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Cleveland Avenue 0878
878 Cleveland Ave, 0 J. Dalligea C -Cv*, er Reroofing stag, f em. frame house B.P. 1139 5/7/42 4130.00 0_Lee Wolff C —Joe Higgins Reroof S.F. Frame Dwelling B.P 638 9-22-70 400.00 0 -Leroy & Mary Wolfe C -Owner erect 12x14 deck on rear SF frm dwllg BP 5876 - 6/28/83 $885.00 878 Cleveland 0 -Leroy Wolfe C -Burke Alum. soffit,fascia, window trim, SF dw11g BP 15144 5/3/89 $979 .00 0 -Mary Wolfe C- American Remodeling siding SF frm dwllg BP23154 11/22/93 $9805.00 0- Mary Wolfe" C= Marshall & Sons t /o,_Theroof_,__sd, SF BP29320 4 -25 -95 $2000.00 ___