1997 Index Council Proceedings,/ ~,~ ti OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the ~._~ ''~_- CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For the Year 1997 ~. '~w. 1. For 1997 list note that Elizabeth Creger became Human Rights Dir. on 3- 10-97 (had been Acting since 10-1-96 after Charles A. last day on 9-30-96). 2. Also Ann Straley has been Acting Library Director til sometime in the spring of 1997....new man wason board when??? Check with Darlene. Think it is Thomas Moran starting on 7/14/97 as new Library Dir. 3. Any other changes?? Check with Mary & Personnel when I do the 97 list. ON SPINE OF BOOK _____ _____ OFFICIAL (On Orginal Signed set ONLY) _____ COUNCIL RECORD _____ NO.124 1994 _____ CITY OF DUBUQUE _____ _____ Please personalize 7 books on front lower right hanf corner. TERRANCE M. DUGGAN, MAYOR LORAS KLUESNER, COUNCIL MEMBER 2ND Ward KATHRYN KRIEG, COUNCIL MEMBER, 1ST Ward ROBERT NAGLE, COUNCIL MEMBER, At-Large DANIEL NICHOLSON, COUNCIL MEMBER, At-Large JOSEPH ROBBINS, COUNCIL MEMBER, 3rd Ward DIRK VOETBERG, COUNCIL MEMBER, 4th Ward CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1997 MAYOR TERRANCE M. DUGGAN COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member at Large.......................DANIEL NICHOLSON Council Member at Large...........................ANN MICHALSKI First Ward.......................................KATHRYN KRIEG Second Ward.......................................ROY D. BUOL Third Ward.....................................JOSEPH ROBBINS Fourth Ward.....................................DIRK VOETBERG City Clerk........................................MARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel..........................BARRY A. LINDAHL City Solicitor..................................WILLIAM G. BLUM Assistant City Attorney..........................JAMES A. O'BRIEN CITY MANAGER MICHAEL C. VAN MILLIGEN Administrative Services Manager....................PAULINE JOYCE Assistant City Manager..............................TIM MOERMAN Airport Manager....................................KEN KRAEMER Building Safety Manager............................DAVID SHURTS City Assessor......................................FRANK FROST Community/Economic Development Manager............JAMES BURKE Finance Director.................................DUANE PITCHER Fire Chief ......................................E.DANIEL BROWN Housing Services Manager...........................DAVID HARRIS Human Rights/EEO Director.....................ELIZABETH CREGER Human Services Manager.............................RANDY PECK Library Director - Acting.............................ANN STRALEY Library Director - ....................THOMAS MORAN FROM 7-14-97 Leisure Services Director..............................GIL SPENCE Operations and Maintenance Manager.....................DON VOGT Planning Services Manager.......................LAURA CARSTENS Police Chief........................................JOHN MAUSS Public Health Supervisor.....................MARY ROSE CORRIGAN Public Works Director/City Engineer..................MICHAEL KOCH Waste Water Plant Manager.........................PAUL HORSFALL Water Plant Manager..............................ROBERT GREEN Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. INDEX -BOO!( '127 9997 SUBJECT pRGE A AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: _. (1/6),(2/3)(3/3)(4)7)(5/5)(6/16)(7/7)(8/18)(9/15)(11/17) ~::. . . 1,34,63,88,116,165,176,219,243,301 A&BTap, 2600 Central, Cig. Pet.(6H6) .,,,,,:, 167 ' A. Y. McDonald Mfg.Co, pl„ IDOT sellingportion of tract.(1/20) ..:: 18 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., Lot 3 of 1, rezoning of portion at NE Comer of 12th & Pine from HI to MHI - IDOT.(iZM) ........ . .331 ' ~ Abitz, John, Claim.(9/15) .............. . ...... •... 243 Abstract of Votes for Council Election held in Nov. (1211} .. , , 3yi Acceleration Lane on Dodge St. from Bluff westerly,construction. (273)..: ............................. ....45 '`Access to Hwy 32 - NW Arterial, requested by John Kivlahan's. _ (iM0) ............................. ~ ...20,28 Access in NW Arterial Corridor 81and usa e. 273 Access onto Clarke Dr., only one, change to Clarke College ~ ~. " • 40 Master Plan.(2117) ..........................:.......:... Acquisition Agree:, Jeffrey & Jane Walker, Kelly Lane , 50 property for ROW-(1120) .......... Acquisition Agree., Thomas & Imelda Hoffman, Kelly Lane 22 property for ROW.(1Y10) .......... .....................~.....22 Acquisition Agree., Michael & Phyllis Kelley, Kelly Lane property for ROW,(1YL0J , . :~ 22 Actuarial Services AgreementwRh Segal Cb.(10Y10). ,,„_,276 Adams, Clyde S Carole, Claim.(12N5) ................ ...335 Administration of City's Workers' Comp. Prog., Agree, with - Cottingham & Butier.(2/3) .. ~ . , 35 Administrative Services 8 Fin. Agree. for Delta Dental Plan.(273) , , , , 35 Admiral's Hi-Hat West, Ina D. Meyer, Cig. per.; Tobacco Sales Violation Assessment; Liq. Lic.(6/2)(7/21)(8/4)(9115) .152 207 272 248 Affordable Housing project, Housing Trusf Funds.(3/17) ., , , , „ Affordable Housing Tax Credit Prog, for Iowa Inn Renavalion -Stout 83 Place Apts. & Alpine Heights Senior Apts. _ Applications. (7211) .....:........... .. 320,321 Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program Application for Renaissance Development for Rental Housing Develop. on Carter Rd.(12/1)... , 321 Agreement, 28E, with Dbq. Comm. School Dis. re: Valentine Park deveiop.(1016) .. .267 .................................. Agreement, amend., Obq.Montessori School, Ina(i/6) ....... Agreement,.amend., Weber Pa er Co. 1113 ~ • • " 8 P ( )............::...... 299 Agreement, CityBUnited Clinical Lab.(12115)-,.,.,,,,,,,, ;,338 Agreement, Cooperative, with Qroperty owners on W. Third & Feneion Pl., re: parcel access & Utility Easemenfs.(8H8) .. , :: , , , 22q Agreemenf, Dbq. Humane Society.{7121) Agreement, Health Choices, Inc. for adm. services of City's ~ 193 medical, disability & cafeteria plans.(8/4) .....:........ Agreement, IDOT to Joint & Crack Sealing on. U.S. Highway ~ -" 209 ..#52.(12115) ........:....... Agreement;lntern'I Union of Operating Engrs.(612 • • • - 338 Agreement - Lic. with Midamerican Energyto install monitoring wells8l on ROW near 351 Dodge St.(417) ...................:. ,,,yi Agreement, Project, IDOT, Jones St. Connector.(6l16) .. , , , , , , , , , 170 Agreement, Project Concern Paratransh.(10/6) ............. Agreement, Purchase of Services Cont., Alternative Services, ~ •' 259 HUD Family SelfSUfficiency Prog.(9/15) .. , , , , , , : 247 Agreement, Segal Co., re: Prescription Drug Plan.{5li9) -,,,,,,,,137 Agreement, amend., Cify Manager's EmploymenL(6/i6) .........167 Agreement amend., Corey Devel. for 12.5 acres of Cityowned property.(313} ............................................. 70 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE A Agreement, Benjamin Lacy to renovate the fountain in Jackson ............ .. 289 Agreement,Assess., Weber Paper Cb. (11/17),,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,, 31y Agreement, amend., with IDOT for Hwy 20 Improvements pro.(2/3) . 45 Agreement, Plastic Center, re: annexation of Corey Prop. (2/3)(7/21) ..::::...........:...:.:...........:........ 38,191 Agreement, IDOT re: paving of 2 southbound Panes of NW Art:(213) , 37 Agreement Amend., 28E, with Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency. .. 344 Agreement, Railroad Easement for crossing RR ROW, Kelly Lane Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(12/1) ...:............ ..323 Agreement, Cottingham BButlerfor City's Workers Comp Prog._ (~) ......................... .... 35 Agreement, Concessions tdr SwimmingPoois,Dave Maiers.(1/20) .. 19 Agreement, Central bwa Center for Independent Livingfior disability awareness training.(2/17) ,,,,.,: Agreement, Concession for McAleene Park with JD, BSSW Ltd. ~ . ~ (2117) ... .........:.. - .. 49 Agreement, Triad Cooperative, re: emergency services etc.(10120) 285 Agreement, Segal Co, for Actuarial Services.(10f20) , .......: , ,,'276 Agreement, City &Dbq. Firefighters Assn.(10120) .... ......:.... 275 Agreement,Exchange of Land, W of Kerper Bivd. & S. of Fengler St.(9115) .:....'.:..:..'..:..... i::...:.: :........:........ 252 Agreement, Dbq. Industrial CenterSouth, R.LS.E. funding with IDOT for new Street.(6YL) ......:...:....... „160 .............. Agreement, Funding, Dbq. County re: reconstruction of N. Cascade Rd.from its intersection with Cedar Cross Rd.(4l21) ... 110 Agreement, Lease, DbgrYoufh Hockey Assn. for portion of Veteran's Memorial Park.(1/20) ....~ ::. . . . ......: , : ,, 26 Agreements, Old Mainfreeway Frontage Improvement Pro.(7n) , , 178 Agreements, Acquisition of @ 4 acres from.Fartnland Foods re: merger between FDL etc.(11/17) .....:.:.:.................. 305 Agreements, Whitewater Creek Bridge.(6/16) : :................ 166 Agriculture, U.S, Depf:of, requesting inputto determine Iowa's- AIDS Coalition Prog., Local, Contract wBhlA Dept. of Public Health; amended contract; PreventativeHealth Program. - (an)(s/2)(1o/s) .: ....::...:................. ... sl,zaa,2sa .... AIDS Day, World, Prodamation.(12/1) ......... ..... 320 Air Quality Standards got ozone etc:,CRy's concern to Pres..(6/16) 166 Airport Comm. interview of applicants T. Baldwin, D. Hagman; J. Paar, T: Stanton;J: Wachtel; reappointment of Baldwin. - (9/2)(9M5) ...:.................................. .. 235,249 Airport Comm, interview otapplicamts T. Baldwin, D. Hartman; J. Paar, 7. Stanton, J. Wachtel; reappointment of Baldwin. (912)(9/15)..:.:: .:..........:....... ..235,249 Airport Employee Turnover costs,Te: monetary justification by D. Brotherton, Commissioger.(3/4) . ....... ............:........ 72 Airport Inn, E. 4th St., Cig. Per.; tiq.lic.(6/16)(7n).:......... 167,180 Airport, re: notice of de-icing aircraft with Ethylene Glycol by American Airlines.(10/20) ....::.::..... ..:................ ..275 Alcoholic beverages allowed in Windsor Park.(1/20) , .............. 29 Alcoholic Beverages -New Ord. to conform to State Code. (11/17) ........:..... - _.. .. 314317 Alcohol. violations for Eagle Foods, Iowa Oil (2), Park Square, civil penalties etc(1/6) :,:, ...:.: ............................ 5.. i- ~, ~~__. , r'^~ ~^~ \. ,~' INDEX -BOOK 927 i~'~ 1997 SUBJECT .PAGE /~ Alcohol violations for various business, assessment of penalties .. etc.; objections to Police sting operation by Atty. Quann.; more hearings set etc.; 5300 penalties for various businesses.' :., (1/6)(3/77)(4/7){4721)(5/5)(5179)(721) '-' -: ......: 7: :.....t.....:..:. 5,86,93,94,707,111,727,735,139,196,797 Alexander, Earl, Jr. for enforcement of Lucy Or. & Amy Ct RPPD distric2.(721) .............................. ............... 199 Aflabough, Rev. Woody, Pastor of 3rd Pres., Gave Invocation.(777) .176 Allen, Anthony, applicant for Cable Teleprogramming Comm. & ': Human Rigfits Comm.,appointed to Cable Telep. Comm. (912)(9175) ..................................:........ 235,249 AIIey adacent to 465 E. 12th, approval to construct underground elec. feed.(?/6) .......................:..:.................. 13 AIIey between Rhomberg & Gafield, Reconstruction of Sanitary sewer.(1n0)(2177) .............:......:.:............... 3z,53 Alley between Drexel Ave. S Chicago Ave. from Walker St. to Lot 4 of Biasen PL, Plat approval etc. (1016) ..........: .... ........... 270 AIIey between Eighth 8 Ninths St between Central 8 Whhe, W, Hendricks Jr. requesting to purchase.(72/7) ..:....:.:...:.... 320 Alley near 250 Cross St., Bi118. Jane Duggan requestingbacation & purchase.(5/5)(717)(721) • • • : • • • • - • - - .::..... t ... 117,783,184,200 ' Alley in 700 Block of W.3rd.; J. Hirsch requesting resealing. (5179) :138 .Alley near 657 Kaufmann, request by S. MacDonald's, Grubers & Bntlett's for purchase.(5/19)(6/2) ...: :...:::::::.::..:.:. 136,163 Alley near Fifth St. & Central, IDOT intent to dispose.(77!3) .......289 Alley, upgrade 8 maintain, request by B. Hogan of Clarke Dr.(5/19) 147 AIIey vacated 8: public stairs between W.3rd 3 Fenelon PI, disposal to Kirkegaards, J. Deere 8 A. Cunningham.(8/4)(8/78) ...... 215,223 AIIey West of Main St, disposed to Atlast Fluid Power Co. (427)(5/5) .....:............:.........: ..... N3,122 Alpine Heights Senior Apts., Affordable Housing Tax Credd application.(12/1) .........................................320 Alpine, Hill, Nevada, Booth Sts. connecting frontage road named YM/YVJ Dr.(10/20)(71!3)(1217)(12!75).........:..... 277,295,333,349 Alpine Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro.. (515)(672)(11117) ...........................:... 134,135.757,303 Alta Vista St north of Kirkwood, re: paving, amendment 7997 - Asphalt Paving Pro..(1020) ......:..........:..............278 Alternate f -opening of Town Clock Plaza, set for P. Hearing; Traffic Circulation Study -Town Clock Plaza accepted. (8/78)(9115) .........:...:...:...t. .. . :.::218,249 Alternative Services, inc., contract renewal, HUD services.(9/15) ...247 _ Althaus, David, applicant for Housing Code Appeals 8d.; appointed.(7/6)(720) .:................:...:....::...:...... 5,. Althaus, Dennis, Family Mart, Inc. 3201 Central, Beer Per.(9/15) .:.248 Althaus, Jean, Family Bev. Center, 3400 Central, Beer Per.(6/16) ..168 Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, Prodamation.(17/3) . , ..:. 288 Ambient Air quality Standards for Ozone, City's concern to Pres.(6/16) ............................... C..:..:........ 156 Ambrosy, Father Dave, of St. Joseph the Worker Church, - Gavelnvocation.(71/17) ...............................:...301 Ambulance Services, Medical Director T. Miller appointed for EMS Activky of Fire Dept.(i/6j ............................. ....... 3 Amedia, Frank, of Eagle Window 8 Door, re: relocate to area on Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park.(10/6) ...............................266 'Amended Budget, FY 7997.{421)(515) ..................... 770,728 Amended contraR with BFI Recycle Now.(3l77) .................. 84 /'~ 3 ~`~ . INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT RAGE A Amended Purchase Agree. with Corey Devel. -12.5 acres.. (313){3117) ............. ._ .. 70,80 Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Dbq..industrial Center Economic Devel. !'Ns.(4n) ::;;:,,, ,_.-,~...,., y$ Amendment -Text, for Zoning Ord. re: Required Fees.(2/17} , , , , , , , 5g Amendment to Agree. with IDOT for Highway 20 improvements, Amendment No. 2 to Prog. Yr. 22 Annual Action•Plan - CDBGfunds; ' ' Amendment No. 3; amendment.(3/3)(8/4)(12/1) ............ 70,213,324 Amendment of Offer to Buy re: W: Siegert property.(3/31) ,.,,., , , , ,, g7 Amendment to Lease Agreement wAh Dbq..Montessori School .::.... Amendment to annexation of Site P.(373) ,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, 63 Amendment to General Drivers & Helpers Union Con.(5l19) :..... 137 Amendment to Agree. to City. Manager's Employment(6l16) :.:..: 167 Amendment to 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro.{10120) ...:............. 278 Amendment to 1997 RC: Concrete Paving Pro..to add water main " to Spruce St. etc(1i/3)(12/15) ,:_.....:. „:;,,,, 298,348 Amendment to 28E Agreement with Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency.(12115).,.:;.'........::. ..344 Amendment to 1996 PC Concrete Paving•Pro.. - Clarke Dr. & Heeb "' St., replacing additional lead water service lateralswifh - - copper.(12/15) .:.... ...:..:..: `. ;......:350 American Airlines re: Ethylene Glycol for de-icing aucraft. ~ - American Cancer Assn., American Heart Assn. & American Lung Assn.. requesting Council support reversal of State preemption of Iocai tobacco ordinances,(2!]7)......:. .....:......... 53 American Heritage Rivers Initiative, applicatioa(12/15) :........ .338 American Legion, 1305 Dethi, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(slts) ....... 167,168 American Trust & Savings Bank, authorized as City Depository. (12!15) ................ - ~ ...339 Amici -American Italian Culturaldnstitute Youth Group of Naples, Italy, Gifts & Greetings to Dbq.(7f21) , :........ , , 190 Amisys Managed Care System, CEBA Application to IADept. Economic DeveL(6!2) ..................... :161 Amoco Foodshop, 3300 Asbury, Alcohol Violation; Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(ar21)(sn)(sn5) ..................: .. 111,1s3,za9 Amoco Foodshop, 1450 Loras, Mulgrew Oil, Cig: Per.; Beer Per. (6/2)(8/18) ............._.........._.:.................. 153;222 Amoco Foodshop, Plaza 20, Mulgrew Oil, Cig. Per.; Beer PeC ' - (s!2)(1o/zo)...:......:......: ...:...:........c..::.:: 1s3,zn Amoco Foodshop, 1701 JFK, Beer Per.(7!7) .................... 180 Amoco TBTB, Inc. ]010 Cedar Cross, Beer Per.; Cig: Per. - - (213)(612) ......:. 37,153 Amy Court residents requesting withdrawal from Res. Parking Permit Dis. (witn Lucy Dr.)pn)(7/21) ... ..:. . ~ :: 1aa,lss Anderson, Benjamin L, Survey plat approvatof Property at NW Corner of Main St. & Tenth St.(12/15) . .................:...... 336 Anderson, Michael J., resignationfrom Historic Pres. Comm, - (515) .........................:........:.............:...118 Angel Invest. Co., 2699 Rockdale, Cig: Per.; Beer Per. (612)(12/15) ................... ..::.. ]53;344 Animal care etc:, Agree:.with Dbq. Humane Soc(7@1)........:.. . 193 Ankeny, Steve, Apt. Ltd., Dbq. Mining Co. Liq. Lic; Cig. Per, (2117)(6716) ......:.............. .: 51,167 Annex certain property to the City -Site P -South ofCfty.(2!3) .... ,>a2 4 ~. ~'~~ ~~' ~~ ~~ INDEX -BOOK 127 !"` 9997 SUBJECT PAGE A Annexation of certain property: County Fann &Siegert farm. Annexation of properties since 1990, certification of population. (4I7).....:.: ........................ ..... 89 Annexation request from Dubuque County for 220 acres & section of RR ROW.(1/20)(2717) .................................. 31,50 Annexation requested by Kenneth 8 Janet Bergfeld for 151 acres west of City.(9Y1)(9N5) .._ .................:........241,249,250 Annexation requested of 1101 Cedar Cross Rd. (J. George Subd.), re: J. HeiderscheA's.(10/fi) ..............:....:..:.............256 Annexation, voluntary, of 1.65 acres John & Carole Heiderscheit's. - on N. Cascade Rd.(12N) .....:..............:.............. 324 Annexation request from Wm. & Janet Siegert for 158 acres. (V20): :............... ...31 ...... ........... Annexation requestedby Pat Kennedy's for property near .. Nightengale Lane.(1/6)(2/17)(3/3)(3/17) ................ 15,50,70,81 Annexation requested by Wendell Corey for property north of Asbury Rd. & West of NW Arterial (116)(1/20)(6H6)(7Mi) ................:.........~... X14,26,165,191 Annexation for 121.9 acres near Lake Eleanor Rd. & Highway _ 611151 {Site F?).(1120)(3!3) .................:............. 29,fi3 Annexation re: City Devel. Bd. re: City of Asbury voluntary annezation request(7M1).L.::..."..:.........::::.........:190. Annexation of 12 parcels west of City of Asbury, to Asbury. (7!I) ........................................ ........ 176 Annexed areas of City;7equest by J. Nelson that utility services be f ~. provided.(6Y1) ......:...........:...:.......::............150 Annual Action Plan, FY 98, for CDBG Budget; amendment; adoption; --- Amendment No. 3; proposed changes etc. _ (1/6)(2/10)(3!3)(5!5)(8/4)(1211) ..........::.... 16,48,70,131,213,324 Annual Financial Repoli & Audit, by Charles Bailly & Co.(120) ..... 20 Annual Healthy Dubuque 2000 Report(1020) ...................273 Annual Pertormance Report, Housing Services.(10/20) ...........285 Ansel, Kathy, Claim; denial.(721)(8!4) .....:.: ............. 190,208 AO Safety Co., Safety Eye glass Vendor.(12/1) .................. 329 Apartment Ltd., Obq. Mining Co., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/17)(6N6) ...:.............................'.......... 51,167 Appeal re: Railroad acquisition by 1 & M RailLink.(5/19) .........:137 Appreciation by S. Thier for intern job in Legal Office.(8/18) ..... , 221. Application for funds, rei IA Dept. of Economic Devel. re: IA ,_ -'. Continuum of Care & requirements.(62) .........:....::..... 152 Application for Recreational Trails Funding to IDOT- Heritage Trail. (6/16) ..........-.:-..:.. ....:............................. 155.. Application for Affordable Housing Tax Credit Program Application for Renaissance Develop, for Rental Housing Devel. on Carter Rd.. (12l1) ..............................:......... .::...~..... 321 Application Request to State for Innovation Zone designation. Applications for tax Exemptions re: Urban Revit. Areas.(1/6) ... ., 8 Appreciation by S. Taylor for CarteGraph Systems corporate expansion.(6N6) ......:......................:.... .165 Appreciation by K. Hartig for consideration re: tree situation on Mayfair Ct(8/18) ....................: ..219 Appreciation by Operation: New View for funding assist.(8/18)..... 219 Appreciation for property sale for TFM, by T. Thompson.(1076) ....264 Appropriations -carryover, for incomplete Capital Projecfs.(10/6) , 260 April Printed Council Proceedings, 1997, approved.(92) .:.......231 ApN as "Always Buckle Children Iri Backseat Month" Procl.(4/7) ... 88 5 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE A April 1997 Financial Reports; Proof of claims and revenues for . month ending.(5N9)(6/16) ......" .. .. 136,165 Aragon Tap M. Woodman, 11031owa Cig Per.; Liq Lic. (6/2)(11N7) .... .152,306 Aramark Educ Ser., Loras College Campus; Liq Lic.; Beer Per. for Field House; Liq Lic.: Spec. Event.(4q)(91~5) ....... 92,248 Aramark, Farmland, 345 E. lath, Cig. PeG(6M6) ,...:........_....167 APoOr Day Proclamation.(421) ..:. ..:: ........:........:..... 105 Arby's1C-Store; Arcon, 10 Main St., Beer Per.; alcohol violation; Cig. Per.(4/7)(421)(5/5)(6H6) .:.:.:.....................92,11],121,167 Architect selected for Hwy 20 Landscape design etc.(11/77) ... , .304 Arcon, Arby's CStore, 10 Main St., Beer Per.; alcohol violation; Cig. Per. (417)(421)(5/5)(6M6)..:...:.... ,',(,,,,;,,,,,,,,,92,111,121,167. Arcon, Inc., warranty deed from them ofproperty of ROW at Jones - St. Connector 8 S. Main St.(92) , , ...::...:........ ..234 Area Legislators, opposing change in taxation for Investor Owned .. 65 Area Legislators; opposition to House File 212.re: tax exempt status of City owned Dubuque Greyhound Park.(313) .......: ... 65 ...... Area Lifetime Center, Senior Center expansion.(120) .....:....... 20 Area Life Time Center Contract :Agree.; Modesta Etderness 'Center.(120).......:.:.:::..:.. ....:.:....:.... ..20 .......... Arena of Five Flags, Emerg. Roof Replacement Pro.,(717) .......: 178 Arensdort, Pamela B., Instant Replay, 1602 Central, Liq. Lic. (1211) .... .:.330 Argot, Inc. LaMesa Mexican Rest, 2700 Dodge, Liq. Lia(9l15)..... 248 Arlen,-James C., objecting to rezoningof 3285 Asbury Rd. (12115) ... .. ....:. ....... ......... .,. ........ 346 Army Corps of Engineers re. River Discover Censer Pro„ (12M):.. ...................:..... .. 323 Art, Obq: Museum, re: IceHarbor Fioodwall Mural Pro;(515) .,. ,:..130 Arterial, NW, agree, wKh1DOT re: pavingof 2 southbound lanes. - Arthofer,. Boniface, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; appointed; resigned.(1/6)(120)(8/4) : ,....... .:........ ...5,25,208 Asbestos surveyof City Buildings.(5!5) ....... :............... 131 - Astiury & NW Arterial, rezoning from AG to C3.(1l5)(2/17) , .. , , „ 5,51 Asbury Amoco Foodshop, 3300 Asbury, Alcohol Violation; Cig. Per. (421)(5/5)(6/2)(9115):" .. ........: ...........111,121,153,248 ,.~ Asbury Rd.; North of & W of the NW Arterial, annexation of property requested by W. Corey; extension of time eta (116)(120)(2!3)(6/16)(721) :......:.....~.......... 14;26,38.165,191 Asbury Rd., South ot, & W of NW Art., rezoningfirom AG to C3 for Mike Remake!.(2117)..::...:._: .................. .. 51 Asbury Amoco Foodshop,3300 Asbury, Alcohol Violation.; Cig. Pec - (421)(5/5)(6/2J(9/15) ...: .....................:. 111,121,153,248 Asbury &NW Arterial, SW Corner, rezoning from AG to C3, .. requested by J: Streinz(9/15) ......::....................... 251 Asbury Road Reconstruction Pro.., acceptance eta (721)(9!15) ....... .:....:............ :...........193,194:243 Asbury, 3285, request by P. Fahey to rezone from CR to C2. .(11117)(12/15) ..........._ .......:................ ....... 318,346'... Asphalt Paving Project, 1997; Amendment. (421)(SN9)(7121)(10/20) .....: ................... 111;139,193,278:x, Assessment Agreement with Weher Paper Co.(1113)~11/17} ,,, 299;312 Assessment question re: F<ennedy & Bonson Rd. Sanitary Sewer- InterceptorExt:Dis.(1/6)..._........... .'.:... •,•••..:...:....7 6 ~-. '~- ~~. ~""~, l A >~~ ~~ ~` Assessment Schedule for Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro: Final. _ (1211) ....................:..........................325J28 As.,~.,.,.,,,.s, Final, Proof, for E. 20th St. - Rhomberg Ave. Asphalt Resurtacing Prajed:(1120) .................................. 18 Assessments -Final for Olympic Heights Sanitary Sewer and Watennain Extension.(4f7J(5!6) .......................... 90,116 Assessments re: Asbury Rd. Reconstruction Pro.. Asbury City Limits to NW ArteriaL(7/21) ..........................:..::.:..... 194 Assessments of 5300 penalties for various business for alcohol violations.(7121) ...................................... 196,197 As .:~.„.,~.,,~ of 5300 penalties for various businessesfor tobacco violations.(7/21)(8/4) .................:................ 207,212 Assessments, special, for sidewalk replacements.(1016) ...... 259,260 Arse».,,~..„; of Delinquent Garbage, Refuse 8 Sewer Accounts. (12715) ......... .. 340.341 Assessments, Preliminary Schedue for1996 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. -Amendment to projed.(12/15) ......................... 350 Assisi Village re: amend Concept Devel. Plant for property at Padre Pio Dr.:3485 Windsor, for Stonehill. (417) ..................... 96 Assisfance to Iowa Inn-Stout Place-ProjecL(ii117) ..,,,,,,,~„, 313 Assistant Fire Chief,Civil Servicecertification.(3/3) .. .....:.. 65 Associates Dr. 8 Chavenelle Rd. 8 NW Art, traffic control -stop intersections.(4121) ...." .................................:: 108 Attastfluid Power Co., disposal of alley property west of Main St. (4@1)(515) .:........... ......... ... .. 113,122 Attorneys' office intern, S. Thier, appreciation for pos8ion.(8/18) , , 221 Audit & Annual Financial Report, by Charles Bailly & Co.(1120) ..:.. 20 Audit Reports, FY 1996 Comp. Annual Financial Reports, from C. Baiily.(1Y10) .....::........:....:...........:....::.::.. 20 Audit report of City's, review by HUD.(417) ................:.. ... 88 August, 1996 printed Council Proceedings approved;(2/17)(12/1) 49,320 August 1997 financial report; 1997 Printed Council Proceedings approved..(10J6) ................ 256 Automagic Car Wash, Martin, Pride Service, 2175 Central, Cig. Per.(6Y2) .............................................153 Auxiliary Police reporL(1113) ................................. 289 Award of Merit for City's newsletter, City Focus.(2/3) ............. 36 Awareness training -Disability, for Cfty employees.(2/17) ......... 49 Awning, Canvas & Sign for Jonathan Routhley at 1296Central, over City ROW, Ord. authorizing efc(116) ....................:..... 12 Awning, Vinyl, 299 E. 9th St., revocable permit -for ,Tschiggtries.(2J3)..........:. .......43 ..... ................... 7 INDEX -BOOK 727 1997 SUBJECT PAGE B 8OARD.OF HEALTH MEETINGS (in6)(4/21)pn1) .......: :. 17,ia4,ies Backflow Prevention Ord., re: Water Servtces,.new Ord. (10M0).... :.:.....:......:...::.......... .. 281-285 Badger computers re: lawsuit settlement, re: policeDept.(6/2) ; , . , 150 Bahimer, Ron, of IIW re: Lease Agree. with Youth Hockey Assn. Bailly, Charles & Co., FY 1996 Comp. Annual Financial & Audit Reports.(1/20) ................... .. ... 20 Baldwin, Tom, applicantfor Airport Comm.; reappointed. (912)(9115) .. : , 235,249 Balsamo, Susan, re: {rootage road name change toYM/YW Dc (10120)(11/3) .. ...... . ... .. 277,295 Bandy, Connie M., re: approval of plat of1050 Richards Rd. - portion of Henschel's Addn.(9/15) .. .245,246 Banksauthorized as. Tinancial institutions forcity funds,(12/15) ..., 339 Barharalee Or., re: final plat, portion of Fremont Hgts. Subd.(5/19) , 143 Bardon, Tom, re: Juvenile Curtew.(5/5) .. 121 Barcett, Robert, re: Juvenile Curfew.5l5) :..:...:..:_ :....:.... , 121 Barron, Kirk, objecting to proposedsale of 659 W, 8th to T. Kress. (N/17) ................:.:..::....:.:.... ... 306 Barta Fr. Ardeltof StePatnckss, Gave Inv cation,r4Y116) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "' 167 Bartels, Debra, Estate, settlement. 417 ( ) ~"""•--'.231 Bartels -Center Grove pl., rezoningof 3'100 Brunskill Rd.~fdr L Kretz e ,. (4/7j ... ..... ,.. .. 94 Baseball re: Rising Stars Independent League Days, ~proclamatioh. -(6/2) .................... ...150 Basement Window Replacement for CityHall, Pro..(3/17) .......... 78 Basins, Floodwall Detention, BuesinglHER partnership.(5/5) , , , , , ; 179 Basket Expressions, M. Dotter, 474 Bluff,8eer-Wine Lic,(7p) ; , 1g0 Bauer, Bernice, 8'z Dart Inn, 431 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. . j62)(6/18) .. :, 154,167 Bauman, Rev. George, of Holy Trinity Luih. Church, Gavelnvoc. (515) ......:....:...::......... ...........:....:......... 116 Baumann, Ann, of McKay Nursery, presentation of 3 trees to Beachum, Andrea, re: frontage road flame change to YM/YW br. (10!20) ............. ... 277 Beadle, Katie, Youth City Clerk.(4l7) ........................... 88 Bechen, Vicki, requesting rezoning of property at 1697 Jackson from RZA to C1.(11/17)(12/1) ........:. ....: , .... ... 317,318,331 Bechen, Olin, Claim; referred to Crawford,(7/7)(7/21) , , , , 176,1911 Beecher Bev., R. Beecher, 1691 Asbury, BeerhNine Per.; Cig. Per: {5!5)(612) .....:....:..:: .... Y.. ................ .120,153 Beecher, Nate; Youtkin Govern. Mayor.(4f7) :...... Beer-alcoholic beveragesale, New Ord.(11117) ,.,,,, _,,,,, 314387 Reining, James L., Kelly Lane property to City for ROW.(1/20) .. . , 24 Bellevue Street, portion of vacated to Earl Ehrlich Estate.(8/4) .... 216 Bellevue Rd: 8. Rockdale Rd., deletion of Stop intersection.(9/2) , , .240 Bemis, Harry J., applicant for Transit Bd.; teappointed. (8/18)(912) ., .. 222,236 ................................. Bender, Jacob, Claim; Referral to Crawford Ins.(2/17)(3!3) . , , , 49,63 Benkel, Inc., F. Kunkel, requesting rezoning of property at 305 W. 16th St. from OS to oft Dis.(11/17)(12/1) ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 318,330 Bennett, Floyd B., Claim; referredto Crawford & Co, (9Y1)(9115) ....:......... ......................... ... 237,243 Bennett, Nelda, Oid Shang, 1091 Main, Cig: Per.; Liq. Lic. (7121)(1016) .:........................................ 198,261 8 ~--•. \__; /-`\ `~ . /r°^~ INDEX - 600K 727 1997 'SUBJECT PAGE B Bergfeld Fann west of City, re: Offer to Buy etc.; annexation request of Kenneth 8 Janet re: 151 acres; amended Urban Renewal Plan for Dbq. Ind. Center Economic Devel: Dis.; Tax Increment " - Financing Dis. -amended & Restated Urban Renewal Ptan foc Dbq. - tndusfrial Center Economic Development Dis. " (5/19)(6/2)(9Y2)(9/15)(10/6)(11/17) .......... 144,155,241,249,268,307 Betfiany Aome, re: Nursing Home Procf.......;;.,,..(5/5) .......:....116 'BFI Recycle Now, amendment to recycling contract(3/17) .... , , , , , 84 Bicycle Police, Grant -Target Stores re: Comm, Oriented . Policing Officers.(313) ................... ..... 64 .Bidding for the 1999 IA League of Cities Conference-(1120) .. .. 28 . Bidding process for Concrete, re: Dbq. Ready-Mix, W. C. Stewart ... "Con. objection with City process.(11/3) ...............: ....... 289 Bierstube, Europa Haus Res., 1301 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(9/15) , , ..248 Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co. 2100 JFK, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. . (313)(6/16) .....:.."......... :........... 66,167 Sig 10 Mart, 9th 8 Central, assessment of Penalty for alcohol violations; Cig. Per:; Atty, Quann letter.; Beer Per. (3/17)(417)(6H6)(7p)(12115) ....................... 8fi,93,167,176,344 Big 10 Car Wash, 1875 J.F,K. Road, alcohol license violation, penalty; Gig. Per.; Atty. Quann Letter.; Beer Per. " .' (5/5}{6/16)(7!7)(1113) ..........:................. 121,167,176,290 Big BrotherBig Sisters, rei Cpl funds.(5l5) ........:. , 132 Bike Trail, North End Neighborhood, selection of consulfant for design etc.(4f7) ., - .,"99,100 Bike Trail, Grant Application to IDOT for Heritage Trail Ext.(6116) , , 156 Bike Trail, re: Recreational Trails Funding to IDOT for Expansiodof " Northern Levee Paih.(12M5) ................. ..... 337 ...," Bike Trail, re: Recreational Trails Funding to IDOT for North End - Neighborhood Linear Park(12115) , , : , 337 Bike Trail, re: Recreational Trails Grant Application for River's Edge PlaZa.(12/15) .......::......... ... 336,337 Bikers R Us, J. Brown, Cigarette Per.(iM0) ...................... 24 Billiards -Hammerheads, Cig. Per. &Liq. Lic,(3/3) .............:... 66 BiOmeyer, Julie, Claim; Referred to Crawford Ins.(477)(515) ... , . 88,116 Billmeyer, Richard, re: exchange of property W. of Kerper & South of - Fengler St:(9/15)(t016) ..................._ . . , 252,263 Billmeyer, Richard L, re: Survey Plat approval of property W. of Kerper Blvd. 8 N. of E. 76th St(12/1) . . ,' ....: : .......... . . .. 322 Billy Bucks East Sf. Tap, 521 E. 22nd Cig. Per.;.Liq, Lic. ' (71?)(12/1s) .....:..:....:.:...............::...... 176,190,345 Biltr, buses purchased from them for Keyline.(11/17) ... ......... 314 Birch, Harold 8 Nancy, Sassy's, 3203 Jackson, Liq. Lia(4A) .....:. 92 Bird, Eugene J., applicant for Zoning Comm:(1211)(12/15) ,. ,, 330,345 Bissell Lane, IDOT wishing to sell excess property.(6/2) ...... .... 150 Bitter, Atty., for F. Nester IV, Claim; Referred to Crawford (9N5)(1016) ........................... .. ...:.. 243,256 8L Murray Co., Ina, Claim,(721) ::....... ........190 Blau, Kathy, applicant for Human Rights Gorton.; appointed (116)(213)(9/2)(9115) ................ ............ 5,38,235,249 Bluff St. & Dodge, Monitoring Wells on City ROW - Midartreriran Bluff Street Head Start -Operation: New View, Environmental Impact Statement etc,i7/7)(7/21) , , - .177,190 Bluff St., 1353, Leo 8 Ann Kringle expressing concerns:(8/18) ... , :221 81uff St., 1353, disposal of City property to Steve Gudenkauf; parking requirements set ouL(9/2)(9/15)(1016) ................. 241,250,259 ~1 9 ,INDEX -BOOK 127 ..1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~~ B Bluff St. to Grandview, U.S. 20-Dodge St. Sanitary Sewer Recon. (5N9) . ...................:..136,137 Bluff & 15th St. Steps Reconstruction Pro.,(612) , , , , - Board and Commission member' orientation.(2/3) . , ~4b Board of Grand Opera House Foundation;Cify Mgr. M. Van Milligen. (213) ............. ... 35 `Boat Docks, Transient & Ice Harbor Walkway.(10/20)(11!3) ~ 286,295 Bob's VIP.Lounge, Hawthorne St, Liq tio.(612) .....:... . : . ..::. 154 Bob's Country Bunker, re: Beer Permits far Special Event.(6f2)... 154 Bodines Lounge, J Demmer, 1445 Central, Cig.Pea; Liq. Lic. (612)(7/21) .......................:........... .. 153,198 Bohren; Atty. Michael for J. Cotter, Claim.(8/4) ......., Boike, Lon, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm, q 121 "' ~ • • 208 Boiler Replacement Pro, for Keyline Transit F cilrty.(7/7)(8/4) ~ 185,292 Boland, Rachel, re: Juvenile Curfew.(5/5) , ...... ..................121 Bonnie Court & Fremont Ave., part of N. Cascade Rd., M. McNamer request to purchase a parcel of land at intersection, vacation, -. sale eta(11M7)(12/1)(12/15j .:.:.::.:.......:.::..3f4,333,345,346 Bonson Rd., & Kennedy; Sanitary Sewer interceptor Ezt. Dis.: Booklets, Comprehensive Pian, CDBG~Funds to~cover cost etc. - Booth St, -Hill, Alpine & Nevada, frontage road named YM/YW Dr. (10n0)(11/3)(12/1)(12N5)...... .........:....:..:. 277,295,333,349 Booth, N. 990; rezoning requested by Eisbach's from R1to R2. , ....(!ono) , . ;._ Boundaries of W.~11th St Historic Ors ,request for removal o£ 286 Wainm St. etc.(7p) , , .. 183 Bovee, Gene, resale of CPISoo Line RR(2/17) . , , , - , , , , 49 Bow & Arrow hunting of Deer on Sisters of St. Francs property. ~,`. ('10/6) ........................ .......266 _~ Bowden Place, re: portion rezoning of 624 N. Burden ford - Sanner.(4fI) .:.................. : 94 Boy Scout Popcorn Month, Proclamation.{1016) .:.....:........ 256 Boyd, Kenneth H., Dept. of Economic Devel. re: completion of CEBA Con. -Eagle Pi. Software, Engrg. Oata.(4/21) .... ...:.......... 106 Boys Club, Obq., Cpl Funds,(5l5) , .......... .......... .. .:.. ...132 Bradfeldoq Kevin, re: Arby's alcohol violatioa(5/5) , , , , , , , , , , , , , 121 Bradow, Robert, re: sale of CPISoo Line RR.(2/17) .. , , , , : , , 4g Bradshaw, Ann, re: JuvenileCurtew.(5/5) ..._ ................._ 121 Brady Biil decision by Supreme Ct., investigation by Corp. Cnsel.(7f7j ... ..176 Brandenburg, Harold & Patricia, Claim; Referral to Crawford Ins.(2/f7)(3/3) .:...:.........:...:....:...::.:..:.::::":: 49,63 Breaktime Bar& Grill, M. Kaimes, 1097 Jackson; Cig. Pea Liq. Lic(5H9)(6n) .....::.............. .: 138,153 Bremer, Donald, Claim; denial,(5H9j(6n) .................: 136,150 Breitbach, Bob, 557 University, re: 1997 Concrete Paving Pro.: - W. Third & Spruce St.(SH9) ...... :.....:........ .. 138 Brethauer, David, re: removing Amy CLYrom Lucy Dr. RPPD.(7n1) 199 Brewing Co., Dbq., 500 E. dth, Beer Per.(515) :........ .... 120 Bridge, Fremont Ave. Reconstruction, over Catfish Creek.{9115) . ...247 Bridge Restauranf, Raysan Corp., 31 Locust St.; Liq. Lic(N/17) ... 306 ' Bridge, Whitewater Creek, 3 Agreements approval.(6N6) .. .. 166 Bridges -Building, for Empowering Leadership for Comm. Dive[sify. (9/2) ......:......._..,._.....................:.., ........ 235 Broessel, Pat, Corner Tap, 2093 Washington, Liq. Lic.(5!5) , , , 121 Brotherton, Doug, Re: Airport employee turnover, budget ' monetaryjustrfcatioa(3/4) .....::.......................... 72 Brown,Juanita, BikersRUs, Cig.Per,(1n0),..,,,,,,., ,,., 24 _ Brown, Wm., re:.1997 Concrete Paving Pro.., for Spruce St resurtacing;. objecting to connection fee for his connection to Water etc(6/16)(12/15)...:......:. ,,,;,.:,...:y70,348 1Q ~~. INDEX.- BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE B Brown, Wm. C., re: McGraw Hill, Co., disposal of property to McGraw Hi1L(5/5)(5119) ........._ ............. .133,140 Brown, Terry & Sue, 2215 Marion SL, requesting to purchase property west of their home.(7R) ,:.,, _,,,,,,:~, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, 176 _ Brown, William, Claim; settlemenL(7/21) ................:.. .... 190 Browner, Steven, & Durtaht Group/ IIW as consultant for North End . Neighborhood Trail pro_(4R) ...............................100 8rueck Rd., final plat of Lots 1~ of Blk 3 of Tiffany Ridge.(2/17) .. , , 54 Brugman, Cathy, Claim; denial.(5/5)(5/19) .................. 116,136 Brunskill, 3100, Midway Mobile Home Park, creation of PR Dis. as requested by Larry & Anne Krefz.{3/17)(48) .........: 84,94 ~Bmnswick, re: subdivision of Pinard St, lots,for M. Launspach: (4/21) ................. _.... ....:... 106,'107 ...................... . Bryant St, 120, rezoning from R2 to OR, requested by J. Holt. (1120)(213) ................. .. 28,39 Buckle Children in the Backseat Month, Prodamation.(48) ........ 88 Budget, CDBG, FY 1998 Annual Action Pian.(i/6),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16 Budget for Professional Conference.(1/20) ...................... 28 Budget for Meeting & Training, Mgr. requesting inpuT; recommendations and decisions.(i/20)(3/4) ................ 28,72 Budget, FY 98, submitted by Mgr.; P. Hearing etc. (iM0)(v3)(3/4)(4121) ............. ..... 28,33,46,72,107 .......... Budget,re: comments by Bud lsenharL(3!J),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...._,.71 Budget. 1997, amendmenL(4Mij .............................. 110 Budget 1999 Guidelines.(1113) ................................ 29H Budget amendment re: Fire DepL's purchase of ECG/ - Defibriliafion/Pacing Equip.(12/15) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,342 Buelow, Mike, Environ. Steward. Comm. re: Deer Problem at Sisters of St. Francis property.(10l6) ............................... 266 BuesingMER partnership for Floodwall Detention Basins' Pumping Capacities Study 8 Engineering ............................. 119 Building Addition, Mechanic's, at Park Headquarten.(515) ........117 Building Bridges for Empowering Leadership for Comm. Diversity. (9/2) ............................. ...235 Building Code Board of Appeals, interview of applicant; appointed of Ronald Jahns.(2/17)(3/3) .......... .. 51,66 Buildings & Structures, Ord. adopting new Sec. 107 providing for maintenance.(5/5) ......... ...... 130 Bunker Hill Golt Course, G. Stephenson, 2200 Bunker Hill, Beer Per.; Gig. Per.; Tobacco Violation Assess. (vngsns)(e/a) .......... ... so,167,ziz Bunker Hill Golf Course Operating Agree. wkh G.M.S. Inc. - G. Stephenson, Golf Pro.(2117) .................................49 Buol, Council Mem.,appointed to Long Range Plan. Comm.(6/16) , .168 Burden, 624 N., rezoning from R1 to R2 for J. Sanner. (3117){48) ............... ..... 84,94 Burger, Gerald, re: Kelly Lane ReconstruMion Pro.(1/20) , , , , , , , , , , y5 Buried Communication Ducts with innerduds Pro.(5/19)(6/16)(8/18) .............................................. i46,147,i69,221 Burke, Jon, Youth In GovemmenT Council Membec(4R) .......... 88 Burke, Robert, Glaim; Settlemenf.{313)(4121) ................. 63,105 Bus Shelters at 24th & Jackson 8: 16th8 Main, Environ. Finding. (4/21) ........................ ...............107 Bus Facility, Boiler Replacement - Keyiine Transit Facility. (78)(814) .................... .. 185,212 Busch, Jim, 3275 Asbury, requesting rezoning of that property. (12115) ..................................................346 ~'~ 11 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT ~~ PAGE ` . ~.._ B Buses, purchase of 1986 remanufactured; purchase 4 remanufactured ones from Blitz(477)(N/17} ,,,, , , , , , , , , , , 101 314 Business Growth, Inc; Loan -Revolving Loan 5104,OOOto , CarteGraph Systems, Ina(4A) , ; , ; , , - Business Survey from Library fd better serve ciYizens.(10/6) .. ~ . ... 260 _ Business Park, Tamarack, for Jan Luckstead, final plat approval (11117) .............:............'....:............... - Butler, John, re: discussion of Town Clock Plaza o i .... 304 re pen ng. (9/16) ................... ..249 Butlett, Joseph & Georgene, re: tlisposing of nearby Kaufmann Ave (Langworthy's Addn) property to them.(612}(6116} :....... , ' . 163 168 Butter s Bar, M. Sawvell, 1700 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lia(6M6) ' , 167 168 B z Uart Inn; B.Bauer, 431 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per, , (6M)(6/16) ...........:...........:.................... 164,167 _ ', ~'_`^. ~~., INDEX -BOOK 127 '1997. SUBJECT PAGE C ~~ ~: `. _. F^ CABLE TV REGULATORY COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/20)(3/3)(4/7)(8n)(9n)(10/6)(10n0)(12/1) ..........:. '.•••^•••^•••••••••••••••......... 18,63,88,150,231,256:274,320 CABLE TV 7ELEPROGRAMMING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES (vzo)(5/s)(sns)(lors)(lono)(12/1}(1v15) ••••••••••^•••••••••••.......... 18,116,136,256,274,290,320,335 CITIZENS WITH DISABILITY PARKING REVIEW COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES:(11/17) .........:.: ......:.......... 301 CLOSED SESSIONS OF CRY COUNCIL: ~ - (vs),(1no)(zrJ)(3/31)(an)(4n1)(an1)(5ns)(s(s) ~sn){5/5)pns) pn1)(sr~a)(s/15)(16/s)(7ono) (12n)(7vis) 16,33,47,87,103, 714,115,135,147,149,187,207,229,253,272,286,334,351 CRY COUNCIL, REGULAR SESSIONS: (1f6),(1n0),(2I3),(2117)(3Y3)(3!4)(3/17)(4/7)(dn1)(5I5)(5/19).. (6n) (6716)(7p),(7n1),(8/4)(8/18)(9n),(9H5)(10/6)(10n0). _ (11f3)(11H7)(12/1)(12/15) ....... .. 1,18,34,49,63,72,77,88,105,116,136,150,165,176,190,208,219, 231,243,256,274,288,301,320,335 CITY COUNCIL, SPECIAL SESSIONS: ~ ' -' _ (2I10)(dn8) (6n)(717)(7f16)(8/18),(9n9) .:...46,115,149,175,187,218,254 CNIC CENTER, FIVE FLAGS COMMISSION Sl18MiTTING MINUTES:.. (1/6),(213)(313)(4!7)(5f5)(6n)(7I7)(8/4)(9n)(10/6) _ , ... • • ... • ................:.... 1,34,63,88,116,150,176,208,231,256 CIVIL SERVICE COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ~ - ~ (7/b),(3/3),(4n1),(5/19j(10n0) :...................1,63,105,136,274 ~. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (116),(5l5j(9n)(10n0)(1217) ..................... 1,116;237,274,320 :: C.K. of Dbq.,inc., County Kitchen, Beer Pec(dn7) .,.,.,,,_,,,•„1pg C.P.Railway, pending sale-I&MRailLink.(3/17} .............. 8283 CStore, Arby's, Arrnn, inc., 10 Main St, Beer Per.; Alcohol Violation assessment.(dp)(4n1)(5/5) ......:: ...92,11,127 ....... Cable franchise court case info.(8/18) ;,,,,,;,,,,,,;,, 221 Cable re: IA Communication Network, Letter of Support for Senate File 76:(3/'17) ........:.. ..... ........:.:................... 78 Cable Regulatory Comm„ applicant O, Ellis; reappointed. (9n)(9H5) ...............:.:........... .............. 235,249 - Cable TV Teleprogramming Comm., applicants: A. Allen, R. Nash, J. Tigges, K. Wanamakerappointrt~ertts of all.(9n)(9/15) ...... 235,249. Callahan- Elliot, Mary, in support of curtew.(5/5) ................121 Camelot Dr. & Radford Rd., deletionof Stop intersedion.(9n) ..._ , 240 Campaign far United Way, City Mgr: fo Chair.(2i3) .......... ...... 36 Campbell, Mark, from Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau, award - to Mayor.(1120) ...........:...:...:.... - ... 18 Campus Master Pian for Clarke College, zoning change.(2/77) .. 50 _ Canadian Pacific Railway, info re: Workers Adjustment 8. Retraining Notification Act for Soo Line employees; Supplemental WARN Act _ Notice advising sale will be dosed in 14 day period; advising of sale of RR 8 that I & M Rail Link now.owns all etc.; (2/3)(3!3){515) :...:......:::.:.::.......::........... 34,64,717 Cancer Society Daffodil Days, Prociarpation.(3/3) ........ .... 63 13 INDEX-BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE c Cancer Assn, American, re: support reversal of Statepreemption of local tobacco ordinances.(2/17). ` :53 Candy.Days-Sertoma, Proclamation (4!7) ,,„ ,,, ,,. 85 Canvas Awning 8 Sign, 1296 Central for J Routley (1/6J. , , ,. „, ,.12 . Capitallmp._.„~..~..;Program, ClP.(2Y3) .............. . ..: 47 Capital projects, incomplete, carryover appropriafions.(10/6) ..... 260 Captains, Fire Dept., certification by Civil Service Comm.(3/3) ..... 65 Captains, Police Dept.: certification by Civil Service Comm.(2f3) , , . 35 Calton, 2757, adjacent property requested for purchase by D. Erschen -Lot 100 in Lenox Addn.(5/5)(612) ............. 116,155 Carryover appropriations for incomplete Capital projects.(10/6) .:.260 Carstens, Laura, Planning Services Mgr: rei 1353 & 1355 Bluff St. Parking requirements.(1016)....:.:...`. ... 259 Cartegraph Systems, Inc.; CEBA Application; Loan etc_(2/3)(4!/) 46,100 Carter Rd., 1852, re: Kenneth & Blanche Johnson, requesting vacation of public ROW,(9/15) ...:..., ~ , .. , , . 244 Carter Road, Renaissance Develop. -Rental Housing; endorsement .for Fed. Assist. (S. Bogey. (1211) .. :............. ` . ..... 321 Caseys General Store, Monday Co. 4003 Peru Rd:, Cig. Per. - BeerPer.(612)(9/2) ......:.... .... :. 153,235..... Casey's General Store, Angel Invest. Co., 2699 Rockdale, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/2)(12H5) ............ ,: 153,344 Cashier posifion, Civil Service certification.(9115) ...... 243,244 Casino Portside, 400 E. 3rd, Liq. Lic. Sunday Sales & Outdoor Ser.;Cig.Per.(4/7)(6Y1). .................... .: 92,153 - Casino -Dbq. Greyhound Park -Purchase of Methane Collection System Equipment; Parking Lot Improvements Pro.; Loading Dock tmprovements.(5/19)(6/2.)(6/16) :................. 146.157,173,174 Casino Dbq. Greyhound Park; Reroofing Project(2J17)(3N7) ... 60,81 Casino -Dbq. Greyhound Park, Loading Dock Improve & Parking Lot Improvements.(7/7) ....:................. ..... 181,182 Casino Dbq. Greyhound Park, Kennellmprovements-(2/17) ,,,,,_61 Catfish Creek, Fremont Ave. Bridge Replace. Pro..(9/15) , .. , , , , , ; y47 , Catfish Festival, D. Ginter, Hawthorne.SL, Beer Per.(6/2) ......... 154 Cathedral District Rep. forliistoric Pres.bomm., Kenneth Kringle.(5/50 .............................,............... 121. Catherine, West Locust St. &Hodgdon St., restorafion of Steps,- - - application for funding eto(9/15) ...............:........... 244 CD Loan, D8 8 T selected to service.(2/17) .......... : .. : 50: CDBG budget, re: FY 1998 Annual Action Plan; amendment; approval for Program Year 23; amendment No. 3 etd; change for FY 1998 Annual Action Plan.(116)(2/10)(3!3)(515)(8/4)(12/1) ,,, 16,70,131,273,324 CDBG funds used for Comp. Plan 8ooklets.(1/6) ............... CDBG funds, expenditure questioned by HUD, response; May 1st ~ 3 expenditure deadline notice from HUD etc.(1Y10)(5119) ... .. 21,137 .CDBG funds awardetl for Child Carefacility downtown.(1/20) ...... 28 CDBG Funds, Loan Agree. -bbq. Food Pantry lnc.(4/7) . , ... .... , y01 CDBG loan Agree., to Dubuque Data Services.(12/15) ......... .. 343 CDBG Funds, Environ. Impact Notice S Rel. of Funds. - (5l5)(5N9) ................. .119.136.. ......................... CDBG Program, re: Notice to obtain view re: Grantee Performance Report; submission of a Grantee Perf. Report.(10/20)(10/20) 274,276 CDBG Review bf the City, HUD,report.(10/20),,,,,,,,,,,,, 278 .CEBA Contract completion-Eagle Point SOftware,Engineering CEBA Application to IA Dept. of Economic DeveLfor AMISYS '.' 106 Managed Care Systems, Inc(6/2)., ,, ,, ,,,,,,._ ,,.:. _.,, 161 ~\ ~~~ ,. 14 INDEX -BOOK 127 /'`, 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~`~ _.. C CEBA Application on behalf of Cartegraph Systems, Filing; - . "~-... appreuatwn expressed to Staff.(213)(4n)(6/1fi) ..:.......46,100,165. Cedar Cross Amocq T.B:T. B. Inc., 1010 Cedar Cr.,.Beer Per.; Cig. Pen(213)(6/2) ................'.:..:...:.:..':..:.::" .. 37,153 - Cedar Cross Rd, 1101, conveyance of property from Heiderscheit's; _ Heiderscheils requesting annexatioa(3fi7)(10/5) ........... 78,256 Cedar Cross Rd_, -Cedar Ridge Farm place, foal plaL(2/17) ....... 50 Cedar Cross -Fremont Irrtersection Reconstruction Pro. (2/17)(3717)(4(21)(6116)(12/15) .......... 59,60,79,80,109,171,348,349 Cedar Cross Rd. & Center Grove Rd., re: sidewalk study requested. (an) ................................:...:.......:........as Cedar Cross Rd. i..;~.~~,.;ion witfi N. Cascade Rd:,funding Agree. - with County for reconstruilion.(4121)(6H6) r...`„,,,,,,,,, 110,171 Cedar Cross Rd., 395, a.,.~...:,.,~nt of Zoning Ord, regulations. (1113) ..........................."..................... .292 - Cedar Cross Rd. intersection with Bonnie CL, approving plat and vacating 8 disposal of portion to M. McNamec(12/1)(12/75) ,.333,345 Cedar Ridge Acres, annexation of property, re: Pat Kennedy's - request; zoning change from AG to Ri.{2/17J(8/4) .......; .. 50,211 Cedar Ridge Fartn Place, Cedar Cross Rd., final plat(2117) , , , , , , , , 50 Cedars Rest. & Lounge, Enke Investment, 2155 Southpark, Liq. Lic. .. 66 Ceiling height standards reconsideratwn re: Housing Code (6Y1) .: 158 - Celebrate Literacy Week, Prodamatioa(9M) ..................... , 231 Cement- concrete bids, re: Obq. Ready-Mix, Stewart Con. re: reasons for not bidding City's Contrail.(11/3).,,,,,,,,.,,,,_.,, ygg - - ~~ Census Tract T8 2, Enterprise Zone forjob creation eta (10/6)j10/20) .................... ................ 266,285... '-.._ Center for Independent Living re: Disability Awareness Training toCity employees.(2/17) ......................:...: .. 49 Center Grove Place - Bartles, re: 3100 Brunkskill rezoning.{4n) , . 94 Center Grove Rd. & Cedar Cross Rd., sidewalk study requested. ............................ Central Ave., 1296, Canvas Awning & Sign (or J. Routley.(116) .. .. 12 Central Ave. 3990, approval of final plat -portion of Frommelt P1.(3/17) .................................. ..77 Central Ave., 1533, P & H Investments, Sign Construilion.(6/2) ...:159 Central Ave. 8 FiBh SL, alley near, IDOT disposing of same. '~ - - - (1113).....: ...........:............. .........289: . Central Iowa Center for Independent Living re: Disabitity - _ Awareness Trainingto City employees.(Z/17),,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,;,, 49 -- Central Tap, Ina, 1046 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4n)(7Y1) ..... 92,153 Certified Loud Government Funding re: Historic Preservation Survey.(12/150 ...................... ....."..................342 CFM Environmental Inc., survey of asbestos in City buildings. (575) .... _ ...131 Chaffee, Francis 8 Robin, Claim; denial.(8/4)(1016) ._ .......: 208,256 Challenge, Dubuque, Event. -Lentzkow Racing.(5l19) ....:.......141 Chalmers, Brad, re: Town Clock Plaza reopening comment. Chamber of 0.:.,.,,,..e re: Mississippi Riverwalk Devel.(7Y11) .: _..201 Channel Inn, C. Fonck, 2010 Kerper, Liq, Lia(6/16) ..:...........168 Chapman, Krishna, dba Oky Doky f.14, alcohol violation assess.; Cig. Per.(515)(5/19)(612) ............ ... .... 135,139,153' ~'- - Charges for Collection S Disposal of Solid Waste & Recyclable Materials lowered.(6/2) ................. :..158 ChaveneUe, Gail, & Wm. Dicken, re: Kelly Lane property to City: - (1720) .........:..................::....................... 21 ~~ 15 INDEK -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~\ C Chavenelle Dr. 8 NW Art. (US 32), Traffic Signals, Cooperafive Agree. with lDOT.{213) .v.....~ ........':........ 37 Chavenelle Rd. & Assoaates Dr., & NlN Art, Traffic Control - Stop Signs.(4/21) ... ... 109' - . Check from DRq in amt of 52,430,1100 00.(]/20) ~ ~ , , . , - 25,28 Cheever, Doug, re: Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro (1Y20)~......... , . 25 ChiLhi's Mexican Res.,800 Wacker Dr., Liq. Lia;Outdoor Sec(213)(4!!) ... ~.. 38,92. -~ Chicago Ave. 8 Drexel Ave re: disposal~of property to E. Madison. - (10/6) ............. . .....270 .. Chicago, Central Pacific RR's ROW re: annexahon of portion of property.(1/20) ...... - ,:.31 Chicago Central 8 Pacific RR Co, re annexation of their property, - the Site "B" voluntary annexation.