Cox Street 1345 l3rd Street
Lot 1 of 4 of 1 Mineral hot 89
B.of A. Petn. to establish Bldg. Line Granted 30' from
Lot line consent of adjoining owner. Docket No. 4-57
0- Robert Coohey 0-John Schlitzer
Erect S; .Br.Ven Direllg.B,P, 1361 - 12 -26-62 13,000.00
B of A pet for var of Sec 3(2), Art III to waive 20%.
side yard requirement to allow erection of 16 x 26
--- masonry - garage 11 - from :north side lot line wiaver
requested) Approved Docket- 14- 75with letter of concent
from neighbor to north.
I 1315 :.,
6- Robert Coohey
erect- mason.ary_-attachedl ar-agP 16-5 -25 -- 3500.00
___O- -_____ -C -Owner _.
reroof SF brk dwllg BP 4737 8/2/82 $1400.00