Central Avenue 2908 2908 Central ave. f 0 -L. J. Wilgenbush, 0 -F. Henkels. Alterations to brick bldg. B.P. 756 10/16/39 500.00 0-Joe Eisbach Beroof Brick Scs.Bldg. 165.00 9 -8-48 B.P._ 529 C-fiorb Freiburger 98.00 Repairs to interior of Bricg Building. B.P. 827 11 - - C. Ed Papenthein Alt. Int. Br. Bldg. B.P. 357 5 -25 -64 200.00 2908 Cent&aA Avenue 0- Dave Bcvcberc Shop C -Maxv Ctendenen coven window ea/sing on bws.&apt. b.Cdy. BP 940 8/1/79 $397.00 0 -Dave Wilgenbusch C -Owner erect marquee on frt. of mas. comm. bldg. BP 4935 9/17/82 $480.00 0 -Jerry Stecklein C -S & Son install new front - brk comm. bldg. BP 7795 10/10/84 0- Gerald Stechlein C -Gary Schmitt Const. $633.00 reroof porch roof, brk comm. bldg. BP 13512 5/11/88 $450.00