(2/17) ;., -, , , , , , , ..... 50 <.. Chicago, Central 8 Pacific RR re: Easement Agree ,.construction of Sanitary Sewer Lateral for Kelly Lane - Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer -: - Extension Pro..(12/1) - ..323 - Qhief, Assistant -Fire, Civil Service certification.(3/3) .. , , , , , , , , 65 Child Carefacility in downtown area, CDBG funds. awarded.(1Y10) : , 28 Child CareTask Force, awarded CDBG funds for Child Care facility in downtown area.(1/20),: ,,,,,,,,,.•,., 28 Childhood Lead Poisoning Preven{ion Grant, continue grant -1A Dept, of Public Health; Grant,:VNA for Lead - Poisoning Prevention Prog.(2!3)(12/1) : ....:.,: .:...: 35,323-- Children -Always Buckle id the BackSeat Month Procl.(4/7)~ ...... 8S Chin, Sam W, Long Yuen Ohinese Res., 2600 Dodge, Cig. Pec; Liq. Lic(6/16)(NPo7) .. ~ .167,306 China, Hebei Province, Exchange w8h Iowa, Proclamation in support.(9115) ...:.: ... 243 Chiu, Sam W., Long Yuen Chinese Res 2600 Dodge; Cig. Per ;Liq. •Cigrand, Greg, of 11W re: Lease Agree. Dbq.Youth Hockey Assn.67,306 for portion of Vets Park.(1120) ,> , , , . , , 26 - "'. ... Cigrand,Greg 8 Cynthia, Small Claims (3/17) ... ..... ...: 77' CIP Schedule for DRA, 1997.(]Y10) ....::. .....::.:.... ...... 20 CIP Program, Five Year.(2/3)(3!4) ...:....., ....:..:. .......... 47,72 " City Buildings, survey of asbestos, CFM Environmental Inc:(5/5) . , 131 City Code amended re:.Section 5 -Alcoholic Beverages. (11/17) ... .. 314J17 City Code Supp No 32~adopted No. 33 adopted; No. 34 adopted. (313)(7/21)(]1/3) ...............:. - .:.. 64,195,289 ~. City Council-Abstract of Votes,(]211) .:::........ ..,,,,,, City employee Wellness Program, TriSfate Occupational Health. `321. CRy Expo 97 Event announced by Mgr (4/7) :: , . , gg '~ - City -Fiscal Officers designated for City.(12/15) ~ ,: , : , , , , : ; , . 338,339' ' City Focus Newsletter, finalist Award of Merit.(2!3) :. :. 36 -' - City Government IhterFacility Fiber Optic Communication Network. - (5/19)(12/i) ,. .. 147.329 City Hall Basement Window~Replacement Pro..(3/]7) .. -, 78 - .City Liles Subd., release of pertormance security (Wm. 8 P. Kelly) (10/6):................ .. 257,258 .-. City Lot 537A, Disposal of alley iniower Main property to Atlast Fluid - PowerCO.(4/21)(5/5) ...:.....:..a...`.. :....... 113,122 •. - City Lot 604A, plat approval.(9/29) ...::...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... 254 '..' City Lof 121A (Parcel No. 364)on First St. 8 City Lot 307A (Parcel No. 205 8 337) located in alley near Fifth St. B Central,lDOT intent to City Managersubmittipg FY 98 Budget.(1/20) :. , ?33 City Manager Michael Van Mdiigen approved to serve on Grand . OperaHOUSe Board; approved to Chair United Way Campaign; Closed Council Meeting to evaluate his competency; Sixth Amendment to his Employment Agree. ~ - - (2!3)(612)(6116) :,5_ .... :.::.... ..~.:...:...... 35,36,149,167 16 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE C City owned Dbq. Greyhound Park, opposition to House File 212 which eliminates the Tax Exempt status.(3/3) :.. ... ...:....... li5\ City Series 1979 liens on Dbq. Medical Arts Bldg. Clinic Revenue Bonds.(213) .......................... .. ... 35 City's changed re: National Ambient Air Quality Standards for . Ozone, etc(6/16) ............ ....._ .....:...:...:...... ..: 166. City's contract far ready-mix concrete, Dbq. Ready-Mix, Stewart Con. re: reasons for not 6idding.(11/3) .., •,,,,,;,,,,,,,,;,,,,,•,, 289 Civic Center Arena Roofing Project.(8/18)(9/15) ......: . . . . . . 228 250 Civic Center Comm, applicant Gary Dolphin; G. Dolphin reappointed; applicants Linda Duehr and Steve - ` 5...,:,..;.~..n; appointment of L. Duehr (7!7)(7/21)(8/4)(8118) ......:.............:'....... 180,199,210,222 Civic Center, Modifications to the HVAC System(1173) .... , • • • , , , 288 Civil Service Comm: re: Robert Moofz appeaL(4n1) .. , •', •: , , , , , , 105 Civil Service certification of Police promotionais: Captains, Corporals, and Lieutenanis.(2!3) .:.::::.::::...:......'...: 34,35 Civil Service certification of Fire promotionals: Captain, Assistant Fire Chief, Fire Equip. Operator' Fire Captain- InspecLS.(313) .. 65,66 Civil Service certification of Utility Worker.(4n1) : i .............. 106 Civil Service certification of Firefighter -Entry Level, 2nd List. Civil Service certification of Cashier.(9/15) .................:... 243 - Civil Defense Coordinator, R.Gooch re: Weather warning siren ""-`- placementatLincoin &Sbiras.(9/15) ,,,..,,, i.... •. •.,,;,, 251 Civil Penalties for alcohol violations: Eagle food Center, IA Oil Co. (2) & Park Square Tavem.(1/6) • ... ... . i :..:...:.......:.....: ; 5 Claims S Revenues, Proofs of publication. (in0),(2/17)(3177)(4/7)(5H9)(6116)(9/15)(10n0)(11/3)(12/15)''- _ ...................... • • • • • • - .. 18,49,77,88,136;165,243,274,288,335 Claims of Kennetfi Middleman, settlement.(3f17) ....:............ 79 Clark, Carton C., Claim; Gosed.(5/5)(SM8) • . ..:: ..::.....:.. 116,219 Clark, June, rezoning of 10 0 5 4 0 0 7-1 011 Rhomberg:(3/3) , . , , • • , , • , 67 Clark, Ruth, applicant to Housing Adv. Trust Fund Comm.; appointed.(9/15)(10/6) ..:...........:...:.::-.:....:..:: 249,261 Clarke Drive access.(2/17) .............••: 50 Clarke College Campus Master Plan, zoning change; amend ID District(2/17)(8118)(9n) ...........::.:::..:.:. 50,229,236-238 Clarke & Loras Studerrts commended for Dbq. Hunger Cleanup. (477) ............... - ... 88. Clarke College, 1550 Clarke Dc, Liq. Lia(8H8) ..:.:. , .... , .. ; • ; ; 222 Clarke Dr., Bruce Hogan requesting alley upgrade.(5/19) ..... ..147 Clarke Dc S Heeb ST., 1996 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.(12r15) ..., ., 349 Ciemen, Grace, Claim; referred to Ins.(N/77)(12/1) .:::...:.. 301,320 Clinic Revenue Bonds, Medical Arts, 1979 Liens released.(2/3) :.... 35 CLOSED SESSIONS OF CRY COUNCIL: .. - - - (1/fi),{1n0)(2!3)(3131)(477J(4n1)(4n1)(5/19)(515) (6nJ(515)(7/16) -- pni i(9n6) (sn5)(io/fi) (iono)(1v1) (lzris) 16,33,47,87,103, 114,115,135,147,149,187,207,229,253,272,286,334,351 Clubhouse, The, W Kramer, 2364 Washington, Liq. Lic(8/18) .....222 Code Supplements No. 32 adopted; No. 33 adopted; No. 34 adopted. (313)(7121)(11!3) ............................:.....:.64,195,289' Collection and disposal of Solid Waste & recyclable materials; Ord. change for Ch. 40 "Solid Waste" -fees etc.(3/4){6n) .::.73,158 - ~ - - Collection of Pond by Letter Carriers, Proclamation:(5/5) .........'116 Collection of Delinquent Refuse, Garbage S Sewer Accounts. (12115) ............. .. 340,341 ............. Conditional Use Permit for Zoning, new fee schedWe etc(3/4) ..... 75 17 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT pAGE C Combined Notice of Findingof No Significant Effect on the Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of - FundsforBUSShelters.(4/21) ,,,,,,,,, Comer, Wendell 8 Janis, re: Site F property,'S of Cky; traffic • 107 safety concerns.(2/3) ~ 42 Comiskey Park, 24fh & Jackson, re: Environmental notice re: Bus Shelters.(4M1) ...............................::...:......:107 Commercial Access to Hwy 32 - NW Art. requested by Kivlahan's. (1120) ............................:...:..:.........:... 20,28 Communication Network, IA, Letter of.SUpport for Senate File 76. - Communication DUCfs -Inter Facility with Innerducts Pro. (5119)(8118) ::......., ... - :. 146,147;148,221. Community Devet. Block Grant funds, reallocation of funds for Comprehensive Plan booklets.(1/6).,,-,:,,; .:............3 Community Devel: Block Grant funds, expenditure questioned by - - HUD, }espouse; May 1st expendituredeadline notice from HUD etc. (1120)(5119) ..... , . 21,137 Community Develop. Block Grant Programs -.Enaron. Impact Notice & Release of Funds etc.(6/6) ..._ :::., , -... Community Development Block Grant Review of the City, HUD ~ 'l18 re ort. 10/20 .... 276 Communty Development Block.Grant Loan to ~Oubuque Data Services, extensioa(12/16) ...:..:...... :, 343 Community Development Comm, applicants; appointments of -" Wm. Daugherty, 8 T. Wainwright; resignation of Andrea Shickles- ~- -- Shireman(213)(2/17)(12/i6) .....:..::. ..:38,51,344 Community Development Loan, DB &T selected to service.(2/17) :. 60 Community Diversity, letters of supportfor Building Bridges for Empowering Leadership.(9/2) ...:.,,:... ~ ............: 235' Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) Applicatdn on behalf of Cartegraph.Systems, Inc.; appreciation expressed to stafL(2r3)(an)(s/ifi) ......:......: ... afi,ioo,iss Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA).Application ort behalf of AMlSYS Managed Care Systems,lna(6/2) ......... 161 Community Oriented Police, Grant from Target Sores.{313) ... 64 - Community Partnership Program (cp2], changing Guidelines;. awarding of funds for FY 98.(213)(575) ...:......... :: : ..:. 43,131 `. "- Commun8y Services Grant.Application (or Public Health Nursing Services, Senior Health & Home Care Aide Program) with VNA:' ~- (4/21): ......................... .... 104 Community Wide Garage Sale Day Proclamation.(4O) ......:. Compensation Plan for Non Bargaining Unit Em io ees. 6!2 ~ 88 Comprehensive Pian Booklets, CDBG funds used. %6 ( ) '151 _ Comprehensive Plan for Db resentaiion 6y Comm Members. . 3 .....9..P.. (9I2) .......... ... ::.. 240 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report & Audit Report for 1996, by C. Bailly 8 Co.(1/20) ... ...........::..:.: ' .......... 20 Computer -Laptop, purchase approved for Fair Housing Present. (i2/1).........:.:...... ...........:...t ...329 Computer.Lawsuit settlement, Police, vs. Badger Computers.(6/2) , 160 Computer Purchase for Finance Office okayed etc.(3/3) ..: r.....'.. 64 Conceptual Plan Amendment for 2000 University Ave. -University - - ofOubuque:(2/17) ., - ~ ,;, 58 . Concession Agreement with Northwoods League terminated for McAleece Pk.(1Y10) ,,,,,, ,,,,,.,,__., 19 Concession Agreement with Dave Maters for Flora & Sutton Pools. ~. ~\, I$ INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE C Concession Agreement for Bunker Hill Golf Course with G.M.S. Inc. - George C:_r:,_son.(2/17) ......: ............................ 49 Concrete bids, re: Dbq. Ready-Mix, Stewart Con: giving reasons for not bidding City's contracL(N13) ,._ ......................... 289 - Concrete Paving Project, 1996, Proof; Amendment to Paving Pro.. No. 2 -Clarke Dr. & Heeb St(1110)(12/15) ....... . .. . . . . . .18,349 Concrete Paving Project, 1997, - W. Third from Bluff to Hill and Spruce Si; amendment to Res. -adding; Amendment to Res. of Nec: adding City watermain in Spruce ST. (4121)(5119)(6/16)(11/3)(12/1)(12/15)...., 112,113,138,170,298,330,348 Condemnation for land acquisition in Kerper Blvd. Economic Devel. Dis.(2/17) ............................... ............... ...57 Conference, 1999 Iowa League of Cities, bid for.(1110) ............. 28 Conferences, Professional, re: funding for Meetings budgeL(1/20) .. 28 Conlon Construction Co. of Peosta, awarded contract for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel improve.(3N7) ............... 82 Connection Fee required by Wm. Brown, amendment to 1997 PC Concrete Paving Pro. - Objeilion.(12/15) .....................348 Connector, Jones Street, Project Agree. with IDOT.(8116) ....., ...170 Connolly Construction of Peosfa, awarded iontract for-0bq. Ind-. Center South Sewer & Water UtilRy improvements; awarded contrail for Alpine St. Sanitary Sewer ExL(8M) ............ 156,157. Connolly, Maureen,-Youth Corp. Couhsel.(4R) ............:..... 88 Conservation Society - D. Leifker re: Granger Greek Interceptor Sewer Ext.(12115) ....:-.. ..................................347. Construction services for Dbq. Ind. Center South, contract with "~~ Ya99Y Colby.(62) .............:. ..... 1S0 Consultant of Durrard Group -IIW Engrs. -S. Browner design team ~~-~' for North End Neighborhood Trail Pro_(4!7) ............... 99,100 Consultant requested to assist Gity Zoning Staff, BudgeL(3/4) ..... 72 Consultant selected for design & engineering for County Farm Industrial area.(2/17){3/3) ... 57,70 Consultant's plan consistent with Industrial Park Master Plan. (7/21) ................................................... 202 Cansultafion -HUD, fogowup.(4/7) ............................. 88 Continuum of Care & Application for funds, requirements & submission, IA Dept of Economic Develdp.(6M) ...............152 Contrail amendment to General Drivers & Helpers Union.(5/19) ...137 - Contract for Family SelfSufficiency Coordinator Prog., HUD.(1018) 259. Gordract, Miller Riverview Park, Mgmt. Contract wf pat Feldennan. (tYLO)(11/17) .....................:...::............... 19,309 Contract with Kirkham Michael for master planning of Industrial - Parks.(5119) .............................................142 Contrail with IA Dept, of P. Health for AIDS Coalition Prog.; amended; AIDS Preventative Health Prog.-... (4!/)(9!2)(10/6) ..............:.... ... 91,234,258 Contract for 2nd annual City-wide Rental Unit Surve .10120 Y( )......276 Contrail for Coufrty Farm industrial Park Water Line Service, (11/3) ............:.:........:...........................297 Contract wRh AO Safety Co. -Safety Eye Glass Vendor.(12/1) .....329 Contract with BFI Recycle Now, amendment.(3/17) ............... 84 - Contract with State -Health Services Food inspection -Sanitation, Home Food Establishment, Hotel Inspection 8 Vending Machine Laws.(12/15) ..:..........................................341 Contribution Rates to Municipal Police & Fire Retirement Systems, reduction of Employers' Contribution.(12%5) . .... .............342 Convention & Visitors' Bureau submAfing report; {1rzo)(4n1)(lors) .............::. ...:..19,1os,z5s 19 INDEX - 800K 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE. ~\ ; ._ , C Convention bid for 19991A Leagueof Cities.(1/20) ..,,,,;,,,,,, _, Y8 Cooperative Agreement with ID07 & Cky re: Joint B C k a . . rac Se ling of - Northbound U.S. 52 on White St. between 11th 8 21st St: & On 21st St. Between White&Central.(12/15)..:_..-.:: , 338 ,.,,, , Cooperative Agreement; Triad, witbqutiuque.000nty&.ather agencies rei crime & emergency sRdations.(10/20) ......, .....285 Cooperative Agree. with iDOT re: Traifec Signals at NW Art (US 32) and Chavenelle Dr.(2Y3) :......... ...: 37 Cooperative Agreef with property owners on W. 3rd 8 Fenelon Pl re: . Parcel Access&utility Easemedts.(8N8),,,,,,: 224 COP -Comm. Oriented Police, Grant from Target Stores.(3!3) ...:.. 64 - COpeland, Carol, for P & H Investments re; Sign construction at 1533 CentraL(6!2) ..::. ... ~~ ,. 159 160 . . , Copper Kettle, Jordan Ina,2987 Jackson, Cig: Per.; Liq. Lic. ...................... 248 Cordes, Betty Claim; referred to insurance.(1!6)(1/20) .......... 1 78 , Corey Devel. Ltd. (Wendell Corey) re: Voluntary annezation near .property on NW Arterial; Extension requested (1/6)(1Yt0)(2!3)(6/16)(7/21) ..:.......:...:......14,15,26,38,165 191 , Gorey Development Ltd., Intent to dispose of property to them amended Purchase Agree.(3/17)(4Q) ..:.....: .............. 80 98 , Carey, Wendell, re: City -amended Purchase.Agree. for Cky property of 12:5 acres.(3/3)(3131) ... 70,71,87 Corn Line, Northern, RR re. sale to~Montana.6ased Corp (3/17) . 83 . ... Corner Tap, P. Broessel, :2093 Washington, Liq. Lia.(5f5) ....._ ....121 Corporals, Police Dept., certification by Civil Service Comm(2i3) : , 35 Corps of Engineers, Army, re: River DiscoveryCenter Pro.:(12M) .323 i"1 Corrigan, Mary Rose, Report of Healthy Dubuque 2000.(10@0) .... 273. Cosgrove, Ed, re: Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro.; speeding problem ~~--` on FCelly Lane.(120)((10/20) ..........:................_. 25,278 Cottages increased re: Padre Pio Assisi Village, amend Concept Devel. Plan.(4D) ....:......:...................... ... 97 ...... Cotter, John A., Claim, (by Atty M. Bohren(8!4) ... „ .....:.......208 Cottingham & Butler, Agreement for City's Workers' Com P p. ro.; Re: Downtown Town Clock Plaza reopening comment. (213)(9/13') .............................. ........35,249. Couler Valley Redevelopment Area Urban Renewal Dis., Eerminate same.(3/17).. ~ 83,84 Council Members appointments to the GDDC , D. Nicholson 8 D. Voetberg.(5/5) ..::c... .: :.... ......... .... 121 -. ........ Council Meetings Proofs of publication (1/20),(213)(2117)(3/3)(3117)(417j(5/5)(5119)(6/2)(6N6(7q))(8/4)(9/2) (9N5)(10/6)(11/17)(12/15) ~ " ......:..... 18,34,49,63,77,88;136,150;165,176,208,237,243,256,301 335 , Council Proceedings, approved as printed etc. (2/3J(313)(8/18)(9/2)(11/17)(12N)(12/15) :,,, 34,63,219,231,301 320 335 , , Counties in Iowa, City's support for legislators re; property tax'. ~ freeze to expire etc.(313) ...::....:......... ' ................ 65 Country Bunker, Bob's, various tents, Hawthorne St., Beer Per. (6/2) ................:............... .. .:: 154 Country Ciub, Dbq, Goff &, re:. fireworks request; Liq. Lic. _ Country Kftchen; Beer Per.(4/21) ....................._... 108 ... County & others agencies, Triad Cooperative Agree., re:Emergency 8crime prevention etc.with City,(10/20).:. ,,, ,,,:;:,, 288 ,,,, County Conservation Society, D. Leifker, objecting to Granger Creek . Interceptor Sewer Ext. Pro_(12/15) .....:.... .347 ................. County Fann85iegert Farrn,annexation.(2/3) ...... ..........::. 41 - /.,.``. 20 ~~ `- INDEX -BOOK 127 1997. SUBJECT PAGE C County Fann Industrial Development, R.Dickinson repdrt.(2N7) ... 62 County farm Industrial area, design 8 engineering consultant selected; contract with Kirkham Michael; engineering services contract for Water Line Service; final plat of Industrial Plat. - (2/17)(313)(5N9}(1173)(12/15) ....................57,70,142,297,335 County, funding Agree. re: Reconstruction of a portion of N. Cascade Rd. Westerly from intersection with Cedar Cr. Rd.(4/27) 110 County property to City from Eldon B. Digmaa(1Yt0) .... ......... 20 County property, west, RR, annexation. (1120) ...............:... 31 County property of Wm. & Janet Siegert, annexation etc. _ (1120)(2/3) .............................................. 31.42 County property, west, annexatian.(V20)(2/3) .,,,,,,,,_,,,,,, 31,42 County property, re: Offer to Buy Real Estate from them.(2/3) . , . , , , 42 County re: Intergovernmental Agree, re: Whitewater Creek Bridge. (6/16 ...................... ....166 _ Cox, Sr. Mary Lee, OSF, Chap. of Law Enforce. Gave invoc.(72N) . , 320 CP/SOO Line RR sale to lBMCorp. (2/17) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 49 Cpl program, Changing guidelines; awarding of funds for FY 98_(2/3)(515) .................. .......... 43,131 Crack Sealing & Joint repair on Northbound US 52 on White St. between 11th & 21st St. & 21st SL between White & Central. (12115) ..................................................338 Crawford 8 Co. Insurance, referral of claims, (7/6)(2fJ)(3/3)(4/27)(5/5)(5/79) {672)(6116)(7!7)(7121) (8/78)(9/75)(70/6)(70)20) ••... 7,34,63,105,716,136,750,765,776,790,279,243,256,274 ~~ Creative Touch Gallery, OOH LA LA, Wine Per.(612) ............. . 154 Credit Unions authorized to be a financial institution for CBy ~~__""~ tunds.(72/15] ..... ........................................339 Crescent Elec, Creslanes Bowling, 255 S. Main, Gig. Per,(6/2) .....753 Crescent Ridge Rd. & Starlight Dr., amend zoning planned Resid. Dis.-Tim Puis.(10Y10)(71/3) ,,,,,,,,,,, .... 286,297 Creslanes Bowling, Crescent Eled., 255 S. Main, Cig. Per. Liq. Lic(612) ......................................... 153.154 CROP Walk Day in Dubuque, Proclamation.(9l15) ............... 243 Cross Connection Control, new Ord., re: Water Backtlow Prevention. (10/20) ........................ ................ 281-285 Cross Hill Or., re: final plat of portion of Key Gate Center No. 3.(10Y10) .. .......... ...280 Cross St., 250, Bifl & Jane Duggan requesting vacation & purchase of aliey.(5/5) .............................................117 Cue Master Billiards, M. Rapp, 900 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (313)(612) ............................................. 66,153 Culbertson, Dorothy, applicant & appointed for Housing Com. (8/4)(8178) .................. ...210,222,223 Culver, John C., 0.S. Congressman, re: changing name of fioodwall in his honor.(6/2) ......................................... 158 Cummings, Rev. Jim, Pastor of First Baptist Church; Gave lnvocation.(2t3) ...................................... 34 Cunningham, Mn, re: vacation & portion of alley between W. 3rd 8 fenelon Place.(8/18) ....................................223 Curb Ramp Project for 7997.(4A)(5/5i(12/75) ......... 702,103,129,340 Curtew recommended for all under age 77. ' (3717)(4/7)(4Y21)(5!5) ............... ...83,92, 105.121 Curiel, Anna, Claim; referred to Crawford.(2/17 /3 . )(3 ) ••--....... 49,63 Cutler, Pastor Jamie of Rockdale 8 Center Grove United Methodist Ghurch.(9/15) ................................... 243 /o ~...' 21 __ _ _ __ __ __ INDEX -BOOK 927 1997 SUBJECT PAGE. ~~ C INDEX -BOOK 127 1997. SU$JECT PAGE D DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTER ADVISORY 80ARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (612) ....:.:.:....: ............................150 D & L Drive-Thru, 1090 White St., Cig. Per.; Beer Pec ' (8/4)(8118)............: ........... ............... 209,222 - Daffodil Days -Cancer Society, Proclamation (313) ............... 63 Dahlman, Homer Jr., property to City £o~ Kelly Lane ROW.(1/20) ...:. 23 Dalsing, Jacqueline, employee of Rainbo OiI dba Kwik St. at 2255 Kerper Blvd-Lic. Penalty for Alcohol Violations.(7/21) ........197 DAMA Corp., Rainbo Lounge, 36 W. 4th, Liq. Lic.(10Yt0) ..........277 Dart Inn, B'z, 8. Bauer, 431 Rhomberg, Liq- Lic.(6/2) .............154 Daugherty, Bill, applicant for CD Comm:; reappoilrted.{213)(2/17) 38,51 Davis, Clement & Linda, property to City for Kelly Lane ROW. {1120) ............................. . .............. 22 Davis 8 Sheridan Sts., conveyance of property from HOMZ Management to Gity.(12/1) .:........ . , 325 Dupaco Community Credit Union, named as depository institution. (12!15) ........................... .............339 Davis, Edward Francis, Claim; settlement(7/7)(7/21) ....:.... 176,190 Daykin, Kim; applicant for Park S Rec. Comm; reappointed. - (7/7)nn1)...::.....:......:....... .......... 180,199 Days Inn, Dbq. Lodging Inc., 1111 Dodge, Liq. Lia; Cig. Per. (373}(717) ....::..........:. ......... 66,180.. DB & T Bank selected to service Community Development Loans.(2/17) .................:.... .::...........:.... .::50 D80Inc., Shot Tower inn, 380 Locust, Liq. Lia(5119) ..::....... .. 138 De-icing planes, notice by American Airlines of usage of Ethylene Glycol,(10/20) ................................... 275 Debt repayment of DRA from Reserve (und.(1120) ..........:..... 20 `.,~ December 1996 Financial Reports submitted; Printed Council ( Proceedings approved.(213){313) ....: .................:... 34,63. •, Decker, Emily, Youfh in Government Council Member-(417) ......:. 88 "" Deed for property on 1101 Cedar Cross Rd. to Cdy.(3/17) .. , ..... , , 89 Deed for Kelly Lane ROW from D. Schihz.(612) .................. 152 Deed for Kelly Lane ROW from various ownen.(9/2) . , ... , , , , 232,233 Deed re: property to Corey Devel.(411) ...............:.... ...... 98 Deeds for 12 parcels of property for Kelly Lane ROW.(1/20) ..... 21-24 Deer problem -surplus, near Middle Fork.(120) .................. 18 Geer problem, Environ. Steward. Comm. re: ONR antler-less deer fags; Thanks from Srs. at St. Francis for action; new Ord. allowing specific hunting.(5/5)(5119)(10!6) ............ ...131,136,266 DeHaven, Robert, employee of Rainbo Oil, dba Kwik Stop at 2297 University -License Penalty for Alcohol Violations.(7Y11) .. . , 196. __ ... Delaney, Jean, Claim(12/15) ...::: :..... ...335 Delegate, voting for National League of Cities; D. Voetberg.(10/6) ..267 Delinquent Retuse 8. Sewer Accounts, correction, assessed with taxes etc(12/15) ........:....... :. 340,341 Delta Dental Pian, Financial Agree. wf Admin. Services.(2/3) ....... 35 Deifa Queen Landing Site, Mooring Dolphins Pro.(1/6)(7/21) .10,11,195 Demenf, Cecilia, Claim; Referred to Ins.(11/3)(11/17) ...... , , , 288,301 Demmer, Jeff, Bodines Lounge, 1445 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lia (612j(7/21).......:'..:.....C...: ....................... 153,198 Dempsey's, Kahn Family Tern. 395 E. 9th, Liq. Lic.(11/17} ........306 Denny's Lux Club, B. Laren, Liq. Lia; Cig. Per.(515)(6H6) .... 121,167 Depository institutions named for City, banks eta(12/15) .........339 Dept. of Agriculture re: input "To Determine Iowa's future & future of community."(1Y10).._ ..........................:..... .. 18 Des Moines- Dubuque Days, R. Dickinson comments.(3117) .. :. 86 Design &engineering consultant for development of County Farm Industrial area.(2/17)(313) ................ .......57,70 -: Design & Engineering services with Kirkham ,Michael & Associates for Courrty Farm Ind. Park Devel.(5/19) ......................142 Design Center, Inc., Julien Inn, 2110 Main, Liq. Lic.(12/15) ...........344 23 WDEX -BOOK 127 X997 SUBJECT PAGE D Design concepts for Ice Harbor Walkway & Boat Docks 8 Miss. Riverwaik etc., final approvaL(t1/3) .......... . ;. Y95 Design team for North EndNeightiorhood Trail Pro .(4I7) ... ... 99 Detention Basins' PumpingCapacities - Floodwall, Buesing/HER - - for Study etc(5/5) ... - - 119 Detertnan, Thom, 8 Eddie Moore, contracted for Orversrty Training of City employees.(11l17) ... 304 Development Services Fees, New Schedule adopted.(3/4).. ... 75 Devon Dr., near Highway20, re: UD requesting tune extension for planned unit development of property.(8N8) -„_„,.,, . YY0"" DiamandJo Casino Pdrtside, 400 E. 3rd, Llq. Lic.; Cig. Per: -- (4O)(6/16) .........:.................................... 92,167.. Diamond Jo Casino, request for fireworks.(4n1) .:.,,;,, ,,, , , , , , , 106 Diaz,Martin Esq., Claim of M. McCullough, referred to Ins.(12/1) :. 320 Dicken, Wm. & Gail Chavenelle, property to City for Kelly Lane ROW. - (1no) .. ..: :. zt Dickinson, Rick of GODC, giving progress report onbity Projects; - re:bubuque Days in Des Moines fraction re: P& M RailLink. ... ........... .... Dickinson, Rick;County Farm Deveiopmenbupdate (2117) ........: 62 Digman; Eldon L, Property from him to Cky.(1n0) :...:. :.... . ..: 20 -' Dinsney SL, between Mt. Loretta & Tressa Sts., near River.Ridge, K: " Kringle requesting vacation of same.(12/15) : .. .:.:..::..... 33B - Disability adm. plans. for City, Agree: wRh Health Choices. - (8/4j ..................................... ... 209. Disability awareness training for Crtq Employees, Central Iowa _ Center for Independent Living.(2117)''.:,..,;,'. .49 Disability, National Organization, City Rep, David Harris.(2r3) , , , , , ,, 35 Disability Training Grant application.(10r6) .:..... ...._ .:.... ... 259 Disc Golf Course at Veteran's Memorial Park, 18 hole, Bevel. - (9n) .. - ...... .. 239. Disclosure Requirements - iA Real Estate Commission.(4n1)' :: .. 105 Discovery Center Project, River, Arrny Corps of Engrs, inquiry. ~. (1211) ................... - - ... 323 Disposal by IDOT of property on First St. & property in alley near 5th and Central.(1113) ...........:....:......._....._.:.....:, 289 .Disposal of City's interest in portion of E. Dbq.: Addn. to R. Walser. - (1ns) ..... :.....:.. :...:. :...... 27 Disposal of 553561 Loras Bivd. to S. Guoenkauf. (2117)(3!3) .... 58,69 - Disposal of portion of property imCounty to Wendell Corey. - (3rs)(31n)(3r31)(an) .............. .. 71s6s7s9 Disposal of interest in CAy Lot 537A to Atlast Fluid Power Co. (4n1) ................. .. 113 " Disposal of nearby Fremont Htgs: property requested by M. ;. McNamer.{5/5) ....:... ... ~ - ... 116 Disposal of City property to McGraw Hdl Rivertront Subd. No. 5. (5119) :..:............ _ ... i40 ,.. Disposal of Lot 100 Lenox Addn. to Michael & Denise Erschen. (5119).~ ..:.....................:.:............:.:.......: 145 . Disposal of City interest in Lot 1646,C, Lot 4666 & C - 600 Block of Kaufmann - in L.H. Langworthy's Addn. to 8utlett's, Gruber's, and MacDonaid's. (6/2)(6/16) „_..:....:• ., 163,168 Disposal of Lot 11A of Dbq. HomesSUbd. No. 1 to Bill &Jane. Duggan.(7n1). .......... ......... 200.:, ......................:... Disposalof property at 1353 Bluff to S. GudenkauL(9N5) ......,. 250. Disposal of property W of Kerper Blvd. & S of Fengier to J. P, Mihalakis&R, Billmeyer.(9/15) ,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 252 Disposal of property, City Lot 6b4A to TFM Co. (9129)(10/6) _.. , 254,264 ~-`'. i~ i--~ ti_ 24 INDEX -BOOK 127 j'ti, 1997 SUBJECT PAGE D Disposal of City's interest in property at Kerper & Fengler St. to d Mihaiakis 8 R. BiOmeyeu(10/6) ............................. . 263 Disposal of City interest in portion of N. Dubuque Subd. Lots to Ernest 8 Elizabeth Madison.(10/6) ..: ....................... 271 - Disposal of 659 W. Eighth.-8th St. to Toby J. Kress.(11/3) ........300 Disposal of part of Fremont Ave. between Bonnie Ct. & Dorothy Kay Dr. & a part of N. Cascade Rd. at intersection of Cedar Cross 8 Bonnie Ct. to M. MctJamer's.(12N5) ....................... 345 Dispute Resolution Center, copy of Agree., Walnu[ St. neighbors etc. (S!4) ........:.........:................................. 208 Distribution of DRA Funds.(120) ............................. 28 Diversity Training contract with Thom Determan 8 Eddie Moore. (11/17) .........:................... .......304.., Diversity, Community, re: supportive fetters for "Building Bridges for Empowering Leadership.(9/2) .............................. 235 DNR - Wasfe Compliance Inspection Update.(3717) ............... 78\ DNR - Indusfriat PretreatmenT Compliance Report(10/6) ..........257 DNR -hunting of deer on sisters of St. Francis property. - (10/6) ................................ .......266- DNR, Grant Agree. re: Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail on Schmitt island.(12/1) ..:: ..............:....................323.. Docks, Transient Boat, & Ice Harbor Walkway Pro. (10120)(1113) ........:.........:......................286,295 Dodds, Doq re: Juvenile Curfew Ord.(515) . ....................121 _ Dodds River Temmnal, Inc., request to lease add'I land near - Terminal SL(5/5)(62) ...... .. ...:......... 118,150 ~~..~ Dodge, Street, acceleration Lane cansfruction.(2/3) 45 Dodge Si. B: Bluff Sfs., monitoring wells an City ROW - MidAmerican Dodge St. - U.S. 20, Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro„(5719) 136,137 Dodge St. Reconshuction, accept. easement property from Mid- American Energy Co.(9/2) ....:........:................... 233 Dodge Sf., frontage road near YMCA named YM/YW Dr. (1020)(1113)(1211) .:.......:...........:...........277,295,333 -, Dodge St. - V.S. 20, re: IDOT condemnation of Hardees prop. (12/15) ..................................................335 Dog Ordinance, D. Rampson requesting additional Ord_(2/17) ..... , 50 Dog Track -Reroofing Project for Greyhound Park 8 Casino; Kennel improvements also; Methane Collection System Equipment Purchase. (2/17)(3/17)(5H9) ...................... 60,67,81,82,146 ._ Dog Track, Tax Exempt status, opposition to House Fiie 212-(3/3) .. 65 Dog Gone, inc., Dog House Lounge, 1646 Asbury, Liq. Lic., Cig. Per; < Liq. Lic.(62)(6/16)(1020) . .:..................:......154,167,277 Dog House Lounge, Dog Gone Inc., 1646 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Pet.; Liq.Lic(62)(6/16)(1020) .......:................ .... 154,167.277 Dogs, re: Purchase of Service Agree. with Dbq. Humane Society. (721) ............:.. r......:.......:..:............ Dolan, David, Claim; referred to Crawford.(10/6)(1020) ....... 256,274 Dolphin, Gary, applicant to Five Flags Cortvn.; reappointed. (7/7)(721) ............... .. 180,199 ...................... Dotter, Mildred M., Basket Expressions, Beer-Wine Lic(7p) ......180 Domestic Violence Grant -Police Dept, awarded to County Atty's Office:{8/i8) ...:.~ .....................:................:...221 Dorothy Kay Dr., between Bonnie Ct. & a part of N. Cascade Rd. -approval of plat and sold to Martin & Nancy McNamer. (1211)(12115) .......................................... 334,345. DOT Agreement for Hwy 20 improvements, acceleration lane _ construction on Dodge St(273) ...:.......................... 45 25 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997. SUBJECT PAGE ~~ D, DOT, intent to sell property in Locust St, Bissell Lane & First St area:(612) ....:..:..::.:.......~........:. .... 750 DOT, RISE Funding for new Street in Dbq. Jndustrial Renter .. South.(6/2) : .. 160 DOT re; Reconstruction of Jones St Connector.(6/16)... „ 770 DOT, re: application for ISTEA funding for canstmction etc. of Hodgdon Si.& Catherine - W: Locust Steps.(9/75) ............. 244 - Dotson, Rev. James, Pastor of Grandview United Methodist, Gave lnvocation.(8/18) ........:..:..:... ... 279 Douglas, Mark, Claim; denial. 8118 9Y2 •~ • ~ • • ~ ~ ~ ~ • • • • • Downtown Child Care facility,(awarding of CDBG funds.(1l20) ,2~8 Y28..:-. - Downtown Traffic Circulation Study, results eic ;.re: discussion etc. to open part oral) of Town Clock Plaza:(3131)(9H5) .......... 87,249 Downtown Urban Renewal Dis.; amended & Restated Urban Renewal Plan -also Tax tncremeht Fin. (70/6)(10l20)(11N7) ...., , , 269,276,310 Downtown Rehab Loan Program, revisions eta(1]/3) ... ,. , .297,298 Downtown Rehab Program Loan to $touf Place Apts..-Iowa Inn: - (71/17) .............. .:.:....: .:..:.................. 373 DRA, 1997 CIP Schedule approval of various fiunds.(1/20) ......... 20 DRA representatives 8. Wentworth & R.' Herrig presented check to City from DRA, portion of proTits.(1120) .:..:........ . , 25 DRA prepayment of debt from Reserve fund approved.(1/20) .., , , , , 20 ORA Ltd., Financial St_:_.,.;..., for year ending 773036:(2/3):...... 34 DRA-Greyhound Park, Kennelimprovemerits.(2717)(3(17)..:... 61,82 DRA -: Greyhound Park & Casino, Reroofing Pro.;. Methane Collection System Equipment; Parking Lof and Loading Dock Improvements.(2117)(3N7J(5/19J(6Yt)(6176)(7/7)(7Y17) ,.,,,.,,,,,.,,, • • • • •' .:60,81,146,757,169;173,174,181,207 ~ -_` DRA -Greyhound Park, Tax exem t status, o ~~ File 272. 3/3 P pposition to Nouse ~._, =' ( ) .....:.........:................ .. 65 DRA prepayment 1997 principal of Ioan.(4I7) DRA re: Martin Dunne Claimetc.(10120) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 274 .................. :.:.... DRA's distribution of tunds.(7/20) : .............. .... 28 - DRA's insurance, claim of JoEllen Reed referred to them.(8/78) .. , 219 Draman, Wendell, Claim;Settlement.(7R)[7j2i) ........_'...: 176,190. Dredging Project, Kerper Industrial Site.(/21) , , , , ,, , , , , ,,, , , , , , , ypg Dredging project, 1997 Harbor Maintenance.(9/15)(10!6) :.. 251,252,265 Drexel Ave. & Toledo St, intersection, E. Madison. requesting to purchase nearby property; approval of plat.(9/15)(10!6) .:.. . 244,270 - Droessler, Eugene (Gene) & Rita, re: County Properly to-City; from Drug Task Force Program, Grant Application for Police.(5/5) ...... 719 Drug Plan, Prescription, Agree: with Segal Co.(5l79) .........:..: 737 Dubuque Area Lifetime Center, expansion at Senior Center, Agree. Dubuque Area Chamher of Gonvnerce Convention & Visitors Bureau, Putchase of Services Agree.(7R) ......._ ............ 777 Dubuque Area Labor Management Council, Purchase of Services Agree:(7f7) ....... .. 177.-.-. DubuqueBank 8. Trust selected to service CommunAy Devebpment Loans; named as depository institution.(2/77)(12/15) ........ 50,339 Dufiuque Bowling Lanes, J. Ferring, 7029 7M Main, Liq. Lic(6/16) . 168 Dubuque Boys' Club, Power Hour Program, Ye: Cpl funds.(5/5) ... 732 Dubuque Brew Pub, Dbq. Brewing Co., Beer 1?er.(5/5) ...:....... . 120 Dubuque Challenge Event in June - Lentzkow Racing.(5/19) ...... 141 - Dubuque Comprehensive Plan, presentation by Long Range Planning Comm.(9/2) . ' - ~ .. 240 Dubuque County Fair Week Proclamation (7/21) ... • ...... 790. 26 i-°-_ L_ ?. INDEX -BOOK 127 ,'`'V '1997 SUBJECT ~ PAGE D Dubuque County Historical Society, Ryan House, Liq. Lic.(12/15) , .345 Dubuque Oats Services, Extension of CDBG Loan.(12I15) .......:343 Dubuque Days in Des Moines, Comment by R. Dickinson.(3/17) .... 86 Dubuque Diamond Ja, fireworks request(4n1) ................. 106 Dubuque Golf & Country Club_f, :, ~ _.;,~ display request; - Liqucr Lic.(4q)(5/5) ................ .._ 88,131 Dutiuque Greyhound Park, re: tax exempt status, opposition to House File 212.(3/3) ......................................... 65 Dubuque Historic Improvement, The Redstone Inn, 504 Bluff, Liq. Lic(3/17) ..........:.. ........... 79 Dubuque Homes Subdivision No. 1, Lot 11A, to Bi11 S Jane Duggan - alleyatCrossSL(7/7)(7/21) ......:. ..,,,,, 184,200 Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Devel. Dis., Urban Renewal Area, expansion.(1n0) ...................... Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Development Dis., Amended 8, 31 Restated Urban Renewal Plan.(4q) . ...... . .. .. ... ..:.......:. 98 Dubuque Industrial Center South, new name designation of Site F. (4R) ................................... ...98 Dubuque industrial Center South Economic Devel. Dis, - originally Site F - by Lake Eleanor Rd. & Hwy 151„ Urban Renewal Plan; rezoning; grading project; rezoning etc.; Utilities installation; Site Grading; Sewer & Water Utility Improvements; RISE funding -DOT for new street; construction services; Road Mprovemehts; Tax Increment Financing etc. (4I7)(4n1)(5/5)(5/19)(6n)(7n1)(8718)(11/3) ..........:............. -•. ......_ 97,111,113,114,122,134,140,156,160,204,205,226,227,296 Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Devel. Dis - Bergfeid Farm, amended Urhan Renewal Plan; Amended 8. Restated Urban Renewal Pian.(1016)(11/17) ............................. 268,307 Dubuque Inn Best Western, 3434 Dodge, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (~)l7R) ....................... ................ 38,180 Dubuque Fighting Saints, contrail for use of Five Flags Civic Center. (9n) ........................................ ..232 Dubuque Food Pantry, CDBG Loan Agree.(4/7) ........ .........101 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (3/17)(6/2) ............ ~ .... 79,153 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, Reroofing Pro.; Methane Collection EquiQment System Purchase; Parking Lot improvements & Loading Dock Imr...,~,,,~rds, (2N7)(3/17)(5M9)(6n)(6/15)(7/7)(7n1) , , 60,81,146,157, 173,174,181,201 Dubuque Greyhound Park, Kennel improvements.(2717)(3/17) , , , 61,82 Dubuque Lodging Ina, Days Inn, 1111 Dodge, Liq. Lia(3/3) . „, , , , , 66 Dubuque MetropolRan Solid Waste Agency, tiQping fee schedule. (6n).--. ................................................. 159 Dubuque Mining Co., 555 JFK, Liq. Lia(2/17) ............... 51 Dubuque Museum of Art re: Ice Harbor Floodwall Mural.(5/5) .. ..130 Dubuque Parking Ramp Rehabiliation Repairs.(8/18) ........ 227,228 Dubuque Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstruction. Dubuque Ready Mix, Inc. a div. of W. C. Stewart, re: not bidding City's concrete needs.(1173) ....:........................... 289 Dubuque Symphony Orchestra request for fireworks per.(5/5) ....117 Dubuque Racing Assn., distribution. of funds.(1/20) , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , yg Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd., Financial Statement for year ending 113056.(2/3) ............................................. 3d Dubuque Racing Assn, prepay 1997 ban principaL(4!7) .......... 91 Dubuque River Terminal, Claim; referred to Crawford tns. {313)(4ni) .....................::..................... 63.105 27 INDEX - BOQK 127 1997 .SUBJECT` PAGE D Dubuque Terminals, Inc.7ei discussion ofi Oodds Terminal desireto lease atlditiomalland adjacent to their property:(6/2) :.. ;.::.... 150 bubuque Visiting.Nurses Assn., re: Memorandum of Understanding re: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog:(12/1) ; , . _ , .. _ , , 323 Dubuque Yacht Basin, sublease part of Chy property to D: Jennings.(5/5) ~ .. 118 Dubuque Youth Hockey Assn., Lease portion of Veterans' Memorial DubuqueFest, O. Ginter, Beer Per.(5/5)~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "' """"' , , 120 Ducts, inter-facility Buried Communication Innerducts Pro..(5/19) .146 Duehr, Linda, applicant for Civic Center Gorton., appointed. j8/4)(8/18) .....::... _ .. 210,222 Duehr, Michael J. & Heidi M., approval of survey plat of Lots 1 8 2 State St. Subd(11/17) . - - ... 305 Duggan, Bill & Jane, vacation & purchase of alley near 250 Cross St.(5/5)(7!7)(7/21) ...... .:.....:..: .. 117,183.184.200 Duggan, Terry,.Abstract of Votes for Mayoral election.(12/1) .,. , , 321 Ouniap, Cardle, re: downtown plaza opening comment(9M5) .. .:249 Dunne, Sr. Catherine,'Pres, of Clarke College, re: proposed expansion project, rezoning etc.(9/2) ........ 236,238 Dunne, Martin, vs DRA etc. Claim:(1g120) , ~ ~ ". , ... ~ 274 Durrant Group -:IIW Engrs., S. Browner Oesignteam as consultant forNortti End Neighborhood Trail Pro_(4O) ,:.,,,,,, 99 ~; /'~, i.. ~~ INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE E ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMiTTINGMINUTES: (1n0)(2/17)(5/19)(8H8)(11/17)(12/1) ......_... 18,49,136,219,301,320 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADViSORYCOMMfSSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1n0)(3117)(5/5)(fin)(7R)(814),(8/18) .. •.:.••...••.••..••...................18,77,116,150.176,208,219 E, 12th St., 465, approval for underground electrical feed within public ROW near ailey.(1/6) . ................. ..... 13 E 20tfi St. & Rbomberg, Proof of filing of Schedule of Assess. (1no) :....... .:.1a E. 9th St., 299, vinyl awning construction for Tschiggfries.(2/3) ..... 43 E. Seventh St. -Morrison Bros. property, request for Urban Renewal Dis.(4R) .. - ... 99 E. of Tyra Lane S West of Happy Tails Kennelat 11376 N. Cascade Rd„ rezoning from R3 to C2 for J. Whalen.(6n) ...............154 "' E..Sevenfh St., Tax Increment Financing Ord.(11/3) E. 28th SL, 475, rezoning from CS & R2 to U, as requested 6y Fred Jackson Tuckpointing.(11117)(12115) ,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,, 318,347 E. 16th, North of, & West of Kerper Blvd., approval of Survey Plat. (1271) .. ...322 .. Eagle Country Market #018, 300 S. Locust, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6n)(10n0) ...................:.........:............ 153,277 Eagle Country Market #130,1800 Elm, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. {6n)(lono) .......................................... 153,z77 Eagle Food Center, 2050 JFK Rd-, civil penalty for alcohol violation;. Cig. Per.; Beer Per-(1/6)(6n)(10n0).............5,153,277 „\ Eagle Point Associates, ToNbridge Inn, 2800 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.. i (912) ................................:. Eagle Point Park Rest Room Pro.. 575 ~ ~ ~ 235 `~-~ ' Eagle Point Park Open Air Pavilion Roofin Pro.. 515 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 117 Eagle Point Software -Engineering Data, completion of CEBA 118 contiad.(4/21) .................... .106 Eagle Point Water Plant North Wall Brick Replacement Pro„(9715) .246 Eagle Window & Door, J. Hasken, Claim; referred to Crawford Ins.{4R)(5f5) .. .. 88,116 Eagle Window & Door, relocation request to area on Kerper Bivd. Ind. Park(10/6) ........ ........ 266 Eagles Ciub #568, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Refund on Cig. Per. (3/3)(fi716)(8/4) ................ .:.............66,167,208 Easement acceptance for Dodge SL Reconstruction.(9n) ........233 Easement, RR - Agreemerrt, for ROW of Kelly Lane - Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Pro..(1211) ..............:.: ~ , 323 East Dubuque Addn., Lots 227A 8 231A, disposal of property to R. Walser.(1f6)(1n0). ...................... ...... 19,27 East Seventh -7th - St. Economic Devel. Ois., Urban Renewal Plan; Tax Increment financing Dis.(7n1J(11/3) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 199;206,295 ECIA Business Growth, Inc. - EDA Laan for CarteGraph Systems, Inc(4R) ................................................ 100 Econofoods #471, Nash-Finch Co., 3355 JFK, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. {2N7)(6n) ........:.:............. .. 51,153 Economic Devel. Dis. -Site F, Dbq. Industrial Center -South, at Hwy 151 and Lake Eleanor Rd.(4R) ............ .......:......:. 97,98 Economic Devel. Dis. requested for Morrison Bros. Seventh St pmperty.(4/7} ............................ ....99 Economic Development Package for CarteGraph Systems, inc. (4R) ...........:.:............ .100 Economic Development, K. Boyd, completion of CEBA Contract - Eagle PL Software -Engrg. Data.{4n1) ......................106 Economic Devei. - IA, State of Iowa Continuum of Care & funds aPPlications eta(fi72) ..................................... 152 ~'` 29 __ __ _ _ INDEX -BOOK-127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~~ '~% E' Economic Development for Local HousingAssist. Program funds.;.' - Application to IA Dept. of Economic D _ _ .:,. nt.(t2N5) ::.. .: r 342 EDA Loan for CarteGraph Systems, ECIA Business Growth ina (44)..... -.,__ ,~.,. r -. ... 100 Education -Multicultural/global, support of grant applicationfrom REACH Centec(i/6) ......:....:::.: ..:......:.:... ..-.4 ....... .Educator's Day, Retired, Proclamation.(10/6) : .. .:...:.......... 256 Edwards Precast Co., change in PUD at 777£dwards Rd.(3/17) ..... 78 Edwards Road 777, change in PUD.(3117),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.., 7g Ehrlich, Earl 0., sale of portianof Kirkwood Sf., formerly Union Ave.- & a portion of vacated Bellevue Sf.(8!4)(8/18) ...... ..:..... 216,224 EighteenHole Disc Golf Course at Veteran's Memorial Park. (9n) ..... .:.....: ..:.:... ~ ........:.... 239.:: - Eighteenth St Housing Services butfdmg, HVAC system replacement.(7O) i... .......5: ...:' ..... ......... .'.: 179 Eighth St, 659 W:, Disposal of City's interest to Toby J. Kress. (11YJ)(11/17) ..:...... - .. 300,306 -.,. Eighth St: & Ninth St., W. Hendricks Jr requesting to purchase the Alley between Central&White.(1271),,,,,,,,;,,,,,:,.,,,.....,, 320 . Eisbach, Wm: & Helen, re: 990 N. Booth request for rezoning from R1 toR2.(10120)(11l3),... :. zss,29o '- Elderness Center,.Modesta Dbq: Area Ldetime Center, Agreement. (1no) ..... .. ... 20 . Election, Abstract of Votes for City Councd.(12/1) , ..321 Electrical feed, underground, approval, in ROW near 485 E. 12th.. `. Electronic Investment Transactions,Crty Officers designated to execute.(12/15) ..........:.... .. 338 \ _ ECG/DefibrillatioNPacing Equipment purchased for Fue Depf.; 4 8udgetamend.(12/15).......:.....d:.: ...:::::........:.:.:. 342 Elevator installation at Hillcrest, CDBG Funds.(5!5) :...... ......:.119 Eleventh Street Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro.(4n1) ...::'_:.. ..... 1'.:: ....:.:. :.`...:...... 106... Eleventh 8 Twelfth Sts., -property from Jacobson Steel & Supply.. - Co., IDOT sale.(11/t7):..: ..::..:::...::. ::................. 301.. ' Elliott, Mary Callahan, re: Juvenile Curfew.(5/5)..._.......:..:.:': 121 Ellis, Charlie, applicant for Cable Regulatory Comm.; , „ reappointed.(9/2)(9/15).. .. ....: ......::: ......::235,249 EIm Sf., 2349, rezoning from R-2A.to. CS requested by Jerry & Deb Spiegelhalter.(9715)(10/6) .._....... ::' 251,261 Elmwood Green Subd:, final plat approval (515) ..L . ._ ... 132 Embassy West Sutid., Joan Miller conveying Pennsylvania Ave. - property forCity ROW.(t/6)......:: ....:. :. ..:.....:......4 - Embassy"West Subd., Ron & John Herrig conveying Pennsylvania Ave. property foYCity ROW.(1/6) ::: .-..~.....: ~.............. 4..:.. Emergency Code Enforcement, CDBG Funds.(5/5),,,,,,,;,,,,,,,119 Emergency Medical Care Ambulance Service, Medical Director ... ThomasMiNer appointed.(1/6)...... -- „y .. Emergency Replacement of Five Flags Center Arena Roof.(7f7)~ ... 178 Emergency Services, Triad Cooperative Agreement,Dbq.County. (10n0) ...................:.......:......::.............: 285 Emergency Services, Budget amendment to purchaseECG- Defibrillation-Pacing Equipment(12/15),:, :.................342.. Eminent Domain Proceedings to acquire land in Kerper Blvd: Ind. Park Economic Devel. Dis.(2/17). ,:,, ,,,. ~ 57 Employee Benefit Package -Agreement with Delta Dental:(213) :: :.. 35 ..- Employees of City, re: Health Choices for adm. of medical, disability and cafeteria plans,(8/4) ...._ .............................. 209 ~-~ 30 ,_ ~'` 1997 SUBJECT PAGE f ~_~ E Employee turnover at Airport, re: D. Brotherton c.,.,,,.,~,,.s at Budget Hearing.{3/4) .................................. Employee Wellness Program, TriState Occupational Health hired. 72 (116]........... ........:...................................5 - Employee workforce reduction at McGraw-Hill Co.(116) ............ 1 . Employers contribution reduced to Municipal Police & Fire Retirement Systems.(12/15) ................................ 342 Employers Mutual Casualty Co., - BL Murray Co., Ciaim.(7121) ....190 Employment Agreement amendment for City Mgr. M. Van Milligen. (6/i6) .....:....... ....... ...167 ...... ....................... EMS of Fire Dept., T. Miller appointed as Medical Diu(1/6) .......... 3 End of Summer Bash, prodamation.(9/15) .~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•... y43 - En1..,,,~,,,~,,, policy, stricter, Housing Code Amendment.(8/4) ....:215 Engineering & designconsultaM for County Fartn Ind. Bevel. - Kirkham Michael contracted eta; for Water Line Service.(2/17)(3/3)(5/19)(11/3) ...................... 57,70,142,297 Engineering Data.- Eagle Point Software, CEBA Contract completion. (4121) ............... ..106 Engineering re: seleMion of partnership between BuesinglHER for Floodwall Detention Basins' Pumping Capackies.(5/5) ..........119 Enke In.. ~.,;..,"„ Co., Cedars ResL& Lounge., Liq. Lia(3/3) ........ 66 Enterprise Opportunity Loan to Diann M. Husemann, Little Buddies cnim care-(7121) .........................................202 Enterprise Opportunity Loan to Mark Gulbrandsen.(11/17) , .. , .. , 301 Enterprise Zone, Census Tract 1 & 2, for incentives for redevelopment&job creation.(1016)(1020) ............... 266,285 F^~ Enterprise Zone Committee, re: membership from local organizations efc.(12/15) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L.--~ Entrance Road to Airport Reconsfrudion Pro_ Yti • • • 343 Environmental Notice & Release of Funds for Kerper Blvd.•lnd, park207 & Operation New ViewBiuff St. Head Start Projects.(7!7) , , , , , , , , 177 Environmental Protection Agency, Grant App. for Lead Poisoning Prevention&Awareness Outreach Grant Funds.(7/21) ,.,,,,,_,182 Environmental, CFM, Inc., asbestos survey of City buildings.(5t5) .131 Environmental Management Program, Upper Miss. River System. (417) ............................ .....92 Environmental Notice & Release of Funds, CDBG Prog.{5!5) ......119 Environmental Notice, re: Rehab of Iowa Inn Pro_(5N9) ........ , , 141 Environmental Stewardship Advisory Comm. re: DNR to issue additional anter-less deer tags; allowance of Bow & Arrow Hunting of Deer on Sr.'s of St. Francis prop.(5/5)(1016) ............. 131,266 Environmental Stewardship Comm., resignation from Wm. Gartner; resignation of Rachel Schultz -Youth Member; applicants: Katie Gustafson & Peter Simon; appointment of K. Gustafson &. P. Simon; applicant Beth Lynch; B. Lynch appointed.. (8/4)(972)(9/15)(10f6)(11CJ)(11/17) .......... 208,232,248,261,290,306 Enzler, Jerty of Miss. Museum & Historical Soc., endorsing ice Harbor Walkway 8. Boat Docks & Miss. Riverwalk.(11/3) .., , , , , , 2g5 EPA re: Wetlands Grant Program applicatioa(3/3) ................ 64 EPA, Grant Application, for Lead Poisoning prevention & Lead Hazard Awareness Outreach Grant Funds.(7121),,,,,,,,,,,,,, 192 Equipment Operator, Fire, Civil Service certification.(3/3) , , , , , 65 Equipment Mechanic for Water Dept, Civil Service Certification. pn) ....................................................17s Erickson, David H., Lucky "13," 385 E. 13th, Liq. Lic(8/18) .. , , _ _ , , 222 Efschen, Denise, re: purchase of Lot 100 in Lenox Addn. -Carlton Ave. near Van Suren.(5/S)(5/19)(672) .................. 116,145,155 >~ ~ 31 INDEX - 800K 927 1997 SUBJECT PAGE E Erschen, Tom, re: Juvenile Curtew:(5/5) ,::..:.... ,;.121 Ervolitto,Robert, Claim;seltlement(9M)(9/15):. .. C•231,243 Ethylene Glycol use to de-ice planes; notification,(10M0) .... r.... 275 Europa Haus Res. &Bierstube, 1301 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic(9N5) .. 248 - Evaluation of City Manager Mike Van Miliigen.(6M) :.: ...: ......: 149 Exchange of Land, W: of Kerper & S.: of Fengier, with J. Mihaiakis & R. Billmeyer eto.(9N5)(10/6) ....., ....:.. .:.. i.:::....`: .. 252,263 Exchange supported between Iowa BHebei Province fn N. China:' (9115)...... ........ ..:.:....: :...........: 243 Exempt status. tax, of Crty Owned Dbq. Greyhound Park, elimination-opposition to bill.(3f3) ...::.....:.:`....:: . ,':., 65 Exemptions from Taxes for property owners for various Urban :Revitalization areas.(1/8)(2/17).C[: ..............:....... is 8,56 Expenditure re: HUD notification forexpended CDBG funds.. (5N9) .....................:..:.:.....::......:......... 137 Expo 97, City, Mgr. announcing.(4/7) ....~:.::.: ; , ..: - .. 88 Extension of CDBG Loan to Ubq. Data Services:(12/15) ........:. 343 Eye Glass, Safety;'Vendor -contract with AO Safety Co.(12/1) ... . 329 -a,. .. ,. .. ~I ._.:. 32 ~'~ =' ~~ INDEX-BOOK 127 f \ 1997 SUBJECT PAGE `~. - F FIYE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/6),(2/3)(3/3)(477)(515)(612)(70)(814)(9Mi(10/6)(11/3)(12/1) • • • - • • • • • • • • • • :. ....... 1,34,63,88,116,150,176,208,231,256,288,320 F & H Enterprise, Fat Tuesday's, 1121 University, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (1016).::.....:..::.: .................:..:.. F.O-E. -Eagles Club, Liq. Lic(313) .... . . ..........:... Fahey, Paul, requesting to rezoning 3285 Asbury from OR to C2, ~ ~' 66 (11!17)(12/15) ..................:..................... 318,346 Fair,. Dbq. County, Proclamation.(7M1) .:......................190 Fair Housing Month, Prociamation.(4/7) .......:................. 8 Fair Housing Presentations, presentation of Laptop Computer. (12/1) .......................:...........................329 Family & Home Month, Proclamation.