Central Avenue 3510 3510 Central Avenue
O- Hilldale Dairy C -Owner
Erect addn to dock comm bldg BP 1679 1/18/80 $14100.00
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C -Owner
erect ftgs & fnd for add to mas mfg. facility
BP 3491 7/6/81 $5000.00
Int. alterations, ftg & fnd for addition to mas mfg bldg.
BP 3500 7/8/81 $N /A
erect add to & remodel mas mfg bldg.
BP 3516 7/13/81 $67414.00
0- Hilldale Dairy C- Mid -State Improvement
roof comm. bldg. BP 3701 9/1/81 $10,001.00
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C- Mid -State Improvement
rein of 1 section comm. bldg. BP 5073 10/13/82 $8200.00
3510 Central
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C� Midstales
.• __ •_ _ emm,— b1 4g -. BP R212_4 -_ _ 114 40
0 —Cwis� Valle . u - si •. si
substructure work for future addition BP 11120 10/31/86
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C- Conlon Const.
�uGS tructure — f,, a. *fr r •
11/14/86 N/A
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C- Conlon Const.
Phase 111 super- structure metal bldg & wall panels
--BP -Al e III 00* 00
3510 Central
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C- Inter -State Contr.
reroof flat roof comm. bldg. BP 14587 10/24/88 $40000.00
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C -Kluck Const.
-erect 12'x30' concrete footing /slab for generator Comm.
BP22124 6/8/93 $5000.00
0- Swiss Valley Farms C- Giese Roofing
New roof, sd, "Comm BP27612 12 -20 -94 $5000.00
0- Swiss Valley farms C -Kluck Const.
erect two exter tanks comm/mfg BP34732 5/3/96 $30,130.00
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C- Conlon Const.
footing & foundation for future comm. bldg BP38447 n/a
3510 Central Ave.
1 0 -Swiss Valley Farms C- Conlon Const. Cp.
,construct "shell" only on exist. fndn, comm. BP38711
5/26/98 n/a
0 -Swiss Valley Farms_. C- Conlon Const. Co.
complete new addition to mfg bldg on exist. fnd,shell
BP38962 7/10/98 $740,000.00
--G-Swiss-Valley Farms- -- C- Hooper Corp.
install fire prot. sprinkler system, comm. BP38963
7/10/98 $19,200.00
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C -Kluck Const.
construct blk walls &_concr__pads for -- boiler - -rm encl.
comm. BP39468 10/21/98 $12,936.00
3510 Central
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C -Jim Giese Comm. Rfg
t /o, reroof with built -up hot tar system, comm. BP39916
4/8/99 $75,000.00
O- Swiss Valley Farms- C- Swiss_Valley -Farms
remodel inter. for restrooms,coference & offices, comm.
BP40056 5/7/99 $ 70,000.00
0 -Swiss Valley Farms C- Grinnell Fire Prot.
revise exist. sprinkler system for - office- 3P40106- 5/13/99 --