Cleveland Avenue 0997 097 Cleveiend C- Thoas H.Pcisers C- Omer , reet fr0 fr. rorch B.P.:01 7/31/51 ;100.00 0—Quality Roofing ‘ Residefrar e dwelling LP, 154 6/15/45 435,00 0—Ton Powers C—Quality Roofing Co. Reroof S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 55 4-19-51 345.00 0—Agnes Donovan Erect Addition to rear side of 2 fam Fr. Dwellg. B.P. 404 8 90.00 O. Mrs. I Powers C. Mettille Rfg. & Sht. Mtl. Peroof 2f fr dw B.P. 723 9/20/71485.00 997 Cleveland 6bard of Adjustment - Ubcke 95 fior Special Exception to--r-epL ace- and_eh1arge-_--addition- ar -age- -0 ' - -- from -- front- -- prop. line & 4' from side prop. line. Approved with H AppTa, 1 - overhang - , 4' sideyard setback,_survey r_equired.___.1.0/_26_ /95 0 -Kevin Ansel C-Owner Erect 24'x26' frm 1 stry add & bsmt gar, sr, add BP 33577— 11/1 -/95- $26,060.00- - 0 -Kevin Ansel C -Owner t /o, resfieet7 reroof SF BP3a i4 11[3[97