Clarke Drive 0608 608 Seminary St. 0- Herman F. Luthe C -Owner Rerocting part of 2- family frame dwellg. S.P. 513 8/7/41 V70.00 O -Mrs. Ruth 6ernaby C -Dick Henschel Keroof S.F.Fr.Lwellg.B.P. 658 10 -6-44 395.00 0 -Mrs. Ruth Carnaby C- Reliance Impr. Co. Reside S.F. Frame Dwellg.B.P. 531 8 -1 -50 665.00 01D-Wm. Frommel a Const.Carport to font of Fr.Garage.B.P. 536 8-g278 • 608 Clarke Dr,� B,of A. Fetn for var. of Art. N E III, Sect. 4 (c) for erection of carport to front of frame accessory building 1G' x 24'29 from Curb Granted docket No. 31 -70 0 -Dub. Savings & Loan C- Kustom Home Improvement reroof SF frm dwllg BP 5997 7/21/83 $1061.00 0- Trevor Haakenson C- Fuerst Const. t /o,resheet,reroof SFBP38397 4/6/98 $3700.00 0- Trevor Haakenson C -Owner erect 36 det. frm garage, SF BP39924 4/13/99 $5184.00