors .................. ...... 440 from Contingency Fund to Washington Tool Library Project... " " 386 2- City manager submitting Agricultural and Horticultural tax 21- City Manager relative to bid assignment method for Fire exemption list for 1978 ..................................... 440 " 21- Station Building .......................................... City Manager relative to request to vacate portion of Alta ~ 2- CONSTRUCTION OF 1978 CURB REPLACEMENT PRO- 1- Vista St. as requested by John Grotjohn........... """"" City Manager relative to request to vacate alley as requested 393 ,. 2- GRAM ................................................... City Manager relative to granting Tschiggfrie Excavating the 941. 457 by Mrs. Ross Morley ...................................... 394 right to construct a frontage road along ffighway 20 Sept. 4- City Council. Regular Session .............................. 395 .. between Ramada Inn & Cedaz Cross Road......... . ......... 942 5- City Council, Regular Adjourned Session .................... 396 2- Community Development Commission, Providing for the 5- City Manager submitting Street Finance Report for period of reduction of membership in same ........................... 443 June 30, 1977 to June 30, 1978 .............. ................ ~ 2- City Manager submitting plans for REPLACEMENT OF " 5- Community Development Program, firm of Trkla, Pettigrew, 2- 21 WINDOWS IN CITY HALL............................. Citizens Advisory Commission, disbanding of same.........996 945. 955 451 460 Allen and Payne, Inc. to assist in development and execution 2- , CONTRACT' between the Dubuque Police Dept. and State , ,• 5- of same .................................................. City Manager recommending Durrant Group be selected as 401 Department of Public Safety for Alcohol Safety Action " arc rtects or t. tion .......................... 1 2- Program............ ........ ........................... . CONTRACT with the Durrant Group Inc. for Bbrary 450 5- CONSTRUCTION OF SOUTH PORK SANITARY SEWER " completed by Tri-State Paving ........................... 401 2- improvements. .......... .............. Cruise Book, 1977 for U.S.S. Dubuque submitted. 451 452 5- City Manager relative to replacement of electronic equipment .. 2- ............ City Manager submitting reports for July 1978 ....... . 452 in the Locust Street Ram p' ............................... q03 4- , . ...... City Council Special Session........ 454 5- (,Sty Manager relative to petition of Barry Lindahl for street 16- . ....................... City Council Special Session........... 455 " 5- ... g ton a ........................................ Civil Service Cortunission submitting results of exams for 408 .. -6- , ............... ..... "Children With Learning Disabilities Week" October 16 " 5- POLICE DEPARTMENT .................................. Casanova, Jce requesting filing of ditch on corner of Burlington 909 16- thru 22 . ................................................. City Manager requesting Leo Frommelt, City Clerk, be 955 ................................. & Stoltz Sts 410 authorized to sign papers on his behalf during absence from " 5- " ............. City Manager submitting State Auditor's Report for FY'77..... 410 16- City Oct. 12-19 ............................................ Civil l;efense, relative Lo Dubuque County/Municipal request 960 5- City Engineer advising proposed Student Parking Lot at U of for assistance in the recovery phase of a disaster within ,• D has been discontinued ................................... 910 the County..................................... 461 5- „ 18- Claims for month of July. Proof of publication ................ City Council. Special Session ............................... 411 415 16- .......... Cue Masters ffiIliards relative to prohibiting minors from " 18- " Cook, Ken, objecting to rezoning at 1 ury .......... 41 16- billiard hall...... ...... ................................... City Manager relative to administering Civil Service Exam 461, 526 18- City Solicitor directed to search Ordinances regarding screen- forthe position of Ambulance/Driver Attendant .. . 462 " 18- ing of all businesses ....................................... Church Heights, Ordinance desrnbing same .................. 416 416 16- . ..... .... City Manager recommending denial of sale and vacation of " 18- Civil Service Commission submitting results of exams for Aspen St. for price offered....... ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " " 962 FIRE DEPARTMI~IT. (Promotional) ....................... 421 16- City Manager recommending denial of petition of Robert A. Wagner requesting 2 hour parking on lklhi St ............... 463 ___.., . ~I 6' INDEX -BOOK 108 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page ~ y-g SUBJECT Page Oct. 16- Contract with Durrant Group for engineering services on the Dec. 4 -Citizen Participation Plan, submitted ....... ............... 527, 532 32nd St. Fire Station ...................................... 464 •' 9 -City Manager relative to closing out CETA Program.......... 53(1 " 16- Clazk, Robert P., objecting to proposed TV rate increase...... 467 4 -CETA Program, City Manager relative to closing out same.... 530 16- Cable Commission requesting opinion from City Attorney 4 -City Manager sNbntitting reports for month of Octobeq 1978... 531 regarding proposed TV rate increase for lifetime members..... 467 4 -Claims for month of October, 1978, proof of publication........ 531 16- City Manager submitting reports for month of August, 1978... 467 18 -City Council, Special Session ............................... 532 " 16- Claims for month of August, 1978, proof of publication......... 467 18 -City Attorney relative to Writ of Mandamus filed by " 16- Clazk, Sophia, Notice of expiration of right of redemption Telegraph Herald ......................................... 532 and for taking tax deeds ... .............................. 468 18 -City Solicitor relative to hying Airport Manager.............. 532 Nov. 6- City Council, Regular Session . ............................. 469 18 -COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, 6- City Manager submitting letter from Thomas Millitzer, proof of publication covering presentation and discussion of Manager of Te;~e.,,...e:,er, relative to proposed rate increase range of activities ......................................... 532 for 1Setime members .......................... ........ .. 469 18 -Chamber of Commerce expressing thanks for oppoortunity to " 6- City Attorney submitting opinion relative to rate increase for present input ............................................. 532 lifetime members...... _ ................................. 469 18- City Manager recommending installation of street Tight on 6- Clin-Que Addn., rezoning portion of same .................... 471 W. 32nd Street as requested by Thomas Steffan.......... . ~ " 6- City Manager relative to Ordinance to prohibit minors from 18- Council Proceedings for months of August & Sept., 1978, " being in poolrooms ........................................ 473 proof of publication........................................ 534 6- Coomes, Darlene, requesting vacation of alley adjacent to 18- Cedar Ridge Industrial Development, Alfred E. Hughes, Atty. " 1750 Avoca St ............................................ 974 for Julian G. Nemmers submitting preliminary plat for same... 536 6- Council Proceedings for month of July, 1978, approved 18- City Manager submitting Ordinances providing for the control as printed ................................................ 474 of food establishments and £or state mandated license fees 6- City Manager submitting Memorandum of Understanding , also Memorandum of Understanding with the State Dept. of regarding primazy road extensions in major urban areas Agriculture .............................................. 537 with Iowa DOT...... ........ ............................. 477 18- Colts Drum & Bugle Corps requesting scope of study of " 6- Cazlson, Don, relative to stop sign at Fremont & Wartburg.... 980 F.D.R. Park include a football field to be used for Football " 6- Conzett, Harold, relative to stop sign at Fremont & Wartburg. 980 , soccer, rugby and practice sessions for same ................. 544 " 6- City Manager submitting reports of depaztment for month of 18- Community Development Commission submitting by-laws for September, 1978 .......................................... 493 their commission. 594 6- Claims for month of Sept., 1978, proof of publication.......... 493 18- City Manager submitting AUDIT of COMMUNITY DEVELOP- 8- City Council, Special Session ............................... 494 MENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AND CITY AUDIT £or " 8- Community Development Commission, appointments to same.. 494 period of July 1, 1977 to June 30, 1978 ....................... 547 8- Cody, John, appointed to Community Development Com- mission .................................................. 494 " 8 -Civic Center Commission appointments ...................... 495 ,. 20 -City Council. Special Session ............................... 498 " 20 -Cab Rates, Clarke College students objecting to rates ehazged from Amtrak Station to College ............................. 499 20 -Cullen Kilby, Carolan & Assoc., to do feasibility study for F.D.R. Park .............................................. 502.529 ZO -Captial Assistance Grant Application approved ............... 502 " 20 -City Garage and Bus Garage, approving proposed contract with Shive-Hattery Assoc. for study of same ................. 5118 20 -City Manager relative to ak .:.:....:...: with the Iowa DOT on issues relative to Freeway 561 Bridge. (Area C).... _ ...... 503 " ZO -City Manager submitting audit reports of Transit System, Sewage Disposal Works, Parking Facilities, Water Dept. from Julyl, 1977 thru June 30, 1978 ......................... SUS " ZO -Civil Service Commission submitting results of AMBULANCE DRIVER ATTENDANT and PLUMBING INSPECTOR L ..... 508 Dec. 4 -City Council, Special Session (1:00 P.M. Librazy Bonds)....... 509 4 -t}ty Council, Regulaz Session . ............................. 512 4 -Chiado, Corp. and Romac, Inc., requesting rezoning at Dodge and Mercer Drive ................................... 51E, " 4 -Churches, Existing, providing for reconstruction of same..... 514 4 -C-6 District, P & Z submitting amendments of Article IV, Section 4-117, Provisions for the same ....................... 519 " 4 -ContiCazriers & terminals Inc., accepting Warranty Deed from same for Lots 2 & 4 of the Subd. of Lots 1-21, Blk. E, Lots 1-14 Blk. D, and vacated Market St. Lying between Blocks D & E all in Booth's Addn ........................... 522 4 -City Manager Submitting tentative 5 year street construction program ................................................. 525 " 4 -Cue Masters Billiazds relative to minors in a BIDiard Room..... 526 " 4 -City Manager advising of completion of 17th Street Storm Sewer ................................................... 527 _. __. , , 1978 INDEX -BOOK 108 SUBJECT Pace D Jan. 3 -Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. named depository for City funds... 3 " 3 -Dock Commission submitting minutes of then meetings. .............................9, 17, 60, 110, 239, 355, 377, 411, 467, 546 " 3 -Dix„ Wm. J. and David H. Hoffman granted Liquor License & Cigarette License .................................. ...... 13. 291 " 3 -Dubuque County Land Use Policy Committee, appointments to same .................................................. 14 Feb. 7 -Development Control Corp. submitting written proposal relative to Downtown enclosed Retai] Mall Development... 50 " 7 -Davis, David, relative to Community Development Funds be used for Project Concern ................................... 51 " 7 -DOT relative to City Island Bridge ......................... 52 " 7 -Dubuque County Historical Society requesting consideration for monies through proposed Hotel-Motel Tax ................ :~ " 7 -Detention basin on W 32nd St., Removal and disposal of silt and debris from same ..................................59, 72, 168 " 7 -DMATS submitting minutes of their meetings.......... . .....................60, 127, 210, 271, 328, 377, 411. 952, 492, 507, 546 " 7 -DEQ procedures for adding fluoride relative to condition Water Treatment Plant Expansion .......................... 61 " 20 -Dubuque Ambassadors to act as sponsoring organization for City in the 1978Iowa Community Betterment Program........ 74 " ZO -Diverters of Barrels on Keyway Drive, providing for same and renwval .............................................. 75. 206 " ZO -DEQ submitting water main extension permit for Phase II Stoneh8l Community; water main & sewer perntits for Pravie Hieghfs Sub. and water main & sewer permits for Timber Ridge .................................................... 84 Mar. 13- DOT and City, Agreement far signalization of 17th & Central Ave .............................................. 102 " 13- Dubuque Marina, Inc., granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License .................................................. 103. 291 " 13- Dubuque Jaycees granted Beer Permit ...................... 103 " 13- Downtown Development, Invitation for Proposals relative to proposal for same .......................................107. 137. 156 " 13- DOT, agreement with same for resurfacing Julien Dubuque Bridge this summer ....................................... 109 " 13- Daugherty, Willard, Notice of personal injury claim........... 112 " 13- Downtown Assn. requesting parking be allowed on Sunday m area bounded by 9th St. south, 10th St. north and on west side of Main St. in Bus Stop area ............................ 112 " 13- D.A.V. requesting to conduct Forget Me Not Days on August 4th and 5th ........................................ 113 " 20- DOT, P~.:,:..:...t with same for improvements to J.F.K. Road (Widening and right of way purchase) ....................... 119 " 20- Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc., granted Liquor License & Cigarette License ......................................... 127. 326 " 20- Derks, Karen M., objecting to construction of pazking ramp by Finley Hospital ................................... 128 Apr. 3- Dorothy, Robert recommending sale of land in River Front Sub. No 3 to E. R. Carpenter Co ............................ 138 Apr. 3- Developer's A6.:.~...:,..:, for Urban Renewal Land ............. 137, 219 3- Dubuque Fine Arts Society Inc. granted Liquor License (CANCELLED) .......................................... 150 " 3- Dubuque Ready Mix, relative to County's proposed rezoning of land to reaz of Century Drive ............................ 151 " 17- Dix, Leo & lbloris, approving final plat submitted by same.... 173 " 17- Disability parking m front of her residence requested by Mrs. John Haggerty ........................................... 183 " 17- Dock Commission relative to ,....,,,,,~J sewer line agreement from VaOet Poultry . ...................................... 184 " 17- Diverters on Keyway Dr., objecting to same.. _ ...........187, 213, 293 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Pape May 1 -Dunphy, Fire Chief advising of receipt of check in memorial to Mary Ellen Hingtgen ............... .... .............. 210 " 1 -ffiverter Project and green span idea at 17th & Washington Sts., John Waltz and Rev. Sigwarth, relative to same......... 210, 220 " 1 -DEQ submitting amended operation permit for Wastewater Treatment Plan ........................................... 211 " 1 -DEQ submitting water main extension permits for Babeock's 2nd Addition and Patricia Ann Subd ......................... 211 " 1 -DOT advising of alternatives being considered for proposed Highway 561 as facihty would affect E. J. Vaggenthaler Co... 214 " 1 -Diverters on Washington St., objections to same ............. 220 " 15 -Dubuque Packing Co. objecting to diverters at 17th & Washington .............................................. 220 " 15 -Dubuque Casket Co. objecting to diverters at 17th & Washington ...............................~............... 2211 " 15 -Dittemore, Planner, relative to 17th St. diverters ............. 221 " 15 -Dubuque Industrial Site Task Force requesting fundin for g Industrial Parks .......................................... 222 " 15 -Duggan, approving plat for same of portion of "Knob Hill"..... 229 " 15 -Dubuque Golf & Country Club granted Liquor License & " Cigarette License ......................................... 231. 290 15 " -D.B.Q. granted Liquor License & Cigarette License........... 231, 290 15 -Dempsey. Edgar, requesting two hour parking on north side " of Rosedale westerly from Avoca . .......................... 231 15 " -Dock Commission requesting to merge with Street Department 232 15 -D.E.Q. submitting water main extension permits on Equestrian " Heights Subd. No. 2, protions of Knob Hill and Knob Grove.... 235 31 -Dubuque Jaycees transfemng Beer Permit ...............244, 331 279 June 5 -DOT and Milo Associates, ae_<~...~..t with same to construct , intersections etc. at intersection of U. S. 20 and site of " Midway Motor Lodge-Hoffman House Restaurant ............. 263 5 -DOT, submitting tentative three year street construction program to same ........................ 264 5- Dodge House Motel, granted Cigarette License ............... 267 ,• 5- " Dubuque Municipal Airport granted (,}gazette License........ 267 5- Dubuque Packing Co., granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit ................................................... 267 393 ., 5- Dubuque Art Association granted Beer Permit & refund....... . 266 466 5- Draft Envvonmental Impact Statement for the North-West , " Arterial Road submitted by Public Works Director............ 268 5- Dubuque Screw Co., City Attorney submitting information from same, advising of no plans for construction on Lot 5 of " Block 1 River Front Sub. No. 5 ............................. ~g 5- Dubuque Cycle requesting to sponsor Dubuque Bicycle Race " on Labor Day ............................................. Z68 5- Dock Commission endorsing action taken on repaving railroad " tracks ..................... ...................... 269 5- Dubuque Council of Churches putting high priority on " adequately funded and workable bus system ................. 269 5- " Defendi, Bertha objecting to curtaibnent of bus service........ 269 5- " larbuquefest requesting to solicit for their activity............ 270 5- D.E.Q. submitting supplement to construction permit for modification of the Fluoride Installation Water Treatment Plant Expansion and water expansion plans for Asbury " Springs Subd. q4 ................. .... ...... 272 6- Dubuque Packing Co. to comply with operation of Waste Water Treatment Plant ............. _ ... ~J6 19- " Daffron, Colonel, relative to National Guard Armory.......... 289 19- " Donovan, Melvin L., granted Cigarette License ............... 290 19- •, Dubuque Mining eo., granted Cigarette License .............. 290 19- Dunne, William F., granted Cigarette License ................ 2gp " 1}avis, Joseph F. & Jane E., granted Cigarette License. 13) .... 290 19- Dawson, Michael, granted cigarette and Liquor License " 19- &refund ............................ .......291,292,468 Dittenrore and Staff submitting report relative to traffic __. , r INDEX -BOOK 108 197g SUBJECT Page problems on Keyway and submitting Ordinances providing for stop signs on same ..................................... 293 June 19 -D.E.Q. advising of construction permit for sewer and water for Arbor Oaks Block 7 and water main extension £or Brunski0 Road; Emission offset procedure for particulate matter as approved by Iowa Air Quality Commission.......... 295 " 19 -Dix, Marilyn K., denial of car damage claim .................. 295 " 19 -Dubuque Community Schools denial of property damage claim. 295 " 19 -Doyle, James J. Estate, denial of claim ...................... 295 " 19 -Dolan, Donald D., Notice of personal injury claim ............. 295 " 19 -"Department Store" defining same............ _ .........306 , 323, 382 July 3 -Dubuque Downtown Plaza, final plats of same approved....... 322 " 3 -Dotter, Randall L., granted Cigazette License ................ 326 " 3 -Dubuque County Historical Society relative to location of Northwest Arterial Highway ............................... 327 " 3 -Deieh, Donald Sr., relative to location of Northwest Arterial Highway ................................................. 327 " 3 -Downtown Developer and Barton Aschman, Council Member King submitting report on conference with same .............. 328, 350 " 3 -DEQ submitting water main construction permit for Brunskill R.oad .................................................... 328 " 17 -Dubuque Bible church objecting to paving of Bies Dr.......... 334 " 17 -Davis Ave., DELETED from 1978 Asphalt Paving Project N0. 1 .................................................... 334 " 17 -Davis Ave. to be reconsidered by Engineering Dept., either by lower estimate or as an assessment ....................... 334, 373 " 17 -Dubuque County Historical society r~_.,.._..;,..ding proper zoning to permit E'/z of City Lot 133 to commercial usage...... 337 " 17 -DOT seeking local governmental recommendations for Great River Road Project ........................................ 354 " 17 -Dock Commission submitting proposed agreements between same and contiCarriers and Dubuque Barge & Fleeting....... . ....................................... _354, 373, 386.387 . 505, 523 " 17 -Dubuque Barge & Fleeting, agreement between same and Dock Commission submitted .............................354 , 373, 387 " 17 -Dubuque Historic Preservation Advisory Bd. advising building at 1270-72-74-76 Main St. not significance historically or architecturally and no abjection to issuance of a demolition permit ................................................... 354 " 17 -DOT submitting preliminary layout of Mississippi River Bridge tie down in regard to 561 Freeway .................... 357 Aug. 7 -Donovan, Blanche, requesting real estate tax suspension...... 370 " 7 -Data processing Study to be done by Sr. Kenneth Keller. .. .. 370 " 7 -Diabetes Assn., American requesting to conduct bike ride on Sept. 24 .................................................. 375 " 7 -DOT relative to feasibility study of Ground Transportation Centers .................................................. 376 " 7 -Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. requesting to conduct mazathon on Sept. 4th ................................................. 376 " 7 -Demolition permit by Miracle Car Wash at 330-332 Bluff St., application for same ....................................... 378 " 7 -DOT expressing appreciation for assistance during resurfacing of Julien Dubuque Bridge .................................. 379 " 14 -DEQ, relative to operation of Wastewater Treatment Plant.... 381 " 21 -DeSalvo, Atty. Donald relative to expansion of C-6 Districts... 384 " 21 -DEQ submitting water main construction permit for Schiltz Sub. No. 2 and sewer construction permit for Hillerest Family Services ........................................... 394 Sept. 5 -Durrant Group selected as architects for 32nd St. Fire Station .................................................. 401 " 5 -Dock Commission relative to relocation plans proposed by Interstate Power Co. _ .................................... 404 " 5 -Dorweiler, Delos A., relative to widen J.F.K. Rd ............. 909 " 5 -Dubuque Sports, refund on unexpired Beer Permit. .......... 411 " 18 -Duncan, Rev. Hatty, Invocation by same .................... 415 INDEX -BOOK 108 ~ q7g SUBJECT Page Sept.18 -"Dubuque symphony Week" Sept. 24th to 30th ............... 415 " 18 -Diamond-Milwaukee Street area, rezoning of same............ 416 " 18 -Dock Conunission requesting Corps of Engineers considering as to depositing of spoils in the Ham Island fill area........... 429 " 18 -DEQ submitting water main and sewer extensions permits to Theisen Assn ........................................... 429 " 18 -Dietrich Insurance Agency relative to denial of Donald Clazk claim ............................................... 429 Oct. 2 -Dennis Dazgan's Subd., approving final plat of portion of same. 998 " 2 -Drcessleq approving plat submitted by same for portion of Althauser's Subd .......................................... 447 " 2 -Durrant Group Inc., granted contract for Library Improve- ments ................................................... 451 " 16 -Disaster, recovery phase of same within the County, approving Dubuque County/Municipal Mutual Aid Agreement for same... 461 " 16 -Dock Board advising of needed funds to repair damaged bull dozer ................................................ 961 " 16 -Durrant Group awarded contract for 32nd St. Fire Station..... 964 " 16 -Dorweiler, Delos, objecting to widening of J.F.K. Rd......... 484 " 16 -Davis, John. Francis, granted Cigarette and Beer Licenses..... 466 " 16 -DEQ submitting extended permit for St. George Sub. and Theisen Bldg. Co .......................................... 467 Nov. 6 -DOT, approving Memorandum of Understanding for Primary Road Extension with same ................................. 477 " 6 -Delhi St., approving two hour parking on portion of same...... 479 " 6 -DEQ submitting water ntain and sewer extension permits for Wacker Dr. and Birch Acres Sub ........................... 492 " 6 -Dausener, Theresa, Notice of house damage claim............ 493 " 20 -Delta Investments by Jeff Hawks, relative to hearing on buildings on West 17th St .................................. 497, 511 " 20- Dog Ordinance, Loriel Pazker requesting amendment to same.. 500 " 20- Deich, Donald, Sr. requesting amendment to Dog Ordinance... 500 " 20- Dubuque Branch of Nat'I Assn. of Letter Carriers relative to Dog Ordinance ......................................... 500 " 20- DOT, ab...~.....d with same for use of land in Area C for Freeway 501 Bridge ....................................... 503 " 20- Dubuque Girls Club advising of conduct gourmet popcorn sale.. 506 " 20- DEQ denying request for BOD sampling location change at the Wastewater Treatment Plant ............................... 506 " 20- DEQ submitting public noti5cation requirements for water supplies .................................................. 507 " 20- DOT advising of Bridge Floor Repair on U.S. 52 lying within the City and over Grandview Ave ........................... 507 " 20- DOT advising first phase of Ground Transportation Center Feasibility Study completed, City of Dubuque not included at this tune ............................................... 507 " ZO- Dazdis, Mary E., Notice of caz damage claim ................. 507 " 20- Dyer, James A., Notice of car damage claim ................. 507 Dee. 4- Duggan, John, approving portion of final plat submitted by same .................................................. 521 " 4- Davis, Mike, owner of .......:..:.: at 6TT W. 8th St. (Lucas) ..... 522 " 9- DOT, submitting tentative 5 year street program with same... 525 " 18- Dittemore, Dan, relative to Community Development's Citizen Participation Plan ......................................... 532 " 18- Dubuque County Historical Society requesting funding for Riverboat Museum from CD Funds .......................... 532 " 18- DOT, United States of America, authorizing filing of an application with same under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended ................................... 533 " 18- Dubuque Bicycle Club requesting to conduct bicycle race and hillclimb race ............................................. 536 " 18- Dept. of Argricultural, State of Iowa, and City of Dubuque, approving Memorandum of Understanding between same regulating inspection and licensing of food service establish- ments, food establishments, food and beverage vending machines and hotels and motels ............................. 542 INDEX -BOOK 108 : ,, INDEX -BOOK I08 1978 SUBJECT Page - -" 1978 . -- -- SUBJECT - Page Dec. 18-Design Center. Inc.. granted Liquor License ................. 545 ," -- n IS-Dubuque County Temporary Land Preservation Police Com- _ E mission, Asst. City Manager advising of termination of same.. 546 , Jan 16 -EASEMENT, granting same to Interstate Power Co... ..43, 50, 70, 404 ' 18-DEQ submitting set of rules for requirements of a local i . Feb 7 -"Engineers Week, National" proclaimed week of Feb. 19-28.... 49 public works department desiring authority to permit sewer & . 7 -Emergency Services Supply Co., awarded bid for new modular water supply distribution system extensions ................. 546 tYPe ambulance ........................................... 55 " IS-DOT submitting copy of Phase I Report for Ground Transpor- ZO -E.C.I.A. advising per captia general membership assessment.. 82 Cation Center Feasibility Study by Barton-Aschman Associates. 546 " ZO -Elderly for Housing. P & Z defining same .................... 83 '• 20 -Eddy, Richard, Notice of Property damage claim ............. 85 " 20 -Ede, Giles. Notice of car damage claim . ..................... 86 Mar. 13 -E.R. Carpenter matter referred to City Manager and Attorney. 89 " 13 -Edwazds, D. James, approving final plat for same in Patricia Ann Acres ............................................... 99.317 " 13 -Edwards, D. James, requesting street tights in Patricia Ann Acres Sub ................................................ 100, 156 " 13 -East 22nd St. at Windsor Ave., School Signals, construction of same .................................................. 102. 146 " ZO -Erschen, Alice H., granted Liquor License & Cigarette License 127, 353 Apr. 17 -E.C.LA. submitting summary statement, Areawide Compre- hensive Plan Housing Element .............................. 183 May 1 -IIchhorn, H. L., notice of car damage claim ................213, 236, 547 N " 1 -Equestrian Heights (Swift) P & Z approving plat of portion of same ................. ........... ........... 214 ii: " 15 -Evening Optimist Club granted Beer License & refund........ 231, 329 " 15 -Eberhardt, Auleen C., objecting to curtailment of city Busses.. 234, 269 ~ ~ 15 -Equestrian Heights Sub. No. 2, D.E.Q. submitting water main ~~. extension permit for same .................................. 235 June 5 -Enka Co., granted cigarette License ......................... 267 " 5 -Eagle Discount supermarket granted Cigarette Licenses (3).... 267 5 -Ernzen, Mrs. Ethel, objecting to starting time of busses. 269 " ' 19 -IIlis, Victoria, granted Cigarette License........... 290 ' 19 -IIks, Benevolent & Protective Order of same, granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses ................................ 290.530 " 19 -Eagles. Fraternal Order, granted Cigarette License........... 290 " 19 -E.P.A. submitting request indicating eligibility for extension and that all nonmunicipal dischargers into the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) be notified ....................... 293 " 19 -Engling, Alfred, objecting to permanent barriers on Keyway Drive .................................................... 293 " 19- Emission Offset Procedure for particulate matter as approved by Iowa Air Quality Commission submitted by DEQ........... 295 " 19- Expansion of existing C-6 Commercial Districts, provisions governing same ........................................... 306. 322 July 3- ELECTION called for on the proposition of issuing bonds for Yubhc Library Purrs ................................... 323. 440 " 17- Eschen, Walter, objection to portions of Paving Program...... 333 " 17- E. 19th St. DELETED from 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 334 ~~ July 17- Engr. Dept. to reconsider Davis St., either lower estimate or as an assessment ....................................... 334 " 17- Equipment, MatcMng Resolution with Iowa Crime Commission ~ providing for same ........................................ 350 ~ ~~ ~ 'I Sept 5- Embassy West Subd., P & Z approving final plats of same..... 404 ' ~ 18- Easements, Transmission Line, approving same for Interstate Power Company .......................................... 417 ~~ " 18- Ecology Contro] Corp. requesting exercise to lease fourth to five year option ........................................... 421 Oct. 2- Eberhardt, Jerry & Odra, objecting to rozoning of YM-YWCA I property .................................. .............. 934 I'll I u i ~ ~ ~ 2- Equestrian Heights S bd. ~nsfallation of st eet Gghts in same.. 451 Nov. 6- Engineering Dept. directed to close 2 curb cuts on east side of Wacker Dr ............................................... 485 " 8- Emenitove, Gary, appointed to TV Cable Commission......... 495 " 20- ELECTION for imposition of Hotel-Motel Tax results......... 498 " 20- Electrical Ordinance, providing for the amendment of same.... 505 " 20- Eagle discount Store granted Beer Permit ................... 506 INDEX -BOOK 108 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page 197 R SUBJECT Pace Dec. 4-Extension granted to Delta Investments (Jeff Hawks) for F repair of buildings on W. 17th St ............................ 511 " 4-Eiting, George, of Cullen, Kilby & Carolan, relative to Jan. 3 -Farrell, Cazolyn sworn m as newly elected Council Member.... 2 feasibility study for F.D.R. Park ............................ 529 3 -Frommelt, Leo F., appointed City Clerk..................... 2 " 18-Eichman, Robert, Notice of personal injury claim ............. 548 3 -First National Bank of Dubuque named depository for City funds .................................................... 3 3 -Five Flags Center Commission submitting minutes of then meetings....3, 60, 84, 110, 155, 186, 210, 235, 272, 295, 328, 356, 394, 411 .........................................429.452, 467.492,507.546 " 3 -Fuerste, WIlGam C., commending ambulance drivers.......... 4 3 -Freeway, Elizabeth Ryan, requesting postponement on vote for same ................................................. 7, 17 3 -Farrell, Carolyn, appointed to Dubuque County land Use Policy Committee ......................................... 14 " 16 -Five Flags Center Building Committee submitting minutes of their meetings ..........................................17 .295.356 16 -Fransen, Lorraine A., granted Liquor License & cigarette License .................................................. 46, 290 Feb. 7 -Foot Levelers requesting annexation to City ................. 56 7 -Financial Report for yeaz ending June 30, 1977 submitted...... 61 ' 7 -FIl2E DEPARTMENT Exams, Civil Service Conutussion submitting results of same ................................. 61 7 -Five Flags Center Building Committee expressing thanks for outstanding service award ................................. 62 " 7 -Fitzgibbons, Neldia granted Liquor License & Cigarette License .................................................. 67.267 20 -FIVE FLAGS SEWER AND WATER RELOCATION COMPLETED ............................................ 78 20 -French, Mrs. Thomas B., Notice of car damage claim.......... 86 " ZO -Five Flags Building Commission, appointments to same....... 86 " 20 -Farrell, Cazolyn appointed to 5 Flags Building Commission..... 86 Mar. 13 -Fireflghters by Roger Voss, relative to cutting of 3 Bremen from Budget .............................................. 89 13 -Fraternal Order of Eagles granted Liquor License............ 103 " 13 -Felderman and Smith, requesting to purchase building at 550 W. 8th St ..........................................108. 149, 172 20 -Finley Hospital, Karen Derks objecting to construction of proposed parking ramp by same ............................ 128. 