(11/17) :................... 301 Family Beverage Center, 3400 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Pet Family Mart, Inc, 3201 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/2)(9l15) 153,248 Family SelfSufficiency Prog. Funding; Purch. of Services Agree.; contract with HUD for Prog. (4O)(5/5)(9/15)(1016) .: ::...:........:..:...~:...:. 89,120,247,259 Family Unification Program, Section 8.(6Y1) ,;,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •, 151 Fare Lease re: Wm. & Janet Siegert property, offer to buy etc. (1M0){2/3) ......................:..-...................30,40,41 Farm Lease re: Bergfeid farm(SN9)(6Y1) ....:.............. 144,155 Farmland, Aramark, 345 E. 18th, Cig. Per.(6/16) .........:....... 167 Farniand Foods, City acquisition of @ 4 acres -FDL First f-~ Addn.(11/17) ................. ..305 r Fat Tuesday's, Perrom Ent, 1121 University, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Cig. ~`~ _ _ , Per.; Liq. Lic; Refund-Cig. Per.; Refund -Unexpired Liq. Lic. (477)(6/16)(10/6)(10Y10)(12/1) ,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,92,167,261,277,329 FDL First Addn., disposing of property located W of Kerper Blvd: & S of Fengler St to J. Mihalakis & R. Billmeyet(9H5)(10f6) .... 252,263 FDL First Addn., re: @ 4 acres to City from Farmland Foods. (11117)............. .......:.......:.................: 305,306 FDL First Addn., Lot 1 of 2 8 Lot 2-2, approval of Survey plat. (1211) ...................... ...................:...322 FDL First Addn., Lot 13 & Lot 23 re: Survey Plat approval.(12/1) .322 FDL Foods Retail Market, 701 E. 16th St, Cig. Per.(6/2) .......:.:.153 FDR DevelopmenT, R. Schiltz & J. Roth, re: final plat approval of portion of KeOy Heights Subd.[7/21) .........:.:..:.......... 203 February 1996 Printed Council Proceedings approved; Feb. 1997 Gouncilproceedings. approved.{213)(8118) ' .: ,.....:... 34,219 February: 1997 Proofs of Council Meetings; 1997 Financial Reports; IIlaims&Revenues.(3/3){3/17)(4!7) .....:........ 63,77,88 Federal Highway Adm. re: Whitewater Creek Bridge.(6/16) ........166 Fee for connection to water, objection by Wm. 8rown.(12/15) . , 348 Fee Increase for Annual Rental Dwelling Operator Lic(3/4) .... 75 Fee Increase for Development Services -various zoning services etc. (3/4) ...................................... Fees changed re: Park meters, various hours.(3/4) ............ 73,74 Fees changed - re: Sign Permits.(3/4) .......................... 74 Fees, Ord. changing for Solid Waste -Collection & Disposal etc. (314) .....................:. ..... 73 ......................... Fees, Tent amendment of Zoning Ord. to amend Sec. 7-0.(2/17) , , 58 Fees, various zoning -variances, conditional uses, site plan etc, etc. (3/3)(477) .............................................. 69,88 Feiderman, J. L, applicant for Library Bd.(7O) ..:............... 180 ~~, 33 INDEX -BOOK 127 '1997. SUBJECT n PAGE F Feldennan, Pat, management contract Tor Miller-Riverview Park.. (1120)(11117) .. ~ ., 19,302. Fenelon PI:& W 3rd St., vacation of alley &pubiic sfavway eta (8/4)(8/18) ... .... ..... 215,223 Fengieq Southof, West of Kerper, N. of US Hwy 61N51 R E of I & M RR, rezoning from HI to MHI, requested by City.(7/21)(8!4) .. 204,211 ~ - Fengler St.; South of, West of Kerper Blvd., Dispose of property in FDL First Addn., to J. Mihalakis & R. Bilimeyec(9M5)(10/6) .. 252,263 Ferring, James R., Dbq. Bowling Lanes, 1029 1/2 Main, Liq. Lic. (6(16).... .;::.... ....:. ..... `_ ..... .. 168 Festival re: LIVEStock 97 (5119) .. ; . ~ • 141 . ........ Festivals, noise problem, control eta(5!19)(7/21) .... , .. , , , , , 141,191 Fiber Optic Hub Building, Lease of building at 1575 W. 3rd.(7p) .: , 185 fiber Optic Communication Network, inter Facility - - etc.{5l19)(6/16)(8/18)(12N) .:.., .. .. 147,169,221,329 Fidelity Mortgage Decisions Cbrp.,Claim. (10/20) .......... ..... 274 "- Fifteenth St. Steps Reconstruction Pro:. (612)(717)(7121)(8/4) ..................~...:.....: 162,183,201,213 Fifth St. &.Cenirai Ave., nearby, IDOT notice to dispose.(Y1f3) ... , 289 -' Final Assessments for Olympic Heighfs Sanitary Sewer 8 Watermain Pro.(4A) ......:.. :..... 90 Final Plat of Sunnyslope Estates Phase 4 (116)............. . , , 1 ..... Final Plat of Cedar Ridge Fann place No.2.(2/17) :,,,,•,:,,,•• 49,50 Final Plat of portion of Tiffany Ridge Subd.(2117) :.....: , 54, ' Final Piat of portion of Myrtle's Place in the City for M. Launspach. (4121):.... .. - .: 107. ~ f ~. Final Plat for Elmwood Green Subd.(5/5) .. , „ • • • • • 132 Final Plat for Kelly Heights Subd.for FDR Devel. - Schiltz & Roth. --- (712'1) ..... ...:..:..; 203,204 Final Plat of Lots1, 2& A of Tires Plus Fust Subd:, approved_(8/4) .214 . Final Platapprovai of Lots 1 through 6, inclusive 8 Lot A of Old Mill Subd. (SH8) ...:: ................:::.::.. ...~.... 220. . Final Plat of Wertzberger Aeres approved.(10/20) ........:..... 275' Final Piat. of Tamarack Business Park, Hwy 611151 S in Dbq. County - - J. Luckstead.(11/17) ...................................... 304 Final Plat of Industrial Park at former CountyFann.(12/15) ....:.. B35 Final Special Assessment Schedule for the Kelly Lane - Reconstruction Pro_(12/1).:....... . ...-. .... ... 325 Fee Schedule forconnection of property,to City Sewer for Kennedy&Bbnson Rd.Sanifary Sewer lnterceptor.(1/6) .., ......7 - Fighting Saints Assn., contract for use of:Five Flags Center.(9M) ..232 - ' Finance Authority, IA re: Affordable Hoasing Tax Credit submitted forStout Place Apts. -Iowa Inn, & Aipine:Heights Senior Apts. .......: 320 Finance Dept. re. New computer request approved.(3/3) :..... 64 FinanceDir., quarterly Investment Repoli(8(4)(10120) .:,:.:. 208,274 FinanceOfficers for City designated for electronic Tinancial transfers etc.(12l15) .................... .339 ~- Finance Report for Streets; FY 97:(9/2) :. .....:. ...... r 234 ........ Financial Agreement for Delta Dental Plan.(2/3) ......... .. 35 Financial Report & Audit for-1996 by C.:Bailly eta(1Y10) :. ; .:.....: 20 - Financial Report toryearending 6!30/97. Praof.(10/6) ............256 financial Reports of Cdy for various months: .. (1/6),(2/3)(3/3)(3/17)(4/21)(SN9)(6/16)(7/21)(8/18)(10/6)(11/3) ...~..... .' ..... " • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • - .. .. 1,34,63 77,105,136,165 190 219,256,301 Financial Statements for year from DRA.(2/3) .., :.: • ; 34 • r^, 34 ~_ INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE F Finding of No Significant Effect on the Environmem re: Bus Shelters. (4/21) ............:............'...:::::.:................; 107 - Fine Arts Society, re: CDBG Funding(5/5) ..,,.::,,,,,,,,, 1yp Fines, stiffer, petitioned for habRual repeat offenders, by .," _ residents of Lincoln & Rhomberg.(9/2) ,.;:.::.....:.:.:.:.:...232 Fire Dept, EMS Activity, appointment of Dr. T. MiOer as Medical . Dir.(115).. ..:.....:....: ..3 Fire Dept. Promotionals -Captain, Asst Fire Chief, Fire Equip. Operator, Fire Capt Inspector, Lieutenant, certified by Civif Service Comm.(313):.-.......:.:.~...::.. ... 65 Fire Dept. re: Triad Cooperative Agreement etc(10Y10) ..........: 285 Fire Dept, purchase of ECG -Defibrillation -Pacing Equipment (12N5)...: ...............::.....:...::..:............... 342 Fire Retirement Systems, re: reduction of employer's contribution rate.(12/15) ............. - - ... 342° "- Firefighters Assn, Agreement with City etc(~0120 ........... 275,276 Firefighter -Entry Level, certification by Civil Service Comm. (10120):.::.:.'.....:" ........:..::..:::.'.:.:...:::._:::..-.275 Fireworks Display request by KDTH & Jaycees.(2t3)(10/6) ..... 34,257 " Fireworks Display request by Dbq. Golf & Country Club.(4n) ...... 88 - Fireworks Display request by the Dbq. Diamond Jo.(4l21) .. , , 106 Fireworks Display request by Dbq. Symphony Orchestra.(5!5) ....117.. First Street area, re: IDOT intent to sett excess property.(6/2) ,: , .150 - First Street & Locust St, T. Thompson, requesting to purchase ~ - nearby property -TFM etc.; appreciation for purchase. (9Y1)(1113) ::..: ..:. ... ... 232,289 FirstTime Homebuyer Prog., CDBG Funds.(515) ..: ,:......119 /', Firstar Bank Iowa NA named as depository for City funds.(12/15) , , 339 ~ fiscal Year 19998udget Guidelines.(1113) ,;,,,,, .;..-.298 ''" Fiscal Officers designated to execute Electronic Ins ~.,:...~,s for the City.(12/15) ...:.....:.... - ...338 Fischer Bowling Lanes, Plastic Center, 880 Locust, Cig, Per.; Liq. Lic(srz)(7n) ::........:."......:...:.`..: ............. 153.1so FischerCa, re: Mississippi Riverwalk.(7Y11) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,200 Fischer's Subtl., portion re: 624 Burden, rezoning from R1 to R2.(4n) ............~ ................. - .......... 94 Fitzgerald PI, portion re: final plat of portion of Elmwood Green Subd.(5/5) ....................... ..132 Five Ftags Center Modifications to HVAC S stem. 1113 Five Flags Civic Center Arena Roof Pro. °~ y - ( ~ `) ~ ~ ~ 288 pn)(sns)(9ns)(1vn) ....... ...:".: .:. 17E zzs z2s ao2 Five flags Center, 450 Main, Liq tic:(7121). .,,.,,,,,,, egg Five Flags Civic Center, contract with Fighting Saints.{912) ..: .:232 Five Flags Civic Center Comm., 1997 year end report.(9/Z) ..... , .. 231 Five Flags Comm, applicant Gary Dolphin; reappointment of G. Dolphin; applicant L. Duehr & S: Sesterhenn' - - ' '" -' pn)p/21)(ala)(ana) .....:':':: '-:: ~so,lss,2~o,2zz Five Point Mart,.lnc. 405 Rhomberg Alcohol Lc Penalty; Cig. Per. Beer Per_(4Y11)(6M)(9115):". . L ...........::~........::.107,152,248 . Five Year CapRal Imp. _, <,,,~,,; Program.(2/3)(3/4) ............. 47,72 Five Year Street Construction Program.{4121) ' .::: ..............109 Fleming, Michael, Glaim; .~:~„~„ to Crawford.(3fJ){4/21) ...... 63,105 Flood Disaster Relief Grantee Performance Report Sutxnitted. - (11/17) .....................:........ .......::..304 Ftoodwall Dedication, 1973, G. Kilgore presenting tapes of that to -" Council(9/2) .................................:...:.......231 Fioodwall Detention Basins Pumping Capacities Study/Engineering.. (515)..:..::: ...........................-.-.......:.:...... 119- 35 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT- PAGE ^' ~, ; F Floodwalt Mural Project, approval; recommendation e[c. by Long Range. Plan.(Z/17)(8/18)...,.... ,,,:,;54,220- Floodwall, re: petition to rename in honor of.Congress. John Culver. ....... (612).... .....:: ..... .... ... 158 Flora Swimming Pool, Concession Agree. wfD. Maiers:(1/20) ...... 19 Flynn, Daniel, Claim; referred td Crawford Ins.(2/17)(313) ....... 49,63 ' Folger, Patricia,Claim with Heakh Choices etc.; referred to Crawford -.; - &co.(1o/s)(loizo) .:........... .. z5s,27a Fonck, Catoiyn K.; Channel Inn, 2010 Kerper, Liq. Lic.(fi/16) _, . , , , , 168 Fondell, Andrew, Claim; forwarded [o Crawford & Co. Fondell Construction awarded contract for.West 3rd St. Sanitary and Stonn Sewer Reconstruction-(213) ... , .., , 40 Fondell, Judfth, Claim; DeniaL(4/21)(6N6) :.............. .: •105,165 .. Food Collection by Letter Carriers' Day, Proclamatioa(5/5) ... . , 116 Food Inspection State Contract -Health Services.(12/15) ...... ,. . 341 ; Food Service Establishment & Food Establishment Sanitalion etc. State Contract.(12/15)..:.....-...:. ..:.... 341 ................... Faster CareMonth,:Proclamation.(5/5).......... - ....... 116-`. Foster Grandparent Prog., purchase of Services Agree.(72) _„ ::..177 --i Fountain, Memorial in Jackson Park,Agree, with B. Lacy for renovation.(1113) :. .............. .... ...:........ 289 ' ........ Four Mounds-Day Camp,CDBG FUnds.(5/5). . .... ... ......119 Four Mounds Foundation, Y.E:S. Impact Pro., CDBG Funds.(5/S) , r 132 Fourteenlh St., Sou[h of & West of Hwy 61!151 & North of 12th St., rezoning from HI to MHI -property east of Pine St. etc(12/1) - .. , 331 Fox 40, KFXB, re: Town Clock Plaza Yeopening:(9/15) ...:,.:.....249 Francois Masonry, Tom, approval to construct planter at 2390 St. - John Dc(6/16) ..:..........:..... .::171,'172 ................... Frank Hardie Sign Co, re: change in Sign Permit Fees.(3/4) .. 72 Frank Hardie Advertising, claim referred to Crawford:(9N5) .:..... 243 Franken, Gregory J. 8 Christina L, Kelly Lane ROW property purchased from them.(912) .......:....... , 233 Fransen, Thomas, claim settlement; blaim.(6/16)(12!15} ....:.165,335 Franciscan Sisters, re: Deer Problem on property etc. (5119)(717)(7/2'!)(9715)(1016) ................::. 136,176;190,244,268 Franciscan Sisters,Claim.(7p) ...........................:....176 Fraternal Orderof Eagles, #568, 1175 Century, Cig:Pec(6/16) ......167 '- Freddy's King of Ciubs, 1902 Central, Liq. Lic; Cig. Pec.: _ (8/16)(sn) . .....:. zz2,23s Freeway Frontage Improvement Project, Old Main, Selection of - Steve Ulstad Architects.(1/20)(717) ..... - . , ...:.......:..: 19,20,178 -. Fremont & CedaYCross Intersection Reconstruction; traffic control '- changes:(2117)(3/17j(4121)(6N6)(12/15).....59,79,109,110;171,348,349 '. Fremont Ave. & N. Cascade Rd., Stop Sign.(6/16) : ..:.. . ::..:... 171 - Fremont Ave. Bridge Pro: Reconstruction.(9/15) .,,,,.,,, ,, 247 :: Fremont Ave. & Bonnie Ct., M. McNamer requesting io purchase parcel of land near intersection.(11117)(1211)(12115) ...:.: 315,334,348 Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext Pro.(10l6)(11Y3)_....;.:::267,294 -.' Fremont Heights, request by M. McNamer to vacate & dispose of adjoining property:(5/5)(5/19) ...... ....................:..116,143".. , Fremont Heights Addn., Vacating & sale of portion to Md.McNamer. (12/1)(12/15) ...:.... .. 333,346 Friedmari, Pat,for Wehdall Corey, re: annexation of property.(2/3) „ 34 Frommelt Place, portion, finalpiat - 3990 Central.(3717) ......::... 77 frontage road near YMCA, request to be named YM/YW Dr: (10Y10)(11l3)(72/1)12H5) ..............:......:.. 277,295,333,349. i--a /\, 36 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SU$JECT PAGE F Funding Agree. with Dbq. County re: reconstruction of portion of N. Cascade Rd. westerly Cedar Cr. Rd, i,.;~. ~<.,;on.(4/21) ....110 - Funding Agree. R.LS.E. for Street in Dbq: Ind. Center South. ~. .. (6/2)...:-.:.. 7 .......::............... ....160 ' ~ Funding for Meeting & Training Budget, also Professional Conferences.{1Y10).: .....:................... .....:........ 28 Funding of AIDS Preventative Health Prog.(1016) ....:........... 258 Fonds, Agree. with HUD for FY 98.(777) .......:: ............... 178 Funds application, IA Dept. of Economic Devel. -Continuum of Care etc(6M) .. .......................:. ..152 Funds, CDBG e.,,._„=;;Jre, response toflUD.(1R0) :.....:........ 21 Funds, CDBG, Release for Kerper Blvd. ind. Park & Operation: New View - Bluff St Head Start Pro_(7!7) .......:. . .... . ..........177 Funds, CDBG, 510,000 for creation of a historic Preservation Grant Pro.(7!J) .. ~ ....183 Funds, CDBG, release for Bus Shekers at 24th & Jackson & 1800 Elm and 16fh & Main (Jackson Park).(4721) ...... ]..:, ....:..:...:107 Funds, Distribution of DRA's 199fi.(V20) ......:....:....:....... 28 Funds, Local Housing Assistance Prog., IA Dept. of Economic ..."259 Funds of Library, disposition & handling,Ord (213) .::. : , ; 42,43 - .Funds of City, deposkory institutions (banks etc.) named.(12/15) , , 339 Funds released & Environmental Impact statement rec COSG Programs,(5!5) : .. 119 Funds transferred for .y<.,cy replacement of Five Flags Center Arena Roof.(717) ........:...................:.. ...:.......178 Future of Iowa & Our.Community, Input requestedby US Dept of Agricdlture.(1/20j ....................................... 18 FY 97, new computer for Finance DepL(3!3),.,,,,,,,,„:-,,...„64 FY 97 Budget Amendment{4Y21) .:........ - ~ .: , 110 FY 98 Annual Action Plan for CDBG 8udget(1!6) .............. . . . . 16 FY 98 Wage Plan for Non bargaining employees & Operating Engrs. - employees.(6/2) .......:...............:.....:............151 - FY 97 Street Finance Report,(912) ..... ........... .............234 FY 98 Annual Action Plan, CDBG Program, proposed changes. (12/1).......:...: .:..................................... 324 FY 98, Agree. with HUD for Punds.(7II),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,178 FY 98 Community Services Grant Application for Public Hea@h Nursing 3<~.;,.~, Senior Health & Home Care Aide Prog. - VNA - (4/21) .....................:...:........::.r.......:...... 104 -' -FY 98 Cpl Program (Community Partnership).(5f5) ....... . ... . . 131 FY 98 budget presented by Mgr.(1/20)(2/3)(4121) ......28,33,46,47,107 -" FY 996udget Guidelines approved.(11/3);,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2gg - 37 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 ~ ~` SU$JECT PAGE ~~y' G G & J's, Inc., Windsor Tap, 2410. Windsor, Liq.iic.; Cig. Per. (515)(6M).:...- .. 121,153 G.M.S. inc.- G. Stephenson,Golf Pro, Agree. -Bunker HiIL(2/17) ... 49 Gantr, James P., re: Wingate Place acceptance of improve.(10/6). , 257 Garbage & Refuse& Sewer Accounts, collection of delinquent accounts-certified to County 7reasurer,(12/15)..,.:,,,,, 340,341 Garbage, -new Ord. for.SOlid Waste; fees, collection, disposal etc.; charges changed for collection R disposal of Solid Waste etc.- •._ (3/4)(6/2) ......:......... ..:..... 73,158 Garfield & Rhomberg, alley between, Reconstruction of Sanitary Sewer.(1/20)(2/17). :-:.:... ,. .........32,53 Gartner, William, resignation from Environmental Steward. Comm.(8/4) .205 GDDC, report by~Rtck Dickinson 8 introductwn of Dick Landis; R: Dickinson re: Dbq. Daysin DesMofnes & appreciation for RR action; appointment of D. Nicholson & D Voetberg; verbal status report etc.(1/6)(3117)(515)(6/16) , , :; , : , ,, ,. y4,86,12t,170 Gee, Larry, Monte Carlo Rest.; 378 Main, Clg Per.{612) . . , 153 General Drivers & Helpers Union Contracf.(5/19) .:...: Geraci, Kevin R., resignation from ZoningAdv. (:omm.(11/3.) , ; 2gg ..Geraldine Or. & Patricia Ann Dr. intersection, stop sign.(5H9) . 442,143 -Gerhard, CuRis L, Knickers Saloon, 2186 Central, Liq. Lic. (7n) .:1ao Gemwme Josie,apphcant for Housing-0omm ,appointed to Housing Comm., resigned from Housing Comm... (6la)(eils)(11/3) .. z1o,222,z23,2as Giese Sheet Metal Co ,awarded contract for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Reroofing.(3N7) ...... .: ,. 81,82 Gitts exchanged with Sister City visitors - Pyatigorsk,~Russia. tam) ......_. ::....................... ..1os Gilligan, Mark, re: Juvenile Curfew Ord.(5/5) .....:. ~ ~ ~ ~ 121 Ginter, Donna, West Dubuque Tap, Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Special -~ 5 Day Beer Per.; Catfish Fest-Beer Per.; transfer of Beer Per. for Riverfest; other Beer Per. for RiverfesL .. ;. ,. (4/21)(515(672)(8/4)"...;',... .. ..108,120 154 209 210 ..... Girl Scouts, re: Thinking Day Procl (2/17) . , ,Lq - Givens, James & Genevieve, claim referred to Crawford. ~,~ Glasses Vendor re: AO Safety Co City's Safety Eye Glass .... Vendor.(12/1)... ... 329 Glew, Steve, Sticky Fins Beach Bar 1005 Main, Liq. Lic(7/21) '', ., , 198 Global Education, Grant Application from REACH Centec(1l8).? ::.: , 4 GMRI, inc., Olive Garden Rest(4Y11] ................_ ....:....108 Godfather's Pizza, Rigel Corp,1575 JFK, Beer. Per.(1016) ,,::..._x261 " Goetringer; James, Goetr's, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. - (213)(6/2) :... .......:....:.::...".;............ .. 38,153 Goefzinger, James, re: rezoning of 473 E. 28th St. rezoning.(12/15) 347 Goetr's, J. W. Goetzinger, 2776 Jackson; Liq.iic.; Cig. Per. (~)t6/2) ...........:... '. .. 38,153 Golf & Counfry Ciub requesting fireworks display; Liq. Llc. (4n)(5/5) ................. :. 88,121 Golf Center, TriState, 1095 Cedar Cross Rd., Beer Per.(8/4) .. ..210 Goff Course Operating Agree„ Bunker Hill, with G. Stephenson. (2/17) ..................... Golf Course, 18 hole disc, develop at Veteran's Mem. Park.(9/2) ..239 Gooch, Bob, Civil Defense Coard., re: placement of Weather Warning Siren at Lincoln & Shiras.(9115) , , , , , , , . , , , 251 Goodman, Teri; re: Mississippi.Riverwalk Pro..(7/21) , , , , : , , , , , , , 201 Gordon, David, re: Juvenile Curfew Ord.(5/5) ................... 121 Government Inter-Facility Fiber Optic Comm. Network - Phase I - Construction & Installation of Buried Ducts with Innerducts. (5/19)(8l18) ......................:................... 147,221 38 ~"'~. i G Govemor's Traffic Safety Bureau, award to Mayor; application for traffic count devices..(1/20)(7R) :.::...:........... ...... 18,179 .Governor's Tratfic Safety Bureau. grant application approval(s). (3!3)(717).......::.:........:•. - .: 64,179 Grading for the Obq. Industrial Center South Site -Lake•Eleanor Rd. BHwy.151.(4/21) ............::...:..:...-.:....:......... . 113 Graham, Joe, re: TowmGock Plaza reopening.(9H5) ::.........::249 Graham, Joseph 8 Ruth, re: final plat approval of Elmwood Green Suhdivision.(5!5) ...................:........ .:....... 132,133 Graham, Tom, re: TownClock Plaza reopening.(9115) ........ 249 Grand Opera House, Claim; deniaL(4/21)(575) ............... 105,116 Grand Opera House Foundation, City Mgr, on Board.(213) , , ; „;, , , 35 Grand Tap, 802 Central, Cig. Pec; Liq. Lic(6N6)(10l6) ....... 167,261 Grandparent Program, Fosteq Purchaseof Services Agree. pn) ....................:..... ... 1n Granger Creek Interceptor Sewet Ext.(11/17)(12/16)• , , , , , , , , , 317 347 ., Grant application support from REACH Center.(1/6) ............... 4 _ Grant applications for Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau. (313)(717) ............. ..- 64,179 Grant Application for Public Health Nursing Services, Senior Health, Home Care Aide Prog. with VNA.(4/21) , :; ...... ............... 104 Grant application, Law Enforcement Block Grant(7II) ,.......... 179 Grant application for Police -Drug Task Force Prog:(5!5) .......:. 119 Grant Applications for Heritage Trail Ext.(6/16)(814) . -:.... r.. 166,209 Grant application, Lead Paint Grant lands.-EPA.(7121) ,,,,,:,,,, 192 Grant application, ISTEA for Northem Levee Path,'a section of bubuque Heritage?coif; Recreational Trails application for /~~, Northem Levee Path Expansion.{9115)(12115) , .:.:..:.:... 244,337 ~ Grant application, ISTEA, far restoration of Hodgdon St. & Catherine ~'-' - W. Locust Street Steps.(9/15) .. ...............:: ..244 Grant application, ISTEA, for River's Edge Plaza, of Miss. Riverwalk; IDOT R__....::onal Trails Funds for River's Edge Plaza. - " (9115)(12/15)........................ ........:.. 245,336 Grant Agree. from IA DNR re: construction Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail on Schmitt island.(i2/1) ..............:.......:. 323 Grant application (or Domestic Violence, Police DepL(8/18) ....... 221 Grant application for Disability Training.(1016) ........... ....... 259 Grant application approval -Recreational Trails for North End NeighborhoodLinear Park -landscaping, amenities & trail head. (12/15) .................................................. 337 Grant, Cpl monies to various projects,(5!5),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13y Gratrt from Target Stores for Comm. Oriented Police.(3/3) ......... 64 Grant Program, CDBG funds for creation of historic preservation. (7!7) ............................... ........... 183 Grant -REAP re: construction Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail on Schmitt Istand.(12/1) ...................................... 323 Grant, RISE, for road improvements for Site "F",(213) ,, , , , , , , , , , , , 36 Grant, Wetlands -EPA, Program.(313) .......................... 64 Grant with IA Dept. of P. Health re: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention.(2/3) ........................................... 35 Grantee Performance Report for CDBG Program, Proof of notice etc; Submission to HUD etc.(10120) ..................... 274,276 Greater Dubuque Development Corp. report by Rick Dickinson & introduction of Dick Landis; R. Dickinson re: Dbq. Days in DesMoines & appreciation for RR action; appointment of D, Nicholson & D. Voetherg; verbal status report etc.; Purchase of Services Agree. (116)(3/77)(515)(6/16)(7(7) ............. .......... 14,86,121,170,177 39 INDEX -BOOK 127 .1997 SUBJECT PAGE G .GreaterDubuque Riverboat EnL,.Obq. Diamond Jo Casino Portside,~ - 400.E. 3rd., Liq. Lio.(4!7) , , , , , ::. 92 Greater Dubuque Riverboat -Treasure Chest GiftShop Cog. Per. (6/16) .r::167 Green Bay Packers Sunday, Prodamation.(1120) ...... , , 1g Green,Kathy;Mother of J. Hardine, claim. 1/6.1/20 ( )( ) ........ .: 1,18 Greenfield, Duaine, applicant to Historic Pres. Comm.from"Old __ . Main Dist; appointed.(e/18)(9/2) ....... 222,236 .Greyhound Park & Casino Reroofing Pro:.(Zli7){3117) . .:.....:. 60,81 .Greyhound Park 8 Casino, Kennel Improvements.(2/17) , , 61,g2 ..Greyhound Park &.Casino, opposition to House File 212 -eliminates tax.exempt sfatus.(3/3) ..............:......, .:. .: 65 Greyhound Park & Casino, t)RA, Liq. Lic(3/17) .:..::'..::7.~::: r. 79 ,Greyhound Park & Casino -Methane Collection System. - (5!19)(6/16) :... :.....: ...:........ 146,169 Greyhound Park & Casino, Parking Lot Improve Pro,. - (6/16)(7!7)(7/21) ........ :. 173,181,182.201 .Greyhound Park & Casino, Loading Dock Improve. Pro_ ... (6ns)pn)p/21) .. - ... va,iaz,zol .... .... Gronen, Laura & Emdy Claim; referred to Crawford Ins. -..: (5!5)(5119) :.... - _ 116 135 • .:.. GmundRouhd,.lnc. 50 W, 13th St, Liq. Lic.(11N7) :,, ,,,,,,,,, ,;g06 .Gruber, Francis & Cheryl, property in 60p Block of Kaufman,' ., disposal to them(6M)(6H6) ..:..:....: .. ...:......:.... 163,168 Guardrail project of Mt Cannel, acceptance,(il6) , ..: , , , .': ,., 3 Gudenkauf, Steven J., 553561 Loras property to him; 1353.BIuff St:' property to him(2/17)(373)(9/2)(9i15) ....:.. ..,::.... 58,69,241,250 Guidelines for 1999 Budget(11/3) ....:..............::........ 298 Gulbrandsen, Mark, Enterprise Opportunity Loan.(11/17) .:..... , , 301 Guilett, Donald, of Team Tires Plus, Ltd., re: final plat approval of Tires Pius First Subd.(8/4j . . ................ . ....:.::... 215 Gustafson, Katie, Youth applicant to Environmental Stewardship Comm.;.appointed.(9/15)(10/6) ...:.:.::................: 248,261 Gutheinz Studio, Brian, & S. Ulstead Architects, chosen for Hwy 20 Landscaping Oesign.(11117) ..........:...... ...........: 30d Guttierrez, Jane, Claim(6f18). :,,.... .219 Guy, Gerald, re: Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro:.(il20) , . , , - ; , 25 --~~ ~. _; ~~. t ~% !"1 40 HEALTH, BOARD OF HEALTH, MEETINGS.. (1na)(ant)pn1)(iono) :..:.....,.:....:..:.:.:: n,1oa,las,z73 ua, o+uC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (an1){s/1s)(7n1){a/a)(sfe)(s/1s)(ia6)(lono){1v1) • • • • • • • • • • • - - • • - • • • • • ...:....:105,165,190,20$219,243,256,274,320 HOUSING CODE APPEALS BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (116)(313)(3117)(4n1)(6n)(8/4)(9n)(11/3)(12/i) . " ""• • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • • • • . i 1,63,77,105,150,208,231,288,320 HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES:. (vs),(v17){3/17)(4ni){sn)(6/16)pni)(e/4)(9n) ::'...:.:'.........:. ...•... •.•••..•..••... •..:......... 1,49,77,105,150,165,190,208,231 HOUSING COMMISSION TRUST FUND SUBMI7TING MINUTES: (2/17)(3/17)(9n)(10/6)(10n0)(1211)...........49,77,23'1,256,274,320 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES; -- (i/6),(2/3)(3/3)(3/17)(Sf5)(5/19)(7/71(9n){1016)(1113)(1211) . ' • • • • ^ • ^ • • • •:: • •: • •:. i7... 1,34,63,77;116,136,176,231,256,288,320 Haferbecker, Claim,re: Fidelity Mortgage etc(10n0)~...".:..:.:.. 274 Hagen, Ltoyd, 1005-1007-1011 Rhomberg, rezoning request.(313) , , , 67 Hahlen, Cliff 8 Sandy, re: approval of survey plat of property at 2319 W. 32nd St.(7n1) .....:.: ...:: .........:.'.::...:. 190,191 HaB, Jim, Mgr. of Eagle Food Center, re: civil penalty on store for alcohol violations.(1f6) , , - - ' _ 5 /~~` H~:.....~.,,eads Bar & Billiards, 2095 Kerper, Cig Per ; Liq. Lac • Cig. r • Pec(313)(6116) ...................... ...~. 66,167 ,...~ Hancock, Nick & Jane re: rezoning of 1105 Universky.(116) ......... 6 Handan, China, Yeacof the Ox, Prodamation.(213) :.............. 34 Hansel, Richard V., accepting Ord. re: Regulations for property near Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr.; acceptance of Ord. re: 395 Cedar Crass Rd. zoning regulations amend. (1113) ............ :::291,292-294 Hansel's Addn., re: 395 Cedar Cross Rd. amendment of Ord. , No.856.(11/3) :........:.. - ... 292 Hanson, Diane, re: removal of Amy (:t from Lucy Dr: RPPD.(7n1) , 199 Happy Jce's Pizza, J & p O'Hara, Inc, Beer Per.(10/6) ...::::...... 261 Happy Tails Kennel, property west of on N. Cascade Rd., rezoning. (5/19)(612). :...r - - ..... .. 144,154 Happy's Place P.M.S.T 2323 Rockdale Cig: Per L~q Lic"-. ' (6n)(9715) ...:.... ' ..:...::....:::..:....... _......: 153,248 Harbor (Ice) Fioodwall MuraL(5/5) ....:.:.:.....:.:...... 130 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Pro.(9/15)(10/6) ........... 251,252,265 Harbor Walkway & Transient Boat Docks e[c.(10n0]{1113) .... 286,295 Hardees - Do, Inc., (U. S. 20 -Dodge St.) IDOT re: Notice of -COndemnation.(12/15)., "` ,:335 Hardie, Frank, Claim for erosion damages ~ referred to Crawford tns.(9n)(9/15) _:..::... :. 231,243 Hardie, Stephen F., appbcant to Zomng Adv. Comm.; appointed. (6n)(fiYi6) :. .154,168 Hardine, Joseph J. (& K. Green), Claim; referred to insurance carrieC(i/6)(in0] ........ - 1,18 Harjehausen, Gary, appiiwnt for Park 8 Rec. Comm.; appointed. pn)pni) ••..::... ...... 1so,19s Harness, Dennis re: pending sale of C. P. Railway & f & M RailLink.(3/17) .:.............. ~ ~ ~ •, 83 Harris, David, as Mgr.'s designee to Operation: New View bd. (tno) .:.................. ...............:............... zs ~~ .",:: 41 INDEX- BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT .PAGE \i~ H Harris, David, Housing Services Mgr.; rep. to serve on NOD -National Organization on Oisabiiity.(2i3),..,,,,,:,,,, , ::-, 35 - .Hartig Addition, Lot 1 & Lot 2, approval of Survey Plat-NW Corner of Main 8 Tenth Sts.(12/15) :. . , - 336 Hartig Orug Stores Corp., Claim.; referral to Crawford ins.; Cig. Permits.(3l3)(4/21)(6/16) ... ...:.......:........ :....:.63,105,167 Hartig Drug at 700 Town Clock Plaza, Tobacco Sales violation Hartig Drug at2255 JFK Road, tobacco Sales violation assess. ~ 207 (8/4) ... .............. .:.212 Hartig Drug Store Mgr. J. Meyer, re:.compliance with all laws.(8/4J .212 Hartig, Kristin; re: appeal to remove trees along Mayfair Ct. (8/4)(8/18) ......:........._.:.. r :.....::..::.... .:.213,219 Hartman, David, Airport Comm, applicant.(9/2J(9/15) , .:, :: , , , 235,249 Harken, Jack; Eagle Window & Doox, Claim.(4I7) .........:....... 88 Haudenshield, Joyce M., Claim; referred to Crawford Ins. Haug, Joan, Chaplain of Mercy, Gave Invocation.(11f3) ~...... ::208 Haugen, Charles; J., Claim; DeniaL(3117)(4n1) ............... 77,105 Haugen, Glenda, re: Juvenile Curfew Ord.(5/5) :........:..:.:...127 Havelka, David, Claim; Referral to Crawford Ins.(3N7)(4n1) .::: 77,105 Hawthorne. Park, Noise problems etc. re: M. Meissner comments.(5/19)(5n)(7n1) , .. 141,151,191 .............:..... Hayes, Jessica, Youthin Government Council Member (4!7) :. B8 -Hayes;Mark; Claim; settlement.(4121)(515). .-.::::: .C., 105,116 'Hayes, Rev. James; Spirit. Dir. of Wahlert, Gave Invocafioa(10n11) .274 Head Start Projects, Bluff St. -Operation: New View -CDBG funds released.(7/7):...... ..177 Healey, Joseph BJanice, Claim referred to Public Entity Risk ~~, - Services.(10n0)(1113) ......... ........... 274,288 ~' Health, Board of Health, Meetings. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ - w ;- (1no)(an1)pn1)(lono):_.. -: n,1aa,1as,273 Health Care Coalition, TriState release of budgeted monies. Health Choices, Inc administration serv ices for-0ity'smedical, disability&cafetenaplan.(B/4) ., '. ,:,208 Health Choices, re: P. Folger, Claim; referred to Crawford ins. Health Dept. presentation re: CDBG funds usage.(2710) .. , , , , , , , _ , 4g Health, IA Dept. of Public, re: Childhood LeadPoisoning Prevention Grant; execute documents for Lead Poisoning Prev. funds. (~)(7n1)_.:..: .. 35,192 Health, to Oept. of, for Funding Lacail AIDS-CaalRion Prog ;plus educational consuihng services etc(4q){9/2)(10/5) ': ...:91,234,258 Health, Public, Nursing Services; Senior Health & Home Care Aide Programs, FY 98 Comm. Services GranYApp:-VNA.(4n1).:: ~., y114 Health re: TriState Occupational Health hired for City °Weliness Prog.(1/5). ...:..., ~ ..5 . Heath Services Food InspeQion State.Contract (92!15) : ~, .341 Healthy Dubuque 2000 summary report.(10n0) '.....:..:...... i:: 273 Healthy Mouths, Healthy Children, CDBG Funds fteleased.(515) ., .119 Heart Assn., representatives requesting support of reversal of '- - State preemption of local tobacco ordinances.(2/17) .........:. 53 Heart re: Fire Dept. purchase of ECG -Defibrillation - Pacing Equip.(12H5) ...._.::...:... :.:342 ... Heartland Housing initiative, CDBG Funds Released.(5/5) :.... ::120 Heartland Housing re: rehab of Iowa Inn etc:(5/19) ..... t ....: , , ,: 14T Heath, Charles, accepting Ord. re: Regulations for property - near Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr.(11/3) ~:..:.:.::.:::-:'.-: 291,292' Hebei Province, N. China-Supportive of Iowa Exchange, Proclamation.(9/15):,......:. Hedrick, Dave & Doris, approval. of survey plat of property at ~ ~ ','.243 ~ 2319 W. 32nd St.(7/21) .........................:........ 190,191 /"'.,~. 42 INDEX -BOOK 127 f-~ 1997 SUBJECT PAGE H Heeb St, & Clarke Dr., amendment of Res. of Necessity for 1996 - P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.. No. 2.(1Yl0)(12H5) :..: .....\. ]:.. ,8,349 Heiderscheit, Jack, re: Cedar Cross 8 Fremont Intersection Reconsiruction.(3/17) ...::... ..:....... .::....'r .....::. 79 Ham:.:....,-::eR, John & Carole, Cedar Cross Rd. Warranty Deed .:: 78 Heiderscheit, Jahn &Carole, voluntary annexation of 1101 Cedar Cross Rd.(10/6) ...................... ... 256 Heiderscheit's John 8 Carole, request for voluntary annexation of 1.65 acres on N. Cascade Rd.(12H) :......::...:.... ...... 324 Helping Services of Northeast Iowa, Inc., Purch. of Services Agree:(7n) .............................................. 177 Hendricks, Patrick re: oppose Sale of Kansas City Line and - - - -the Northem Corn Line by Canadian Pacific Rail System - to the Montana Based Washington Corp.(3l17) ...........:..... 83 Hendricks, Wm, requesting to purchase alley between 8th 8 9th Sts. between Central & White St.(1211) ................ ...320 Henschel's Addn., survey plat approval of 1050 Richards Rd., T. Hodge & C. Bandy.(9115) .............:..:................. 245 HERIBuesing, re: Floodwall Detention Basins Study etc(5/5j .. 119 Herber, Thomas 8 Mary Ann, re: oppose rezoning of 1005-1007-1011 ..... 66 Herbst, Linda, rec opening Town Clock Plaza.(9H5).:.""........:.:-249 Heritage Rivers Initiative, American, application.(12715) ...:...... 338 Heritage Trail, rec ISTEA Grant app. for Northem Levee Path; IDOT Application to Recreation Trails funding etc. ... (9115)(12715) ...................................... 245,336,337 Heritage Trail Riverhont System, REAP Grant Appiications.(8!4) .. 209 Heritage Trail -North End Neighborhood 7rai1 Design, selection of design team as consultant; Grant application IDOT for Trail Extensioa(4n)(6716) ................................ 99,100,166 Heritage trail, re: Statewide Trans. Enhancement Funds to IDOT re: - Catherine -West Locust, & Hodgdon St Steps.(9/15) .:..... ... 244 Herman. Rosemary, Ciaim(12115) .........................:..335 Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail on Schmitt Island, Grant Agree. with IA Dept of Natural Resources.(12/,) , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,, , ,.323 Heron Pond Wetlands Trail, REAP Appiication.(8/4) ............. 209 Herrig, Deb, sign language assist, for Diane TeKippe.(116) :, ........ 5 Herrig, Ron, of DRA, 52,430,000 check to City.(11211) .............: 25 Herrig, Ronald& Johq re: Pennsylvania Ave. property for ROW. (116) ......................................................4 Hi-Hat West, Admiral's, D. Meyer, 253 Main, Cig. Per.; Assessments for se0ing tobacco to minors.(612)(814) ....,. 152;212 High Cloud Dr., final plat of SunnyslopeEstates Ph.4.(116) ....... 1,2 Highway ZO West Assn., membership for City Mgr.(3/17) .......... 83 Highway 20 West, 13320-13350, rezoning for Ed Tschiggfrie:. (sn6)pre) ............................ ... 172,173,,ai Highway 20 Landscape Design, selection of S. Utstead Architects & Brian Gutheinz Studio.(11/i7) ......:... .................... . 304 Highway 611151, U.S., north of, rezoning of property, west of Kerper Blvd. 8 south bf Fengler St. 8 E. of I & M RR from HI to MHI. pr2,)(ela) ................... ..._... 264,211 Highway 61N51, West of, rezoning of property located E of Pine St., N, of 12th Sf., S.of 14th St, rezoning from Hl to MHI.(12/i) ...... 33, Highway Admire, Federal re: Whitewater Creek Bridge.(6/16) ...... 166 Hill, Gloria S., Claim; Referred to Crawford & Co.(7n)(7/21) . , , ,76,,90 Hill St, Alpine, Nevada, 8 Booth Sts., frontage road named YM/YW Drive.(10/20) (1113)(1211)(]2/15) ....:........... .. 277,295,333,349 k3 INDEX -BOOK 927 ...9997 SUBJECT PAGE H Hill Street Plaza, Inadba Oky Doky a;B.Foods, 53S Hill,-Alcohol .Violation Suspension; Cig. Per.{4/21)(5/5)(612) .......... 111,121,153 Hillcrest Family Services, E4evator;CDBG Funds.(5/5) . , : , 119 .Hillcrest Family Services -Big Brothers/Big Sisters,Cp2 funds. (515) .................:.. :.::.:.:. ....:...132 Hillcrest Family Services, Claim referred to Crawford Ins. (8/4)(8118) ......... r .: 208,219 Hillcrest Family Services, re: Holiday Lighting Display at Murphy Park.(1016).,.......:. .. ... 256 Hird, Jerry, Deputy Finance Dir authorized to do City Electronic` Fund transfers.(i2/15) -. ::. .::. ..338,339 - Hirsch, Barb Manning, support of 1997 PC Concrete Paving Pro: - W. 3rd&Spruce.(5/19) .C::: .::.::: - ..:..:::138 Hirsch, Jerry,re: 1997 Concrete Paving Prog. & resealing alley -~_~ in 700 Block of W. 3rd.(5/19) :.::.::. i ::.......... ...:.....::. 138 Historic improvement, The Redstone Inn, Liq. Lic.(3/17) :.. , . ,,, , , , 79 Historic Preservation Comm: re: removal of Walnut St properties from W. 11th SL Dis.(2/17)(5f5)(7p);::;,,,,:,,,.....:..,61,121,183 Historic Preservatioh-CDBG Funds Released.(5/5)'.,;:,,,;,,;,.,120 Historic Preservation Commission, resignation of M.Anderson;~ ' - applicant K. Kringle;appo:.._.._,., of K: Kringk; applicants D. Greenfield, J. Lehner & D. Plisek; appointments of D. Greenfield and D. Plisek(5/5)(5/19)(8/18)(912) ...:::`.....::118,121,138,222,236 Historic Preservation, State, re: Whitewater Creek Bddge.(6/16) :. ; 166. Historic Preservatian Grant Program; $10,000 in CDBG funds for `~ ' creatioa(7f/) :;'183 Historic Preservation Week, Proclamation.(5/5) ... ....116 Historic Preservation Survey, approval of application.(12/15) „342 Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing, Eleventh SL, Prged... (4/21)....:....:._.: ::106 Historical Pres. Comm.'s approval of nomination of SL Luke's United Methodist Church & Parsonage on Nat'I Register, deferment of nomination notice.(7121)(9/15) .: :..:, 155;244 Historical Society 8 Miss. Museum,J. Enzler;endorsedlce Harbor & Miss. Riverwalk.(N!3) .::.::......: ..:.: ..295 Historical Society, Dhq. County, Ryan House, 1375 Locust, Liq. Lia(12N5) ........:...::. - .. -,. 345 .HIV; re: IA Dept oT Health; funding Local AIDS $oatitioh Prog; plus educational consuking services etq(4/7)(912) .. , : 81;234 Hockey, Youth, re: Lease section of Veteran's Mem: Park.` ~' Hodgdon St.B Cathenne - W. Locust St. Steps Statewide Enhance. Fundsto IDOT.(9H5) :...:. :.: ............. . .. .............. 244 Hodge, Tim, re: survey plat approval. of 1050 Richards Rd.(9/15) ::.245 Hoffman, David H., White House Tap, 450W. Locust, Cig: Per.; Liq: Lic.(7!7)(12/15) .. ::..:. ...::......... 180,344 Hoffman, Thomas & Imelda, re: Kelly Lane propertyconveyance ' to City; questions re: Kelly LanePro..(1120)(4/7) :.. ::..:... , ..22,93 ' Hoffmann House, 3100 Club, WCB Hotel, Liq. Lic.(12115) .. ..344 Hogan, Bruce, 439 Clarke Dr., requesting mainten. of alley.(5l19) . , 147 Hohnecker-Walker, Jane C'. & Jeff Walker; re: Kelly Lane property.. conveyance to Chy.(1/20) .......:............... . ... 22 Holiday Inn Five Flags, Kinsefhtiotel,Vendors Unlimited, 450 Main; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic(717)(12/15)'.:..: .::... ..:.......:...... 180,344 Holiday Light Display at Murphy Park for Hillcrest Services. {10/6) ...256 _ Holiday Od Dis., P.O.P seas, 1685 JFK Rd.; Cig Per.(6/16) .: 167 Holiday Oil Dd., P.O.P:'s""Gas, 1401 Central, Cig. Per.(6/16) .:...::: 167 ~~ ~..;; ~~.. /'^ ., ~~ ~J 44 INDEX -BOOK 127 !"'~ i997 'SUBJECT PAGE H Holiday, Wm. J., QHO properties re: acceptance of ORD. re: rezoning of r...r.,.r S of Asbury Rd. S W of NW Arterial from AG to C3.(2)17) ........................... - ... 51,52 Hoimburg, Anne, Ciaim(1I20) , ............ - , 18 - Hoft; Jerry, request to rezoning120 Bryant St from R2 to OR. (inu) ................:... .:.:.....:. , :.:.......:.. zs Holt, Wayne, Bishop of Church of J. C. Of Latter Day Saints, Gave ~Invocation.(8/4) ............... ............: 208 .............. Ho@, Jim, applicant for Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/4)(8/18) .............:.....::..:.....:............. 210,223 - Romberg; Anne, referral of Claim to Crawford.(213) .:..........:.. 34 - Home&Family Month Proclamation.(11/17)..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,301 Home Care Aide Prog_, Public Health Grant Application - VNA. - (4M1)......~ .......................................:......104 Home Food Establishmenf, Agree. wf DepL of Inspections & appeals etc.(12/15) ............................. ........:...:. r:... 341 Homebuyeq First Time, CDBG Funds released eta(5/5) • • •.....:. 119 Homes, Dbq. Subdivision, disposing of interest of Cross St alley to Bt118Jane Duggan.(7(/)(7/21) ,,,,;,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.184,200 Hooligans Sports Bar & GriII, Tobacco Sales Violation assess.; Liq. Ltc. (9fa)(1v15) ............. .:: 21z,3aa .Hooligan's SportsBar, 2600 Dodge, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Violation of .:Tobacco Sales.(5/19)(6H6)(7121) .... ~ .....:.::::. .138,167,191,207 Hopkins, Joseph, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed. (vs)(1no)(2t3) .........................:..:.:......::. s,2s,36 Horizon Devel. Group, Claim, SetttemenL(417)(5/5) .....:..::. 58,116 <`~, Horsfield Construction of Epworth, awarded bid for the Cedar Cross -Fremont Intersection Pro.; Awarded bid for the 19th SL Storm w--= Sewer Reconstruction Pro_(4121)(70). - .,,,, 109,182 .............. Hospice Month, Prodamation.(1113) .......................... 268 Hotel tnspedion R Vending Machines,re: Interagency Agree. between City 8 IA Dept, of Inspections & Appeals.(12l15) ....:.. 341 Homz Management Inc, property at Comer of Davts & Sheridan Sts. to City:(12/1) ................................:........... 325 House File 212, opposition (eliminates D. Greyhound Park Tax exempt status).(313) ............. ..........:.. .............. 65 House of China, 170 JFK Rd., Liq. Lic(7121) ,,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , 198 Housing Advisory Trust Fund Comm, applicant R. Clark; appointed (9115)(10/6) ................................:......... 249,261 Housing Assistance Program Funds, IDED, Application.(10/6) ....: 259 Housing Assistance Program Appiication.(12/15) ..~,,, ; , , , , , , , , , 3q2 Housing Code Appeals Board, interview of applicants; appointments of D. Afthaus 8 B. Arthofer.(1l6) ................. ..: ........... 5 Housing Code amendmenf, stricter enforcement poticy.(8/4) ......215 Housing Comm. Chair re: ceiling height standards.(6/2) .....:.... 158 Housing Commission applicants D. Culbertson, J. Germaine, Ji Koch-Felton, J. Holz, & T. Swift, II; appointment of Culbertson, - Ho1z 8 Germaine; resignation of Germaine; applicants M. Susan Rink and Thomas Swift II; appointment of M. Susan.Rink. (8/4)(8!18)(1113)(11117) .................. 210 ~~~ ~~~,289,290,306 Housing Corp.; Iowa, Rehab of Iowa Inn Loan etc.(5/19) „.. , , , , , , 141 Housing DepL, presentation re: CDBG funds usage.(2H0) ... 48 Housing, Fair, Presentations, Laptop Computer purchase.(12/1) ...329 Housing Programs, CDBG Funds released etc.(5/5) ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 119 Housing re: Section 8 Family Unification Prog.(6Y2) .. .......... 151 Housing Rehab Services Etc., CDBG Funds released.(5f5) ......:. 119 Housing, Remal Unif Survey contract(tOMO) ....... ~....:..:.... 276 /~ ~ .. ~~t~ 45 :.INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE H Housing Services Mgr: D. Harris, rep. to serve on NOD'- National Organizationon Disability.(2/3) .:::::: ..::.:.: - " .. :.35 Housing Services Offices at 1805 Central, HVAC System °. replacement(7l7)::........: ...:: 179 ..:...:. Housing Services Annual Pertormance Report:(10n0j......:. 285 Housing Tax Credit application for Stout place Apts. -Iowa Inn & Alpine Heights Senior Apartments.(1211) ...............: ..:.:. 320 Housing.Tax Credit Program Application for Renaissance '~- DevelopmentonCarterRd.(12/i) .:::::..........::.:::;.... 321 Housing Trust Funds for affordable housing Projed.(3/17) -. , , 83 : Hovind, Harold, Claim; referred to Public Entity Risk Services. of lowa.(11/3)(11/17) .:..,...,:.. :: .............:....: 288,301 Howard, Tamra S., Claim; Refened to Crawford Ins.(9n)(9/15) : 231,243 Howe, Tom, re: Iowa Inn Pro..(5H9) ..:........:....::.....::..141 HUD submitting End of Year Review for Prog: Yr. 1995.(1/6) ......:. 1 HUO re: CDBG funds expenditure response by City.(1/20j :..,, .... 21 HUD review of City's audit for 7-155 thru 63056; followup of. City consultation.(4/7)..::. .:;.;.:'.: :::.....; :_....:...88. ,HUD, approval of Family SelfSUfficiency Coordinator Prog. Funding; Porch. of Services Agree. & AltemativeServices etc.; contract etc: ;. (477)(9115)(1016) 89247,259 HUD, notification of CDBG funds expenditures (5119) . , , :137 -HUD, Agree. for funds in FY 98.(7A) . , .:a , : , ; ; : 178 - HUD, re: Environmental Impact & Release of ponds for Kerper Blvd ,:. Industria6Park 8 Operation: New View - BIuf1.St. Head Start Projects.(777) .. .:..:,.:. ::..:...: :..: ..:.. ...:..::.177 HUD re: contract approval for lead paint hazard reduction eic. (7!7)(7!21) ....: ....:..:. :.:.. ..178192 .::'. HUD, CDBG Review reporL(10n0) `. ... ::.............: 276 HUD, Grantee Performance Report(10720) :...:.......::....... 276 HUD Review of Subrecipient Procedures.(1113) :. „28g HUD.Grant.-Special Purpose, re: Iowa inn Pro..(11/17) ::...:... , , 313 Hughes, Attorney Alfred, for Dodds River Terminal rei lease land - '" -near Terminal. St.(5!5) ..........::................:....:..:.118 Hughes, Atty:A., for Evelyn Mullen, claim referred tolns. . (11/17)(12/1) ..._' .. 301,320 Hulsizer, Rev. John, Church of Nazarene Pastor, {nvocation.(3/17) .. 77 Human Rights Commission interview of applicants; appointments; " appointments of N. M{Ner, Joseph Hopkins; interview of ` ' applicants; appointment of Evelyn Jackson; resignation of Nancy :Miller, osf; interview of A. "Allen, K: Blau; appointment of K. Blau. (1/6)(1n0)(2/3)(5!5)(5119)(6n)(9n)(9M5) ,:5,25,38,121,138,150,235,249 Human Rights Comm, re:mediation process with Comm. Marty _ " ::34 Human.Rights Commission, interview of applicants L: Smith &D. ..180 Human Rights Comm; resignation o£ James Noonan.(8N8) ~ , ; , 219 Humane Society, Dbq:;purchase of Services Agree.(7n1) .....::. 193 Hunger Cleanup by Clarke & Loras College students,.commended. (4A)..:.........: ::...............:.....:....: ....88 Hunting of Deer in City; Ord. setting out designated season etc. (5/5)(10/6) ..'.... .:...:.. .. 131.266 Husemann, DiAnn M Enterprise Opport. Loan for Little Buddies childcare.pnl) ...: ....:....:::.::.::..:.............::.2oz Nutter, Ethel, Claim; Referred to Crawford & Co.(6/16)(7!7) . ,', 165,176 HVAC System at 18th St. Housing Services.(7f!) ....: . .:: .:...:. 179 HVAC System at Five FI@gs Center Pro..(11/3) .:....:........:.:288 Hwy 32 Commercial Access requested by J. Kivlahan's.(1n0) ...... 20 ~~ ~ "-. 46 H Hwy 62, Agreement with IDOT to Joirrt 8 Crack Sealing.(12/15) . . , , 338 Hwy 6lH51 & Lake Eleanor Rd., voluntary annexation of 127.9 acres; Urban Renewal Plan for Economic Devel. Dis.; Name changed to Dbq. Industrial Center South.; Ske Grading; rezoning from AG Yo - PUD with a PI - industrial Park; Roadway Improvement Pro„: (1/zo){373)(4n)(4/21)(s/s)(s/is)przq • •••• ...29,63,97,98,110,11!,113,114,!23,140,204,205 Hwy 6!1151 & Lake Eleanor Rd., re: RISE Grant for road improvements for Site F.{2l3)(4!I) ................:........... 36 Hwy. 20 improvements pro„ Agree. wRh !DOT for acceleration - _ lone.(213) ................................................. 45 HY-Vee Food Store, Beer Per.(6/16) ............:..........•,_.,167 HyVee, Inc. Alcohol Violation Suspension; Cig. Per. ,- (4721)(612) .....:...................................... 107,153 i _. '. ~7 ~'~• \, i INDEX -,BOOK 127 '1997 SUBJECT PAGE INVESTMENT OVERS{GHT ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING ' MINUTES: (213) (5/19)(1'1!3) ,.:.,_....... .....34.136,288 I & M RailLink Corp re: CP1SOO Line Sale to 18 M eta; (2/17)(3H7)(5/5)(5/19) ...... .49,82,83,86,117,137 I & M Railroad, East of, N of US Hwy 61H51, West of Kerper Blvd, S.- of Fengler St, rezoning from HI to MHI.(7Y21) ..............:.. x204 IA DOT, intent fo sell tract of land in A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Place.0/20) :. ..18 IceArena, Lease Agree. of Dbq. Youth HockegAssh. for~portion of Vets Memorial Park.(1/20) ..::....... ........ .. ; 26 Ice Harbor Floodwall Mural project(5/5) ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ ~ • Ice Harbor Walkwa &Transieht 8oaf Docks - ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "' • • • ~ 130 y Miss. Riverwalk Pro.: - {10M0)(11YJ):..... ..................... ::286,295 IDED - CEBA Application re: AMISYS Managed Care Systems, lu, (6/2).. ...161 IDED -Local Housing Assist. grog. Funds, 5309,000.00/6) ..._ ....259 IDED re: Enterprise Zone Certification in Census Trails 1 & 2 for job creation 8 redeveiopment(10120) .. ... ................285 Idle Hour, J. Kersch, 1555 Central, Liq. Lia; Aig. Pec(4O){fi/16) .92,167 IDNR re: anteMess deer tags, hunting request etc.(5!5) ..........131 IDNR re:re: construct Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail on Schmitt Island.(1211) ............................... .....:..323 IOOT, re: RISE Gtant for SRe F intersection access eta(273) ....... 36 IDOT re: paving of 2 southbound lanes of NW Arterial,{213) , . , , , „ 37 IDOT, forwarding of Iowa In Motion plan.(3/17)(4121) .......... 78,108 IDOT, re: iSTEA grant for restoration of Hodgdon St & Catherine - West Locust St. steps.(9H5) .. ......:.......... ...... y4q IDOT, re: ISTEA grant applicationdor Northern Levee path, portion of Obq. Heritage Trail.(9H5) ....................... ...244 IDOT re: Grant Application for Herhage Trail Extension.(6116) .....166 IDOT, re: speed limits on NW Arterial.(10/6) .........:........... 266 IDOT; dispose of Cfty Lat 121A on First St. & City Lot 307A in alley near 5th St. 8 Central Ave.(11/3) ............................ 289 IDOT, sa{e of parcels of land: area between Eleventh -11th & Twelfth - 12th St(11H7) .................. ...................301 ...... IDOT, Re: Notice of Condemnation for U,S, n20 - DO; inc. dba as Hardees.(12115) ....................... IDOT Agreement to Joint S Crack Sealing on U.S. Highway • "' • 335 #152.(12/15) ....:............... ...338 Ihm, Gerald, conveyance of property for Kelly Lane ROW.(2i3) ..... 37 IIW Engineers, S. Browner & Durrant Group, design team for North End Neighborhood Trail.(4!7) .......... ................ 99 Incentivesfor redevelopment & job creation, Enterprise Zone est. etc.(10/6) ..266 Increase in fees for Annual Rental Dwelling Operators Lic.(3/4) ..... 75 Independent Living Centerre: Disability Aware. Training.(2/17) ..... 49 independent League Days -Rising Stars, prodamation:(6/2) ... ..150 Industrial Center Economic Develop. Dis., expansion; amended & restated Urban Renewal Plan etc..{1/20)(4!7) ,, , ,,, , , , , , , ; , 31,98 Industrial Center Economic Devel. Dis. - Bergfe{d Fann Expansion, amended Urban Renewal Plan.(10l6) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26g Industrial Park Master P{an, Consultant's Plan consistent.(?/21) ...202 Industrial Park, Kerper Blvd., Grading Pro_(8/18) .... , , , , .225 IndustrialPark, West Side, Development Phasing of Ufilities.(8/18) .228 Industrial Park at SE Corner of Hwy 61H51 & Lake Eleanor Rd.,. Site F, Dbq. Industrial Center-South; Name changed to Dbq. {nil. Center South ratherthan Site F; Grading Pro.; Utilities installation; Rezoning etc.; Site Grading Pro. • Water & Utility improvements -Phase 1; new Street, RISE Funding; Road Improvements Construction; Roadway Improvements Pro.. (4R)(4/21)(5/5)(5/19)(6Y1){7M1)(8718) • ~ - • ~ .............. 98,110,111,113,122,134,140,156,160,204,226,227 ~-, ~ ' ~~ 48 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~`. 1997 SUBJECT PAGE Industrial Park deve[.,~,,,....; -County farm, repoK; selection of a design & engineering consultant; final plat approval. (2/17){12115) ............:...........................57,62,335_. Industrial Park South -Site F., re: RISE Grant for i..;~.~~,.,ion access '.. etc.(213) ..:..:............................................ 36.: Industrial Parks, new ones, new Urban Renewal Plans, Long Range Planning Comm,; master planning contract with Kirkham Michael etc.(3!3)(5/19) .......... ................ 64y142 industrial Site IL~_a:..7 Project, Kerper Blvd.(7121) .............205 Industria(Sites Planning, re: CDBG funds.(5t5) .....:........... 120 information & Referral Service, CDBG funds; Purchase of Services Agree:(5!5)(717) .............................. 120,177 Innerduds Project -Inter-facility Buried Cortununication Ducts. (St19)(6116) ..............~...........,............. 146,i47,i69 Innovation Zone, designation request application to Ste#e,(1/20) ., , 28 Input requested by US Dept. of Agriculture to determine Iowa's future.(1/20) ........................ .. 18 inspection, Health Services Food -State Contrail eta(12H5) ..... 341 Inspection Program, 1997 Sidewalk.(10/6) .................. 259,2fi0 Inspector, Fire CaptJlnspectog certification by Civil Service Comm. ~ -- (313) ...:.......:........................:.....~.-....:.... 65 Instant Replay, P, Barry, 1602 Central, Cig. Per-; Liq. Lic. - (6716)(1211) :.: :................. ..~, 167,330: -,,: Institutions-depositories, banks etc for City funds.(12/15) ,,,,,.339 Inter-lacilRy Buried Communication Duds with Innerduils Pro.. _ (9/19)(6116)(8118) .............................. .146,147,169,221 Inter-Facility Fiber Optic Communications Network Pro.., acceptance. (12/1) .............................:..................... 329 Intergovernmental Agree. with the County re: Whdewater.Creek Bridge.(6/16) .-.... ....................................... 166 intergovemment Agree. amendment creating Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency re: Landfills etc(12719) .................. 344 Internal Site f industrial Park, re: RISE Grant for Site F, for intersection access eta.(213) ................................ 36 -. International Union of Operating Engineers, L.ocal;F758, Agree. (6@) .................................................... 151 Intersection of Fremont Ave. 8. Bonnie CL, M. McNamer requesting to purchase portion.(11/17) ...................:............314 .... Irderseilion of Crescerd Ridge R Starlight Dr., amendment to Ord. 856 re: zoning etc.(1173) ...... ..............:..:.....: 291 Intersection Reconstruction Project; Cedar Cross & Fremont; Traffic changes etc.(2/17)(3117)(4/21)(6H6) ............. ...59,79,80,109,171 -~ intersfate Contractors, - L LuGrain, Ciaim.(11/3) ................ 288 Interstate Power Co-; lftility Relocation Agreements, for OIdMain Freeway Frontage Improvement Pro.,(7p),,,,,,,,,,,,,„_,.., 178 Investmend Oversight Gomm., quarterly Report. - (s!4)(9/1a)(1113) ................................... zos,219,2ss ,; , Investment Oversight Comm., applicants: P. Lassance 8 H. Melendez; reappointed.(912)(9%5) ...................._ ... 235,249 Investment Transactions, Electronic, designate cerfain City Fiscal Officers to execute etc.(12/35) ..............................338 Investments, quarterly reporL(1Y10)(814)(10/20) ........... 18,208,274 Investor Owned Utilities, oppose change in taxaiion,(3/3) ......... 65 IOCO - McCann's, 690 W. Locust, Cig. Pec(6Y11) .............. . . 198 IOCO Speede Shoppe f13, 1998 Jackson, civil penalty for alcohol violation; Cig. Pec(1/6)(612) .............................. 9,153 IOCO Speede Shoppe, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Pec(176)(6/2) 5,193. ~~ 49 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~' IOCO Speede Shoppe #93, Iowa Oil Co., 3270-0odge, License penahy for alcohol violation; Beer Per.(al7)(10n0) .........: 93,277 IOCO Speede Shoppe, 2335 University, Cig. Per.(6n)(7n1) ... 153,198 IOCO.Speede Shoppe#93, 3250 DOdge, Cig. Pec(6n)...._....... 153 IOCO Speede Shoppe #17, 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. _ - (6/2)(1211) ........:._ ................................. ]53,329 IOCO Speede Shoppe#2, 1998 Jackson, Beer Per:(717) ...........180 Iowa Communications Network, lease of Cityowned fiberoptic huff _ building at 1575 W. 3rd.(7A)(7n]) , , , , ,, , , , ; , , , , , , , , , , 185,20],202 Iowa Dept. of Economic Devel. re: Continuum of Care & funds application etc.(6Y1) ....... ; -...152 Iowa Depf. of Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) - application re: AMISYS Managed Care Systems; inc(6n),,,,,,,,;,,,,_,,,,,, 16i - iowa Dept. of Economic Devel., Local Housing Assist. Prog. funds. (10/6)....:...... .....259 Iowa Dept. of Economic Devel.; Application#or Local Housing - Assisfance Program Fund5.(]2/15) ... ....... :.............: .. 342. Iowa Dept. of Public Health re: Childhoodtead Poisoning Preven- tion Grant; Local AIDS Coalition Prog; funding local AIDS Coalition Prog; Preventative Health Program - AIDS.. (z13){an)(9n)(1o/s) _ ..3s,9],23a,2ss Iowa Dept. of Transportation -RISE funding, new street in Dbq. Industrial Center South:(6n) , ,~..:. , ,,, , , , , , ,,, , , 160_ Iowa Depf: of Transportation, application for Grant funding fog ' Heritage Trail E>i1:(6/16) ..:::...;.:; ......:.:_.. .....177. . Iowa Finance Authority re: Ctty's Affordable Housing Tax Credit application has been submitted for Stout Place Apts. -Jowa Inn,-.~ & Alpine Heights Senior Apts.(]2/]). ..........:..............320 - '~. Iowa Health Rules - IA Administrative Code, Ch: 77, proposed - changes.(10/20) :. :...::.:. .:..::..:..:...:............273 `'~-' Iowa Housing Corp., rehab of Iowa Inn Loan eta.(5/19) , -. ; , , , , , , , , 141 Iowa in Motion Plan to IDOT.(3H7){ant) .:......:........... 78,]08 Iowa Inn Rehab. Pro.. -Loan, IA Housing Corp., Environ. Impact - notice; Urban Revitalization Dis. -Stout Place Apts.; Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application etc. (5N9)(6/2)(]1/17)(12/1) ........:..... .. ]41,150,3]3,320 Iowa League of Cities, D. Nicholson. serving on League Nominating ..209 Iowa League of Cities Telephone litigation, support(9h5) :..... , 247 Iowa Legislature, issues for next session:(7R) ...: . ..........:. .179 Iowa Oil Co., ]998 Jackson St., civil penalty for alcohol violation; Cig. Pec(1/8)(6/2) .. .:.:. .. 5,153 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO SpeedeShoppe 3200 Central, Beer Per Cig, Per. " (1/6)(6n) .......: .::..... ....... ..5,]53. Iowa Oii Go., IOCO Speede Shoppe, 3270 Dodge;. Alcohol violation, penalty etc.(3/17) .. - .... 86 Iowa Oil Co, dba IOCO Speede Shope #93,3270 Dodge, License Penalty for alcohol violation; Beer Per,(aA)(10n0). ....,:... . 93,277 Iowa Oil Co., 2335 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per, (612)(7121) . , ]53,198 Iowa Oil Co., Speede Shoppe #17, 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Cig. Per.; Beer Pea(6/2)(]2/1) :...:'..:..:......... :. 153,329 ..............: Iowa Oil Co., fOCO Speede Shoppe #93, 3250 Dodge, Cig. Per. (6n) ...:......... ...... 153 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #3, 1998 Jackson, Beer Per: (7!/) ............. .:.::.... .:......180.:.. Iowa Potato & Produce G, tNaddell Beer Per.; qg ~ per. (1n0)(612) .... .........:....:. .. 2x,153 Iowa Reat Estate Disclosure Requirements.(4ni) ...............105 '~,\ 50 ~\ ~ . ~~ i~ INDEX -BOOK 927 1997 SUBJECT PAGE Iowa, State, re: supporting exchange between Iowa & Hebei Province in China(9/?5j ........................................... 243 Iowa State, application for designation as innovation Zone.(?n6) ... 28 Iowa Street Parking Ramp, Reserve Stalls £or U.S. Postal Service, `:`(116) ..:............:..................................... 3 Iowa Trust Litigation, update.(61?6) ........................... 165 Irvin, Josh, Youth in Government Council Member.(4/7) .......... 88 Isenhart, Bud, re: budget & appreciation for proposed neighborhood parks; objection to usage of TIF monies; re: Iowa Inn Pro..; objected to Enterprise Zone establishment. (3/3)(4O)(SH9)(10/6) .....................:....... 71,99,?4?,266 JSTEA funding re: Old Main Freeway Frontage Improvement .... 19 ISTEA Grant application for Northern Levee Path, Obq. Heritage Trail.(9/15) .. ..244 ISTEA Grant Application for restoration of Hodgdon St. 8 Catherine & W. locust St. Steps.(9/15) ............................... 244 ISTEA Grant application for Statewide Enhancement Fundmg to IDOT, re: construction of River's Edge Poaza, part of the Mississippi Riverwalk(9/15) ............................. .. zas Italian Youth Group from Naples, -Greetings 8 Gifts to City. pm) ..........:................. ..... 1so 51 INDEX -BOOK927 '7997 SUBJECT. PAGE J J. GeorgeSUbd., re: Deed for Cedar Cross Rd. property from J. - HeiderscheR's; Voluntaryannexation requested etc - J.F.K. Road & 32nd St area,~petrtlon re: traffic and speeds.(4/21) . , y06 Jackson &24th St,. corner -Comiskey Park, Bus Sfieltec(421) .....107 Jackson, Evelyn, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; Appointed. (1/6)(1/20)(2/3)(5/5)(5!19) . ..:.....: .....:........ . 5,25,38.121.,138 Jackson, Kelly, & J. Schroeder re: rezoning of 475 E. 28th St. (12/15) .. ..347 Jackson. Park Urban RevFtaliiation Area; agowance of late applications for tax exemptions; approval of tax exemptions. ~ - etc,(1/6)(2/17) .. . , 8,9,56 Jackson Park, renovate Memorial fountain, contract with B. Lacy. (1113) .. ...289 JacksonSt.B 26th St. Traffic Signal Pro..(477)(5/5)(10/6) ..: 102,129,257 Jackson St., 1697, zoning from R2A to C1, requested by V. Bechen. (11/17)(12/1) ....::.:..... .: 317,318,331,332 Jackson 7uckpointing, Fred, re: rezoning of 475~E. 28th St. from CS & R2 to LL(tt/17) `.. ..:318 Jacobsen Steel & Supply, theiriand, IDOT disposal of land: - (11/17) ..:301 Jagielsk~ Jean J., Claim; deniaL(313)(4/21) .. .., 63,105. Jahhs, Ranaid, applicant for Building Code 8d. of Appeals; apptd. (2/17)(3/3) .. .. 51,66 January 1996 printed Council Proceedings approved; Financial reports approved; Claims 8 Revenues for Jan.1997; 1997 January Printed Council proceedings approved. (2/3)(3!3)(3(17)(8/18) ...............:......:....... 34;63,77,219 Jason, Inc., Park Square, 600 Central, Cig. Per.(62) .............. 154 Jaycees & KDTH request for Fireworks Display.(2/3){1016) ..... 34,257 Jaycees, Dbq.; Town Clock Plaza, Beer Per.(62) ................ 154 JD; BSSW, Ltd., Concession agreement for McAleece Park & Rec. Complex; Beer Per.; Liq. Lic. for Hooligans; Liq. Lic. (2/17)(4!7)(5/19)(12H5) ............................ 49,92,138 344 Jena, inc., Oky Doky #15, 1101 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(62)(6/16) ................ ...... 153,167 Jennings, Douglas, re: Dbq. Yacht Basin to sublease portion of city property etc.; 16th St. Auto & Truck Plaza; 1215 E. 16th St. Cig. Pec(5!5) ............. ...118,120, Jewett, Mrs. Irene re: deer problem near Middle Fork.(120) ........ 18 JFK Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew OiI, 1701 JFK., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/2)(7/7) ..............:..................... 153,180 .JFK Rd., speed limits from Sunset Park Cr. to City limits. (6116) ....................:..............................228 Job Creation re: Enterprise Zone in parts of Census Tracfs #1 8 #2.(1016)(1020) .:............... .. 266;265 Jochum, Stella, Claim referral to Crawford Ins.(4AJ(4/21) :.... 88,1115 John Deere Dbq. Works, re: property conveyance to them -stairway between W. 3rd & Fenelon St(8118) ......................... 223 John F. Kennedy Rd., speed limits fromSUnset Park Cr, to City limits.(8/18) ...................:..........................228 Johns, Mary J., Claim; referred to Crawford Ins,(777)(721) ... 176,190 Johnsoq Xenneth & Blanche, re: vacation of Public ftOW near 1852 Carter Rd.(9/15) ......................................244 Joint & Crack Sealing of Northbound.U.S. 52 on White Strbetween 11th & 21st St. & on 21st St. between White 8 CentraL(12/15) ....338 Jones Street Connector Reconstruction, Agree. with IDOT; & South Main St., a¢epfance of ROW from ArCOn, Inc(6/i6)(9/2) .:. 170,234 Jordan, Annette, Copper Kettle, 2987 Jackson, Liq. Lic,(9/15).....: 248 52 ~~ /"\ ~~' INDEX -BOOK 927 1997 SUBJECT PgC,E J Jordan, Inc, Copper Keftie, 2987 Jackson, Cig. Per.(9N5) ........248 Jordan Lane, re: City Liter Subd. Security Release.(1015) . „. 257,258 .Joyce, Pauline, Adm. Services Mgr., authorized to do electronic transfers of City funds.(12/15) ................:.. i'.. ....'.:..: 339 - - =Judge, Randy, re: assessments for connection to City Sewer - Kennedyf6onson Rd. Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Extension Dis. (115) ...................................................... 7 Juergens, Atty. Stephen, for JoEBen Reed, Claim.(8/4) ...........208 Julien Dubuque Yacht Ciub rep re: Ice Harbor Walkway -Miss. Riverwaik & Amenities Pro_(11l3) ......._ ................... 295 Julien Inn, 200 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(7(/)(12/15) .......... 180,344 Juiy 1996 Printed Council Proceedings approved; July 1997 .Financial reports; Juiy 97 Proof of Gaims 8revenues; JWy 1997 Printed Council Proceedings approved. -' (2/17)(SM8(9/15)(11/17) ..:....................... 49.219,243,301 . ~ June 1996 Printed Council Proceedings approved; 1997 Council Proceedings approved.(2/17)(9/2).......,....,,,,, 49,231 June 1997 Financial Reporfs; Proof of claims 8 Revenues. Q121)(9/15) .......................................... 190,243 June Dr. 8 Valentine Dr. intersection, stop signs.(5/19) .142,143 Junk, Don. D. re: purchase request of Lot 537A from City.(4121) ... 113 Jvveniie Curfew.(3f17)(471){4/21)(515) ................. 83,92,105,121 . .. 53 1NdEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT ~' PAGE K .;: K-Mart,,.2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6@) „...... - ;.:,,-.: 153 Kahn family Enter.;.Pasta O'Shea's, 395 W. 9th, Cig. Pet.; Liq: Lic. (62)(11/17) ... .... 153,306 Ka16, Sr. Therese, osf ~Dir: of Shalom Retreat Cerder, Gave ." Invocation.(5/19) ................... ..., 136 Kaleidoscope: Artreach AIIey (FineArts Center), CDBG funds. (515) ..........:..5 .........:..........:...... ..120 Ka{mes, Michael; ereaktime Bar & Grill, 1097 Jackson, Liq: Lic.; Liq. Lia(5l19)(62) .:...: ..:.................::..... 138,153 Kamp, Anthony, Tony's Place, 1701 Central, Liq. Lic(6/16) .. ..168 Kamp,Mary Lou, Noonan's Tap, 1618 Central, tiq. Lic: (4q)..... 92 Kansas City Line RR Sale to Montana Based'Washington Corp. opposition.(3/17) ..........:..:... ..: ...83 Kaiuin, Walter, re: opening entire Town Clock Plaza,(9/95) ..... ... 249 Kaufmann, 651, Steve & Heidi MacDonald (8. Francis & Cheryl Gruber & Joe & Georgene Butletf) re: purchasenearby strip. _ (SH9)(62)(fiN6) ...........:..:......................136,163,166 KC's -Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust, Liq. Lia(3117) ........... 79 KC's~Dawntown Amoco, Beet Per.(3/17) ....:.:. ~ , , , 7g KDTH/KATE Radio & Dbq. Jaycees, fireworks display request. (213)(10/6)........ ..............................::..,.,.34.257 ' Kehl, Robert & Ruth, re: final plat approval of Key Gate Center - - _.No..3.(1020j....-.. .:............:....:. :.280,281 Kelley; Nei18 Catherine, rezoning of 1104 White.(6H6)(8/4) '.,: 773;210 Kelley, Tina, Claim.(120) ..................................... 78 Kelly, Keith E., Claim; admin. dosed,(62)(8/4) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 150,208 Kelly Lane Paving. pro., deed from David & Phyllis Czamecki.(120) ; 21 Kelly Lane paving pro., deed from Gail Chavenelle & Wm. Dicken.(120). ...:........................ Kell Lane auto """""••.21 y p g pro., deed from Parvis 8 Ruth Mahmoud's.(120) . 21 KeIIy Lane paving pro., acceptance of warranty deeds from nearby property owners etc. for ROW. (120)(2!3)(612)(92) ........................ 21-24,37,152,232,233 Kelly Lane Paving pro., deed from Clement & Linda Davis.(120) :... 22 Kelly Lane Paving pro.,deed from Thomas & Imelda Hoffman.(120) .32 Kelly Lane Paving Pro., deed from Michael & Phyllis Kelley.(1/20) , , 22 Kelly Lane Paving Pro., deed from Homer S. Dahlman.(120) ....... 23 Kelly Lane Paving Pro., deed from Douglas Oberfoell.(1/?O) ........ 23 KeOy Lane Paving.Pro., deed from Gary 8 Karen Newt.(?/20) ....... 23 Kelly Lane Paving Pro., deed from Richard & Mary Lou Valentine,(1120) ........ .............24 Kelly Lane Paving Pro., deed from James Beining.(120) .......... 24 Kelly Lane Paving Pro., deed from Gerald Ihm.(213) .. ........... . .37 Kelly Lane, re: deed from Virgil phillips.(92) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 232 Kelly Lane, re: deed from Ronald 8 Judy Rapp.(92) , ,, , , , , , , , , , , 232 Kelly Lanese: deed from Steve 8 Janis Leslein.(92) .. ..233 ........ e y Lane, deed from Virginia Kramer.(92) .................... 233 Kelly Lane, deed from Gregory & Christina Franken(92) .........233 Kelly Lane, No Passing Zone.(11/3) ,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,..,:...., 289;290 Kelly Lane Parking Issue.(120),(2/3) ....... , , , . , , . 26,42 Kelly Lane Reconstruction Project, re: comments, concerns, procedure started; bids, contract awarded etc.; acceptance of project; final assess, schedule.. (120)(2117)(10/20(12/1)) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25,26,55,278,325 Ketly Lane & Miller Rd., Eastbound, deleted from Stop intersections; deletion of Yield Sign.(92) ... ............................ 240 Kelly Lane, Old Mill Rd., Rockdale.Rd. & Radford re: designation of Through Streets.(92) ..................... .....239 Kelly Lane 8 Old Mill Rd, prohibiting parking on portion.(1020) ..279 Kelly Lane &Pego Court Sanitary Sewer Ext, Phase II Pro.. (3/17J(4f!) ................. .. 84A6,93 Kelly Lane 8 Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext: Project -Railroad Agree. for crossing RR ROW-(12/1) ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,_323 ~1 54 INDEX -.BOOK 127 T ~` :1997 SUBJECT PAGE K KeIIy, Tina, claim referred to Crawford Ins,(2YJ) ..........:....._ . 34 Kelly's Sub.,portion of 659 W. 8th to T. Kress.(11/3)(11/17) 300,306,307 Ken-Mo Fartns, Inc., Claim; referred to Ins.(12/1)(12/15) ...... 320,335 -(Cennedy & Bonson Rd Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Ext. Dis. Kennedy, Gary & George, accept Ord, providing for Wihdsor Park Amend. re: allowance of beer 8 liquor in that Dis: - Spielman's.(2/17) .........:..:...............:..:... 52 ....... Kennedy, Marylin, Claim; Denial.(4/7){5/5) .................. 88,116 Kennedy, Patrick & Patriria, 7equesting voluntary annezation near Nightengaie Lane; rezoning from AG to R1 requested. (1/6)(1/20)(2/17)(313)(3/17)(814) ..:.-,........ 15,26,50,70,81,21Q,211 Kennedy Rd. & 32nd St. area, petition re: traffic S speed IimRs. _ (4/21) .:....:.:.:.....::1...::..:....:..:::...:....:.....106 Kennel, Happy Tails, rezoning ofproperty west at 11376 N. Cascade Rd. from R3 to C2.(612) ..................:................. 154 - Kennel Imp. _.~...,s, Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino. (2/17)(3M7) ........:.:...........:........::.....:...... 61,82 Kerper Bivd, Economic Dev~:,.r.,,~.., pis., condemnation for land acquisRion.(2/17) ..........................:.:..:.. 57 Kerper Blvd-Industrial Park, Environ. Impact 8 Release of Funds; Grading Pro--(7!7)(8118) ... ....................... 177,225 Kerper Blvd., West of, N. of US Hwy 61/151, Enf I & M RR, S of Fengter, rezoning from Ht to MHI, requested by City, pn1)(91a) ...........:..:. ..........:. zoa,zll Kerper Blvd-, West of, S South of Fengter, Disposal of propertylo J. Mihalakis&R. BiOmeyec(9h15) ...................:....... 252 ~~~ Kerper Blvd. 8 Fengter St, disposal of portion of City Int. to J. P. ~~~,_ ~ - Mihalakis, 8 R. Billmeyer.(10/fi) .........................:..:. 26 Kerper Blvd., West of, &N. of 3. 16th, Survey Plat approval of portion of FDL First Addn.(1211) ................................... 322 Kerper industrial Site Dredging ProjecL(7Y11) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Y0$ Kersch, Jeannie A., Idle Hour, 1555 Central, Liq- Lio-{417) :.. -...... 92 Kerscfi,Tom, applicant far CD Comet.(2fJ)(2N7),,,,;,,,,,,,,, 3g 51 Key Club Week Proclamation.(1113) ............:.............. 2S8 Key Gafe Center No. 3, final plat approval of portion.(10120) ......280 Keyline, Project Concern Paratraasit Agreement.(1016) .......:..259 Keyline Transit, purchase 4 remanufactured buses from Blitz. .:'. 31d Keyline Transit Facility, Boiler Replacement Pro..(7p)(814) ....185,212 KFXB, FOX 40, re: keeping Tawn Clock Plaza clased.(9/15) ..:.... 249 Kids pay America -Dubuque, Prodamation.(3N7) ................ 77 _ Kids. World Pizza Pl., 3033 Asbury, Beer Per.(2117) ` ...... ........ . 50 Kieffer, Buelah, Claim; referred to Insurance-(11l17)(12H) , . , , 301,320 Kilgore, Gordon, petition io name Floodwali in honor of Congress. Culver, presentation of cassette tapes re:Floodwall Dedication in 1973.(672)(912) ....... .. 158,231 Kintaid, Rev. Kristian of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church,Gave - Invocation.(12/15) ................>...:. ............ 335 King, Martin Luther, Proclamation in celebration of. 1/6 King of Clubs, 1902 Central, Cig, Per-; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Refund on Cig. Per.(6N6)(8H8)(9/2)(10720) .................. 167,222,235,277 Kinseth-Hotel Corp-, Holiday Inn -Five Flags, 450 Main, Liq. Lic, (12115) ....................... .... 344 Kirkegaard, Ronda & Paul, re: alley 8 sfairway between W.3rd R Fenelon Pl-, portion of property fo ihem(8/78) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 223 Kirkegaard, Ronda, Claim; referred to Crawford ins-(4/21)(515) 105,116 55 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 .SUBJECT PAGE K Kirkham Michael, consultant for development of County Farm Ind. Park; approved for master plannir~q of Ind. Parks:(3/3j(5/19).. 70,142 Knights of Columbus, 781 Locust, Liq. Lic:{3/17).,,, , ,, , , , , , , ; , , , , 79 Kirkwood SL,known as Union Ave., vacating etc. for Earl Ehrlich' Estate.(8/4)(8H8) :................:. ...... 216,224 Kirsch (Kersch), Tom, applicant for CD Comm.(2/3)(2/17) , ... , ; , 38,51 ,_ Kivlahan,John re: Kennedy B.Bonson Rd: Sanitary Sewer. Interceptor Extension Dis.(V6) ............ ...............:....7 Kivlahan, John & Doris,re; Commercial Access to Hwy 32. (1120) ................ .. 20,28 Klauer, Wm. J. &.Carol R., property from them in Dbq.`000nty. (1120) .....................:...:.......: .. 20 Klosterman & Associates re: Opening Town Clock Plaza:{9N5)::..249 Knickers Saloon, C. Gerhard, 2186 Central; Cig. Pec(62) .:.... -. . 153 Koch, T., Paul's Tavern, 176 locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.{6116) :. 167,168 Koch-Felton, Julia,. applicant for Housing Comm.(8/4)(8/18) ... 210,222 Kohl, James & Janet, The Grand Tap, 807 Central, Liq. Lic. (10/6) ..................:;.......... .:.....:...261 Kohnen, Karl,re: Assisi Village rezoning for Stonehill CareCenter on Windsor Ave.(4O) ...................:.........:........: 96 Kramer, Virginia, re: her Kelly Laneproperty to Clty,. forROW. , (912).....: :.. .......:. .....:, :.. ..:...':.:.,.......:.233 Kramer, Wayne,7ne clubhouse, 2364 Washington, Liq. Lic.{8N8) ;.222 Kraus, Paul, Youth In Government Council Membec(4q) ...:.:'.... 88 Kremer,Betty,Pipe inn, Kennedy Mall, Cig. Per.(612) ......,..:..153 Kress, Toby, City property of 659. W. Eighth to him. - (11l3)(11117) ..................................:...f300,306,307 Kretz, E., 5 Point Mart, 405 Rhomherg, Cig: Pec(6Y1) .. ...........: 152 Kretz, Larry 8 Ann, re: Zoning PR Dis., at Midway Mobile Home - Park at 3100 Brunskill Rd.(3/17)(4A) .....:.....:.....:...84,94,95 Kringle, Kenneth, re: vacation of Dinsney St -near Mt. Loretta:& - Tressa Sts, at intersection of River Ridge.(12l15) ...:.........:336 kringle, Kenneth C., applicant for Historic Pres. Comm. appointed.(5!5)(5H9).....:...._ .:.::....:.....:.:. .::... 121,138 Kringle, Leo & Ann, concerns re: 1353 Bluff Sf., City property.(8N8)221 Kruse, Rev. David of Faith United.Methodist, Gave Invocation.(1/20) 18 Kruser, Lynn, KC's Downtown Amoco, Beer Per.(3/17) ............ 79 .Kunkel, rezoning of 305. W, 16th St(12/1) ............ . . . .. . . : . : 330 Kwik Stop Food.Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2297 University, alcohol violation; Cig. Per.; Beer Pec(5/5)(5/19)(6H6){1113) .......:.. 135,139,167,290 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2255 Kerper, Cig:Per.; - Penalty for alcohol sales violation(s); Beer Per: - - (6/16)(7@1)(9/2)....:...... .... ]67,197,235 Kwik Stop FoodMart, Rainbo Oil, 2320 Hwy 61, Cig: Per.(6N6) .::.167 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6l16)(12H5) ............................. .. 167,344 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2360 Central, Cig. Pec;.~ - -: Penalty for alcohol sales violations(s); Beer Per. - - (6116){7M1)(10/6) ::......_.:....: :.:...............:.. 167,197,261 Kwik Trip, Inc., Tobacco Outlet Plus #504, 806 Wacker Dr., #140, Cig. r ~_ ~.' 55 L LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTING MINUTES: (273),(2717)(4!7)(5/19){672j(7R)(8/4)(9/15)(10YL0)(1113) • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • ........... 34,49,88,136,150,176,208,243,274,288 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1120)(3/17)(40)(575)(8N8)(1113),,,,:,,,,,,,•,,,, 18,77,88,116,219,288 L 8 B Ventures re: Opening Town Clock Plaza.(9/15) -• • • • • • : .249 Labor Mana~_...~..: Council, Purchase of Service Agree.(70) , , , , , , , , ; 177 Lacy, Benjamin H., agree, to renovate fountain in Jackson Park.(11/3) ..289 Lake Eleanor Rd.B Highway 61/151, annezation of 121+acres; rezoning from AG to PUD withPl to allow industrial park; Urban Renewal Pian; redesignation of Site F to be Dbq. Industrial Center South; Site Grading pro..; contract with Yaggy Colby to provide construcion services; Roadway Improvement Pro_ (1720)(3/3J(40)(4M1)(5/19)(612)(7121) ...:............................ _ •••• ••• - .: 29,63,97,98,110,111,140,160,204,205 - Lake Eleanor Rd. 8 Highway 611151, re: RISE Grant for road improvements for SRe F.(2/3) ........_..... - , , 36 Land Ac uisition- ~••••'•••'•••""" q condemnation in Kerper Blvd. Economic Development Dis.(2117) ..............._:.... ...57 Land exchange in FDL First Addition, W of Kerper Blvd. & S of Fengler St. whh J. Mihalakis & R. Billmeyer,(9HS) ........................ 252 Land near 750 Montcrest, purchased by McGuires.(t0/20) ............275 Land Use.&Access Study forNW Arteria1.(1/20)(273) _•„_„•,,,,,,28,40 Landfill re: reduced tee on monthly Solid Waste, revise Ord. :(612) ........................................:....;.........158 Landfill tipping fee, revised, Dbq. McLArea Solid Waste Agency. ~\ (672) .............:.............:............:.............. 159 ~ Landfills re: Intergov<.,,,,,<,.al Agree. re: Dbq, Metropolitan Area Solid \ Waste Agency - adds a dedicated fund for Closure & PostGosure costs _.' etc(12115} ................... ........344 Landing Site for the DeltaQueen, Mooring Dolphins Pro.(1/6)(7/21) .11,195 Landis, Dick, introduced as GDDC Industry Mgr.; received Han Dan, China Year of the Ox ProcL(116J(2/3) .................. ... . 14,34 Landscape Design -Hwy 20, selection of Architects etc.(11/17) ... , . , , , 304 Landscaping re: North End Neighborhood Linear Park, Recreational Trails Grant AppNCation(12/15) ............ 337 Lange, Rebecca & Steven, Claim.(12/1) .. ~ • • • , , 320 Langman Construction awarded contract for Granger Creekinterceptor Sewer Ext(12/15) ............. ........347 Langworthy's Addn, re: vacating street & alley in 600 Block of Kaufmann Ave. & disposal to MacDonald's, Gruber's 8 8utletts.(6/2)(6/16) .................. . • 163,168 Larkin, FlorenceM-, Claim; Referred to Crawford Ins.(2/17)(3/3) ..... 49,63 Larsen, Beverly, Denny's Lux Club, 3050 Asbury, Liq. Lia(575) ... , , -. , 121 Laski, J. Michael, presented Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau .award to Mayor,(1120) ....................'.... :...... 18 Lassanca,~Paui, applicant for In. ~~,.,,~,,; Oversight Advisory Corrvn.; reappointed.(9/2)(/15) .........:... - .:... 235,249 Late applications allowed for Tax Exemptions for the various Urban Revitalization Areas,(1/6)(2/17) „ - 8 57 Laube, Dr. Paul, re: Mississippi Riverwaik Pro_(7Y11) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 201 Laubscher, Robert, Claim; settlement.(5/5)(5119) ................ 116,136 Launspach, Myrtle, final plat of Myrtle's Place -subdivision of portion of Pinard St, into 3 lots.(4721) .......:.............. ... 107 Law Enforcement Block Grant application.(717),,,,,,,,,,,;,;,,,, 179 Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Grant application with HUD,(7/21) , ..192 Lead Paint Hazard Abatement Pro,; contract witfi HUD for residential reduction of Lead Paint etc.(5/5)O7O). .... . .. . . . . . . . „ _ „ 119 178 Lead Paint comment by J. Hirsch.(5/19) ........................... 138 Lead Paint Grant -EPA for Lead Poisoning Prevention 8 Lead Hazard Awareness Outreach Grant Prog.(7l~1) .. -, , , , , , , , 192 r ~. ~7 INDEX- BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~ ~ _~ L Lead Poisoning.Prevention Grant, Childhood, Prevention. ' (2/3)(7@1) .........::......::..........:.... .............35,192 Lead Poisoning Funds with IA Dept of PubBdHealth fior Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog.(721),,,,,,,,,,,,;,,;,,,•,,;,-,,, 192 Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, Mem. of Understanding with VNA j12/1) .........:......... ...323 Lead Water Service Laterals replaced with copper pipe, amend. Res. -. of Nec. far 1996 PC Concrete Paving Pro..(12l15) .., .: :. ....:....::350 Leadership re: Building Bridges for Empowering Leadership for Comm. Diversky.(92) ..:.:.' :...:::..:..........:......:...:.....:..... 235 League Days, RisingStarsllndependent, Prodamation.(62} .......... 150 League of Cities conference; 1999, bidding process (or:(120) ....:..... 20 League of Cties, notification that D. Nicholson on nominating - Comm.; naming D. Voetberg as voting delega{e.(6/4)(10/8) ..-. , , , 209,267 League of Cities,.telephone litigation support(9l15) .......:.........247 Lease Agree. with Obq. Montessori School, amendmemt.(1/6) :..:....... 8 Lease Agree. with Dbq. Youth Hockey Assn.(1/6] ............::'.:.... 14 Lease Agreement wkh Dbq. Youth Hockey Assn. for portion of Veteran's Memorial Park.(1/20) .:..._..:.........:..:.:.:...:.:_::.26 Lease, Farm re: Wm.8 Janet Sregert fartn.(1201(2~) • •...........30,40,41 Lease, Farm re: Bergfeid Property eta(5/19)(6/2} .... ............ 144,155 Lease for parking spacesfot U.S. Postal Services.(1!6) ._.......::.,..3 Lease of building at 1575 W:3rd to IA Comm. Network for fiberoptic hub: (7nH7121) ......: ..:..........~....................,....185,201,202 Lease, re: Dbq. Yacht Basin to sublease portion of its property to D. Jennings -Dodds River Terminals etc.; Dbq. Terminals wishing part of discussion:(5l5j(62) ..:.......... :....:.... .. 118,150 LeeAnn & David Emerprises, D 81 Drive-Thru, 1090 White, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(8/4){8118),,,,,,,;,,,,,,••...:•.:•••.......•_., , 209,222 Legal Services of Iowa Day, 20th Anniversary Proclamation.(1020) .... 274 Legal Staff intern S. Thier, appreciation for job.(8/18J ......... ....... 221 Legion, American, 1305 Delhi,Cig. Peti;Liq. Lic(6/16) ....:... r.. 167,168 Legislators, Letter oiSupport -Senate file 76.(3/17) .........:......:. 78 Legislators re[ opposing change in taxation for Investor Owned - Utilities.(3/3) ......................:. ...... 65 Legislators re: City's support re: propertytax freeze to expire.with respect to Counties in lowa.(3/3) ..:.:..:........ .........; , : , : , , , : 85 Legislators re: opposkionto HouseFile 212 -tax exempt status of Dbq. Greyhound Park.(3/3) .:':' -, ,,.:•„ ,,,;;,• ;,_65 Legislators supporting reduction of employer's contribution to Fve & Police Retirement.(12/15).....-...'.:' ....................._...:.:.342 Legislature, re: issues for submission; re: department manager'sinput for NLC's future policies.(7n)(92) ................:::......,... 179,235 Leifker,~David, of Courdy Conservation Society, objecting to Granger ' - CreekinterceptorSeweTExt:Pro..(12l15) .....:......::..........347 Leitner, James A., applicantfor Historic Pres. Comm.(8/18)..... .. 222 LeMesa Mexican Res., 2700 Dodge, Argot, Inc.,. Liq. Lic.(9N5) ..........248 Lenaers, Joe, Refund on Cig.Per.(2/17) .:...:...:.................... 49 Lenaerts, Robert re: petition objecting to placement of Weather warning ,. siren at Lincoln & Shiras,(9/15)(10/20) ....................:.. 251,280 Lennox Addn., Carlton Ave:, approaching Van Buren, D. Erschen, requesting to purchase Lot 100.(515)(5119) .:.:......:..:....... 116;145 Lenox Addn - Carton Ave. approaching Van Buren; D. Erschen requesting to purchase Lot 100.(5/5)(5/19)(62) ... . .....:... 116,145,166 Lentzkow Racing, J..Lentzkow, Hawthorne St., Beer Per.; contract re: Dubuque Challenge event inJune.(5/19) ........:.. 137,141 Leonard, Msgr. Wm., Gave Ipvocation.(6116) :..........:........... 165 ~~ r ~~t _.', 58 INDEX -BOOK 927 1987 SUBJECT PAGE L Lestein, Steve B.Janis, their Kelly Lane property to Cifyfor ROW.(9/2) .233 Letter Carriers Day, Proclamation.(5f5) ............................116 .Levee Path, Northern, ISTEA grant application; Recreational Trails Funding to iDOT for expansion.(9/15J(12/15) ........:244,245,337 Leytem, Robert, Claim; deniaL(313){4121) .-.. .................... 63 105 . Library Bd. advising that McGladrey & Pullen chosen for new - Lib. Dir. search.(1120) ........... .......................:........ 18 Library Board applicants: J. Fetderman, P. Kuhljuergen, K. Smith; appointment of Kuhljuergen 8 Smah.(7/7)(7/21) ............... 18D,199 Library Dir. ie: Business Survey re: needs:(10/6) ....................260 Library funds,Ord. providing for handling & disposition.(2l3) ....... 42,43 Library Week Proclamation.(4O) .............~:....................88 License Agreement between the City 8 MidAmerican Energy to install Monitoring Wells on Public ROW in the vicinity of ..351 Dodge.(417) .....................:. ..91 License -Liquor, beer, wine etc. new Ord. (71117) : .. ........... 374317 License penaaies for alcohol violations for various busine sses. . (3117)(7121) ......... ..........................:........88,196,197 License -Rental OweUing Operating.(3/4) .................. 75 ......... Liens, Series 1979, release re: Medical Arts 8uitding Ginic Rev. Bonds.(213) ........................................:..... 35 Lieutenant- Fire, certification by Civil Service Cortvn.(3!3) ...... ......66 Lieutenant for Police Dept, certification by Civil Service Comm. - (T/3) .........................................................35 Lifetime Center, Dbq. Area, Modesto £Idemess Center, Agreement ~ wan city.(172D) ................................... 20 / ...... Li ht Dis la at Mur h Park for HillcresL 10/6 • • 9 P Y P Y ( ) 256 .................... Lighting Project-Sutton Swimming Pool.{4?)(5!5)(972) 101,128,729,237,232 Limerock Springs, Inc. -Vendors UnL, Claim; referted to Crawfordins(3/3){4121) .. 63,105 Lincoln & Shiras, residents' objection to placement of Weather Worming Siren; same placement etc.(9/75)(7020) ...................... 251,280 Lincoln & Rhamberg residents petkion for stiffer fines & penalties for habitual offenders etc.(9/2) ....................................232 Line, Sue, re: Juvenile Curfew.(5f5) ...............................121 Linear Park, North End Neighborhood, REAP Funds apptication; Grant application.(8/4)(12775) .............. ...... 209,337 Link, Kathleen, Claim; referred to Porfzen Con (10l6)(10M0) 256 274 . .....: , Lippstock, Peter, Claim; denial.(3I3)(6M) 63 ........................ ,150 Liquor Depot, T. Quagliano, 1620 J.F.K., Liq. Lic; Cig. Per. (5/79J(6!2) .....::...................... ....... 137 153 , Liquor sates & regulations, new Ord. to conform to State law. (17177j .................................................. 314317 Liquor sales allowed at Windsor Park. (7120) . 29 ....................... Literacy Week, Proclamation.(9M) ... . ......... ................... 237 Laigation support requested, League of Cities for teiephones.(9/15) ...247 Little Buddies Childcare, Enterprise OpportLoan to DiAnn M. Husemann . (7/21) ...:......................................... 202 .. LIVEstock'97, contract for event revised plans -noise etc. ~. (5l79J(fi/2) ............................................... 147,151 Loading Dock Improvements for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino. {6116)(717)(7121) ..................... :...:......... 174,181,182,201 Loran Agree. Release -Mortgage-Indenture of Truss & UCCA Termination State., re: IA Medical Clinic Rev. Bands, Series 1979 Dbq. Medical Arts 81dg.(2/3) ................ 35 ................ Loan Agree. with Dbq. Food Pantry, Inc.(477) .................... 1111 ... Loan, COBG, Extension of to Dubuqua Data Services,(72715) .........343 i '~. _~ 59 __ INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT. PAGE ~ L Loan, CEBA for 350,000, CarteGrapfi.Systems.(4n) :.....:..>., .:... 100 Loan, Dubuque Racing Assn., - DRA, prepay 1997principal. (4n)........ . ..91 loan, Enterprise Opportunity to DiAnn M. Husemann, Little Buddies • • Childcare.(721) ..................:..:.:..........: .._i.202 Loan, Enterprise Opportunity Program Loan [o Mark. Gulbrandson. Loan, Iowa Housing Corp., Rehabof Iowa Ihn.(5/19) ..:...:...:..... 141 Loan Program, Downtown Rehab.(11/3)(11/17) ..::......:..:.297,298,313 Loan re: ECIA Business Growthto proceed with Loan from City of EDA Revolving Loan Fund of 5104,00010 CarteGraph.(4n) .......`.:100 Loan to City, $700,000 8 Farm Lease re: Offer to Buy Wm. & Janet _ Siegert farm west of City:(120) .: .....: ....::....:..... .......::. 30 Loan to City, 5655,500, & Farm Lease re: Offer to buy Ken & Janet Bergfeld fans west ofCity.(62) : ............:..... ..........::..155 Loans, CDBG, re: servicing of loans taken over by DB & t(2/!7) , ....... 50 Lobo Lanese: Elmwood Green Sutid: final plat.(5/5} ...::. ......:... 132 Local 94, UAW, Beer Per.(12715) ..............................:..:344 Local AIDS Coalition Program, approval of amended contract.(92) ....,.234 Local Government Funding to conduct a Hisforic'Pres. Survey: ..342 Lochner, Don, applicant for ZBA; Claims Claimreterredto Crawford Ins.; applicant for Zoning Comm:(3/3)(3H7)(62)(6/16)(10/20)(1016)02/1) ,,..;, • • • • • .. 66,79,154,168,274,256,320,345 Locust St. area, Bissell Lane & First St, IDOT to dispose of excess property.(62) .:.........: ::::.....................:.::. 150 /-1 Locust St. & First St, T. Thompson & TFM requesting to purchase City... .property near there; appreciation for City sale etc(92J(11/3) :..: 232,289 ~~ ' ~~ locust St, W., & Catherine & Hodgdon St. restoration of steps:(9M5) ..244 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. -review & approval of Urban Renewal Pions for New Industrial Parks.(313) .................. : .. 64 long Rarige Planning Adv. Gomm. re: consultant for revising Zoning Ord.(3/4)........:..: ..:...:....:.:..::..~. ......:...........:.. 72 Long. Range Planning Comm, interview of applicant R. Stein & Mary Lynn Neumeister-appointed; appoint. of COUncilMember Buol also.(62)(6N6) .......: ..:..::.......::............. ... 154,168 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., re: Urban Renewal Plan for E. 7th SL Economic Devel. Dis.(721),:::;,:.;::, ... ,,',:,:,,,,,,,,, 199,200 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., re: floodwall mural design.(8H8) ...220 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. re: video tapebf Comprehensive Plan.(92) ........................:::. ..240. Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. re: Ice Harbor Walkway & Transient Boat Docks concept designs etc.(l1/3) ..:.:.:...........:.....:. 295 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm: re: Amended & Resfated Urban Renewal Plan for Obq. Ind. Center Economic Deve7. Ois. -Bergfeld _. Farm.(11717) ...::.....::..:.:. ......307 Long Yuen Chinese Rest., Sam Chiu, 2600.Dodge, Gig: Per.; Liq,Lic. Loras & Clarke College Studenls, commended for Hugger Cleanup. (an) ...................:........................:... .a9 Loras Amoco Foodshop; Mulgrew Oil, 1450 Loras; Cig. Per.(6/2) ......153 Loras Blvd., 553561, disposal of real estate to. S. Gudenkauf. (2N7)(3/3) .:..:..: .... _ 58,69,70 Loras Campus Center, Aramark, Liq, Uc. Outdoor Ser.(9715) . ......:.248 Loras College Fieldhouse; Homecoming, Beer Pec(9/15) ..:...... .... 248 Loras College Campus, Aramark Educ. Serv.,1450 Alta Visfa, ~~ ~i 60 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE .~ L Lotr subdivided request -29]42940 Pinard St, -Bmnswick St. for - M. Launspach.(4/21) ...................... ..106 Lounge, The, Phillip R., Liq. Lic; Cig. Per.(1!6)(7R) .... . .... , , 5,]80 Love, Phillip R., The Lounge, Liq. Lic; Cig Per.(]76)(7O) ..... 5,180 Low Income, re: Tax Credit for tows Inn renovation -Stout Place Apts. & Renaissance Devel. for Rental Housing Devel.(12N) ..,, , , , , , , , 320,32] Laptop Computer purchase for Fair Housing Presentation.(12f1) ......329 Loyal Order of Moose W355, 1166 Main, Liq. Lic.(4A) ................. 92 Lucas, Madonna, City acquire her property at 1]33-]]35 White. (2/17) ........................................................55 Luckstead, Jon D., Tinal plat approval of portion of Tarparadk Third Subd.(11l17) ............................:................ 304,305 Lucky 13, 385 E. 13th, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic(6/16)(9H9) ... .....:.... 167,222 Lucy Dr. Residential Parking Perrnk Dts., petition to delete Amy Ct. pn)pn1) ............................................... ]sa,]ss Lucy, Nick, re: Town Gtock Plaza reopening.(9N5) .................. 249 LuGrain, Louis, Claim.(N!3) ...................................:. 288 Lung Assn., American, re: support reversal of State preemption of local tobacco ord.(2/17) ...............................:......53 Lynch, Beth, applicant to Envir.......~,.,<I Stewardship Comm.; appointed. .. (]'t13t(11/17) ...................................:.....:... 290.306 Lynch, Katherine, Claim; referzed to Crawford ins.(6Ytj(6/16) ...... 150,165 /1 l ~" ~. 61 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE M MECHANICAL BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (10120)(1211) ......................:.........:......... 274,320 M 8 S Leasing Co„ re: TownClock Plaza should remain closed. (9/15) .. .::.249 MacDonald, Steve & Heidi, requesting to purchase stip of land near 651 Kaufmana(5/19)(6n)(6116) .:.........:....:...:.136,163,168 Madison, Ernie, purchase property at intersection of Toledo St. & Drexel Ave.(9115)(10/6)(10n11). ,,,.,:,,,;,,,,,,,,,, 244.270,271,277 MaGee, Dale, Claim:(116j ...: .::................_:..._.........1 Mahmoud; Parvis 8 Ruth, Kelly Lane property to City.(1n0) . , .. 21 Maters, Dave, Concession Agreement for Flora & Sutton Swimming Poois.(1n0) ...........:.......:. ..... 19 -Main (Old) Freeway Frofrtage Mprovement, selection of Steve Ulstad Arcfiitects for project management; approval of agreements.(1nOj(7/7) ........:.............:..:.....19,20,178 Main (Upper) Urban Revit. Area, allowance for Iateappiications for tax exemptions to be filed by property owners.(V6j .......... 9 Main 816th St.; Jackson Park area, Bus Sheltec(4ni) :.........:. 107 • Main at Tenth St, NW Comer, Survey Plat approval of portion of Hartig Subd.(12/15) ..:.:..:......::: .......336 ........ ., .. Main St, Dbq. Ltd,,.Purchase of Services Agree.(717) ., . ;......:. 177 -. Main SL,SOUth, 8 Jones St. ConneMor, ROW acceptance from ~ -~ ArCon,Inc:(912)...........-..... ................:....:..:.234 ..Maintenance Dredging Pro. -Harbor, 1997.(10/6) ....... . ........ 265 -' Maintenance of buildings and structures, re: new Orrl. (5/5) „, , , , , 130 Management Contract for Miller Riverview Park with Pat Felderman. (1no) .... .. 1s Management Program, Environmental, -Upper Miss. River system. (4R) ................................ .92. Manager M. Van Miiligen evaluated in Closed Session.(6n) .......149 Mangeno,Angeia,Positively 14th St.; 1401 Elm, Gig. Per.; Liq. Lic,(6/2)(10/6) : ........................:.......... 153,261 Manson Rd. 8 Miller Rd., addition of Stop Sign.(9n) ..:.......... 240 Manson Rd., 1500, rezoning from AG toR1 for Gary 8 Karen Newt.(4n1)(5/5) :..:.............. ...... 110,127 Manson Rd., final plat of portion of Old Mill Subd.(8l18) ..........220 Manson,Rev. Duane, Chaplain of Luther Manor, Gave invocation. (4n1) .. ...105 Manternach, Kay,~Ciaim; referred to Portion Con.(8/18)(9N5) .219,243 March, 1996 Printed Council Proceedings approved.(2t3) .......... 34 March 1997 Financial Reports.(4n1) .......................... 105 March 1997 Printed Council Proceedings approved.(8/18) ........219 March, Prof. Social Work Month, Proclamation.(3/3) .............: 63 Marco's, Inc. 2022 Central, Liq. Lic.(4I7) ... ..................... 92 Marion St., 2215, Terry 8 Sue Brown, requesting to purchase 20' of land west of their home.(7R),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176 Mario's Italian Res., Liq. Lic.(11(17) ........................... 306 Marjo quarry Rd. 8 Rockdale Rd., deletion of Stop intersection etc. (sn) ............................. ............z4o Mark Heights, portion of Lot, conveyed to Gity for ROW on Kepy Lane from G. Ihm.(2/3) .......:............................. 37 Markham, John, re: Abstract of Votes, Council Election.(12/1) .....321 Marks, Curtis J., Claim.(12/1) ...................:.. .......... 320 Marshall Park Pavilion, transfer of funds to do improvements. nn) • • ...183 Marsh's Dbq. #2, re: rezoning of 1105 University from C2 to C3.(1/6) . 6 Martin Automagic Car Wash; Pride Service Inc: 2175 Central, Cig. Per.; Tobacco Sale violation assessment. (6n)(7n1)(8/4) .............:.....:........... .....153,207,212 Martin Luther King, Proclamation in celebration.(i/6) .... .......... 1 Martin Oil at Dbq., Pride Service, 280 Locust, Gig. Per.(fi/2) .......153 Marty,.Mark O., Glaim; Gaim to Crawford Ins,(5/19)(10/6) .... . 136,256 Marxen, Janet, for Frank Hardie Adv., re: Sign Permit Fees.(3/4) .... 72 ~--~ ~~ 62 ~~. ~.. M Maryville Construction Co, of Hazel Green, awarded bid for Loading Dock Improvements at Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino.(?/21) ... 201 :Master Plan for Clarke College Campus, change.(2117) ............ 50 Mathy Construction -River City Paving, awarded Parking Lot Improvement bid.(7/21) ................................... 201 Mauer, Marion by Attorney P. Reisen, Claim; referred to crawford.(7n)(7/21) ..............::.....:............ ns,~so Maus Lake Pumphouse Pro.., acceptance.(1/20) ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ig Maass, Police Chief John, re: Curtew,(5!5) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 121 Maximum limitations for Milk truck weight.(Z73) .................. 44 May 1946 Printed Caunc7 Proceedings approved; May 1997 printed Council proceedings approved.(2/17)(9M) ... .............. 49,231 Mayas Mentat Health Month.(5!5) ............:............... 116 Mayfair Court, re: K. Hartig's appeal re: tree removal. (8l4)(8118) ........................................... 213,219 Mayor Pro-Tem sworn in, Council Member Robbins.(5/5) ........ 116 Mayor Terry Duggan, Abstract of Votes, Mayoral Election. (12/1) .................:........ ........321 Mechanic's Building Addn., Project at Park Headquarters. (5!5) .........:.........:........... ............. 117 Mediation of Walnut St neighbors, agreement(814) ............. 208 - Mediation process finalized wRh Marty O'Shea & Human Rights comm.(213) ............:................ .... 34 Medicat Dic, Dr. Thomas Miller, appointed for EMS part of Fire Dept.(1/6) ................................. ... 3 Medicat, Disability &.Cafeteria Ptans, City's, agreement with Health Ghoices.j8/4) ...................... ........... 209 _ Meeting & Training Budget, funding for professional conferences. (1/20) .................................. ........... 28 Meissner, Monica, re: LIVEstock events at Hawthorne Park; Thanks for control of toad music.(612)(7121) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 151,191 Melendez, Hiram, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.; reappointed,(9Y1J(9715) ........................:....... 235,249 Meissen, Joseph, Claim; denial.(2117)(4121) ..:.....:........ 49,105 Members of local Enterprise Zone Comm. _ letters to Organizations by Mgr, etc.(12/15) ....................................... 343 Membership approved for Hwy 20 West Assn. far Mgr.{3117) ....... 83 Memorandum of Agreement between Federal Highway Adm. etc. re: Whitewater Creek Bridge,(6116) .......................... 166 Memorandum of Understanding wdh Dubuque Visiting Nurse Assn. - re: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog_(12/1) ......... 323 Memorandum of Understanding with United Clinical Lab. (12115) ..338 _ Memorial Fountain at Jackson Park, Agree: wAh B. Lacy for renovation.(11/3) ......................................... Z89 Memorial Park, Vets, Lease of a Section for Dbq. Youth Hockey Assn.; develop 18 hole Disc Golf Course proposal,(1/6)(912) .14,239 Menial Health Month, Procl.(5/5) ............... , , , 116 ........... Mental Illness Awareness Week, P~ocl.(10/6) ................... 256 Mental Retardation Awareru:ss Month, Procl.(3J3) ................ 63 Mercantile Bank of Eastern Iowa, named depository for Gity's funds.(72/15) .......................................339 Mercy Hospital, re: A. Roach stating assistance for Heartland Housing.(5/19) ....................... .... 141 Meriwether, Bruce, Ailing Pres. of UD, re: UD's rezoning.(313J ..... 67 Merrill, Catherine, re: Clarke College proposed expansion eta(912) 236 Merritt, Bill J.,Glaim; referred to Crawford Ins.; objection to denial of Claim; deniaL(4A)(5/5)(7l21j(i0/6) ......... 88,116,192,256 63 INDEX-.BOOK 927 1997 SUBJECT ~ '~~ PAGE 't M Meters, Parking, new feeschedulefor various hours of parking etc (3/4) ...... ......... ........ .,..:.... 73.74 Methane Collection System Egwpment, Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino's Purchase.(5/19)(6/2)(6/16) .......:. ~...:...: 14Q157;169 Metropolitan Area SoiidWaste Agency, amendment of .Metropolitan Area Sotid Waste Agency, revising tipping fee.(6/2) . , 159 ` Intergovernmental Agree. re: Landfills.(~2/15) :.... , ...:..._ .::344 'Meyer, Carol Jean, Claim referred to Crawford {ns:(2/1T)(3/3) ... 49,63 Meyer, Carol, Tott's Tap, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(78)(7121) ......:. 180,198 Meyer, Donald, Admiral's Hi-Hat West Inc:, 253 Main, Cig. Per. (612) ...:.........:.......:............ ::-.152 Meyer, Joe, Claim; referred to Insurartce.(10720)(11/3) .:.:. r.. •274,288 Meyer; John, Mgr. of Hartigs on Asbury Sq., re: compliance witfi tobacco laws etc.(874) .........:..:...............:.......: 212 `Michel, Sandra & Richard, Milkhouse on Grandview, 620 S. Grandview, Cig. Peu(6N6)(7R) _....,.._.. .. :............ 167,180 Mid-American Energy Co., Easement accepted for Dodge St: - conveyance of property.(9/2) :.:..:...............:'......... 233 MidAmerican Energy, Monitoring Wells on City ROW at Dodge & BluffSts.(4R) :.: ..:.......... - .... 91 Middle Fork, area aroundthere re: surplus deer.(1f20) .......: .:.. 18 Middleman; Kenneth, re: settlement of daims.(3/17) ....:.:':.:.... 79 Midway Hotel, 3100 Dodge, Cig. Per.; refundior Cig. Per. (6N6)(7/21)..., .. 167,191 Midway Mobite Home Park, 3100 Brunskill, PR Dis. created, _ requested by L. Kretz(3/17)(48) ..................... .. 84,94--,~ Mihalakis, John P., re: approval of Survey Pfat of property W of `. Kerper 8 N. of E. 16th.(i2/1) . ....... ....................:... 322 Mihalakis, John P. &R Billmeyeq re: exchaageof land, W. of Kerper ~~ &S. of Fengler.(9N5)(10/6).... r.:....:• .....252,263 Mike's 76 Auto Center, 1450.Loras, Cig. Pea(6/2) ..... ... :...:..'. 153 Mike's Tenpin Tap, 601 Rhomberg, Cig. Pec(6/2) ....:..:....... 167 Milk truck weight, maximum limitatidns.(273) ........ ..:... 44 Milkhouse on Grandview, Michels, 620 5. Grandview; Cig. Per. (6/16)(7R).....:...... .. 167,180 Miller & Van Eaten Law firm, to assist with telecommunication - ....i79 Miller, Beverly, Sids Beverage, 2727 Dodge, Crg Per.; Beer Per.- (612)(8/4) .....: ........ ....:. .. 153,210 Miller, Dr. Thomas, appointed as Medical Dir. for EMS part of -- " Fire Dept.(1!6) ....:..............:...:........:...... ..:3 Miper Homestead, Survey Plat of portionapproved -South Park Subd.(8N8) .............. ................................ 221 Miller, Jeanne 8 Harvey, Claim.(2/1Z)., , ........ , . ,., - :.49 Miller, Jenanne, L, approval of Survey Pla4of Miller Homestead.. (8/18) ................... ................ ..221 .Miller, Joan, acceptance of portion of her property on Pennsylvania Ave. Embassy West. Subd.(1/6) .................:....::....:.. 4 Mille, Leroy A., Whitey's Bar-X, 2616 Windsor, Liq. Lid(9/15) ...:.248 Miller, Nancy, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed; - resigned.(1/6)(273)(6/2) .............. .:......:.:........ 5,38,150 Miller Rd..& Keliy Lane, deletion of Stop Intersection; addition - of "Yield Intersection'L(9/2) ...........::................... 240 - /'*\ 64 .INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT ppGE M Miller Riverview Park, Mgmt Contractwf Pat Feldennan. (1/20)(11/17) .......................................... 19,309 Miller Road 8 Manson Rd., addition of Stop Sign.(9/2) .... , .. , , • • 240 Mills, Gordon, Long Range. Plan. Comm, member, re: Dbq. .Comprehensive Plan presentation.(912) ......... . .240 Mineral Lot 459, portion of property N of Asbury Rd. & W of NW Arterial, annexation efc. -Corey. (1120)(6/16) ........... 26,166 Mineral Lot 501, re: rezoning of 1982 Rockdalefrom C1 to CS etc. for R. Willis.(9/2] ............... .. 238,239 Mineral Lot 508, portion re: rezoning of 1600 Manson Rd. for Newt's. (516) ................... 127 . Mines of Spain connection with Heritage Trail re;.Recreational Trails Funding to IDOT, - Northern Levee Path.(12/15) ........... 336,337 Mining Co., Obq., Apt. ltd. Corp., 555 JFK -Kennedy Mall, Cig. Per.(6116) ............:....................:.... ...:. 167 ._ Miniwarehouse zoningrequested for Radford Ct. property by Sugivan & quade-denied.(11l3) ............................ 291 Mississippi River System, Upper, Environmental Mgmt Program. (4f7j ...............................:..................... 92 Mississippi Riverwalk 8 Amenkies Pro.; ExL of Herifage - Trail eta; application for Statewide enhancement funding for River's Edge Plaza; Public Hearing -Ice Harbor Walkway 8 Transient Boat Docks; Recreational Trails Grant Application for River's Edge Plaza. (an1)(6/1s)pn)(7n1)(9n5)(iorzo)(11/3)(1z/15) . • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • .......... 107,166,170,175,200,201,246,286,295,336 /"'\ MM 8 H, Silver Dollar Cantina, 342 Main, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (5%9)(7/21) ............ .. 138,198 --~ Mobile Home Park -Midway, 3100 Brunskill; PR Dis. created.(3117) : 84 Modesto Elderness Center dba Obq. Area Lifetime Center, Ag...,....~..: wf City.