Clarke Drive 1550 1550 Clarke Drive
0- Clarke College - C- Conlon Constr.Co.
Alteration & Repair to interior of Brick School Bldg.,
B.P. 9 1-4-57 65,000.00
C- Ccl.on Const. Co. 15,000.00
u onstruct enclosed stairway to brick bldg.B.P. 632 9=2=59
C- Conlon Const. Co. 15,000.00
Const.Enclosed Stairway in Brick Bldg., B.P. 77 3-8 -60
C Conlon Const. Co.
25,000 00
Const, enclosed Stairway in Erick B1dg.B.P, 149 4 -7_60
1500 Bl. Clarke Drive
O. Clarke College C. Giese Sheet Metal Co.
Reroof Gymnasium Bldg. B.P. 792 8 -26 -63 1,625.00
Clarke Lir. 3
1 -550 - - Sesinerp Wi t. _.
0- Clarke _College__ _ Geibelr bros.
1 Reroof trick bldt.._ B.P. 117 5/23/45 950.00
1 0- Clarke College C- Schueller
Alterations to interior of Adm. Builg ing.
B.P. 257 6 - 5 - 50 25,000.00
0 -Giese Sheet Metal Co.
Reroof Auditorium Bldg., B.P, 481 7 -9 -62 2,823.00
C. Wisconsin - Minnesota Contr. Inc.
Erect Masonry Boiler RoomB.P. 366 6 -1 -64 350,000.00
C. Giese Sheet Metal Co.
Reroof Br. Bldg. B.P. 1009 11 -1 -65 1,700.00
12/ Clarke Drive
0- Clarke College C - ' isconsin- lannesota.ta Contractors
Erect Science Building B.F. 50 2 -5 -64 1,400,000,00
O. Clarke Eireuacta College C. Otis Elevator Co.
Install Elevator Science Bldg.B.P. 432 7 -8 -65 20,000.00
1550 Clarke Dr.
0. Clarke College C. Giese Sheet Metal Co.
Reroof Br. Bldg. B.P. 927 8 -1 -66 3,000.00
0 - Clarke College C - Geisler Bros. Co.
Reroof Brk School BIk,B.P. 1091, 8/29/78 3500.00 --
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Construction - - -
Remodel interior of Mary Francis Hall BP 388 5/4/79 --
0- Clarke College C -Mary Clendenin
Reside /Reroof /casings /gutters MF fr dwllg BP2186
6/23/80 $14000.00
1550 Clarke Drive
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Construction Company
Int alt to mas ed (comm) bldg BP 2281 7/15/80 $45000.00
0- Clarke College C -Owner
Erect fr kiln enclosure coumn bldg BP 2289 7/17/80 $800.00
1550 Clark Dr.
0- Clarke College C -Jim Giese & Co.
reroof school BP 4395 6/8/82 $1500.00
0- Clarke College C -Jim Giese & Co.
reroof school BP 4396 6/8/82 $3000.00
0- Clarke College C -Jim Giese & Co.
li reroof school bldg. BP 4526 7/1/82 $1500.00
0 -Clark College C -Jim Giese & Co.
reroof school BP 4592 7/8/82 $300.00
0- Clarke College C -Jim Giese & Co.
reroof school BP 5924 7/7/83 $4894.00
1550 Clarke Dr. i>
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const.
remodel school bldg. - handicap remodeling BP 6317
10/3/83 $35,000.00
0- Clarke College C -Jim Giese & Co., Inc.
reroof school bldg. BP 6827 4/23/84 $10,000.00
0- Clarke College C- Tschiggfrie Excay.
install fndn. for SF dwllg BP 7178 6/15/84 $5500.00
0- Clarke College _ C- Steve Behr Const.
remodel int., repair ext., wind, doors, siding, SF frm
BP 7499 8/8/84 $2000.00
0- Clarke College C- Signgraphics, -Inc.
install one set 4 cast alum. letters & one plaque
BP7866 10/26/84
1550 Clarke Dr. 2
0- flartce College - 1;- Conlon Const:
selective demolition & removal of material from interior
of fire damaged bldgs. BP 8006 12/4/84 $25000.00
0- Clarke College C- Sharkey's Wrecking Co.
demolish brk & frm educational facility BP 8080 1/21/85
ar e o ege C- Lonlon uonst. Co.
erart 1.0'0 , -.ea- .., -tut e-_._
2/28/85 $5000.00
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const.