158 " 22 -Finley Hospital, providing for expansion of medical facilities and related uses within Finley Hospital Institutional District... 131 Apr. 3- "Five flags Anticipation Week" Apri13 to 9 . ................. 137 3 -Fisk, Donald N. & Harold R. Imus, entering redeveloper designation agreement with same for downtown Urban Renewal Land ..........................................137. 158.219 3- Flexsteel Industries recommending sale of land in riverfront Sub. No. 3 to E. R. Carpenter Co ........................... 138 „ 3- Fens. Ronald granted Liquor License ........................ 150 3- Ford, Mary Kathryn granted Liquor License & Cigarette License .................................................. 150, 326 Apr. 3- FondeB & Sons, relative to munty's proposed rezoning of land to rear of Century Drive ................................... 151 3- Federal Sharing Funds, summazy of the use of same, proof of pumblication ............................................. 155 " 17- Fu•e Captain Inspector, establishing job class cation of same.. 169 17- Foot Levelers, Inc. requesting annexation of portions of M.L. 500 &501 ................................................ 170 " 17- Five flags Center, Steve Peters submitting progress on same.. 183 " 17- Fritsch, Arnold, objecting to use of Ungs St. by school busses.. 184 " 17- Farrell, Council Member requesting appointments to various Boards and comaussions ................................... 184 May 1- Fisch, Bob and Russell Nash relative to W. 11th St. Neighbor- hood tour ................................................ 210 10- Feyen, Building Commissioner, relative to code violations at 2914 Jackson St. by Robert C. & Donna J. Andresen and George & Anna Pemsl ..................................... 217.218 ____._., 1978 INDEX -BOOK tos SUBJECT May 15-Fees for a permit to operate multiple dwelling, establishing Page same .................................................... 226 " 15- Fire & Police Returement Systems Actuarial Valuation submitted ................................................ 233 " 15- Frick, Duane, Notice of personal injury claim ................. 239 " 15- Fitzpatrick, Leo H., Notice of livestock loss claim ............. 239 Juue 5- Frommelt/Anthony, approving plat of property for same...... 258 " 5- Frommelt's Tent & Awning Co., approving reclassification of their property ........................................ ... 259.307 " 5- Flood Hazard Overlay Districts and Special Planning Districts, P & Z approving same ..................................... 265, 299 " 5- Fenelon, Patrick, granted Cigarette License ..... ........... 267 " 5- Ferring, Adella, granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit..... 267, 408 " 5- Finley Hospital Expansion final Development Plan Approval, P & Z relative to same ..................................... 271 " 19- Fire Station at 32nd St., authorizing release of Community Development Funds for construction of same..........263, 30'1, 357, 378 " 19- Fischer Bowling Lanes granted Cigarette License ............. 290 ,• 19- Furry. Bazbara J., granted Cigarette License ................ 290 " 19- Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. granted Cigarette License....... 290 " 19- "Farmer Appreciation Day", Suzanne L. Jarosh, relative to same .................................................... 292. 307 " 19- Fox, Gloria Ann, Denial of car damage claim ................. 295 " 19- Foxen, Steven & Christopher, Notice of personal injury claim.. 296 " 19- Fire Calls in Rockdale Area, arrangements to be made to answer same ............................................. 297 July 3- Fullmer, William, relative to election providing for im- provements for Public Library .............................. 325 " 3- Fairway Ford Sales, Inc., granted Cigarette License........... 326 ,. 3- Friedman. William G., granted Cigarette License ............. 326 " 3- Fischer & Company, Inc. granted Liquor License ............. 326 " 17- Fairway Dr., to be DELETED from City of Dubuque 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ............................... 334 ,• 17- Frangos, John P., granted Beer Permit ..................... 353 " 17- Fish, Bob, relative to purchasing property at 567 Arlington St. 354 Aug. 7 -Frank, Wayne requesting to investigate possibility of re- aligning certain bus routes ................................. 375 " 21 -Fire Station bidding, City Manager relative to same........... 388 " 21 -Fitzgibbons, Neldia, granted Liquor License ................. 393 " 21 -Flanagan, Pat, requesting appointment to Recreation Commis- sion ..................................................... 393 Sept. 5 -Fondell & Sons, Inc., as.,.~...~.d with same for R.E.T. Sanitary Sewer ........................................... 397 " 5 -Finzel, Mrs. Cazl, notice of property damage claim............ 912 " 18 -Forefeiture of real estate contract of property located at 559 S. Grandview ......................................... 430 Oct. 2 -Farrell, Carolyn, appointed to Ad Hoe Committee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 433 " 2 -Frontage Road along Highway 20 hetween Ramada Inn & Cedar Cross Rd., Tschiggfrie Excavating granted right to construct same ........................................... 442 " 16 -Financial Report for fine & Police Retirement Systems for FY'78 approved and submitted to State ...................... 960 " 16 -Frommelt, Leo, City Clerk, authorized to sign papers during absence of City manager from City Oct. 12-18 ................ 460 " 16 -Fire Station at 32nd St., DmTant Group awarded contract for same ................................................. 464 " 16 -Fourth Street Neighborhood Assn. objecting to operation of Liquor License at 320 Main St .............................. 466 " 16 -Fire Apparatus, Receipt of bids, proof of publication.......... 968 Nov. 6 -Five Flags Civic Center and Loss College, ab.:.:....:...t between same for installation of equipment m Center.......475 , 494, 502 " 6 -Five Flags Theatre Commission, Five Flags Advisory Com- mittee and Five Flags Task Force, terminating existence of same .................................................. 475 INDEX -BOOK IOS 1978 SUBJECT Page " 6 -Fremont & Wartburg, relative to stop sign at same........... 480, 499 " 6 -Fisch, Robert, representative on Community Development Commission by W. 11th St. Neighborhood Assn . ............. 492, 494 " 6 -Five Flags Center submitting Annual Report for Fiscal Yeaz 1978 ..................................................... 492 8 -Flanagan, Patrick M., appointed to Playground & Recreation Commission .............................................. 490 " 20 -F.D.R. Park, feasibility study to be done by Cullen, I{ilby, Carolan & Assoc. for same .................................. 502.529 Dec. 4 -Farley and Fengler Streets at Rhomberg, P & Z submitting Official Zoning Map Corrections for .,_......:...,:al and residential districts at same............ .............. 520 " 4 -Five Yeaz Street Program, tentative, submitting same to DOT. 525 " 4- Fourth St. Neighborhood requesting to name lane in their area "Ryder's Lane" ........................................... 526 ,. 4- Furry, Barbara J., granted Liquor Incense ................... 530 " 18- Friedman, Dick, expressing thanks for opportunity to present input .................................................... 532 " 18- Food establishments, providing for the control of same........ 537 " 18- F.D.R. Park, Colts Drun & Bugle requesting scope of study be done to include area for practice sessions for their practice..... 544 " 18- Folsom, Mary C., Settlement of personal injury claim......... 596 1979 INDEX -BOOK 108 SUBJECT G Pagr Jan. 16-General Revenue Sharing Funds, Notice of Hearing regarding proposed use ofsame ...................................... 18, 88 Feb. 7-Gabrielson, Rev. Paul, invocation given by same .............. 49 " 7-Grashorn, Dale, Airport Commission requesting appointment of same to Conunission ..................................... 61 " 7-Guthrie, George, withdrawing rezoning petition .............. 62 " 7-Goffinet, Glen J., Notice of car damage claim ................. 64, 411 " 7-Green, Christopher J., Notice of eaz damage claim............ 64, 237 " 7-Glen Oak St., Robert T. Specht requesting street Gght on same 65, 85 •, ZO-"Girl Scout Week" March 12th to 18th ....................... 69 ,• 20-Guy. Gerald. appointed to Building Boazd of Appeals.......... 86 Maz. 13-Gruben, Wayne E., Notice of property damage claim.......... 111 " 13-Gallagher, Atty. Timothy for Rose Perrigo, Notice of personal injwy claim .............................................. 111 " 13-Guenther, Betty J., Notiee of personal injury claim........... 112, 349 " 20-Guidehnes for Housepainting Assistance, Housing Rehabilita- tion Commission submitting same ........................... 122 " ZO-Grandview Drug, granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License.... 126, 290 " 22-Graves, Mel relative to proposed site Development Plan for Finley Hospital ........................................... 131 Apr. 3-Gisch, Paul, recommending sale of land in Riverfront Sub. No.3 to E. R. Carpenter Company .......................... 138 " 3-Ginter, Herman et al relative to drainage correction m area of Oak St ................................................... 151. 163 " 17-Grant Offer far development of Airport, approving execution of an acceptance of same for snow removal equipment......... 168 " 17-General Obligation Bond Issue to provide for improvements to Carnegie Stout Library .................................... 168 " 17-Gloden, Paul, granted Cigazette and Liquor Licenses & Refwds ...........................................179,180. 291, 493 " 17-Graham, Tom requesting Swday pazking be allowed in bus stop area on Main St. between 9th & 10th Streets ............. 184 May 1-Greener, J. E., Notice of caz damage claim ................... 212 " 15-Ginter, Joseph A. & Harriet J., objecting to diverters on Keyway Drive ..................................... ..... 221 " 15-Girls Club, Heating Facilities Modernization, providing for same with Community Development Fwds .................. 225, 252 June 5-Gardner, Less relative to Dubuquefest ...................... 270 " 19-Glynn, John F., granted Cigarette Liense & Liquor License... 290, 374 " 19-Grabow, Ralph J., granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit... 290, 427 " 19-Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit .............................................. 290. 393 " 19-Ginter, Donna, granted Cigarette & Liquor Licneses.......... 291, 292 " 19-Giwta, Marco, granted Cigarette License .................... 291 " 19-Gross, Linda, requesting additional fwds to increase Key Line Budget .................................................. 294 " 19-Galle, Paul G., denial of car damage claim .................... 295 " 19-Guler, Leonard G., denial of car damage claim ................ 295 July 3-Gross, Ray, Notice of backed up sewer elaim ...............328, 411, 493 " 17-Glennon, Jcel, objecting to Paving Project ................... 333 " 17-Great River Road Project, DOT relative to governmental . ~„_......;,_.dations for same ................................. 354 " 17-Gorsuch, John W., denial of tree damage claim ............... 356 " 17-Giellis Inswance Agency on behalf of Dennis Sheehan, Notice of motorcycle damage claim ................................ 356 " 17-Grevas, Andrew, Notice of backed-up sewer damage claim..... 357 Aug. 7-Growd Transportation Centers, City Manager relative to same 376, 546 " 7-Grotjohn, John C., requesting vacation of portion of Alta Vista St ............................................. 376.393 " 7-Gray, Randall W., Notice of property damage claim........... 378, 453 " 7-Gordon, Lorraine, refwd on Liquor License .................. 379 Sept. 5-Geiger, Helen, objecting to rezoning of YM-YWCA property... 407 " 5-Gilloon, Atty., objecting to rezoning of YM-YWCA property... 407, 439 INDEX -BOOK l08 1978 SUBJECT Page " 5 -Goodman, Daniel F., requesting denial to rezone property in Shims Ave. area ........................................ 409 " 18 -GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS, amendment to FY'79 Budget ........................... ...... 418 Oct. 2 -Gayman, Vaughn, appointed to Ad Hoe Committee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 933 " 2 -Goodman. John, appointed to Ad Hoc Committee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 433 " 2 -Gibson, Donna & Mark, objecting to rezoning of YM-YWCA property ................................................. 434 " 2 -Gratiot, Helen, objecting to rezoning of YM-YWCA property... 434 " 2 -Guidelines for the Interim Assistance Housing Rehabilitation Program, Housing Rehab. Commission submitting same....... 450 " 2 -GottschaBc, Marie, Notice of personal injury claim............ 453 " 16 -Gooch, Robert, relative to Dubuque Cowty/Municipal request for assistance in the .:.__.~.~. phase of a disaster witMn the Cowty. ..... ............................. 461 " 16- Green Briar Ltd., Board of Supervisors requesting clarification of City's position on rezoning of same ........................ 461 " i6- Groves-Kelco granted Beer Permit .......................... 966 Nov. 6- Gordon, Rev. James, invocation given by same ............... 969 " 6- Gisch, Paul of Mayor's Industrial Committee, relative to price of land for sale on Industrial Island .......................... 474 Nov. 6- Green Briar Ltd., relative to Cowty rezoning request for same ................................................. 477 " 6- " Ganshirt, John, relative to stop sign at Wartburg & Fremont.. 480 6- Grimes, Terrance, approving Final plat of portion of Sec. 12 T88N R2E as requested by same ............................ 486 " 6- General Obligation Bonds, providing £or issuance of same . for expansion of Library ................................... 491. 509 , 6- Gloor, James. appointed to Au•port Conunittce ............... 494 " 20- Giesler, Rev., invocation given by same ..................... 498 " 20- Geary, Mary objecting to eab rates from Amtrak Station to Clazke College ............................................ 499 " 20- Growd Transportation Center Feasibility Study completed, City of Dubuque not included at this time .................... 507 Dec. 18- Gindorff, Mazgaret Winter, granted conditional use permit.... 546 INDEX -BOOK 1 os 1978 SUBJECT PaRc H Jan. 3 -third, Gerald, Personal official bond submitted ................ 3 " 3 -Housing Rehabilitation Commission submitting minutes of their meetings ........................3, 61, 110. 180, 239, 272, 355 , 429. 467 " 3 -Hampton, R. and Co., accepting Warranty Deed from same for Block 14 m Dubuque Downtown Plaza ....................... 12 " 3 -Hoffman, David H. and William J. Dix granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses ........................................ 13, 291 " 16 -Housing Commdssion submitting minutes of their meetings.... . .......................17, 60, 84, 110, 186, 210, 272, 355, 377 , 411., 952 " 16 -Historical Preservation Commission submitting minutes of their meetings ...............................17.84. 127.492 .531, 540 " 16 -Health Dept. relative to alleged increase in the sulphw dioxide wncentration in Dubuque's atmosphere ............... 18 " 16 -Hubeq Rita, Notice of personal injury claim .................. 18 " 16 -Hawkeye Security Inswance relative to personal injwy claim of Sharon and Daniel Pluemer .............................. 19 " 16 -Hartford Inswance, Eugene Sand advising of denial of claim by same .................................................. 19 " 16 -Hessel, Valerie L., Notice of car damage claim ................ 19 " 16 -Huston, Patrick L., Notice of car damage claim ............... 20, 129 " 16- Harbinger Co., submitting highest bid for Lot 153 in Lenox Addition ................................................. 41 " 16- Hotel-Motel Tax, supporting passage of Senate Flle 336 for same ..............................................42.332.385. 496 " 16- Hawks Trailer Mobil Court granted permission to connect onto City Sewer Line subject to conditions set by City Manager ................................................. 47 Feb. 7- Housing Commission relative to Housing Assistance Plan for 78-79 ................................................. 51 " 7- Housing Commission relative to application for Section 8 Existing Housing ......................................... 52, 189 " 7- Housing Assistance Plan, Housing Commssion recommending revision of 1977-78 same ................................... 53, 193 " 7- Hotel-Motel Tax, Dubuque County Historical Society re- questing censideration for monies through ,._ _r_.,<J same... 56 " 7- Human Rights Commission submitting minutes of thew meetings ................................................. 60.271 " 7- Housing Commission supporting development of an RHA for municipalities in region except the City of Dubuque........... 61 " 7- Hinkel, Evelyn A., granted liquor License & Cigacette License. 67, 290 " 20- "Heitage Heights" approving final plat of same (Lcetscher) .... TT " 20- Heinz, Ted & Georgia granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License .................................................. 79. 267 " 20- HEATING INSPECTOR Exams, Civil Service Commission submitting results ......................................... 82, 128 Feb. ZO- Housing for IIderly, P & Z defining same .................... 83, 119 " 20- Housing Code Review Committee submitting minutes of their meetings ............................................ 84,110 " 20- Herrig, William, appointed to Building Board of Appeals....... 86 " 20- Housing Rehabilitation Commission, appointments to same.... 86 Mar. 13- Housing Inspectors, Advisory caging hiring of 3 new ones..... 88 " 13- Hunger Walk by CROP, requesting to conduct thew walk on Apri130th ................................................ 117. 127 " ZO- Housing Rehabilitation Commission submitting guidelines for Housepainting Assistance Program ......................... 122 " 20- Hennen, Lavern granted Beer Permit & Cegacette License.... 126, 290 " 20- Haupert, Billy, suggesting new bridge rather than tax monies on Julien Dubuque Bridge .................................. 127 " 20- HOUSING INSPECTOR, Civil Service Convnission submitting results of exams .......................................... 128 " 20- Heffner, Delman, Notice of Car danutge claim ................ 128, 213 " 20- Handicapped Persons Inc., requesting public parking at private rosidences for the handicapped ............................. 130, 209 INDEX -BOOK 108 197x SUBJECT Page Apr. 3 -Health Dept. relative to Ordinance prohibiting the establish- ment and operation of tatoo parlors ......................... 142 " 3 -Harbinger Corp. requesting to pwchase W'/z of Lot 52 and E'/z of Lot 53 fn Caok's Addn .............................151 . 504. 523 " 3 -Hughes, Attorney, relative to County's proposed rezoning of land to rear of Century Drive ............................... 152 " 3 -Hagen, Howard, relative to County's proposed rezoning of land to rear of Century Drive ................................... 152 " 3 -Hansel, Richard, approving final plat of Cedar Cross Industrial Park as submitted by same ................................. 156 " 17 -Historic Preservation Commission recommending changing Ordinance pertaining to same in reference to fine ............. 102 " 17 -Henschel's Addition, P & Z approving fmal plat of same..... 170 " 17 -Haggerty. Mrs. John requesting disability parking in front of residence . ............................................... 183 " 17 -Henschel, Emil objecting to use of Ungs St. by school busses... 184 " 17 -Hodge, Walter, objecting to use of Ungs St. by school busses.. 184 " 17 -Hefner, Richard B., Notice of car damage claim ............... 185, 328 " 17 -Herring, Richard, Notice of car damage claim ................ 185 " 17 -Houselog, Elizabeth C., Notice of personal injwy claim........ 185 Apr. 17 -Hess, John, appointed to Civil Service Commission............ 187 May 1 -Hingtgen, Mary Ellen, leaving gift to Fire Department........ 210 " 1 -Herrig, Debra, Notice of personal injury claim ................ 212, 236 " 1 -Hardtke, Fred A., Jr., notice of car damage claim............ 212, 237 " 1 -Highway H561 alternatives being considered by DOT as would affect facility of E. J. Voggenthaler Co ...................... 214 " 10 -HEALTH BOARD. Special Session ......................... 217 ,• 15 -HEALTH BOARD. Special Session . ........................ 218 " 15 -Hardie Advertising Co., Frank, objecting to diverters at 17th & Washington ........................................ 22(1 " 15 -"Henschel's Addition and Black Forest" rezoning on same...... 227, 2.17 " 15 -Herrig Real Estate requesting to purchase Lots 314 & 315 in Lennox Addn. (corner of Van Bwen & Drexel) ............... 232, 270 " 15 -Housing Code Revising Committee, Peter J. Takos resigning from same ................................................ 235 June 5 -Highland Farm, approving final plat of portion of same........ 20(1 " 5 -Hoffman House Restawant, and Midway Motor Lodge, as-~;,...:...: with MiI.o Associates to construct intersection etc. at intersection of same ..................................... ~ " 5 -Hardee's Drive Inn. granted Cigarette License........... 267 " 5 -Hartig Drug Co. granted Cigarette Licenses (41 & Beer Permits 207, 506 " 5- Holiday Oil Dist., Inc. granted Cigarette Licenses (5).......... 267 " 5- " Heinz, Vivian, granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit....... 267, 268 5- " Heron, Inc., granted Cigarette License & Liquor License...... 267, Z66 5- Housing Rehab. submitting summary of activities as of May 18, 1978 ..................................................... 272 " 5- Hillard, Cyril P., Notice of property damage claim............ 274 " 6- H. D. & R. relative to operation report of Waste Water Treatment Plant ............. ........................ 276 " 19- Hamilton Glen (RET, IIIC.) Sanitary Sewer, construction ,• of same ................. ...........................286. 311.397 19- Hancock. William. granted Cigarette License ............... 290 „ 19- Hillary, Bert. granted Cigarette License ..................... 290 •. 19- Holiday Inn granted Cigarette License ....................... 290 " 19- Hall. John, granted Cigarette License ....................... 290 " 19- Housing Code Review Comndttee, Lorraine Larson submitting resignation from same ..................................... 292 " 19- Hahlen, Stephanie, requesting diverters on Keyway Dr....... 294 " 19- Heisey, David B., Notice of car damage claim ................ 290, 378 July 3- Hendry, John C. and Margaret A., requesting permanent Ian-exclusive easement over and across Lot 22 of "Glenview' for individual ingress and egress ............................ 321.339 " 3- Housing Code Review Committee financing, Bu6ding Com- missioner relative to same ................................. 328 " 17- Hansen, Art and Wm. Heitzman, on behalf of Chamber of C_ ......:....... being in favor of Hotel-Motel Tax................ 333 i M INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page Suly 17-Historical Preservation Commnission relative to E'/z of City Lot 133.IWaBis) .......................................... 337 " 17-Henkels, Dolores D., settlement of personal injury claim. ... 349 " 17-Housing Commission Chairman Kelly advising of vacancies on same effective Aug. 17th ................................... 355 " 17-Hostert, Antoinette, denial of caz damage claim .............. 358 " 17-Heathcote, Carl, appointed to Transit Boazd . ................ 357 Aug. 7-Historic :.~.,~. ,~ :ion having no objection to issuance of demolition permit for 330-332 Bluff St. to Miracle Caz Wash.... 378 ~~ 7-~PPY Hour, refund on Cigarette License .................... 379 " 21-"Herbst University Avenue Place ", approving 5nal plat of same 369 " 21-"Heights Limits", Planning & Zoning relative to same......... 390 " 21-Hillcrest Family Services, DEQ submitting sewer construction permit for same ........................................... 394 " 21-Harper, Nile, opposed to expansion of proposed Student Parking Lot by U of D ..................................... 394. 410 Sept. 5-Hill, Thomas, Building Dept. relative to appeal by same....... 401, 413 •, 18-Health Board, Special Session .............................. 413 " 18-Hogan, David, objecting to rezoning of Powers Property at 3061 Asbury Rd ........................................... 415 " 18-Hackett, Gene, objecting to rezoning at 3061 Asbury Rd....... 415 " 18-Herburgeq John, m favor of rezoning of Diamond-Milwaukee Street area ............................................... 418 " 18-Historic Preservation Planning, providing for funds for same... 428 " 18-Holy Trinity Catholic Church granted Beer Permit & Refund... 427, 493 Oct. 2-Hotel-Motel Tax Referendum, Ad Hoc Committee formed to promote same ............................................ 433 " 2-Hannon, Sharon, in favor of rezoning YM-YWCA property..... 434 " 2-Heer, King, m favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA property....... 934 " 2-Haber, Mrs. W., objecting to rezoning of YM-YWCA property. 434 " 2-Hempstead High School requesting to conduct H.....~.,.....:..g Parade on October Z0 ...................................... 439 " 2-Halloween Pazade on Oct. 30th, requested by YMCA.......... 441 " 2-Highland Park Estates, approving portion of same (Maiers) .... 947 " 2-Housing Rehab. Commission submitting guidelines for Interim Assistance Housing Rehab. Program ........................ 45(1 " 2-Huseman, Shirley A., granted Cigarette License .............. 451 " 2-Hahlen, Ron & Stephanie, relative to Boazds and Commissions Study Group ............................................. 452 " 2-Health Board of State, submitting recommendations for City's swimming pools ........................................... 452 " 16-Harley, Rev. Jack, invocation by same ...................... 455 Oct. 16-Holiday Oil Dist. Inc. objecting to further widening of JFK Rd. 464 " 18-Helling, Anthony A. & Bette 0., granted Liquor License... 468 " 16-HUD advising Walnut Grove Co. of disapproval of proposed 28 elderly units on W. 17th St. (Hawks) ........................ 487 " 16-Heinz, Julie A., notice of personal injury claim ............... 467 Nov. 6-Herbbt, Donald J., requesting to purchase Lot 5 of Block 1 Riverfront Sub. No. 1 . ..................................474, 501,524 „ 6-Hingtgen, Doris, appointed as liaison to the Community Development Commission .................................. 478,494 " 6-Herrig, Don, relative to rezoning request of Green Briaz Ltd... 477 " 8-Housing Commission appointments .......................... 494, 495 " 8-Human Rights Commission appointments .................... 495 " 8-Historic Preservation Commission appointments .............. 495 " ZO-Health Board Meeting -Special Session ...................... 497 " 20-Hawks, Jeff, relative to hearing for buildings on W. 17th St.... 497, 511 " 20-Hotel-Motel Tax, imposition of same, approved at election..... 498 " 20-Hangaz, Herbert, relative to traffic islands and signs in Fremont, Simpson and Wartburg Streets azea ................ 499 " 20-Health Department submitting records of dog bites for last four years ............................................ 500 " 20-H.R.W. Assoc. requesting reconsideration for rezoning at Kennedy Circle from C-3 Classification to C-6 Classification.... 503 Dec. 4-Health Board Meeting -Special Session ...................... 511 " 4-ffillerest Family Services seeking funds to cover a deficit for the Shelter House Program ............................. 527 INDEX -BOOK IOS 1978 SUBJECT '?°' 4-Housing Commission submitting resignation of William J. . i:.. Watters from Rehab. Commission ....... .. .............. . - 4-Housing Commission advising of appointments as Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Liaison member oY Rehab. Commission.. . .... •. 4-Hinkel, Evelyn A., granted Liquor License .................. . " 18-Hughes, Atty. Alfred, for Julian G. Nemmers submitting preliminary plat for Cedaz Ridge Industrial Development..... . 18-Harkey. Raymond. granted Cigarette License ............... . " 18-Heiaz, Garry, granted Liquor License ...................... . " 18-Hess, Roger, Notice of backed-up sewer claim ............... . " 18-Haekeye Security Agency by Joseph Lytle relative to hiring security at Airport ........................................ Page 529 529 530 538 545 545 546 547 INDEX -BOOK los 197A SUBJECT Page L Jan. 3- Iowa Northwestern Development Co., Notice of Petition ~I reference to rejection by Council of plat for Blk. 7 of try . Arbor Oaks. Subd .................................... 6, 62, 107 B Y s 16- Interstate Power Co., granting easement to same for t ~~ transmixsion line ............. ..............43, 50, 70, 404, 417 F 16- Industrial Land Task Force, establishing same ............... 43 1 ~ Feb. 20- Iowa community Betterment Program, Dubuque Ambassadors. to act for the City in 1978 .................................. 74 ~ " 20- Inland Molasses Co. fling application for expansion of existing ~ dock facilities ............................................. 85 Apr. 3- Imus, Harold R., and Donald N. Fisk, Redeveloper Designation Agreement with same for Urban Renewal Land .............. 137, 219 " 3- Iowa Northwest Development Corp. requesting installation of _ street light poles in Arbor Oaks Sub ......................... 155,274 May 15- "Insurance Women's Week" May 21st thru 27th. 219 15- Industrial Site Task Force requesting funding for Industrial Parks ...................... .. 222. 285 I " 15- Industrial area between proposed freeway & Radford Rd., '~ Vern Sehiltz objecting to same .............................. 222 - i 15- Insurance Dept. of Iowa authorizing Merchants Mutual Bonding Co. to transact in Iowa ............................. 235 ~ June 5- Industrial Development Task Force, recommendations £or ' ( ]same .................................................... 257 " 5- Iowa Oil Co., granted Cigarette License ..................... 267 " 5- Imperial Lanes granted Cigarette License & Liquor License.... 267, 374 July 3- II~TERCONNECTION OF 14th St. and the Intersection of 16th and Elm to the C.B.D. Systems has been completed........... 315 " 17- Iowa Crime Commission providing matching funds for Equipment ............................................... 350 Aug. 7- Iowa Street Paving, objections to same ...................... 378 Sept 5- Iowa Oil Company, granted Cigarette License ................ 408 18- Irwin, Stanley, objecting to rezoning at 3061 Asbury Rd....... 415 " 18- Inns of Iowa, Ltd. granted Liquor License........ ... 428 " 18- Iowa, Local Flood Protection, accepting transfer from same I to City for assumption of operation and maintenance responsi- I bilities ................................................... 429 ~ Oct. 2- Industrial Park Study, Shive Hattery Assoc. requesting extension of time before submitting final report .............. 453 " 16- Iowa Arts Council advising of non-support of Dubuque's I Community Incentive Program ............................. 467 Nov. 6- Interim Five Flags Theatre Commission, Five Flags Advisory ~, Committee and Five Flags Task Force, terminating existence „ of same .................................................. 475 '~i 6- Iowa DOT, approving Memorandmn of Understanding for I Primary Road Extension with same ......................... 477 I Nov. 20- Iowa DOT, a~_:.:._.:._.t with same for use of Area C land for Freeway 561 Bridge .................................... 503 ~~ " 20- Iowa DEQ denying requesting far BOD sampling location change at the Wastewater Treatment Plant .................. 506 INDEX -BOOK 108 X978 SUBJECT Page Jan. 16-"Jaycee Week" proclaimed for week of Jan. 15-21 ............. 17 Feb. 7-Justmann, C. Robert, requesting condemnation praccrdings against Milwaukee Railroad property at 4th & Central......... 56, 293 Mar. 13-Julien Dubuque Bridge, agreement with DOT, for resurfacing same ...................... ............... " ZO-J. F. KENNEDY ROAD, LOCATION AND DESIGN OF THE 109 IMPROVEMENT FOR SAME. (WIDENING AND RIGHT OF WAY PURCHASE.) .......................... ..... ' 118 119 " 211-Junnie s Lounge, Ltd., granted Liquor License & Cigarette , License .............................. May 1-"Jobs for Students Months" June, July and August.......... 127, 267 191 15-Jack, Jim granted Beer Permit & Refund .................... " 231 411 31-Jaycees, Dubuque, transferring Beer Permit ..............244, , 279 331 Tune 5-J & RC granted Liquor License & Cigarette License.......... " , 268 290 5-John Deere, Donald & Dazlene M. Christ, Margaret Casey, , Notice of personal property damage claim .................... " 273 19-Julien Motor Inn granted Cigarette License .................. " 2gp 19-Junnie & Chuck's Sport Center granted Cigarette License..... " 290 19-Joter Inc.. granted Cigarette & Liquor License........... " 291 292 19-Jarosh, Suzanne L., relative to "Farmer Appreciation Day".... ' . 292 July 3-Jody s Place, approving final plat of same .................... 320 ~ 17-Jones, Janet, resigning from Transit Board .................. " ~r 17-Jentz, Janis, granted Cigarette License ..................... ~ . Aug. 7-Joyce, Pauline, Program planner, relative to Sr. Kenneth Keller conducting study for data r...,.~,,.,sg .................. ,• 370 7-Jurisic. Linda, denial of car damage claim .................. " 378 .. 7-John Deere, behalf of Wayne Plush, denial of ear damage claim .............................. ......... Sept. 5-J.F.K. Road reconstruction plans, City Mgr, relative to same.. 378 410 465 5-Johannsen, Maynard J., notice of moped damage claim....... " , 412 . 18-Juergens, Judith P., granted Liquor License & Cigarette License .................... ............... Oct. 2-Jaeger, Louis J., by Atty. Leitker, requesting approval of 428 prior plat on Lots 1 and 2 of Lots 1 thru 19 of Jaeger Heights.. ' 439 . 16-J.F.K. Rd., objections to widening of same ............... " 464 .... Dee. 18- Jaeger Heights", David W. Leiflcer requesting final approval of plat for portion of same .................................. r~ 1~ INDEX -BOOK l08 1978 SUBJECT F'uRe K Jan. 3- King, D. Michael, sworn in as newly elected Council Member.. 2 " 3- Key City Bank & Trust Co. named depository for City Funds... 3 " 3- HIossner, Pat, relative to allowing beauticians and cosmetolo- gistsin OR-1 Residential District...... ..... ... 7 " 7- Kronfeldt, Rhonda, relative to allowing beauticians and cos- metologistsin OR-1 Residential District .. ................. 7 " 3- Kelly Lane, Lorraine B. Oster requesting installation of street light on same . ......... ......... .................. 7 " 3- Kies, Donald granted Liquor License & Cigarette License. .... 13, 290 " 3- King, D. Michael. appointed to Solid Waste Agency........... 14 " 16- Kratzer, Larry W., Public L..e..,.;....ant Claim against Crew- mastersInc .............................................. 19 " 16- Kelly, Frank, requesting to vacate portion of Levi Strcet....... 25, 71, 89 " 16- Kidney Foundation of Iowa Inc. requesting to organize a Gift of Life Residential Campaign during the month of March, 1978. 26 " 16- Kratzer, Larry W., refund on Cigarette License .............. 27 " 16- Kronfeldt, Rhonda requesting Community Development funds be used to resurface Walnut Street with brick ................ 93 " 16- Kresge Co., S.S., granted Cigarette Incense ................. 45, 291 Feb. 7- Kirkwood, Rick, relative to Housing Assistance Plan.......... 54 " 7- Kelly Lane, Lorraine Oster requesting street lights on same... 62 " 7- Kieffer, Riehazd J., Notice of car damage claim ............... 