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Central Avenue 3087
508? Cientril tofe. 0-v1vin &lab. & -con ?Remodel d ell in€ for 2 „,-iDtb. 659 2,117/58 500.00 0-Art Nagel Alterations to Brick M„F.Brick Dwelling to convert to 7 apts. B. P. 433 8-9-48 4500,00 C. Beaver Roofing Co. Reroof M.F. Br. Dwellg.B.P. 276 5-15-67 365.00 Reroof MF Brk.Dwilg.B.P. 390 5/31/74 725.00 3087 Cev icaP Avenue k s O -Art Nagel C- Fxanfz Trmmetman Faect ext excape MF Dwttg 8P 1080 8/27/79 $1200.00 t i 0- Art Nagel C- Noack Constr t /o, resheet, reroof, sd, MF 4 -17 -95 $7875.00