Chestnut Street 0765 765 Chestnut St.
0- n. 0nnten. "-- re
o 0
Const, flame edde Bet 352 9/12/35 000.00
B.of A. Petn, to const, add. to dwellg. Granted
Docket No. 53-35
rancor. 305 0 75.00
0-H. A. Conzett
Reroof S.F. Frame Dwelling B.P. 475 8-13-49 150.00
Reside S.F.Frame Dwellg, B.P. 426 7_6-53 275.00
765 Chestnut St.
-0-John-St-Nettie Combs C -test Built Garages
erect 20'x28' det. frm garage SFfrm res. RP22n94 6 /1/43
- :$ 5S72.nn
Board of Adjustment Docket 31 -93 for Special Exception
to allow construction of a 20'x28' garage 3 'from side -
property lines, approved 5 -27 -93