63 " 7- Kohl, David, a minor by James P. Kohl, Notice of personal injury claim .............................................. 64 " 7- HIossner, Patricia & Richard, granted Cigarette and Beer Licenses ................................................. 66 " 20- Klauer Mfg. Co., Approving option ag.~~.......;. between City and same ........................................71, 91,2(19,283.419 " ZO- Keyway Drive, providing for barrel street Diverters on same.. 75 " ZO- Kirehberg, Gerald, granted Liquor License & Cigarette License 79, 290 " 20- Kessler, Thomas E., granted Beer Permit & Cigazette License. 79, 267 " 20- Kempthorne, MarIlyn, Notice of car damage claim............ 85 " 20- Kaufman, Elaine, appointed to Community Development Coaunission .............................................. 86 Mar. 13- HIauer Mfg., approving disposal of interest m Lots 7, 8, & 9 and Lot 2 of 1 all m River Front Subd. No. 5 to same pursuant to Option to Purchase Ag.,.~ .......:.................. 91 " 20 -Kolfanbach, Rev., invocation given by same .................. 118 Apr. 3 -Kruse, Dan, relative to proposed rezoning by County at rear of Century Drive ..................................... 152 " 3 -Kunkel, Robert J., Notice of personal injury claim............ 154 " 17 -HIsuer, Peter, Atty., representing residents m Maplewood Ct. and Meadwood Ct. regarding sewer drains ................... 163 Apr. 17- Kersch, Jeannine A., granted Liquor License & Cigarette License .................................................. 180. 291 " 17- Knights of Columbus, granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses.... 180, 290 " 17- Kruser, Michael J., & Norman Bradfield requesting to purchase Lot 590 Ham's Addition .........................183, 223, 252 " 17- HIossner, Jerry A., Notice of sewer claim .................... 184 " 17 -Kramer, Mrs. IIdon R., Notice of car damage claim........... 185, 369 " 17 -Keyway Dr., objecting to diverters on same... _ ..........187, 221, 293 " 17 -Kleiner Enterprises Inc., requesting to excavate in Dodge St.. 187 " 26 -Kisting, Virginia & Jce, on behalf of Voggenthaler Co., expressing interest in purchasing portion of Petrakis Park..... 189 May 1 -.,Kiss Your Baby Week" May 14 thru 20 ..................... 191 " 1 -Kay-Way Inc., granted Beer Permit and Cigarette Licenses.... 209, 290 " 1 -Kenyon, Mrs. Wm., Notice of tow charges claim .............. 212 " 1 -Kunkel, Robert J., on behaFf of Patricia Kunkel, notice of personal injury claim ...................................... 212 " 15 -Koch, City Engineer, relative to diverters on 17th St.......... 221 " 15 -Kerkenbush, Donna, objecting to making Keyway a one way street .................................................... 222 " 15 -Kelly's Bluff, Approving plat of Lots 1 thru 6 of same......... 225, 241 " 15 -"Knob Hill" approving portion of plat for same. (Duggan) ...... 229 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 `~ SUBIECT Pale r.. 15 -HIauer, JoAnn H., granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses....... 231, 267 " 15 -"Knob Hill" and Knob Grove, DEQ Submitting water main ~~ extension permits for same.. ...... .. .. ...... 235 June ~~ 5 -Kiefer, Joseph, granted Cigarette License & Refund... ..... 267, 429 •. •. 5 -HIauer, James J. and Robert D., granted Cigarette License & Liquor License.. ...... .. .. ... .. .... .... 267, 374 " 5 -Kitchen, N.azy L., requesting to increase Key Line Budget..... 269 ~~' 19 -Kelly, Charlotte, relative to National Guard Armory.......... 289 " 19 -Kelly, General requesting to locate National Guard Armory at .'. - 32nd Street . ............... ........... ................ 289 ~F""' 19 -Knox Corp., granted Cigarette License . .................. 290 19 -Kennedy Mall Cinema I & II granted Cigazette License........ 290 ' 19 -Kopple's Market, Inc., granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit ....... ......................................... 290.427 " 19 -Krajnovich, Elizabeth, granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses... 290, 292 " 19 -Kuhle, Francis W., granted Cigarette License ................ 290 " 19 -Kaehevas, James P., granted Cigarette License .............. 290 " 19 -K-Mart Store granted Cigarette License ..................... 290 " 19 -Kwik Foods Texaco Station granted Cigarette License. ....... 290 June 19 -Keyway Dr., providing far stops signs at various intersections. 293 " 19 -Kohnen, John, relative to permanent diverters on Keyway Dr. 293 " 19 -Key Line Budget, requests to increase same to provide for adequate operations ....................................... 294 " 19 -Kline, Craig, Notice of car damage claim ..................... 296, 388 July 3- Klauer Mfg. Co., approving sale of Lot 6 in Block 1 m "River Front Subd. No. 5" as per option ~-~~...~..t........... 309 " 3- Kisting, Andy, relative to election providing for improvement to Public Library .......................................... 325 " 3- Kceller, Hazel S., granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses........ 326, 374 " 3- HIvlahan, John, relative to location of Northwest Arterial Highway ................................................. 327 " 3- Kurt, Charles M., submitting resignation from Rehab. commission ............................................... 328 " 3- Kirkpatrick, John E., requesting street light in 300 Block of Valeria St ................................................ 326. 377 " 3- King, council Memberrelative to conference with Downtown Developer and Barton Aschman . ........................... 328 " 17- Knights of Columbus requesting to solicit funds .in their Tcetsie Roll Campaign from Aug. 25th to 27th ................ 332 " 17- HIaueq Wm. H. & JoAnn H., objecting to paving of 19th St.... 333 " 17- Kringle, Leo J., approving sale of W 53' of Lot 1 of Lot 809 in McDaniels Subd. to same by sealed bid ...................... 347 " 17- Kopp. Eugene, granted Cigazette and Liquor Licenses........ 353 " 17- Kelly, Chairman, advising of vacancies on Housing Commission effective Aug. 17th ........................................ 355 " 17- Kronfeldt, Michael F., denial of property damage claim........ 356 Aug. 7- Keating, Rev. Thomas, invocation by same ................... 359 " 7- Keller, Sr. Kenneth, authorized to conduct data processing study .................................................... 370 " 7- King, Mary requesting to block off Ohio Street ............... 377 " 7- Kcether, Irvin & duane, denial of property damage claim...... 378 " 7- Kendall, James L., notice of backed-up sewer claim........... 378 " 21- Kennedy Mall, relative to amendment for expansion of C-6 Districts ................................................. 383 " 21- HIwanis Club requesting to conduct Kids Day Peanut Sale..... 393 Sept. 5- Key Knolls Subd., P & Z approving final plat of portion of same 406 " 5- Kelly, Phil, in favor of YM-YWCA rezoning request........... 407 " 18- Kretz, Ernie, opposing Diamond-Milwaukee Sts. rezoning... 416 " 18- Kriviskey, Bruce M., contract with same for Architectural Survey/Historic Preservation Planning Project ............... 427 " 18- Kluesner, James L., Notice of ear damage claim .............. 430, 453 Oct. 2- King, D. Michael, appointed to Ad Hoc Committee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 433 " 2- HIntzinger, Chuck, in favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA property ................................................. 934 INDEX -BOOK 108 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBI BCT Page ~97A SUBJrCi Page Oct. I6- Kidney Foundation of Iowa Inc., requesting to sell Tootsie ` ' ~ Roll Candy to support fight against kidney disease.... .. .. 461 = ~ . " 16- Keith, Mrs. Mary, Notice of personal injury claim... .. 467 ,._ , Jan. 3-Lenox Addition, Lot 153 in same to be sold on sealed bid basis.. 10, 41 Nov. 6- "Key Club Week", week of Nov. 12 to 18 ..................... 469 ~: .-, '` 16-Lease m Fischer Bwldmg for Community Development and " 6- Kelly's Bluff requesting installation of street hghts in same.... 474 _ -~ Planning & Zoning departments, renewing same... ... .... lg " 6- Kaufman, Elaine, appointed to Community Development -. ,z„ 16-Lammer, Wm., d/b/a Ritz Lounge, Hearing for same set aside. 19 Commission as .~r.:.,~..::ative of Housing Rehabilitation - 16-Limiting the number of buildings, structures and uses on a Commission. ........ ... .. ...... ......... 476, 494 :;- Zoning Lot in Residential or Office Residential Districts, „ 6- Kramer, John K., requesting annexation of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of . ~ ,~,- Ordinance for same...... ........ .. ..... ~ Beverly Pines in Section 2-Table Mound Township.. ...... 477 >.. 16-Levi Street, Frank Kelly requesting to vacate portion of same.. 25, 71, 89 " 6- Kramer, Joseph and Gerald White requesting rezoning of their .~,,.:. 16-Lucas, Michael J. Jr., refund on Cigarette License.. ....... 27 property at 1563 and 1591-93 Dodge St. ... ... 988, 515 Feb. 7-League of Women Voters expressing concern of funding " 6- Kceller, David, granted Liquor License. ... 491 " portions of Community Development Block Grant Program.... 51 " 6- Krieg, Betty, submitted as representative on Community 7-Lawson, Dave. relative to Sound System in Council Chamber, .. 57 Development Commission by W. 11th St. Neighborhood Assn.. 492 " 7-Lassance, Timothy P., Notice of car damage claim............ 63 116 " 6 -Kelley, Judith A., Notice of personal injury claim ............. 492 7-Larsen, Beverly granted Liquor and Cigarette Licenses...... , 67 290 " 6-Kurtz, Linda, Notice of car damage claim .................... 492 20-Lcetscheq approving t"mal plat for same in "Heritage Heights". , 76 " 8 •• 8 y, rated to Housin Commission........... -Kell Charlotte, appo' g & Zonin Commission a ointed to Plannin K Willi 494 495 20-Cores College and Alta Vista Street, traffic signal denied...... •• 20-Leibeld, Thomas relative to Planned U it D l 7g .. g pp g - napp, am, , n eve opment on Dec. 4 -"Knob Hill Grove" Sub, P & Z approving final plat of portion Kaufmann Avenue ................ . ......................83 , 121 409 of same as submitted by John Duggan ....................... 521 Mar. 13-League of Women Voters submitting statement pertaining to , " 4 -Kramer, Richard J., behalf of Timothy Kramer, Notice of 1979 Bu t ................................ . .... . . ... . . . . ~ gg personal injury claim ...................................... 531 13-Lucky Stores, Inc. granted Beer Permits. (3) ................ 103 " 18 -KDTH objecting to not being informed of meeting regarding 13-Lenstra, Mrs. Don, Notice of personal property damage claim.. 112 hiring Airport Manager .................................... 532 13-Cores College (Alpha Phi Omega) requesting to conduct " 18 -Klein, Robert, requesting funding for Riverboat Museum from Shamrocks for Dystrophy Drive" on March 18th .......... 113 ~ Funds ............................... 532 ... Apr. 3-Luksetich, Thomas requesting help relative to County's " 18 -Kelly's Bluff, approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 3 proposed rezoning of land to rear of Century Drive............ 151 m same .................................................. 542 ,. 3-Lambrecht, M. Jack. Notice of car damage claim.............. 154 3-LIBRARY, General Obligation Bond issue for improvements of same .........................................168.323.490. " 17-Leonard Oil Co., granted Beer Permit & Cigarette Licens 491.509 180 e..... ' 17-Lce, Gordon, objecting to use of Ungs St. by school busses , 267 184 ..... May 1-LEASE between Airport Coavnission and T i St ~ r - ate <. ~~:,,;,, Inc., approving same ...................................... " 165 196 15-Langkamp, Merlin, objecting to fees for inspection of , multiple dwellings ............. .... " 227 .. 15-Leuschner, Raymond et al, requesting street light on Providence ................ ......... 15-Liberty Restaurants Inc., granted Cigarette and Liquor 239. 270 Licenses .................. June 5-Luschinger, Gregory Notice of sewer claim 267. 374 , .................. 6-Less, Clifford, of Dubuque Packing Co., relative to operation 273, 411 of Waste Water Treatment Plant ........................... " 276 12-League of Iowa Municipalities, authorizing the submission of a statement of cencerns to the same ........... . June 19-Loss Cone ~ ........... ge, approving lease ao____..;,.... with same for use 278 of San Jose Pool for period of June 1, 1978 to May 3, 1960.. " 282 .... 19-Lange. James W., granted Cigarette License .............. •• 29t1 ... 19-Leach. David, granted Cigarette License .................... " 290 19-Lenstra, Thelma. granted Cigarette License ............. " ... . 19-Love, Kenneth Jerome, granted Liquor and Cigarette Licenses " 292 353 19-Larson, Lorraine R., submitting resignation from the Ad Hoc , Housing Code Review Committee ...................... " 292 ..... 19-Larson, Dennis G., Notice of car damage claim . .. . ... ~ ........ July 3-Linden, Rose, settlement of claim .......................... " 311 . 3-Law Enforcement Training, Matching Resolution providing for same ...................................... 326 ., 3-Loss College granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit ...... 326 466 3-Link, James F., relative to location of Northwest Arterial , Highway ................. .......... " 327 ... 17-Lcetscher, %chard A., requesting to install street lights on Pamela Ct ..................... . ......................... ' 354 . 17-lang. Dock Manager, relative to a~_:.;,...~..s between Dock Commission and ContiCarriers and Dubuque Barge & Fleeting . ..............................................354,386,387 ~I 1978 Aug. '~. ~ ~ ~1111~~ Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. INDEX -BOOK 108 SlIB1K_T PaKr 17- Lakeman, Mrs. Ellen S., denial of property damage claim...... 356 17- Leytem, John, denial of property damage claim ............... 356 7- Legal Age, providing for definition of same . ... ... ......... 362 7- Lange, Elsie, requesting suspension of real estate tax ........ 370 7- Lindahl, Barry A., relative to street Tight between Cleveland & Rush St ............. ................................. 375. 408 7- Laufenberg, Norb., requesting to fill vacancy on Housing Commission . ........... ........ ... .. 376 7- Lopez, Vincent et al requesting resealing of alley east of Cardiff St.......... _ .................................... 376 7- Lampe, Lynn E., denial of car damage claim. .. ......... 378 21- Leases between Dock Commission and ContiCazriers & Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service Co. approved. .....386, 387 , 505, 523 21- Lighthouse Corp., granted Liquor License ................... 393, 428 5- Loran, Rev., invocation given by same . ..................... 396 5- Locust Street Ramp replacement of electronic equipment in same, City Manager relative to same ............. ........ 403 18- Lucas, Marie, relative to dismantling building owned by same ..................................................423 , 475, 522 18- Lumley, Alan & Mary, objecting to rezoning of Powers property at 3061 Asbury Rd ................................ 415 18- Cores College requesting Homecoming Parade on Oct. 14th.... 423 20- Litigation pending against Waste Water Treatment Plant. ......................................................431 , 453, 454 2- Lauritsen, Carol, m favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA property.. 434 2- Leiflceq Atty. Louis, for Louis J. Jaegeq requesting approval of prior plat on Lots 1 and 2 of Lots 1 thru 19 of Jaeger IIeights 439 2- League of Women Voters relative to reduction of membership of Community Development Commission ..................... 495 2 -Luksetich & Rafoth requesting rezoning of portion of Clin-Que Addn .................................................... 449 2 -Library improvements, contract with Durrant Group Inc. for same .................................................... 951 16 -Ices, F. Paul requesting to vacate and buy portion of Aspen Street ................................................... 462 16 -Luksetich, Thomas, objecting to proposed TV rate increase.... 467 16 -Lifetime members on Cable TV, proposed rate increase for same .................................................... 467.969 6 -Library Board, Lynn Rutan resigning from same . ............ 974 6 -Loss College and Five Flags Civic Center, ab.:.~...:,..t with same for installation of equipment m Center ........ ......475 , 494, 502 6 -Linwood Cemetery Association, P & Z approving final plat of portion of same ......................................... 476 6 -Linehein Subd., approving portion of same for Wm. Quinn..... 482 6 -Library Expansion, providing for the issuance of G.O. Bonds to pay for same ........................................... 491 8 -Laufenberg, Norb, appointed to Housing Commission......... 494 8 -Library Board appointments ............................... 495 20 -Letter Carriers of Assn. relative to Dog Ordinance............ 500 18 -Leitker, David W., requesting approval of final plat of portion of"Jaeger Heights" ....................................... 534 18 -Langkamp, Emma C., Notice of personal injury claim......... 546 18 -Lytle, Joseph, relative to hiring security at Airport........... 547 INDEX -BOOK 108 ,, 197s SUBIEC'T ~ Pa e R i M Jan. 3-Mayor, Thomas A. Tully Jr., appointed same for year 1978.... 2 " 3-Mayor Pro-Tem, Richazd Wertzberger appointed same, ....... 2 _ 16-Mandatory Imprisonment be deleted, Ordinance providing for same . ................ ............... .................... 16-Meyers, Don, relative to spending Community Development 25 funds..... ........ ~ " 16-Miller, Beverly R., granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License.. 46, 290 Feb. 7-Munster, Mrs. Cecelia, settlement of personal injury claim..... 55 " 7-Milwaukee Railroad ProPertY. C. Robert Justmann requesting condemnation proceedings against same ... ............ r~ ~ ., 7-Mursay, Mr., relative to use of Trenkle Building .............. 57 7-Mitchell, James E., Notice of car damage claim ............... " 63 113 7-Mills, Norma J., Notice of caz damage claim .................. , 63 115 ° ZO-Mazch of Dimes requesting Walkathon on Apri] 9th........... ' , g4 20-Moldt, Hazold, appointed to Housing Rehabilitation Com- mission ................................. Mar. 13-Miller, Rev. Robert, invocation given by same ................ ~ gg " 13-Maerschalk, Rachel resigning from Airport Commission....... ' 107 13-Mootz, Mrs. Evelyn, Notice of personal injury claim........... " 112 13-Meyer, Carl J., Notice of personal injury claim ............... " 112 13-Meate] Realty & Investment Co. requesting to install under- ground cable for street lighting in Creston Street ............ " 113 156 13-Muenster, Lorraine, requesting annexation on Old Mill Road, .. " ' , 113 ZO-Mayor s Industrial Committee recommending sale of real estate in River Front Sub. No. 3 to C. R. Carpenter Co., Inc......... " 124 138 ZO-Meyer, Dennis requesting to conduct a Pony Express Ride..... " , 129 20-Menster, Tom, requesting annexation to City....... . 129 Apr. 17-Maplewood Ct. residents, relative to sewer drainage in area... , 163 17-May, Greg, relative to tattoo establishments ................. " 103 17-Muenster, Lorraine, requesting annexation of portions of M.L. 500 &501 ............ 17-Marco's Inc.. granted Liquor License ........................ ' 171 180 17-Mueller, Ray, approving plat of "Twin Ridge Subd. No. 3" as submitted by same .............. ............ ' 182 . 17-Moriarity, Jeff, Notice of car damage claim .................. " 185 17-Moncrief, Sandra L., refund on Liquor License ............ 186 ... May 1-Marshal] Park, approving portion of plat for "Brevan Place" to provide for access to same ................................. " ~ 1-Meyers, Vanita E., requesting to purchase Lot 17 in Mettel's Sub ..................... " 1-Miller, Joyce and Cazol, settlement of claim .................. " 209 211 - 1-Maas, Elizabeth, settlement of personal injury claim......... " 211 . 15-Marion, Attorney relative to code violations by Robert C. Andresen ................. ................. " 218 15-Midway Motor Sales objecting to diverters at 17th & Washington......... ......... " 220 . 15-Miller, John objecting to diverters at 17th & Washington...... ' 220 ; 15-Mursay, Public Works Director, relative to 17th St. diverters.. ' 221 15-Maury, Mrs, Earl, objecting to diverters on I{eyway Dr.... ' 221 ... 15-Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency, Public Works Director requesting monies to fmance study on preliminary design, cost and revenues for a resource recovery facility at same.......... " 2~ 15-Multiple Dwelling, establishing tees for a permit to operate same ..................................... " 15-Mihalakis, Phillip John, granted Cigarette License........... " ~ 230 . 15-Myers, Dr. Robert granted Beer Permit & Refund............ 231 411 " , 15-Medical Associates, Staffs report relative to leasing same..... 232 270 ' 15-Merchants Mutual Bonding Co. authorized to transact business , m Iowa ................. ....... " 15-Memorial Day Committee requesting to conduct parade on 235 May 29th .................... .... ....... 235 .. June 5-Milo Associates, Ak. ~~....:..: with same to construM inter- sections etc. at intersection of U.S. ZO site of Midway Motor Lodge-Hoffman House Restaurant .......................... 263 L INDEX -BOOK IOS INDEX -BOOK 108 ~. I978 SUBJECT Pagr _ X978 SUBJECT Page ~.. ~~ June 5- May's Drug Store granted Cigarette License ................. 287 - Aug. 21-Milwaukee-Diamond St. area, P & Z approving rezoning of - ~~ 5- Miracle Caz Wash Inc., granted Cigazette License. ....... 267 c:. _ . ..... ... . same ..... .......... .......... ..... 391 - ~ ~ 5- Montgomery Ward & Co., granted Cigazette License. ....... 267 Sept. 5-Murray, F. Chip interested m appointment to Recreation r 1 5- Martin Oil Co., granted Cigarette License .................... 267 ,_ Commission . ...... ......... ........ .. 410 ~, ; ,. 5- Martin Automatic Cazwash granted Qgarette License......... 267 ^ 5-Murphy, Michael G., Notice of backed up sewer clavn... .... 412 5- Meyer, Kermit, granted Cigarette License .... ............ " " 267 _ - '• 18-Moothar, HIm, objecting to rezoning at 3061 Asbury Rd. ... 415 p 5- Meyer, James, requesting on north side of No Pazking ~ ^ 18-Meissen, Gene, objecting to rezoning at 3061 Asbury Rd. .... 415 1 -~ Vernon SG ............................................... 269 _ 18-Marion, Dave, relative to dismantling building at 677 W. 8th - k 5- Mortensen, Audrey, relative to bus system .................. 269 - - w_, St. (Lucas) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 428 " 5- Millius, Robert et al, requesting relief of tantem truck " 18-Mayor's Industrial Development Advisory Committee ter- pazkingin Becker Ct .. ..... ......... ........ 270 urinated... ..... " 5- Murphy, Mrs. Michael, Notice of sewer damage claim. 274, 411 18-Municipal Garage completed . ........ ..... ..... .... 425 5- " Mihalakis, John, refund on unexpired Liquor License. 275 Oct. 2-Meyers, Donald appointed to Ad Hoc Committee to promote N 19- Maiers, David, appreciation for not locating Armory in 32nd St. Hotel-Motel Tax referendum. ~ 933 ~a• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . s.. 2-Mills, Gordie, in favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA c..,,,<..,r... 434 ~ ~ 19- Meyers, Donald, on behalf of Community Development ++ 2-Mces, Lily, m favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA property. .... 434 Commission, requesting to purchase home at 567 Arlington St.. 289, 354 g, 2-Most, Rev., in favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA property. .... 934 " 19- Meloy, Harold, relative to W. 11th SG Neighborhood p ~ '• 2-Meyers, Donald, relative to reduction of Community Develop- purchasing house at 567 Arlington St .............. _ ........ 289. 354 , ment Conunissioa _ ..... ................. 413 ' 19- Marc's Big Boy granted Cigarette License .................... 290 2-Maiers, David, approving portion of Highland Farm submitted ~ 19- Merchants Hotel granted Cigarette License .................. 290 by same.................................................. 497 i ~ 19- Meyer, Herman S., granted Cigaeette License ................ 290 2-Montgomery, Rose Marie A., granted Cigarette License....... 95] " 19- Mescher~, Vincent, granted Cigarette License ................. 290 2-Mootz, Robert. granted Cigarette License........... .. 45] ~I 19- Meyer, Catherin¢ granted Cigaeette License and Beer Permit.. 290, 291 2-Master Plan and Off-Au•port Land Use Plan for Airport ii, 19- Mihalakis, Phillip J., granted Cigarette License .............. 290 submitted................................................ 452 " 19- Mihalakis, Shirley, granted Cigarette License & Liquor License 290, 530 16-Middlebrook, Pam, relative to bonfue request by U of D....... 462 " 19- Morett, Merlin, granted Cigarette License ................... 290 16-Murray, Public Works Director, advising sidewalks will be •, 19- Marty, Milton, granted Cigarette License .................... 290 censtrueted as part of widening J.F.K. Rd................... 464 ~ " 19- Mohr, Albert E., granted Cigarette License .................. 290 16-Mayors Summer Youth Employment :...6. y.., report for 1978 '~.. 19- McCoy's Stampfer's Inc.. granted Cigazette License........... 290 submitted ................................................ 467 19- Murphy, James D., granted Cigarette License ................ 291 16-Moeel, Else and Mrs. Fred. objecting to proposed TV rate 'ii 19- Maggio, Jeffrey T., granted Liquor License .................. 292. 545 increase................ 467 19- Moldenhauer, Kenn, requesting funds to repaint and restore 16-Matous, Edward J., sewer back-up claim disposed of.......... 468 ~_ symbols of Dubuque History on pilasters of the Iowa Street 16-Maore, Stella and Vernon, Notice of expiration o£ right of Pazking Ramp ............................................ 292 redemption and for taking tax deeds........................ 468 " 19- Mercy Medical Center requesting traffic light at Hill & Dodge 16-Mercer Drive, City Staff directed to petition County Board of I Sts ....................................................... 292 Supervisors for annexation of same......................... 968 f'~. 19- Midwest Christian Crusades requesting to conduct "March for Nov. 6-Millitzer, Thomas, Manager of Teleprompter, submitting letter '~~ Christ" on Aug. 16th ...................................... ~ to City Manager relative to proposed rate increase for lifetime ,• 19- Mobile Office Unit, City Manager relative to sale of same...... 295. 355 members ...................... .......................... 469 July 3- Millman, Norene, granted Cigazette & Liquor Licenses........ 326, 545 6-Minors in Pool Halls, City Manager relative to same........... 4T3, 526 '~ 3- Murphy, Orville, granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses........ 326. 466 6-Mayors Industrial Committee by Paul Gisch: reixC,~~e to price ' ° 3- Miller, John George, granted Beer Permit ................... 326 of land for sale in Industrial Island............. ... .. 4'74 ~,' 3- Murray, Mazgaret E., Notice of car damage claim ............. " 328 " 6-Memorandum of Understanding for Primary Road Extension _ 17- , Aug. 21st ............. "Naentally Handicapped Heahh Week 332 Service with Iowa DOT approved............. ~ ~ d77 " 17- " Menke, C. T. objecting to paving of Iowa St .............. .... ' 333, 378 6-Muiray, Ann Marie, Notice of personal injury claim........... 493 17- IV)tieyer, Vanua E., approving sale of Lot 17 of Mettel s Subd. 8-Milbrandt, Paul, appointed tc Co!nmuoiir Development to same by sealed bid ...................................... 348 . cemmisston ................. ............ 494 „ 17- Mechanical Contractors Assoc. of Iowa Inc. supporting 8-Murray, Francis A., Jr•, appoir t+~a to 1'!~q~ground & ~~ Sepazate Bid/Sepazate Contract method of bidding projects.... 355 Recreation Commission. ..... ... ..... 496 i, " 17- Manternach, Wayne, relative to water run-off t'rom Terrace 20-Moberly, Juanita, relative to stop slgu at ~ ,~,<on & Fremont.. 499 " Heights Subd ............... _ .. ............... 355 20-Mazket St., Vacated. approving plat of portion of sync........ 504 17- Maker, Lester H., Notice of flood damage claim .............. 356 Dec. 4-Moldt IIedric Service Inc., Notice of Mechanic's Lien against Aug. 7- Mt. Loretta-Tressa St. Neighborhood, P & Z approving Dubuque Marina............................. .......... 531 " rezoning of portion ............. .............. """'~""' 360. 396 18-Museum, Riverboat, Robert HIein requesting funding from 7- Main St. Lighting from 1st to 4th Sts. completed . ............ 368 same from CD Funds...................................... 532 " 7- Mazurek, Evelyn requesting real estate tax suspension........ 370 18-Mayor Tully submitting resolution limiting salary and wage I 7- " Mr. Steak granted Cigarette License ........................ 374 increase 7 percent in the 1980 Budget......... . ............. 7- Morley, Mrs. Ross, requesting to purchase portion of alley " 18-Mazch of dimes requesting permission to conduct its annual beyond travelled roadway at 693 Kaufmann Ave .............. 376. 393 Mothers Mazch........................................... 536 ~ " 7- Mississippi Valley Running Assoc. requesting to conduct 18-Memorandum of Understanding between the Dept. of Agri- - mazathon on Sept. 4, 1978 .................................. 376 culture, State of Iowa and City of Dubuque regulating ~ 7- Miracle Car Wash applying for demolition permit for 330-332 inspection and licensing of food service establishments, food ~, " 7 Bluff St .................................................. Mrs. Fred objecting to paving of Iowa Street.......... -B4Bler 378 378 establishments. food and beverage vending machines and hotels ~ ~- ~ _, 7 , , -Martin. Rev. M. J., Denial of car damage claim ............... 378 and motels. approving same................................ 18-Muller, Richard, granted conditional user permit ............. 542 546 INDEX -BOOK to8 INDEX -BOOK t08 1978 SUBJECT Page i a's SUBJECT Pace M~ N Feb. 7- McClain, Earl, requesting to install street lights in McClain's '~ Jan. 3-Naughton, Atty. Dennis, relative to allowing beauticians and i = Sub .................. ................................. 65. 85 cosmetologists N OR-1 Residential District. ..... . q Maz. 13- McInerney, Chazlotte, requesting revenue sharing funds for 3-"North Point Heights" Sub, in Dubuque Township, Dubuque { elderly ...... ................................ ... .... 88 County, P & Z approving plat of same. (Boleyn) ..... ..... g = Apr. 3- McKinley Avenue, Brian Colby requesting vacation of same.... ' 151, 213 .. ~ ~ 16-Navy League's request to rename street Sheehy Drive 3- McKay, Atty. Thomas, relative to County s proposed rezoning , ~ denied....... .... 18 " land to reaz of Century Drive ........ ...... ... ........ 152 ~$,. 16-Norpel, Kenneth L , Notice of car damage claim by Bd. of ~ 17- McMullen, Norm, relative to improvements to Library .. 169, 325 Supervisors.. 19 453 ~_ i 17- McCullough, Delbert J., Notice of car damage claim ...... 239, 272 16-Neustadt, Harry relative to spending Community Develop- ~ l May 15- Mclbnald, A. Y. requesting to purchase Petralos Yazk ment funds.. . . .. ... 51 ~ _ = (Withdrawn) ... ............. ......... ...... 239. 499 16-Nash, Mrs. Ruth, relative to spending Community Develop- ~ ~ . _ June 5- McCarthy, Atty., relative to approving final plats of portions _ . ment funds . _ of Byrnes Subd. and Sunset Park Subd. No. 4 .... .......... 266, 278 ... .......... .. ........ .... . Feb. 7-Nicolai-Marx Developers, Planning & Zoning advising o£ denial ~ 5- " Mclbnald, A. Y., granted Cigarette Incense..... ...... 267 of petition of same. ... ............. 56 5- McGuire, Clement Trust by American Trust & Savings Bank, .. - 7-North Dubuque L..e.,,......~..s Assoc, requesting change of denial of claim . .... .......... ........ ...... 273 ,: their representative to the Community I)eve]opment Com- ' July 3- McGinnis, Joseph N., granted Cigarette & Liquor License..... 326, 530 mission .... ~ Aug. 21- McCann, Mike, granted Cigarette License . ................. 392 ........... . ....................... 7-Nelson, Mary, Notice of car damage claim............ ... 61 63 7-Northwestern National Insurance Group, Notice of property damage claim .................. . " ~ 7-Northwestern Bell requesting to excavate on University at alley east of Alta Vista Street .............................. " ~r 20-National Foundation March o£ Dimes requesting Walkathon on April 9th .................. . " Maz. 13- National Boys' Club Week", week of 117ay 7th ............. . ~ Apr. 3-Naderman, Daniel J., Notice of Car damage claim ............. " 153 236 i 17-Nielsen, G gaze any granted Beer Permit & Ci tte License....... , 180 291 I 17-Nowack, Ronald & Ronald Blakeman requesting vacation of , portion of Union St.. _ ........ .............. May 1-Nash, Mr. Russell and Mr. Bob FSsch relative to W. 11th St 183, 376 ~ . Neighborhcel tow ............. ' 210 15-Naughton, Iknnis, objecting to fees for inspection of multiple I dwellings ................... ........... .June 5-Norman, Wayne, relative to rezoning request of Ryan House 227 245 ... " 5-Norton, James L., granted CSgarette License ............... ' ~7 .. 5-Nash F7nch Co., granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit..... " 267 466 5-North-West Arterial Road, Draft Environmental Impact State- , ment for same, submitted.......... 5-Nauman, Chazles, Notice of sewer damage claim . . ... . ........ ' 274 411 19-National Guard Armory, ,..,......<.s relative to same „ , .. . 19-Nabors Dru ...... . g granted Cigarette License i ..................... 19-Northwestern 13e11 requesting to excavate in Central Ave 2gp ' . from 18th to 22nd Sts ......................... . July 3-Northwest Arterial ffighway, .~,.,,,,,.,,~.,dations for location ~ of same.......... ........ 17-Northwest Arterial Highway, designating Corridor Location 327 for same .................. ... 17-Neustadt, Harry relative to City purchasing property at 567 338 Arlington ..................... Aug. 7-Northwest Arterial Highway, and Kerper Industrial location 354 , City Manager relative to reconsideration of Shive-Ilattery contract for same........ .............. 370 ' . 7-National Organization for Women! requesting permission to ~ conduct awalk/run for Equal Rights Amendment on August 26 7 N 377 - esler Jewelry & Northwestern National Insurance, denial of property damage claim.......... ........ 378 .... 21-Northwestern 13e11 requesting to excavate along University Ave .... ~ ~. ' .............. 21-Noel, Delbert J., Notice of personal injury claim .. ~ 394 ~, ............ Oct. 2-Norman, Wayne, m favor of rezoning of YM-YWCA property. 434 . 16-Newman, Todd, relative to bonfine to be held by U of D. 462 ...... 16-Noel, Louis, objecting to proposed TV rate increase........... N 8 N 467 ~ ~' ov. - euwcehner, Russel, appointed to Community Development ~, Commission... _ ......................................... 494 INDEX -BOOK 1 os 1978 SUBJECT Page " 8-Nash, Ruth, appointed to Zoning Board of Adjustment (FAILED) ............................................... 494 Dec. 4-Northern Trust Co., The, awazded bid for General Obligation Library Bonds ............................................ 509 " 4-Nigg, Atty. Randy, relative to hearing of buildings on W. 17th St. owned by Delta Investments Co. (Jeff Hawks) ............ 511 " 18-Neustadt, Harry, relative to Community Development's Citizen Participation Plan ........... ........ ........ 532 " 18-Nash, Ruth, requesting CD Funds for parking and traffic improvements ............................................ 532 " 18-North End Neighborhood by Ethel Bechen, requesting to hold off spending CD Funds until location of Freeway has been established ............................................... 532 " 18-Nemmers, Julian G., by Atty. Alfred E. Hughes, submitting preliminary plat for Cedar Ridge Industrial Development...... 530 " 18-Northeast Iowa Chapter of the March of Dimes requesting to conduct its annual Mothers Mazch........ .............. 536 INDEX -BOOK l08 1978 SUBIECT Page 0 Jan. 3-Ordinance No. 1-78 An Ordinance of the (,Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the (,Sty of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Section 4-104.4 4 of Article IV - and enacting a new Section 4-104.4 4 of Article IV in lieu of thereof, to provide for pazking and storage of automobiles in ~ <. . R-Districts as a Conditional Use ............................ 5 " 3-Ordinance No.---78 An Ordinance providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Section 4-109.2 thereof and by enacting a new Section 4-109.2 ,..; ~ thereof, providing for principal permitted uses in the OR-1 ? ~ ' Office Residential District. (DENIED) 7 - 3-Oster, Lorraine B., requesting installation of street light on Kelly Lax ............................................... 7. 62 " 16-Ordinance No. 2-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by revising Appenedix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by reclassifying portions of "Birch Acres" from R-3 Residential District to R-2 Residential District Classification .............. Za " 16-Ordinance No. 3-78 An Ordinance of the (.Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, (,Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubugx, Iowa" by reclassifying portions of property in CorieB's Dubuque Addition t'rom R-4 Residential District to OR-1 Office-Residential District Classification ................ 21 " 16-Ordinance No. 4-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the (.Sty of Dubugx, Iowa" by repealing Section 8-102.1 and Section 8-103.4 of Article VIII thereof, and enacting a new Section 8-102.1 and Section 8-103.4 in lieu thereof to change the number of affvmative votes required for approval of a...<-.:...~..ts by the Planning & Zoning Commission, following a public hearing ........................................... 22 " 16-Ordinance No. 5-78 An Ordinance of the (,Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the (,Sty of Dubugx, Iowa' by repealing Section 3-104.1 of Article III thereof, and enacting a new Section 3-104.1 of Artfcle III, in Beu thereof, to establish provisions for limiting the number of buildings, structures and uses on a Zoning Lot in Residential or Office-Residential District ............................... " 23 16-Ordinance No. 7-78 An Ordinance of the (,Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Cade of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendu A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa' by classifying recently annexed portions of IvImeral Lot 504 located on Rockdale Road from AG Agricultural District to R-1 Residential District Classifcation. ITimnnerman) ............................................ " 16=Ordinance No. 6-78 An Ordinance of the (,Sty of Dubuque, 24,55 Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, (,Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by repealing Section 25-142 of said Code and enacting a new Sectfon 25-142 in Geu thereof to provide that that Mandatory Imprisonment be deleted .................... 25 " 16-Ordinance No. 9-78 Vacating a 60' wide portion of Levi Strcet.. Z&, " 72, 89 16-O'Dowd, Patrick, completion of Cooper Place Steps........... 44 _i~ INDEX -BOOK l08 1978 SUBJECT PuRr Feb. 7 -"Office Education Week", proclaimed week of Feb. 12-18...... 49 " 7 -Old Creamery Theatre Company of Garrison, Iowa, amendment to the Rental Agreement with same ................:........ 57 " 7 -O'Neal, Martha, settlement of personal injury claim........... 57 " 7 -O'Brien, Police Chief, charges against same by Pitts-Smith, McAllister and Adams dismessed ........................... 58 " 7 -Ostrander, Bernice, Notice of personal injury claim........... 64 " 20 -Opedahl, Rev. Andrew, invocation given by same ............. 69 " 20 -Option Agreement between City and HIauer Mgr. Co., Approving same .................................71, 92, 209. 283, 419 " 20 -Ordinance No. 8-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by adding a Section to be numbered 25-190, providing that vehicles be prohibited from entering Keyway Drive from Pennsylvania Avenue and vehicles be prohibited from entering Keyway Drive at the West Property Line of Woodland Street .......................................... 75 " ZO -O'Meara, James S., conveying Property to same to provide for correction of real estate ................................. 81,93 " 20 -Ordinance No. 12-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by amending Article N, Section 4-110, Planned Unit Development District regulations and Article XI definitions, thereof to include provisions to permit, regulate, and define housing for the elderly . .......................... 83,119 " ZO -Ordinance No. 13-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Cade of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the"caning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa", which amendment shall establish a Planned Unit Development Designation on r.,,c,,.:; in St. Mary's Place lying m an R-4 Residential District (Tom Leibold)... 83, 121 " ZO -Ordinance No. 9-78 An Ordinance vacating a 60' wide portion of Levi Street running from the Southwest %ght-of-way line of Samuel St. to the W.P.L. of Lot 53 in South Avenue Addition N the City (Kelly) ................................ 26, 72, 89 Mar. 13 -Ordinance No. 11-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Section 25-183 of said Code, providing that veMcles shall be driven only in the direction designated upon those streets and parts of streets and in those alleys designated and sign posted for one way traffic.......... 97 " 13 -Ordinance No. 10-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising subsection (b) and subsection (c) of Section 25-212 of said Code providing that vehicles shall yield the right of way before entering those intersections designated as yield intersections . .........................._ 96 " 13 -Ordinance No. 15-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque. Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by enacting a new Section 3-103.8 of Article III to clarify the application of Zoning Regulations to city owned or operated buildings, structures or uses; and further to repeal subsection 3 of Section 4-102.2 of Article N to eliminate duplication of ordinance provisions ................. 104, 139 " 13 -Ordinance No. 16-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by reclassifying "City Lot 603 and City Lot 602A in the City of Dubuque, Iowa' located on the north side of Emmett Street between St. Mary's St. and Bluff St. from INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUB7EC1 Pege R-4 Residential District Classification to OR-1 Office-Resi- dential District Classification ............................... 105, 140 Mar. 13-Ostrander, Bernice,. Notice from Tel;.e..,...e;,or Co. of no liability N reference to personal injury claim of same.......... 112 " 20-Ordinance No. 14-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by adding a new subsection 10 to Section A of Section 25-212, providing that northbound vehicles on Wartburg Place shall yield the right of way when entering the Fremont Ave.intersection ................................. 122 " 20-Oehrle, John L., Notice of car damage claim .................. 129 " 22-ORDINANCE NO. 19-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque , Iowa, providing that the Cade of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa' by repealing Section 4-118.6.3 of Article IV and enacting a new Sectiou 4-118.0.3 of Article N in lieu thereof, to revise the procedures for approval of preliminary development plans in the Institutional District; and by repealing Section 4-118.8 of Article N and enacting a new Section 4-118.8 of Article IV in lieu thereof to provide for modification of certain regulations b...,...:...g yards, height and off-street parking in a preliminary development plan in the Institutional District.(Finley) .............................. 131.159 " 22-Ordinance No. 20-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by reclassifying the Southerly 55 feet of Lot 5 of Sidonia Hosford's Subdivision in the City of Dubuque from OR-1 Office-Residential District Classification to inclusion m the Finley Hospital ID-Institutional District Classification... 132, 160 Mar. 22-Ordinance No. 21-78 An Ordinance of the (,Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" which amendment shall adopt the preliminary Development Plan for the expansion of Medical Facilities and related uses within the Finley Hospital Institutional District... 132 161 Apr. 3-Ordinance No. 17-78 An Ordinance amending the Code of , Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 14-69 and enacting a new Section 14-69 in Geu thereof to provide for the standards for issuance of License for operation of Service Station ............................. " 141 3-Ordinance No. 18-78 An Ordinance amending the Cade of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 14-74 and enacting a new Section 14-74 m Geu thereof to provide for payment of delinquent fee and to provide for payment of penalty for violation thereof. (Service Station) .. 142 3-Ordinance No. 23-78 An Ordinance amending Code of Ordinances by adding a new Chapter 18'/z prohibiting the operation of a tatoo establishment of engaging in the practice or business of tatooing as a tatoo operator or as a tatoo artist and prescribing penalty......... ... " 142. 164 3-Oak St., Herman Ginter et al, relative to correcting drainage problems in same.......... ............ " 151 163 3-Ordinance No. 25-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, . Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa' by reclassifying property at 1919 University Avenue from ID Institutional District Classification to R-3 Residential District Classffication ........................... 153, 192 " 3-Ordinance No. 24-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City o£ Dubuque, y°' INDEX -BOOK ]08 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT PnKe ' ~ X78 SUBJECT Page Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of from AG Agricultural District Classification to R-1 Residential Dubuque, Iowa" by reclassfying property at 1927 University District; and further, to establish a Planned Unit Develop- ment designation on property m "Henschel's Addition" and on Ave. from ID Institutional District Classification to R-3 Residential District Classification 153 191 R-1 Residential District property in "Hensehel's Black Forest". 227, 248 ..... ....... ...... " 17-Ordinance No. 22-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, " , May 15-Ordinance No. 37-78 An Ordinance vacating a portion of a 45 _ foot wide easement over and across Lot 1 of 2 of Byrne's Iowa, amending Ordinance No. 18-77 entitled The Historic " Subd. in the Cit y ..................................... 233 251 Preservation Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa by " " ..... June 5-Ordinance No. 35-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque . repealing Section 8 Violations and Penalties thereof, and " " , Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque enacting a new Section 8 Violations and Penalties in lieu , ": be amended by revising subsection 14 of District C of Section thereof .................................................. " 17-ordinance No. 30-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, 163 .; 25-326 of said code to limit parking to not longer than ten hours at any one time on the South Side of E 9th St from Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, . . Central Ave. to White St. and to limit the parking to not Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known " longer than 120 minutes at any one time on the North side of Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of as the " ,. ,. E. 9th St. between Central Avenue and White St . 249 Dubuque, Iowa by reclassifying property at 800 Auburn Street from ID Institutional District Classification to R-2 ............ •? June 5-Ordinance No. 36-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Residential District Classification .................. ...... 165 222 `"' ?` ' Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, .. . May 1-Ordinance No. 26-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, , - Iowa, be amended by revising subsection 4 of District B of .~~~~ Section 25-326 of said Code: To limit parking to 120 minutes of Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, ':,. any one time on the West Side of Iowa Street from West Tenth ~ Iowa, be amended by adding a new subsection 10 to Section C " to West Ninth Street.. ..... . ~~~~ ~ of Section 25-210 of said Cade, providing that vehicles stop 2 5-O'Connor, Brooks and Co., to do City finanoal audit for year before entering the intersection of Andrew Court and Boyer St. " a 19 July 1. 1977 to June 30, 1978 ....................... 257 309 1-Ordin nce No. 27-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, ........ 5-Ordinance No. 41-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque , Iowa, providing for the repeal of Subsection 1 of Section C of , Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque Section 25-212 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, , Iowa, be amended by reclassifying property in "Henry A ~ Iowa declazing same to be null and void and of no effect. . Robinson Industrial Subdivision" from C-3 Arterial Business (Yield Intersections) ..................... ............ " 1-Ordinance No. 28-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque. 193 Commercial District Classification to HI Heavy Industrial District Classification Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinance, City of Dubuque, ...................................... 5-Ordinance No. 39-78 An Ordinance of the Cif of Dubu ue y 9 259. 307 Iowa be amended by adding new Sections to be numbered ' , Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by Section 4-28 through Section 4-33 /z prescribing regulations for , enacting a new Section 1-101.3.3 of Article I adding Special the use of Municipally owned Airport Parking Lots, Findng and Planni Districts to the list of s nal g y mm ~~~~ charging a fee therefor and providing a penalty for the violation hereof 193 establis hed b the Ordinance; and further b e ~acti y y ng a new ........................................... " 1-Ordinance No. 31-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Section 4-111 of Article N, creating Special Planning Districts, prescribing therein General Provisions a General Statement Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by enacting , o[ Intent, Effect of Special Planning District Designation and a new subsection 4 to Article IV, Section 4109.4, Conditional , Special Plan Approval ............ . ~ ~ Uses of the OR-1 Office-Residential District, to provide for the 5-Ordinance No. 40-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque operation of cabarets or restaurants in structures designated Hi ri ll d A hi , Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, be amended by as sto y an /or rc ca tecturally significant (Ryan Housel. " 1-Ordinance No. 32-78 An Ordinance of the (,Sty of Dubuque 204, 245 enacting a new Section 4-111.2 of Article N, creating Special Fl , Iowa, amending the Code of Ordinances by reclassifying ood Hazazd Overlay Districts, prescribing therein a General Statement o[ Intent, Supplemental Definitions General r--rte-.r at Sunset Park Sub. No. 4 from AG Agricultural , Provisions, Establishment o[ Flood Hazard Overlay Districts District and R-5 Residential District to R-2 Residential District , Standards for the Floodway Overlay and Floodwa Frin Classification (Schiltz Development Corp) ................... " 205, 246 Overlay District, Floodway Fringe Overlay District Provisions 1-Ordinance No. 29-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, , Floodway Overlay District Provisions, and Administration 266 301 Iowa, providing for the repeal of Section 25-190 of the Code ..... , 5-Osco Drug, Inc., granted (,l'garette License & Beer Permit 267 545 of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, and declaring same to ..... , 5-Ottin , g Eugene A., granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses 267 268 be null and void and of no effect (Keyway Barriersl• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " 208 " ...... 19-O'Hara, Richard, granted Cigarette License .... , 2gp 15-Offing. Eugene. objecting to diverters at 17th & Washington.. " 220 .............. 19-Office Grill granted Cigarette License .......... 290 15-Ordinance No. 33-78 An Ordinance of the (,Sty of Dubuque, ............. 19-O'Hara, JoAnne M. & John P., granted Cigarette License 290 Iowa, Providing that the Code of Ordinances, be amended by ..... " 19-Our Redeemer Church requesting to barricade Woodland St revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying recently annexed . on July 23rd.. _ ~ ~ at 1555 Miller Rd. from AG Agricultural District r`-t'--, ........ . 19-Ordinance No. 38-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque 292 Classification to R-1 Residential District Classification......... " 1 i N 78 O O 224, 247 , Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances City of Dubuque nance 5- rd o. - An rdinance amending Chapter ZO of `~ I , , Iowa be amended by adding a new subsection 33 and 34 t Article VI of the Code of Ordinances of the (,Sty of Dubuque, o Section A of Section 25-210 and by adding a new subsection Iowa, establishing and requiring permit fees to operate l i lli i d lli 24, 25 & Z6 to Section B of Section 25-210 and by adding a new ple dwe ng un we mu t t ngs and the business of owning subsection 11 to. Section E of Section 25-210 of said d and operating (3) or nwre dwelling units in the dwelling or more; defudng and classifying dwellings aml dwelling units.. 227 co e, providing that vehicles stop before entering those intersections " 15-Ordinance No. 34-78 An Ordinance of the (.Sty of Dubuque, designated as Stop Intersections (Keyway Drive) ............. 294 19-Oberfcell, Audrey, Notice of personal injur claim 295 2 Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by y ............ 28-Ordinance No. 48-78 An Ordinance o[ the Cit of Dubu ue, , 96 , , reclassifying portions of property in Henschel's Addition" Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, be amended by _y/` INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT VaRc repealing the definition for "Department Store" m Article XI and adapting a new definition for "Department Store" in Article XL ............................................305, 323, 382 June 28- Ordinance No. 49-78 An Ordinance of the City of Uubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by repealing Section 4-117.6 of Article IV and adopting a new Section 4-117.6 of Article IV, prescribing special provisions governing the expansion of existing C-6 G,..~.w.,;ial Districts and uses contained therein...........306, 322, 384 July 3- Open Meeting Law, Boards & Commissions Study Group, relative to same ........................................... 311 3 -Old Creamery Theater Co. of Garrison, Iowa, authorizing second amendment to Rental Agreement between City and same ................................................. 316 3 -Ordinance No. 46-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 in Block 1 m Patricia Ann Acres Sub. from R-4 Residential District to R-2 Residential District Classification (Edwards).... 318, 360 " 3 -Ordinance No. 45-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying property in Lot 1 and Lot 3 of Lot 1 of Block 4 in "Westchester Subd." ..... 320, 359 3 -Ordinance No. 43-78 An 0ldinance vacating parts of West 6th St., Iowa St. and a public alley in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area ..................................... 322.340 " 3 -Oxberger, Ruth A., granted Cigarette License ............... 326 " 3 -Ohnesorge, William J., Notice of property damage claim....... 329 " 17 -Ordinance No. 42-78 Imposition of a Hotel-Motel Tax for and by the City of Dubuque . ................................... 332 " 17 -Ordinance No. 94-78 Designating and naming portions of certain rights -of-way "Town Clock Plaza" ................... 349 " 17 -Operation New View requesting 2 city representatives to their revised Administrative Board of Operation ................... 355 " 17 -Orchard Drive area, Council Member Brady requesting solution to drainage problem ............................... 355. 371 Aug. 7 -Ordinance No. 51-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" by reclassifying properties in the Mount Loretta-Tressa St. Neighborhood . .......................... 361.396 7 -Ordinance No. -78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City o£ Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying property at 2369 White St. from R-4 Residential District to C-2 Local Service G,......<...:al District .......................... 362 " 7 -Ordinance No. 47-78 An Ordinance of the Qty of Dubuque, Iowa. providing that the Code of Ordinances, Qty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by repealing the definition of Legal Age as set out in Section 5-2 of Article I thereof and enacting a new definition of Legal Age which shall hereafter be 19 years of age or more .............................................. 362 " 7 -O'Dowd, Patrick, awarded contrail for Pedestrian Curb Ramps 366 7 -Osterberger, A. L., requesting to block off Alta Vista St. on August 26th .............................................. 376 " 7 -O'Shaughnessy, Gerald R., denial of personal property claim... 378 14 -Oberman, Paul, relative to operation of Waste Water Treatment Plant .......................................... 381 " 21 -Ordinance No. 50-78 Imposing a Hotel-Motel Tax for and by the Qty of Dubuque .......................................... 365 " 21 -Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by repealing Section 36-74 of Article III thereof and enacting a new Section 36-74 in lieu thereof to provide for staggered terms of membership and to provide that said members shall serve without compensation; by INDEX -BOOK 108 1976 SUBJECT page repealing Section 36-80 of Article III thereof and enacting a new Section 36-&1 m lieu thereof to provide for review of certain documents .when the Transit Authority is a party thereto; and by repealing Section 36$1 of Article III thereof and enacting a new Section 36-81 of Article III in lieu thereof to provide for time and place o£ meetings of the Transit Authority . .......................... ............ 386 Aug. 21-Ordinance No. 55-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the Qty of Dubuque, Iowa" by enacting a new Section 3-103.9 of Article III, structures permitted above the Height Limits, to establish provisions for church heights and appurtenances and further, to repeal maximum building height in Section 4-104.6 of Article N and enact a new Maximum building height in Section 4-104.6 of Article N establishing provisions for church heights and appurtenances m residential and Office-Residential Districts... 390, 416 " 21-Ordinance No. 54-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by reclassifying Property described as "Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M.L. 263 in the City." (POWERS) ............. 391, 415 21-An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Cade of Ordinances, Qty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by reclassifying properties in the Diamond-Milwaukee Street Neighborhood from Industrial District Classification to Commercial and Residential District Classifications........... 392, 416 Sept. 5-Ordinance No. 52-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by repealing Section 25-257 of said Code and enacting a new Section 25-257 in lieu thereof, providing that a vehicle displaying a valid parking sticker to pazk a motor vehicle upon those streets or protion of streets designated as two how time zones and shall be exempt from subsection (A) and fB) of Section 25-257 ................... ......... 398 5-Ordinance No. 53-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by adding a Section to be numbered 25-333, providing for a vehicle displaying a valid parking sticker to parka motor vehicle upon the streets of the City of Dubuque in Pazking Meter Districts A, B, and C shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 2.ri-327 and Section 25-328. ......... 399 5-Ordinance No. 56-78 An Ordinance o£ the Qty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, Qty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying property at Booth and Dodge Streets from R-2 Residential District Qassification to OR-1 Office-Residential District (YM-YWCA) (Amended to OR-1 "a'") ................ 407, 434 5-O'Brien, James A., requesting vacation of portion of Aspen St. 411 Sept. 5-Owens, Randall, denial of backed-up sewer rJaim...........411, 430, 492 18-Ordinance No. 57-78 An Ordinance vacating the alley lying between Ethel Avenue and Prysi Street at its juncture with University Avenue in the Qty and authorizing disposal of same 422, 436 ' 18-O'Hara, J & P granted Beer Permit ........................ 427 Oct' 2-Ordinance No. 58-78 An Ordinance of the Qty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Cade of Ordinances, be amended by reclassifying property at 2369 White Street from R-4 Residential to C-2 Local Service Commercial... 435, 470 2-Ordinance No. 61-78 An Ordinance of the Qty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying portions of property in Embassy West Subdivision from R-3 Residential District to R-2 Residential District Qassification .............. 448 I __ _. _. _ _ _. INDEX -BOOK 108 ~97g SUBJECT Pakr " 2-Ordinance No. 60-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 and Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Chn-Que Inc. Addn. from AG Agricultural to C-3 Arterial Business Commercial .............................................. 449. 472 " 2-Ordinance No. 59-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Cade of Ordinances. (.Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof to establish a Planned Unit Development designation on property lying N an R-4 Residential District m Stone Hill Suhdivision No.1 .................................................... 450. 471 " 2-Ohde, Royce A., notice of personal injury clavn ............... ~` " 2-Oberfcell, Audrey. Notice of personal injury claim............ 453 " 16-Ordinance No. -78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances. City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Section 22-1 to provide a revised definition of a secondhand dealer and by revising subsection A and B of Section 22-2 to include the term secondhand dealer and to clarify the records inspection provisions and by revising Section 22-3 as pertains to transactions with persons under 18 years of age and by revising Section 22-4 as pertains to the reporting requu•ement upon receipt of construction tools....... 480, 473 " 16-Ordinance No. 65-78 An Ordinance creating the position of Ambulance/Driver(s) Attendant(s) in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, prescribing the duties thereof and the quali5cations thereof ................................................462. 473,499 Nov. 6-Otting, Emil and Anna Mae, authorizing dismantling of buildings owned by same ................................... 474 " 6-Ordinance No. 62-78 An Ordinance of the (.Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, (.Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by adding a new subsection C to Section 2x257 of said Code to limit parking from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. on designated streets ...................... .............. " 6-An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing for the 479 repeal of subsection D-2 of Section 25-210 of the Code of Ordinances, and declaring same to be null and void and of no effect (stop sign at Fremont & Wartburg) ................... 480 " 6-Ordinance---An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque. Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, (.Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Section 25-210 of the said Code by adding a subsection to numbered E-13, providing that eastbound traffic on Simpson Street must stop before entering the intersection of Fremont Avenue. (Not Adopted) ~ " 6-Ordinance No. 63-78 An Ordinance of the (,Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising subsection 2 of District A of Section 25-326 and by revising subsection 2 of District B of Section 25-326 of said code to limit parking to not longer than 60 minutes on the West side of Locust St. from 4th St. to 5th St. and to limit parking to 120 minutes at any one time on both sides of Locust St. from 1st St. to 2nd St. and both sides from 3rd St. to 4th St. and both sides from 10th to 12th ts ............. ......... " 6-Ordinance No. 64-78 An Ordinance of the (.Sty of Dubuque, ~ Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising subsection 7 of District B of Section 25-326 and by revising subsection 9 of District C of Section 25-326 of said Code to limit parking to not longer then 120 minutes at any one time on the north side of 4th St. between Locust St. and Bluff St. and to limit parking to not longer than 10 hours any one time on the north side of 4th St. from Iowa St. to Locust St ................................ . 481 " 6-Ordinance No. -78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, INDEX -BOOK los ~y7g SUBJECT be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the (.Sty of Dubuque, Iowa", by reclassifying property at 1583 and 1591-93 Dodge Street from $-2 Residential District to OR-1 "a' Office- Residential (Kramer & White) (NOT ADOPTED)......... . Nov. 6-Ordinance No. 67-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof which amendment shall establish a Planned Unit Development designation on e.,,r:..:.; in a C-6 Planned C........~. wal District at Plaza ZO Shopping Center ......................................... . " 8-Oehrle, John, appointed to Civic Center Commission......... . " 20-"Official Day of Thanksgiving" November 23rd.. . " ZO-Ordinance No. 66-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by repealing Section 13-16 of Division 2 of Article II thereof and enacting a new Section 13-16 of Division 2 of Article II thereof to provide for the adoption of the National Electrical Code of 1978 . .......................... . Dec. 4-An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by reclassifying territory in "Hawkeye Stock Farm" from AG Agricultural District Classification to C-6 Planned Commercial District Classification (Adopted m 1979)IRomac & Chiado) ........................ " 4-An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code oY Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by establishing a Planned Unit Development Designation on property lying in a C-6 Planned Comtner©al District at the southwest intersection of U.S. Highway 20 and Mercer Drive. (Adopted in 1979) (Romac & Chiado) ........................................ " 4-An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by reclassifying recently annexed territory at 1366 Southern Ave. from AG Agricultural District to R-2 Residential District Classification (Sherman) (Adapted in 1979) ................. . " 4-Ordinance No. --78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, (.Sty of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by reclassifying property at 1957-1959 University Ave. from ID Institutional District Classification to R-3 Residential District Classification. (Odegard)(Adopted in 1979) ............................... " 4-Ordinance No. --78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by repealing Subsection 2) of Section 3-103.9 of Article III and enacting a new Subsection 2) of Section 3-103.9 of Article III m Geu thereof, to establish provisions for the re-construction of non-conforming churches ................. . " 4-Ordinance No. --78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by repealing regulations and provisions of Article IV, Section 4-117, C-6 Planned Commercial District and enacting new regulations and provisions to Article IV, Section 4-117, C-6 Planned Commercial District. (Adopted in 1979) ... . " 4-Ordinance No. --78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by reclassifying properties at Farley Street and Rhomberg Avenue from R-3 Residential District Classification to C-1 Lorel Service Com- mercial District Classification and further, to reclassify properties at Fengler St. and Rhomberg Ave. from C-1 Local Service Commercial District Classification to R-3 Residential District Classification. (Adopted m 1979) .................... " 4-Operation Friendship requesting to solicit at liquor store on J.F.K. Rd. on Dec. 18th &23rd ............................. Page 488, 515 490, 516 495 498 505 517 517 518 518 519 520 520 526 I~ INDEX -BOOK 108 INDEX -BOOK 108 ~ 978 Y SUBJECT PaRC ~ 97R SUBJECT ~~' Dec. 4 -Ordinance No. 68-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Page ~ Iowa, providing for the repeal of Section 6-21 of the Code of P ~ - Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, and declaring same to be null and void and of no further force and effect. (minors in Jan. 3-Playground & Recreation Commission submittin '~~ g minutes of °w~ Pool and Biltiazd Halls) ........ ............ 526 their meetings. .. ... .. .4, 60, 110, 186, 234, 272 355 18 -Ordinance No. 69-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code o£ Ordinances, City of Dubuque, , 3-Planning & Zoning Commission submitf;~~ 411, 452, 492, 507, 531, 546 g minutes of their Iowa, be amended by repealing Article 1 of Chapter 16 thereof meetings.4, 17, 60, 84, 110, 154, 186, 211, 272, 328, 377, 394, 411, 492, 531 3-People's Natural Gas advisin of decrease i bill g and enacting a new Article I of Chapter 16 thereof governing the inspection of food-service establishments, the issuance n s, ..... , q ,, 3-PLmning & Zoning .__,,......endin re g jection of proposed '~' ' suspension and revocations of permits to operate food-service comprehensive amendment for zoning to the J.F.K. Rd. Corridor (H.R. W. Assoc. petition) establishments, prohibiting the sale of adulterated or mis- branded food or drink and the enforcement of such re ations ~ ........ 4 3-Planning & Zoning approving parkin and stor~ ~ ~ ~ ~of auto- g ~ " .~; -~, ~ 18- m the City of Dubuque, Iowa... ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' Ordinance No. 70-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque mobiles in R-Districts.. ..... ~ 5 3-Pre-sale inspection of housing, Eric A. Schulz to same. .... , ~. ~ g _ , Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, . 3-Pluemer, Sharon Rose & Danie] J., Notice of personal injury '`' claim Iowa, be amended by repealing Article II of Chapter 16 thereof and enacting a new Article II of Chapter 16 thereof to provide .. 