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Cleveland Avenue 0757
757 Cleveland Ave. 0 -J. B. Klein C- Erect Frame Garage B.P. 567 9 - - 195.00 Erect addition to rear of s.f.br. dwellg. B.P.10 4 - 3 - 5 1 500.00 6 ;00 Repair roof of S.F.Frane Duefg. B.P. 627 8- 15-6_ 0 -Joe Link C -J & B Const. enlarge exist. det. gar. to 12x28 BP 6096 8/15/83 0 -Joe Link C -Steve White $955.00 erect 11 '9 °x14'9" sun porch, SF frm dwllg BP 9240 9/23/85 $1900.00 757 Cleveland Ave. 10 -Joe Link C- Portzen Const. 'replace frt porch SF res BP23327 2/17/94 $4500.00 0- Joe Link C— Portzen New- -roet— wood-- si-d4- ,-- sA— S€ —B-R2- 7-023 5 11 1-0--94-$480&.-00 - '— -- - - - --