—su- bstructurc work for new- 41- dgs-,- pier -s B-P 8966 7/29/85
1550 Clarke Dr. /0
0-Clarke College C-Conlon CM
-- eract - reptacement - facittttes - genr - const. murk ----
0-Clarke College C-Signgrapnics„ Inc.
install two sets of 8" bronze letters BP 10782 9/4/86
0 CO CCWThWtbitt 7
emov.a_wall_ta-create-new di-ningAt kitchen, -scbool
BP 12112 7/7/87 $6500.00
0 College C-Geisler Bros. Co.
0-Clarke College C-Gerardy Const.
encTO§e - ctairwells school dorm bldg BP17515 8/23/90
1550 Clarke Dr.
0- Clarke College C -Owner
-- alter. to- inter. - mas. - & -stl structure, school BP18349
4/11/91 $5000.00
0- Clarke College C -Owner
remodel inter. computer -- center, college BP20352 6/1/92
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const. Co.
install fndn for future recreation facility BP21298
11/2/92 N/A
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const. Co.
construct recreation facility on exist. fndn. school
'BP22391.7/15/93 $3,000,000.00
1550 Clarke Dr.
0-Clarke College C-Larry. Weitz Sign Syst.
install one set alum letters "Robert & Ruth Kehl Center"
BP23442 3/22/94
LO-Clarke College C-Conlon Const, Co,
remodel inter. for offices,classrooms,school BP24255
7/14/94 $150,000.00
0- Clarke College C- Giese Roofing
New roof, sd, School BP27613 12-20-94 $10,000.00
0-Clarke College C-Conlon Const.
----install-masts-for-school roof satellite dish BP27724
1/10/95 $600.00
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const
Construct ofc space in exstg bldg area, Comm
BP 31531 7/19/95 $10,000.00
0- Clarke College (Union) C -Larry Weitz
Install (1) illum awning per sketch
BP 32517 9/5/95
0- Clarke College C- Portzen Const.
remodel inter. of Byrne Hall for classrm,therapy, school
BP37571 8/7/97 $40,000.00
0- Clarke College C -Owner
alter. to inter. of masonry dormitory, school BP37584
8/11/97 $21,000.00
4 �
1550 Clarke Dr.
0-Clarke College C- Conlon _Const. Co.
install foundation for future student housing BP38183
12/22/97 n/a
Board of Adjustment - Docket 13 -98 for - Variance to install --
13' diameter satellite dish at Catherine Byrne Hall.
Approved 3/26/98
0- Clarke College C- ConlonConst. - Co. of new student housing, BP38390
4/2/98 $3,670,000.00
0- Clarke College C- Continental Fire Sprkl
install fire sprinkler system, dorm, school BP38626
5/13/98 $24,120.00
1550 Clarke Dr. /S
0- Clarke College C- Rafoth Sheet Metal
' t /o, reroof with epdm system, library BP39131 8/11/98
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const. Co.
foundation work for future student activity center, schoo
BP39658 12/17/98 n/a
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const. Co.
erect new student activity center on exist. fndn, school
BP39712 1/28/99 $3,490,000.00
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const.
construct storage area in basement of Kehl Center,school
BP40312 6/15/99 $15000.00
1550 Clarke Dr.
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const. Co.
construct control booths in TDH theatre bldg, school
BP40382 6/28/99 $5000.00
0- Clarke College C- Conlon -- Const. expansion & renovation of exist. athletic training room,
school BP40484 7/14/99
0- Clarke College C- Conlon Const.
erect monument sign _BP40524_7/21/99_n/a
0- Clarke College C- Continental Fire Sprkl.
install fire prot. system for new activity center, school
BP40580 8/3/99 $29,200.00