6, 19 i .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "North Point " for the payment of License Fees for Food-Service Establish- Heights in Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa. (Boleyn) . " 18- ments and fixing and establishing annual license fees.......... Ordinance No. 71-78 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque 538 ...... 8 ~ ' 3-Plannin & Zonin a . ~ .. .~ ...... . . ~,= g g PPro~'mg Plats e. Lot 1 and Lot 2 in , Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, ~ . Tri-Co Inc. Place No. 1" and Lot 1 and Lot 2 of "Tri-Co Inc. Place No. 2" all located south of U S 20 d Iowa, be amended by repealing Section 24-3 thereoY and enacting a new Section 24-3 in Geu thereof to provide for the . . an west of Plaza 20... 11 16-Planning & Zoning, renewing lease in Fischer Bulidin for same g lg i _ requiring of licenses for certain business and fixing and 16-Planning & Zoning, changing number of affirmative votes V required for approval of amendments b ' establishing annual license fees therefor ..................... 539 Y same following a Public hearing .. 18- Ordinance No. 72-78 An Ordinance amendin the Code of g Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by enacting a new ................. .... . 16-Planning & Zoning, approvin rezoni ............y 22 g ng of property reeentl annexed by Frederick and Janell Timm ~_ ` I ~ Article VII of Chapter 24 to provide for the licensing, appli- cation for licensing, license fees, commissary license fees erman ................ yl a. 16-People's Natural Gas requesting to excavate in Loss Blvd... ~ 16 P I~ ~ , identification tag, revocation of license, annual inspection and ti l ti t l ti f f d d b di .. - edestrian Curb Ramps, wmpletion of same... 44 16-Pusateri, Michael F., granted Ci arette and Li g uor Li ~ ' exemp ons re a ng o regu a ng o an everage ven oo ng machines located in the City of Dubuque Iowa 540 q Fob, 7-P1anN & censes...45,96, 291 ~ Zoning ad~si+~g of denial of petition of Nicehu- , ............... Mazx Developers. ....... . . i ., ............................... 56 7-Planning & Zoning submitting amendments to Zoning Ordinance ~ ................ .....57, 154. 186. 211. 295. 356, 411. 463 7-Pitts-Smith, McAllister & Adams, ehazges filed by same ,. I '~.. against Police Chief O'Brien dismissed ~ ~ ICI .............. ~ 7-People's Natural Gas advising of adjustment in rate increase.. . ~~ ......................... ....62.111,151. 269,466.507, 53(1 " 7-Fitz, An la M., Notice of ,, ge personal injury claim i .............. &3 7-Pihart, James L., Notice of property damage claim I~ t i I ' ~~ ........... &1 7-People's Natural Gas requesting to excavate in Cherokee Dr.. , 65 7-Pizza Hut granted Beer Permit . ' ~~I~ - i ............. . ZO-Patrol Investi ators, ~ ~ ' " " " " " " ~ ~ g Providing matching funds to provide for same ......... ai ~ al ~ ~ ,. ........................................ 69 20-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Mrs. Agnes Breitbach property located on Derb G R i I ~ ~ y range oad, ..... , ..... 76 ZO-Planning & Zoning approving 5na1 plat of "Heritage Heights" I (Iaetscher) ........... ' ~ ....... 20-Plannin & Zonis a rovi ....... P .. ~ ~ g g PP ng correction lat of "Takos Place".. g0 ' ZO-People's Natural G l '. as, re ative to customer connection policy pertaining to insulation requirements " i ~ ........... 82 20-Planning & Zoning relative [o defining housing for the elderly.. 83, 119 20-Planning & Zoning relativ t Pl e o anned Unit Development submitted by Thomas Leibold for property on Kaufmann Ave 20 83 l ~I . . - Prairie Hi e h g is Sub., water sanit sewer ai'Y rmits sub Pe nutted b .~ Y DEQ ......... '' i' i ' I .......................... 84 20-Pratt, Michael, appointed to Community Development Com- i '.. ~~ ~' I a '. ~, miss on .................... .......... ~ .................... ZO-Pihart, Lester, appointed to Community Development Com- i i . li m ss on........ . Mar. 13-Plamondon, .......................... elderl Mary, requesting revenue sharing funds for y .................. ........... ~ ,. 13-Peterson, Je ...................... " 13-Planni & ~' Chamber of Commerce, relative to Budget.... gg ng Zoning approving final lat f i p o port on of Holiday Cornerslorated in Westside Manor Subdivi i s on... ......, gg INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SURJOCT Page " 13 -Patricia Ann Acres, approving final plat of portion of same..... 99 " 13 -Planning & Zoning relative to clarifying the application of zoning standards to city-owned or operated buildings, or uses.. 104 " 13 -Planning & Zoning approving reclassifying Emmett St. property from R-4 to OR-1 Zoning .......................... 104, 140 " 13 -Planning & Zoning directed to work out language with subdivider relative to annexation request by Schiltz Develop- ment & Sisters of SG Francis ............................... 105 " 13 -Perrigo, Rose by Atty. Timothy Gallagher, Notice of personal injury claim .............................................. 111 " 13 -People's Natural Gas requesting to excavate in 1800 Block of Rhomberg Ave ........................................... 112 " 20 -Powers, Dave, objecting to taking of 6 feet relative to improvement of J.F.K. Rd ................................. 118 " 20 -PLvudng & Zoning approving plat of portion of "Babcock's Adds." ... ..... ....... ....... .......... 123 " 20- Plumley, Donald W., refund on Cigarette License ............. 127 " 20- Pony Express Ride, requested by Dennis Meyer........... 129 " 20- Parking for handicapped at private residences requested by Handicapped Persons. Inc ...... ........ .............. 130 " 22- Planning & Zoning relative to Development Plan in the Institutional District lFinley) ............................... 131 " 22- PLuudng & Zoning recommending reclassifying the Southerly 55 ft. of Lot 5 of Sidonia Hosford's Subd. m Finley Hospital R)-Institutional District ..................... 132 Apr. 3- Palmer Drug Co. granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License.... 150, 267 3- People's Natural Gas to revise its customer connection and main and service line extension policies ...................... 150 " 3- Pregler, Walter requesting discontinuance of parking on north side of 9th St. east of Central Ave. to the alley ............... 151 " 3- Plumbers & PipeStters Local q66 relative to Sepazate Contract/Separate Bidding for future City contracts... 151 " 3- Planning & Zoning submitting report and recommendation of the Century Drive Industrial Development . ............... 152 " 3- Planning & Zoning recommending rezoning of properties at 1919 and 1927 University Ave. (U of D) ........ 152 " 3- People's Natural Gas requesting to excavate at 1815 Loss Blvd 155 " 3- Patricia Ann Acres Subd., installation of street lights m same as requested by D. James Edwazds ......................... 156 " 3- Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Cedar Cross Industrial Park ........................................... 156 " 17- Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of property owned by University of Dubuque at 800 Auburn St., south of its intersection with University Ave ........................... 164 " 17- Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Blocks 1, 2, 3, & 4 of Henschel's Addition (Richard Henschel) ................... 170 " 17- Planning & Zoning approving plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of 1 of M.L. 356 as submitted by Leo and Doloris Dix ................ 173 " 17- Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Lots 1-18 Babcock's Addition as submitted by Tschiggfrie and Schwers............ 175 " 17- Planning & Zoning approving final plats of Block 2 and Blocks 3-6 incl. in 'Phase Two of Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. 1"............ .... ... ....... 177 " 17- Pascual, Gus, granted Cigarette License & Liquor Lieense..179, 180, 291 " 17- Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "Twin Ridge Subdivision No. 3" in Table Mound Township as submitted by Mueller .................................................. 182 " 17- Peters, Steve, submitting progress report on 5 Flags Center... 183 " 17- Pazking in Private lots, Council Member Wertzberger requesting review of same ................................. 184 " 17- People's Natural Gas submitting Income, Operating Revenue, Balance Sheet and Plant Detail Statement for year 1977....... 186 " 17- People's Natural Gas requesting to excavate in Loral Blvd..... 186 " 17- Public Works Director submitting.~,_.._..~..ded FY"!9 Budget for Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency ......................:. 187 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SU6f1(,'T Page Apr. 17-Police & Fire Pension & Retirement Board, appointments to same .................................................... 187 " 26-Petrakis Park, E. d. Voggenthaler Co., expressing desire to acquire portions of same ................................... 189 May 1-Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of "Breves Place". 203 ' 1-Planning & Zoning approving petition for non-conforming status of the Ryan House Restaurant at 1375 Locust St. ........ ....................... ...... May 1-Planning & Zoning approving plats subdividing propert in 203, 234 y $ River Front Sub. No. 3 ................................... " 204 . 1-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning petition of Schiltz Development Corp. to reclassify their property from AG & R-5 to an R-2 Classification......... . " ~ .. 1-Planning & Zoning approving final lat of p portion of "Asbury " ~,. , Springs Sub. No. 4 (Powers) ...... .. , . , , . , . , " ~ 1-Patricia Ann Subdivision, DEQ submitting water main ' , extension permit for same........ 211 ... 1-Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of Equestrian ~ . Heights ISwfft)..... .. .... '' 214 ..... 10-Pemsl, George & Ann and Robert C. & Donna J. Andresen y. ~ , Notice of code violations at 2914 Jackson St. by same.......... 217 218 15-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of Beatty property , contiguous to Patricia Ann Acres ............ ..... " 224 ...... 15-Planning & Zoning recommending approval of plat subdividing Lot 1 of Out Lot 723 and Lot 1 of Roman Catholic Graveyard into Lots 1 thru 6 of Kelly's Bluff ............... ........ " 15-Public Works Director requestin m i t f 225, 241 g on es o inance study on preliminary design, cost and revenues for a resource ,. -:_.. ~~;,.~~ facility at Solid Waste Agency ................. 226 .... 15-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning on property in "Henschel's Addition" & "Black Forest" ...................... " 15-Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of "Knob Hill"(Duggan) .......... ~ 247 .... ................ " 15-Police & Fire Retirement Systems Actuarial Valuation submitted..... 229 ....... .... 15-Planning & Zoning advising of hearing to regulate size of 233 taverns ............. ... 15-Placke, Rose G., denial of personal injury claim ....... 234.271 236 ... ..... 15-Providence residents requesting street lights in 600 block, , , . , , " 15-Petrakis Park, A. Y. McDonald re uesti t 239, 270 q ng o purchase same... June 5-Pluming & Zoning approving Plat of Anthony/Elrommelt 239, 499 R'operty ............... .......................... .. 5-Planning & Zoning approving reclassification of property of ' ~ Frommelt s Tent and Awning Co............ " 259 307 ... 5-~~~ & Zo~B approving final plats of High-Land Farm , and Arbor Oaks Subd ............. •• ' ............ 5-Plan & Zo ' S ~ ~ aPPro~'+ng ProP~d Zoning Ame~ments for pedal Planning Districts and Special Flood Hazard Overlay Districts . ,. .............. 5-Planning & Zoning approving final plats of "Byrne's Subd " " ~. ~ . and Sunset Pazk No. 4" .......... ....266, 278. 280 " 5-Pazadiso, Thelma. anted Ci ................. . 8r garette License ................. ,• 5-PI & Zonis amm~g g Commission, Allen Carew resigning from 267 e... .~ ................... 5-Planning & Zoning relative to Finley Hospital Expansion 270 Final Development Plan Approval ........... ........ " 5-People's Natural Cal requesting to excavate in Central Ave 271 274 .... June 19-Parochetti, David A., granted Cigarette & Liquor License..... 2 •• 19 P 90 353 - onderosa System. granted Cigarotte License ........... ,• ' , 290 ..... 19-Pappa Luke s Granted Cigarotte License ..................... " 19-Polfer, Joseph. granted Cq;arette License 290 ................... •• 19-Pazadiso, Thelma. granted Liquor License 290 ................... " 19-People's Natural Gas requesting authority to liberalize its ~ customer connection policy............ .... Jul 3- .............. Y Primary Road Extension Maintenance for period of July 1, ~ i, l 6 INDEX -BOOK lOs 1978 SUBJECT 1978 to June 30, 1979, City Manager submitting State Agreement for same. " 3-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of portion of Patricia Ann Acres Sub.... ... .. .. .... .... .. . " 3-rvwr:ti S request for rezoning at 3061 Asbury Rd. DENIED by Plamdng & Zoning . .................................... " 3-Planning & Zoning approving final plat and rezoning of portion of "Westchester subdivision". ... . " 3-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "Jody s Place." .. .. . " 3-Planning & Zoning approving 5nal plat of portion of Re- subdivision of part of Shipton's Addition .................... . " 3-Planning & Zoning approving final plats o£ Dubuque Downtown Plaza .................................................... " 3-Piekenbrock, Roger, granting Cigarette Incense ............. . " 3-Pizza Hut granted Cigarette License ....................... . " 17-Peterson, Rev., invocation given by same ................... . " 17-Pfeiler, Merlin, objecting to Paving Project ................. . " 17-Pedestrian Curb Ramps, censtruction of same ............... . " 17-Pamela Ct., Richard A. Lcetscher requesting installation of street lights in same ....................................... " 17-Palen, Harold, Notice of car damage claim .................. . " 17-Pregler, Walter A., appointed to Transit Board......... . Aug. 7-Patricia Acres Sub., approving rezoning for portion of same... . ' 7-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of Mt. Loretta-Tressa St. Neighborhood ......................................... " 7-Planning & Zoning denying request of Beechers to rezoning 2369 White St ............................................ " 7-Program Planner, Pauline Joyce, relative to Sr. Kenneth Keller conducting data processing study ..................... " 7-Planning & Zoning ....tending approval of plat for ~~~.. "Westview Shopping Center Place." ........................ " 7-Parkway Sewer, Julius Sprenglemeyer, relative to same.. . " 7-Pearce, Lois, requesting to close off traffic on Douglas St. on August 19 ............................................. " 7-Plush, Wayne, by John Deere Insurance, denial of car damage claim .................................................... " 7-Price, Donna R., Notice of ear damage claim ................ . Aug. 7-People's Natural Gas, requesting to excavate at Rhomberg & Roosevelt Sts ........................................... " 21-Pacholke, Rev. David, invocation by same .................. . " 21-P & Z submitting definition for "Department Stores"......... . " 21-P & Z submitting amendment for expansion of Existing C-6 District and Uses ...................................... " 21-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "Herbst University Avenue Place" ............................................ " 21-Planning & Zoning relative to "Heights Limits" .............. . " 21-Powers Property at 3061 Asbury Rd. approved for rezoning by P & Z ................................................. " 21-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of property in the Milwaukee-Diamond Street area ............................ Sept. 5-Planning & Zoning approving final plats of "Embassy West Subd." .................................................. " 5-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of portion of "Key Knolls Subdivision" (north side of Hillcrest Rd., west of Ponderosa Restaurant)... " 5-Planning & Zoning relative to rezoning request of YM-YWCA. . " 5-Planning & Zoning approving 5nal development plan far St. Mary's Apartments, Elderly Housing (Leibold) ........ . " 5-People's Natural Gas requesting to excavate in Tower Drive.. . ,• 18-'.Punt, Pass & Kick Day" Oct. 7th .................... " 18-Powers, Paul, in favor of rezoning property at 3061 Asbury Rd. " 18-Pearson, Chuck, objecting to rezoning of property at 3061 Asbury Rd .................................. .. " 18-Phase II Contract 1 of the Wastewater Treatment Plant L..,.... ~~:....:...ts-Terminal St. Farce Main completed........... . Page 310 316 319 319 320, 346 321 322 326 326 332 333 350. 364 354 356, 453 357 360 360 361, 410 370 371 375 377 378 378 379 382 382 383 389 390 391, 415 391 404 INDEX -BOOK t O8 t97a SUBJECT Oct. 2-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning request of Beecher at 2369 White St .............. . " 2-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of portion of Dennis ':' Dargen's Subd.. _ .... .......... - 2-Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of Althauser's Subd. (Drcessler) ...... . " 2-Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of Highland Farm (Malersl . ................... .. . " 2-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of portion of "Embassy %`~ West" ................... " 2-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of portion of CGn-Que •. Inc. as requested by Ra£oth and Luksetich .................. . " 2-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of portion of Stonehill :~ Subd. for Alverno Apartment project ....................... :-0,; 2-Public Works Drector requesting contract between Library '?~..,.~.:.: Board and the Durrant Group Inc. for library i...e.,,,. ~,,,ents.. . " 2-Pools, swimming, State Board of Health submitting recom- _..~,. mendations for same. ................................ . 2-Pinell, Cecil E., Notice of personal injury claim.. . ' 16-Police & Fire Retirement Systems for FY'78 approved and submitted to State.... . " 16-Promotional exams to be held for position of Ambulance Driver/Attendant....... . " 16-Public Works Director relative to awarding contract ~ to Durrant Group for 32nd St. Fire Station........... . Nov. 6-Picker, AI & Liz, objecting to revision of secondhand dealer definition. ...... " 6-Pool Halls, prohibiting minors in same, relative to same...... . " 6-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Linwood Cemetery Association......... 6-Primary Road Extension Service, approving same with Iowa DOT......... .. 6-Planning & Zoning relative to County's request for rezoning of Green Briaz Ltd...... . ., ............................... 6-Pazking Meter Districts providing for amending same........ . 6-Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of Aspen Subd... . 6-Planning & Zoning approving portion of Linehein Subd. (Quinn).......... " 6-Planning & Zoning approving £nal plat of portion of Wacker Drive Place as requested by Key City Investments Inc. (Yiannias). . ' 6-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of portion of Stone „ Hill Community Subd. as requested by Sisters of St. Francis.. . 6-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of portion of Section 12 T88N R2E 5th PM as requested by Terrance Grimes......... . " 6-Planning & Zoning relative to rezoning request of Cerald White and Joseph Kramer for property at 1563 and 1591-93 Dodge St Page 435 496 447 447 448 949 449 451 452 453 960 462 464 473 473, 526 476 477 478 980 982 483 984 485 986 ........ ........... 488, 515 " 6-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of portion of Plaza ZO from C-6 Planned Commercial to C-6 Planned L'nit Develop- ment............ ..................... 489.516 " 8-Pratt M' h I m ae , appointed to Community Development Commission..... `~ 8 ... -Planning & Zoning Commission appointments 494 407 `~ 8 ................ -Playground & Recreation Commission appointments... 495 496 , ZO ..... . -Parker, Loriel L., requesting amendment to present Dog Ordinance ~ 411 " 20 ........ ..... -Pusateri, Sam, Family Trust requesting deletion of W 8th 500 415 . St. from Bluff to Hi8 from the 1979 Street Program... ' r~ 415 20- 20- ........ People s Natural Gas requesting to excavate m Edison St...... Pazking Facilities Audit Re ort for J l l 197 507 p u y , 7 to June 30, 1978 submitted 415 ZO- .......... Plumbin Ins - ~ ~' ~ ~ ~' g pector I exams results submitted ~ 424 Dec. 4- " ........... "Project Concern Week" Dec.4th.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 506 9- .... Planning & Zoning approving rezoning request of Romac, 512 INDEX -BOOK los ~y7g SUBJECT Inc. and Chiado Corp. from AG to C-6 Preliminary Development Plan and Planed Unit Development Review, Dodge Street at Mercer Drive .............................. Dec. 4-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning oT 1366 Southern Ave. from AG - R-2. (Stierman) ................................ . " 4--Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of Lawrence Odegard fmm ID to R-3 at 1957-1959 University ..................... . " 4-Planning & Zoning submitting zoning Ordinance Amendment, Article III, Section 3-103.9, Reconstruction of Existing Churches ................................................. " 4-Planning & Zoning submitting Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Article IV, Section 4-117, Provisions of the C-6 District....... . " 4-Planning & Zoning submitting Official Zoning Map Corrections regarding Conunercial and Residential Districts, Farley and Fengler Streets at Rhomberg Ave ......................... . " 4-Planning & Zoning approving £mal plat of Lots 1 thru 7 of Block 3 and Lots 1 thru 7 of Block 4 m "Knob Hill Grove" subd. as submitted by John Duggan .............................. " 9-People's Natural Gas requesting to excavate at 1006 Central Avenue .................................................. " 4-Parking, additional, at 1064 University Ave., Greg Adams relative to same.......... . " 18-Paulsen, Rev. David, Invocation given by same .............. . " 18-Parking & 17affic bnprovements, Ruth Nash requesting CD Funds be used for same .................................... " 18-PLmning &Zoning approving £mal plat of portion of "Jaeger Heights" ................................................. " 18-Planning & Zoning approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot 3 of Kelly's Bluff in the City of Dubuque ...................... . " 18-Phone-A-Friend Crisis Line submitting program proposal for Information and Referral Services .......................... " 18-Pinkerton, Inc., by Les Schatfert, relative to security at Avport .................................................. INDEX -BOOK I08 page ~y~g SUBJECT Q 516 .° Apr. 17-Quern, Robert R., Notice of sewer claim ............... . 517 ~` Nov. 6-Quinn, Wm., approving final plat of portion of Linehein Subd.forsame . .......................................... 518 519 519 520 521 531 531 a 532 $$ 532 1 534 542 544 547 Page 185 482 INDEX -BOOK 108 ~ 978 SUB) ECT Page R Jan. 3 -Russo, R. N., appointed City SoScitor ....................... 2 " 3 -Ryan, Elizabeth, requesting postponement on vote for freeway. 7 " 3 -Rezazadeh, David, granted Cigarette License & Refund......13 , 275, 326 " 3 -Richards, Jim, relative to "Phase Two of Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. 1" approving plat ........................... 15 " 16 -Repertinger, Clara objecting to freeway ..................... 17 " 16 -Ritz Lounge, Wm. Lammer, Hearing for same set aside....... 19 Feb. 7 -Rauchenecker, Mr., relative to Milwaukee Railroad property... 56 " 7 -Removal and disposal of silt and debris from the W. 32nd St. Detention Basin Project ...................................59, 72, 168 " 7 -RHA for municipalities in the region except the City of Dubuque, Housing Commission supporting development of same .................................................... 61 " 7 -Rowell, Amanda, Notice of personal injury claim .............. 64 " 20 -Reel, Dorothy, granted Cigarette and Liquor License......... 79, 326 " 20 -Ruzieka, Teresa, Notice of car damage claim ................. 85 " ZO -Reilly, Mike, appointed to Community Development Com- mission .................................................. 86 Mar. 13 -Robinson, Mrs. Charles, settlement of car damages claim...... 113 " 20 -Revenue Sharing Funds, notice governing use of same. ....... 127, 295 " ZO -Ries, Mrs. George, relating to tax monies on use of busses..... 128 " 20 -Rockdale Road, J. C. Roland requesting 5 ton load limit....... 130 Apr. 3 -"Respect for Law Week" May 1 to 7 ......................... 137 " 3 -Release of Funds for purchase of Cleared Land in Urban Renewal area ............................................. 144 " 3 -Rolle, Ed., relative to County's proposed rezoning of land to rear of Century Drive ..................................... 152 " 3f -Recreational Facilities in the City, Advisory Commission to embark on study for same .................................. 153 " 3 -Recreation, Asst. Director, requesting to close east lane of Kerper Blvd. on May 7th to conduct three and six mile mazathon ................................................ 155 " 17 -Recreation Commission relative to urgency for baseball fields due to sale of McAleece Recreation Area ..................... 184 " 17 -Railroad crossing, Council Member Wertzberger requesting review of same ........................................... 184 " 17 -Ryan, John G., Notice of car damage claim.......... . 185, 238 May 1 -Ryan House Restaurant petition for non-conforming status, approved by P & Z ......................................203. 234, 295 " 1 -Rettenmaier, Jamie requesting residential handicapped parking .................................................. 209 " 1 -Rhomberg, John H., expressing interest in several building lots owned by City ........................................ 210, 375 " 1 -Riggs Biochemical Corp. and John A. Schoen, notice of personal injury claim ........................ .............. 212 " 1- Radloff, Harry F., Notice of car damage claim.......... 213, 273 1- Ridge Motor & Machine (employee group) endorsing effort to repay rairoad crossings ................................... 213 " 15- Redeveloper Designation Agreement with Harold R. Imus and Donald M. Fisk for Urban Renewal Land ...... ............. 219 " 15- Relocation of Petrakis & McAleece Ball Fields, Atty. Clemens relative to same ............. ......... ...... .. 222 " 15- Resurrection Men's Service Club granted Beer Permit & Refund .................................................. 231. 329 June 5- "Recreation and Pazks Month", June, 1978 ................... 295 " 5- Reynolds, Atty., on behalf of W.C. Brawn Co., requesting replacement deed for property purchased in 1974 ............. 264 " 5- Ron's Barrell Tap granted Cigarette License ................. 267 " 5- Richman, Richard M., granted Cigarette & Liquor License..... 267, 908 " 5- Riverside Bowl, Inc., granted Cigarette & Liquor License. .... 267, 268 " 5- Ruegnitz Drug, granted Cigarette License ................... 257 " 5- Robert's Food Service granted Cigarette License ............. 267 " 5- Revelle, Patricia, granted Cigarette & Liquor License......... 267, 353 INDEX -BOOK ] 08 1978 SUBJECT Page " 5 -R & S Enterprises, granted Cigarette License ................ 267 " 5 -Railroad crossings, Dock Commission endorsing repairs of same 269 " 5 -Reilly, Judy, of Youth Services, requesting not to move them department into Medical Associates ......................... 270 " 5 -Rapp. Richard & Janice, Notice of sewer damage claim........ 273, 411 " 5 -RoseSep, Daniel G., Notice of car damage claim . ............. 273, 295 " 5 -Runde, Michael C.. Notice of property damage claim.......... 274, 411 " 19 -Recreation Commission approving lease with Loras College for use of San Jose Poo] for period of June 1, 1978 to May 31, 1980 ..................................................... 282 " 19 -R.E.T. Sanitary Sewer, construMion of same and ab. ~~...:...is for same ...............................................285 .311.397 19 -Regal "8" Motel granted Cigarette License ................. 290 ' 19 -Ramada Inn granted Cigarette License ...................... 29(1 " 19 -Roy, Sally Jo, granted Cigarette & Liquor License............ 291, 353 ° 19 -Rceth, Dolores E., granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses....... 292, 326 ' 19 -Rafoth, Eleanor, Notice of water damage claim on behalf of Russell Rafoth Estate ..................................... ~r " 19 -Rietjens, Donald, Notice of property damage claim............ 296 ' 19 -Rockdale Area, arrangements to answer fire calls in same... 297 July 3 -Randall's Foodarama granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit ................................................326 .353.408 3 -Ring, Richard J., granted Cigarette License .................. 328 ' 3 -Rehab. Commission, Charles Kurt resigning from same........ 328 " 17 -Ransford, Neil, objecting to portions of paving project......... 333 ' 17 -Rhomberg, Madeline, objecting to paving of Fairway Drive.... 333 Aug. 7 -Real Estate Tax Suspensions requested by Leo Ungs Adminis- , trator of Institutional Accounts ............................. 370 " 7 " -Ricken, Leona, requesting real estate tax suspension.......... 370 7 " -Roth, Josephine, requesting real estate tax suspension........ 370 7 -Recreation Commission supporting concept of district recrea- tion centers .............................................. 375 " 7 -Rohner, Mike, denial of motorcycle damage claim ............. 378 " 7 -Roy, Sally Jo, denial of car damage claim .................... 378 " 7 " -Reinert, Martha D., Notice of personal injury claim........... 378 21 -Redstone, Inc., granted Liquor License ...................... 3g3 Sept. 5- Report, Street Finance, for Juna 30, 19TT to June 30, 1978 submitted ........................................... 397 " 5- ' Redmond, Mrs. Ronald, denial of backed-up sewer claim....... 411 18- ' REVENUE SHARING FUNDS, amending budget for FY'79... 419, 937 18- R.eereation Commission requesting funding to construct a building in response to SnoMad Ski Club ..................... 422 Oet. 2- Reilly, Mike, appointed to AdHoe Committce to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 433 " 2- " Revenue Sharing Funds expenditures, proof of publication..... 437 2- REPLACEMI~VT OF 21 WINDOWS IN CITY HALL ' PROJECT' ....................................... 995, 955 2- Rafoth & Luksetich requesting rezoning of portion of Clin-Que " Addn .................................................... 449 16- Romac requesting annexation of portion of Hawkeye Stock ' Farm (Highway 20 and west of Mercer Drive.) ........... 45g 16- Reding, Robert, objecting to proposed TV rate increase... 467 ov. 6- ' Ratan, Lynn, resigning from Library Board .................. 474 6- " Rooney, A. J., relative to proposed TV rates ................. 492 A- " Rosenow, Ed, appointed to Planning & Zoning Commission.... 495 B-- " Ridel, Aiehard, appointed to Human Rights Commission....... 495 8- " ~Roositer, Paul, appointed to Historic Preservation Commission. 495 20- " Reisen, Charles, requesting amendment to Dog Ordinance..... 500 20- Recreation Commission submitting feasibility study to construct recreational complex in F.D.R. Park by Cullen, Kilby, Carolan & Assoc .................................... 502. 529 Dec. 4- Roma~~. Snr any: Chiado Corp. requesting rezoning of property " at lNxt,:- a.reel and Mercer Drive . ......................... 516 4- "Ry ci~•- ~ Lane" 9th St. Neighborhood requesting to name lane in their area same ......................................... 526 " 4- Reilly, Mike, relative to contract for improving F.D.R. Park... 529 w~" INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page " 18- Russo, City Atty., relative to Writ of Mandamus filed by Telegraph Herald ......................................... 532 " 18- Riverboat Museum, Robert Klein requesting funding for same from CD Funds ........................................... 532 " 18- Ryan, Mrs. Ed., requested CD Funds be used to find jobs for elderly ..................... ~' " 18- Ryan Building Co., granted conditional use permits........... 540 " 18- Rowan, Janice, Notice of personal injury claim........ . " 18- REVEN[JE AND ANTB2ECESSION ASSISTANCE FUNDS ending June 30, 1978, proof of publication of sending to Bureau of Census ................................................ 547 Jan. 3 -Resolution No. 1-78 Providing for the Appointment of a City Manager, City Clerk, and Solicitor for the City; providing for their bonds and fixing thew salaries ......................... 2 " 3 -Resolution No. 2-78 Designating the Official Newspaper of the City of Duhuque, Iowa (Telegraph-Heraldl....... _ .......... 2 " 3 -Resolution No. 3-78 Naming depositories for the City of Dubuque funds ........................................... 3 " 3 -Resolution No. 4-78 Approving the plat of "North Point Heights in Dubuque Township, Duhuque County, Iowa" (Boleynl ................................................. 8 " 3 -Resolution No. 5-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of Public Hearings for the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds ................................................... 9 " 3 -Resolution No. 6-78 Authorizing disposition of Lot 153 m Lenox Addition on a sealed bid proposal basis ................ 10 , " 3 -Resolution No. 7-78 Approving plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 each of ~ "Tri-Co. Inc. Place No. 1 m the City (South of U.S. q20 and , west of Plaza 201.... _ .................................... 11 ~ " 3 -Resolution No. 8-78 Approving plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of . ' "Tri-Co. Inc. Place No. 2 m the City." ....................... 12 ,. " 3 -Resolution No. 9-78 Accepting delivery of Warranty Deed from R. Hampton and Company Inc. for Block 14 in "Dubuque Downtown Plaza". _ ...................................... 12 " 3 -Resolutions No. 10-78, 11-78, 12-78 Granting Cigarette and i Liquor Licenses ........................................... s 13 " 3 -Resolution No. 13-78 Approving delivery of deed from Joseph F. and Ruth M. Siegert .................................... 13 " 11 -Resolution No. 14-78 Approving plat of "Phase Two of Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. 1" subject to conditions set forth m Resolution No. 398-76 .............................. 15 " 16 -Resolution No. 15-78 Correcting Resolution No. 275-77 approving annexation of Lot 2 of Sub. of M.L. 504 (Timmerman) ............................................. 29 " 16 -Resolution No. 1678 Schedule of Assessments for Sunset Ridge Drive Asphalt Paving Project ......................... 27 " 16 -Resolution No. 17-78 Providing for the issuance of Street Improvement Bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of Sunset ffidge Drive Asphalt Paving Project ............................................ 29 " 16 -Resolution No. 18-78 Schedule of Assessment for City of Dubuque 19TT Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ................. 31 " I6 -Resolution No. 19-78 Providing for the issuance of Street L..,.. _ ~~ _...__-; Bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of City of Dubuque 19TT Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ...................................... 