Cummins Street 1341 1341 Cummings Street
O. Chas. Hamblin
Erect S.F. Frame Dwelling 693 8 -5 -63 13,000.00
B.of A. Petn, for Var. of Art. 111, Sect. 3 Lb) waive
side requirement for attached garage to side of dwelling
4161t from side lot line. Granted Docket No. 11 -70
Board of Adjustment Docket 27 -94 for Special Exception
to allow const. of garage 2' from side prop. line.
Approved at 3' side setback w /conditions 5/26/94
0 -Tom Gavin C -Dan Lansing Const.
erect 20'x24' att. frm garage, SF firm dwllg BP24086
6/16/94 $4776.00