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Clark Street 0439
439 Clark St_ d 0 -LE. Wells. C- E.hkkins. Alterations to frame dwelling. B, 18 4/4/39 800.00 B.of A. Petn. to waive rear yard requirement to erect 3 car Garages. Granted Docket No. 13 -39 C- N3dwest Imp Co. Reside frame dwelling. B.P. 453 7/27/39 400.00 0 -Felix Brimeyer - Dubuque Insulation & Siding Go. Erect Attached Garageto rear of S.F.Fr.Dwellg. B.F. 723 10 -20-58 990.00 439 Clark St. 0 -Felix Brimeyer Reroof S.F. Fr.Dwelig. B.F. 84 L,._1 -62 190.00 O. Edmund Haas C. Braconier, Inc. Erect attbalcony SF Fr Dwllg.B.P.395 5/31/74 1,700.00 0 -Mrs. John Fury C- Owner reroof SF frm dw11g BP 9440 11/6/85 $992.00 0- Michelle Aresndorf G —Owner t /o, reroof, sd, SF BP 30703 6/14/95 $975.00