Clarke Drive 1800 1800 Clarke Drive /
1800 Seminary St.
I 0- Independent School District C- Eucharo Associates
Addition to present School Bldg. E.P. 564 2 12 -53
0- Dubuque Community School District '29000.00
Construct Fhsonry Storage Bldg.B.F. 436 6 - -
O. Sr. High Schbol C. Anton Zwack Inc.
Add. School Bldg. B.p. 885 10 -26 -64 800,000.00
O. Dubuque Community Schbol Dist. C. M. P. Kluck & S
Erect Pole Type Bldg. B.P. 502 8 -1 -65 5,000.00
Erect Masonry Bus. Garage B.P. 772 11 -13 -69 48,000.00
1800 Clarke Drive
0. DubuqueConnunity School Dist. C. Pfohl's, Inc.
! Erect semi- portable partition Masonry school bldg.
B.P. 312 5/23/72 5,600.00
Cs M.P.Muck & Sons
Interior Alterations B.P. 401 6/13/72 36,000.00
C. Willy Const Co
Interior Alterations . _B...P. 463 6/28/72 12,972.00
C; M. P. Kluck & Sons
Erect steel Storage Bldg B.P. 748 9/13/72 15,800.00
1800 Clarke Drive
0, Dubuque Comm. School District 0 Anton Zwack, Inc.
Alter. Interior School Bldg B.P. 568 7/24/73 22,870.00
C -M.P. Kluck
Erect steel m welding shop B.P. 566 18 Jun 76 76795/
0 -Dub. Community Schools C- Conlon Const.
-- remodel int : of bldg. BP 4399 6/9/82 $177700.00
0 -Lord of Life Church- C -Joe Lyster
move portable bldg. to town of Asbury BP 5910 7/5/83
0- Brimeyer Body Shop C -Joe Lyster
move 2 classrooms BP 5943 & BP 5944 7/12/83
1800 Clarke Dr.
0 -Dub. Community Schools C -Jim Giese & Co.
- reroof school bldg. BP 6120 8/18/83 $66233:00 -
0 -A1 Timmerman C- Joseph Lyster Co.
move modular structure out of city_ limits_ BP 6209 9/7/83
0-Al Timmerman C- Joseph _Lyster Co.
move modular structure out of city limits BP 6210 9/7/83
0 -Dub. Community Schools C -Jim Giese & Co.
reroof school BP 6823 4/23/84 $1970.00
reroof school BP 6824 4/23/84 $3000.00
0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C- Geisler Bros.
rer®of tech bldg. BP 8360 4/24/85 $18756.00
1800 Clarke Dr. 5-
0 -Dub. Community Schools C -J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc.
erect new addition & remodel inter school BP 13688
6/3/88 $5,173,270.00
0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst._
install set 10" cast metal letters on gym BP 14616
0 -Dub -. Comm. Schools C- Aylsworth Bros. Movers
move mobile classroomsto Table Md. School BP16202 &
BP 16203 11 /1 /89'N /A
0. Dubuque Community Schools C. _ Owner
Alter to inter. school bldg. 17268 7/11/90 $792.00
1800 Clarke Dr. 6
0 -Uub: - Comm Schools — 00
inter.. alter. —make 12'x16' roan in shop, school
BP20699 7/28/92 $1500.00
0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C- Geisler Bros.
- reroof -- gym s - chool - B - 24 7 /-30/ - 92 -- $37297:00
0-Dub. Comm. _ Schools_— -C- Owner
inter% remodeling to wrestling room, school BP21496
1/13793 $7500.00
0- Senior _High School. —_ C- Hardie Advertising_
Install stone sign monument BP26552 10 -26 -94 $3000.00
1800 Clarke Dr. ,
0 -Dub. Comm. Schools C- Albrecht Concrete
Erect 12x16' cement block storage bldg.
B.P. 29606 5/8/95 5000.00
0 -Dbq. Comm. School Dist C- Portzen Const
Replace frt entrnce stairs, comm
BP 31230 7/7/95 $14,684.00
0 -Dub C Schools - C =Dub - Comm Sch Dist
_remo_del __concess.i_an_.s.tand_ sera_i-ng area /-w-a11_cove-ring�
counters /reloc entry /exit & sery doors, comm
8237395_ — 7/9 $9500.00
1800 Clarke Dr.
Dub -Gomm Schools C —Geist Bros.
t /o, install new epdm roof syst, sc ool BP38724 5/28/98
0 -Dub. Senior High C -Colts Drum & Bugle
erect temp. sign BP388 1 6/12/98 $15 :00
0-Dub Senior High — G iwr r_
remodel inter. for_office spat-, school .U3954111/8/98
0 -Dub Comm. Schools C 1. er Const.
erect new stairway /landing do t elect. equip. rm
school, school BP40199 5/27/9' $1 274.00