(1/20) ................................ ... 20 Modifications to HVAC System at Five Flags CeMec(11/3) .......288 Moeller, George or Marie, Claim; referred to insurance. (1i/17)('1.2/1) ........... .. 301,320 Moto Oil Co, Big 10, 9th & Central, assessment for license penalties -alcohol violations; letter of Attorney B. Ouann re: police procedures for assessments etc.; Cig. Per.; Atty. guano letter etc.; Beer Per.(3/17){4!7)(4721)(6/16J(7/7)(12/i5) .86,93,107,111,167,176,344 Moio Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (3fJ)(6/16) ................... .. 66,167 ....................... Moio Oil Co., Puff N Stuff, 2013 Central, Cig. Per.(8/4) ............209 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart Car Wash, 1875 JFK Rd., alcohol violation; Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(5/5)(6/16)(11/3) ................... 121,167,290 Monday Co. Caseys General Store, 4003 Pem Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(612)(9/2)............~ ............................. 153,235 Monies released for Tri3tate Health Care Coalition.(1!6) ........... 5 Monitoring Wells on CiTy ROW at Dodge & Bluff Sts. - MidAmerican Energy.(4(7) ........................... ... 91 Montcrest St, 750, requesting to purchase adjoining land by Bill & Patty McGuire.(10/20)(11/17)(12!1) ................... 275,318,332 Monte Carlo Res. L Gee, 378 Main, Cig. Per.(6/2) ............... 153 Montessori School, loc., amendment to Lease Agree.(1/6) .......... 8 Montgomery, AI 8 Rita, re: opposition to 1005-1007-1011 Rhomberg rezoning.(3YJ) .......................................... 66,57 Moore, Eddie & Thom Detennan contractetl for Diversity Training. (11/17) .................................................. 304 Moore, Kenneth J., acceptance of Res, reapproving final plat of Sunnyslope Estates Phase 4, Subd. bf Lot W.(i/6) ............. 1,2 F'~., 65 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT M PAGE Mooring Dolphins for. Delta Queen Landing Site Pro. ..:.(1!6)(7121) ...... ............................:....:.:..10,11,195 . Moose, Loyal Orderpf, 1166 Main, Liq. Lie.(4R) .......:......:... 92 Mootz, Rohert, vs City & Civil Service COmm.(4Y11) .:.... :.. C .:.. 105 Moracco Inc., 1413 Rockdale,liq. Lia(12f15) ...... „.......:...344 Morgan, Linda J., re: appeal filed re: I & M RailLink for Soo Line RR.(5H9) .............:.:........::......, ......137 Morrison Bros. Co. requestingtheir 7th St. property to be Urbari Renewal Dis. -Economic Devel. Dis.(4(!) ................::.::. 99 ~- Mt. Carmel Guardrail Project, acceptance oT construction Pro..(176) .. 3 Mt. Loretta & Tressa Str., between that, vacation of Dinsney St. - requested by K. Kring7e.{12M5), ......... ., :..; ...:..:.......336 -.Mueller, Valerie H., claims referred to Crawford Ins.;'Claim; Referred to Crawford & C-(213)(3!3)(8/4)(8!18) ....:.......::.: 34,63,208,219 Mulert, Katie, re: Juvenile Curfew Ord.(5/5) ..................:.. 121 Mulgrew Oil Co. dba Plaza 20 Amoco Foodshop, 2600 Dodge, re: .alcohol violations, suspension of license etc.; Cig. Per.; - Beer Per.(4M1)(62)(10M0).:.... .........:::..:... ~07,1i1,153,277 .. Mulgrewbil Co. dba Asbury AMOCO Foodshop, 3300 Asbury, 5300 Assess. for Alcohol violation; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. - .. (sls)(sn)(9n5) :.....:...: ....:....:......:...:....1zi,1s3,za6 MOlgrew Oil Co. JFK AMOCO. Foodshop, 1701 JFIC; Cig. Per. . (612)(7!7)•__... _ ,. 153,180 Mulgrew Oil Co., Mike's 76.Auto Center, 1450 Loras,Cig Per.; Beer Pec(6/2)(8H8) .. .... :.::: :.....:.. .......: .'>. 153,222 Mulgrew Oil Co., 16th Str Auto77ruck Plaza, 1215 E. 16th St_,Cig. . Per.; Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5(5)(5/19J(672) .:, .....::.....120,137,152 Mullen, Evelyn, by Atty. Hughes, Claim; Referred to Ins. - (11117)(12/1) ............::....:.............:...:.... 301,320 -Multicultural & global education, grant application fromREACH Center etc.(1/6) .......................::..:.............'.-..4 Multiple Sclerosis Walk Day, Proclamation.(477) ...:.....:.....:.. 88 Mural Project for Floodwall, approval; Lang Range review efc. ..(2117)(515) ............................................ 54,220 Murphy, Pamela J., 135 Fremont Ave., Cig: Per..; Liq. Lic: Murphy Park for HiOcrest Holiday Light Display.(10l6) ........::. 256 Murph's Southend Tap, 55 Locust St.,: Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; " refund on Liq. Lic.(4/21)(7/7)(7/9)(8/18) ....:......:...:198,180,219 Museum of Art re: Ice Harbor Floodwa7l Mural Pro.:(5/5) .....:....130 Music control re: LIVEstock events, re: M. Meissner. (6/21)(7/21) ...:....::::. .~.... i. 151,191 My-Cap Vendors, Ina, Cig. Perrnits4o many businesses.(6f16)'....l67 MyCap Vendors, Days Inn, 521 E. 22nd, Cig. Per.(7p) ... :.....:..180 Myrtle's Place, final plat of portion for M. Launspach.(4121) ...:::.. 107 /"~ 66 INDEX -BOOK 127 '1997 SUBJECT PAGE Mc McAleece Park, concession agree. with JD, BSS W, LTD; Beer Per.(2/17)(4/7) .. ~ .49,92 McAleece Park, termination of concessions agree, with Northwoods League.(in0) ............. . 19 McCann Service Inc., McCann's Service, fi90 W, Locust,8eer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/S)(7n1) .......::............... ........ 120,198 ... McCormick, Mike, re: Juvenile Curfew Ord.{515) ................ 121 McCullough, Mary, Claim; Referred to Ins.(11N7)(12/1) ...,, , 301,320 McCullough, Shawn, Claim.(11/17)(12/1),,,,,,,,,,,,;,, 301,320 McDaniel's Subd, S of L 769a, re: 1353 Bluff, sale to S. Gudenkauf. (sn)(sn5) .. .. zai,z5o McDermott Excavating of Dubuque, awarded Contract for Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext(11/17) ............................. 302 McDonnell, Joyce, claim referral to Crawford 8 Co,(i/6) ............ i McFadden; Hugh, re: annexation of Site F south of City.(2/3) ...... 42 McFadden, Walter, closing of Claim.(9n) ...................... 231 McGee (?), Dale, Settlement of Claim.(2/17) .............:....... 49 McGladrey 8. Pullen, LL.P., aid in search for new Literary Dir.(1n0) . 18 McGraw Hill Co., requesting City terminate its right to purchase parcel of land next to their property - Riverfront Subd. No, 5. (515)(5/19) .....:........ ........ 133,140 McGraw-Hill Co., reduction in workforce, notice,(i76) _ 1 McGuire, Bill & Patty, purchasing City property adjoining theirs at 750 Montcrest.(10n0)(11/17)(1211) ,,,,,-, 275,318319,332 McKay Nursery, A. Baumann, presenting tree certificates,(3/17) .... 77 McLaughlin, Patricia, Claim; referred to Crawford Ins. (2117)(313) ................. ..... 49,63 McLean Heights, portion of Kelly Lane property to City for ROW from R. & J. Rapp.(9n) .................. .......... 232 McMahon, Julie, Dir. of VNA, re:_ Fy 98 Comm. Services Grant Application for various health rare programs; re: changes in Local Bd. of Heakh rules.(4/21)(10n0) ........................ 104,273 McMahon, Marjorie, Claim; referral to Crawford ins.(3/3){dni) 63,105 McNamer, Marty, re: sidewalks for Cedar Cross & Fremont Intersection Reconstrudion.(3/17) ........................... 79 McNamer, Marty, vacate & purchase property in Premont Heights; final plat of portion of Fremont Heights Subd; requesting fo purchase property at intersection of Fremont Ave. & Bonnie Ct. (5/5)(5119)(11/17)(1211)(12115) .......... 116,143,144,314,334,345,346 McNamer Place, Lot 1, rezoning of property W of Happy Tails Kennel and East of Tyra Lane for J. Whaien.(6/2) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154 McMinn, Rev. Gregory, Assoc. Pastor -Westminster, Gave invoc. (4!7) ..................................................... 88 ~~,. `_ 67 INDEX -BOOK 127 9997 SUBJECT PAGE N ~~_.- N. Cascade Rd. westerly from intersection with Cedar Cross Rd., Funding Agree. with Dbq. County for reconstruction.(4/21) :... . 110 N. Cascade Rd. , 11376, rezoning of property W of Happy Tails KenneL(5H9)(fi/2) ..-...._, ....................... .... 144,154 N. Cascade Rd. & Cedar Cross, deletion of Stop Sign and addition of Stop Sign at intersection of N. Cascade S Fremont Ave.{fiN6) ...171 N. Cascade Rd., re: voluntary annexation of '1.65 acres by J. & Carole Heiderscfieit.(12/1) .......... ......324 N. CascadeRd., part & Fremont Ave., Dorothy Kay 8 Bonnie Ct, vacating & sale of portionto M. McNamer's eto.(12/1)(12/15) 333,345 Nagle, Jeff, of Kelly's Bluff, objected to W. 3rd St street assessments; information from Mgr. etc.(5/19)(6Nfi) ....... 138,170 Name change far the Pioadwail to benamed in honor of Congress. Cuiver.(6/2) .........................:..... ...158 ............ Name change of Site "F" area -Lake Eleanor Rd. 8 Hwy 151, to Dubuque Industrial Center South .............. ... 98 Name of frontage road on Dodge St -Hill, Alpine & Booth Sts., requested to be named YM/YW Drive. (10120)(91l3)(1211)(12l15) ..::................... 277,295,333,349 Nash Finch Co., Econofaods #1471, Beer Per.(1197) ............... 51 Nash, Russell, applicant for Cable Teleprog. Comm(9/2) , ....... , 235 National Ambient Air qualify Standards for ozone etc., changes, City's concern.(611b) ..................:. ...166 National League of Cities requesf for legislative policy input.(912) , 235 Nafionai league of Cities, voting delegate O. Voetberg.(10/6) , . , , 267 National Register of Historic Places, nomination of St Luke's United Methodist Chinch & Parsonage; Defeved.Q21){9/15) ...... 195,244 Nature trail on Scfimitt island, Heron Pond Weflands -Grant Agree. etc(12/1) -. - ..323 Nauman, Cfiaries & Mark, conveyance of property on Pennsylvania Ave. for ROW.(1!6) ........ ......................4 Neighborhood Linear Park, REAP Funds for North End.(8/4) ......209 Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro„ 11th St.{4721) ...........106 Neighbors Tap, W. Skinner, 1899 Rockdale Rd, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (417)(672): ........................ ....... 92,153 Nelson, John, requesting utility services be provided to annexed areas.(672) 150 Nemmers, Julian G., final plat approval of Cedar Ridge Fann. (2117) ..................................................... 50 Nester, Ferd, interviewed & appointed to Zoning Adv. Comm. (6M)(611fi) ......:.................................... 154,168 Nester, Ferd, N, Claim brought by Atty. J. Bitter; referred to Crawford Ins.(sns)(lars) .....:...........:..................... za3,zss Neumeister, Mary Lynn, applicant to Long Range Plan. Conun.; presentation re: Dbq. Comprehensive Pian.(6/16) ..............168 Nevada Sf. Hill; Alpine 8 Booth Sts., naming of Frontage Rd. off Dodge St - U,S. 20, as YMlYW Drive. (10720)(11/3)(1211)(12115) .............:.......... 277,295,333,349 New Industrial Parks, re: Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. -review and approval of Urban Renewal Plans.(313) .................... 64 Newsletter of City, CityFocus, Award of Merit.(2/3) ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 36 Newt, Gary 8 Karen, conveying property to City for Kelly Lane ROW. (1120) .................................................... 23 Newt, Gary 8 Karen, rezoning of 1600 Manson Rd. fromAG to R1 Newt, Gary & Karen, approval of final plat of Lots 1~ 8 Lot A of Old Mill Subd.(8/18) ............:.............................220 Newt Marine Service, awarded contract for Mooring Dolphins for Delia Queen Landing.(116) ................................... 11 68 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT. PAGE N Nicholson, Council Member Dan, reappointed to Operat{on: New View Board; appointed as Councl rep toGODC.; appointed to Nominating Comm: with League; appointed as Alternate Voting ~. Delegate to National League ofCities; Abstract of Vofes for Council Election eta (1120)(5/5)(8/4)(10/6)(12/1),;,,,,, ,,,,,,,...,, ,.. 25,121,209,267,321 NickoWs, Arnold 8 Karen, oppose rezoning of 1005-1007-1011 " Rhomberg.(3/3) ...., ...................................... 66 Nightengale Lane, 3170, rezoning. from AG toRi, P. Kennedy's. (7n1).: - .. 204 Nightengale lane, south of, annexation of property requested by Pai Kennedy's; requested rezoning from AG to -R1. (116)(1n0)(2/17)(8/4) ......................... 15,26,50,210,211 Nineteenth St. Storm Sewer Reconstruction. (6n)(7/7)(11N7) ..:.. :: .. is'f;162;182,303 Ninth St. & Eighth St., alley between 8 between Central & White Sts., W. Hendricks Jr. requesting to purchase etc.(12/1) ............. 320 No Parking on Kelly Lane discussion etc.(213) .'.....:. No Passing Zone on KeOy L.ane.(17/3) ... , , : , , , :: , , , ,;, , , , , ,,, ,289 No Significant Effect art the Envi...,,,,,~,.t & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for bus Shelters.(dn1) ,.. ,,.;,,,,, :~1p7 NOD -National Ord.on Disatiiltty, David Harris toCity rep.{2/3) ..:. 35 Noel, Carl, Ciatm;Settlement.(10/6)(11/17).._:-.:: ,.,:.:;,;;, 256,301 Noise, speaker problem re:1lVEstock event on riveretc.; Thanks offered by M. Meissner for control of noise. (sn9)(fin)(7m) ..'..:........ .:: 141,1x1,191 ................... Nolan, Wm., resignation from Transit Bd.(4!7) ....:. ._ .. 89 Noll, Joseph, in support of rezoning at 305 W, 16th St(12/1) ...... 330 Non-bargaining unit employees, WagePlaa(6n)::..... ... 151 Noonan, James, 7esignatiort from Human Rights Comm.{8118) ..219 Noonan's Tap, Mary L. Kamp; 1618 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. . (4/7)(6/1fi) ....................... .; 92,167 North Bootfi St., 990, rezoning from R1 to $2 for Eisbach's. . (1113) ...............................................:.... 290 North Dubuque Subd., sale of portion toMadison's. (1016)(10/20) ..:....::.:. .. 271,277 North End Neighborhood Trail, selection of consultant(s) for - design etc.; applicant for REAP funds for Linear Park. (417)(8/4) ......::..:.... .. 99,209.. North Wall Brick Replacement Pro., Eagle Point Water Plant. •_ (9115)..:....:.......~........::. .~ .246 Northern Corn Line RR, opposition of sate by CP Rail System to the Montana Based Washington Corp.(3N7) ... . .............. 83 Northern Levee Path, of Dhq.'s Heritage Trail re: ISTEA Grant application.(9115) ......:......... ..._ 244,245- Northem Levee Patb Expansion, Recreational Trails Grant application.(12115) .:........:.:............................: 337, Northwestern Devel., final payment for Roosevelt Rd. Wafer Main Ezt.(9H5) .............:.:.:.:........................... 246 Northwoods League, termination as concessions agree. for McAleece Park.(1/20) ......: ................ .: 19 Notice of No Sign. Effect On Environ. & intent to Release of Funds for Bus Snelters.(4n1).:......:... ,,,,,, 107 Notice to underage persons re: fine for attempting to purchase alcohol eta(11117) :.............................. ... 317 Notification from HUD re: expended CDBG funds.(5/19) ..:........137 Notification from IA League of Cities that Council Member Nicholson on League Nominating Comm.(8/4) ......................... 209 i^. ~ -,~ ~~., i 69 N November 1996 Claims & Revenues, prooL(iM0) ................. 18 November, 1996, Financial Reports; printed Council Proceedings approved.(1/6)(313) ...................:....... 1,63 November, 1997, Financial Reports.(12116) ,,,, ,,,, , , , , , , , , , ; , , , , 336 Nurses -Operating Room, Proclamation(11/3) :.......... .:.288 .,,. Nurses Week, Prociamation.(6/6) ............. , , , , 116 ............ Nursing Home Week, ProGamafion.(6/6) ....................... 116 Nursing Services, Public Health, FY 98 Community Services Grant qPP., VNA(4121) ..............................:.......... 104 NW Arterial, property West of 8 South of Asbury Rd.(116) ........ 6 NW Arterial, Wendell Corey property near there, voluntary annexation request; extension of time.(116)(1120)(6116) .14,15,26,165 NW Arterial access requested by John Kivlahan's..(1/20) .......... 28 NW Arterial Land Use&gccess Study.(1120)(2!3);,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28,40 NW Arteriat, Agree, with IDOT for 2 southbound lanes.(2/3) .. , , , , , , 37 NW Arterial & Associates Dr, traffic control.(421) ........... 109,110 NW Arterial, SW Corner, & Asbury Rd. from AG to C3, with conditions, rezoning for J. Streinz.(9/16) ............. ..... ... 251 NW Arterial, re: speed limits established ete.(10/6) .......... 266,267 NW Arterial & Asbury Rd. from AG to C3, wkh conditions, OHQ Properties.{1016) ............................. .262 70 INDEX-BOOK 127 1.997 SUBJECT PAGE ~s_._/ O Oberfoell, Douglas, re: conveying property to City for Kelly Lane .construction ROW.(/20) ........... . .:..................... 23 Ohertoell, Jim, re: Cedar Cross & Fremont Intersection - Reconstruction Pro.. -sidewalks eto.(3/17) ...............:. _.. 79 Occupational Health, TriState, hiredfor City Employee Wellness - '. October, 1996, Printed Council ;,. -.:;ngs approved.(3/3) .. 63 October, 1997, Financial Reports; Proof of Claims 8 Revenues for OcL; printed Council Proceedings approved.(1 V17)(12/15).. 301,335 - Offer to8uy Real Estate 8 accept property from Dubuque County - County Farm.(2/3) ..................... r:..:...::.:....... 42 Offer to Buy Real Estate 8 acceptance for Bergfeld Farm. - - (5H9)(6/2) ..:.....: .......:............... ..... 144,155 Offer to Buy Real Estate and Acceptance between City & Wm, ' Siegert's.(1120)(213)(3Y31)..:...::....' ............... 30,40,41,87 Officers -Fiscal of City, authorized to executeelectronicfransfers for City-depository institutions.(12/15)...:..:...... :..:.. 338 Oky Doky #2, TFM Co., 51 W, 32nd St., Beer Per.; Alcoho! Violation Assess.; Cig. Per.(2717)(5f5)(5/19)(6/2) :..:, , 50,135,139,153 Oky Doky #6,1256 bwa, alcohol violations, assessments; Cig. Per. (3717)(4l7)(6/2) ..............:L:....................86,93,153 Oky Ooky #21, 2010 Kerper, Alcohol violation suspension; Cig. Per.; Beer Pec(4121)(6/2)(8/18) ............................ 107,153,222 Oky Doky #8 Foods, 535 Hill, License Penalty for alcohol violation; Cig. Per.(4l21)(5/5)(6/2) ...... ...... .............. 111,121,153 Dky Doky #1, 250 W. istSt., TFM, Alcohol violation; Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Transfer of Liq. & Beer Lic. from 250 W. 1st to 1256 Iowa (5/5)(5f19)(612)(8H8)(10/6) ................... 135,139,153,222,260 Oky Doky #14, 1050 University, K. Chapman, Alcohol violation etc.; ~-~ Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(5I5)(5/19)(6l2)(7f7) ............ 135,139,153,180 Oky Doky #15, Jena, Inc. 1101 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.(612)(6/16) .153,167 ~'~._-- OId Main Freeway Frontage Improvement Pro.., selection of Steve Uistad Architects; agreements for Freeway frontage Improvement Pro..(1M0)(7/7) ............................ 19,178 Old Main St. District of Hist. Pres. Comm, Duane Greenfield aPP9inted.(9/2) .........: . ............................... 236 Old MiII Rd.,re: addftion of through street designation; deletion of Stop intersedion.(9/2) ...................... 239,240 Old Mill Road, portion, prohibition of parking; adding as Snow Route.(10/20) ...:.................................. 279 Old Mill SUbd.; final plat for portion.(8/18) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,220 Old Shang, N. Bennett, 1091 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (7Mi)(10/6) .. .. 19$261 .......... H ... 9 ... (....)........ 108 Olive Garden Rest., GMRI, Inc., 3350 Dod e, Li .Lic. 4121 Olympic Heights Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Ext. Final.(4/7) .. 89,90 OOH LA LA, Creative Tauch Gallery, 3460 Hilicrest, Wine Pec(6/2) :......:................................... 154 Open Air Pavilion Roofing Pro.. at Eagle Pt. Pk.(5/5) ....:...:.... 118 Operating Engineers Union, Contract Agreement(6/2) ....., , „, . , 151 Operating Rental Dwelling Units, Fee Increase.(3/4) :............. 75 Operating Room Nurses Week, Proclamation:(11/3) ............. 288 Operation: New View Board designations of Council Members J. Robbins 8 D. Nicholson & Housing Mgr. D. Harris as designee. (1126) ..........: .......:................................ 2s Operation: New View, Purchase of Services Agree.(7f7) ..........177 Operation: New View, appreciation for heating assistance funding. (8/18) .......:.......................:..............::.. 219 -Operation: New View -Bluff St. Head Start Projects, re: Environmental Impact & Intent to Release Funds.(7/7)(7/21) 177,190 Operation Paintbrush, CDBG Funds.(515) ......: ............... 119 Operations and Maintenance Dept. Maus Lake Pumpfiouse Pro. completioa(1/20) :............:: ..... 19 /~ ~_ .; 71 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE O Opposition to Sale of Kansas City Line & Northern Com Line by Canadian Pacific Rail System to the Montana Based Washington Corp.(3/17). .................:.......:..................... 83 Optimists -April as "Always Buckle Children in the Backseat - Mdrrth.°(417) ......................... ..................... 88 Optimists -Youth Appreciation Week Proclamations.(11t3) ....... 288 Ordinance submitted re: Juvenile Curtew.{5/5)...: ............ . .121 Organizations re: Mgr.'s letters re: local Enterprise Zone Comm.(12/15) ............................. .....343 .......... Orientation re: Board & Commission mem6ers.(213) ........... . . 46 Ornamerrtal Railing Pro., 11th St. Historical Neighborhood.(4/21) ..106 Oswald, Jan, re: Town Clock Plaza reapening.(9l15) .............249 Ozone particles, re: Air quality Standards etc(6/16) .... .........166 O'Brien, Bob, re: Juvenile Curfew.(5!5) .........: .............. 121 O'Brien, Fr. Joseph, Gave Invowtion,(3!3) ...................... 63 _ O'Hara, Dan, Claim; denial; payment authorized. (5/5)(5l19)(10Y20) .................................. 11fi,136,274 O'Hara, J 8 P, Inc., HaPPY Joe's, Beer Per.(10l6) ................ 261 O'Neill's Riverview Subd., acceptance of conveyance of property at corner of Davis&Sheridan St.(1211),,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,„325 O'Rourke, Michael & Rebecca, 553361 Loss Blvd. property to S. GudenkauL(2117) ........................................ 58 - O'Shea, Anna, of Long Range Planning Comm, re: Dubuque Comprehensive Pian.(912) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 240 O'Shea, Marty, mediation process with Human Rights.(Z!3) ........ 34 O'Shea's-Pasta, Cig. Peu(612) ..........:....................153. /`~^. i ~.. 72 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT ORDINANCES PAGE 1-97 Amend Zoning Map. by reclassifying property at 1105 University from C2 to C3, with conditions. (iiancock's)(1/6) .:..... 6 2-97 Establish. theKennedylBonson Rd. Sanitary Sewer. Interceptor Extension. Dis. InterceptodExtension Dis. & Schedule of Fees for connedion.(1/6) ...........:. ,-, , , , , 7 3-97 Amend City.Ord. No. 40-81 Establishing Washington Street Urban Revitalization Area to allow Late applications for Tax fxemptionsto be filed by Property owners.(1/6) ...:.......::... 8 4-97 Amentl City Ord. No. 74-80 Establishing the Jackson Park - Urban Revitalization Area to Allow Late Applications for Tax - Exemptions to be filed by Property Owners.(V6) ..: .....:....... 9 5-97 Amend City Ord. No. 69SS Establishing the Upper Main .. ' Urban Revitalization Area to a11ow.Late Applications for Tax Exemptions to be filed by Property Owners.(1/6) ....:..:..... 9, 10 6-97 Amend City Ord. No. 15-81 Establishing the W 11th St Urban Revitalization Area to Allow Late Applications for Tax - Exemptions to be filed by Property Owners.(1/6) ........ ....... 10 7-97 Authorize Jonathan Routley and Canvas Products to . COnstrud an Awning at 1296 Central.(116) ......:.:. , . .... 12 8-97 Authorize Superior Welding Supply Co: to Construct.. ~- Underground Electrical Feed.(1!6). '..:..'..... , , ,, .. 13 9-97 Vacate PirieStreet from 17th St. to 18th St. (Walser)(1M0) ... 27 10-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 120 Bryant St. from R2 to OR (J. Holt).(1/20)(213) : ....:.:.......:...... 28,39 11-97 Amend Zoning Ord, by adopting a new Sec. 4-0.8 re: Required Procedures for Site Plan Review.(1/20)(2/3) .. , , , , , , 28,39 12-97 Amend City Code by repealing Section 30-8 Providing for the disposition andhandling of Funds for Li6rary.(2/3) ....... , .. 42 13-97 Authorize Tschiggfrie Excavafing to Construft 48" projecting Illuminated Awning.(2/3) .:................. ... ....... 43 14-97 Amend City Code by amend. Section 32-75 numbering the First Para.thereof as (1) and by adding a new para. (2) providing for Maximum Gross Weight on any one axle of a vehicle or combination of vehicles.(2/3) :................. . .......... 44 1$-97 Amend Zoning Map -reclassify property located S of Asbury Rd. & West of NW Art. from AG to C3 {RemakeQ.(1/6)(2/17) .. , , 6,51 16-97 provide for amend. of Ord. No. 70J1 which adopted regulations for Windsor Park Institutional Dis. to add sale of alcoholic beverages as requested by Spielman's:(1M0)(2/17) .. 29,52 -97 Reclassifying property located at 1005-1007-1011 Rhomberg Ave. from R-2A Alternate Two-Family Resid. Dis. to R-4 Multi- Family Resid. Dis. - DENIED.(2/17)(3/3) ..................... 58,67 17-97 Amend Zoning Map providing for Amend: of Ord. No. 33A8 which adopted regulations for University of Dubuque Institutional Dis. -amend Conceptual Devel. Plan, 2000 University Ave:(2/17)(313) ....................................... 58,67-G9 18-97 Amend Appendix A -Zoning Ord. by replacing Sec.7-1 re: Fees Required -Zoning S Development Servii:es.(2/17j(373) .. 58;69 /-`.. _, 73 INDEX -BOOK 127 ` 1997 SUBJECT PAGE t ORDINANCES 19-47 Amend. Ch. 40 Solid Waste of City Codeby replacing _ Sec. 40-1 the deTnitions `Class I Premises & Class 11 Premises and Premises and by Amend. Sec.4037 Establishing Fees for - CoOection and Disposal of Solid Waste & Recyclable Materials and Exceptions thereto by adding anew Para. (c) Class III Premises and by reletteringPara. (c) Special Collection as Paragraph. (d) Special Coilecfion.(3/4) ..................................... 73 20-97 Amend. Sec. 32337 of the City Code, by establishing a Fee Schedule for Parking Meters by replacing fees for one-hour, two- hour and four-hour parking meters.(3/4) ....................... 74 - 21-97 Amend. City Code by revising Article III of Ch. 3 known as "Dubuque Sign Code" by repealing Table No.3-C "Sign Permit Fees" and enacting in lieu thereof a new Table No. 3-0 Establisfi. a new SchedWe of Fees for the issuance of Sign Petmits.(3/4) ..... 74 . 22-97 Repeal Ord. No. 376 which established the Tax Increment Financing Dis. for the Cou{er Valley Redevelopment Area Urban Renewal Dis.(3/17) ......................................... 83 23 -97 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 624 N. Burden from R1 to R2 for J. Sanneu(3/17)(4/7) .......... ....~ 84,94 24-97 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 3100 Brunskilt Rd. from R4 to PUD with a PR Planned Dis Designation & adopting a Conceptual Devel. Plan. - Kretz, Midway Mobile Home.(3117)(4P) ..................~................. 84,94 25-97 Amend. Zoning Map to amend fhe Conceptual Deve1 Plan ~-~ -Padre Pio Dr., 3485 Windsor - Stonehill Care C.(3N7)(477) ... 84,96 26-97 Amend, the City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of ~'~-~ Sec. 32-214 providing (or the addition of Stop Signs at the intersection of Associates Dr. & Chaveneile Rd.(4/21) ..........109 27-97 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property at SE corner of Lake EFeanor Rd, from AG to PUD with PI Designation & adopting a Conceptual Develop. Plan with conditions for the Dubuque Industrial Center South.(4/21)(5/5) .......... 111,122-127 28-97 Amend. Zoning Map by reclassifying property -1600 Manson Rd. from AG to R1 for Gary & Karen Newt(4M1)(5/5) 110,127 29-97 Amend. Sec. 11-2 of the City Code by repealing the old & adopting a new Sec. 107 in AppendixCh. 1, Uniform Code for Building Conservation re: Maintenance of Existing Buildings and Siructures.(5/5) ...........................................130 30-97 Amend. the City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof for the Add. of Stop Signs at June Dr. E, Valentine Dr. and at Patricia Ann Dr. & Geraldine Dr.(5/19) ......143 31-97 Amend. Zoning Ord. of City by reclassifying property West of Happy Tails Kennel of 11376 N. Cascade Rd. & East of Tyra Lane firom R3 Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential Dis. to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis.(5/19)(6(2) ...... 144;154 32-97 Amend. the City Code by Repealing and establishing new Section 4037 Para. (a) in lieu thereof establishing charges for collection and disposal of Solid Waste & Recyclable Materials changing fee, 57.25 per Dwelling Unh Per Month to 57.00.(6Y1) , , 158 33-97 Authorizing P & H invest, to construct a Sign at 1527 R 1533 CentraL(6/2) .........................................159 ~ ~ { 74 INDEX.- BOOK 1:27 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~" .ORDINANCES 34-97 Vacating the Unnamed Street and Alley in the 600 Bock of .:.Kaufmann Ave..in the City - (disposal to Macdonald's, Grubers, Butleri's).(6l2) . .:. .'.::...: . ..::::.:. :. .....: 763 35-97 Amend. the Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32- 274thereof by deleting the Stop:Sign on Cedar Cross Rd. at N. Cascade Rd. &arlding Stop Signs at the Intersection of N. Cascade and Fremont Ave.(6716). .:....:.'... .... :.:. ......171 36-97 Amend. the Code by revising Subsection (b) of Section 32- .213 providing for the Change of Tfirough Street Designation for Fremont Ave,(6/16) ......:...:..:........ . ........ 771 37-97 Authorizing Tom Francois dba Francois Masonry to _.:. construction a Planter at St, John Or., Dubuque, IA.(6l16) ....... 171 38-97 Amend. Zoning Map by rezoning property at 73320- 13340 Highway 20 West from AG to C3 (for Ed Tschiggfrie). (6/16J(7/7) ..:.::...: ................. ..........173,181 39-97 Ordinance Vacating an AIIey at Cross ST. (for Bill & Jane Duggan).(7R) .................:........................:. 184 40-97 Amend the City Code by repealing Subsection (a) of Section 32397 Establishing Residential Parking Permit District D (Lucy Dr. & Amy Ct) and adopting in lieu thereof a new subsection(s) of Section 32397 Reestablishing Residential Parking Permit District -Lucy Dr, only.(7/27) ........_..... , . . 199 41-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 1104 White St. from C4 to C1 (Neil B Katherine Kelley).(6/16)(8/4), 173,210 s--~ 42-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at , 3170 NightengaleLane from AG to Rt, with conditions -Pat '-- Kennedy. (7/21)(8/4) .....:.....:.. .....: 204;211 ~~ - 43-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying propedylocated N. of US Highway 61M51, West of KerperBlvd., South of Fengler St.,and - East of J 8 M RRYrom HI to MHI -for CHy.(7Y21)(8f4) ....... 204,211 Q4-97 Amend City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 providing for the adddion of a Stop Sign at Red Vidlet Dc &" Radford Rd.(8/4) ............................... .213;214 4$-97 Vacate Alley and public stairway between W. 3rd St. & Fenelan PL(S/4)(8/18) .................._...:........... 215,223 46-97 Vacate -portion of Kirkwood St fonneriy known as Union Avenue:(B/4)(SH8) ...........................:........ 276,224 47-97 Amend CKy Code by revising Subsection (c) of Section 32-.' 231 providing for the establishment of Speed Limits on J. F. - .Kennedy Rd.(8/18) .................. ..:::...... ......'..:-. 228 48-97 Amend Zoning Map for amend. of Ord. No: 850A - regulations- Clarke College Institutiaeal Dis:(8/18)(9M) .:'229,235-238 49-97 Amend Zoning Map by rezoning 1982 Rockdale Rd. from C-1 to CS with conditions, for R: W{His.(8l78)(9/2) .. .....:..:.. ~ 229,238. $0-97 Amend City Code by adding Kelly Lane, Old Mill Rd., Rockdale Rd. & Radtord Rd, to Subsection (b) of Section 32-273 '-. providing for designation of Througfi Streets.(912) :......:..:: 239. $1=97 Amend City Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32- . 214 thereof deleting various Stop Signs along.Keliy. Lane, Rockdale Rd. & Radford Rd. 8 adding Siop Sign at intersection of Miller Rd. & Manson Rd.(9/2) ............................... 240 75 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 52-97 Amend City Code by modifying Subsection (b) bf Section 32-276 tfiereof deleting YieidSign at intersection of Miller Rd. 8 Kelly Lane.(9/2) .............:..........................240 $3-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying 2349 Elm St. from R-2A to CS, requested by.Spiegelhaher's.(9/15)(1016) ........... 257,267 $4-97 Amend Zoning Map by Yeclassifying SW corner of NW Arterial and Ashury Rd. from AG to C3 with condFtions - J. Streinz(9115)(10/6) .......:.....: .. 257,267 55-97 Amend Sec. 33-7 of City Code prohibiting Hunting- Bow & Arrow by allowing Hunting wf Bow 8 Arrow of Anterless Deer by Persons Licensed by DNR during Designated Hunting Season. (10/6) .........................:..........................266 56-97 Amend the City Code by revising Subsection (C) of Section 32-237 providing for Speed Limits on Northwest Arterial.(70/S) ..266 57-97 Vacate Drexel Ave. Between Vinton St. & Toledo St. & _ Portion of Toledo St. & E. RO W of Drexel Ave. & Alley Between Drexel Ave. & Chicago Ave. From Walker St, to lot 4 of Blasen Pl.(10/6) ................................ ......271. 58-97 Amend Sec. 32-262(D) of the Code prohibiting Parking on Designated Sheets or portions adding Kelly Lane & Oid Mill Rd. (7ono) ........................................:......... z7s 59-97 Amend Section 32352 Subsection (e) of the City Code designating Snow Routes by Adding Oid Mill Rd.(70n0) ........279 \ 60-97 Amend Cify Code, Ch. 44, Article 111, by adopting a new Div. 5, ~~ ~` Sections 44-205 through 44-275.7 Cross-Connection Control - ~`.~,~ Water.(10n0) ........................................ 287-285 61-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying 990 N. Booth St. from R7 to RZ, requested by Eisbach's.(70n0)(77/3)..,,_„_„ 286290 -97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying property at end of Radford Ct. from C2 to CS. 8: Wholesale -for 4uade & Sullivan - DENIEDI.(70n0)(77/3) ................................. 286;297 62-97 Amending Ord. No.856 which adopted regulations for property located near the intersection of Crescent Ridge Rd. 8 Starlight Dr.(10/20)(1713) ....................._..,... 28fi,297-294 63-97 Amend. Zoning Ord. of the City Code providing for the Amend. of Ord. 856 which adopted Regulations for hereinafter described property at 295 Cedar Cross Rd., located in a PUD with a PC Planned Commercial Designation.(71/3) ................... 292 6497 providing That General Property Taxes Levied & Collected Each Year on All Property Located Within E. 7th St. Economic Development Dis. be paid to a Special Fund for payment in connection with Urban Renewal Devel. Pro..(71/3) , , , , , , , , , , , , , 295 fi$-97 Providing that General Property Taxes levied 8 collected each year on All Property with Dubuque Industrial Center South Dis, be paid to a Special Funds for payment in connection with said Urban Renewal Development Pro.(7713) , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , 296 66-97 Amend Ord. No. 26-88 Providing That General Property taxes Levied and collected each year for property located within amended Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Devel. Dis. Urban Renewal Area be paid toaSpecial Fund.(17177) .,.,,,,,,.,. 307 ~"`\ ,_ ~ 76 INDfX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT RAGE ORDINANCES 67-97 Amend Ord. No. 3087 Providing that General Property Taxes Levied and collected Each Year on Property Located within Amended C . ~ ,,,:- n Dubuque Urban Renewalbis. be paid to a Special Fund.('11l17) ....:..:.......... .....: .....:... 310 68-97 Amend certain portion of Section 5of City Code - "Alcoholic Beverages"Yo be in conformity with, State Law.(11/17) ...:.... , 314 69-97 Amend Zoning Mapby reclassifying 305 W. 16th St. from OS to OR, with conditions -for Benkel: Kunkel.(Nl17)(12/1) , , , '318,330 70-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying property bcafed E of Pine St., N of 12th St., S of 14th Si. 8,W of Hwy 611151 from HI to MHl,requested by City of Dubuque.(11l17)(i2/1) ........ 318,331 -97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 475 E. 28th.St. from R28 CS 8 Wholesale Dis. to 11, requested by ' Jackson TUCkpainLing-ORD. TABLEO.(11/17)(12M5) ...... 318,347 71-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying 1697 Jackson St, from ' R2A to C1 Neighborhood C_..-„,.,,,ial Dis.(11/17)(12/1) ... , ,. 318,332 72-97 Vacating a Part of Fremont Ave, between Honnie CL8 c Dorothy Kay Dr. 8 a Partof N. Cascade Rd. at [he intersection of Cedar Cross Rd. BBonnie Ct.(12/1)(12/15) ,;,,,,;,,,,,,,, 333,345 73-97 Amend Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at 3285 Asbury Rd. from ORwhh Conditions fo C2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis.(N/17)(12/15)..,'„~,,,, ,;,,,; 318,346 74-97 Amend Section 32-262(D) of City Code Prohibifing Parking on Designated Streets or Portions thereof adding Certain Portionsof Cedar Cross Rd: 8 Fremont Ave:(12/15) ... :.... . , ,, 349 75-97 Creating a New Street Name of the Existing Frontage Road connecting Hill, Alpine, Nevada & Booth Sts. on the North sideof .the Reconstructed Dodge St. as YM/YW Orive.(12/1)(12/15) .333,349 -97 Amend Sections 42-1, 42-14(4) and 42-20(a) of the CRy Code "SUbdivision.Regulations" to add definition of private drive, add requirement that tioth Zoning Adv. Comm. 8 City Council review plafs that contain private streets and stipulate that private streets shall conform to applicable standards.(1211) ................... 333 -97 Amend Section 25 of the Zoning Ord, to eliminate the requirement that private streets must be included as part of a Planned Dis.(12/1) .............. .....:................ ...... 333 f~ /..-~. ~\ _ 77 P PARK 8 RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (176)(2!3)(3/3)(477)(5!19)(6/2)(7121)(9/15)(17/3)(12/1) • • ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • .......... 1,34,63,88,136,150,190,243,288,320 _ - P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. 1997, Amendment to install Cky watennain in Spruce St. eta(NYJ)(72/1)(12115) , • • . , 298,330,348 P 8 H investments to construct a sign of 1527 8 7533 Central Ave. (6i2) .............. .. 159,760 P.J.'s Tavern, 500 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lia(6/76)(7!7) :. , , 767,180 P.M.S.T., Happy's Place, 2323 Rockdale, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (s/z)(s/75> ........................... ....... 153,za9 - P.O.Ps Gas, Holiday Oil, 7685 JFK Rd:, Cig. Per.(6/1fi) ........ ...167 P.O.P.'s Gas, Holiday Oii, 1401 Central, Cig. Per.(6/76) ..:........167 Paaq Jeffrey, applicant for Airport Comm(972)(9/15) ......... 235,249 Padre Pio Dr., 3485 Windsor, rezoning for Assisi Village.(4/7) .. 96 Padre Pio.Healfh Care-0enter, re: Assisi Village rezoning eta • Paintbrush, Operation, COBG Projects, release of funds etc.(5/5) • .119 Paradiso, Jim, in support of Youth curfew.(5f5) ................. 121 Paratransit Agreement, Project Concern, with Keyline.(10/6) .. ..259 Park 8 Recreation Comm., applicants: L. Boike, G. Harjehausen 8 K. Daykin; appointment of Boike 8 Daykin.(7/7)(7/21) :. • , , , • , • 180,199 Park, Eagle Point, Restroom Construction Pro•(5/5) , ....._ ......117 Park, Eagle Point, Open Air Pavilion Roofing Pro.(5/5) ........... 118 Park -Linear re: Recreational Trails Grant Appi. for North End Neighborhood.(12n5) .....:............................... 337 !- -.~ Park - McAieece, termination of concessions agreement with Northwaods League.(7/20) .......... ........................ 19 \,;. j Park Pavilion, Marshall, transfer of funds to do improvements. pn) ........................................... ...183 Park Square , 600 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(6/2)(6/16) ....... 154,167 Park -Swimming Pools Concessions with D. Maiers.(1/20) , , . , . , .. , 19 Park, Valentine, 28E Agree. with School for development.(10l6) ...267 Park, Veterans' Memorial, Lease of Section to Dbq. Youtn Hockey Assn.(V6). .................................... .. 74 Parkin, Wes, objected to proposed Youth curfew.(5/5) ...........121 Parking issue changed, rezoning of Assisi Village area near Parking issue on Kelly Lane, with reconstruction project(2/3) ... , , , 42 Parking issue re: 1353 8 1355 Bluff St.(10/6) .................... 259 Parking Lot improvements ofi Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino. (6/76)(717)(7727) ...................:...............173,781,201 Parking meters, new fee scnedule.(3/4} ...................... 73,74 Parking Permit Dist., Lucy Dr. 8 Amy Ct., request for Amy Ct. to withdraw eta(7!7)(7121);,•,••••„ .• 784,199 Parking Permits -16,' in Municipal Lot across street from Stout Place Apts. -old Iowa Inn.(71/17) .. • .........................313 Parking prohibited on portions of Kelly Lane 8 Oid Mill Rd. (10120) ............................:.....................279 Parking prohibited on portions of Cedar Cross Rd. 8 Fremont Ave. (12!15} ..................... ...349 Parking Ramp Facilities, 1997 Rehab. Repairs.(?/21)(8/18) , , , , 206,227 Parking spaces -Lease by U,S. Postal Service - IA Street Parking Ramp.(1/6) ......................................... 3 Partnership Program, Community, Cpl, amending Guidelines, awarding of funds etc..(2/3)(5f5) •,,,•„-„-,,,,,,,-•••-•• 43131 Pasta O'Shea's, Kahn Family Enterp. 395 W. Stn, Cig. Per.(6/2) ....153 ~. 78 __ INDEX-BOOK 127 . ;~ 1997 SUBJECT PAGE P Path Expansion -Recreational Trails Grant application for Northern Levee Path Expansidn.(12/15) .:.::..:.: .:...........:...... 337 Patricia Ann 8 Geraldine Dc 8 June Dr., stop signs placement. (5/19) ...:..........................._.............,: ]42,143 Paul's Tavern, T. Koch, 176 Locust,.Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic(S/16) , , 167,168 '- Pavilion Roofing Project; Open Air -Eagle Pt. Park.(5!5) ....... , .: 118 Paving of 2 southbound lanes of NW ArteriaL(2/3) .... . .......... 37 Peace Officers Week and Memorial Day, Proclamation.(5/5) ....... 116 Pearson, Douglas, in support of Youth curtew:(5/5) ........:..... 121 Peavey Co. re: Mississippi Riverwalk Pro..(7121),,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,200 Peg-0-Mesa, re: Kelly Lane ROW project to City from 4 - - Pego Court 8 Kelly Lane -Sanitary Sewer Ext. Phase 11.(3/17)(4/7) ~. ......r ......:...................... :....:............. 84,65,93 Pego Ct. 8 Kelly Lane Sanitary Sewer Extension Prog.,.RR Easement Agreement with Chicago, Central 8 Pacific RR:{12/1)..........: 323 Pell, Nancy, Claim; referred. to Public Risk EntitySer, (10/6)(10120) : . .:...........:........ ....... 256,274. Pennsylvania Ave., conveyance of property for ROW -Embassy West Subd. - R, 8 J. Hercig 8 J. Miller, C. Nauman's etc.(1I6) ., ......... 4 Pertortnance Report, Human Rights.(12/15j . .:.. .............. r 340 Permit issued for Vinyl awning at 299 E. 92h St.(213) .......:..... , 43 Pennits,Sign,new Pee Schedule.(3/4)_,,,;,,,,,;;,,,,:,,;,_,„ 74 Perron Enter., Fat Tuesdays, 1121 University, Liq. Lic:(4(/) ........ 92 Perry Construction of Dubuque, awarded contract for the 1997 City of Dubuque Curti Ramp.(515) .........: ...:.........:..:...: 130 ~-^~ Perry, E. Eugene; re: opening Town Clock Plaza.((9l15) ..........: 249 `~ Petersen, Jane, contract for HIV/AIDs,prevention education activities: ~~-- '~ (9/2) :::....:..................:......................... 234 Petition objecting to rezoning request of 990 N: Booth St (10Y10)(11t3) .::..........:............:.......:...... 286;290 Petition objecting to sale of 659 W. Eighth to Toby Kress... (1113)(11!17) :.::.........,.......... .............. 300.306,307 Petitioh objectingio 3285 Astiury Rd. Zoning Change.(12/15) .:... 346 Petition objecting to rezoning of 100 5-10 0 74 011-Rhomberg.(3t3) , , . 66 Petition of Amy Ct. residents to withdraw from Lucy Or. Parking Permit Dis.(7A)(7/21) ... .............................:. 184,199 Petition of residents of 32nd St..B JP Kennedy area,:objection to lratfic and speeding.(4/21)............: ......:..............:106 Petition of residents of 1200, 1300 81400 blocks of Lincoln 8 Rhomberg rei stiffer fines for habitual repeat offenders etc. (912)..: :...............................................: 232 Petition of'W. 3rd residents objecting to 1997 PC Paving Pro.. assessments.(5/19) ...:....................:.:......:..... 138 Petition re: Weather Warning Siren at Shiras 8 Lincoln:(9l15) :.... 251 Petition requesting rezoning of property at 475 E.28th.(12/15) ::.. 347 Petitioh to name theFlood !Nall in honor of Congressman Jahn C Culver.(6M) ............................................:: 158 Petitions submitted re: Town Clock Plazabeing reopened.(9/15) .. 249 Pfaff, Mrs. S., requesting that Amy Cf. not be deleted from RPPD on Lucy Dc(7/21) ....... ......................:...::.....:..:199 Pfiffner,.Ron, settlement of Claim.(7t21) ,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19p Phillips, Virgil, re: Kelly Lane ROW Deed to City.(9Y1) ....:::... .: 232 Phillips, Wm.. M., Claim; settlement.(6/16)(7/21) , , , ,,, , , , , , , , 165,190 Pilot Deer Harvesting Project on Sisters of St. Francis Dann. Pinard St. 8 27th, requesting rezoning of property at 475 E. 28th St. (72/15) ................:................................. 347 ~\, ~~ l 79 INDEX -BOOK 927 1997 SUBJECT ~~_ PAGE P Pinard St, 2914-2940, approval of final plat -subdivide property into 31otr.(4127) ............................................. 106,707 Pine St. & Twelfth St. (12th), rezoning NE corner from HI to MHL(1]/77)(72/]) ..................... ..... 375,331 Pine SL, between 17th & 78th St. request for vacation by R. Walser of Walser Movers.(7/6)(1Y20) .. 11 27 Pipe Inn, B. Kremer, 555 JFK -Kennedy Mall, Cig..Pec(6/2) .:.....153 Pkcher, Duane, Finance Dir., authorized to execute electronic fund transfers for City.(]2/15) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....,......,,339 Pizza Hut ft], 2075 JFK Rd., Beer Per.(6M) .................:....754 Pizza Hut n2, 320 E. 20th, Beet Per.(6Y1) .............. , ... 753 Planes de-icing aircraft with Ethylene Glycol, re: American Airlines notification.(70Y10) ........................................ 275 Planning Adv. Comm, re: Budget hearing's requests tot consultant & FY 7998-2002 Recommended CIP.(3/4) ...................... 72 Planning Dept. -presentation re: CDBG funds -Annual Action Plaa(2110) ................. .d8 Planning Services re: parking at 1353 & 735fr Bluff St(10lfi) .....:.259 Planter at SL John Dr., Tom Francis of Francois Masonry, construdion.(6N6) ,,,,,,,,, ..,,177 Plastic Center, Inc.,Fischer Bowling Lanes, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (612)(7q) ..' .............. .. 753,180 Plastic Center, re: property on west side annexed to City, re: W. Corey.(2/3)(6/76) .............................. ..: 38,765 ..... Plat approval for City Lot fi04A.(9M9) ..................... 254 Plat approval of Sunnysiope Estates Phase 4.(1/6) ..........., .... 1 f""~ ~ Plai approval of portion of Frommelt Place„ 3990 Central. ~--' Plai approved of Lot 1, Lot 2, Loo 3 & Lot A of Myrtle's P1. - Pinard St.(4/27) ...................... ..707 Plat approved for KeI1y Heightr Subd. for R. Schilfz.(7Y17) ,. „, _ , , 203 Plat approved of Lots 1,2 & A of Tires Pius First Subd.(8/4) -......214 PIaY ofproposed vacated alley & Public Stairs between W.3rd St. & Fenelon Pl.(Bl4) ............................. ..275 Fiat approval of proposed vacated Drexel Ave. between Vinton St. & Toledo SI. etc.(10/6) ...................................... 270 Plat approval of portion of Key Gate Center No. 3.(10120) .........280 Plat approval of Survey of Lofs 1 & 2 of Slate Street, Subd. No. 2. (17117) .......................... ....305 Plat approved of proposed vacating of a part of Fremont Ave. between Bonnie Ct. & Dorothy Kay Dc & a Part of N. Cascade Rd. (72/1) ...................................................333 Plat review re: private streets, re: amended Or. "Subdivision - Regulations."(72/7) ............................:..........333 Plat approval of industrial Park at former County Farm.(12/75) , , , , 335 Plaza 20 Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/2)(10@ll) ................... .. 753,277 Pleasant View Addn., disposal of portion of property near 750 Montcrest to Bill&Patricia McGuire.(]2/1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,332 Plein, Steven, Claim; Settlement(7121)(8/4) ................. 190,208 Plisek, Dan, applicant for Historic Preservation Comm.; reappointed.(8/'18)(9!2} .................... ...... 222,236 ...... Police Auxiliary Report.(]1Y3) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,289 Police Captain, Corporal and Police Lieutenant, re: Civil Service certification of individuals.(2!3) .............................. 34 ~~ I 8~ INDEX- BOOK 127 ...1997 SUBJECT PAGE P Police,re: Alcohol Violation penalties torvariaus businesses; . objection etc. from Atty Quann re: Police Procedures; Police Chief advising of waiving of P. Hearings far various businesses; more P. :.. Hearings set; 5300 asse.,.„..~,,:_, e[c. - ' (4/7)(4121)(7M1) ... .:........:...:._....:...:93,107,111,196,197 Police Chief J. Mauss re: proposed Youth Curtew.(5/3) .......... 121 -Police Dept.; Grant application to participate in a Drug Task Force'. Pro.(5/5) :.:::....:...:..:.....:. ......:......: 119 Police Dept. re: City & Badger Computer settlement of lawsuit. _...- (612) :.......................:................:......~., .. 150 -.,. Potice Chief, re: Tobacco Sales Violations Assessments.(7/21) .:., 207 Police-Computer Programmer Analyst; Certified by Civil Service.(7121) .......................:......'.:1......:.::. 198 Police Officer -Entry Level, Certification by Civil Service.(7M1) ... 198 Police Dept's -Domestic Violence Grant, County Attorney's office. (8!18)5..: :.....::...:...: ...., 221 . .......................... Police Dept, re: Triad Cooperative Agree. etc(10/20) . ,:......... 285 .Potice Towing Contract with Wenzel Towing Inc(1173) ........... 289 Po{ice Retirement System, re: letter to legislators re: reduction in - employers' contr{bution:(12/15) ....:..............::. .:.... 342 Policy input re; future legislative policies, Nafional League of ~_" ,; Cities.(9/2) .........................:.. .:...235 Pool, Sutton Swimming,Lighting Project. (4R)(5/5)(9/2) ......:....................... 101,128,129,231,232 '-Pools, Swimming, Concessions with D: Maiers.(1Y10) ...:......... 19 POPPY Day, Proclamation.(5/19) .::...: :::....::.....:.....:.A36 ,~~ Population of areas annezed to City since 1994(4!7) ....:........ 89 ~ i Portzen Const., awarded contract for 1997 PC Paving Pro.. -Spruce ~~... St. & W. 3rd etc.; Awarded contrail for 15th St Steps; claims of Manternach 8 Stabenow referred - to them; cW{m of K. Link refereed to them. - ` (6/16)(8/4)(9/15)(10Y20) ':..' ....::.......:......... 170,213,243,274 Positively 14th ST., A. Mangeno, 1401 EIm St., Liq. Lid(10/6). , , , . ,.261 Postal Service, Lease of Parking space in IA St. Ramp.(1/6) ......... 3 Potato 8 Produce House; G. Waddell, 2600 bodge; Cig. Per:(6/2) .. 153 " Potter,.Lee, Sr. West Lowst Mart, 408 W, Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. . (2/17)(612) ..::::.:....:..:..:: .:.:......:.......:.... .... 50,153 Pregler, Walt, 8 others; requesting Flood WaII be named in honor -oT Congressman John0. CWVec(62) ..................:.... 158 Prescription Drug Prog, for employees, Agreement wdh Segal Co. (5/19):....::.:::.:.:.:::.. ...:.:. - .137 Pretreatment Compliance Inspection report, industrial; by DNR. (10/6)...::.:.....:....: .....:....:.. ..:257 .Printed Council Proceedings for Jan., Feb., March &.April of '- 1996; for May, June 8 July, 199fi; for Sept., OcL; Nov., and Dec - 1996, for Jan., Feb,; & March, 1997; for April, May, & June, 97, July " 1997 approved; for Aug. 1997; Sept. 8 Oct,1997. (2/3)(2117)(313)(8/18)(9/2)(11N7)(12/1j(12/15) .::.................... •• .................................. 34,49;63,219,231,301,320,335 Printing of Comprehensive Plan booklets,reallocation of GDBG -. Private Streets Policy 8 Related Text Amendment -plat review etc.(12/1) .......:....:....:... ........:..:..:...... 333 Procedures for Site Plan Review revised, re: Zoning.(V20) .. ,.... , 28 Procedures, Subrecipient, HUD Review.(11/3) .................. 289 ti_ 81 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE P Proceedings of City Council, printed, approval: Jan., Feb., March & April of 96; May, June, Juiy, Aug. 96; Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. 96; Jan., Feb., March, 1997; April, May, June; 97. July 1997; August 1997; Sept & Oct. 1997.(213)(2/17j(3/3){8N8)(9/2)(11N7)(12/1)(12/15) • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •._ ........... 34,49,63, 219,231,301,320;335 Prochaska, Katie, Youth in Government Council Member.(417) ..... 88 Professional Conference, re: Council's training budget, direction etc(1/20) ............................. ... 28 Program Year 22 Annual Action plan for CDBG Funds, Amend. 3. (8/4) .................................................... 213 Project Agreement with IDOT re: Reconsfruction of Jones St. Connector.(611fi) ....................:....................170 Project Concern, Foster Grandparent Prog., Purchase of Services Agree.(7n) ..............................................177 Project Concern, Information S Referral Prog., purcfiase of Services Agree.(7n) ..............................................177 Project Concern, Paratransit Agreement with Keyline.(10/6) .......259 Project Management for Oid Main Freeway Fronfage, S. Uistad. (1120) .................................................... 19 Projects, Incomplete Capital, Carryover appropriations.(10/6) .....260 Proofs of publication on various Council Meetings (1/20J(213)(2/77)(313)(3/17)(4n)(5/5)(5/19)(6/2)(61i6)(7n)(8!4)(8718) (1076)(11117) ..18,34,49,63,77,88,116,136,150,165,176,208,219;25fi,301 Proats of publication on Claims 8 Revenuesfor various months. (1120)(2/17)(3/17)(4n)(5719)(6716)(7n)(10/20)(11/3) • • • • • - - .. 18,49,77,8H,136,165,17fi,274,288 Property aY 1133-1135 White St., City acquire from M. Lucas.(2I17) ..55 Property at 553361 Loras, disposal to S. GudenkauL(2/17i(3/3) .58,69 Property at 1353 Bluff St. , concerns by Leo Kringle's; dispose of ibis Cityowned property to S. Gudenkauf; parking concerns efc.