39 " 16 -Resolution No. 20-78 Amending Resolution No. 4TT-TT approving the plat of Timber Ridge Addition, Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lotl, Block 5 in City of Dubuque .......... ..... ... 41 " 16 -Resolution No. 21-78 Approving disposal of interest of Lot 153 in Lenox Addition to Harbinger Corp ........................ 41 " 16 -Resolution No. 22-78 Supporting passage of Senate File 336 (Hotel-Motel Taxl ......................................... 42 " 16 -Resolution No. 23-78 Establishing the Industrial Land Task Force Conunittee and appointed Allan T. Thoms as Chairvlan.. 43 INDEX -BOOK 108 197H _ SUBJECT Page Jan. 16-Resolution No. 24-78 Final Estimate for construction of Pedes- trian Ramps .............................................. 44 " 16-Resolution No. 25-78 Accepting Improvement for Pedestrian Ramps ....................................... 44 " 16-Resolution No. ZO-78 Final Estimate for Cooper Place Steps.... 44 " 16-Resolution No. 27-78 Accepting Improvement for Cooper Place Steps .................................................... 45 " 16-Resolutions No. 28-78, 29-75, 30-78, 31-78, 32-78 Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Incenses ........................ 45 Feb. 7-Resolution No. 33-78 Authorizing the solicitation of Formal Proposals for designation as Developer for Certain Land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15 . .............. 49 " 7-Resolution No. 34-78 Providing for the publication of a Pubb c Notice granting an Easement to Interstate Power Company.... 43, 50 " 7-Resolution No. 35-78 Authorizing the adoption of a Citizen Participation Plan for the City of Dubuque ................... 5p " 7-Resolution No. 36-78 Authorizing the fding of an application for a Community Development Block Grant for the City....... 51 7-Resolution No. 37-78 Authorizing Mayor to sign application for 100 units of Section 8 Existing Housing and directing Staff to submit application and required documents.......... " 52 7-Resolution No. 38-78 Authorizing revision of 1977-78 Housing Assistance Plan in order to a__.,.........ste three Section 8 New Construction Projects under development ............... " 54 7-Resolution No. 39-78 Matching resolution providing $28.52 for National Conference on Juvenile Justice ..................... " 57 7-Resolution No. 40-78 Authorizing amendment to the Rental Agreement between the City of Dubuque and The OId Cceamery Theatre Company of Garrison, Iowa ............... " 57 7-Resolution No. 41-75 Final Estimate for the Schmitt Harbor Municipal Boat Ramp Project .................... ....... " 58 7-Resolution No. 42-78 Accepting Improvement for the Schmitt Harbor Municipal Boat Ramp Project ........................ " 58 7-Resolution No. 43-78 Necessity for Improvement for Removal and disposal of sot and debris from the W. 32nd SG Detention Basin ................... .. ...... 7-Resolution No. 44-78 Preliminary Estimate on removal and 59, 72 disposal of silt and debris from W. 32nd St. Detention Basin ............ ............. ..... 59 7-Resolution No. 45-78 Fixing Date of Hearing on W. 32nd St. Detention Basin ................ ............ " 59 7-Resolution No. 4678 Approving the plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of Babccek's Addn. (REPEALED)......... ............... " 65 123 7-Resolution No. 47-78, 98-78, 49-78, 50-78, 51-78 Granting , Cigarette. Beer and Liquor Licenses ......... ........... " 66 07 20-Resolution No. 52-78 Setting the date of Public Hearing on , the Fiscal Year 1979 Budget for the City of Dubuque, Iowa... " 69 ZO-Resolution No. 53-78 Matching resolution to provide funds for . Project entitled Patrol Investigators ........... .......... ' 6g 20-Resolution No. 54-78 Granting Easement to Interstate power ,. Company ............... ............................ 70 20-Resolution No. 55-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Documents........... .......... " 70 20-Resolution No. 5678 Approving proposed option a~_~~...;...: with Klauer Mfg. and directing Clerk to publish notice........ " 71 20-Resolution No. 57-78 Vacating a portion of Levi Street..... .. " 72 20-Resolution No. 56-78 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, etc. for removal and disposal of silt and debris from the W. 32nd St. Detention Basin ............. ... " 73 20-Resolution No. 59-78 Ordering Constrvction for W. 32nd St. Detention Basin ........................................... 73 20-Resolution No. 60-78 Awarding Contract to 1'ri-State Paving Co. for W. 32nd St. Detention Basin ......................... 75 -- __Wr" INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SU B]ECT Page Feb. 20 -Resolution No. 61-78 Endorsing the Dubuque Ambassadors as sponsors £or the 1978 Iowa Community Betterment Program... 75 " ZO -Resolution No. 62-78 Approving the plat of the subdivision of Lot 1 of 1 of the NE'/a of SE'/a of Sec. 8, Twp. 89 N R2E in Dubuque County. (Breitbach) .............................. 70 " 20 -Resolution No. 63-78 Approving the plat of "Heritage Heights" m the City (Loetscher) .... .. 77 " 20 -Resolution No. 64-78 Final Estimate for 5 Flags Sewer and Water relocation.... 78 " 20 -Resolution No. 65-78 Accepting Improvement for 5 Flags Sewer & Water relocation .................................. 78 " ZO -Resolutions No. 66-78, 07-78, 68-78 Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses .................................. ... 79 " 20 -Resolution No. 69-78 Consenting to the vacation of plat of Lots 1, 2, & 3 of Takos Place...... 80 " 20 -Resolution No. 70-78 Approving the Correction plat of Lot 1, 2 and 3 of "Takos Place' , a Subd. of Lot B of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of M.L.179 .................................... 80 " ZO -Resolution No. 71-78 Approving delivery of Quit Claim Deed for Lot 2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 of M.L. 342 from James 5. O'Meara and conveying Lot 1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 of M.L. 342 to James S. O'Meara.......... _ ................................... 81 Mar. 13 -Resolution No. 72-78 Disposing of interest of Lot lA of South Avenue Addition in the City to Frank E. Kelly.......... 91 " 13- Resolution No. 73-78 Disposing of interest of Lots 7, 8 and 9, and Lot 2 of Lot 1, all of Block 1 in "River Front Subd. No. 5" to Klauer Mfg. Co ........................ .... 91 " 13- Resolution No. 74-78 Matching Resolution to provide for Law Enforcement Training (Crime Prevention and the Elderly)..... 92 " 13- Resolution No. 75-78 Conveying real estate to James S. O'Meara upon receipt o£ deed conveying misdescribed real estate back to City ........................................ 93 " 13- Resolution No. 76-78 Directing the transfer of certain Community Development Block Grant Funds ................. 93 " 13- Resolution No. 77-78 Directing the transfer of Community Development Block Grant Funds from various other completed projects and contingency acceunt to the purchase of Urban Renewal Land Project ..................................... 94 " 13- Resolution No. 78-78 Authorizing submission of a request for release of funds for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects.... _ ...................................... 94 " 13- Resolution No. 79-78 Approving the plat subdividing part of Holiday Corners q2 and Lot 1 of 2 of 12 and 1 of 11, both in Black 2 of Westside Manor ................................. 98 " 13- Resolution No. 80-78 Approving the final plat of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 of Patricia Ann Acres . ............................ 99 " 13- Resolution No. 81-78 Preliminary approval of plans, specs, etc., for construction of Central Ave. at 17th St. Traffic Signal L..r..,~~:....ants ...................................... 101 " 13- Resolution No. 82-78 Necessity for Improvement for Central Ave. at 17th St. Traffic Signal Improvements... 101, 195 " 13- Resolution No. 83-78 Fixing Date of Hearing for Central Ave. at 17th St. Traffic Signal Improvements ..................... 101 " 13- Resolution No. 84-78 Authorizing execution of Agreement between City and Iowa Department of Transportation relating to the signalization of 17th & Central Ave .................... 102 " 13- Resolution No. 85-78 Preliminary approval of plans, specs., etc. far construction of East 22nd St. at Windsor Ave. School Signals ............................................ 102 " 13- Resolution No. 86-78 Necessity for Improvement for E. 22nd St. at Windsor Ave. School Signals ......................:... 102, 146 " 13- Resolution No. 87-78 Fixing Date of Hearing for E. 22nd St. at Windsor Ave. School Signals ............................. 103 " 13- Resolutions No. 88-78, 89-78, Granting Beer & Liquor Licenses. 103 " 13- Resolution No. 90-78 Approving annexation as requested by Schatz Development and Sisters of Presentation .............. 75, 106 INDEX -BOOK los 1978 SUBJI'.CT Page Mar. 13-Resolution No. 91-78 Approving annexation as requested b ~~ y Dale W. and Beverly J. Sherman ........................... 106 " 13-Resolution No. 92-78 Authorizing execution of Agreement between City of Dubuque and Iowa DOT relating to the resurfacing of Julien-Dubuque Bridge ....................... 109 " 13-Resolution No. 93-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of Public Hearing and setting date to consider Citizen Input regarding application for Section 8 Existing Housing Program, .......... 109 " 13-Resolution No. 94-78 Adopting the annual Budget for the ' Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1979 ............. ........ gg " ZO-Resolution No. 95-78 On the Location and Design of the improvement of John F. Kennedy Road from Asbury to Wacker Drive and Wacker Drive from John F. Kennedy to Hwy. ZO .......................... ................ " ZO-Resolution No. 96-78 Authorizing execution of an Af .~_ 118, 464 , between the City of Dubuque and Iowa DOT relating to the improvement of John F. Kennedy Road. (Relating to the right ~~~ of way purchase.) .................. ...... " 119 ZO-Resolution No. 97-78 Authorizing execution of an Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Iowa DOT relating to the improvement of John F. Kennedy Road, (Relating to widening and reconstruction)............ ........... " 119 20-Resolution No. 98-78 Approving Guidelines for the Community - Development Program for Housepainting Assistance to Homeowners, and providing for rules for the Administration of said Program .............. ......... 122 .. 20-Resolution No. 99-78 Approving the plat of portion of Babeock's Addition ........................................ " 2D-Resoluhon No. 100-78 Modifying Resolution No. 80-75 by 123 deleting paragraph 6 of Section 1 providing for Thernalyne to begin construction of new plant by April 7, 1979 ........... " 123 ... ZO-Resolution No. 101-78 Mayor's Industrial Committee approving sale of certain property in River Front Subd. No 3 to . E. R. Carpenter Co. Inc .................. " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1?A 20-Resolution No. 102-78 Authorizin ~ ~ g Publication of Notice of Public Hearin s for the g ~o ~ e g f Development Bloek Grantant ds und r Grant Agreement B-77-MC-19-0004 (Purchase of Urban Renewal hand) .......... " ZO-Resolution No. 103-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of an 125 Environmental Review Finding for the purchase of Cleared Land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15.. ' - 125 ... 20-Resolutions No. 104-78, 105-78 Granting Beer & Liquor Licenses .................. " 29-Resolution No. 106-78 Approving Buy and Sell covering real estate in River Front Subd. with Tholyne Corporation ...... ..................... ........ " 29-Resolution No. 107-78 Approving Option Agreement between 134 City and Thernrolyne Corp, for Lot 1 of Block 2 in "River Front Subd." .............. ........ Apr. 3-Resolution No. 108-78 Declaring~~intent to enter into a 134 Developer Designation Contract for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15. (Imes & Fisk) ............ " 3-Resolution No. 109-78 Approving the disposal of interest in 'lot 137 1 of Black 14, Block 13 and Lot 1 of Block 12 all in River Front Subd. No. 3" to E. R. Carpenter Company, Inc. of Richmond , Virginia ............. " ..................................... 3-Resoluhon No. 110-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of 138 PubFc Hearings for the purpose of amending the Housing Assistance Plan of the B-78-MG19-0004 Block Grant Fund Application .................... ............ ' 3-Resolution No. 111-78 Authorizing submission of a request for 143 release of Funds for the purchase of cleared land in the Down- town Urban Renewal Project. Iowa R-15 ................. " 199 .... 3-Resolution No. 112-78 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., for construction of E. 22nd St. at Windsor Ave . School Signals ............................................ 146 ,~ - -~wr+" i INDEX -BOOK 108 ~ q7g SUBJECT Page Apr. 3 -Resolution No. 113-78 Ordering Construction for construction of E. 22nd St. at Windsor Avenue School Signals ................ 147 " 3 -Resolution No. 114-78 Awarding Contract for construction of E. 22nd St. at Windsor Ave. School Signals .................. 148 " 3 -Resolution No. 115-78 Approving annexation of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of M.L. 499 in Table Mound Township (Kevin Beatty).. 198 " 3 -Resolution No. 11678 Approving sale of W 42' of N 49' of Lot 98, Coriell's Addn. to Felderman and Smith........... _ . 149 " 3 -Resolution No. 117-78 Approving annexation of Lot 2 of Sub. - of Lot 1 of Lot 2 M.L. 498 as requested by Tom Menster....... 149 3 -Resolution No. 118-78, 119-78 Granting Beer and Liquor licenses ................................................. 150 3 -Resolution No. 120-78 Approving the plat of "Cedar Cross Industrial Pazk" in Dubuque Township, Ih~bugce County, Iowa. (Hansel Builders Inc.)... ... .. ... ......... 156 " 17 -Resolution No. 121-78 Approving disposal of interest of Lot 1 of Block 2 in "River Front Subd. No. 3" to THERMOLYNE CORPORATION....... . -..... 158 " 17 -Resolution No. 122-78 Approving r_..r_,;,3 lease ab. «...~..t by and between the Dubuque Avport Commission and Tri-State Elite Services. Inc...... 165 " 17 -Resolution No. 123-78 Adopting and approving the execution of an aceeptance of a Grant Offer from the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration Acting for the United States of America to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of obtaining Federal Aid in the Development of the Dubuque Municipal Airport, under Project No. 6-19-0028-03. ........ 166 " 17 -Resolution No. 124-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection certain Community Develop- ment Block Grants Documents...... ... 167 " 17 -Resolution No. 125-78 Final Estimate for the contract for the Removal and Disposal of Silt and Debris from the W 32nd. St. Detention Basin ........................................... 168 " 17 -Resolution No. 126-78 Accepting improvement for removal and ' disposal of Silt and Debris from the W. 32nd St. Detention Basin .................................................... 168 " 17 -Resolution No. 127-78 Authorizing City Manager and City Attorney to institute r___.__ngs for certain improvements and/or additions to present facilities of Carnegie Stout Public Library ............................................ 166 " 17- Resolution No. 128-78 Establishing Job Classification of Fire Captain Inspector ......................................... 169 " 17- Resolution No. 129-78 Approving Final Plat of Blocks 1, 2, 3 & 4 of Hensehel's Addition in City of Dubuque. (Richard & Mildred Henschel) ......................................... 170 " 17- Resolution No. 130-78 Approving amexaUon of Lot 1-1-3-1, Lot 2-3-1 and Lot 2-1, M.L. 500 &501 Table Mound Township as requested by Fcet Levelers Inc .......................... 170 " 17- Resolution No. 131-78 Approving annexation of Lot 2 of 1-31 of M.L. 501 & 500; Lot 2-2 M.L. 501 as requested by Lorraine Muenster ........................................ 171 " 17- Resolution No. 132-78 Authorizing City Clerk to publish notice of intent to dispose of Lot 66 in Vcelker Highland to Leo Breitbach ................................................ 172 " 17- Resolution No. 133-78 Authorizing delivery of Quit Claim Deed to Thomas Felderman and Richard Smith for purchase of W 42' of N 49' of Lot 48, Coriell's Addn .............. .... 172 " 17- Resolution No. 134-78 Approving plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of M.L. 358 (Leo & Ibloris Dix) ................ 173 " 17- Resolution No. 13x78 Preliminary estimate and approval of plans, specs., etc. for censfsuction of Walsh (Pazkway) Street Storm Sewer ............................................. 179 " 17- Resolution No. 136-78 Necessity for L..,,..,~~....ent for cen- stroction of Walsh (Pazkway) Street Storm Sewer............ 174, 199 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page Apr. 17-Resolution No. 137-78 Fixing Date of Hearing for Walsh (Pazk- .!. way) St. Storm Sewer ........... ... " 174 17-Resolution No. 138-78 Final Estimate for Walsh (Parkway) St. Storm Sewer ............. ........... " 175 17-Resolution No. 139-78 Accepting Improvement for Walsh (Pazkway) St. Storm Sewer ........................ 175 17-Resolution No. 140-78 Approving plat of Lots 1-18 of Babeock's Second Addition in the City (Tschiggfrie and Schwers) ....... " 176 '~ . 17-Resolution No. 141-78 Approving plat of Subdivision of Black 2 .. Phase Two of Stone Hill Community Subd. No. 1" in City ..... " ITT 17-Resolution No. 142-78 Approving plat of Blocks 3 thru 6 both ~' , inclusive in "Phase Two of Stone IBll Community Subd. No 1 ;, ~ . in the City........... . ........ ....... .... 17-Resolution No. 143-78, 144 78, 145 78 Crantin B Cigarette Beer 177 . ~' ~ , & Liquor Licenses ............. ...... 179 - ' 17-Resolution No. 146-78 Preliminary Estimate and approval of Plans. specs.. etc. for construction of City of Dubuque 1978 ,, Asphalt Patching Project.. .... . " 180 17-Resolution No. 147-78 Necessity for Improvement for City of Dubuque 1978 Asphalt Patching Project . .. ........ . . 17 181, 197 ;`' -Resolution No. 14&78 Fiadng Date of Hearing for City of Dubuque 1978 A h lt P hi sp a atc ng Project, .. , , , , _ . , , .. , 181 ~~, 17-Resolution No. 149-78 Approving plat of "Twin Ridge Sub- " •, division No. 3 in Table Mound Township, Dubuque County , Iowa (Ray Mueller) .. , _ _ .. _ _ .... 182 ' ~ ' 26-Resolution No. 150-78 Accepting Warranty Deed from Ther- ~- '"' molyne Corporation for Lot 1 of Block 14, Block 13 and Lot 1 of ~ Block 12 in "River Front Subd. No. 3" ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' 189 • .... May 1-Resolution No. 151-78 Approving sale of Lot 66 in Vcelker Highlands to Leo Breitbach......... " ~ 196 1-Resolution No. 152-78 Approving Lease Agreement between . Airport Commission and Tri-State Flite Services In . c......... 1-Resolution No. 153-78 Decision of Council upon objections etc 196 ., for City of Dubuque 1978 Asphalt Patching Project, .. . , , 197 1-Resolution No. 154-78 Ordering Construction of City of Dubuque 1978 Asphalt Patching Project " ............ . 1-Resolution No. 155-78 Awardin Con ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ' g tract for (,Sty of Dubuque 198 1978 As halt Patchin " o B 8 i ) 1~ 1-Resoluti n No. 156-7 Dec sion of Co uncil upon objections etc , . " for construction of Walsh (Parkway) Street Storm Sewer 199 ...... 1-Resolution No. 157-78 Ordering Construction for Walsh (Park- . ~YJ Street Storm Sewer ............................... ~ ... 1-Resolution No. 158-78 Decision of Council upon _:,;~_._,,s etc., for construction o[ Central A 17 ve. at th St. Traffic Signal Improvements....... . " 1-Resolution No. 159-78 Ordering Construction for Central Ave ~ . at 17th St. Traffic Signal Improvements......... . " ZOl 1-Resolution No. 160-78 Awarding Contract to Uhlrich IIeetric " Co. for Central Ave. at 17th St. Traffic Signal Improvements 202 .. 1-Resolution No. 161-78 Vacating 30 ft. railroad right-of-way easement in Lot 1 of Blocks 12 & 13 of ffiver Front Sub. No. 3.. 1-Resolution No. 162-78 Approving plat of portion of "Breve " 202 n Place ........ .. " 1-Resolution No. 183-78 ............................. Approving Mat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of ~ Black 2 in "River Front Subd. No. 3"........... . " ...... 204 .... _ 1-Resolution No. 16478 Approving plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Block 1 in "Rive, rant Subd. No. 5"........... 1-Resolution No. 165-78 A, horizing execution of Annual Con- ~ tnbutions Contract .................. " 1-Resolution No. 166-78 Approving fmai plat o[ Subd. of Blceks ~ - 5 & 6 in Asbury Springs Subd. No. 4 in the City........ 1-Resolutions No. 167-78, 168-78 Granting Beer & Cigarette ~7 Licenses............ " 1-Resolution No. 169-78 Approving the plat of Lots 1 2 & 3 of the ~ , Subd. of Block 4 in Equestrian Rights Subd. No. 1. (Swift) .... 214 -.,r~- i d_ INDEX -BOOK 108 i97s SUBJECT " 1-Resolution No. 170-78 Approving 5nal plat of Blocks 5 & 6 in Equestrian Heights Subd. No. 2 in the City .................. . May 15-Resolution No. 171-78 Authorizing execution of Redeveloper Designation Agreement with Harold R. Imes and Donald M. Fisk. " 15-Resolution No. 172-78 Directing Clerk to publish notice of in- tent to dispose of Lot 590 m Hamm's Addition to Michael J. Kruser ................................................... " 15-Resolution No. 173-78 Awazding Contract for Walsh (Pazk- way) Street Storm Sewer to Tri-State Paving Co ............ . " 15-Resolution No. 174-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection Certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Documents .................... " 15-Resolution No. 175-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of Envi........:...:al Review Findings for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects (Comiskey Park Improve- ments and Heating Facilities at Girl Club) ............... . " 15-Resolution No. 170-78 Directing the City Clerk to publish pro- posed amendment to the Fiscal Yeaz 1978 Budget and Date of Public Hearing ........................................ . " 15-Resolution No. 177-78 Authorizing a Public Hearing for the ex- penditure of certain General Revenue Sharing Funds (Budget). " 15-Resolution No. 178-78 Approving the plat of Block 10, Block 11 and Block 12 of "Knob Hill" in the City (Duggan) ............. . " 15-Resolutions No. 179-78, 180-78 & 161-78 Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses ................................. . " 15-Resolution No. 182-78 Vacating a portion of a 45 foot wide ease- ment over and across Lot 1 of 2 of Byrne's Subd. (SchOtz Development) ............................ ............. " 24-Resolution No. 183-78 Approving the plat of Lots 1 through 0 of Kelly's Bluff ........................................... . June 5-Resolution No. 184-78 Approving sale of the "Vacated southerly 40' of Easement m Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Byrne's Subd." to Schiltz Deve-_r.-.=..: Corp ................. .. . . " 5-Resolution No. 185-78 Approving sale of Lot 590 in Ham's Addition to Michael J. Kruser and Norman Bradfield......... . " 5-Resolution No. 186-78 Authorizing submission of a request for release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects (Comiskey Pazk Improvements and Moderni- zation of the Heating Facilities at Dubuque Girls Club)....... . " 5-Resolution No. 187-78 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Yeaz ending Jime 30, 1978 (As amended last on December 5.1977) ........................................ " 5-Resolution No. 188-78 Approval of the Permanent Transfer of Funds ...........................................:.... . " 5-Resolution No. 189-78 Authorizing the execution oY a Community Development Block Agreement and Urban Development. (4th Year Program) ......................... . " 5-Resolution No. 190-78 Approving annexation of property adjacent to Peru Rd. as requested by Melvin & Marion Arensdorf ................................... ..... " 5-Resolution No. 191-78 Approving dissolution of the County- City of Dubuque Authority, Inc ............................ . " 5-Resolution No. 192-75 Approving the plat of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "Henry A. Robinson Industrial Subdivision" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "Henry A. Robinson Industrial Subd." (Wayne & Lenore Anthony.) ..... . " 5-Resolution No. 193-78 Approving the plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of ...................... Lot 1 of Highland Farm ............. " 5-Resolution No. 194-78 Approving plat of Subd. of Lot B of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of High-Land Farm and of the Subd. of Lot 20, Block 6 in "Arbor Oaks" .......................................... " 5-Resolution No, 195-78 Approving the plat of Block 7 in "Arbor Oaks" ............................................. Page 214 219 223 224 225 225 228 228 229 230, 231 232 241 251 252 252 254 255 255 256 256 258 260 260 261 INDEX -BOOK 108 197A SUBJECT Page June 5-Resolution No. 196-78 Final Estimate for the Central Av e. Street Lighting from 9th St. to 12th St ...................... " ~ 5-Resolution No. 197-78 Accepting Imr.., ~~....~..t for Central Ave. Street Lighting from 9th St. to 12th St ................. " 5-Resolution No. 198-78 Granting Milo Associates the right to ~ construct an intersection, including signalization, crossover, and deacceleration lanes in accordance with the plans and spe~- ifications dated Spt. 8, 1977 and approved by the Office of the City Engineer, Dubuque Iowa th I D , ; e owa epartment of Transportation District Engineer, at the intersection at U S 20 . . at the side of the Midway Motor Lodge-Hoffman House Restaurant ......... ................... ............ " 5-Resolution No. 199-78 Approving delivery of replacement deed 263 to Wm. C. Brown Publishers for Lot 2 of Blk. 1 of River Front Subd. No. 5 ... ........ " 5-Resolution No. 200-78 Approving a tentative 3 year street 264 construction program and submitting same to Iowa DOT... 5-Resolutions No. 201-75, 202-78, 203-78 Granting Cigarette 264 , Beer & Liquor Licenses ............... .......... " 267 268 12-Resolution No. 204-78 Authorizing the submission of a State- , ment of concerns to the League of Iowa Municipalities, ...... " 19-Resolution No. 205-78 Proclaimin week f J 26 27g g o une th thru July 2nd as "Jaycee International BB Gun Week" ... ".19-Resolution No. 206-78 Approving the plat of the Subdi i i ~ v s on of Lot 1 of 2 and Lot 3 in Byrne's Subdivision ............. 266 " 27S 2811 . , 19-Resolution No. 207-75 Approving the plat of Lots 1-30 inclusive, Block 1; Lots 1-Z6 inclusive Block 2 h t 1 10 i , ; o - s ndusive, Block 3; Lots 1-13 inclusive, Block 4; Lots 1-3 inclusive Block 5; , all in Sunset Park Subdivision No. 4 ......................266.278, 281 " 19-Resolution No. 208-78 APPro~'ing Lease by and Between City and Loss College for use of San Jose Pool for period of June 1, 1978 to May 31. 1980 .... ................ . " 19-Resolution No. 209-78 A rovin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ " ~ o P o ~ between Klauer Mfg. C dated June 2, 1978 for Lot 6 m Block 1 in River Front Subd. No. 5 and directing Clerk to publish Notice...... .. .. ................. " 19-Resolution No. 210-78 Authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findin s fo C 282 g r ertain Community D,~~=-..,..--~..: Block Grant Project (Construction of 32nd St . Fire Station & Code E.~.,. „....ent) ............. . " 19-Resolution No. 211-78 Final Estimate for replacement of City H ~ all Windows...... ...... ........... " 19-Resolution No. 212-78 Aceepting Improvement for replacement of City Hall Windows ... 284 ............ ............ " 19-Resolution No. 213-78 Authorizing Mayor to execute agreement to the construction and maint 284 enance of the R.E.T. Sanitary Sewer and directing Clerk to 51e document with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad ......... ...... . " 19-Resolution No. 214-78 Prelimin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~'3' aPProval of Proposed Plans ~ , specs. etc., for construction of Hamilton Glen (RET, INC.) Sanitary Sewer ........... ...... ..... " 19-Resolution No. 215-?8 Necessity for Lnprovement for Con- 286 struction of the Hamilton Glen (RET Inc.) Sanitary Sewer, .... 286, 312 " 19-Resolution No. 216-78 Fiadng Date of Hearing for Hamilton Glen (RET, inc.) Sanitary Sewer ... " ............ . 19-Resolution No. 217-78 Submittin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ City of Dubuque 1978 As halt Pa 6 `-..r_"J assessments for ~ " 19-Resolution No. 218-78 Approval off preliminary Plans Specs ~ , . etc. for 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No 1 " . ................... ~ 19-Resolution No. 219-78 Necessity for Improvement for 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ........... ......... 28 " 19-Resolution No. 220-78 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1978 Asphalt 7. 324 PavingProject No. 1 ....... ........ 19-Resolutions No. 221-78, 222-78, 223-78 Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses .. ~ ................................ 290. 291 ~. INDEX -BOOK 1 OS 1978 SUBJECT Page June 28 -Resolution No. 221-78 Directing the Transfer of Certain Com- munity Development frock Grant Funds (Rehabilitation Interim Assistance to Rehabilitation Loans & Grants) 305 " 26- Resolution No. 222-78 Authorizing submission of an appB- ration for State Assistance Funds (Transit Board) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 306 Sul. 3- Resolution No. 223-78 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects (32nd St. Fire Station and Code Enforcement).. 307 " 3 -Resolution No. 224-78 Approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Financial Audit for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 19TT thru June 30. 1978 ............................................. 309 " 3 -Resolution No. 225-78 Approving sale of land "Lot 6 in Blk. 1 in River Front Subd. No. 5" to HIauer Mfg. pursuant to Option Agreement ........................................ 3(19 " 3 -Resolution No. 228-78 Accepting revised FY 79 Budget Certifi- cate and adjusting accounting records accordingly............ 310 " 3 -Resolution No. 227-78 Approving vacation of Utility Easement in Timber ffidge Addn. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa.......... 311 --<': " 3 -Resolution No. 228-78 Decisions of Council upon objections, for construction of the Hamilton Glen (RET IncJ Sanitary Sewer.. 312 , " 3 -Resolution No. 229-78 Ordering Construction for Hamilton Glen a (RET IncJ Sanitary Sewer ................... .......... 313 '. " 3 -Resolution No. 230-78 Awarding Contract for Hamilton Glen , (RET Inc.) Sanitary Sewer .................................313 " 3 -Resolution No. 231-78 Advising for bid the sale of W. 53' of -. Lot 1 of Lot 809 in McDaniel's Sub .......................... 314 " 3 -Resolution No. 232-78 Advising for bid the sale of Lot 17 of t Mettel's Subd ............................................. 319 " 3 -Resolution No. 233-78 Final Estimate for Interconnection of 14th St. and the intersection of 16th & Elm to the C.B.D. ' - System .................................................. 315 " 3 -Resolution No. 234-78 Accepting L..,.... ~_. .__t for intercon- nection of 14th St. and the intersection of 16th & Elm to the ? CBD System . ....... .. ..... ......... ......... 315 " 3 -Resolution No. 235-78 Authorizing second amendment to the Rental Ad - . ~ between the City of Dubuque and the Old I ""' Creamery Theater Co. of Garrison, Iowa ..................... 316 _ " 3 -Resolution No. 236-78 Approving the replat of Block 1, and Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 N Block 2 of Patricia Ann Acres Subd. 317 I " 3 -Resolution No. 237-78 Approving plat of Lot 1 of Lot 2, Lot 2 : of Lot 2, and Lot 3 of I.ot 2 all of Block 4 in "Westchester Subd." ........... _ ..................................... 319 " 3 -Resolution No. 238-78 vi Lat of the subdivision of Lot Appro ng p 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Re-Subdivision of Part of ,_..,. Shipton's Addn ........................................... 321 " 3 -Resolution No. 239-78 Granting perpetual ron-exclusive ease- ment over and across Lot 22 of Glenview to John C. & .:; . Margaret A. Hendry ...................................... . 321 " 3 -Resolution No. 240-78 Calling an election on the proposition of issuing bonds for Public Library Purposes. 323 ~ " 3 -Resolution No. 241-78 Matching resolution to provide funds for Law Enforcement Training (Crisis Intervention Seminar)...... 320 " 3 -Resolutions No. 242-78, 243-78, 244-76, Granting Cigarette, Beer & Liquor Licenses .................................... 328 " 17 -Resolution No. 215-78 Amending Resolution No. 218-78 to delete certain streets from 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1.. 334 " 17 -Resolution No. 246-78 Deasion of Council upon objections, etc. for City of Dubuque 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1........ 335 " ]7 -Resolution No. 217-78 Ordering Construction of 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 ...................................... 338 " 17 -Resolution No. 248-78 Designing structures on the E'/z of C.L. 133 as Architecturally Significant (Wallis Co.) ............... 336 " 17 -Resolution No. 249-78 Designating corridor location for - Dubuque North-West Arterial Highway .......... ........ 338 " 17 -Resolution No. 250-78 Authorizing Mayor and Clerk to execute s INDEX -BOOK IDB 1978 SUBJECT Page perpetual non-exclusive easement over and across Lot 22 of Glenview to John C. & Margaret A. Hendry .................. 33g Jul. 17-Resolution No. 251-78 Approving a plat o[ portions of vacated streets and alleys in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area ........................:................ ... " 17Resolution No. 252-78 Subdividing certain lots in the Down- 340 town Urban Renewal Project area for public right-of-way and other purposes ............................................ 341 " 17-Resolution No. 253-78 Dedicating certain lots in the Down- town Urban Renewal Project Area for street purposes........ 342 " 17-Resolution No. 254-78 Approving plats in Dubuque Downtown Plaza in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......................... 342 " 17-Resolution No. 255-78 Approving the plat of "Judy's Place" in Block 1 in "Plaza 20" in the City .......................... ~ " 17-Resolution No. 25G78 Approving sale of W 53' of Lot 1 of Lot 809 in McDaniel's Subd. to Leo Kringle .................. 347 " 17-Resolution No. 257-78 Approving sale of Lot 17 of Mettel's Subd. to Vanita E. Meyer ...................... ........ 348 " 17-Resolution No. 258-78 Matching Resolution to provide for Equipment as matched by Iowa Crime Commission.......... 350 " 17-Resolution No. 259-78 Necessity for Improvement for cen- struction of Pedestrian Curb Ramps......... .......... " 350 364 17-Resolution No. 280-78 Preliminary approval of plans, etc. for . Pedestrian Curb Ramps .................................... " 351 17-Resolution No. 261-78 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of Pedestrian Curb Ramps ..................... .... " 351 17-Resolution No. 262-78 Necessity for Improvement for con- struction of Comiskey Park Parking Lot .. .................. " 351 362 17-Resolution No. 263-78 Prlliminary_ estimate gnd approval of . specs. and plans for construction of Comiskey Park Pazking Lot. ....... ....... ,... ....... " 17-Resolution No. 264 78 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction 352 of Comiskey Park Parking Lot ............. ...... 