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Coventry Park 2355
co v 2v7- y A�a .o-Jc.. Rerp.i> 2355 Gh,Ldy Road 0-Schwietc Wa sect ET.Ven.8 Apt. Building 2.r. 763 i7-5-70 150,000.00 0 -Prof. Devel. Assoc. C- Stierman & Assoc. replace ext. balconies on brk ven MF dwllg 8P3039 -- 3/6/81 513200.00 0 -Prof. Devel. Assoc. C- Stierman & Assoc. erect 24x34 add. to det. gar. MF dwllg BP 8348 4/23/85 $10681.00