(8118)(912J(9/15)(10/6) ............... 221,241,250,259 Property disposal located W. of Kerper Blvd. S S of Fengler St., FDL First Addn., to J. Mihalaski & R. Biilmeyec(9/15) ......... ...... 252 Property, disposal of City Interest In Lots 227A & 231A of East Duhuque Addn.(1f6) ....................................... 11 Properly disposal of City Lot 604 A to FM Co.(9/29) .............254 Property disposal to E. Madison at intersection of Toledo St. 8 Drexel Ave.; plat approval eta(911fi)(10/6) ................ 244,270 Property in Duhuque County, Deed from Eldon Digman et al.(1/20) .. 20 Property -Industrial Center South -Tax Increment Financing Dis. ................zss Property near 651 Kaufman, request to purchase by S. & H. MacDonald.(5119) .......................................:.136 Property near 750 Montcrest, bought by McGuire's from City. (10/20)(11/17j(12/i) .. ...275,318,332 Property of IDOT, between Eleventh - iiih & Twelfth -12th St area, for sale.(11l17) ..............................:........:....301 Property of IDOT - in Locust SL, Bissell Lane & First St. Area, notice to sell.(612) ..............................................150 Property of Kenneth & Janet 8ergfeld to City -Offer to Buy.(6/2) . , 155 Property of Wm. 8. Janet Siegert, amendment to City's Offer to Buy.(3131) ...........................:. ....:.87 Property on Cross St., Hill & Jane Duggan requesting to purchase nearby alley.(5/5) .........................................117 Penalty against various business for alcohol sales violations; objections to police procedures etc. & waiving of public Hearing by certain assessed businesses; rgfer violation of Rainho to State Comm.(1f6)(4M1)(5/5)(5/19) ........................ 5,107,121,139 82 INDEX -BOOK 127 '1997 "SUBJECT. PAGE P Property on Pennsylvania Ave. to City from Ronald 8 John Herrig - ROW.Purchase -Embassy West.(1/6) ::....:.:....:.:.... L:.:.. 4 Property on Pennsylvania Ave: to City from Joan Miller -ROW Purchase -Embassy West.(1/6) , ::..:.:.::...: .. 4 Property on Pennsylvania Ave. to City from Charles & Mark Nauman -ROW Purchase.(1/6) :....:.:' .:.:............:...:.........:4 Property on Kelly Lane, ROW toCity, from P. 8 R. Mahmoud.(1/20) . 21 Property onKelly Lane, ROW to City, from D. & P. Czarnecki.(1/20) . 21 Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City, from Gail Chavenelle & Wm. Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City, from C. & L: Davis.(1/20) ..... 22 Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City from H. Dahlman, Jr.(i/20) ..... 23 Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City from G. 8 K. Newt.(i/20) :. .. 23 Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City from D. ObertoelL(1/20) .::::. 23 Property on Fremont Heights., M. McNamer requesting City to vacate and sell to him.(5/5) ..._ .........................:........ 116 Propertywest of Asbury City limits, annexed to Asbury,(7n) ....: 176 Property west of 2215 Marion St., request. for purchase by Brown's. pn) ..................:..............:........: `. ns Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City from G. & C: Franken:(912) ....233 Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City from V. Kramec(9/2) :::..:.: 233 Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City from S.'&J. Leslein.(9Yt) , ,: , 233 Property on Kelly Lane, ROW to City from R: &J. Rapp.(9/2) ...... 232 Properly on Kelly Lane, ROW to City from V. Philiips.(9Y1) ...:.:.: 232 Property on Dodge St., ROW to City from Mid-American Energy ' Co.(9/2).:.........:: ...:....:..:............:..........: 233 .~--ti . Property on South Main St., ROW to City from ArCOn; Inc.((/2) :...234 Property on E. 7th St Economic Development Dis. -TIF Dis. -Tax ~~~`--" Increment Financ(ng_(11/3) .::.".s .:.::...:..:.....:.......i295 Property sale of 659 W. Eighth to Toby Kress. (1113)(11117)....:.....:...:.:: ::...:.........::... 300,306,307 Property at intersection of Fremont Ave. & Bonnie Ct., request for ` purchase by M. McNamer:(11/17)(12/1) ,,,,:,..:,,,,,.,,, 314,333 Property at cornei of Davis & Sheridan Sts., Lot 98 O'Neill's Riverview Subd., conveyed to City.(12/1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;',;,,,; 325 Property Tax Exemption Applications, Urban Revit. Areas.(2/17) . .. 56 Property taxes for Dbq. Ind. Center Economic Devel. Dis. Urban Renewal Area,_Special Tax Fund.(11117). ...:....:...:......: 307 Prosped Hill, Lot 416 to John Deere Dbq. Works, re: disposal of ` interest of alley & stairwaybetween W.3rd &Fenelon Pl.(8/18) .:: 223 Prosped Hill, Lot 41B to Paul& Ronda Kirkegaard, re: disposal of interest of alley & stairway between W. 3rd 8 Fenelon Pl.(8118).... 223 Prospect Pizza Ltd., Pizza Hut #1; 2075 dFK Rd., Beer Per.(6Y1) .... 154 Prosped Pizza Ltd., Pizza Hut #2, 320 E: 20fh, Beer Pec(6Y2) .. , ,.. 153 Public Hearing on FY 98 Budget(3/4) ..........:. .....:........ 72 Public Input Process for Town Clock Plaza opening etc(8/18) .:... 218 Public Risk Entity Services, various claims submitted to them: (10120)(1113)(12N) :....."......:...: ................. 274,288,320 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. 1996, Proofs; amending that project.(i/20)(12115) ...:....::..:::. .:..:......::... .:. 18,350 Puff n Stuff, Molo Oil Co: 2013 Central, Cig. Per.(8/4) ..:.........209 Puls, Tim, requesting rezoning of property near intersection of Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr.(11/3) :...:.......: ..:........... 291 Pumphouse Project, Operations & Maintenance Dept.(1/20) .... 19 Pumping Capacities Study; Floodwall Detention Basins' Study. ................:.. 119 Purchase Agreement, amended for 12.5 City ownetlproperty, with Corey DeveL(3/3)(3/n){anj ......:....:................ 7ososa ,~"',. `t /' 83 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~~~` 1997 SUBJECT PAGE `~ P Purchase of approval from Farmland Foods, 4 acres, -from FDL Foods. etc.('I'1/17) ............ .............................305 Purchase of Services Ag. ~~.,,~,,,~ with many organizations.(7O) ..177 Purchase of Services Confrad with Alternative Services, Inc. re: HUD's Family Self Sufficiency Prog.(9N5) .................... 247 Putcfiase of property requested by M. McNamer at intersection of Fremont Ave.&Bonnie Ct.('I'IM7)('12N) _..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3f4,333 Pusateri Enterp., 2400 Central, Liq. Lic.(~/20) .............. ...25 Pyatigorsk, Russia, Dbq.'s Sister Cify, Visitors efc.(4M'1) ..., ..... '105 F` ~. ~~~. ~~ 84 INDEX --BOOK 127 ~~ :1997 SUB.IECT PAGE Q QHQ Properties, re: Accept. Ord. rezoning property S of.Asbbry Rd. - and West of NW Art. from AG to C3; rezoning.(2/'17)('10/6) .51,62,262 Quadeand Sullivan :requesting rezoning of Radfortl Ct. property from C2 to CS for aMini Warehouse.(10/20)(1]/3) ..:...... 286;291 Quagliano,. Dr. Timothy of QHQ Properties, approval of Ord. No. 54- 97 re: rezoning of SW corner of NW Art. & Asbury Rd.hom AG to C3, with conditions.(1076) .. ..............::............ 262,263 Quagliano, Tim, Liquor Depof,1620 JFFG; Beer Pec(5!'19) ......... 137 Quann, Attorney Brendan, for Molo Oil Co.; objecting to Police behavior during sting oQeration for business alcoholviolation.' (4l7)(4/2'I)(575)(7O) ............................. 94,107,'12'1,'176 i'-~, r 85 Racing Event - Lentrkow; Dubuque Challenge event(5/19) .. ..141 Radford Ct., end, rezoning request by Quade 8 Sullivan from C2 to cs.(iono)(1lrs) ................... :. zas,zsi Radford Rd. & Wolff Rd, Eastbound, deletion of Stopintersection _ designation.(9M) ...................... .......240 Radford Rd Reconstruction ProjecL(12/15) , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , • , , 339 Radford Road & Red Violet Dr., stop sign; Westbound -Deletion from Stop inferseilion designation.(8/4)(912) ............_ 213,240 Radford Road, re: designation as Through StreeT.(9/2) ...........239 Radialogic Technology Week Proclamation.(10/20) ..............274 RAECO, inc., awarded contract for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -Purchase of Methane Collection System Equip.(6/2) , , , 157 _ Rafoth Sheet Meta! awarded contrail for Five Flags Arena Roofing Pro_(9/15) . , 251 Railing Project, 11th St. Historical Neighborhood.(4121) .... .....106 Railroad, Canadian Pacific RR - re: information re• Workers' Adjustment and Retraining Nat. Act -Soo Line employees.{213) , , 3q Railroad -Chicago Central 8. Pacific, re: Site 8 voluntary annex. (2117) .. .50 Railroad Easement Agreement for crossing RR ROW for portion o£ KeNy Lane Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro.,(1211) _ , , , , , 323 Railroad, re: sale of CP/Soo Line to I & M Corp. (2/17)(31!7)(5/5)(51!9) ............... ..........49,82,86,1!7,137 Railroads ROW re: voluntary annexation of property, whh County property & Siegert's properfy.(1Yt0) . .:......:.. ............ . . 31 Rainbo Lounge, DAMA Corp., 36 W, 4th SL, Liq. Lic(10/20) ...:...277 Rainbo Oil Co. Kwik Stop Food Mart, 2360 Central, Cig. Pec; 5300 Alcohol Violation Assess.; Beer Per:(6116)(7/21)(10/6) ...167,197,261 Rainbo OiI Co., Kwik Stop Food Mart, 2255 Kerper, Cig. Per.; 5300 ~ ~ Alcohol Violation Assess.; Seer Pec(6M6)(7/21)(9/2) .... !67,197,235 ~~~„ ; . Rainbo Oil Co, dba Kwik Stop Food Mart, 2297 University, A~~=~~„ant Alcohol violation; Cig. Per.; 5300 Assess. Penaky; Beer Pec(575)(5/19)(6/16)(7/21)(11/3),,,,,,,,, 135,139,167,196,290 Rainbo OiI Co., Kwik Stop Food Mart, 2320 Hwy 61, Cig. Per. (6/16) ............................. .......167 Rambo Oil Co., Kwik Stop Food Mart, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cig. Per.; BeerPec(6/16)(!2/15) ........._ .............. 167,344 Rambousek, Gary, Claim.(7120) ..:........... . , !8 Ramp -Curbs, Project, 1997,(4f/)(515)(12115) ......... 102,103,!29,340 Ramp, Iowa.Street, Agree. with US Postal Service for Stalls.(1!6) .... 1 Ramps, Parking, Rehab. Repair Pro..(7/21)(B/18) , , , , , , _ , , , , 206,227 Rampson,Dean, re: Dog Ord. restriction.(2%7) .,,,,,,, Ransdell, Mary, Claim; referred to Crawford Ins.(3/17)(4/21) , , , , 77,105 Ransdell, Mary, Claim; denied.(9/15)(12115) ,,,,, _„_, _, 243335 Rapp, Marvin J., Cue Master Billiards, 900 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (313)(612) .. ................ .................... 66,153 ....... R (9 2)Ronald J. 8 Judy A, ROW property from them re: Kelly Lane. Basch, Paul, (Tollbridge Inn), refund on Li . Lic. 8f4 ~ 232 Raysan Carp., Bridge Res[. 31 Locust, Lig9Lia('li/17) ..... , . , , , , 306 REACH Center, grant application re: multicultural/global education. (116) .............. ..........:..:.... ;....... _ Ready Mix Inc., a div. of W. Stewart Con.-reason for not ~ ~ ~ 4 bidding's City's contract for concrete - cement(!!/3) Real Estate Commission Disclosure Requirements.(4/21) , , , . , , _ , . ~p$ Real Estate Contract, re: property to Corey Development. (an)(7n) .............................. ...... sa,17s REAP Grant application for Heritage Trail Riverfront System. (814) ................... .................209 REAP Grant fo consfmct Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail on Schmitt Island.(72/1) , . ..323 Reclassifications ofproperty re: zoning fees changed-(313) ...... .. 69 /~:'\ \<.r 86 .INDEX-BOOK 127 ..1997 SUBJECT PAGE R Reconstruction of Asbury Rd.; Asbury City Limits to NW Art(7/21) ...........:...::.: ....... 194 -Reconstruction of Cedar Cross & Fremont Intersection. - (2/17)(3l17)(4n1) . ' , . 59,79,109,110 -- Reconstructionof Dbq Regional Airport Entrance Road: pn1)(a/1s) :...:. .: 2as,22s Reconstruction of Dodge St, Easement Accepted from Mid- American Energy.(9n)~,:' „233 Reconstruction of Fremont Ave. Bridge Project.(9/15) , . , . , , , , , , , 247 Reconstruction of Jones Street Connector.(6h16) :.....: ..:...... 170 Reconstruction of Sanitary Sewer in alley between Rhomberg and Garfieid.(1n0) - „_ , , , , 32 ,,. Recreational Traits Grant Application for River's Edge Plaza. (12115):...:..,: ..336 Recreational Trails Grant Application forNorth End Neighborhood Linear Park -Landscaping, Amenities & Trail Head.(12/15) : , , , , , 337 Recyclable Materials re: fees forcollection etc: changed. (314)(6/2) ..:....:...........................:....:.:..73,158 Recyclables Processing Contract with BFR, amendment:(3/17) .. . , 84 Red Ribbon Week,Proclamation.(10n0),-,,,'„,,,; 274 - Red Violet Da, re: filial plat approval of Sunnyslope Estates Ph: 4. Red Violet Dc 8 Radford Rd.,~stop sign; Westbound -Deletion from Stop intersection designation.(8/4)(912) ,:., ,,,,,,,, 213,240 Redevelopment and Job. Creation For Census Tracts i 8 2, re: :.' Enterprise Zone:(10n0) :.285 /"`~ Redstone Inn, Dbq. Historic Improv -Co , Liq. Lrc (3117) . , , , , „ 7g } ' - Reduced Landfill Fee on monthly Solid Waste.(6n). , , , , , 158 ~_ Reduction of employer's contribution rate to Municipal Police & Fire Retirement Systems.(12/15) ::.:.. i'..:. ~ .. , .342 Reed; Jo EIIen, claim transferred to DRA's insurance,(8/18) .... , , , 219 Refuse collection, fees changed etc,(3/4) .:............:.:......: 74 Refuse collection, Collection of Delinquent Accounts -assessing them to City Treasurer.(12H5)........._.......:...,,:......:340 Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstrucfion.(7/21) , .. :206,207 Rehab of Iowa Inn -Purchase Loan to Iowa Housing Corp. ... (SN9) ..::....:.. .141 Rehab Loan Program for Downtown -for Stout Ptace Apts. -old Iowa Inn.(11/3)(11N7) ., ..297,298,313 Rehabilitation Repairs for Parking Ramp Facilittes: (7n1)(8/18)........ .. - ~.. 206,227 Reisch, Albert, Claim; Referred to SproWeCOn.(912)(9/i5) :... 231,243 - Reisen, Atty. Pat for M. Mauer; Claim.(7R) : , ; , , , , , .: , 176 :.Release of CDBG Funds for Bus Shelters; for many projects. - Release of City Series t979 Liens on Dbq. Medical Arts Building Clinic Rev. Bonds.(2/3) ............. :.. 35 Remakel, Mike, requesting rezoning of property S of Asbury Rd. & West ofNW Arterial from AG to C3.(1/6)(2/17), ,,,,,,;,,,,;,,, 6,51 Removal of West Side of Walnut St. from W. 11th St: Historic Dis.(2/17)(5/5)........:...'........i:...:........... :. 61.fi2,i21, Remakel, Mike, Mike's 76 Auto Center, 2005 Carter, Rd., Cig. Per: (6n) ...........:.....:......::.............. .. 153 Removal of Amy Ct. from Residential Parking Permit Dis., with " Lucy Dr. (7R)(7/21) ..:..... 184,199 Renaissance Development for Rental Housing Devel: on CarterRd., Application far Affordable Housing Tax Credit Prog.(12/i) .. , .. , 321 87 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~. 1997 SUBJECT PAGE `\ R Renfro, Pamela, applicant for Transit Bd.; appointed. (71N7)(12N) ........................ .. 306.330 Rennison, Katherine, Claim; referred to Crawford Ins.(1n0){2/3) . ]8,34 Rental Dwelling Units, annual fee increased; Second annual - Survey.(3/4)(]0/20) ......... - .,,,, _, 75,276 Rental Housing Development on Carter Rd., Application for Affordable Housing Tax Credit Prog.(1y1) , . , . , . , 321 Rental Rehab Loan, CDBG Funds.(5/5) . , . 119 Report, Annual, Healthy Dubuque 2000.(10n0) .................. 273 Report, Auxiliary Poiice.(11/3),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Report, Convention & Visitors' Bureau, & program budget etc. 288 (vzo)(an1)(lo/s) .. :..1a,1a5,2ss ............................... Report, Financial Statements for year ending 17130196.(213) .. , , , , , , 34 Reportfor FY 96, Human Rights.(1/s)...,.,,:,,,,;,, Report from DNR, Water Compliance Insp. update.(3117) .... ; , , , . , 7g Report, Housing Services Annual Perforntance.(10n0)... ...... , 285 Report on various City projects by Rick Dickinson of GDDC. (116)(6/16) ............................. ...... 14,]70 Report, quarterly Investment 1n0 dn1 Report, Substance Abuse. 4n1 10n0 ) 18'105 Report, Swiss ValleyFarms.(2/3) ) • • ~ ~ ~ • ~ • ~ ~ • ~ • • ""' • 105,274 ..................... 34 ... Report, 7C1 Cablevision, Annual.(4n1) • • • " • Reports, financial, submitted far various months.(1/6)(2!3) . , , , , , ],34 Reroofing Five Flags Center Arena.(8/18)(9115] , , , , , , , , , , , , , 228,250 Reroofing Project for Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino. (2/17)(3117) ............................. ..... 60,81 ,!~. Residential Parking Permit Dist -Lucy Dr. & Amy Ct, request from certain Amy Ct. residents fo withdraw.(7p)(7n1) . , , , _ , . , , , 184,199 \:~' Residential Rehab Loan Prog., CDBG Funds.(S/5) ............... 119 Respiratory Therapy Week, Prodamation.(10/6) ................. 256 Rest Room Pro.. at Eagle Point Park, (515) .........:....:.: Retardation - Metal, Proclamation. 3/3 • • • • • ~ 117 Retired Educators' Day, Prodamatioa(10/6) ......... , , ~ • ~ ""' • 63 Retirement Systems for Police & Fire, reduction requested for " 256 employer's contribution etc.(12115)...,,,,,,, Rettenmaier, Mike, re: accept Ord. authorizing Tschiggfrie Exc, to 342 construction a 48" Projecting Illuminated Awning.(2/3) ... ; ..... Rettenmaier,Robert,Claim; denial.(5!5)(5f19),.,,,,,,,, •43 Revenues, proofs, for Nov. 96;Dec. 96; Feb.; Jan, 97; Feb. 97; June136 97; July 97; Aug. 97; Sept. 97; Oct. 97. (1n0)(y17)(3H7)(4/4l7)(7A){9/15)(10n0)(11/3)(1y15) """"""••• -.18,49,77,88,176,243,274,288,335 Review of Subrecipient Procedures by HUD.(11/3) , . , , , , , , , , 289 RFP-Request for Proposal for City Employee Prescription Drug Pian.(5/19) .......... .. Rhomberg & GarFeld, alley between, reconstruction of Sanitary 137 Sewer.(1n0) ............. .. 32 Rhomberg 8. Lincoln residents' petition re: stiffer fines for repeat offenders etc(9n) ....................:.......... ...232 Rhomberg, 1005-1007-101], denial, rezoning.(y17)(3/3) , , . , : , , , 58,66 Rhomberg Ave., & E. 20th St. Asphalt Resurfacing; Proof of notice of filing of assessments.(1n0)(y17) ............. .. . 18,53, Richards Road, 1050, plat approval of Henschel's Addn -Tim Hodge 8 Connie Bandy-(9715) .........:........... .........245 Richardson, Theodora, Gaim.(10/20) . _ , , , , , , , _ • • • • :274 Riedel, Sue, re: amended contrsct for Local AIDS Coalition Prog. - IA Depi, of Public Health.(9n) ........ _ Rigel Corp., Godfather's Pizza. 1575 JFK, Beer Per. 1016 ~ "' • 234 /'°\ ( ) .........261 i L,.~ 88 __ INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~_~\ ~; R Riniker, Kevin, re: sale of CPlSOO Line RR to I & MRailLink Corp. (2117)(3/17) .............. .49,82 " Rink, M. Susan, applicant, 8 appointed to Housing Comm (11!3)(11117) .... :.. ~ 290,306 RISE Grant for road improvements for Site °F^; new street in Dbq.Ind. Ceitfer South.(2l3)(6Y2).,,.,,,;,,,;;,,,,,,,,,, 36,160 Rising StarsMdependent League Days, Proclamatioh.(6/2) ....... 150 Rite, Elmira, objecting to rezoning bf 1005-1007-1011 Rhomberg. River City Paving, Div. of Mathy, awarded contract torpbq. Greyhound Park Parking Lot Improvements.(7Y11) , `. . , , , , :, , , , , 2p1 River Discovery Center Project, re: Army Corps of Engineers' inquiry.(12/1) .... .. ... 323 River Front Subd. No 5 re: disposal of certain property to McGraw Hill.(5l19) .................. 140,141 _ River Racing Event - Lentrkow, Dbq. Challenge, LIVEstock.(5/19) .141 River re: Mooring Dolphins at Delta queen Landing Site Pro_ pn1) ............ .....:..........:......... 1ss River Terminal, Dbq., Claim; referred tol3rawford Ins.(3/3)(4/21) 63,105 River Terminal, ins. (Dbq.), re: Dodds Terminal request to lease .' additional land,discussion.(6!2);,,,,,,,,,,;,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,;, 150 Riverboat EnL, Greater Dbq., pbq. Diamond Jd, 400 E. 3rd, Liq.. Riverboat, Greater Dbq ,Treasure Chest Gift Shop Cig. Per. 92 (6116) ...................:. .. <. .................. ............ `167 i Riverfest, D. Ginter, 7th 8 Main, Beer Pec(8/4) ........ , , 210 Riverfront Heritage Trail System, REAP Grant. application.(8/4) ... 209 ~ ~~ Riverfrant Subd. No. 5, portion disposed of the McGraw HiII Co. Riverfront Wetlands Conservation Prog., apglicationto EPA.(3/3) , , 64 Rivers initiative, American Heritage, Application approval.(12/15) , 338 Riverside Bowl Inc., 1860 Hawthorne; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (sn)(sns) ............... .. 1s3,1sa Riverview (Miller) Park, Managementcontract with P. Pelderman. (1M0)(11/17) ......... ....... 19,302 Riverwalk, Mississippi, Worksession set; Special Council Meeting Discussion etc.; ISTEA GranTapplication for River's Edge Plaza;.IceNarbor Walkway & Transient Boat ' " Docks etc.; approval of Recreational Trails Grant Application: 4121)(6/16)(7/7)(9N5)(11Y3)(i2l15).......:. 107,170,175,245,295,336 River's Edge Plaza,portion of Mississippi Riverwa&, ISTEA Grant Application.(9/15) ._ .:........:............._. ... 245 River's Edge Plaza, Recreational Trails Grant Application.(12/15) .. 336 Roach, Art, of Mercy, re: HeartlandHousing help.(5/19) ; , . ~, ,: , , , , 141 Road Name change -frontage of Dadge.St. near Hill; Alpine, Booth to YMNW Drive.(10/20)(11/3)(12/1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;, 277,295;333 Roadway Improvement in City Lite Subd., release of performance Security.(10/6) .............:.::..:.................:.. 257,258 .Roadway Improvement Pro., -Dbq, Industrial Center South. (7/21J(8/18) ........:...._..., ... 205,227 Robbins, Jeffrey, Claim; denial; appealing denial; tlenial. (9I15)(10M0)(11/3)(11/17) .. ....... ..: :. 243,274,298,301 Robbins, Joe, Council Member, reappointed to Operation; New .View Bd:; Sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem.; Abstract of Votes rei Council election.(1/20)(SISJ(12/1) ............:........ 25, 116,321 Rockdale Rd., 1982, rezoning from C1 td CS, requested by R. Willis. (a/19)(stz) .............:........ .. zzs,z3s ...................... Rockdale Road, re: designation as "Through Street " ...........239 !^\ ~_ ti 89 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~',. 9997 SUBJECT PAGE R Rockdale Rd. & Marjo quarry Rd., Northbound, deletion from a Stop in:_..,~,.;;,,,, designation.(9M) ...........:.. Rockdale Rd. & Bellevue Rd., Northbound, deletion from a Stop ' 240 intersection designation.(9/2) ........: ..:............. Rockdale Rd. & Steward St., Southbound, deletion from a Stop. ~' 240 intersection designafion.(9/2) ...:...... :..240 - ` Rockdale Rd. &.Oid Mill Rd., Southbound, deletion from.a Stop Intersection designafion.(9/2) .,, ...240 - Roepsch PL, re: Kelly Lane ROW from D. Schiltz.(6/2) , , , , , , , , , , , , ,752 Roofing Pro:, Obq. greyhound Park & Casino.(2/77)(3/77) , , : , 60,87 Roofing Project, Open Air Pavilion at Eagfe Point Park.(5/5) .......778 Roosevelt Road Water Main Extension Pro.(9175) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 246 Rofh, James J., approval of fmal plat for portion of Kelly Heights SUbd.(7/27)...,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,204 Routley, (Jonathan) & Canvas Products, awning cohstruction at 7296 - ROW purchased on Pennsylvania Ave. from various owners. 72 73 (716) ................ ROW purchased on Kelly Lane from various owners for ~ 4 reconstruction project etc(1120)(2/3)(S/2)(9/2) , , 27-24,37,752 232,233 ROW on Dodge Si. & Bluff St. to install mon8oring wells,(4!7) , , , , , , 97 ROW Encroachment - P. & H1nv. sign construction at 7533 Central. (b/2) ....................:....:..::....:. ....759 ROW re: 76fh SL, Survey plat of portion of Wendy's P1.(6!2) .. ..759 ROW at Jones St. Connector E, South Main St, conveyance of property to City: from ArCon, Inc.(9M) ....................... 234 ROW which abuts7852 Carter, re: Kenneth & Blanche Johnson /`~~. requesting vacation.(9N5) ................................. 244 RR -Chicago Central & Pacific concerns, re: Site B voluntary ~~ '' annex. 2N7 RR re: sale of CPISoo Line to I & M Corp. (2177){3/77)(S/S)(5/79) .........................:.49,82,86,777,737 Ruden,Susan, re: Juvenile Curfew Ord.(5/5) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,727 Rusk, Dave, of Long Range Planning Comm., re: Obq. Comprehensive Plan presentation.(912) .................. 240,247 Ryan House, 7375 Locust, DBq, County Historical Soc., Liq. Lic. (72175) ..................._..............................345 90 __ _ _ __ INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ;~%- RESOLUTIONS 157 Rescinding Res. No. 29936 & Reapproving Final. Plat - of SunnyslopeEstates Phase 4, a Subd of Lot W, City of - Dubuque: (Ken Moore)(176) .....:.....:...........::........ 1,2. 257 Authorizing City Mgr, to enter into aYear-to-Year Agreementwkh US Postal Service for Reserve Parking Stalls in the IA St. Parking Ramp.(1/6) ." .............:...... .... 3 337 Accepting Improve. for Mt. Cartne! Guardrail.(?I6) .:...:...... 3 437Fina1 Estimate for Mt. Cannel Guardrail.(1/6) ........:........ 3 537 Appointing Medical Oir. for City Fire Dept's. Advanced Emergency Medical Care Ambulance Ser.(1/6) ..............:.. 3 637 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Pennsylvania Ave. to City (from Ronald 8 John Herrig -Embassy West).(i/fi) ........ 4 737 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Pennsylvania Ave. to City (from Joan Miller, Embassy West).(1/6) .....:........... 4 857 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Pennsylvania Ave. to City (from Charles & Mark Nauman, Northrange ind. Pk,) , ,, ...... q - 957 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits to IOCO#33.(1/6) ........ 5 ' 1057 Authorizing issuance of Liq: Lic. to The Lounge.(1/6) .:_ ...... 5 1157.Approving an Amendment fo Lease Agree. with Dbq. Montessori School(116).,..::::.:: . :..:................:.... 8 1257 Adopting Plans 8 Specs. for Mooring Dolphins for Delta Oueen Landing Site.(116) ........:.:..:....:.....:.......::_ 11 1337 Awarding ContracCfor Mooring Dolphins for Delta Queen Landing Site.(1/6) .......:. .. 11 1457 Approving Ptat of Proposed Vacating Pine St. from 17th St. to 18th St.(1/6) i . ...... ... ...: ...... ..... 11 1557 Disposing of City interest in Lots 227A & 231A of East Dbq.. ., Addn. In the City.(i16) :..,.....: .....:......:....:......... 11 1657 Declaring City Council Intent to Lease a Section of Veterans' ~'""~ Memorial Park to Dbq. Youth Hockey Assn: & Authorizing P. 175TPrel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for West 3rd St. Sanitary B Stone Sewer ProjecL(i/6) ...,....:: ...........:. .....:... 75 1837 Fixing Date of Hearing on Pans 8 Specs. for W. 3rdSt. Sanitary&Storm Sewer Project.(i/6) ....,,,,,,,,,,,_„-,,,,, 15 1937 Ordering bids for the W. 3rd St. Sanitary & Stone Sewer Reconstruction Pro.(1/16) :......::....:.....:..........:.:.. 15 . 2057 Accepting Improvement for theOperations & Maintenance Dept. Maus Lake Pumphouse Pro.(1120) ....:...... . .:........ . 19 2137 Final Estimate for the Operations & Maintenance Dept. Maus Lake Pumphouse Pro.(1/20) :............................... 19 2257 Confirming Selection of Steve Ulstad Architects to Provide Construction Management for the Old Main Freeway Frontage Improvement Pro.(1120) .................................... 19 2337 Approving an Agree. between the City of Dubuque and Modesta Elderness Center dba Dbq. Area Lifetime-0enter & Authorizing & Directing City Mgr. to Execute Said Agreement for City.(1/20) ..........................:................. 20 2497 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate Located in Dbq. County, IA from Eldon 8. Digman, et al (Klauer, Droessler).(1/20) . 20 2557 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Kelly Lane to the City (Prop. of Gail Chavenelle 8 Wm. Dicken)(1/20) ............. 21 2637 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Kelly Lane to the City (property of Parvis & Ruth Mahmoud).(1/20) ........ ......:.. 21 2757 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Kelly Lane to the City (property of David & Phyllis Czarnecki).(1120) ............ 211 2837 Accepting a conveyance of Property on Kelly Lane to the City (property of Clement 8 Linda Davis).(1M0) .............. . . 22 2937 Accepting a conveyance of property on Kelly Lane to the City (property of Jeffrey Walker & Jane Hohnecker-Walker)(1/20) . 22 3037 Accepting a Conveyance of property on Kelly Lane to the City (property of Thomas & Imelda Hofhnan),(1/20) ............ 22 . '^\ 91 1NdEX - BOOK'!27 ~'"~, 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~_~ RESOLUTIONS 3157 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Kelly Lane to the City (Property of Michael S Phyllis Kelley),(1/20) ...............22 3257 Accepting a conveyance of property on Kelly Lane to City (property of Homer Dahlman; Jr. ).(1/20) ..........:.:..... 23 - 33-97 Accepting a conveyance of property on Kelly Lane to the City(property of Douglas M. Obertoell):(1/20) .,..,,-,,,,, „-, 23 .3457 Accepting a conveyance of Property on Kelly Lane to the - City (property of Gary & Karen M. Newt).(1M0) ... ........... .. 23 3557 Accepting a conveyance of property on Kelly Lane to the City (property of Richard 8 Mary Lou Vaientine).(1/20) .......... 24 3657 Accepting a conveyance of property on Kelly Lane to the City (property of James L. BeiningJ:(V20) .:.... .:......... .... 24 3757 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette permits.(i/20) .... ........ 24 3857 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits,{1120) ................ 24 3957 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic(1/20), , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , y4 25 4057 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro.(1/20) .......... ...25 4157 With Respect to the Adoption of the~Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the Kelly Lane Reconstruction Prd..(1M0) .......... 25 4257 Ordering bids for the Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro..(112[I) , , 26 4357 Annexing Certain Property to the City (property of Pat _ Kennedy's).(1/20) ................... .......... 26 4457 Approving Lease of Section of Vet's Memorial Park to the Dubuque Youth Hockey Assn.(1120) , , , , , , ,. , 4557 A ......... .... 27 pproving disposal interest in City property -Lot 227A & 231A of East Dbq. gddn. to Robert J. Walsec(1120) ...:......... ..... 27 4657 Ot Necessity Finding that an Area Located at the SE Comer of Lake Eleanor Rd. & U,S. Highway 61/151, known as "Site F", is an Economic Devel. Area and that Development of said Area is '~~ '~ Necessary in the Interest of Residents of the Cit 1120 Y•( ).........29 i\ 4757 Fixing Date for Meeting on Authorization of an Offer to Buy Real Estate and Accepfance, including provisions providing a Loan to Cfly in principal amount of 5700,000 and approving the Form of Farm Lease Attached Thereto, and Providing for Publication of Notice thereof.(i/20) .... , , , , , ,: 30 4857 Of Necessity Finding that the proposed Expansion of the Dbq. Industrial Center Economic Devel. Dis. is an economic Developmenf Area and that Development or said area is necessary in interest of residents of the City.(1120) ......................31 4957 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Alley between Rhomberg 8 Garfield from Hamilton to Marshall Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(1120) ..................:..... .....::....:...32 5057 Fizing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs, for AIIey between Rhomberg & t;arfieid from Hamilton to Marshall Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(1120) ............. ............. 32 5157 Ordering bids for the Alley between Rhomberg & Garfield from Hamilton to Marshall Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction:(1Y10) .. .. 33 5257 Approving Release of Loan Agree. Mortgage -Indenture of - Trustand UCC-4 Termination Statement, re: IowaMedical Clinic Revenue Bonds, Series'1979. Dbq, Medical Arts Building,(2J3) .. , 35 5357 Endorsing the Submission of a Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy (RISE) Application to the Iq Dept. of Transportation fora New Internal Site F Industrial Park Street, New intersection Access from U_S. Higfiway 61/151 and improved Lake Eleanor Road Higfiway 617151 Intersection.(2J3) ............................ 36 5457 Accepting a conveyance of property on Kelly Lane fo 5557 Approving Cooperative Agree, with the IA Dept of Transportation re: Construction of Traffic Signals at the In:~..,~..;;nn of the NW Arterial (U.S. 32) and Chavenelle Or,(2/3) .. 37 5657 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permit to Cedar Cross Amoco. ............... 37 92 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT ~~'' PAGE ~_~~ RESOLUTIONS 5737 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic. to Dbq. inn., Goetz's, Chi- - 5837 Annexing Certain Property to City.(2/3) • • - - - • • 5937 Adopting Plans 8 Specs, for W.3rd St. Sanitary ~~~ ~ • 38 and Storm Sewer Reconstruction Pro.(2/3) ... .:.:, ... 6037 Awarding Contract of the W. 3rd St. Sanitary "' • • 40 & Stone Sewer Reconstruction Pro. to.Fondell Con.(2/3) ........ 40 6137 Approving & Authorizing Execution of an Offer to Buy Real Estate and Accept. hetween City, as Buyer, and Wm: & Janet Siegert, as Sellers,induding Faun Lease.(213) ..... 41 ' 6257 Annexing Certain Property to the City of Dbq. -Dubuque County :210 acres plus Siegert's property & RR prop.(2/3) ... 41,42 8337 Annezing Certain Property to the City -37:22 acres of State property in ROW ofU.S. Highway 61H51.(2!3) ..........:.....: 42 6437 Amending Guidelines of Community Partnership Prog. - (Cpl) ....:...................:.....: .. 43 6537 Approving Cooperative Agree, with IDOT~re: Construction of and acceleration.Lane on Dodge St. from Bluff W along Dodge. 6637 Authorizing the filing of a~Comm. Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) Application on behalf of Cartegraph Systems, Inc.(273) .......:......:.............................. ... 46 6737 Setting the Date of the Public Hearing on FY 1998 Budget for City.(2/3) ...... .....::........_.. .....:. 46 6837 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on Five Year Capital Improve.Prog.(213).....:.....:...:.::.. .i. 47 6957 Approving the Final Plat of Cedar Ridge FarmPlace No. 2 in City.(2/17) .................:..... . .:.............. 50 7037 Authorizing issuance of BeerPernits to Kids World i--~.• Pizza; Bunker Hill Golf Course, West Locust Mart & Oky Doky No. 2 & No. 8, & Econofoods.(2/17) ..............:........ 50,51 ~~'~--'~ 7137 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic. to Dbq. Mining Co., &?own Clock Ina(2/~7) .. .............:...:: ... 51 7237 Adopting Plans and Specs: for Alley between~Rhomberg 8 Garfield from Hamilton to Marshall Sanitary Sewer Recon. (2117) ......_.......... .................:.... 53 7337 Awarding Contract (or Alley Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction between Rhomberg & Garfield to Sproule Constc(2/77) ........: 53 7437 Supporting Reversal of State Preemption ofi Local Tobacco-Related Ord,(2/17) .......... ...:....:............. 53 7537 Approving Final Plat of Lats 1 thru 8 of Blk 3 of Tiffany ..Ridge Subd.(2/17).......: ................. .:. 54 76-97 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 1133-1136 WhiteBt. ~ - - in City, S IM of the Middles/5. (M1/5) of Out Lot 479 in City(from M. Lucas).(2/17).:..._...... 55 7737 Awarding Contract for Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro. ~- to Tschiggfrie Excavating Co. (2117) .......:.......:........:. 55 7837 Approving Residential Property Tax Exemption applications Submitted by Property Owners in Recognized Urban Revitalization Areas and Authorizing the Transmittal of approved Applications to City Tax Assessor.(2/17):...:.._r:..:..:....._:...:..::.... 56 7937 Approving Resident. Property Tax Exemption application submitted after Legislated Filing Date by Property Owner in a recognized Urban Revit. Area & Authorizing Transmittal of Approved Application to City tax Assess.(2/17) ,; , , , , , , , , , ; , , , 57 8037 Authorizing InHiatiortof Eminent Domain Proceedings to - Acquire Land in Kerper Bivd. Industrial Park Economic .. 57 8137 Of intention to Dispose of City Ovmed Property -Lot 1 8 2 of the W 1/2 of Lot 5 Yates & Picketts in the City - 422 Loras.(2/17) .. 58 8237 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Gedar Cross and Fremont Intersection Reconstruction Pro.(2/77) ............. 59 ~~ ~ ~" 93 INDEX -BOOK 127 ;'-`~ 1997 SUBJECT - PAGE T RESOLUTIONS 83-97 Fixing Date of Hearing on Cedar Cross 8 Fremont intersection Reconstruction Pro.(2N7) .......... ........59 8457 Res, of Necessity for Cedar Cross & Fremont fntersection Reconstruction Pro.(2l17) ...... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 59 - 8557 Pixing Date of Hearing forthe Cedar Cross 8 Fremont intersection Reconstruction Pro.(2117) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 59 8657 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for Cedar Cross 8 Fremont :.,:~.~~,,,ion Reconstruction Pro.(2/17) ........ 60 8757 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs, for D6q.Greyhound Park 8, Casino Reroofing Pro.(2/17) .......................... 60 8857 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans andSpecs. for Dbq. Greyhound ParkBCasino Reroofing Pro.(2117),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60 - 8957 Ordering bids for Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino Reroofing Pro.(Z/17] ............................ ... 60 9057 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Dhq. Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Improve.(2/77) , , ,,,, , , , , , , , , 61 9157 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Dbq. . ~' Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel improve.(2/17) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 61 9257 Ordering bids for Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino Kennel Improve.(2/17) 61 9357 Amending Resolution No. 6357 Pertaining to Annexation of Certain Territory - Sete F (south of Cityj.(3t3) .................. 63 9457 Adopting Supp. No. 32 to ttie City Code.(3/3) ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6q 9557 Application for WetiandsGrant Prog. to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).(3/3) ............:...... . , , , 64 9657 Authorizing issuanceof Cig. Per. to Hammerheads.(313) , , , , 66 9757 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits to Big 10 Mart(313) , , 66 9857 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic. to various bus.(313) , , , , , , , , 66 ~.,,~ 9957 Approving Disposal of City-Owned Property, -Lot 1 & Lott r of the West One-Half of Lot 5 Yates S Picketts in Dbq. -.known as `` , ,;' S53S61 Loras Blvd, to S. Gudenkauf.(3/3) .............. . . 59,70 10057 Approving Amendment No. 2 to the Prog. Year 22 Annual Action Plan for Use of CDBG Punds.(3/3) ...............:..... 70 10157 Of Intent to dispose of interest in Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of NW 1/4 S W i/4 & Lot 3 of 2 of 2 of the E 112 SW 114 All in Section 16 T89N RZE in Dbq. County to Corey Devel.(313) , , , , , , , , : _ , , ; . 70 71 10257 Adopting the annual Budget as amended for PY ending June 30, 1998.(314) ..............:... ... 72 10357 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Prog.(3/d) ...... 72 10457 Approving A Fee increase for Annual Rental Dwelling Operating Licenses.(3/4) 75 10557 Rescinding Res. No. 6652 and adopting in lieu thereof a new Schedule of Development Services Fees as provided in Zoning Ord. and Subd. Regulations (Ch. 42) of the Code.(3/4) .......... 75 10657 Approving Final Piat of lots 1-0, inclusive of Frommelt PI., comprised of Lof 2 of 1 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Lot 1 of 3 of NE 114 of SE 1/4, Lot 1 of 3 of NE 1/4 of SE 114, Lot 5 of 3 of W 112 of NE 1/4, Lot i of 2 of SE 174 of NE 1l4, and Lot Z of 3 of NE il4 of SE 114, Sec. 11, 789N, R2E of the 5th P.M.(3/17) ,,,,,, , , , , , , , 10757 Attepting Improvement for the City HaII Window ~ ~ ~ ~ 77 Replacement(3117) ........................... „ 78 10857 Final Estimate for the City Hali Window Replacement Pro.. (3117) .... ...78 10957 Accepting a Conveyance of property at 1101 Cedar~Cross Rd. to the City.(3l17) .. ................ ............78 11057 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permts to KC's~Downtown Auto.{3l17) .................. ...79 11157 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic. to various bus.(3/17) , , . , , . 79 11257 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Cedar Cross 8, Fremont Intersectiori.(3l17) ............ ...79 11357 Wiih Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for fhe Cedar Cross 8 Fremont intersection Reconstruction Pro.(3/17) ..............................::.. 80 "`-. ~ _ _, 94 INDEX =BOOK 927 1997 ~'` SUBJECT PAGE ' ~ ~' RESOLUTIONS 11457 Ordering bids for the Cedar Cross S Fremont Intersection - Reconstruction Pro-(3N7) ................. - 11557 A ....... .......... 80 pproving disposal of propertyto Corey Devel. - rea4 estate contract.(3/17)..........:......... ......... 80 ' `i 1657 Annexing Certain Property to City-Pat Kennedy's. (3/17) ............. ..".: 81 " 11757 Adopting Plans and specs. for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Reroofing Pro:(3/17) ....::..-..:...... '..:.. .. .:. 81 11857 Awarding contrail for Dbq. Greyhound Park 8. Casino Reroofing Pro.(3N7) ...............:......... ".:. 81 11957 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino Kennel Improvements.(3/17) :. .. , ... 82 12057 Awarding Contrail for Dbq. Greyhound Park8. Casino Kennellmprovements.(3/17) ............:.:...::::. 82 ' 12157 Urging Opposition to the Sale of Kansas City Line and - - Northem Com Line by the Canadian Pacific. Rail System to Montana Based Washington Corp:(3/17) .. r,,,;, , ,, , , , , , , , , ,, g3 12257 Rescinding No. 9356 Establishing the Colder Valley Redevelopment Area Urban Renewal Dis. and 7ertninating Urban Renewal Plan wkh Respect to Said Dis.(3N7) ..:......... 84 12357 preliminary approval of Plans and Specs, for Kelly Lane ' " and Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Extension- Phase 11:(3117), ,:,: ; ,, g5 12457 Fixing Dateaf Hearing on Pions & Specs. for Kelly Lane & - Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Exi:-Phase lL(3/17).._. ::...:........85 12557 Resolution of Necessity for Kelly Lane &Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Extension-Phase 11:(3/17) ;,,,,,,,,;,; ,,,;,,,,,g5 12654 FixingDate of Hearing on Res: of Necessity for Kelly '' - Lane &Pego CL Sanifary Sewer Ext. -Phase II:(3/17) ...:..: ..:. 85 12757 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for " - ~~"~, Kelly Lane &Pego Court Sanitary Sewer Ezt. -Phase Il:(3/17) , : , , 86 12857 Ordering kids (or Keay Lane8 Pego CL Sanitary- . ~ Sewer Ext. -Phase 11:(3/77) ......,.... 7: 66 12957 Of Intent to Dispose of Interestin Lot 3 ofa of 1 of 1 of the NWi/4.SW1/4 and Lot3of2 of2of theEiM SW 1/4a0 in Sec. 16 T89N R2 in Dbq County$o Wendell Corey.(3Bi) .......:....... 87 13057 Authorizing the Mayor to Ezecutea Contract for Family Seif-.. " Sufficiency Coordinator Program Funding.(dq) , , , , , , , , ,,;, , gg 13157 Accepting Improvement for Olympic Heights Sanitary Sewer and Watehnain Ext.(4q) ...............: . 13257 Final Estimate for Olympic Heights Sanitary Sewer 8 ~ ~ ~ 89 Watermain Ext(4!7) ...:.:..........................::.::.: 89 13357 Adopting Final Assess. Schedule for Olympic Heights Sanitary Sewer&Watermain Ext(4f1).::._:.........':..:.'::-, ;90 .13457 Authorizing the CRy Manager or hisdesignee to sign a Contract with Jowa Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local - AIDS Coalition Program:(4D) .:.::..::.:.:.....::::. .. 91 13557 Authorizing License Agree. between City 8: Midamerican• Energy to install Monitoring Wells on Public ROW near 3S1 Dodge. (4A) ...: .......:................::i...:.......:.:........ 91 13857 Authorizing issuance of Beer Pennits.(4f7) , , ,, , , , , , ,,, , , , ; , 92 13757 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic. to various businesses. 417) ..,:..: ..........:..:....::.::-:...:...:....:.:.:1...".92 13857 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Kelly Lane R Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext.-. Phase il.(4O) .:.. .:.::.......... ... . 93 13957 With Respell to the adoption of Resolution of Necessity proposed for March 13, 1998 Kelly Lane 8 Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext. -Phase II.(4/7) .......................... ~ ... 93 14057 Awarding contract for Kelly Lane &Pego Ct. Sanitary - SewerExt. to Tschiggfrie EZCavating.(4A) .:........:.::::::::93 14157 Approving the Urban Renewal Plan for Dbq. Industrial Center South Economic Develop, Dis. (Site F).(4/7) .:......:. 97;98 14257 Approving Amended and Restated Urban Renewal - - Plah for Dbq. industrial Center Economic Devel. Dis.(4/7) :..:.. '. 98 ~~ ~~. _; ` 95 INDEX - 800K 127 9997 SUBJECT --PAGE RESOLUTIONS 14337 Authorizing disposal of property to Corey Devel. Ltd. (an) .............................:. .....:..ss 14437 Of Necessity Finding that Property ovmed by Morrison Bros. Co. on E. 7th St. is an Economic Develop: Areaand that redevelopment of Area is necessary in interest of CBy.(4n) ...... 99 14537 Authorizing Execution of:COmm. Economic fi~;:~,,,,~„t - Account Loan Agree. for 550,000 with CarteGraph Systems, Ina (4n) .............. .....100 14637 Authorizing Execution of a City of Dubuque Economic 17evelopment Loan Agree. for 530,000 to CarteGraQh Systems, Inc.(4n) ........ ..100 14737 Authorizing ECIA Business Growth, inc. to Proceed with a Loan From the City of Dubuque's Portion of EDA Revolving Loan Fund of 5104,000 to CarteGraph Systems.{4n) . , .........100 14837 Authorizing a Loan Agree. with Dbq. Food Pantry Inc. in Amount of 590,000 to be funded wRh CDBG Funds;(4n) ......:.101 14937 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. for Sutton Pooi Lighting Pra(4n) :........... ...101 15037 Fixing Date of Hearingan Plans and Specs.•for Sutton Pool Lighting Pra.(4n) . ................................... 101 15137 Ordering bids for the Sutton Pooi Lighting Pro.(4n) ... 101,102 15237 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. for Jackson St. at 26th St. Traffic Signals.(4n) .................................... 102 15337 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs, for Jackson - SL at 26th St Traffic Signais.(4n) ......... , , .102 t5437 Ordering bids for Jackson St at 26th St Traffic Signals. 15537 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. for.1997 Curb RamQ Construction Pro.(4n) ,. - ,.103 15637 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and specs, for 1997 Curb Ramp Construction Pro.(4n) ............ ..:103 15757 Ordering bids for 1997 Curb Ramp Construction. `(4n) ....103 15837 AcceQting improvement for 11th Sf. Historical Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro.(421) ................. 106 15957 Final Estimate for 11th Street Historical Neighborhood Omamental Railing Pro.{4/21) .............................. 106 16037 Approving Final Piat of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot A of Myrtle's Pl, in City,(4121) .......:.....:.............:.... 107 16157 Authorizing publication of a combined Notice of No Significant Impact on Environment and Notice of Intent to request Release of CDBG funds for Bus Shelters at corner of 24th 8, Jackson at Comiskey park, 1800 Elm and at Jackson Park on 16tfi 16237 Authorizin """"""'' •' • • • _.. • . • 107 g issuance of BeerPermits.(4/21) .... , , 108 76357 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic.{4Mi) .......:.... ...108 16437 Approving Tentative Five Year Street Construction .Pro.{4Yli) .....:.................... .... 109 - 16537 Awarding ContraR for Cedar Crass 8. Fremont Ave. intersection Reconstruction Pro. to Horsfieid Con.(4/21) , , , ; , 109 16637 Approving Funding Agree, with Dbq. County Relating to the Reconstruction of a Portion of N. Cascade Rd, westerly from ' its intersection with Cedar Cross Rd.(4/21) ...................110 16737 Directing fhe City Clerk to publish Proposed Amendment to FY 1997 Budget and Date of Public Hearing.(4/21) ,,, , , , , , , , , , ,.110 16857 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. for 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro.(4121) ............. ...111 16957 Fixing Dafe of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro. (4@i) ... ..........................:... ...111 17037 Ordering bids for the 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro. (4121) .. ..111 17137 Prei. Approval of Plans and Specs. for 1997 P,C. - Concrete Paving Pro. - W. 3rd 8 Spruce St(4121) ..............112 17237 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and specs, for 1997P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. - W. Third & Spruce St..(4Mi) ...........112 ~,:~~ 96 .:INDEX - BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTtONS 17357 Of Necessity for1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.- W. Third & Spruce St.(4/21). ................... .. 112 17457 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.. W.ThirdBSpruce St.(4M1)::: ..:..... ........:........:.i. 112 17557 Approving Prel. Schedule of Assess, for the 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Fro. - W. Thirtl & Spruce St.(4/21) .........:.. 113 17657 Of Intent to dispose of interest in City Lot 537A in Cky to Atlast Fluid Power Co.(4M1) :. , : .................:.: , 113 17757 Prel. Approval of Plans and specs: for Dbq. Ind. Center South Site Grading:(4Y11) ... ........ .....:....... .. ... 113 17857 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Dbq. ind. Center South Site Grading,(4/21) ......._........::.:.:. 114 17957 Ordering bids for Dbq. Ind: Center South Site Grading. ...(4/21) .......:......_...: ......:........:........:..:.... 114 18057 Accepting Improve. far Eagle Poirrt Park Rest Room Pro. (5(5) .................:.....:.:.:............::......:.: 117 18157 Final Est for Eagle Point Park Rest Room Pro: (5/5) ....:.: 117 18257 Accepting Improve. for Mechanic's Building Addn. at Park Maintenance Hdgrs..(5/5) .... ....:....:..:..:_ :...::.: ~ 117 .18357 Fina! Est. for Mechanic's Building Addn. Project. for Park Maintenance Hdgrs_(5/5) .,....:.:..:....:.....;,,:,,,-, 117 18457 Accepting Improve. for Eagle Point Park Open Air Pavilion Roofing Pro. (5/5) ..,. ......:............:........: 118 18557 Final Est. for Eagle Point Park Open Air Pavilion Roofing Pro. (Sl5).. .....:.. '. .. .:..:...:.:.:... 118 18657 Granting Authorization to Dhq. Yacht Basin to Sublease - Property Leased from the City to R Douglas Jennings, dba The: Wheel House, Inc.(5!5) .....:........:......:::............ 118 18757 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Certain CDBG Pro. (5f5) .....: ~.. 119 18857 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Per.(5/5) .:............._... 120 18957 Authorizing issuance of Beer Pennits.(5/S) :............:.: 120 19057 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(5f5) :.....:.:.........:. 120 19157 Approving Disposal of City property to Atlastfluid Power .. Co.(5/5) ...:............._. .. 122 ........................... 19257 Amendment of City Budget, FY 1997.(5/5) ..... .......... 128 19357 Adopting Plans and specs. for the Sutton Pooltighting Pro. (5I5) ...:......:..........:.. ... 128 19457 Awarding.Con. for the Sutton Pool Lighting Pro..(5/5) .. 129 19557 Adopting Plans and Specs. (or the Jackson. St. of 26th St. Traffic Signais.(5/5) ........... . ..... ...: ...........:.. 129 19657 Awarding Contract for the Jackson St. at 26th St. Traffic Signais.(5/5) .....:..::...............:::...:..:,:... 129 19757 Adopting Plans and specs. Curb Ramp Construction 19858 Awarding Contractof the 1997 Curb Ramp Pro. to Perry Const:(5!5).... ............................. ... 130 19957 Adopting the Annual Action Plan for the use of Program Year 23 Communitybevelop. Block Grant Funds.(5/5) :...:.... 131 20057 Authorizing the award of Comm. Partnership Prog. (opt} Funds for FY 1998.(5/5).....:.' ..:.:..............:......:. 131 20157 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 142, & Lots A 8 B of .. Elmwood Green Subd.; comprised of Lot 1 of 1 of Fitrgerald PL, Lot 2 bf 2 of 2 of Mineral Lot 349 antl Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of Mineral Lo! 343.(5/5).:.......:..; .....:: ........ :... ...:.... .. 133 20257 Of Intent to Dispose of interest in real estate by conveying to the McGraw-Hill Co. Inc. any rightof City to Repurchase Lot 1 of Lot 2 in Blk. 1 in "River Front Subd. No. 5" - in City to respective -recorded plats thereof etc.(5/5)' .....:.............:..:.:..:133 20357 Prel. Approval of Plans and specs. for Dbq. Industrial Center South Sewer & Water Utility Improvements Phase 1.(515) ........ 134 20457 Fizing Date of Hearing onPlans and Specs. for Dbq. Industrial CentedSouth Sewer & Water Utility Improve.(5/5) ':.....134 /", !°\ s 97 INDEX -BOOK 327 /`' 1997 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 20557 Ordering bids for Dbq. Ind. Center South Sewer & Water Utility Improve. Phase 1-(515) ..: :... ........................ 134 20657 Prel. Approval of Pfans and Specs, for Alpine St. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(515) . , ~ 135 20757 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and specs. for Alpine SL - Sanitary Sewer Recon.(515) „:;,,,: ,,,,135 20857 Ordering bids for Alpine St. South Sewer & Water Utility . Improvemerrt.(5/5 .................... :...............:..135 20957 Accepting improvemerit for U.S: 20 Dodge St. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction -Bluff St. to Grandview Ave(5/19) . , , , , , , , , , , ,137 21057 Final EsL for U.S. 20 -Dodge SL Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction -Bluff SL to Grandview Ave. (5/19) ......:......137 21157 Authorizing issuance of Beer Pennits.(5119) ............ . 137 21257 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(5/19)'....:: .............137 21357 Adopting Plans and specs. for 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. (5H9) ....:......:................ .:138 21457 W8h Respell to Adoption of Res. of Necessity Proposed for 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. (5/19) , .. , , . , , , , ,13g 21557 Ordering bids for 1997 P.C: Concrete Paving Pro: (5/19) ....139 21657 Adopfingpfans and Specs. (or 1997 Asphalt PavingPro. (5119) ....139 21757 Awarding contract for 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro, to Tschiggfrie.