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Coates Street 2022
2022 Cc€stes btreet, 0 -:tide, Kuehnle, Arect 1 story frame dr.elling. B.P. 3195 6/6/27 O._Frank_Hinkel _ - -- Reroof Frame GarageB.P.604 7 -15 -63 75,00 0 -Frank Hinkel C -Peter Meehan reroof SF frm dwllg - 9332 10/15/85 $782:00 0 -Frank H- i- nkel - - - - -- -- G- -Bftr- ke- ..Alui- n-um -Go. siding, soffit, fascia, window, door trim, SFF BP 15500 3,266.00 6/26/89