352 17-Resolutions No. 26,5-78, 266-78, 267-78 Granting Cigarette, Beer & Liquor Licenses ............... . ~ Aug 7-Resolution No. 288-78 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements for Comiskey Park Parking Lot ............. ......... " ~ 7-Resolution No. 269-78 Ordering Construction for Comiskey Park Parking Lot ................. ... " 363 7-Resolution No. 270-78 Awarding Contract for Comiskey Pazk Pazking Lot ........................ ....... " 364 7-Resolution No. 271-75 Deasion of Council upon objections to plans, etc. for Pedestrian Curb Ramps ....................... " ~r 7-Resolution No. 272-78 Ordering Construction for Pedestrian Curb Ramps .................. ............ " 365 7-Resolution No. 273-78 Awarding Contract to Patrick T. O'Dowd for Pedestrian Curb Ramps............ ........ " 366 7-Resolution No. 274-78 Awarding Contract for City of Dubuque 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 W Tri-State paving Co...... 376 7-Resolution No. 275-78 Final Estimate for signalization of 20th Street from Central Ave. to Elm Street ...................... " 367 7-Resolution No. 276-78 Accepting Improvement for ZOth St. signaGzation from Central Ave. to Elm Street .............. " 368 .. 7-Resolution No. 277-78 Final Estimate for Main Street Lighting from First Street to Fourth Street .......................... " 368 7-Resolution No. 278-78 Accepting Improvement for Main St . Lighting from 1st Street to 4th Street ....................... " ~g 7-Resolution No. 279-78 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of "Westview Shoeing Center PLice." ...... " 372 .. 7-Resolution No. 280-78 Approving r.,,r,.,~,: Lease A6.:. ....... and Amendment between Boazd of Dock Commissioners and ContiCarriers and Terminals, Inc. g~ 7-Resolution No. 281-78 Approving ,..,,r,,,,.,] Exclusive Option to lease between Boazd of Dock Commissioners and Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service Company ......................... 373 INDEX -BOOK I08 1978 SUBJECT Page Aug. 7- Resolutions No. 282-78, 283-78, 284-78 Granting Cigarette, Beer & Liquor Licenses .................................... 374 21- Resolution No. 285-78 Approving the proposition to levy a Hotel-Motel Tax in City at General Election to be held m November ................................................ 386 " 21- Resolution No. 286-78 Directing the Transfer of Community Development Block Grant Funds from Contingency Fund to Washington Tool Library Project ......................... 386 " 21- Resolution No. 287-78 Approving Lease Agreement between Board of Dock Commissioners and ContiCarriers and Terminals Inc ...................................................... 367 " 21- Resolution No. 288-78 Approving Exclusive Option to lease certain real estate between Dock Commissioners and Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service Company ....... ................. 387 " 21- Resolution No. 289-78 Approving the plat of "Herbst University Avenue Place" ............................................ 389 " 21- Resolution No. 290-78, 291 78, 292 78, Granting Cigarette, Beer & Liquor Licenses. ... .. ... .. ...... 392 Sept. 5- Resolution No. 293-78 Approving Official Report of Munici- pality for Municipal Streets and Parking for 1977...... ...... 397 5- Resolution No. 294-78 Approving A6. «...~..t between City of Dubuque, RET Corp., Hamilton Glen Associates (Phase I) and Hamilton Glen (Phase III ..... ......... .......... 397 " 5- Resolution No. 295-78 Final Estimate for South Fork Sanitary Sewer Project. ... ...... ......... ........... 401 " 5- Resolution No. 296-78 Accepting Improvement for South Fork Sanitary Sewer ........................................... 402 " 5- Resolution No. 297-78 Final Estimate for City of Dubuque 1978 Asphalt Patching Project ..... .. ..... ............ 402 5- Resolution No. 298-18 Accepting Improvement for 1978 Asphalt Patching Project . ..... ....... ............ 402 " 5 -Resolution No. 299-78 Authorizing Execution of Operating Assistance Grant Contract with the Urban Mass Transportation Administration ............................................ 403 " 5 -Resolution No. 300-78 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of Lot B of "Embassy West" in the City. (Tschiggfrie) . 404 " 5 -Resolution No. 301-78 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot B of "Embassy West' m the City of Dubuque, Iowa..... 405 " 5 -Resolution No. 302-78 Approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Block 18 in "Key Knolls Subdivision" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Block 21 in "Key Knolls Subdivision"... ... ........ 406 " 5 -Resolutions No. 303-78, 304-78, 305 78, Granting Cigarette, Beer & Liquor Licenses .................................... 407. 408 5 -Resolution No. 306-78 Approving Transmission Line Easement between City and Interstate Power Company ................ 404 18 -Resolution No. 307-78 Authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute Transmission Line Easement for and on behaB of the City to Interstate Power Co ............... ................ 417 " 18 -Resolution No. 308-78 Directing the City Clerk to Publish Proposed Amendment to the Fisral Yeaz 1979 Budget and Date of Public Heazing .................................... 418 " 18 -Resolution No. 309-78 Authorizing a Public Hearing for the Expenditure of Certain General Revenue Sharing Funds....... 418 " 18 -Resolution No. 310-78 Approving Amendment to Option A6. «...<..:: by and between the City and Klauer Manufacturing for Lot 2 of Lot 1, Block 1 in "River Front Sub. No. 5"......... 419 18 -Resolution Authorizing dismantling of buildings at 677 W. 8th St.(Lucas)(Not Adopted) ...............................423.475.522 18 -Resolution No. 311-78 Terminating the Area "C" Development Study Committee ......................................... 423 " 18 -Resolution No. 312-78 Terminating the Citizens Transportation Committee ............................................... 424 " 18 -Resolution No. 313-78 Terminating the Mayor's Industrial Development Advisory Committee .......................... 424 INDEX -BOOK 108 197x SUBJECT Pagu Sept. 18-Resolution No. 314-78 Terminating the Citizens Freeway Study Committee ......... .... ...... " ]8-Resolution No. 315-78 Final Estimate for the Phase II Contract 1 - Wastewater Treatment Pl 424 ant Improvements- Terminal Street Forcemain ........................ " 18-Resolution No. 316-78 Accepting Imp.,,,,,...~.,t for Phase H Contract 1 - Wastewater Tr t ~ ea ment Plant Im,..,,,~.......ts- Terminal Street Forcemain .. ........... - ;' 18-Resolution No. 317-78 Final Estimate for Municipal City Gara e ' 92v 425 g 18-Resolution No. 318-78 Accepting Improvement for Municipal City Gazage .............. ...... . " 18-Resolution No. 319-78 Authorizing execution of a Project Agreement with the Division of Hi t i P 926 s or c reservation of the Iowa State Historical Department providing for cost sharin g on an Architectural Survey/Prenervation Planning Project. " 426 ...... 18-Resolution No. 320-78 Authorizing acceptance of a contract with Bruce M. Kriviskey, A.I.P. for an Architectural Survey/ H istoric Preservation Planning Project Subject to approval of a Cost-Sharing agreement by the division of Historic Pre- :' nervation of the Iowa State Historical Department ............ 18-Resolutions No. 321-78, 322-78, 323-78 Granting Beer & Liquor -, Licenses. . 427 .... ........... ' 18-Resolution No. 324-78 Granting Cigarette License 427.428 ............. 18-Resolution No. 325-78 Approving the plat of Lot A and Lot B ~~ 428 , each being in J.S. Brunskill's Addition in the City. ........... Oet. 2-Resolution No. 326-78 Approving sale of L t A 422 o to Rosemary Wilhelm and Lot B to Robert Sigwarth, all in J.S. <,-~'` Brunskill's Addition.. ... 2-Resolution No. 327-78 Terminating the existing Cultural ~~ Advancement Committee. ~ ~- 2-Resolution No. 326-78 Amending the Current Budget for the 937 fiscal Year ending June 30, 1979. .. ... . 2-Resolution No. 329-78 Necessity for Improvement for ~ 938 con- .. - struction of the 1978 Curb Replacement Project " . ............. 4 2-Resolution No. 330-78 Approval of preliminary estimate for -~ 41, 457 1978 Curb Replacement Project....... . . 2-Resolution No. 331-78 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1978 Curb 441 Replacement Project........ ~ ......... 2-Resolution No. 332-78 Final Estimate for E. 22nd St. at -. Windsor Ave. School Signals ....... 941 ....... . -.. 2-Resolution No. 333-78 Accepting Improvement for School Signals at E. 22nd St. and Windsor Av ~ e. ... 2-Resolution No. 334-78 Granting Tschiggfrie Excavating the i 442 r ght to construct a frontage road in accordance with the plans and specifications dated Jul 19 197 y , 8, from the easterly . terminus of the Ramada Inn Frontage Road t C d o e ar Cross Rd, 2-Resolution No. 335-75 Amending Resolution No. 391-75 to 442 provide for a reduction in the membership of the Community '' Development Commission .. ............ 2-Resolution No. 336-78 Necessity for Improvement for replace- ~ .. ment of 21/windows in City Hall, ..... . 2-Resolution No 337-78 Approval f ~limin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~' ~ • o pre ary estimate for replacement of 21 windows in City Hall ............. . 2-Resolution No. 338-78 Fixing Date of Hearing for replacement of 21 windows in City Hall ............. . 2-Resolution No. 339-78 Approving the plat of the subdivision of Lot 11 and Lot 12 of "Dennis Dargan's Subd." of Out Lots 672 and 673 in Dubuque .............. . 2-Resolution No. 340-78 rovin ~~~~~~~ APP g plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 12 of Althauner s Subd ................. . " 2-Resolution No. 341-78 Approving plat of Subdivision of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of High-land Farm, Dubuque County, Iowa, now in the City of Dubuque, Iowa .......................... . " 2-Resolution No. 342-78 Repealing Current Guidelines for the Interim Assistance Housing Rehabilitation Program and the 945 445 446 947 447 ii II W ~~ INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page Concentrated Rehabilitation Iran and Grant Program, and approving new guidelines for the administration of said Programs . ......................... ................... 450 Oct. 2 -Resolution No. 343-78 Approving proposed contract between the City of Dubuque and its Library Board and The Durrant Group Inc ................................................ 451 " 2 -Resolutions No. 344-78, 345-78, 346-78, Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses .................................. 451. 952 " 16-Resolution No. 347-78 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., etc. for replacement of 21 windows in City Hall.. 455 " 16 -Resolution No. 398-78 Ordering Construction for replacement of 21 windows m City Hall .................................. 456 " 16 -Resolution No. 349-78 Awarding Contract to Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc. for replacement of 21 windows in City Hall...... 956 " 16 -Resolution No. 350-78 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specifications, etc. for 1978 Curb Replacement Project... 957 " 16 -Resolution No. 351-78 Ordering Construction for 1978 Curb :: Replacement Project ...................................... 958 _ . " 16 -Resolution No. 352-78 Awarding Contract for 1978 Czu•b Re- . placement Project ......................................... . 458 _ " 16- Resolution No. 353-75 Approving annexation of approx. 21.82 = acres as requested by Romae Inc. located west of Mercer Drive .................................................... 959 - " 16 -Resolution No. 354-78 Approving Financial Report for Fire & Police Retirement Systems for fiscal yeaz ending June 30, 1978 ..................................................... 460 " 16- Resolution No. 355-78 Terminating the existing Dubuque Advisory Commission.. .. ... .. .... 460 ,,..; " 16- Resolution No. 356-78 Supporting the Dubuque County/ Municipal Mutual Aid Agreement.... .... ... 461 ' " 16- Resolution No. 357-78 Final Estimate for Walsh (Parkway) ' Street Storm Sewer ....................................... 463 '~%` " 16- Resolution No. 358-78 Accepting Improvement for Walsh (pazk- ,~;, ' way) Street Storm Sewer . ... ... ........ ......... 463 " 16- Resolution No. 359-78 Authorizing the execution of contract with Durrant Group Inc. to provide azchitectural and engineer- ing services for Fire Station at 32nd St. and Central Ave...... 469 " 16- Resolution No. 360-78 Amending Resolution 95-78 by repealing t - Section 1 thereof and enacting a new Section 1 in lieu there- of establishing roadway width and right-of-way width of John F. Kemedy Road from Asbury to Wacker Drive, and Wacker ` Drive from John F. Kennedy Road to fhghway 20. 965 l ; :. " 16- Resolution No. 361-78 Declaring the policy of the City Council of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa on matters of roadway Planning and Land Development in the John F. - +' Kennedy Road Corridor .................................... 465 ~;; " 16- Resolutions No. 362-78, 363-78, 364-78 Granting Cigarette, . Beer & Liquor Licenses .................................... 965 , :vov. 6- Resolution No. 365-78 Authorizing City Manager to cause the structure known as and ]orated on Lot 161 Belmont Addn. (618 Elbow St J to be dismantled ............................ 474 - " 6- Resolution No. 366-78 Terminating the Interun Five Flags Theatre Commission, Five Flags Advisory Committee and Five Flags Task Force ......................................... 475 " 6- Resolution No. 367-78 Approving the plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot No. 17 of the Northeast '/+ of Section 13, T89N R2E of 5th PM (Linwood Cemetery) ................................... 476 " 6- Resolution No.----78 Annexing Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of Beverly Pines Sec. 2 Table Mound Township (John Kramer) (WITIIDRAWN) 477 " 6- Resolution No. 368-78 Authorizing Mayor to execute a Primary Road Extension Service Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Iowa DOT ............................ 477 " 6- Resolution No. 369-78 Approving the plat of Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Aspen Subdivision ...... .......................... 982 " 6- Resolution No. 370-78 Approving the plat of Lot 1, Lot 2 and INDEX -BOOK 108 ~97a SUBJECT - age Lot 3 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Linehein Subd . (Quinn) .............................. Nov 6-Resolution No.-371-78 Approving plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of '. ~ Wacker Drive Place" in the City (Yiannias) ................. " 484 6-Resolution No. 372-78 Approving the plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of "Stone Hill Community Subd. No. 1" and Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Lot 1 of Block 7 in "phase One of Stone Hill Community Subd. No. 1" (Sisters of St. Francis) .... 485 6-Resolution No. 373-78 Approving the plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of Southeast '/a Section 12, T88N R2E of 5th PM, Subd. of Lot 9 of Southeast '/+ and Subd. o[ Lot 5 of Southeast 4+ all in Section 12, T88N R2E of 5th PM (Grimes) ............ . " ~ 20-Resolution No. 374-78 Authorizing Clerk to publish notice of intent to dispose of interest in Lot 5 of Block 1 of River- front Sub. No. 5 to Donald J. Herbst........ .......... " 501 . 6-Resolution No. 375-78, 376-78, 377-78 Granting Cigarette Beer , & Liquor Licenses ....................................... " 490 .. 6-Resolution (Library Board) Requesting the Advertisement , Sale and Issuance of $3,180,000. General Obligation Library Bonds ........................ ..... " 6-Resolution No. 378-78 Providing for the advertisement 491 of E3,180,000. General Obligation Library Bonds ........ 491 " ..... ZO-Resolution No. 379-78 Declaring the City's intent to im pose a hotel-motel tax in the City of Dubuque .............. .... " 20-Resolution No. 380-78 Approving the A6-,:....~..t between 499 Dubuque Five Flags Center Commission and Building Com- mittee AND Loras College consisting of certain equipment for said Center . " 20-Resolution No. 381-78 Authorizing Execution of Capital ~ Assistance Grant with the Urban Mass Transportation Ad- ministration covering the purchae of certain equipment for the Transit Authority ............ ... . 20-Resolution No. 382-78 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an as-„~-•.~.••: with the Iowa DOT on issue relative to Freeway 561 Bridge . ......... ... .... " ZO-Resolution No. 383-78 Directing the Clerk to publish notice of 503 intent to dispose of SW'/z of Lot 52 and NE'/z of Lot 53 in Cooks Addn. by sealed bid.. ........ . " ZO-Resolution No. 384-78 A vi ~ E, Lots 1 thru 14, Block D and vacated Market Street Bying between Blocks D and E, all in Booths Addn ....... . " 20-Resolution No. 385-78 Directing the Cferk to publish notice of ~ approval of Lease and Agreement between Dock Commis- sioners and Conticarriers and Terminals, Inc ........... " r~r ...... 20-Resolutions 386-78, 387.78 Granting Beer and Liquor Licenses.. Dec 4-Resolutions No. 388-78 Providing for the Sale and Award of 506 $3,180,000. General Obligation Library Bonds and approvin g and authorizing the a,s_:.~...,..:. o[ such sale and awazd...... " 5pg ... 4-Resolution No. 389-75 Providing for the issuance of (3,180,000, General Obligation Library Bonds and rovidi f h p ng or t e levy of taxes to pay the same...... ...... ........ " 4-Resolution No. 390-78 Approving the plat of Block 3 and 512 Block 4 in "Knob Hill Grove" in the City of Dubuque (John Duggan).......... .. ........ " 4-Resolution No. 391-78 Accepting Warranty Deed from Conti- 521 Carriers & Terminals Inc. to the City of Dubuque for Lots 2 & 4 of Subdivision of Lots 1-21, Blk. E, Lots 1-14, Blk. D and , vacated Market St. Lying between Blks. D. & E all in Booth's Addn .. ......................... ......... " 4-Resolution No. 392-78 Approving Lease and Agreement to 522 lease certain real estate by and between the Board of Dock Comndasioners and ContiCarriers and Terminals, Inc........ " ~ .. 4-Resolution No. 393-78 Approving the disposal of interest of SW'/x of Lot 52 and NE'/z of Lot 53 in Cooks Addition in the City to Harbinger Corp ... ................................. 52A _d~ ~,.w- INDEX -BOOK ] 08 1978 SUBJECT Page Dec. 4 -Resolution No. 394-78 Approving disposal of interest in Lot 5 of Block 1 of River Front Sub. No. 5 to Donald J. Herbst..... 524 " 4 -Resolution No. 395-78 Approving a Tentative Five Year Street Construction Program and submitting same to the Iowa Department of Transportation .............................. 525 " 4 -Resolution No. 396-78 Authorizing publication of notice of Public Hearing for the purpose of revising the City of Dubuque's Citizen Participation Plan; to provide Citizens Opportunity to comment on the City's performance in Community Development to Date; to provide basic information regarding B-79-MC-19-0004 Block Grant Application.......... 527 " 4 -Resolution No. 397-78 Approving fmal Estimate for 17th St. Storm Sewer ............................................. 527 " 4 -Resolution No. 398-78 Accepting Improvement for 17th Street Storm Sewer ............................................. 528 " 4 -Resolution No. 399-78 Approving Final Esfvnate for Comiskey ; , .,: Pazk Parking Lot ......................................... . , 528 " 4 -Resolution No. 400-78 Accepting Improvement for Comiskey '-'_ Park Parking Lot ......................................... 528 .... " 4 -Resolution No. 401-78 Approving agreement by and between the City and Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne Inc. to render assistance m initiating a program of housing i...r.., ~~:....:...;, and rommunity development ................................... 529 " 4 -Resolution No. 402-78 Granting Liquor Licenses .............. 529 '~- " 4- Resolution No. 403-78 Authorizing the Mayor to sign the '~-' contract close out forms for the administration and operation of a Public Service Employment Program under Title IV ' of PL 93-303 for FY 78 ..................................... 530 " 18- Resolution No. 404-78 Authorizing the Sling of an application ~ with the Department of Transportation, United States oY America, for a Grant under the Urban Mass Transportation =is Act of 1964. as amended ................................... 533 ,;:; " 18- Resolution No. 405-78 Approving that wages and salary increases including fringe bene5ts for the City be limited to 7 percent of the 1980 Budget ............................... 534 4 " 18- Resolution No. 406-78 Approving the subdivision and plat of Lots 12 thru 19, inclusive, of "Jaeger Heights" in the City... 535 " 18- Resolution No. 907-78 Approving Final Estimate for Central Avenue at 17th SG Traffic Signal Improvements .............. 536 " 18- Resolution No. 406-78 Accepting L..r.., «;,...~..~ for Central Ave. ' at 17th St. Traffic Signal Improvements ..................... 536 " 18- Resolution No. 409-78 Approving the Memorandum of Under- t standing between the Dept. of Agriculture, State of Iowa and City of Dubuque regulating inspection and licensing of food service establishments, food establishments, food and beverage vending machines ~ and hotels and motels........... 542 " 18- Resolution No. 410-78 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 3 of Kelly's Bluff in the (,Sty of Dubuque....... 542 ' " 18- Resolution No. 411-78 Establishing a Community Development Commission for the City and approving bylaws of saw........ ~ 544 " 18- Resolutions No. 412-78, 413-78, 414-78, Granting Cigazettes, Beer & Liquor Licenses .................................... 544, 545 " 18- Resolution No. 415-78 Amending Local Public Works Projects to the Grant Agreement to permit the transfer of funds among the various projects ....................................... 595 INDEX -BOOK 108 197A SUBJECT Page Jan. 3-Storage and parking of automobiles in R-Districts, providing for same .......... ........ 3-Schultz, Eric A., relative to presale inspection........... ~ ~ ~ 5 g . 3-Sanders, H amage ~ ' arty, Notice of card claim " .................. 3-Siegert, Joseph et ux, acquiring land from sam g e .............. " 3-Solid Waste Agency, appointment to same 13 , .......... ;' 11-"Stone Hill, Phase Two" of same, approving plat ' 14 .............. 16-"Substance Abuse Prevention Week" proclaimed for Jan 15 . 15-21 ......... ..... ....... " 16-State Comptroller's Office requesting list of priority objectives " 17 lg . 16-Sheehy Drive, City Manager .:..............ding denial of Navy League for renaming street... ....... " 16-Schroeder, Sybil J., Notice of car damage claim. .. " 18 19 114 16-Sand, Eugene, Advising of denial of claim by Hartford Insurance ....... , ........ .... " 16-Spahn, E. H., Notice of caz damage claim 19. 429 ................... ' 16-Street excavations for 10 and 20 year street, Ordinance to be 20, 115 prepared for same ..... .......... " 16-Su rmarket Co ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I~ rp., refund on Cigarette License. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16-Sunset Ridge Drive Asphalt Paving Project " ........ 16-STREET BONDS, providing for issuance of same for Sunset ~ Ridge Dr. Asphalt Paving......... " 16-a~i~ttr r,i BONDS, providing for issuance of same of City of ~ Dubuque 1977 Asphalt Paving Project No 1 " . ................. 16-Senate File 336, supporting the passage of same. (Hotel-Motel Tax)...... .. .. 39 " 16-Sewer Line, Hawks Trailer Mobile Court ~ anted ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ rn sio to ~ by ~ connection onto same, subject to conditions ~ Manager.......... . Feb. 7-Solicitation of Formal Pro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~' w° tow o ~ d ~ r 47 for certain land m Do n n Urban Re ewal Proje ct authorizing same........... . " 7-Section 8 Eadsting Housing, Housing Convnission relative to 49 same ................ ...52, " 7-Sound System, Dave Liason relative to same in Cou il 184, 2116 nc Chambers ........ ......... " 7-Schmitt Harbor Municipal Boat Ramp Project completed " 5g . ..... 7-Spahn, Beverly J., Notice of car damage claim .............. " 7 62 114 .. -Schilt, Fred, Notice of caz damage claim " , ..... , .. . 7-Schmitt, Mrs. G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ary, Notice of Personal injury claim on behalf 63, 116 , of nunor Nancy Schmitt..... ...... . " 7-Specht, Robert T., requesting street light on lower end of Glen Oak Street..... ~ ..... " 7-Schlosser. Kevin. anted.Cr .............................:: rense 65, 85 . 20-"Sertoma s Freed m Week" F bt80th ~ . .............. " ZO-Schiltz Development Co & Sisters of ~ ~ ~ r'P• Presentation ~ requesting annexation........... ........... " 20-Stonehill Community Phase II t 75, 105 , wa er construction permit sub- mitted by DEQ .......... ... " 20-Schneider, John, Notice of car damage claim " ~ ............ ZO-Schroeder, Donald, appointed to Building Board of Appeals " S5, 116 8 .... 211-StrubP/jRichazd, arr.,...,.,,,] to Housing Rehabilitation Com- 6 mission .................................................. Mar. 13-"Senior Citizens Recognition Month", month of May ~ gg ........... 13-Schulz, Erie, of Dubuque Board of Realtors, relative to Building-Housing Department and Budget ,• ......... . 13-Si ......... gnahzation of 17th & Central Ave., ab-~;....~.,,, between City 88 and DOT far same... ........ ........... " 13-School Signals at E. 22nd St. & Windsor Ave., construction of same... 102 ..... ...............102.196, 942 13-Sherman, Dale W. and Beverly J., requesting Annexation. 106 " 13 .... -Smith & Felderman, requesting to purchase building at 550 W. Bth St .... ..........................................108.149.172 y,r- ~II_ ,i ~I ,; k- 1978 Apr. May June INDEX -BOOK los SUBJECT Page 13- Section 8 Existing Housing Program, setting date of public heazing for same .......................................... 109. 143 20- Schumacher, Earl, granted Beer Permit ..................... 126 20- Schute, Robert, requesting to excavate in Westmore St....... 127 20- Schultz, Mrs. Jean E., Notice of car damage claim............ 129 20- Beichert, Larry, Notice of car damage claim .................. 129 3- Service Station License Ordinance amendment to same........ 141 3- St. Patrick's Church granted Beer Permit and refund. ........ 150, 357 3- Schwers, James requesting refund on double payment of a building permit ........................................... 151 3- Separate Bid/Separate Contract, Plumbers & Pipefitters Local q66 relative to same .................................. 151. 355 3- Stemper, Janice M., Notice of car damage claim .............. 153 17- Schroder, Rev. Walter, invocation given by same ............. 158 17- "Sun Day" proclaimed for May 3rd .......................... 158 17- Snow Removal equipment for Airport, approving execution of an acceptance of a Grant Offer for development of same..... l6fi 17- Sewer, Walsh (Pazkway) Storm, construction of same.. .179, 199, 223 17- Schwers and Tschgffrie, P & Z approving fmal plat of Lots 1-18 m Babccek's Addn. as submitted by same......... .... 175 17- Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. 1, Phase Two, Block 2 and Blocks 3 thru 6 incl., plats ate,.. _ ~~:._ by P & Z. .... 177 17- Smith, Kayla, granted Liquor License & Refund.. .... 180, 379 17- Swift, Earl, Notice of sewer claim.... .. ..... 186, 412 17- Scaanel, John, requesting no diverters on Keyway............ 187 17- Solid Waste Agency Budget for FY'79 submitted by Public Works Director ........................................... 187 17- Sandven, Mrs. R. W., appointed to TV Cable Commission..... 187 1- Stefek, Rev. Robert, Invocation given by same ............... 191 1- Schfltz Development Corp.'s petition for reclassifying property rn Sunset Park Subd. No. 4 approved by P & Z. .. 205, 246 1 -Sigwarth, Rev. and John Waltz requesting completion of Diverter Project and green span ideas at 17th & Washington Streets... ...... ............ ... 210 1 -Schoen, John A. & Riggs Biochemical Corp., notice of personal injury claim .............................................. 212 1 -Schmaltz, Mrs. R. J., objecting to barrels on Keyway Dr. _ ... 213 1 -Sand, Donald T., refund on Cigarette Incense & Liquor License 213, 235 1 -Swift, Tom, 5na1 plat approved by P & Z of Equestrian Heights 214 15 -Seventeenth Street to remain open .............. ........ 221 15 -Shive-Hattery & Associates submitting proposed Dubuque Industrial Park Proposal. ...... ...........222. 256 , 285, 453 15 -Schultz, Vern objecting to an Industrial Area between the proposed Frceway and Radford Road ........................ 222 15 -Solid Waste Agency, Public Works Director requesting monies to fmance study on preliminary design, cost and revenues for a resource recovery facility for same ........................ 226 15 -Schulz, Eric, objecting to fees for inspection of multiple dwellings ................................................ 227 15 -Shaffer, William Paul, granted Cigarette License ............. 230 15 -Shively, Mary, awarding of personal injury settlement........ 231 15 -Street Dept., Dock Commission requesting to merge with same 232 15 -Schultz Development requesting vacation of portion of a 45 foot wide easement over and across Lot 1 of 2 of Byrne's Subd.. 232, 251 5 -Street Construction program, tentative 3 year, submitting same to Iowa Department of Transportation ................. 264 5 -"Sunset Park Sub. No. 4" P & Z.approving fmal plat of same.266, 278, 280 5 -Schutz, Vern, relative to final plats of Byrnes Sub. and Sunset Park Sub. No. 4 . .......................................266.278.281 5 -Sehneller, Mathias, granted Cigarette License ................ 267 5 -Sheppley Co., W. S., granted Cigarette License.. ..... 267 5 -Schurboq Pamela, granted Cigarette License.... ...... 267 5 -Sack, Mary, requesting no permanent barricades on Pennsylvania & Keyway . ..... .. .... ..... ........ 269 5 -Schultz, Robert J., requesting to excavate at 321 Booth and W. 32nd Street ........................................... 274 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT page " June 6 -Staff submitting Operation Report on Waste Water Treatment Facility .................................................. 276 " 19 -San Jose Pool, approving lease agreement with Loss College for use of same for period of June 1, 1978 to May 31, 1980...... 282 '~ 19 -Streett & Company, J. D., granted Cigarette License......... 290 •, 19 -Schute, Ibnald J., granted Cigarette License ................ 290 ~: " 19 -Sheldon, Linda granted Cigarette License & Liquor License.... 290, 452 19 -Shaffer. William, granted Cigarette License .................. 290 ~ ' 19 -Schnee, Steven T., granted Cigarette License & Liquor License 291, 506 ~ 19 -Savery, John L., granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses........ 290, 292 •. 19 -Sears-Roebuck Co., granted Cigarette License ............... 290 ~•. 19 -Shanahan, Francis J., granted Cigarette License . ............ 290 19 -Smith, Steve, granted Cigarette License ..................... 290 ' 19 -Stewart, Gary, granted Cigarette License ................... 290 " 19 -Sutter, Joseph, granted Cigarette License ................... 290 19 -Siefker, Jack, granted Cigarette License ..................... 290 ~" -. -- ' 19 -Schueller, Rita, granted Cigazette License ................... 290 ` 19 -Sunnycrest Manor granted Cigarette License ................. 290 " 19 -Schlosser, Kevin J., granted Cigarette License .... ......... 291 ' 19 -5u•loin Stockade Inc., granted Cigarette License & refund... 291, 357 - 19 -Spiegelhalter, Melvin granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses..291 , 292, 393 19 -Stecklein, Kenneth granted Cigarette License ................ 291 " 19- Steiner. Terry L., granted Liquor License ........ ......... 292. 545 19- Schollmeyer, Paul, granted Liquor License ................... 292 ' 19- Spofford, Bill, objecting to diverters on Keyway Dr........... 293 19- Sweeney, Constance M., Notice of sewer damage claim........ 295, 411 July 3- State Agreement for Primary Road Extension Maintenance for . period of July 1, 1978 thru June 30, 1979 submitted by City p. Manager ................................................. 310 " 3- State Comptroller advising of adjusting FY'79 Budget Certificate to reflect valuation subject to property tax. .... _ . 310 3- Shipton's Addn., Re-subdivision of portion of same, Planning & Zoning approving plat of same. 321 „ 3- Schmitt, Joseph, relative to election providing for im- 4 provements to Pubhc Library .............................. 325 i '• ' 3- Schumacher, Earl. granted Cigarette License ................ 326 t ' 3- Smith, Lowrie E., granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses....... 326, 490 i ~ 3- Securities Building Corp. granted Beer Permit ............... 326 t ~ _, 3- Sehiltz Development Corp., relative to location of Northwest ?j€,° " Arterial Highway ......................................... 327 3- Sageville, Town, relative to location of Northwest Arterial ,. I-Bghway.... . _ ..... ...... ........ ....... 327 I ~ 3- Scott, Roger, relative to location of Northwest Arterial Highway ................................................. 327 _'* 3- " Schuver, Joseph W., Notice of caz damage clavn .............. 329 ' . 17- Stuckland, Dennis, objecting to portions of City of Dubuque ' ~ 1978 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1 .......................... ~ _, , 17- Schekel. AI, objeMing to paving project ..................... 333 17- Solomon, Chesteq resigning from Transit Board .............. 352 " 17- SnoMad Ski Club requesting funds to construct building at :,. Veteran's Memorial Ski Hill on 32nd St ...................... 354, 422 ~. 17- Site Gas Station, property owners adjacent to same, Council ~,. Member Brady requesting relief far same regarding fumes..... 355 - rr°': 17- Sertoma Club requesting assistance in du•ecting traffic N 4th & ,;, " White Street area on August 10th ................. ... 355 :,.: 17- Sheehan, Dennis by Giellis Insurance Agency, notice of motorcycle damage claim .................................. 356 17- State Automobile & Casualty Underwriters, on behalf of client - " Melvin L. Arensdorf, Notice of personal property damage claim 356 17- Senior Citizens expressing appreciation for Senior Citizens ~" Recognition Month....... , , , , _ . _ . , ~rq ~,, Aug. 7- Study, Data Processing, approving same to be done by Sr. Kenneth Keller . ........ ....... ...... ...... 370 7- Shive-Hattery contract for preliminary investigation of western industrial site. City Manager relative to same ................ 370 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page " 7- St. Columbkille's Parish granted Beer Permit & Refund....... 374, 429 " 7- Sertoma Club requesting to sell light bulbs on Sept. 23. _ ..... 375 " 7- Sprenglemeyeq Julius, relative to installation of storm sewer on W. Third & Pazkway ................................... 375 " 7- Seventh Day Adventist Church requesting to solicit funds..... 375 " 7- Saint Anthony Messenger requesting to solicit subscriptions... 377 " 7- Simon, Thomas, relative to insurance liability collected........ 378 " 21- Sexton, Darlene, granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses........ 392, 393 " 21- Simon, Kenneth, granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License.... 393, 408 " 21- Schiltz Sub. No. 2, DEQ subndtting water main construction permit for same ........................................... 394 Sept. 5- Street Finance Report for June 30, 1977 to June 30, 1978 submitted ................................................ 