(5/19).:.::::..::.:.:..:... ....-139 ...........:... 21857 Adopting Plans and Specs, for Dbq..Industrial Center Soutfi Site Grading.(5/19) ..:....:.........:::............, 140 21957 Awarding contract for1997 Asphalt Paving Pro. to Sproule Const.(5H9).:: :..........:......:.:.....................140 22057 Disposing of interesEin Real Estate by Conveying to McGraw-hill Co., Inc. any right of City to repurchase Lot 1 of Lot 2 in Blk 1 in River Front Subd. No: 5.(5119) ,, , , , , , ,, , , , , ,140 22157 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on Environment 8 Notice of Intent to Request Release oT Funds for Iowa Inn Pro. (5119) .... .... ..... 141 22257 Approving a contract for Design 8 Engr. Services with Kirkham, Michael & Assoc. for County Farm Ind. Park Devel.(5/19) ................. ...142 22357 Approving Final Plat of Lots 1-12, Blk 1, Lots 15, Blk 2 & Lot M, all of Fremont Heights Subd.(5/19j ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : 143 22457 Fixing Date for a Meeting on Authorization of an Offer to Buy Real Estate and Acceptance, including provisions providing a loan to City in Principal Amount of 4665,500 and approving the form of Farm Lease attached thereto-(5119) ............. ...144 22557 Of Intent to dispose of interest in Lot 100 Lenox Addn. in City to Michael E.& Denise G. Erschen.(5/19) , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,145 22557 Prel. Approval of Plans and specs, for Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino - Purcfiase of Methane Collection System Equip. .(5119)-........ .. - .:........146 22757 Fixing Date of Nearing an Plans and Specs. forDbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -Purchase of Methane Collection System Equip.(5/19)::.:::...:::..: :...:.................. 14s 22857 Ordering bids for Dbq. Greyhound Park 8 Casino -Purchase of Methane Collection System Equip.(5719),,,,;,,,,,,,. ,,, 146 22957 Preliminary approval of plans and specs. for City Govern. Inter-Facility Fiber Optic Comm, Network - Phase I -Construction 8 Installation of Buried Ducts with Innerducts.(5/19) , ... , , ,. , , , 147 23057 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. {or City Govern. Inter-Facility Fiber Optic Comm Network -Phase 1 - Construction 8lnstallation of Buried Ducts with Innerducts_ (5119) ...........: ...............:...........:..........147 23157 Ordering bids for City Govern. Inter-Facility Fiber Optic Comm. Network -Phase 1 - ConstructioMnstallation of Buried Ducts with Innerducts.(5119) ...... , .:. _ , 147 98 __ _ _ INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 `SUBJECT PAGE ~~ RESOLUTIONS 23257 Approving Agreement between the City of Dubuque, IA and the International Union of Operating Engrs., Local #748 and Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the Agree.(6/2) ...........:.... 151 23357 Approving the Wage Plan and Compensation Package for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees.(6/2) ....... ................ 751 23457 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application to Participate in Section 8 Family Unification Prog:(612) :.:.. , .. , , 151 23557 Accept a Convey, of Property on KellyLane to City.(6/2) ... 752 23657 Autfiorizing issuance of Cig. Per. to Tobacco Outlet Plus. (6/2) ..................:.......:..:::-..............:. ... 752 23757 Authorizing issuance of 63 renewals far Cig. Pertnits.(6/2) .152 23857 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(612) ..............: 153 23957 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(6/2) ................... 154 24057 Approving disposal of property -Lot 100 Lenox Addn. io - Michael E. and Denise G. Erschen.(6/2) ....... . , , , , 155 24157 Approving and Authorizing Execution of Offer to buy Real Estate and Acceptance between City, as Buyer, and Kenneth - > G. Bergfeld and Janet M. Bergfeld, as Sellers; including Farts Lease.(62) .:.:..: . ...::...:...:...:.........: .155 24257 Awarding contract for Dbq:lndustrial Center South Sewer and Water Utility Improvements to Connolly Con.(612) :........: 156 24357 Adopting Plans and Specs for Alpine Street Sanitary ,. -Sewer Reconstruction.(6Y1) .., , , : , :', _, , _, , , , , ,, , , , ; , , , , ,,, , , 157 24457 Awarding cantract for Alpine St. Sanitary Sewer 'Reconstructioa(6/2).......:....:_._ .......:.:........::.. 157 24557 Ordering bids for Dbq. Greyhound Park& Casino, Purchase of Methane Collection System Equip.(fiY2) .:...:...... 757 24657 Approving Survey Plat of the Div. of Lot i of Wendy's Place.(612) .: ...:..........:....:::.:....,::.... .......:759 /"` 24757 Approving an Agree. for R.LS.E. Funding with IA Dept. of Transportation re: Develop, of a new Street in ~~----'~ Dubuque industrial Center South.(li2) ............._ .:....... 160 24857 Extending contrail with Yaggy Colby Associates to provide Construction Services (or Dbq. industrial Center South Devel.(6/2) ...:.......:... ...:....... ........ ..... 160,161 24957 quthorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Betterment Account - CEBA -Application to IA Dept. of Economic Develop, on behalf of AMISYS Managed Care Systems, ina(6Y1) ., ......... 161 25057 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. for 79th Street Stortn Sewer Reconstruction.(612) :: .......... . ....161 25757 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for 191h St Storm Sewer Reconstruilion.(6/2) ......: ............... .. 161 25257 Ordering bids (or 19th St. Stone Sewer Recdnstruction:~ (6/2) ..................:........................::......162 25357 PrekApproval of Plans and specs, fora5th Street Steps Reconstruction Pro.(6/2) ..... ......................: 162 25457 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for 75th - - St. Steps ReconstructiomPro. (612).:..: .:...::.... ..:.: ... .... 162 25557 Orderingbids for 15th St. Step Reconstruction Pro. (6i2) ................ ..~.....: 162 25857 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Unnamed Street in 600 Block of Kaufmann.Ave.(612) ..... .: ......... ..........: 163 25757 Disposing of$ty interest in Lot 164B, Lot 164C; Lot 7666 and Lot 166C all in L H. Langwarthy's Addn.(6/2) ................:163 25857 Rescinding Res. No.5857 and Reaffirming the annexation of Certain property -Corey - to the City -Not Signed, Rescinded by Res. No. 29457.(6116) .... .:............:... ..... .... . 765 25957 Application for Recreational Trails Funding to IDOT. . (6116) ............:.....:........... :.: 166 26057 Authorizing issuance of 4fi Renewals for Cig. Per:(6116) ....967 26757 quthorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(6/16) ............. . 167 26257 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(6fi6) .................. 168 /1\ 99 26357 Disposal of interest in portion of tangworthy's Addn. to Joseph.A. Sr. & Georgene Butlett; and portion of L.H. Langworthy's Addn. to Francis X & Cheryl Gruber; and portion of Langworthy's Addn. to Steve & Heidi MacDonald.{6/15) ....... " 768 _ 26457 Ordering bids for Cdy Govern. toter Facility Fiber Optic Communication Network -Phase 1 -Construction _ - Installation of Buried Duds with Innerduds.(6N6) ._ ......... ..169 26557 Adopting Plans and8pecs. for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -purchase of Methane CoUeilion System Equip.(6/16) , ,169 26657 Awarding rnntract for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - Purchase of Methane Collection System Equip: to RAECq Inc. of Chicago Heightr.(6H6) . , .. 169,170 _ 26757 Awarding Contrail for 1997 PC Paving Project to Portzen Construction (W. Third & Spruce St.).(6/16) ........ .......... 170 26837 Approving Pro. Agree. with Iowa Dept. of Transportation re: Reconstruction of Jones St. Connectoc(6/76) ...........:.170 26957 Prel. Approval of Plans and specs. for Dbq. Greyhound "- Park 8 Casino -Parking Lot improvements.(6N6)...:.......... 173 27057 Fixing Date of Hearing on Pians and Specs. forDbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -Parking Lot Improvementr.(6/16) .....173 27157 Ordering bids for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - Parking Lot Improvements.(5716) ..:..:: .:. . ......:......173 .27237 Prel. approval of Plans and Specs. for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -Loading Dock improvementr.(6tt6) ::..:...... 174 27337 Fixing Daie of Hearing on Plans and Specs. (or Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -Loading Dock improve.(6116) .. ..174 27457 Ordering bids for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -Loading Dock Improvements.(6116) ....... ~ ...174 .27537 Authorizing publication ota Combined Notice of Finding of ~`"'~ No Sign, Impact on Environment & Notice of Intent io Request Release of Funds for Kerper Slvd. toil. Park & Operation New --~ View -Stuff Street Head Start Pro. (7O) :::::........:.......:177 27637 Approving Utility Relocation Agreement.with Interstate Power Co. US West Comm, & TCI of Iowa, Inc. for Old Main Freeway Frontage Improvement Pro. (7P) ,, ,,,,,,;,,,,'„„•,•••,,,,.178 27757 Authorizing Execution of a CDBG Agree. with US Dept. of Housing & Urban Devel.(7/7) ...............:. .....278 27857 Accepting Improvement for Stafford 8, Ries Street Storm Sewer Exf. (7I7) .... " ................. .779 27957 Final Estimate for Stafford 8: Ries Street Storm Sewer Ext. (m) ...............................:........ ....77s 28037 Authorizing issuance of 14 Cigarette Pertnitr.(7A) ... • , , 179 28157 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per.(7/7) • • 28237 Authorizin "`"" • • • • • • • • • • • 180 gissuance of Liq: Lic. (7p) ,,,,•,,;,,,.••.••„180 28357 Adopting Plans and Specs, for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -Parking Lot Improvements.(717) ......: ..:.':........ 182 28437 Adapting Plans and Specs.Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - LoadingDOCkimpro~~...~...:.(7O) ....................:..... 182 28537 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Street Storm Sewer Reconstruction,(717) ........:......:....."..................182 28657 Awarding Contract for 79th Street Storm Sewer -Reconstruction to Horsfield Con.(7q) ,; , ,, , , , , , , , , • • 183 .... 28757 Adopting Pians and Specs. for 15th Street Step Reconstruction Pro. (7O)...;,,,,,;,,,,,,;,, •.• ,,:183 28837 Approving Piat. of Prop. Vacated Alley at Cross T.(7/7) ,, ,, 183 28937 Disposing of Citylnterest in Lot 11A of Dbq. Homes Sdbd. No. 1 in City to BiII & Jane Duggan,(7/7) ......:. , • , , 1g4 29037 Preliminary Approval of Plans 8: Specs. for Boiler Replacement - Keyline Transit Faciiity.(717) .: , , , , : , : ~, : , , 185 29137 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs, for 8oiter Reptacement-Keyline Transit Facility_(717) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,••,-,185 29237 Ordering Bids for Boiler Replacement -Keyline Transit Facility.(7p) ................: :...................:....... 185 f ~, 100 INDEX -BOOK 927 1997 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 29357 Approving Plat of Survey of Lots 1 8 2 of Hahlen Place, being a Sutid. of Lot 1.of 12 of 2 of 1 & Lo 2 of i of 2 of i,.except the Easterly 50 feet of Mineral Lot 387.(7/21) .' ......:..... ..... 190 29457 Rescinding Res. No. 25857 and reaffirming Annexation of certain property to. City.(7121) .::...:..:........:...... ... 191 29557 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to submit a Grarrt application 4a Environmental Protection Agency for Lead Poisoning Prevention and Lead Hazard Awareness Outreach Grant. Funds:(7/21) .. '. .. .. 192 29657 Authorizing the City Mgr, ocbis designee to sign a Contract with IA Dept of Public health for funding a Local Childhood lead Poisoning Prevention Prog.(/121),,,,.. ,~,,,,,,,,,,,,, „192 29757 Authorizing Mayor to execute an application fora Lead- based Paint Hazard Control Grant.(7121) .:....:..:... ...:.... 192 29857 Approving a Purchase of Services Agree: between City 8 Dbq. Humane Society 8 authorizing and directingMayor to execute SaidAgree. for City.(721) ............................ 193 29957 Accepting improvement for 1996 Asphalt Paving Pro.(7Yt1) . 193 30057 Final Estimate for t996.Asphatt.Paving Pro. {7Y11) .. .. .: 193 30157 Acceptinglmprove. for the Asbury Rd: Reconstruction ~ - Project -Asbury City Limits to NW Art(7Y21) :.. a .....:..:.... 193 30257 Final Estimate for Asbury Rd. Reconsfruction Project - Asbury City Limits [o NW Art.(7121) ._... ...:.:......:........... 994 30357 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule for Asbury Rd. Reconstruction Pro. (7121) ~ .-'194 30457 Accepting Improvement for Mooring Dolphins at Delta queen Landing Ske,(7121) ...........:.. .. 195 30557 Final Estimate for the Mooring Dolphins at Delta Queen Landing Site.(7/21)......._...., ...195 30657 Adopting Supplement No. 33 to Code.(7121) :... ~ .........195 307571mposing CiviFPenalty in amt of 5300.00 against Rainho Oil Co., dba Kwik Stop Food Martat 2297 UniversAy.(7Yli) ., , , , 196 30857 Imposing Civil Penalty in amt. of 2300.00 against Rainbo Oil Co., dba Kwik Stop Food Martat 2297 University.(7Yti) ..... 196. 30957 Imposing Civit Penalty in amt. of 5300.00 against Rainbo Oil Co., dba Kwik Stop Food Mart at 2255 Kerper.{7121) ........ 197 31057 Imposing Civit Penalty in amt. of 5300.00 against Rainbo OilIIo., dba Kwik Stop Food Mart at 2360 CemtraL(7/21) ........ 197 31117 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Pertnits.(7Y11) , , , , , , , ,,, , , , , , 198 31257 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits:(7Yti) ....... . :: . . . . 198 31357 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(7121) ................... 198 31457 Approving Urban Renewal Planfor E. 7thStreet Economic ' -~ Devel. Dis.(7/21) .................:.....:...:....:........:: 200 31557 Approving disposal of City interest of Lot 11q of Dbq. Homes Subd. No. 1 to Bill & Jane Duggan. (7121) .... .. .: .............200 31697 Awarding Contract for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - Parking Lot Improvements to River Cdy Paving, a Div. of Mathy Construction Co.(7/21) .,...:_...: ............. 201 31757 Awarding Contract for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Loading Dock Improvements to Maryville Con.QM1) ..... :...: 201 31857 Approving the Lease of the Building at 1575 W. 3rd Street to IA Communications Network.(7/21) ,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,, yp2 31957 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment & Additional Actions Concerning an Enterprise Opportunity Loan to Diann M. Husemanq Little Buddies Child Care.(7121).,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,202 32057 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1~4 and Lot A of Kelly Heights Subd. for FDR Devel. - R. Schiltz & J. Roth: (7/21) .:._ .:203 32157 Preliminary approval of Plans and specs. for Ohq. Ind.`- Center South Roadway Improvement Pro. (7121) .: -. , -...:.. :. 204 32257 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and specs. for Dbq. ind. Center South Roadway Improvement Pro. (7M1) ..: ........... 204 32357 Ordering bids for Dbq. Ind. Center South Roadway .Improvement Pro. (7/21) .:....................... .....:.:..205 i"'~ ~\ \._ ~; ~\ I01 INDEX - BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 32457 Preliminary approval of Plans and specs, for Kerper. Blvd. ind. Park Grading Pro. (72/1),,;;,,,, ,,,,, ,„205 32557 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Grading Pro. (7721) ...: .... .~.... ...205 _ 32657 Ordering bids for Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Grading Pro.(7JZ1) , 205 32757 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs for 1997 Refiab. Repair to City Parking Ramp FacilRies.(7/21) , , ; , , , , , , , , , ;,,, , 206 32857 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and specs. £or City Parking Ramp Facilities,(721)...,..::,,,,:.. ,,,,,,206 32957 Ordering bids for 1997 Rehab Repairs to City Parking Ramp Faciiities.(7/21) ................ - ..206 33057 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Dhq. Regional Airport Entrance Rd. Reconstruilion.(7/21) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 206 33157 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Dhq. Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstruilion(7121) , , , , , , , ; , , , , , , , , , 207 33257 Ordering bids for the Dbq. Regional Airport Entrance Rd. Reconstruction.(7121):.. ............... ..207 - 33357 Application for REAP Funds for North End Neighborhood LinearPark(8/4),........ ........ .. 209 33457 Application for REAP Funds for North End Neighborhood Linear Park.(8/4) ..............:... ......:..209 33557 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Pertnds.(8/4) ......... 33657 Authorizin • • • ...209 gissuance of Beer Permits. (8/4) ,,,-,;,,,,,. 210 33757 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Boiler Replacement - Keyline Transit Faciiity,(8!4) ............. - ...-: 212 33857 Awarding Contract for Boiler Replacement -Keyline Transft Facility.(8/4] ..................... , , 212 33957 Approving Amendment No.3 to Program Year 22 Annual Action Plan for use of Community DevelopmeniBlock Grant ' ~°`~. (CDBG) Funds.{814) .. ...213 34057 Awarding Contracffor 15th Street Steps Reconsfruilion. . '~.~_.. i (8!4) ........................... .:...:.....213 34157 Approving Final Plat of Lots 1, 2 and A of Tires Plus First Subdivision in City.{614) . ................. , , 214 34257 Approving Piat of Proposed Vacated Ailey and Public Stairs Between W. 3rd Street and Fenelon Place.(8/4) ......:.......:.215 34357 Disposing of C8y Interest in Lot 418 & Lot 41C of Prospect Hill, Lot 1A of Fenelon Place, and Lot 4A of City Lot 692.(8/4) ...215 34457 Disposing of City Interest in a vacated portion of Kirkwood St., formerly Union Ave. and a Portion of Vacated BeOevue St, Dubuque, IA.(8/4) .............. ..:'216 34557 Approving Final Plat of Lots 1 through 6, inclusive; and Lot A of Oid Mill Subdivision, in City.(8/18) ..... ........... .... ...220 34657 Approving Survey Plat of Lots 1 and 2 of MiOer Homestead, q Division of Lots 36, 36q & 37 of Soutfi Pant Hill Sub, in the City.(8/18) 34757 Adopting Plans and specs, for the City Govern. inter-Facility221 Fiber Optic Cornmtmication Network.- Phase i Construction 8 Installation of Buried Ducts with Innerducts . ....: ......:....:221 34857 Awarding Contrail for City Govern. Inter-Facility Fiber Optic Communication Network - Phase I Construction & Installation of Buried.Ducts with Innerducts to Voelkens Excavafirg of Dyersvi8e.(8/18) :.....:............ ..... 2 34957 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits,(8/18) , , , , , ; ~ ~ .222 35057 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(8/18) ................... 222 35157 Approving disposal of interest of City in property -Lot 416 of Prospect Hill to John DeereObq. Works, Lot 2A of Fenelon Point Subd, to Ann Cunningham, Lot 41C of Prospect Hill & Lot 4A of City Lot 692 to Paul 8 Ronda Kirkegaard ...:........ .: 223,224 35257 Approving Cooperative Agreement with Property Owners on West Third Street &Fenelon Place relating to Parcel Access and Utility Ea~~,,,~.d~.(8118) . ......................:....... .... 224 ~1 102 INDEX -BOOK 127 '1997 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 35357 Approving disposal of interest of City in property: one-half of vacated Bellevue Street abutting Lot 84 of Wood's Addn. to the City & the portion of Kirkwood St. (formerly Union Ave.) abutting Lot 85 of Wood's Addn, etc. to Eatl A. Ehrlich Estate.(8/18) :., .225 `35457 Adopting Plans and~Specs: for the Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Grading Pro. (8N6) ........::....:.:......:.........:.. 225 .35557 Awarding ContraM for Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park Grading Project to J: F. Brennan Co. Inc. of lacrosse, WL(8%8) ... ,_ ...::....: 226 35657 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Dbq. Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstruction.(8/18) :....:.:.....:.:....... 226 35757 Awarding Contract far Dhq. Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstruction to Tschiggfrie Excavating Co.(8/18) ..:... 226 35857 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Dbq. Industrial Center South Roadway Improvement Pro.~(8N8) .................... 227 35957 Awarding Contract for Dbq. ind. Center South Roadway Improvement Pro.to Horsfieid Con. Co.(8/18) , ,,,,, , , , , , , , , , ;227 36057 Adopting Plans and specs, for 1997 Rehabilitation Repairs to City Parking Ramp Facil@ies.(BNS) ,,, , ,;,;, , , , , , , , 227 36157 Awarding Contract for the 1997 Rehabilitation Repairs to City Parking Ramp Facilities to McGill Restoration.(8I18p .. ...227 36257 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Five Flags Arena Roof Pro. (8/18) ...... ........ :.. ..„, . , , , , ; 228 36357 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Five - Flags Arena Roof Pro.(8Y18) ....:. ..:.:....: .:..:....... ::. 229 36457 Ordering bids for five Flags Arena Roof Pro. (8128) ;, ,: 229 36557 Accepting improvement for Sutton PooLLighting Pro. (9/2) ..: .................................:.:..........:. 231 `36657.Final Est.Yor Sutton Paol Lighting Pro. (9/2) ..:.......... 232 36757 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Kelly Laneto City, from M. Phillips. (912) :. ............................_ ..:.... 232 36857 Accepting a Conveyanceof property on Kelly Lane to CKy, from R. Rapp.(9/2) .................:................. 232 36957 Accepting a Conveyance of property on Kelly Lane to City, .from Leslein's.(9/2) .......... .........:.......:. .....:. 233 37057 Accepting a.Conveyance of property on Ketly Lane to City, from V. Kramer.(9/2). .......:....... .... .. . ........... .233 37157 Accepting a Conveyance of property on Kelly Lane to - " City, from Franken's.(9/2) .....:..........:......::... :..... 233 37257 Accepting a Conveyance of property on Dodge St: to CKy, from Mid-American Energy Co.(9/2) :. :. . .: .................. 233 37357 Accepting a Conveyance of property on South Main St. to Cky, from ArCon, Inc(9!2) - :........ . .. .... .:.. . .. ....: - .. ~. 234 37557 Authorizing the City Manager or his~designee to sign an Amended Contract with the IA Dept of Public Health for funding a ' Local AIDS Coalition Program and execute Contrails for Educational Consulting Services.(9Y1) . . ....:.:.... ......: ::: 234 37657 Authorizingissuance of Cig. Per.(9/2) :....C ......::..... 235 37757 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per:(9/2) :...........:......235 37857 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic. (912) ....., .....:_ :.:: . , 235 37957 Of intention to Dispose of City-owned property, S 112 of LoY 769a inMcDaniel's Subd. of Town Lots in the City, also known " as 1353 Bluff SL(9f2) ...........:...:.r...:.........:.:...:241 38057 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for White St. at 17th St. Traffic Signals Installation.(9/2) ...........:......:.... -:.:. 241 38157 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for White St. at 17th St. Traffic Signals Insfall.(9/2) .:..............: r..... 241 38257 Ordering bids for White St. at .17th St. Traffic Signal Install.(9f2) . ................ .... 242 38357 Application for Statewide Enhahcement Funding to IA Dept. of Transportation, for Hodgdon St. &. Catherine St. W: Locust St. Steps restoration Pro.{9/15) ...........:.........:......... 244 38457 Application for Statewide Enhancement funding to the IA Dept. of Transportation for construction of an expanded northern levee path.(9115)........' .................................. 245 /`~'~ ;~ .= ~~ 103 INDEX -BOOK 127 '`~~' .9997 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 38537 Application for Statewide Enhancement funding to iA Dept. of Transportation for construction of a River'sEdge Piaza.(9/15) ..:245 38637 Approving the Survey Plat of Lot 1 of 2, and Lot 2 of 2, Block 3 Henschet's Addn.(9115) . ...................:.............245 .38737 A..,.~r,:,.y Improvenent for Eagle PL Water Plant North Wall Repfacemerrt Pro. (9115) .................... .....246 38937 Final Estimate for Eagle Point Water Plant North Wall Repla..~..,~.,: improvements.(9/15) :............. , , 246 38937 Accepting Improvemenrt for Roosevelt Road Water Main .Extension Improvement Pro. (9115) ......., ......246 39037 Final Estimate for Roosevelt Road Water Main -. Extension Improvement Pro. (9N5) ...... ................... 246 39157 Accepting improvement for Fremont Ave. Bridge Replace- . ment over Catfish Creek.(9/15) ......... ~....... , , , , , yq7 39237Final Estimate for Fremont Ave. bridge Replacement .over Catfish Creek.(9/15) ............... .247 39357 Approving a Purchase of Services Contract between City of Dubuque and Alternative Services, Inc. and Authorizing and Directing City Manager to Execute Said Agree.(9/15) ,.... , , 247 39457 In support of Iowa League of Ctties Telephone Litigation.. (9/15) .........................................:........:247 39537 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Per.(9/15) ................. 248 39657 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per.(9115j ..............::.248 39737 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(9/35) ................... 248 39857 Annexing approx. 151 acres of land on west side from Kenneth 8 Janet Bergfeid.(9/15) ............................249 39937 Approving the Disposal ofCity-owned property, S 1/2 of Lot 769a in McDaniels Subd. of Town Lofs in the Ctty, also known as 1353 Bluff SL to Steven J. Gudenkauf.(9/15) ......... .......:.250 40057 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Five Flags Arena Roofing Pro: (9/15) ........................ .250 40157 Awarding Contract for Five Flags Arena Roofing.Pro. (9115) ............ ...251 40237 Preliminary approval of Plans and specs. for 1997 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Pro. (9115) .......: , , , , 251 40357 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for 1997 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Pro. (9/15) ...,,,,,:,,_,,,,,, y5Y 40457 Ordering bids for 1997 Harbor.Mainienance Dredging Pro. (9/15) ................... ....252 40557 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Certain Real Property Located West of Kerper Blvd. B.South of Fengler SL(9f15) ......252 40857 Approving Plat of Div. of Chy Lot 604A-(9129) ... ......:... 254 40757 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 2 of CRy Lot 604A to TFM Co.(9/29) .................... ...254 40657 Accepting improvement for Jackson at 26th St. Traffic Signal Insfaliatton.(10/6) .............. ..: ~. 40937 Final Estimate for Jackson St. at 26th St. traffic Signal tnsfallation(10/6) ........... .:...257 41037 Accepting improvements in Wingate PI -J. Ganfz(10/6) ....257 41137 Releasing Performance Security for City Lites Subd.(10f6) .257 41237 Accepting Improve. for Water Pollution Control Piani Phasellmprove.(10l6) ..........:...... ...258 41357 Final Estimate for Water Pollution Gonirol Plant Phase I improve.(1DI6) ...................... .....258 41457 Approving the Aids Preventative Health Contrail between IA Dept. of Public Health 8 City & Authorizing the Manager to sign a contrail with IA Dept. of P. Health for Funding of a Local AIDS Preventative Health Prog,(10/6) ..............:................ 258 41557 Authorizing an application to IA Dept of Economic Devel, for Local Housing Assistance Prog. Funds.(10l6) ................ 259 41657 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract for Family Self- . Sufficiency Coordinator Program Funding.(10/6) ...:...._.....259 104 INDEX -BOOK 127 r ~\ :.:1997 SUBJECT PAGE ' RESOLUTIONS .41757 Adopting the Final Assess. Schedule for 1997 Sidewalk Repairs;including Annual Installments into which Assessments are divided, the interesYon all unpaid installments, the time wheel -'- the assessments arepayable and directingthe.Clerk to certify. Final SchedWe and to publish notice thereof:(10lfi) .............260 41857 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Per. to Fat Tuesday's:(10/fi) .. 261 41957 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(10/6) .........:.... 261 42057 Authorizing issuance of Liq: Lic(10/6) ..:..:...::..... 1. 261 42157 ApprovingDisposition of the SE 26,078 Sq. Ft. of Lot 3 -ofFDL First Addn:(10/6) „......"..:.......... :.............. 263 42257 Approving the Disposition of tot 2 of Cfty Lot 604A in -City:(1016) ................:..:...:....:.....:.....:.:..:~-264 42357 Adopting Plans 8 Specs: for White St. at 17th St.Traffic - - Signals Installatioa(10/6) ....:..: :......:.........:...:. :: 264 42457 Awarding Contract for 17th St. & White St. Traffic Signal Installation.(10/6) ......: ......:.........:................. 265 42557 Adopting Plans and Specs. for 1997 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Pro.(1016)..:i:..' .:..:..........:.........:.:.... 265 42657 Awarding Contract tor1997 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Pro.(10/6).: ......::..... ..:..:........:......:. 265 42757 Preliminary Approval of Plans 8 Specs. for Fremont Ave. ": . Sanitary Sewer ExL(10/6)-::..:..:: :.:...........:.......:.. 267 42857 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Fremont -.`=Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(1016)i.::...::;.c::.........::...:267 42957 Resolution of Necessity forPremont Ave. Sankary ::.,.Sewer.(1016) .......:....... .....:. 267 43057fixing Date. of Hearing on Res: of Necessity for Fremonf Ave. Sanitary Sewer:(1016)..,..: .:...:.............:........... 268 .43157 Approving Preliminary Sctedule of Assessments for Premont ~' Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(1016j : ....::...................... 268 ~~ 43257 Of Necessity Finding that further Expansion of Dbq. Ind." `°-- Center Economic Devef. Areaand that Develop. of said Areais ".' necessary in Interest of Reside`rts of l:ity.(10/6) ....:.. ....... 268 43357 Of Necessity Finding that Downtown Dbq. Urban Renewal Dis. is an Area Meeting the Definitions of Blight and Economic Development of said Nea is necessary in interest of City -,residents:(10/6).....:...........:..:: .:......:............ 269 43457 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Drexel Ave. between Vinton Sf. & Toledo St., and part. of Toledo St; between Lot 4 of Blasen PI. and E ROW of Drexef Ave: 8 Chicago Ave. from . Walker St. to Lot 4 of Blasen PL(10/6) ..... ........:........... 270 43557 Disposing of City Interest in Lots 412:A, 418-A, 480-A; 482-A, and 484-A all in North Dbq: Subd.(1016) .:_ .:....:... .:...:.'.. 271 43657 Approving Final Plat of Lots i-3 of Wertzberger Acres in Dubuque County;lA(1W20)':..i.. .:'., ..:.:.....::......275 43757 Approving the Agreement between City. B Dbq Protess. Firefighters Assn., Local #353 and Authorizing Mayor to sign Agree.(10YLO)........1.......~ ......:.............:...:... 276 43857 Authdrizing Submission of a Grantee Perfomwnce Report for Period Commencing 7-156 & concluding 63057.(10!2) ..... 276 43957 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(10/20) ...:. ......:: 277 44057 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic(10/20) : ......... .. ..... 277 44157 Approving disposal of City interest in property -Toledo St. & Drexel Ave. area: Lots 412-A, 418-A, 480-A, 482-A and 484-A,.all in N. Dubuque to E. Madison.(10/20) ...............:......:... 277 44257 Amendment to 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro. Res, No. 21757 - Alta Vista St.. N. of Kirkwood St. added.(10/20) ..:.:....... . r.. 278 44357 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for.1997 Asphalt Paving Pro.(10/20) ....... ...:.....:..:..:..:.:.... 278 44457 Accepting Improvement for Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro. (10/20) ..............:......: .........:.................:. 278 44557 Final Estimate for Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro.(10/20) ... 279 44657 Approve Preliminary.Schedule of Final Assess.(10/20) .....279 ~'~ 105 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 44737 Approving Final Plat of Lot H, Lot J. and Lot K of Key Gate Center No:3in City-Kehl's.(10Y20).... .:..........:..:..:...280 44837 Authorizing adoption of FY 1997 Mnual Perfartnance Report of Housing Services Oept.(10/20) .........:..........: r...:.285 - 44937 Authorzing the Filing of an Application witfi IA Dept. of _ Economic Devel. Requesting Enterprise Zone Certification. (10/20) .................:.:......... ......., ..285 45037 Acceptingimprovemerd for Modifications to the HVAC - System at Five Flags Centec(11/3) ................. ...288 45137 Final Estimate for HVAC System at five Flags Center.(N/3) 289 45237 AdoptingSUQpiement No. 34 to City Code.(11/3) ..........289 45337 Authorizing issuance of Beer Pertnitr.(11/3) , , , , , , ; , ; , , , , , ygg 45437 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Licenses:(11/3) ... , , ; . , , .290 45557 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Extension.(11i3) .... ............ .....:.......:.. ..294 45637 With Respect to Adoption of Res. of NecessityProposed for .. Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(1113) ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,294 45757 Ordering bids for Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(11/3) . , 294 45837 Approving Amendmentr to the Program Guidelines for Downtown Rehabilitation Loan Program and Authorizing Add't Capitalization thereoL(1113) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,, _.„298 45957 Amending Res. of Nec. No. 17357 for 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. (11/3} ........:...................298 46037 Fixing Date of Hearing on Amendment to Res.-of Nec. _ No. 17337 for 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. (11fS) .:....::...299 46157 Amending Prel. Schedule of Assess. for 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. (1113) ...::....... ~ ...299 46237 Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Propositionof Issuance /"~.. of Not to Exceed 5150,000 in Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Obligations & Execution of Agree. re: Publication of Notice. ~.~ (1113) ... ...299 46337 Qf intention to DisQose of City-Owned Property, specifically the S. 105' of Lot 2 and the S 84'3" of Lot 3 both of Subd. of Lots 18, 19, & 20 Kelly's Subd., also known as 659 W. 8th St.(1113) , , , 300 46457 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment and Add'1 Actions concerning an Enterprise OpportunAy Loan to Mark GWbrandsen. (11117) ............:.............:...... ......._:301 46537 Accepting Improve. for Five Flags Center Arena Roof . Pro.(11J17) ................... ...............302 46637 Final Estimate for Five Flags Center Arena Root Pro. (11117) .. .'..302 ................... ...:...... 46737 Awarding Contract for Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext. (11N7) .......................:....:.:.... ...:.......... 302 46837 Accepting Improvement for Alpine Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(11/17)..., ................... .:..303 46957 Final Est. for Alpine St. Sanitary Sewer ftecon.(11717) ..:..303 47037 Accepting Improvement for 19th (Nineteenth) St.Stortn Sewer Reconstruction Pro_(11/17) ................................303 47137 Final Estimate for 19th S2. Storm Sewer Reconstruction Pro. (11/17) ........ ....,......303 47257 Authorizing the submission of a Flood Disaster Relief Grantee Performance Report for the Period of 8-1956 & - - concluding 8-1937.(11177) .:..........:.....................304 47337 Approving Final Plat of Lotr i3 Tamarack S.E. Third Subd., being comprised of Lot 3 of Tamarack S.E. Second Subd. 8 Lot 1 of the SESW Section 14 T88N, R2E of the 6tfi P.M.. in Dbq. County.(11/17) ......................................304 47457 Approving Piat of Survey of Lots 1 & 2 of State Street, Subd. No. 2 in City.(11/17) ...............................:. 305 47537 Approving Acquisition of Land from Farmland Foods 8 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate B.Execute Necessary Said Agree.(11/17) ........................................305 47637 Authorizing issuance of Liq: Lic.(11/17) ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 306 ~`".~ \.~ 106 INDEX - 800K 127 /-'~~. 1997. SllBdECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 47757 Approving Disposal of City-owned Property, S 105' of Lot 2 and S 84' 3" of Lot 3, both of Subd. of Lots 18,19, 8.20 Kelly's Subd., also knovm as 659 West 8th St(11/17) ...: . ... ::.. .... 306 47857 Approving Amended & Restated Urban Rehewal Pian for Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Devel. Dis.(11/17) ........ 307 47957 Approving Amended & Restated Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Urban Renewal Dis.(11N7) .....................:. 310 48057 Authorizing'Execufion of anAssessment Agree, with Weber Paper Co.(11/17)..........::::..: ...::.............312 48157 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment SAdditional Actions Concerning a Downtown Rehab. Loanto StoutPlace Apts.(lowa Inn).(11N7) ...:......:.:...._::..:...._...:.............. 313 48257 Of Necessity Finding that Former Iowa Inn Propertyis an Area Meeting the Definition of Blight and that Redevelopment of - Said Area is Necessaryin Interest of Residents of City.(11/17) .. 313 48357 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Granger Creek intercepter Sewer Extension.(11M7) ....:.............. 317 48457 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs, for Granger Creek Intercepter SewecExtension.(11117f ............. :..:..: 317 48557 Ordering bids for Granger Creek Interceptor Sewer -Extension.(11/17) ............:..........., .:......:..::.317 48657 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lots 38, 39 & 40 of Pleasant ' View Addn, in City to Wm. G. & Patricia M. McGuire.(11/17) . .... 318 48757 Authorizing City Council to endorse the Iowa Housing -Corporation's Application for Federal Assistance for Renovation's of.Iowa Inn(12/1)....::.....:..: :.:.:. .............:......: 320 - 48857 Authorizing Chy Council to Endorse Renaissance - Development's Application for Federal Assistanceior a Rental ~~ Housing Development on Carter Rd:(12N) ... . . . ......:.....:321 48957 Approving Plat of Survey of Lot of 2. and Lot 2:2 of FOL ~ `~ j First Addition, in City.(12/1) ............................... 322 ~-- 49057 Approving Plat of Survey of Lot 1 of 3 and Lot 2 of 3, - FDL First Addn. in CAy.(12fi) :.::.: . ..:........:..... ...... 322 49157 Approving Memorandums of Understanding between City of Dubuque 8 Dubuque.VisitingNutse Assn. & Authorizing & - Directing City Mgr. to Execute Agree: on behalf of City.(1211) ...323 49257 Approving Easement Agreement with. Chicago, Central & Pacific RR Co. re: Construction of Sanitary Sewer lateral for Kelly - Lane-Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewerfxt(12/1)._ ........:......... 323 49357 Annexing Certain Real Estate to City of Dubuque, IA.(12/i) . 324 49457 Approving an Amendment to 1998 Annual Action Plan by Incorporating CDBG Funds for Program Year 22 (7-155 thru 6J0- 97) and Program Year 23 (7-157 thru 63058.(12/1) ........:.. 324 49557 Accepting a Conveyance of Property located at Corner of Davis & Sheridan Sts., in City 8 County of Dubuque; IA, also known:as Lot 94 O'NeilPs Riverview Sutrd.(12/i) :...., ....'..: B25 49657 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule for Kelly Lane Reconstruction Project including Certain Info. required by IA Code, specifically, number of annual Installments into which assessments are divided, interest on all unpaid installments, the time when Assessments are payable and directing Clerk tocertify final Schedule and to Publish Notice Thereof (1211) .. .. 325329 49757 Accepting Improvement for City Owned Inter-Facility Fiber Optic Communication Network -Phase iConstruction/Installation of Buried Ducts with Innerduds.(12/1) ...:....:...:.........329 49857 Final Estimate for City Owned Inter-Facility Fiber Optic Communication Network -Phase 1 Construction installation of Buried Ducts with Innerducts.(12/1) .:.:.................:.:: 329 49957 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(12/1) ..............329 50057 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic(12/1) ................ 330 50157 Approving disposal of City interest iri Lots 38,39 & 40 of Pleasant View Addn. to Wm. & Patricia McGUire.(12/i) . ,:.... ,. 332 ~-~. 107 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~ ~ 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~_% - RESOLUTIONS 50237 Approving Plat of Proposed vacating ofa Part of Fremont Ave: between Bonnie Ct. & Dorothy Kay Dr. & a Part of N. Cascade Rd. at the intersection of Cedar Cross Rd. & Bonnie Ct.(12/1) ...333 50357 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 1A and Lot 13A of BIk 3 and _ Lot 1A of Bbck 4 alLin Fremont Heights in City.(12/1] ......, ...334 50457 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lots 1 of 1 and 2 of 1 of S W _- Quarter of SWOuarter of Section 30, Township 89 N, Range 2E of the 5th Principal Meridian, all in Dbq. County.(12/45) ..........335 50557 Approving Survey Plataf Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Hartig Addn., in City.(12/15) ...................... ...336 50657 Application for Recreational Trails Funding to IA Dept of Transportation for River's Edge Plaza.(12/15) ..... . . .... . . . . . 336 50757 Application for Recreational Trails Funding to IA Dept. of Transportation for North End Neighborhood Linear Park.(12/15) .337 50897 Application for Recreational Trails Funding to the IA Dept. of Transportation for the Expansion of the Northern Levee Path. (12!15) .................................................337 50957 Approving Cooperative agreement with IA Dept. of Transportation, and City of Dubuque, re: Joint & Crack Sealing of Northbound U,S. 52 on White St. Between 11th & 21st St. and 21 St. between White St&Central Ave.(12/15) ,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,338 51057 Approving Memorandum of Understanding between City of Dubuque & United Clinical laboratories Inc. authorizing and -' Directing City Manager tp execute Ag. __..._... on behalf of City of Dubuque, IA.(12/15) ..............................::....:. 338. 51157 Authorizing Certain Designated Fiscal Officers of City of Dubuque to execute Electronic Investment Transactions with Treasury Direct on behalf of City of Duhuqua(12/15) ..........338 ~-~ 51257 Resolution Naming Depositories (banks etc.)(12/15) .. ....339 51357 Accepting Improvement for Radford Rd. Reconstruction \_,i - Pro. from Pennsylvania Ave. to Chavenelle Ds(12N5) .: .:339 51457 Final Estimate for Radford Rd. ReconstructionPro~. from Pennsylvania Ave. to Chavenelle Dc(12/15) ........... -..... 339,340 51557 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Final Assessments for Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro. from Pennsylvania Ave, to Chavenelle Dc(12/15) ..................................... 340 51657 Accepting Improve. for 1997 Curb Ramp Construction Pro.(12/15) ................... ...........340 51757 Final Estimate for 1997 Curb Ramp Construction Pro. (12115) .................... .......................340 57857 Authorizing Cky to Collect Delinquerrt Garhage And Refuse Collection Accounts in Accordance with Section 4037 8 40-28 (d) of City Cdde.(12/15) ........................:..... 340 51957 Authorizing Collection of Deiinquenf Sewer Accou~ds in Accordance with Sections 44-83 & 44-86, Cky Code.(12/15) .....341 52057 Adopting of Interagency Agree, a Resolution Approving - Agreement between City & IA Dept. of Inspections 8 Appeals for Eni......~..,~nt of Food Service Establishment & Food Estabti.,S..,;.,.: Sanitation, Home Food Establishment, Hotel Inspection & Vending Machine Laws of State of IA.(12N5) .. 341,342 52157 Authorizing an Application to IA Dept of Economic Devel. for Local Housing Assist. Frog. Funds.(12Po5) :_.......:. .:..342 52257 Approving submission of an Application for Certified Local Govern. Funding fo conduct a Historic Preservation Survey. (12115) .... " .......................::...................342 l`\ f \_/ 1Q$ INDEX -BOOK 927 1997 .SUBJECT PAGE S Safety Bureau, Traffic, Grant appficafoa(3/3) ..' ...:..:..:...._..~. 64 - Saints (Fighting) Hockey Team, contract foruse of Five flags Civic Center(912)::.....-.:.._...:: :...:.:...... :.:.. 232 Sale of RR:(3/3)(3/17)(5Q :.:..:....:. ..:..:...:.. ...7. 64,82,83,147 Sale of 553361 Loras fo S. Gudenkauf.(3/3) ........:.::.:::..... 70 Sale of property by IDOT: no longer needed for Hwy. uses - Locust St., Bissell Lane 8 First St. area.(6/2) .... ....... .. ........... 150 Sale of property, Lot 2 of City Lot 604A; to TFM Co:(10/6)... ..264 Sale of property by IDOT, between 11th & 12th Sts., acquired from Jacobsen Steel & Supply Co.(NN7) .. .................:...... 301 Sale of alcoholic bev.,beer, liquor, wine, new Ord.(11/17) ..... 3143'17 Sale of property at 659 W. Eighth to Toby Kress.(1U17) :....:.... 306 Sale of property near 750 Montcrest to Wm. & Patricia McGuire. (iVi7) .:.:.........:.............:........:.:...........:. 318 Sale of portion of FremonfHeights Addn:, portion between Bonnie Ct: & Dorothy Kay Dr. & part of N. Cascade Rd. to Martin J. & `.Nancy ~McNamec(12/1)(12!15) .:.................... 333,334,345 Saliga, Kevin, ohjected to W. 3rd Pro.. assessments.(5/19) ......:138 Sandman, Paul, Claim; referred to Crawford ins:(6M){6fi6) ... 150,165 Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Extension Dis., -Kennedy & Bonson Rd.area.(il6);........:.: .........::...:....:-............ 6,7 Sanitary Sewer & Stortn Sewer Reconstruction Project, W. Third St.(116)(213) :.....:.......:...:. ......::......... :. 15.40 Sanitary Sewer reconstruction in alley between Rhomberg & - Garfield(1f20) .....:..............:.......:.:: ::.:.a..:. 92 Sanitary Sewer ExL Phase II, Kelly lane 8: Pego Ct. (3/17)(4!7)(1?J1) :....::... :......: .7 . . . .........: :. 84,85,93,323 Sanitary Sewer, Final Assess. Schedule for Oiympic.Heights. - (4/7)(5/5) ....:..: .............::..::....:..:...:..:.. 90,116 /~1. Sa 515 6/2e 11l1Reconst. Pro.; Alpine St• • ........,• • .. ~ '~ ~ ( ){ )( ) • • • •.:......... 134,135,157,303 Sanitary Sewer Reconst. Project., U.S: 20 -Dodge St., Bluff to Grandview.(5/19) .........................:.:....T... :. ]38 Sanitary Sewer Extension for Fremont Ave.(10/6)(11/3) 267,294- Sanitation, Food Establishment, re: Interagency Agree. = wf IA dept. of fnspections&Appealstar Enforcementetc.(12115) ,•:......341 Sanner, Johrr, rezoning of 624 N. Burden from R1 to R2. (3117)(40) ....................... ................:.'.: 84,94 Sarazin, Laura for Jenna, Claim; referred to Public Entity Risk ' . Services of IA.(i0/20)(11/3) ............................ 274,288 Sassy's, Harold 8 Nancy Birch, 3203 Jackson, Liq. Lic.(40) .....:. 92 Sawvel7, Michael J., Butter's Bar, 1700 Central; Cig. Per.; Liq. Liq.(6l16) .........................:....... . :...... 167,168. SBM invesfinent, Claim; settlement.(40)(515) ................ 88,116 Schadee, Steve & Amy, re: vacating alley & public stairway between W. 3rd & Fenelon PI.(9l4)(8/18) .....:..:.::......:... 215,223,224 Schaller, Pe99Y~ P.J.'s Tap, Liq. Lic.(70) ........... . ' ..... 180 Schardf, Rev. Ron, from Wartburg, Gave Invocation:(6/2) :...:.-:: 150 Schedule, CIP, for DRA, 1997.(1/20) ......:.. ..:... :.........:.. 20 Schedule of Assess, for Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro.(12/1) 325328 Schedule of Assess. for 1996 PC Concrete Paving Pro. -Clarke Dr. 8 Heeb St., amended Pro:.(12/15) ..........:....:..........:.. , 350 Schiltz, Donald H., re: Kelly Lane ROW property to City.(6Y1) ....: 152 Schiltz, Richard J., Kelly Heights foal plat approval.(7/2i) ........ 203 Schmalz, Mike, Claim; referred to Insurance.(12/1)(12/15) ..:_ 320,335 Schmidt, Gene, re: opening Town Clock Plaza.(9/15) ............ 249 Schmitt Island, REAPGrant to construct Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail.(12/1) ........................................ 323 Schmitt, Paul, Claim; Settlement.(8/4)(9/18) ................ 208,219 Schools, Robert, Claim; referred to Crawford ins.(9/2)(9/15) .. 237,243 School Supplies by St. Mark Community Center, Proclamation supporting.(7M1) ................:.............:......... 190 Schools, Dubuque, re: development of Valentine Park:(10/6) ....:. 267 • /"~, ~'~ % 109 INDEX =BOOK 127 (~ ,1997 SUBJECT PAGE S Schroeder; Constance; Juvenile Curfew.(515) ~......... . , 121 - Scfiroedey John, for rezoning of 475 E. 28th from R2& CS to LI. ) _ (12 15) .:................................................347 Schultz, Rachel, resignatiohfrom Youth member of Environmental Stewardship.Advisory Comm.(912) ..........................232 Schumacher, Mary, re: Cedar Cr. Rd. 8 Center Grover Rd. inclusion re: Sidewalk Study.(4!I) ................................:... 89 ' Schute, Michael, Ofo. Mgr., approval of Ord. re: Tschiggfrie's approval of request for awning at 9th 8 Washington.(2/3) ....._.. 44 Schwartz, Ethel, Airport Inn, Liq. Lic.(7!7) ...................... 180 Section 8 Family Unification Program App.(6Y1) ................. 151 Security Released for City Cites Subd.(~0/6) t ............... .... . 257 Segal Co., agreement of Actuarial Services Agree.(10/20) .........276 Segal Co. re: Employee Prescription Drug Plan.(5J19) ............137 " SelfSaffciency, Family, Coordinator 7,,.y,e„, Funding; - CDBG Funds.(417)(5/5)(10/6) ..........................89,120,259 Senate File 76 - Letter of Support to legislators.(3/17) ......... .... 78 Senior Center,. contract for expansion for Dbq. Area Life Time, Ag, ~,...,<,.: with Modesta Elderness Center etc.; CDBG funds. (1/20)(5!5) ................. ............ 20,120 Senior Health & Home Care Aide Programs, FY 98 Comm. Services Grant application.(4J21) .................................... 104 September, 1996 CouncifProceedings approved.(313) ..........,.63 September, 1997 financial Reports; Proof of claims & revenues; Sept. 1997 Council Proceedings approved. ~~ (10120)(1113)(12115).........: ......................274,288,335 ~ Sertoma Candy Days Prodamation.(417) ..: ..................... 88 '~`__ ,~ Sesterhenn, Steve, applicant for Civic Center Comm.; re: opening Town Clock Piaza.(8/4)(8118) ..............,,,,,,,,,,.,,„ 210,222 Setback, re: Dbq. Industrial Center South.(515) , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 122 Seventeenth St. & White Sf. Traffic Signals Pro. (9/2)(10/6) .......:....... ............... 241.242,264.265 Seventh SL, East, Urban Renewal Plan.(7Y11) ...................200 Seventh St property of Morrison Bros.,request for Urban Renewal Dis.(417) ........................................... 99 Sewer 8 Water Utility improvementsYor Dbq.industrial Center South. (5/5)(612) ........................ ........... 134,156 Sewer accounts, Delinquent, Collection via assessments.(12/15) , , 341 Sewer back up Gaim appeal of denial for Merritt's.(7/21) ,.,,,,-„1gp Sewer Extension -Granger Creek Interceptor.{11/17)(12115) ... 317,347 Sewer, Sanitary, construction of Kelly Lane 8. Pego Court Phase 11(3/17)(4/7)(1211) .................. .. 84,85,93,323 Sewer, Sanitary, Final Assess. Schedule for Olympic Heights. (417)(515) :..................................._........ 90,116 Sewer, Sanitary, Fremont Ave. Eztension,(1016)(11/3) ., , , , - , , 267,294 Sewer, Sanitary Reconstruction for Dodge -Hwy 20.(5/19) ........136 Sewer, Sanitary, Reconstruction, for Alpine Street (515)(6/2)(1tl77) .: ....:......................~.. 134,135,157,303 Sewer, Sanitary, rernnstruction in alley between Rhomberg & Sewer, Storm, Reconstruction for Nineteenth -19th Si (612)(11/17) .......................................... 162,303 Shappell, Mrs. Theresa,. Claim; Referred to Public Entity Risk Services.(10Y10)(1173) , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,, " .. - .. , . - 274,288 Shelters, Bus, Environ. Notice.(4/2i) .......................... 107 Sheridan R Davis Sts„property at corner, to City from HOMZ Mgmi. (1271) ..............................."...................325 ~'~ `~,.i" 110 INDEX - 800K 427 9997 SUBJECT PAGE ShicklesShireman, Andrea, resignation from CD Comm.(12/15) ...344 Shims & Lihcolrt Ave. location of Weather Waming Siren, objections eta(9H5)(10/20) ........: .::......:....::..::251,280 Shireman, Andrea Shickies, resignation from CD Comm:(f2/15) ...344 Shot Tower Inn, Dbganc.,.380 Locust, Liq: Lic(5N9) ............ 138 Sibbings Jewelry, objecting to reopening Town Clock pfaza.(9115) .249 Sidewalksconstructed on Kelly Lene.(1/20) ............. .......:.: 26 Sidewalks studied re: Center Grove Rd. & Cedar Cross:(4(7) .. ...." 89 Sidewalk Inspection Prog., 1997, special assessments etc. (10/6).. ..... :, ,. .: ....:. :.....:.. ...:....:::: 259.,260 Sids Beverage, 8. Milleg2727 Dodge, Beer Per.(8/4) ... ....:..... 210 Siegert, Wm: & Janet, their property,"Offerto Buy."; voluntary annexation request for 158 acres; amendment to offer to buy:(V20)(213)(3YJ1) :..::..:............ 30,31,40,41,87 Sign Permit - P &H Im c.,].,_..s to construct at 1527 &.1533 Central (612) ..........::...:.............:.................:.... 159 Sign Permits, New Ord., schedule of fees, issuance etc.(3/4) .. 69,72,74 Signals, Traffic, White 8 Seventeenth St. Pro. (9/2)(10!6) .:... ...................::.......:.:. 241.242,264,265 Silver Dollar Cantina, MM 8 H, 342Main, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. _ ` (5/19)(7/21).: ...:....:.:......:::..:..................'138,198 Simon, Peter, application forEnvironmental Stewardship Comm.; appointed.(9115)(10/6) -...-......:._;,;,,,,,,,;,,, 248,261. Simpson & Coates St.; alley between at Cross St., Bill BJane Duggan requesting vacatingbf portionetc:(717) ......... .... . . 183 Siren, Weather Waming, te: Shires & Lincoln Ave. location , objections etc.; placement.(9/15)(10120) ................:. 251,280 Sister City, Han Dan, China, Year otthe Ox proclamation: Sister City Pyatigorsk, Russia, visitor welcome &gifts.{4121) .. 105 Sister Siate re: supporting exchange between Iowa & Hebei Province in N. China, Proclamation.