Coates Street 2230 _..- -- — 2230 - Coates _St
0- Dubuque Homes Inc. C- Vern Carris -
Erect S.F. Frame Dwelling B.P. 106 5/10/47 $6000.00
0- George Stefan
Construct open rear porch to s.f.frame dwellg.B.P. 363
6 -1 -55 300.00
C P. 'Cluck & Son
Alteration to exterior of S.F.Fr.Dwellk.
B.P. 164 4- 11-5? 450.00 1,000.00
Erect Add. Rear S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 992 12 -1 -64 ix
2230 Coates St.
0. Bruce Drapeau C. Owner
erect det. frm gar. SF frm dg B.P. 2363 8/4/80 5,218.00
0. Roger Coffin C. Owner
Add dormer - r=emodel attic to :fie bedrms, SFF 17259
7/10/90 $3,000.00
0. Roger Coffin C. Midwest Contr.
Tear off, reroof SF res 17317 7/18/90 $835.00
0-Jim Hancock C- Inter -State Contr.
reroof 2 flat roof areas, SF res BP23647 4/22/94 $500.00