397 " 5- Schiltz Development Corp., agreement with same for R.E.T. Sanitary Sewer ........................................... 397 " 5- South Fork Sanitary Sewer completed by Tri-State Paving co.. 401 ° 5- Schroeder, Richard J., requesting vacation of alley between 475 and 481 on Lowell Street ............................... 409 " 5- State Auditor's Report for FY'77 submitted by City Manager.. 410 " 5- St. Anthony's Parish requesting to block off Rosedale Ave. on Sept.24th ............................................. 411 " 5- Schroeder, Gary R., denial of backed-up sewer claim.......... 411 " 5- Swan, David G., denial of eaz damage claim .................. 412 " 5- Smith, Jane, denial of caz damage claim ..................... 412 - " 5- Steger, Lonnie, denial of property damage clavn .............. 412 " 18- Schneider, Constance, objecting to rezoning Powers Property at 3061 Asbury Rd ........................................ 415 " 18- Sandberg, Paul, objecting to rezoning at 3061 Asbury Rd...... 415 " 18- Schmitt, Al, in favor of rezoning of Diamond Milwaukee St. area ......................... .... ........ ....... .. 416 " 18 -Screening of all businesses, (Sty Solicitor directed to Ordinances regazding same ................................ 416 " 18 -Sigwarth, Robert, approving sale of portion of Srunskill's Addn.to same ............................................ 422. 436 " 18 -Seastrand, Charles W., Notice of ear damage claim........... 430 " 18 -Safece requesting reimbursement relative to claim filed by Milo Soukop .............................................. 430 Oct. 2 -Schuster, Edward J., requesting limited expansion of the YM-YWCA facility ........................................ 434 ~ " 2 -Senior High School requesting to conduct H.,...<.......:ng Parade on Oct.6th ............................................... 440 " 2 -Sehockemcehl, A1, relative to disbanding of Citizens Advisory Comnssion .............................................. 446 " 2 -State Board of Health submitting .___.__.~..dations relative to City's swimming pools ................................... 452 , " 16 -Secondhand Dealers, providing for the definition of same...... 460, 473 " 16 -Sidewalks to be constructed as part of widening of J.F.K. Rd.. 464 " 16 -Sunnycrest Manor Health Care Facility granted Cigarette License &Refund ......................................... 466, 507 " 16 -Solomon, Charlotte, resigning from Historical Preservation ~ Commission .............................................. 467 i. " 16 -Schuster, Harold, objecting to proposed TV rate increase...... f 467 " 16 -Stazr, Mary, objecting to proposed TV rate increase.......... f 467 " 16 -St. George Sub., DEQ submitting extended water main permit for same ................................................. 467 " 16 -Stonskas, Shirley Anne, notice of personal injury claim........ 467 Nov. 6 -StonehiB Subd. No. 1, rezoning portion of same ............... 470 " 6 -Schcen's Antiques, relative to definition of secondhand dealer r definition ................................................ 473 " 6 -Setter, Atty. David, for Donald J. Herbst, requesting to ' purchase Lot 5 of Block 1 Riverfront Sub. No. 5 .............. 474, 501 " 6 -Sigwarth, Werner, relative to dismanhing building at 689 W. 8th St.(Lucasl ............................................ 475 ` " 6 -Spring Valley Rd., Beeca Tucker requesting "Slow or Children _ Playing'sign on same ..................................... 477 INDEX -BOOK lOs '978 SUBJECT Page Nov. 6-Simpson & Fremont Ave., relative to stop sign at same........ " " 480 Ogg 6- Stone Hill Community Subd. No. 1" fmal plat of portion , of same approved by P & Z ... .............................. " 6-Smith, F. H., Construction, requesting to excavate in Hillcrest ~ Road ........................... " 6-Sea Food Shanty granted Cigarette & Beer Permit 490 ............ " 8-Scott, Sandralee, appointed to Human Rights Commis i 4gp s on, .... " 8-Slattery, Nancy appointed to Civic Center Conmussion 495 . (RESCINDED) .............. ........ ~~ 496 .... 20-Stark, Dr. James relative to impoundment on Dog Ordinance 500 .. 20-Sutton, Paul R., objecting to agreement between Five Flags Civic Center and Loras College for equipment in Center.. " 5p2 ..... 20-Shive-Hattery Assce., approving proposed contract with same for study of bus garage facility and City Gara e g .............. " 20-Sewage Disposal Works Audit Report for Ju]y 1 19TT thru 503 , June 30, 1978 submitted ............. ~ .. Dec. 4-Sherman, Dale, requesting rezoning of 1366 Southern Ave . from AG to R-2 ... ........... ............ " 4-Street wnstruction program, tentative 5 year, submitting 517 same to DOT ..................... " 4-Steffan, Thomas R., requesting streetlight on W. 32nd St...... " 525 525 534 4-Storm Sewer for 17th Street completed " , ...................... 18-State Dept. of Agriculture and City of Dubuque, approving Memorandum of Understandin betw f 527 g een same or regulating inspection and licensing of food service establishments , food estabhshments, food and beverage vending machines and hotels and motels. ........ " 18-Staudenraous, Rose, Notice of car damage claim " ~ ............. . 18-Security at Airport, Joseph Lytle o£ Hawkeye Security Agency Sq6 relative to same ................. .... " 18-Schaffert, Les of Pinkerton, Inc. relative to securit at Y Auport. 547 547 INDEX -BOOK los 1978 SUBJECT Pagr T Jan. 3 Tully, Thomas A., Jr., appointed Mayor for year 1978.. .. 2 " 3- "The Telegraph-Herald" designated official newspaper. .. 2 " 3- Tujetsch, Voilet A., Notice of personal injury claim. .. ... 7, 236 " 3- "Tri-Co. Inc. Place No. 1" and "Tri-Co. Inc. Place No. 2", approving plats of same .................................... 11, 12 " 16- Timmerman, Approving annexation of same by correcting Resolution No. 275-TT.... ....... .... ... ....... 21, 55 " 16- Tri-State Flite Services Inc. requesting to lease additional land at Airport for second hangar . ...... ... .... ..... Z6 " 16- Tri-State Ind r_. ~__t Blind Society requesting to conduct candy sale during February and March, 1978 ................. Z6 " 16- "Timber Ridge Addition, Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1, Block 5" amending Resolution No. 4TT-TT approving the plat of same .................................................... 41 " 16- Thoms, Allan T., appointed chairman of Industrial Land Task Force .................................................... 93 " 16 -Tri-State Paving completing construction of Pedestrian Ramps. 94 " 16 -Thompson's Food Markets Inc. granted Beer Permit.. .. ... 96 " 16 -Trenkle Building, City Manager relative to utilization of same. 57 Feb. 7 -Tujetsch, Thomas J., Notice of car damage claim... .. ..... 62, 547 " 7 -Tschudi, Michael & Connie, Notice of personal property damage ..... ..... .. ....... ... ..... ......... 63, 412 " 7 -Takos, Peter Jr., requesting vacation and right to purchase platted 20' alley in Industrial Sub. No, 2. (WITHDRAWN)..... 65, 111 " 20 -Tri-State Paving Co. awarded contract for Removal and Disposal of Silt and Debris from the W. 32nd St. Detention Basin .................................................... 74 " 20 -The Apartments granted Liquor License. .... ....... 79 " 20 -Thompson's Food Market granted Beer Permit ............... 79 " 20 -"Takos Place", approval of correction plat. ....... . " 20 -Tenth St., one way between White and Central, Council Member Brady requesting . ....... ... ... ..... 82 " 2D -Timber Ridge, water and sewer permits submitted by DEQ.... 84 Mar. 13 -THERMOLYNE CORP. granted extension ................... 89, 123 " 13 -Transfer of Community Development Block Grant Funds, providing for same ...................... ................. 93 " 13 -Traffic Signal Improvement at Central Ave. & 17th St..101, 145, ZO1, 536 " 13 -Teleprompter Cable TV advising of no liability exposure involved in personal injury claim of Bernice Ostrander......... 112 " 20 -Tacker, James R., Notice of car damage claim ................ 129 " 29 -Thermolyne Corp., approving Buy and Sell Agreement with same .................................................... 134 " 29 -Thermolyne Corp., Approving option ab_:.:._..:.._t with same.... 134, 156 Apr. 3 -Tatoo Parlors and operating same, Ordinance prohibiting same. 142, 163 " 3 -Transit Trustee Board submitting minutes of their meetings. ...155. 234. 272. 328. 3TT, 411. 952, 507. 546 " 17 -Tri-State F7ite Services, Inc., approving lease with same approved by Airport Conunission for leasing certain airport r..,r...:., ................................................. 165. 196 " 17 -Tschiggfrie and Schwers, P & Z approving final plat of Lots 1-18 in Babcock's Addn. submitted by same .............. 175 " 17 -"Twin Ridge Subdivision No. 3", approving plat of same submitted by Ray Mueller .................................. 182 " 17 -Thibadeau, Bertrand L., requesting to divide Lot 2 of Lot 49 near 821 Cleveland Ave .................................... 184, 274 " 17 -Taverns, Council Member Brady requesting consideration for rezoning properties for same .........................187, 195, 234, 271 " 17 -TV Cable Commission, appointments to same ................. 187 " 26 -THERMOLYNE CORP., accepting warranty deed from same for real estate described as `Lot 1 of Block 14, Block 13 and Lot 1 of Block 12 all in River Front Sub. No. 3............ 189 May 1 -Tri-State Paving awarded contract for 1978 Asphalt Patching Project .................................................. 198 " 1 -Tropf, LaVon Mary, Notice of car damage claim .............. 212, 369 INDEX -BOOK tOS ~ 978 SUBJECT Pagr May 15-Tot Lot on 17th St., John Waltz relative to same ........... " 221 ... 15-Tri-State Paving Co., awarded contract for Walsh (Parkway) Street Storm Sewer............ .. ......... ...... 221 ,. 15-Tippe, Fred, objecting to fees for inspection of multiple dwellings . ......... - ..... ...... 15-Tegeler, Eazl, granted Beer Permits & Cigarette Licenses..231 227 291 545 15-Tigges, Richard, granted Liquor License and Cigarette License , , 231 267 - 15-Takos, Yeter J., resigning from Housing Code Revising Comnittee . , ........ ..... ............ " 15-Thompson's Food Market, refund on Beer Permit ...... 235 23g ....... June 5-Transfer of Funds, approving same. ~ ~ 5-Thoms, Allan, regarding dissolving Mayor's Industrial ' _, ' Development Taek Force. ....... ' ~ ~- :: 5-Thompson s Food Markets Inc., granted Cigazette Licenses. .. 267 ` ... 5-Transcelle, Inc.. granted Cigarette License ............... .. . 5-Tschiggfrie, Raymond, granted Cigarette License .......... 267 ~ ... " 5-Tail N Ale granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses & Refund...268 291 453 _ , 19-Tressel, Allen C. granted Cigarette License ................. " , 2gp . 19-Triangle Investment Inc., granted Cigarette License and Beer Permit ... .......... .... 19-Taco John Inc., granted Cigarette License & Refund.......... 291. 451 290 531 ~~~ 19-Traffic Signal installations anticipated in the future for the , '~ City, City Manager relative to same ..................... ~ ~ , ... . 28-Transit Trustee Board authorized to file an application with - ~~ the Iowa DOT for state transit assistance funds ......... " ~ ...... 28-Transit Authority directed to reinstitute all services recently , cut ............................. ......... July 3-Timber Ridge Addition, approving vacation of utility easement 306.468 ,; ~; in same.. ......... 3-Tri-State Paving Co., awarded contract for Hamilton Glen 311 r (RET Inc.) Sanitary Sewer ........ ....... .... ., 313 " - ... 3-Trauseh Baking Co., granted Cigarette License. . . ~ _ '' 3-Tobin, Thomas H., relative to location of Northwest Arterial .. Highway. ........ .. ...... .. ....... 17-"Town Clock Plaza" designating and naming portions of same 32T for certain rights-of-way ................................... 344 .. 17-Transit Board Members resigning ............ . 352 I 17-Transit Board Ordinance. Council Member Brady requesting revision of same........ _ ... _ " 17-Terrace Heights Subd., water runoff, Wayne Manternach 352 ~ relative to same .................. ~ 17-Transit Board appointments ............. 3 97 . , .... , Aug. 7-Tri-State Paving Co. awarded contract for Comiskey Park , , Pazking Lot.......... . ~ 7-Tri-State Paving Co. awarded contract for 1978 Asphalt Pavin g Project No. 1........ .................... " 367 7-Traffic Signals fmm Central Ave. to Elm St. completed.. 367 ...... Sept. 5-Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen and Payne, Inc. fu~m to assist in ' development and execution of the components of Community Development Program .............. ...... " 401 . 5-Transit Board, Ao_ _:...,~,,, for Assistance Grant Contract with the Urban Mass Transportation Administration ............. ' 403 .. 18-Topeka Inn Management, Inc., granted Liquor License....... , " 18-Theisen Addn., DEQ granting water main and sewer extensio 428 n permits to same ........................................... 429, 967 Oct. 2-Tully, Thomas A., Jr., appointed to AdHoc Committee to ~ promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum .............. . " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2-Tschiggfrie Excavatin ~ ~ ~ g granted right to construct frontage road along Highway 20 between Ramada Inn & Cedaz Cross Road ................ " 2-"Trick or Treat" Night to be observed Oct. 31 ................ 4 ' ~ q5J 53 16-Tri-State Paving awarded contract for 1978 Curb Replacement , Project .............. 16-TV rates. objections to raising same 458 ' ......................... 16-Tippe, Fred, requesting amendment to Plumbing Ordinance 967 jb;,. regarding experience for Plumbing Inspectors ................ 46g _ _ _ ,.... i~ INDEX -BOOK 108 F 1978 SUBJECT Page t Nov. 6- Toth, Leslie, relative to definition of secondhand dealer definition. .... ...... ......... ........... 473 ' " 6- Tucker, Becca, requesting "Slow or Children Playing" sign at l ~ 3106 Spring Valley Rd ..................................... 477 " 6- Timpe, Karen, Notice of car damage claim ..... ............ 493 f ~" " 8- Thompson, Edna, appointed to Community Development ~ ~* Commission .............................................. 494 " 8- TV Cable Commission appointments ............. 495 t # " 8- Torgler, Larry, appointed to Human Rights Commission....... 495 ) " 8 Totty, Bill, appointed to Library Board.... .... .... 495 t " ZO- "Thanksgiving, Official Day of November 23rd. .. .... 496 " ZO- Trueblood, Recreation Director, relative to feasibility study for F.D.R. Park by Cullen, Kilby, Carolan & Assoc... ...... 502 S " 2D- Transit Manager advising of approval of City's Capital 1 r ,. Assistance Grant Application ............................... 502 `" " 20- Transit Manager submitting proposed contract covering ' y engineering study with Shive-Hattery Assoc. for bus garage ~y -' facility. (To include City Garage) ........................... 503 ,• 20- T:......e.,...'s Food Market granted Beer Permit ............... 506 ... " 20- Town Clock Inn granted Liquor License ..................... 506 " 20- Transit System Audit report for Julyl, 1977 thrn June 30, 1978 1 submitted ................................................ 508 Dec. 4- The Northern Trust Co., awarded bid for General Obligation Library Bonds ............................................ 509 ~ " 4- Tentative 5 year street construction program, submitting same to DOT .................................................. 525 " 4- Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen R Fayne, Inc., approving Ab........,...t with same for initiating a program of housing improvement and communit develo ment. Y P 529 l " 18 -Telegraph Herald, City Attorney, relative to Writ of ' Mandamus filed by same ................................... 532. 546 " 18 -Transit Manager submitting application to Urban Mass ~ Transportation Act for financial assistance of operating cost _ of transit system .......................................... 533 1 i 19%H INDEX -BOOK 108 SUBJECT V Paq: Jan. 3 -USS Dubuque extending holiday greetings ............... 4 Feb. 7 ... . -URBAN RENEWAL Land, authorizing the solicitation of ' 20 formal proposals for designation as developer for same.......49, 137, 219 -U.S. Corps of Engineers advising Inland M l C o asses o. filed application for expansion of existing dock facilities........ g 5 Mar. 13 " .... -UAW Local 94 requesting revenue sharing funds for elderly... , gg 20 -URBAN RENEWAL Land, Authorizing expenditures of Community Development Block Grant Funds for purchase Apr. 17 of same. ..... .. ...........125, 144 -Uthe, Chas., relative to sewer drainage in Maplewood Ct , 187, 275 . and Meadowood Dr. area......... ........ 163 17 .. -University of Dubuque property at 800 Auburn, P & Z " approving reclassifying same .............................. 164 17 . -Union St., vacation portion of, requested by Ronald Blakeman " and Ronald Nowack........... .... 183 17 Ma 1 ... -Ungs St., residents objecting to use of same by school busses.. Uhl i h II 184, 235 y - r c eetric Co. awarded contract for Central Ave. at 17th " St. Traffic Signal Improvements ............................ ZOl 15 -Uelner Precision Tools and Dies Inc., F. H., objecting to " divertcrs at 17th & Washington ............. ' ~ 15 -Upholsterer s Union objecting to diverters on 17th St... June 19 ..... . -U of D granted Cigarette License ..................... 291 July 3 ' ...... -URBAN RENEWAL LAND, approving final plat of same...... 322 340 17 Aug. 7- -Urban Renewal Project Area, dedicating certain lots in same... Ungs, Leo, Administrator of Institutional Account i , 342 s, request ng Real Estate Tax Suspensions . •' 21- " .............................. .,Union Label Week", Sept 4th to 10th ................... 370 ~ Zl- ... U of D, Noe H arper objecting to proposed Student Parking Sept 5- Lot by same .............. ..... "United Way Campaign Time" Sept. 7th thru Oet 31st 394, 410 18- Oct. 2- . ........ U of D requesting H.....~_,,...:ng parade on Oct. 21st........... USS Dubuque, 1977 Cruise Book for same submitt d ~ 423 " 16- e .......... U of D requesting to have a bonfue on October 20... 4,52 462 Nov. 20- " Udelhofen, Mona, requesting amendment to Dog Ordinance. 500 20- ... Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Capital Assistance Grant with same, authorizing the execution ............ r~ Dec. 4- ...... U.S. Corps of Engineers advising of dredging permit applied " for by Beecher Sand Ltd ................... ....... 530 18- ....g Urban Mass Transportation Act, Transit submittin MBr application to same for finan i l i c a ass stance for operating cost of transit system ...... " 18- ................................ United Way seeking positive acceptance of proposal for consideration of a fmancial plan to establish a comprehensive 533 information and referral service for this area ................ . 544 t IL .! it` _e 1978 INDEX -BOOK t08 SUBJECT PaKc INDEX -BOOK 108 197a SUBJECT W Page 18 Jan. 3 -Wertzberger, Richard, appointed Mayor Pro-Tem........ 2 Notice of car dam claim ................... Jan. 16-Vogt, Mary Jo, age roclaimed week of l" N ti k 3 -Wertzberger, Richard appointed to Dubuque County Land Use P li p ona a , Feb. 7-"Vocational Educational Wee 49 o cy Committee........... ..... 19 Feb. 12-18 .............. ~ ~ ~ ~ " 7-Vesperman, Bertha, Notice of car damage claim .............. ~ ~• 507 ~ 16 -Walnut Street, Rhonda Kronfeldt requesting Community Development Funds be used for resurfacing same with brick... 93 " 13-Vacancies on Boards and Commissions, appointments far same ~ Feb. 7 -Walteq Jan, relative to Community Development Block Grant ............................. requested .............. .. _ ° 20-Vacating portion of Levi Street, requested by Frank Kelly..... 25. 71, 89 _ „ 7 Funds. .................................................. -West 32nd St. Detention Basin, removal and disposal of silt 51 Maz. 13-Visiting Nurse Assn. requesting revenue sharing funds for ~ .and debris from same ............. ....58,72, 166 ..................... y ................... elder) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ f t 7 -Water Treatment Plant Expansion, DEQ Procedures for adding o " 13-Voss, Roger, representing Firefighters, objecting to cu ~ - fluoride relative to condition m same....... . 61 three firemen in Budget. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 13-VFW requesting to conduct Buddy Poppy Sale on May 19 & ZO '~ 112 ~~ 7 7 -Welbes, Joseph J., Notice of caz damage claim ............... -Walser Movers Inc., Notice of claim against Crewalasters Inc.. 63 64 Apr. 3-Vacating of McKinley Avenue requested by Brian Colby....... 151 , 7 -Wernecke, Dale, Notice of Suit for petition to quiet title for " 17-Vacating portion of Union St., requested by Ronald Nowack _ 376 183 : portion of vacated Bellevue Street......... . ..... ... ~` ....... ....... and Ronald Blake~ran.... .......... , , ~ 20 -WATER PLANT OPERATOR Exams. Civil Service Com- " 17-Vallet Poultry. Dock Commission relative to proposed sewer 184 mission submitting results ................................. 82 ~ line agreement request from same ............... ~ 20 -Walkathon on April 9th, requested by March o£ Dimes........ 84 " 26-Voggenthaler, E. J. Co., expressing interest to acquu'e 189 2p -Walter, Patrick E., Notice of car damage claim............... 85, 116 portions of Petrakis Park... May 1-Vacating 30 foot wide railroad right-of-way easement N Lot 1 " Maz. 13 13 -West Side Manor Subd., approving final plat of portion of same -Winsor, Richard, granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License.... 98 103 290 .. of Block 12 and in Block 13 of "River Front Subdivision No. 3 ~2 13 -Washington Too] Library, Community Development Com- , " 1-Voggenthaler, E. J. Co., DOT advising of alternatives being 214 mission submitting resume on same.... .. .. 111 considered for proposed Highway 11561 as would affect same... ZO -West End Neighborhood by Attorney Bertsch, relative to " 15-Vacating portion of a 45 foot wide easement over and across improvements on J.F.K. Rd. ... ...... .... 118 Lot 1 of 2 of Byrne's Subd. as requested by Schiltz 232 ~ 20 -Walsh, Jim, relative to improvements on J.F.K. Rd...... 118 Development. ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, 20 -Will-Co, Inc. granted Beer Permit and Cigarette License. .. 126, 267 June 5-Vacating alley in Brunskill Addition requested by Rose ~ *,~ Apr. 3 -Wilkinson, Rev., invocation by same... ........ ... 1 37 Wilhelm by Gibson Realtors ..................... 422 435 .;~. 291 3 -Wild, Velma H., Notice of personal injury claim.............. 154 " 19-Village Inn Rest., granted Cigazette License ................. ~ E:. ~ l 17 -Walsh (Parkway) Storm Sewer, construction of same...174, 199, 223, 463 " 19-Vincent, Brian, granted Cigarette License ................... [ .:. 17 -Weiser, Rick, objecting to school busses on Ungs Street....... 184 " 19-Valentine, Diek, reference on water run-off from Terrace ~ , ~..;:' 17 -Wertzberger, Council Member requesting review on Railroad .............................. Heights Subd........ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- 311 crossings, Pazking signs on North Booth at alley between July 3-Vacating of utility easement in Timber Ridge Addition........ 328 University and W. 5th, control of pazking in private lots....... 184 " 3-Valeria St., John Kirkpatrick requesting street light on same.. 17 -Wolter, Daniel, Notice of car damage claim. 185, 237 " 3-Vacating parts of West 6th St., Iowa St. and a public 322 340 - ^ 17 -Wolter, Lowell, Notice of car damage claim .................. 185, 238 alley in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area.......... , , 17- West 11th St. Neighborhood, relative to Bridge Connections... 187 " 17-Valentine, Leonard A., Notice of flood damage claim.......... 356 17- Welu, Daniel E., appointed to Police & Fire Pension & Aug. 7-Vacating portion of Alta Vista St., requested by John ~~ Retirement Board ......................................... 187 ............. Grotjohn ............................... 376, 393 394 376 May 1- "Women's Recreation Assn. Awareness Week" May 13-17..... 191 ' 21-Vacating portion of alley requested by Mrs. Ross Morley...... , 1- Washington Neighborhood Council requesting completion of Sept. 5-Vacating portion of alley between 475 &481 Lowell Street ~ ~ diverter project and green span idea at 17th & Washington Sts. 210, 220 requested by Richard J. Schroeder ......................... . ' 411 • 1- West 11th St. Neighborhood relative to Neighborhood tour on Brien. „ 5-Vacating portion of Aspen St., requested by James A. O May 7th .................................................. 210 16-Vacating portion of Aspen Street requested by F. Paul Loes... Oct 462 1- Wastewater Treatment Plant, DEQ submitting amended . 6-Vacating of alley adjacent to 1750 Avoca St. requested by Nov operation permit for same .................................. 211 . Darlene Coomes... ....................... 474 504 1- Wilgenbusch, Rev. Lyle, Notice of car damage claim.......... 212 " 20-Vacated Market Street, approving plat of portion of same...... 15- Wendel, Rev. Margaret, invocation given by same............ 219 Dec. 18-Vogel, George, Notice of personal injury claim ............... . " " 15- Washington St. Diverters, objections to same ................ 220 15- Wilwert's Harley-Davidson Sales objecting to diverters at 17th & Washington ............................................ 220 " 15- Waltz, John relative to diverters and tot lot on 17th St........ 221 15- Walgreen Co., granted Beer Permit and Cigarette License..... 231, 267 ~~. 15- Weber, Albert M., Notice of car damage claim .............237, 239, 329 June 5- White, John, relative to approval of final plats of portions of Byrnes Subd. and Sunset Pazk Subd. No. 4 ................ 266 .• 5- Wong. Chuck. granted Cigarette License .................... 267 " 5- Weber, Alice B., granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit.... 257, Z68 " 5- WIlhelm, Rosemary, requesting to vacate alley in Brunskill Addition ...............................................269. 422.436 " 5- West 11th St. Neighborhood requesting to purchase home at 567 Arlington St. to use as neigh:.------ center............270, 289, 354 ° 5- Water Treatment Plant Expansion, DEQ submitting supple- 9 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page ment to construction permit for modification of the Fluoride Installation of same . ...................................... 272 " 5- Whitehead, Mrs. John C., Notice of sewer claim .............. 273, 411 " 6- Waste Water Treatment Facility, Staff submitting report on operation of same . ........................................ 276 " 19- Woods Colonel, relative to National Guard Armory........... 289 " 19- Wareco System of Iowa, granted Cigarette License. ... 291 " 19- Woolworth's Store, granted Cigarette License. ... .. 291 " 19- Willenborg, Bazney granted Cigarette & Liquor Licenses. 291, 292, 491 " 19- West End Neighbors requesting to block off Clifford St. on July 16th ................................................. 292 " 19- Weig, Tom, objecting to diverters on Keyway Dr...... _ ..... 293 July 3- "Welcome Wagon Week" July 16th .......................... 307 ' 3- "Westchester Subdivision" approving plat of portion of same and rezoning . ............ ..... ....... ........ 319, 359 " 3- Wetter, David J., granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. 326, 530 " 3- White, Wm. J., relative to location of Northwest Arterial Hwy. 327 " 3- West End Business & Professional Assn. relative to location of Northwest Arterial Highway ............................. 327 " 3- Wallis Co., requesting building at Locust & Bluff Sts. be declared historical and architecturally significant ............. 328, 337 " 17 -Weber, Wm., objecting to portions of Paving Program........ 333 " 17 -Wdwert, Dorothy J., objecting to paving of E. 19th St........ 334 " 17 -Weber, Mike, relative to purchasing property at 567 Arlington Street .......... .... ........ ...... 354 " 17 -Woodward, Dock Commissioner, relative to sb. ~.....,...~s with Dock Commissioner and ContiCarriers and Dubuque Barge & Fleeting... 354 Aug. 7 -' Westview Shopping Center Place", approving final plat of same. (Link) ........................... ... .. .... 371 " 7 -Wisconsin DOT submitting finding, determination relating to location, financing and construction of interstate bridge. .... 374 " 14 -Wastewater Treatment Facility and the Water Utility, Financial Summaries submitted for same .................... 381 " 21 -Walsh, John, relative to expansion m C-6 Districts............ 384 Sept. 5 -Wagner TV requesting restricted pazking on Delhi St. during construction of Finley Hospital ...........................410 , 463. 479 " 18 -Wahlert High School requesting to conduct Homecoming Pazade on Sept. 21st ...................................... 423 " 18 -Westermeyer, Mrs. relative to dismantling building at 677 W. 8th St. (Lucas) .423, 475, 522 " 18 -Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Terminal Street Force Main, Phase II Contract 1 completed.. 424 " ZO -Wastewater Treatment Plant, Litigation pending against same ..................................................431 .453, 454 Oct. 2 -Wachtel, Joseph, appointed to Ad Hoe Committee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 933 " 2 -Wittenberg, Gent, appointed to Ad Hoc Committee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ............................... 433 " 2f -Wertzberger, Richard appointed to Ad Hoc Coavnittee to promote Hotel-Motel Tax referendum ....................... 433 " 16 -Widening of J.F.K. Rd., objections to same .................. 464 " 16 -West End Business & Professional Assn. Inc. supporting widening of J.F.K. Rd .... ........... .... .. 464 " 16 -Walsh, Jim, m favor of widening J.F.K. Rd. ... .. 964 " 16 -Walnut Grove Co. from HUD advising of disapproval of preliminary proposal for Z6 elderly units on W. 17th St. (Hawks)... 467 " 16 -Wunderlieh, Edna, objecting to proposed TV rate increase.. 467 Nov. 6 -Wallace, Sidney R. & Colleen R., objecting to revision of secondhand dealer defudtion.... .. .. ... ... 473 " 6 -Wartburg & Fremont, relative to stop sign at same. ... 480, 499 " 6-Wacker Dr, final portion, P & Z approvmg portion of same. (Yianniasl... ........ .... .... 484 " 6 -Wacker Dr., Engineering Dept. directed to close 2 curb co~S on east side of same ....................................... 485 INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBIECT Page Nov. 6 -White, Gerald and Joseph Kramer requesting rezoning of ':'' Property at 1563 and 1591-93 Dodge Street ................... 488 515 6 6 -Winsor, Richard B., granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses...... -Wacker Dr., DEQ submitting water main and , 991, 545 sewer extension permits for same .. " 6 ~. .............. ....................... -Wagner, Michae] G., Notice of personal property damage claim 492 •• 8 " .... -Wafters, William. appointed to Housing Commission..... 992 494 r 20- ..... Wastewater Treatment Plant, Iowa DEQ denying request for ~ " BOD sampling location change at same ................... r~ ' 20- Dec. 18- ... Water Dept. audit for July 1, 1977 to June 30, 1978 submitted.. Wage and salary increase to 7 percent in th 1980 B 508 ,': ~ e udget, Mayor Tully submitting resolution limiting same r 18- " ~ .............. Wallis Co., granted conditional use permit........ ...... ~ 596 18- _: ... Wolff, pe Larry granted conditional use rmit .................. 546 18- Writ of Mandamus filed by Telegraph Herald ................ . 546 V f j'. d 1 f m .~ ', 1 I': ~ , , ,' , ~ i h ij l ~ ~~I ,' ~;i 1 4 I , ~ I F I,~;,, . r, a~~iii = ~Ip 'y ~ ~ ~ °I,~.I ,,. i I la '~ °_ i~~l LI ~~ INDEX -BOOK t o8 1978 SUBJECT Page Y Maz. 13 -Yield Intersections. Ordinance providing for same............ 96 Apr. 17 -Youth ~~..:_~~ submitting minutes of their meetings.......... 186 June 5 -Youth Services by Judy Reilly, requesting not to move thew department into Medical Associates building ................. 270 Aug. 21 -Yiannias, Mr. Nic., relative to expansion in C-6 districts....... 384 Sept. 5 -YMCA/YWCA, P & Z relative to rezoning request by same.... 407, 933 Oct. 2 -YMCA requesting to conduct Halloween Pazade on October 30. 941 Nov. 6 -"Youth Appreciation Week" second week in November........ 469 " 6 -Yiannias, approving final plat of portion of Wacker Drive Place for same ............................................ 984 Dec. 18 -Yiannias, Nic., awarded "C_........'s Award" ................. 532 " 18 -YMCA/YWCA granted conditional use permit ................ 546 i INDEX -BOOK 108 197P SUBJECT Page Z Feb. 7 -Zoning Amendments, Planning & Zoning submitting same...57, 154, 186, Maz. 13 ' ..................... ...211. 295.356 -Zimmer, Christine requesting revenue sharing funds for elderly ,411. 968 gg 13 -Zoning Adntinistrator submitting list of conditional use permits granted by Zoning Board of Adjustments... ...... 111 Apr. 3 -Zoning Regulations for City owned buildings, providing for 17- ' same ............... Zenner, Jeanne, granted Cigazette License & Refund.......179 104, 139 291 493 17- , Zoning far allowance of Taverns, Council Member Brady , Aug. 7- requesting changing for same......... .............. Zoning Board of Adjustment, City Manager advising of 187, 195 Oct. 16- vacancies on same........ . Zephyr Aluminum Products awarded contract for 21 windows 375 m City Hall...... ....... Nov. 8- ..................... Zoning Board of Adjustment, a ~ ~ ~ t t 456 Dec. 18- Zemanek, Sr. Agnes, requet~g CD Fund~be used for 494 subsidizing Transportation System .......................... r~ - - -~-. i INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Page Y Mar. 13-Yield Intersections, Ordinance providing for same............ 96 Apr. 17-Youth Services submitting minutes of their meetings.......... 186 June 6-Youth Services by Judy Reilly, requesting not to move their department into Medical Associates building ................. 270 Aug. 21-Yiannias, Mr. Nic., relative to expansion m C-6 districts....... 384 Sept. 5-YMCA/YWCA, P & Z relative to rezoning request by same.... 407, 933 Oct. 2-YMCA requesting to conduct Halloween Parade on October 30. 441 Nov. 6-"Youth Appreciation Week" second week in November........ 469 " 6-Yiannias, approving final plat of portion of Wacker Drive Place for same ............................................ 484 Dec. 18-Yiannias, Nic., awarded "Governor's Award" ................. 532 " 18-YMCA/YWCA granted conditional use permit ................ 546 .- INDEX -BOOK 108 1978 SUBJECT Pagu - Z Feb. 7-Zoning Amendments, Planning & Zoning submitting same...57, 154, 188, Mar. ' ' ~ ' ' ' ...211, 295, 356, 13-Zimmer, Christine requesting revenue sharing funds for elderly 411, 968 88 13-Zoning Administrator submitting list of conditional use permits granted by Zoning Board of Adjustments ................. 111 Apr. - .. 3-Zoning Regulations for City owned buildings, providing £or " ' same ..................... 17-Zenner, Jeanne, granted Cigarette License & Refund.......179 104,139 291 493 , 17-Zoning for allowance of Taverns, Council Member Brady , Aug. requesting changing for same......... .............. 7-Zoning Board of Adjustment, City Manager advising of 187, 195 Oct. vacancies on same......... . 16-Zephyr Aluminum Products awarded contract for 21 windows 375 Nov. in City Hal]........... .................. 8-Zoning Board of Adjustment, appointments to same....... 958 494 - Dec. .... 18-Zemanek, Sr. Agnes, requesting CD Funds be used for subsidizing Transportation System .......................... 53g