Clarke Drive 0850 850 Clarke Dr. __._. 0. Herman Schneider 0. Renschel Roofing Co. reroof Fr Dwllg B.P. _ 797 10/31/40 95.00 0. Mrs._ Nick Thilmany Reside S.F. Fr.Dwflg B.P. 165 4/3/72 1200.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 36 -81 Variance request approved for 4'10" side yard setback 0 -Ed Zaccaro C -Owner erect 11x15 greenhouse att to rear of SF frm dwllg BP 3806 9/28/81 $2000.00 850 CLARKE DRIVE° 0- Duncan Brockway C -MAT Services t /o, resheet, reroof, sd,SF BP 30604 6/12/95 $3375.00