Clarke Drive 0303 a0.3 emleary 0 - Oscar Heenan G - Hensel hesid.e £race dwe11 , g B.F. 374 10/4/45 500.00 O -Oscar Herrmann Erect Frame Garage B.P. 124 4 -7 -5S 400.00 0-John Feller C -Karl Hostert Addition to rear &remodel Int. of S.F.Fr.Dwel g. B.F. T 1-2 -64 5,800.00 0- Tohn Feller C- Zephyr Aluminum Reside sf fr dwllg 3/19/75 B.P. 93 2373.00 303 Clarke Dr. 0 -John Feller C -Owner replace 3x8 deck SF res BP 13276 4 /11/88 $126.00 0 -John Feller C -Davis Rfg & Sdg t/o, reroof SF BP35855 9/3/96 $3000.00