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Cottage Place 0888
888 Cottage Place 0 mod. Walech C -Chas Klaas. teat S.F.Br.Vneeer •wellg.B.P. 622 9 -23 -49 6,000.00 0 -Chas Klaas Erect frame Garage B.P. 892 i0 -10 -61 1,,600.00 Remodel Int. S.F. Fr. Dw. B.P.89 2 -21 -69 300.00 0- Edward ?alech C -Chas Klaas Rereof S,F,Br,Ven Due11g.B.P, 507 2e4-70 570.00 Alteration to sf fr dwelling _B.P.1114 12 -16 -74 300.00