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Crissy Drive 2485
2485 Criss* Drive ! 0- Carris Const, Co, Erect S.F.Frame Dwelling B.P. 956 11 - - 11,000.00 0 -Ron Westhoff C- Bullock Garages erect 24'x24' det. frm gar SF frm dwllg BP 2770 10/20/80 $5218.00 i 0- Ronald Westoff C -Dan Dietz erect 16'x12' closed porch att. to rear BP -17199 06 -29 -90 $6725.00 2485 CRISSY 0 -Ron Westhoff C -Ray McDonald Wdwking t /o, reroof, SF, sd BP 33504 10/26/95 $1440.00