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Clarke Drive 0405
CL Ov :0cem;c_ . I L- .:Srl'_e t :: te 2- Qu31it- 5-otfin5 'Co. F eroof J.;.86 280 6/9/38 570.00 0 -Earl W. Hiatt C_Valley Builders & Supply Co, Reside S,F,Frame Dwellg. B.P. 335 5 - 10 - 61 2 C- Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co, Reroof S,F.Frame Dwellg, B.P..2 25 5 -2 -62 290.00 0 - Dick Schroeder C- Mid -State Co. - reroof SF frm dwllg BP 9439 11/6/85 $1600.00 0-Ron Fuerst C- Owner t /o,reside(v),SF res & det. garage BP36443 12/4/96 $4400.0( 405 Clarke Dr. 0- RonFuerst C -Bob Fuerst t /o, reroof SFBP3S590 5/7/98 $2300.00