Coates Street 2150 215a Coates _St. 0- Dubuque Homes Inc. C- Vern Carris Erect S.F. Frame Dwelling B.P. 101 5/1047 r$"r6000.00 0 -Bert Simmons "re Addition to side of S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 520 9 -12 -51 500.00 B.Of.A. Petn. to waive side yard requirement for erection of attached garage. Granted Docket No. 65 -51 Provided written consent of adjoining property is secured. • 2150 Coates 0 -Paul Brenholt C -Owner siding, soffit, fascia, trim, SF frm dwllg BP 15161 5/4/89 $3600,00 0- Jim_Knaebie_ C- Carpernters_Constr__ t /o, reroof, sd, SF BP 28438 3 -22 -95 $3500.00