(9(15) ::. : .:.........:............243 Sisters of St: Francis, appreciation for action re: deer problem; Claim; copy of letter re:~pilot deer harvesting project on their place; sixty deer on property. (5/19)(7!7)(7/21)(9/15)(1016) ................._, 136,176,190,244,266 Site Assessment re: monitoring wells on City ROW on lower Dodge St.(477) ....... .................. -...... ..:.. "... 91,92 Site 6 voluntary annexation, RR comments.(2/17) :.:. ...:.:.:..... 50 Site Dredging Project - Kerper Bivd. ladustrial.(7M1) . ...:........ 205 Site F industrial Park (Hwy 151 8 Lake Eleanor Rd.) -RISE Grant; Annexation amendment; urban Renewal Plan approved; name changed to Dbq. Industrial Center South; Sife Grading etc.; ,, rezoning eta;`Sewer&Water Utility Improvements; Taz ,_.: , ' IncremenYFinancing District etc. _ (2/3)(3/3)(477)(4Yt1)(5/5)(6M)(11i3) .. 36, 63,97,98,113,114,122,156,296 Site "F", property at Lake Eleanor Rd: &.Highway 151, designated as Urban Renewal & Economic Oevel. Area; Grant for Road Improvements; annexation etc; rezoningfrom AG to PUD; Extending Contract with Yaggy Colby Asso. to provide construction servicesforthe Dbq: Industrial Center Sotrtn Devel.(1120)(2/3){4M1)(6/2)(11/3) .... ., 29,36,42,110,160,296,297 ~, ~,..= " ~\ 111- INDEX -BOOK 127 ~'~~` 1997 SUBJECT PAGE S Site Plan applications, review, etc, new Ord.(3/4) ........ • .... 69,75 Site Plan Review for Zoning, re: amendmentto establish a timelimit ~(1l20),(213) .....................:. ...................:.28,39,40 Sixteenth & Main -Jackson Park, Bus SheNer.(4721) . -....:......107 Sixteenth St 305 W., rezoning from OS to OR requested by Benkef, Ihc(11/17) ............ . 318 Sixteenth St Auto/Truck Plaza, Mulgrew Oil Co., 1215 E. 15th St Cig. Per.; Beer Pec(5/19)(6Y2) ........:................. 137,152 Sixteenth St re: dedication of Lot 2 of tas ROW, approving Survey Plat of Div. of portion of Wendy's PI.(6/2) ....... .............. 159 Sixth Amendment to City Mgr.'s Employment Agree.(fil16) . -.....167 Skinner, Wm., Neighbors Tap Inc, 1899 Rockdale Rd., Cig. Per. {672).........-_ ...........:............................. 153 Slade, Peter,objecting to 990 N. Booth rezoning.(11/3) ........... 290 Small Business Week Proclamation.(6Y1) ....................... 150 Smith, Kristen, applicant & appointed to Library Bd:(7/21) ..:-....199 Smith, Linda, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (1/6)(1/20)(213)(575)(5119)(7p) .................5,25,38,121,138,180 Smitfi, Robert J., approving Survey Plat of portion of Hartig Addn. - NW Corner. of Main & Tenfh St.(12/15) .................... ... 336 Smith, Ron, applicant for Zoning Adv. Comm.; appointed. (612)(6H5)(12/1)(12/15) ............ ............... 154,168,330,345 Smother's Place, portion conveyed fo City from Clement Davis', Lane reconstrudioa(1Y20) .................................. 22 Snow Route, added Old MiII Rd.(10/20) , • ........: ..... ...... ..279 Social Work Monfh, Procl.(313) ................................ 63 Solid Waste, amending Ord. re: Fees, collection, disposal etc. (314)(612) ..........................................:.. 73,158 Solid Waste -Dbq. Met. Area Solid Waste Agency -revised Tipping tee Schedule for Landfill•(6/2) .............................. 159 Solid Waste Agency, Amendment of 28E Agree: re: Landfills. (12N5) .................................................. 344 Soo Line employees, re: Workers' Adjustment & Retraining Notification. (213) ............ ................................ 34 Soo Linea CP Line RR, sate to I & M Corp. (2717)(3/3)(3717)(5/5)(5/19) .......................49,64,82,117,137 South -Industrial Center; Site "F", property at Lake Eleanor Rd. & Highway 151, designated as Urban Renewal & Economic Devel. Area; Grant for Road lmprovemenfs; annexation etc; rezoning from AG to PUD; Exfending Confract with Yaggy Colby Asso. to provide construction services for the Dbq, Industrial Cenier South Devel.(1720}(213)(4/21)(6M){1113}.........-..29,36,42,110,160,296,297 Soutfi Main Si. & Jones Sf. Connector, accept. of ROW.(9/2) .... • • 234 South Park Hill Subd., approval of survey plat(8/18) .............220 Speakers moved -noise prohiem, re: LIVEstock event(5/19) ......141 Special Sessions of the City Council (2110)(3!4)(4/28)(8/1)(7p)(7/16)(7/21)(8118)(9129) ••••••••-••••-•••-•............ 48,72,115,149,175,187,188,218,254 Speed limits on Kelly Lane not be increased-(1120) ............... 2fi Speed limitr and traffic concerns in JfK Rd. 8 32nd St. area; limits lowered.(4Y11)(el18) .............................. 106,228 Speede Shoppe's, various locations, Cig. Per.(fi/2) ..............153 Speed limits on NW Art. establishmenf.(10/6) ..............:.... 266 Speede Shoppe, fOCO, 2335 University, Beer Per.(7@1) ..........198 Speede Shoppe, TOGO, Iowa OiI Co., 2150 Twin Valley.(12/1) , , • , , , 329 ~~. i ~,_~ lI2 ..INDEX-BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE ~\' 'Speeding vehicles on Kelly Lane, problem.(10/20) ............. 278 Spiegelhalter, Jerry 8 Deb., re: 2349 Elm St, rezoning from R-2A to d., CS Dis.;.o6jecting to requiretl fencing.(9l15)(10/6) ........ 251,261,262 Spielman, Craig 8 Helen, re: allowance o8sale of alcohol at Windsor Park, amendment of ID Dis.0/20)(2/17) .. .:..:.............. 29,52 SprouleConstructionawarded contract for Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction for Alley between Rhomberg 8 Garfield; - ':~awarded contract for the 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro(2/17)(5/19) 53,140 .Sproule Construction, claim of A. Reisch referred to them(9/15) .: 243 Spruce St. 8 W. Third., 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro; comments re: Water Main placement' addition of Cky-watermain etc. -amending Res. of Nec:(4121)(5119)(6N6)(NI3)(12/1) 112,113,138,170,298,330,348 'Spyrison; Doug, 1295 Grove Terrance, requesting Historic - ' .Ois. remain thesame, not delete Walndt St(7R) .......::.....: 183 St Elias the Prophet, 1075 Rockdale, Beer Per.(7R) ...: r::.::.... 180 St. Francis Sisters, appreciation for action re: deer problem; Claim; cc of letter re: pilot deer harvesting project there;60 deer on - property.(5H9)(7R)(7/21)(9115)(10/6) ...:...:... 136,176,190,244,266 St. John Dr., 2390, planter construction request by Mike Yager. :-:(6/16) .....................::::.:: a::........:....:...:. 171 St. Luke's llnited Methodist Church 8 Parsonage, to Nafi Historic -- :~<-Register; deferred from nomination etc(7/21)(9115):..... . '195,244 Stabenow, Paul, Claim; referred to PortzenCOn:(7M1)(9715) :. 190,243 Stafford 8 Ries St. Storm Sewer Ezf. Pro_(7R) ............ ..... 179 Stairs between W. 3rd 8 Fenelon Pl., vacation of alley etc., disposal is to J. Deere, A. Cunningham 8 Kirkegaards.(8!4)(8118) ...215,223,224 r^. Stanton, Terrance, applicant to Airport Comm.(912)(9/15) ..:.. 235,249 Starlight Dr. 8 Crescent Ridge Road, near intersection, amending ~.__ ~~ Ord: creating Planned Residential Dis. - (dr Hansef8 Heath. (iono)(iv3) .............L.................:......... 2s6,291 State Contract -Health Services Food inspection.(12/15) ....:...: 341 State Historic Pres. Office, - Whitewater Creek Bridge Agree.(6l15) 166 State Historical Soc., re: St..Luke's Methodist Church, deferred from ' nomination re: Historic Register etc(9/15) ...........:..'..... 244 State of Iowa, request for innovation Zorte designation.(1Y10) .. .. 28 State of Iowa Continuum of Care & Application for funds, IA Dept. of Economic Devel.(612) :.:.: :...... .:.....::..............: 152 State of Iowa and ezchange with Hebei Province in China, supported. (9f15) ........................................:....:....~. 243 State Street Subd. 2, approval, survey plat of Lots 1 8 2.01/17) .. 305 State Law -conformity of City Code -Alcoholic Beverages - Liquor, Beer, Wine etc(11/17) ::...: ::......:.......:..:.... 314 Statewide Enhancement Funding to IDOT re: Hodgdon Si. 8 °Catherine: W. Lbcusf St: Steps.(9f15J ,.:.7. ~: .;....... .:...244 Steege; Todd, Claim; Referred to Insurance.(N/3)(11/17) . .... 268,301 Stee18 Supply, Jacobsen, nearby property for sale by TOOT between 11th 8 12th St(11N7) ............::.:.:::.:............:.: 301 Steele, Michael, re: opening Towri Clock Plaza.(9/15) ............ 249 Stein; Richard, applicant for Long Range Planning Comm.; - 'reappointed.(6R)(6116) ......................::...:.:.. 154,168 Steines, Rick, re: Mississippi Riverwalk Pro_(7/21) ..'............ 201 Stemper, Charles J., Claim; Referred to Ins.(11/3)(11/17) .;.: . 288,301 Stephenson, George, Concession for Bunker HiII Golf C.; Beer Per.; 'Cig.Per.; Tobacco Sale toMinor Penalty.(2117)(6/16) :.:..:49,50,167 ~~ 113 INDEX -BOOK 127 /~' '1997 SUBJECT PAGE Steps between W. 3rd & Fenelon PI., vacation of alley etc., disposal to J. Deere, A. Cunningham & Kirkegaards.(8/4)(8/18) ..:215,223,224 Steps, restoration of Hodgdon St. & Catherine W. Locusf St, application for Statewide Enhancement funding to IDOT.(9/1s) , .244 Steps for 15th St., Reconstruction Pro. - (6/2)(717)(7Y11)(814)..0 ~ .............:......:.:: 162,183,212;213 Steward SL & Rockdale Rd., Southbound, delefion of Stop interseilion.(9Y1) .....:.................................:.240 Stewart Construction, Dbq. Ready-Miz, reason for not bidding City's contrail far wncrete etc.(11/3) .....:..........:.......289 Sticky Fins Beach Bar, 1005 Main, Cig. Per. My-Cap Vend.; Liq. Lic.(6/16)(7/21) .......................:........... 167,198 Stiles, Jeff, re: 990 N. Booth rezoning reporL(17/3) , , , , ; , , , , , , , , , ygp Sting operation by Police for businesses' alcohol violations„ objection by Atty Quann.(4!/)(4f21) ......................: 94,107 Stoffel, Susan, re: Juvenile Curtew Ord.(5/s) . .................. 127 Stonehill Care Center, 3485 Windsor, amend PR Dis., re: Assisi Village on Padre Pio Dr.(3I77)(4A) .......... ........84,96,97 Stonehill Comm. Subd., re: allowance of a{cohofic sale at Windsor Park for Spielman's, amendment of ID Dis:(1Yt)(2/77) ......... 29,52 Stop i,.;... ~~„;;ons deleted from Code etc.(9Y1) , ;, , , , , , , , ; , , , , , , , 240 Stop Lights at US 32 - NW Art. &Chavenelle Dr.(2/3) .............. 37 Stop Lights at intersection of Associates Dr.& Chavenelle Or. (4Y11) .......................:.:::_ -.109 Stop Signs at intersections of Patricia Ann 8 Geraldine Dr. 8 June Dr. and Valentine Or.(6/79) .......................... ....... 142 Sfop Signs added at Interseilionof N. Cascade 8 Fremont Ave. (6/i6)..:.........: .............................:.........171 Stop Sign on Red Violet Dr. at Radford Rd.(8/4) .................273 Stop Signs, Yield Signs, 8 Through Streets in/near KeByiane, Rockdale Rd. & Radford Rd. re: Ord. changing etc(9Y1) .... 239,240 Storck, Robert D., Claim; settlement.(6/2)(6/16) ...:......... 150,765 Storm Sewer & Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pfo_, W, 3rd SL (1!6)(213) ..............................................15,40 Storm Sewer Ext Projeil for Stafford & Ries.(7R) ............ 179 Storm Sewer Reconstruction for Nineteenth -19th St. (6/Zj(7A)(77N7) .....................:......... 161, 762,182,303 Stout Place Apartrnents -old Iowa Inn, Downtown Rehab Loan etc.; AffoNabfe Housing Tax Credit Prog.(11/77((12/7).:::... 313,320 Stout Place Urban Revitalization Area Plan.(12/1) ..:.....:......323 Stratton, David C., acceptance of plat of State Street Subd. ........:...........:. 305 Streef Construction Program-Five Year.(4/21) ..................109 Street Finance Report, FY 97.(9!2) ............................ 234 Street for Site F industrial Park, RISE Grant(213)(6Yt) ...:....: 36,160 Street name created for frontage road connecting Hill, Alpine, Nevada & Booths Sts. on N side of Dodge SL (U.S. 20) as YM1YW Dc(10Yt0)(11/3)(12/15) ..:..................:........ 277,296,349 Street Parking re: amend. ofrezoning for Assisi V., Padre Pio Or., at Stonehill Care.Center etc(417) ......................... 97 .Streets, Private, re: Text amendment to City Code, -Subdivision Regulations.(72/1) .........................:..............333 Streff, Chad A., Whiskey River, 1064 University, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (4!21)(9/2) _........ ................................... 108,235 Streinz, Jeff, rezoning of property at SW Corner of NW Art & Asbury Rd. from AG to C3; requesting allowance for C3 signs. Streng, Lloyd, denial of Claim.(11§) . ............................. 1 ~. 114 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~-°~\ 1997 SUBJECT PAGE Streyffeler, Rev. Laurice, Pastor of St.Luke's, Gave Invocation. Structural construction to begirby 911197 for Corey Devel. Real Estate Lease amendment.(717) ....:._ .........:.........., .179 Structures and Buildings; Ord. re: exterior maintenance.(5!5) ..... 130 Strumpf, Heather A., denial of l3iaim.(116) ........ .:.............. 1 Study, Trafficbirculation, opening Downtown Plaza etc.(9l15) :...249 Subdivide property on Pinard St. (& Brunswick)fior M.Launspach for new lots.(4M1) ...........................:.........:. 106,107 Subdivision development, zoning fees, new Ord. etc.(314) ......... 75 Subdivision Regulations-amendment of Ordinances.(12/t) ....:.333 Sublease Yacht Basin property to Jennings dba Wheel House. Subrecipient Procedures, HUD Review.0113) ................... 289 Subrogation Claim from Health Cfioices re: Pat Eolgec(10/6) .....256 Substance Abuse Services Center, Otrly. Reports; Purch. of Service Agree.(1f20)(4/21)(7O)(7t21){10/20) ..:.,..........j8,105,177,190,274 SuOivan, Gene 8 quade, Ernst, Radford Ctproperty, request for rezoning from C2 to CS.(10/20)(11/3) .................... 286,291 Sullivan, Gene, re: rezoning requested for property at end of Radford Ct. from C2 to CS dor Quade & Sullivan.(10/20)(11/3) :...... 286;291 Sullivaq Robert,re:Opening Town DlockPlaza.(9/15)............249 Summer Bash, End of, Proclamation.(9l15) :....... ...........:. 243 Sunnyslope Estates Phase 4, approving final plat, (Subd. of Lot W) - . Sun's Corp., Yen Ching Res., 926 Main, Liq. Lic:(11/3) ..:...._ ... 290 f-~, Superior Welding Supply Co., construct underground Electrical Feed wRhin public ROW at 465 E. 12th St, alley area.(1/6) ........ 13`-.=' Supervisors of County, certifying Abstract of Votes for Council S Mayor Election.(12/1) :.....:........:....:.:........::... 321 Supplement No. 32 to the City Code; Supp. No. 33 to the Code; No. 34 to the Code.(313)(7/21)(11!3) ...:........:..........64,195;289 Supplemental WARN Act Notice re: RR sale.(3/3)(3/17) ......... 64,82 Supreme Court, Brady BiII decision, investigation etc.(7A) ..:.... 176 Survey, Business, re: Library needs of citizens.(1016) .........:. 260 Survey of asbestos in City Buiidings.(515) ..................... 131 Survey Plat of Lot 1 of 2 and Lot 2 of 2 of FOL Firs{ Adda- West of KerperBNorth of E.l6th.(12N) ...:.........:......C....... 322 Survey Piat of Hahlen Pl, 2319 W. 32nd St., Hahlen's &.Hedrick's. Survey Plat of Wendy's PL, -ROW (or 16th St.(612) ...........:.. 159 Survey plat approval of South Park Hill Subd.(8/18) .... .:..: 220,221 Survey plat approval of portion of Miller Homestead, -South Park Hill Subd:{8718) .:.........:.::.:.::.c:..:.:.....:....:.:. 221 Survey plat forproperty located at NW Corner of Main St. 8 Tenth St, portion of Hartig Add.(12N5) :.:....: ........::........:.. 336 Survey plat, Lots 1 S 2 State St. Subd. approved, M. Duehc(11/17) 305 Suspensions re: businesses with alcohol violations.(4/21) ....... 107 Sutton 8 Flora Swimming Pool, Concessions with Dave Maters. Sutton Swimming Pool Lighting Pro. (417)(515)(9Y1) ........:....:..............:: 101,128,129,231.232 Swank, Garry, Claim.(5/19){6116)......., . .................:. 136,165 Swanson, Chad, for Dbq. 7ertninals,lnc..ret Dodds River Terminal's request to lease adjacent property.(6/2) ..:...:............... 150 Swift; Thomas II, applicant for Housing Comm. - (Bl4)(8(18){1113)(11!17) ..................: r...... 210',222,290,306 Swimming Pool Concessions, D. Maiers.(1/20) !'~~, ..:............... 19 '~._~=: 115 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~. 1997 SUBJECT PAGE S S :.,....:.:g Pool, Sutton, Lighting Pro. (4D)(5/5)(9M) ............................:.101,128,129,231,232 Swiss Valley Partns Co., audit report.(273) ....................... 34 Symphony Orchestra, (reworks display request(Sl5) ............117 /..:.., ~- - 116 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~. 1997 SUBJECT PAGE T TRANSIT BOARD SUBMITTINGMINUTES: .(2117)(4121)(6/2)(8/15)(10!6)(10120)(12/15) ...49,105,150,243,256,274;335 TV CABLE REGULATORYOOMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/20)(3/3)(4nj(6/2)(7n)(8/2)(10/6)) .....:.. 18,63,88,150,176,231;256 TV CABLE TELEPROGRAMMING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/20)(515)(SN9)(10/6)(10M0) ._ ................ 18,116,736,256,274. T 8 M Inc., Mario's Italian Rest., Liq. Lio.(11117) ...... ..... : . . . . . 306 Tags for Anter-less Deer hunting in City etc.(5/5).. .............. 131 Tamarack Business Park on Hwy 61HS1 S. - J. Luckstead, approval of final plat.(11l17) ........._ ............................. 304 Tapes of Floodwall Dedication given to Council by G. Kilgore.(9/2) 231 Target Stores, Grant for Comm. Oriented Policing Officers (OOwntown).(3Y3) ....... ........................... 64 Tax abatement for Downtown -Stout Place Apts..- old Iowa Inn. (11!17). .................................................. 313 Tax Credit Program Application, -Application for Affordable Housing -tor Renaissance Devel. for Rental Housing Devel. on Carter Devel.(12/1J ....... .............................. 321 Tax exempt status of City-owned Dbq. Greyhound Park -opposition to legislators re: House File 212.(3/3) ..................._ .... 65 Tax exemptions for various Urban Revit. Areas, late applications etc. Tax Freeze expiration, Support to legislators re: Counties etc. (3/3) .. 65 Tax Increment Financingpis. for Couler Valley Redevet. Area Urban ~~ Renewal Dis. termination.(3/77) ............................ : . 83 ~ '~, i Tax increment revenue re: Morrison Bros. Co: requesting 7tfi St ~~' designation:(4n) :.....................:................... 99 Tax Increment Ord. for Easi Seventh - 7th St. Economic Develop. Dis.(17/3) ............................................-...295 Tax Increment Ord, for Dubuque Industrial Center South. (1113) ..................................................296 Tax Increment Rev. Obligation re: Weber Paper Co. (11!3)(11/17) ........... ....... ... ................ 299.372 Tax Increment Ord, re: UrbanRenewal Plan for Dbq. Ind. Center Economic Develop. Dis. - Bergfeld Farm Expansion.(11l17) ..... 307 Tax Increment Ord. for Dutiuque Industrial Center Economic Development Dis. Urban Renewal Area.(N/17) ............... 307 Taxation for investor Owned Utilifies,t7pposifion to legislators re: ' Change.(313) ............: ............ .. 65 Tazes for Dbq. Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. be paid to a special fund.(11N7) .. ..370 Taylor, Scott, for Cartegraph Systems, appreciationfor help with corporate expansion.(6/16) .....................:.......... 165 TBTB, Inc., Cedar Cr. Amoco, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.{213)(6/2) .... 37,153 TCI Cablevision annual Report; TCI of Iowa, Utility Relocation Agree. - for Old Main Freeway Frontage Improve. Pro..(4121)(7n) ... 105,178 Teachers -Retired Educators Day, Proclamation.(10/6) ..........256 Team Tires Plus Ltd., re: approval of final plat of portion of Tires Plus First Subd.(8/19j ... ............................ 214,215 TeKippe, Diane, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed. (7/6)(5/5)(5ns)(7n) ............. .... ........ ... s,i21,13s,iso Telecommunication issues, retention of Miller & Van Eaton to assist with legal issues.(7n) ........... ...... ..:....... .. 179 Telephone litigation, re: support for IA League of Cities.(9115) ....247 Ten Pin Tap, Mike's, 601 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.(6/16) ............. 167 Tenth St. 8 Main, NW Gorner, survey plat approval for Harfig Addn.(12/15) ............................................336 !~\ 117 INDEX -BOOK 127 fem. 1997 SUBJECT PAGE t ~~ T Terninal, Oodds River, requesting to (ease adjacent land; Dbq. Terninais C. Swanson wanting part of discussion etc. (5/5)(612) ....:. .. 118:150 Termination of Tax in,,, ~.,.-,,; Financing Dis. for Couler Valley Redevelop. Area Urban Renewal Dis,(3117) ..:................. 83 Text amendment re: Zoning required fees.(2/17)(3/4) .......... 58,75 Text amendment to Zoning Ord., re: Private Streets & Piat Review-(1211) ..................... ....333 ................... TFM Co., Oky Doky n2, 51 W. 32nd St, Beer Per.; Alcohol violation; Cig. Per.(2/17)(515)(5/19)(6/2) ...... 50,135,139,153 TFM Co. Oky Doky #16, 1256 Iowa, Alcohol violation assess.; Cig. Per. (3117}(x)(6/2) .:...........:........................85,93,153 TFM Co., Oky Doky Yri, 250 W. 1st St, Alcohol violation; Beer Violation; transfer of Liq. Lic. (5/5)(5119)(5/2)(8118)(1016) .................... 135,139,is'~ ~~~'S0 TFM, disposal of Lot 2 of City Lot 604A to TFM- Thompsons; Public Hearing etc ;appreciation of City sale etc.(9l29)(1076)(1113) ..................................................254,264,289 Thanks expressed by S. Taylor of CarteGraph Systems re: corporate expansion.(6HS) ...........................:..... 165 Thanks expressed by M. Meissner re: control of laud music at festivals in HawthornePark.(7121) ....: ..:..........:........ 191 Thanksgiving and Christmas, time between as: Home & Family Month Proclamation.(11/17) .:............::..:............ . 301 The Dog House, R. Leytem Claim, denial.(4/21) : ................ 105 The Wheel House, inc., D. Jennings, sublease portion oT Dbq. Yacht Basin; Cig. Per., Liq. Lic..(515) ....................... 118,120,121 Theisen, James, Local 94, UAW, 3450 Central, Beer Pen(12/15) ....344 Thier, Sarah, appreciation for intern work in City Attorney's offices. (8118) ....:..............................................221 Thilmany, Thomas, Claim; referred fo Public Risk Entity. (iors}(1o/zo) ......................................... zss,z7a Thiltgen, Justiq Youth in Government City Mgc(4/7) ............. 88 Thinking Oay Proclamation for Girl Scouts.(2117) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4g Third St., 1575 W, 3rd, Lease of Building to IA Comm, Network fo house communications equipment(7721) .................... 202 Third St. W., 8 Feneion PI., vacation of alley & public stairway, disposal to Kirkegaards, J. Deere 8 A. Cunningham: (Sl4)(B/iS) ............................::...........:. 215,223 Third St, W. & Spruce SL, P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.., re: amendmenT.(12/1) ........................................ 330 Thirtyone Hundred Ciub, Hoffman House - Liq,Lic.(12f15) .......344 Thirty-second St. 8 J. F. Kennedy Rd., petition re: traffic 8 speed limifs.(4/2i) ........................................106 .Thompson, Jack, re: Opening downtown Town Clock Plaza; appreciation of sale of property a2 First & Locust Sts. (9N5)(11f3) ........... .. 249,289 Thompson, Tom, of TFM, requesting to purchase nearby property at First S, Locust Sts; appreciation for sale from City. (9YtJ(10/6)(1173) ....................................232,264,289 Three M Development Corp., M. McNamer, re: accept. Res. No. 223- 97 re: £naI plat of portion of Fremont Hghts.{5119) ......... 144,145 Threeplex planned at 659 W. 8th St., rezoning for T. Kress.(11l17) .306 Through Streets designated, -Kelly Lane, OId Milt Rd., Rockdale Rd. & Radford Rd.(9M) ........................................239 T(F monies used, objeQion by 8. Isenhart.(4f7) .................. 99 Tiffany Court & erueck Rd., final plat of portion of Tiffany Rdge Subd.(2117) ............................................... 54 >~ ~ 118 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~, 1997 SUBJECT. PAGE T Tiffany Ridge Subd., final plat ofportion efa(2/17) ......:..:..... 54 Tigges, Jennifer, applicant for Cable Teleprogramming Comm; appointed.(912)(9/15) ..............::.................. 235,249 Time between Thanksgiving 8 Christmas as "Home & Family Month" Proclamation.(11117) .................................:.... 301 Time Limit for SitePlan approval, zoning etc:(1/20) .........:..... 28 Tipping Fee revised for landfill by Dtiq. Met Area Solid Waste, Agency.(6!2) ...............::...::.• ..159 Tires Plus Lid., approval of final plat of portion.(8119j :.:..... 214,215 Toast of the Tap-Dubuque's Water Award.(3/3) :.....:.....::... 63 Tobacco ordinances; Am. Cancer Assn., Am. Heart Assn., & Am. Lung Assn. re: reversal of State preemption of local ord: eta (2117) :..................................:.. .............. 53 Tobacco Outlet Plus, #504 Kwik Trip, 606 Wacker Or., Cig. Per,; Beer Per.(612)(6/16)....:..: ..............:...........:.:,.152,154,167 Tobacco Sales to minors, violation, assessments of businesses. -(7121). :.........................:....:................... 207 Tokheim, Rod, for Chamber, re; MississippiRiverwalk.(7/21) ..... 201 Toledo St. & Drexel Ave., E. Madison requesting to purchase nearby property; approval of plat.(9115)(1016) .:...:.......:...244,27Q,271 Tollbridge Inn, EaglePoint Associates, 2800 Rhomtierg, Liq. - Lia(92)..:.:.....,............_...::...:...........:..::. 235 Tollbridge re: P. Rasch, refund on Unexpired Liq. Lia(B/4) .. :, 208 Tony's Place, A. Kamp, 1701 Central, Cig. Per.(7f7) ....:.....:...: 180 Tool Library, re: CDBG Funds; Purchase of Services Agree. -.(5/5)(717) .............:.•,....:......:.........,.: !19,120;177 /-~. Total Plumbing 8 Heating Co, of Dbq. -Boiler Replacement - Keyline Transit Facility.(8f4). - ..........::...::.................... 212 ~,~. ; . Tott's Tap, L. Tott & C. Meyers, 3457 Jackson, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.. (7p)(7Mi) .........:..:, ::.._ ................. ..:.... 180,198 Towing contract with Police wRfi Wenzel Towing Ina(11/3) ....... 289 Town Clock lnn, 799 Town Clock Plaza., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Pec (2117)(6/16): ......:..........:................:..:...:. 61,166 Town Clock Plaza, -possible. opening of street, Public Input process.(e/18)(9/15) .............::.:.:::.:.. ........: 218,249 Traffic and speed limits at JFK Rd. & 32nd Sf. area, petFtion;. change of speed limits to 30 mph.(4/21)(8116) .:..........: 106,228 Traffic changeson Kelly Lane, Rockdale Rd., Radford Rd.,MillerRd. 8 Manson Rd.; No Passing Zone on Kelly Lane.(92)(11/3) .. 240,269 Traffic controls at Cedar Cross Rd. 8 Fremont Ave. changetl, now Stop Sign at N. Cascade Rd: & Fremont Ave_(6N6)...-..:.. 171 Traffic counts, portable devices, GraMapp. to Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau.(7l7) ......................:...:.......... c: .179 Traffic -Dodge St. (Hwy 20), acceleration lane'on Dodge.(213) ...... 45 Traffic-Downtown, Circulation Study,(3131)(9115)............ 87,249 Traffic Safety Bureau, Governor's, Award to Mayor; Grant . award request.(1/20)(3/3) -.:::..-...:.........:......:..::.. 18,64 , Traffic safety, re: Site Fannexation, comments etc.(2/3) ......:..: 42 Traffic Signals at 26th St. & Jackson St.(4/7)(5!5)(1016) .... 102,129,257 Traffic Signals a117th & White Sts.(9@)(1016)............ 241,242,264 Traffic signals at intersection of NW Art. (U.S. 32) 8 Chavenelle Dc(213) .:.....: .....:.:........:'..:....:................. 37 Traffic speeds discussion re: Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro. {1!20)(10/20) .................:..................:.: ..... 26.278 Traffic -stop sign on.Red.Violet Dr. at Radford Rd.(8/4) .'.......:. 213 ~ \ 119 INDEX -BOOK 927 '~ ~` 1997 SUBJECT PAGE T Trail - Herttage,. for North End Neighbofiood, selection of consultant 8 design team; Grant Application for trail extension; re: iSTEA Grant for Northern Levee Path; approval of Recreational Trails Grant Application for River's Edge Plaza. - - (4n)(6/16)(9N5)(12/15) ......:.:.................. 99,166,244,336 - Trail, ISTEA Grant app{ication re: Hodgdon St. 8 Catherine - W, - Lowsf St. Steps(9/15) .....:............ . ... .............. 244 Trails Grant Application, Recreational for North End Neighborhood Linear Park.(12115) ........................................ 337 Trails, Recreational Funding to IDOT for Expansion of the Northern Levee Path.(12/15) .........:.....:........................337 Training 8 Meeting Budget, Mgr. requesting direction for fundinglor _ Professional Conferences.(1Yt0) ........ .. ::................. 28 Training -Disability Awareness for City employees; Disability Training Grant Application.(2117)(10/6} .................... 49,259 Trans-Miss Inc., Oky Doky fr21, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per.(6/2) ........ 153 Transient Boat Docks 81ceHarbor Walkway, re: Miss. Riverwalk. (10120)(11!3) ......................................... 286,295 Transit Bd. applicant H. Bemis; appointment(8/18)(972) ...... 222,236 Transit Board resignation of Wm. Nolan; applicant H.Bemis; appointment; applicant Pamela Renfro; appointed P. Renfro. - (4n)(8/18)(912)(N717)(12/1) .................... 89,222,236,306,330 Transit -Bus Shelters, Release of CDBG Funds 8 Environ. Notice. (4121) ...................................................107 Transit Dept, Boiler Replacement Pro.,(8/4) .................... 212 Transit DepT. -purchase of 1986 remanufacfured buses.(dn) ......101 f"~. Transportation Plan, "Iowa in Mation" Draff.(4/21) ...............108 !_ Treasure Chest Gift Shop, Greater Dbq. Riverboaf, Cig. Pec(6/16) .167 `--' Treasury Direct re: city officials approved for electronic transfers of funds.(12/15) ...................................... 338,339 Trees, 3 i0' Shade, p, ~~~...~d to Mayor, A. Baumann from McKay Nursery.(3117) ............................................77 Trees -removal of those planted along property line on Mayfair Ct., appeal by Kristin Hartig; K. Hartig appreciation.(8/4)(8/18). , . 213,219 Tressa Sts., between that 8 Mf. Loretta, K. Kringie requesting vacation of Dinsney St by K. Kringle.(12/15) ..................336 TriSfate Golf Center, 1095 Cedar Cross, Cig. Per.; Seer Per. (7n)(8f4) ............................ .. 180.210 TriSfate Health Care Coalition, release of budgeted monies.(1/6) .... 5 TriSfate Occupational Health hired for City Employee Wellness Program(116) ..............................................5 Triad Cooperative Agreement with Dbq. County -Police, Fire Emergency etc.(10/20) ....................................285 Trick or Treat Nigh Proclamation.(10/6) ....................... 256 Troupe, Allen, Abstract of Votes for Council Electioa(12/1) .......321 Truck 8 Aufo Plaza, Mulgrew Oil, 1215 E. 16th, Beer Per.(5/19) ....137 Truck Weight limitations for milk transportation.(2/3) .............44 Tschiggfrie, Ed, rezoning of 13320-13350 Highway 20 West from AG to c3.(6ns)(7n} ...........:.......................... 172,161 Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract of Kelly Lane Reconst. Pro.; Awarded Contract for 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro.; awarded contract for the Dbq. Regional Airport Entrance Road Reconstruction.(2117)(5/19)(8/18) ...................... 55,139,226 Tschiggfrie Excavating, construction of a 48" awning at 9th 8 - Washington; awarded contract for Kelly Lane 8 Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext-Phase ll.(2/3)(4n) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43,93 Turnmeyer, Sr. Inez, Dir. of St. Mark Comm. Center, Gave Invocation. (7121) ......................:............................190 /r ~ 120 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE T TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm. applicants A. AIIen, R. Nasty; J. Tigges, K. Wanamaker; appointments of all.(9P2)(9/15) ..... 235,249 Twelfth & Pine St„ NE Corner, rezoning from HI to Mlil (IDOT) (11/17)(12/1) ............._.........._:. _._..... ....-..: 318,331 Twentieth Anniversary of Legal Services of Iowa Day, Prod. - (10120) ...:.....:..................:. ::....:..:. ..274 Twenty Eight E (28E) Agree, with Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency re: fund for closure & postclosure costs for Landfilis.(12N5) :.:. 344 Twenty Eight E (28E) Agreement with School Dis., Bevel. of Valentine . Park,(10l1i) ..:.... .............:... .. 267 ..... ................. Twenty Eighth St., 475 E., rezoning request from R2 8 CS to LI, requested by F. Jackson Tuckpointing,(11N7)(12/15) ::.... 318,347. Twenty First St. between White St. & Central Ave„ Cooperative - Agree. with IDOT e: Joint 8 Crack Sealing on U.S.52 etc.(12/15) :338 Twenty Seventh 8 Pinard St, re: rezoning of comer lots etc, 475 E. 28th St. eto.(12/15) ........................:...:.....:... .. 347 Twenty-Fourth 8, Jackson at Comiskey Park; Bus Shelter.(4M1) :, . 107 TwenlySixth St. and Jackson St. Traffic Signals .. (4n)(s/s)(lofs) ...:........................_.._.-.. 1o2;12s,2s7 Twilight Or„ final plat of Sunnyslope Estates fh. 4.(1!6) ........... 7;2: Tyra Lane, East. of, & West of N. Cascade Rd., rezoning: - . (5M9)(612) ...:.::...............................:...:. 144.154. /°""~. INDEX -BOOK 927 ~ ~ 1997 SUBJECT PAGE U U.S. 20 -Dodge St. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Pro.. - Bluff to Grandview.(5/19) ........:............................ 136,137 U.S. 20 -Dodge St.; re: IDOT condemnation of Hardees etc(12/15) .335 U.S. Highway 611151, West of Kerper Blvd., S of Fengler St & E. of the 18 M RR rezoning from.Hl to MHI.(721) .................. 204 U. S. Highway 52, Agreement with IDOT re: Joint BCrack Sealing. . (12/15) ............................: ....338 U.S. Court of Appeals for Eighth Circuit, re: acquisition by I & M - Railink of Soo Line RR Co.(5/19) ............................137 U.S. Dept of Agriculture re: input for Iowa's future.(120) .......... 18 U.S. Postal Service,.lease far parking spaces in IA Street Parking - Ramp.(1/6) ................................................3 U.S. West Communication, Interstate, TCI, Utility Relocation - Agr«.,,...,;., for Old Main Freeway Frontage improve. Pro.(7R) ; :178 UD, amend Conceptual Devel. Plan for 2000 University Ave. (2/17)(3!3) ................ ....... .............. .. 58,67.69 UI{rich, Sr. Dolores, rezoning of Stonehill Care CenteYarea for Padre Pio Village etc.(4Rj ...................................... 96,97 U{stad, Steve, Architects, selected for Construction Mgmt for 0{d Main FreewayFrontage Improvement Pro.; selected for Hwy 20 Landscape Design.(120)(1U17) .......... ...... ..... 19,304 Underage persons, curfew requested.(3/17)(4!7){421) ... 83,92,105,106 Underage persons attempting to buy alcohol, new Ord.(11l17) 31417 Underground Electrical Feed inj public ROW of alley near 465 E. 12th.(116) ................................................ 13 Unemployment down to 2.6, report by R. Dickinson.(1/6) .......... 14 Unification, Family, Sec. 8 Program.(62) ................ .......151 Union -General Drivers & Helpers Contrail, Amend.(5119) ........137 ~-~ Union Cigar Store, While Tiger Inc 336 Main, Cig. Pec(62) .......153 Union -Operating Engrs. ContracG(62) ........................151 4,_,: Union St, vacating that part now known as Kirkwood St. (8/4J(8/18) ...........................................216,224 United Clinical Lab, Inc. Memorandum of Understanding with City. (12/15) ....................................... ..338 United Transportation Union re: opposition to sale between C.P. Railway & new 18 M RailLink.(3/17) ....................... 82,83 United Way, City Manager to chair; Proclamation. (2!3)(814) .....:............................. _......... 36,208 University Ave., 1105, rezoning from C2 to C3.(1/6) ..........:..... 6 University of Dubuque, amend Conceptual Devel. Plan for 2000 University Ave.; time extension for PUD for property along Highway 20 & Devon Dr.(2717)(313)(SI18) ........ 58,67E9,220 Upper Main Urban Revit. Areas, applications for fax exemptions. (2717) ................................................ 56,57 Upper Main Urban Revitalization Areas, allowance of late applications for tax exemptions.(1/6)(2117) ............... 8-10,57 Upper Mississippi River System, Environmental Management Prog.(417) ................................................ 92 Urban Economic Revitalization Areas, allowance of late applications for tax exemptions.(1/6)(2/17) .......................... 8-10,57 Urban Renewal Dis. -Rescinding Couler Valley Redevelop. Area. (3117) ................................................... 84 Urban Renewal Dis., request for their Seventh St. property by Morrison Bros.(4!!) .......................................99 Urban Renewal District -Downtown Area; amended & restated etc. (10/6)(10/20)(11117) ............................ 269,270,276,310 Urban Renewal Plans for new Industrial Parks, Long Range Planning Comm.(3/3) .............................................. 64 Urban Renewal P{an for Dbq. Ind. Center Economic Development Dis. -Amended and Restated(4q) ........................... 98 Urban Renewal Plan for Site F or Dbq. Industrial Center South, Hwy 151 8 Lake Eleanor Rd.(4/7) ............................ 97 ~1 122 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~ss7 SU$JECT PAGE U Urban Renewal Plan for East 7th St. Economic Development Dis. (7121).. :.......: ..:.:: . ..::..... .:....... .199,200 Urban Renewal PWn for Dbq. Ind. Center Economic Develop. Dis..- Bergfeld Farm Expansion.{1016) _ ..........:................ 268 - llrtian Renewei Tax Increment Rev. Obligations - We6erPaper Co. (NYJ)(11M7) ................. ....:.......299,312 Urban Revit. Areas, applications for tax exempfions:(2/17) ... 56,57 Urban RevitalizationArea Plan -Stout Place.(12/1) ; . .......:..:. 323 Usage and concessions agreements of Northwoods League, termination, for McAleece Park etc.(1/20) :...::...........::.. 20 Utilities, Investor Owned, opposition to change in taxation.. (313) ..................................................... 65 Utilities Installation for Dbq. Industrial Center South.(5!5) ........ 134 Utilities, recommendations re: WestSide Ind. Park Develop.{8118) .228 Utility Improvements, Water & Sewer, for Dbq. Industrial Center -. South, Phase 1.{6/2) ................:........ .....:.....:..z:. 156 Utility Relocation Agreementsfior Old Main Freeway Front Improve. Pro..(7A) .................:..:..:....:........:........:... 178 Utility Services requested for annexed areas by J. Nelson:(6/2). ;. 150 Utility Worker, certification by CiviF Service Comm.(4/21).... .. 106 ~~ ~ -; ~~ 123 INDEX -BOOK 127 ~~~ 1997 SUBJECT PAGE V Vacated unnamed Street 8 alley in 600 Slock of Kaufmann Ave. to MacDonald's, Grubers & Butlett's.(6/2) ...:................ 163 Vacating aley at Cross St, between Coates & Simpson as requested by Bill 8 Jane Duggan.(7O) .:: .:........ ..... 183,184 - Vacating alley & stairway between W. 3rd & Fenelon PL (8/4)(8718) ............................:.:.:::.:..:... 215;223 Vacating & sale of portion of -: _..,_..; Heights Addn., - between Bonnie Ct. 8. Dorothy Kay Dr. & N. Cascade Rd., sale to McNamer's,(17/17)(12/7)(12/15) .....................; 374:333,345 Vacating Drexel Ave, between Vinton St. & Toledo St & Part of Toledo St. between Lot 4 of Blasen PI.B E. ROW of Drexel Ave. 8 _ Ailey between Drexel Ave. & Chicago Ave. from Walker St to Lot 4 of Blasen Pl:(70/6) .................... .................... 271 Vacating portion of Kirkwood St., formerly Union Ave., and a portion of Vacated Bellevue St.(8/4) ............... e..... ..... 276 Vacation of Dimsney St, between Mt Loretta & Tressa Sis, at interseilion of River Ridge, requested by K. Kringle.(12/15) ..._ 336 ' Vacation of nearby property in Fremont Heights for M. McNamer. (515) ...:..............:... ...... .......116 Vacation of portion of Pine St. between 172h & 18th, sale to R. Walser. (716){1Y10) .. - :..11;27 Vacation of public ROW near 1652 Carter Rd. requested by Kenneth & Blanche Johnson.(9/15) .::........'..:....:..:....... ...244 Valentine & June Dr. intersection, stop signs.(5119) . ,,:...... 742,743 Valentine. Park, 28E Agreement with School Dis. for development etc: ~'. .................. . .(1016) .. ... 267 Valentine Partnership, Claim; administrativelydosed.(4f7)(972) ; 88,231 Valentine, Richard & Mary Lou, property to City for Kelly Lane - ROW.(V20) ..............:................................ 24 ~ Van Buren -Carlton Ave., D. Erschen requesting to purchase Lot 100 in Lenox Addn.(5/5)(6/2) ............... ........ 116,155 --~ Van Milligen, City Manager Michael, submitted & explained FY 98 Budget; approval to be on Grand Opera House Bd.; approval to - chairthe UnFted Way; Closed Session job evaluation: (7Y10)(213)(6/2) ........... .. 33,35,36,749 Van Ziie, Jeff, re: Kelly Lane Reconstruction Pro..(1/20) ...... Vance, Nathan, re: Juvenile Curtew Ord.(515 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 25 VanderbilT, Robert C., accept. Ord. 837 Authorizing Superior 121 Welding Supply Co. to construil Underground Elea Feed at 465 E. 72th.(7/6) ........................................ Vandenneuien, John, Settlement Agree. of ciaim.(8/4) ... ...208 VanderMillen, Michael, Claim; Settlement(8/78)(912) ........, 219,231 Vase presented to City from Sister Cky Pyatigorsk, Russia guests.{4721) ....... .705 Vending Machine Inspections re: State Contrail - Healtfi Services Food Inspeilion Contrad(12/15) ............................ 341 Vendors Unlimited, Cig. Permits, Various outlets.(7(7) ...........180 Vendors UNimRed - Limerock Springs, inc. Claim referral to Crawford Ins.(4121) ....................................... 105 Venture Store, Inc., 255 JFK, Cig. Per.(6M) ..................... 153 Veteran's Memorial Park, portion to lease to Dbq. Youth Hockey Assn.; develop 18 hole Disc Golf Course.(116)(7/20)(9/2) ...74,36,239 Video tape re: Dubuque Comprehensive Plan presentation. (9/2) ....................................................240 Violations, alcohol, assessment of penalty for various businesses. (i/6)(3/17)(4/77)(4/21)(5!5)(5/19) .............5,86,93,94,107,135,139 Violations -zoning, new fee schedule.(374} ,,,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 75 Violence, Domestic, Police Dept, Grant to County Atty's Office. ..(8N8) ...... .... ................. ....... ...221 VIP Lounge, Bob's Country Bunker, Hawthorne Sf. Penin.; Cig. Per:(6/2) ... ..............................................754 fti 124 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE V Visitors & Convention Bureau, 3 mos. report 8 6 Mos. program budget; Quarterly report.(1/20)(9076)...:._ ......... .:....... 18,256 VNA as Pro: Dir. for FY 98 Comm:Services Grant App: for various health services; Cpl monies.(4f21)(5/5) . .:-..:....: 104,132 Voelkens Excavating of Dyersville, awarded contract for City _. -Govern. Inter-Facility fiber Optic Comm. Network - Phase I -Buried Ducts with Innerducts Pro_(6/16)(8N8) :.........:..... 169,221,222 Voetberg, Council Member, appointetl to serve on GDDC; Voting delegate for National League of Cities.(5/5)(10/6)........... 121,267 Vogl, Father Robert, Prof. at Loras, Gave Invocation.(2/17) .... , ; 49 Vogt, Caren, objecting [o rezoning of 3285 Asbury Rd.(12/15) ..... 346 Vogt, Don, claim settlement.(1l6) .:....: ........... . ............. 1 Volkens Utility Contractor - re: City Government Inter:Facility fiber ' Optic Communications Network Pro:.(12/1)...:.. :,,,,;,, 329 Voluntary Annexation for 121.9 acres near Lake Eleanor Rd. & Highway 6l/151-Ske F:(1/20) .,:,,,,,, .. 29 Voluntary Annexation from Dubuque County for 220 acres of property west of Town.(1Y10) ... ........ .....:........:....... 31 Voluntary Annexation from Wm. & Janet Siegert for 158 acres of property West of town.(1/20) ... .:............:.....:..:..... 31 Voluntary annexation re: Chicago Central 8. Pacific RR Co..property as part of Ske 8.(2117) . ..:...........:::.... .. ' ...... 50 Voluntary annexation request from Patrick & Patricia Kennedy. (313).........................• ... 70 Voluntary annexation of portion of 1101 Cedar Cross Rd., requested by J. & C. Heiderscheit.(10/6) ....... ........................256 Voluntary annexation of 1.65 acres of J.& C. Heiderscheit's along N. Cascade Rd(1271) ......................:.............. 324 Vos, Irene A., Claim.(6/2) .....................:. .... 150 Voss-Altman, Howard, Student Rabbi, Gave Invocation.(10/6) :....256 Votes -Abstract,-for Mayor 8 Council Members' Election.(12/1) ... 321 Voting delegate for National League ofCities to be Council Member Voetberg, with Alt: C.M. Nichoison.(10lfi) .........:... , 267 ~- ~~, ~1 ~__r 125 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE w W. Ntfi Street Urban Revkalization Area, approval for late tax ~..~..r,ions.(1/6)(2/17) ......... ............. 8,56 W. 11th St. Urban Revit, request to remove Walnut St properties from them.(2/17)(515)(717) .............. ... 61,62,121,183 W. 32nd St., 2319, survey plat approved, for Hahlen's 8 Hedricks. (7/21) ............................ ...... 190,191 W. Eighth St., 659, disposal of property to Toby Kress. (11/3){11117) ..................... ...300,306,307 W. Sixteentfi St., 305, rezoning from OS to Oft, requested by P. Kunkel dba Benkel, Inc.(11/17)(12/1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;318,330 W. Third St, reconstruction of Sanitary & Stone Sewer project. (176)(213) ............................. .. 15.40 W. Third St, from Bluff to Hill, 1997 A.C. Concrete Paving Pro.; amendment to Paving Pro. re: Spruce SY. water mains added etc. (4n1)(5/19)(1173)(1211) .................. 112,1]3,138.139,298,330 W. Third Sf., 1575, Lease of C@yownedfiberoptic hub building to IA Comm. Network.(7f7)(7n1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,185,201,202 W. Third St, &Peneion Place, vacation of alley & public stairway etc. (8/4)(8718) ...........:......... ...... 215,223 Wachtel, James, applicant for Airport Comm.(9n)(9N5) . , , , , , 235,2gg Wachtel, James, Claim; Referred to Ins.(11/3)(11/17) , , , , , , , , , 2gg 301 Waddell, George E., IA Potato & Produce, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(1n0)(6/2) ........... .................. 24,153 Wage Pian for Nonbargaining unit employees and Operating Engrs. (6n) ........................................ ....151 Wagner, Katie, employee of Rain6o Oil, dba Kwik Stop at 2360 Central, alcohol sale violation,(7n1) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 197 Wainwright, Thomas, applicant for CD Comm.; reappointed: , Wa M)art #2004, 4200 Dod e, Ci...Per. 6n - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ • • ~ "" • : 38,51- 9 9 ( ).........~......... 153 Waigreens ,Y377, 555 JPK Rd., Cig. Per.(6n) ..................:. 153 Walker, Jeffrey & Jane, re: Kelly Lane property to City (or ROW; comments re: Kelly Lane 8 Pego Ct San. Sewer Project. (1n0)(4R) ............ .. 22,93 Walkway -Ice Harbor & Transient Hoai Docks.(10n0)(11/3) .. , 286,295 Wallace, Coieen , re: Town Clock Plaza Reopening,(9/15) ..... , . , , 249 Wallace, Janaan, Claim; referred to Crawford Ins.(3/17)(4n1) ....77,105 Walnut Street properties, request for removal from W. 11th St: Historic Dis.; Walnut St. Neighbors - copy of Agreement with Dbq. Dispute Resolution Center.(2l17)(515)(7/7)(8/4) . , 61,121,183,208 Walnut Tap, C. Weiner, 709 Univers@y Ave., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6n)(7!Z)........... .. 153,180 . Walser Movers inc., R. Walser, re: vacation of portion of Pine St between 17th & 18th Sts.(1l6)(V20) ....................... 11,27 Walters, Jeff, of Sister City Committee - re• Pyatigorsk, Russia visitors and gill exchange.(dn1) ........................... .105 Waiters, Melinda J., Claim; referral to Crawford ins.(3/17)(4n1) ,77,105 Wanamaker, Kama, applicant for Cable Teieprogramming Comm.; appointed.(9n)(9N5) ........... , :235,249 Wand, Chris of IIW re: Lease Agree. of Youth Hockey for portion of Vet's Memorial Park.(1n0) ............ Y6 ...... Ward, John, re: final plat of Tires Plus.(8/4) , , , , , , , • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Wardle, Kelli, Claim; Denial. 717 4n1 ~ ~""' • ~ • • ~' 215 Wareco Service, lnc, 700 Rhombefg, Cig. Per.(6n) , , ~ ~ 77,,53 WARN Act Notice, Supplemental re: Canadian Pacific RR.(3YJ) .. . . 64 Warning Siren at Lincoln & Shiras, petition objecting etc. by R Lenaerts; same placement etc.(9/15)(10/20) , , , _ , 251 280 Warranty Deed for 1101 Cedar Cross Rd. from HeiderscheR's. (3717) ........... ~ ................78 Warranty Deed for ROW on Kelly Lane - D. Schiltz property. (612) ...................................................152 126 INDEX-BOOK 127 '1997 SUBJECT PAGE W Washington Street Urban Revitalization Area,.approval for late - ' tax exempttons(1/6)(2117) .:........~. .:......::......... :. 8,56 - Washington & 9th St, 299 E: 9th, awning construction for Tschiggfrie.(2l3) ..-...r:........ ~.> .. .....:...............177 Washington Tooi Library, Ina, Claim. R ........ Waste Agency -Solid, amending Ord, re: Fees, co8ection, disposal eta(3/4)(6/2) .....:...::..... : .. 73,158 .Waste, Solid, re: New Ord. for cofiection; fees & recyclable. materials; revised tipping fee fiorlandfiii etc.(3/4)(6/2).....:... 73,159 Waste - Solid,.Agency -Dbq. Met: Area Solid Waste Agency -revised Tipping fee Schedule for Landfill.(62) .........._ ............ 159 Waste -Solid; Agency, Amendment of 28E Agree. re: Landfills. ........344 Wastewater Plantre: Review Team's recommendations, impiementation.(7/21) .:........... ..... 202 ........ P ...(....' ...... 258 Wastewater Plant re: Phase I Improvements acce ted. 10/6 Water Compliance Inspection Update, DNR.(3l17) ......, ......... 78 Water Dept. presentation for Annual Action Plan for COBG Funds Water Depf. Equipment Mechaniq certified by Civil Service COmm.(7f/.). ....:...........:..:...:..............:....... 176 Water Line service, Engrg: Servicescontract for County Farts Industrial Park.(N!3) ......:.:............:. ... ...,..297x.: Water Main Extension:Pro..& SanAary Sewer, Olympic Heights. (40)(5/5) .......:.........:....,... ...:. 89,90,'116 ........:... Water Main Extension Project, Roosevelt Rd.(9/15) .. . ............ 246 Water main placement in Spmce St as part of 1997 Concretepaving Pro., requested by W, Brown; added to -amendment of Res.(6/16)(11/3) ..:...: ...... :.... ................ ..:. 170,298 Water of Dubuque: Toast of the Tap Procl.; Gift of our Dubuque Water rated #1 to Pyatigorsk viskors.(313)(4/21) .... ......:. 63,105 Water Ordinance, re: 8ackfiow Prevention -Cron-Connection Cdntrol:(10I20) . ....:.. ..::....... ... 281. Water Plant, Eagle Pt, North Wall Brick Replacement Pro:. (9/15) ...........:......_......:..:.:....... ....246 Water PoiWtion Control Plant OperationReview Team's.. recommendatidrt, implementation.(721) ..................:.. 202 WaterPofiutidn Control Plant Phase i improvements, accepted. (10l6).......:..'...7.,i ::.:........:....:: .............. 258. Water Service laterals etc. replacediq Spruce St. -amendment to 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro..(11/3) „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,298 Water Utility Improvements for Dbq. Industrial Center Soufh. (5f5)(6/2) .:...........:..:.......... . ..::134,135,156 WCB Hotel, Hoffman House/ 3100 club, 3100 Dodge; Liq: Lic. - (12115)............ ...._344 Weather Warning Siredat Lincoln & Shiras, petition objecting etc, by R. Lenaerts; same placement eta(9/15)(10/20) ..... 251,280. Weaver Enterprises, Papa Sarducci's, 1895 JFK., Liq. Lic:(5/5N9) .. 138 Weber, Michael, re: Juvenile Curfew Ord.(515) .....:............ 121 Weber Paper t:O., Assessment Agree.(11/17)..,:,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,, 312. Weber Paper Go., Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Obligations. (1113)...... ..t. ~. .....299 Weeks, Robert, objectingtosidewafk requirements for Cedar Cross 8 Fremont Intersection Reconstruction Pro..(3/77) ...... , . 79 Weidenhacher, Bette, re: objection to rezoning of 3285 Asbury from OR to C2:(12/15) .........................................346 Weight limitations for Milk trucks, max_(2/3) ................ ..... 44 r-°• 127 INDEX -BOOK 927 ~ 9997 SUBJECT ~l _ PAGE W Weiner, C_, Walnut Tap, 709 University Ave., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/2)(7!7) ...................... ........ 153,180 Welber, Gerald R., Claim; referred to Crawford Ins.. - (5/19)(6/2) ........................:.............. .. 136,150 Welding Supply Co., Superior, construct underground electrical - feed at 465 E.12th.(7/6) ......... ............................ 13 Wellness Program, City Employee, TriState Occupational Health. (116) :....:.......... .5 Wefts, monitoring, on City ROW, Dodge & Bluff St. - Midamerican Energy.(4/7) ..............................................91 - Welu, Eric, Claim; Referred to Ins.(1L17)(72/7) ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , 301,320 Wendy's Place, approval of Survey plat.(6/2) ................... 159 Wentworth, Bruce & R. Hertig, presentation of check from DRA. - ... .......... ...25 Wenzel Towing Inc., Police Towing Contrad(71/3) , ...... . _ Wetfzberger Acres, in Dbq. County, final lat a 289 Wertzberger, Dick, requesting Floodwall be named in hon3/r of ~ 275 Congress. CUfver.(6/2) ......:.............................158 - Werfzberger, Wafter 8 Carolyn, plat approval of Wertz6erger Acres. (10!20) ...........::. ..275 West 11th Sf. Urban Revit Dis., property tax exemptions.(2/17) , , 56,57 West 11th SS. Urban Revit, request tb remove Walnut SL properties -from them(2/77)(5/5)(777) .......:: ............:... 61,62,127,183 West Dubuque Tap, D. Ginter, 1701 University, Liq. Lic.(4Y11) .....108 West Locust Mart, L Potter, 408 W, Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. --..(2/17)(612)......' ......:..............:.......... :: 50,153 - West-side industrial Park Develop-, Utilities.(8/18) ......... 228 Westemeier, Amber, Glaim; settlement(717){7121)......,,,,, 176,190 Westmark, Geraldine & Leo, objection to Kelly Lane 8 Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext. -Phase II project.(4q) ...:................ 93 Westphal Eiec., awarded contract for Sutton Swimming Pool Lighting; awarded contract (or 17th St: & White SL Traffic ; Installation.(515)(1016) .................. . ,. 129,255 Wareco 662 at 700 Rhomberg, te: alcohol violations.(5/5)(5/19) 135,139 Wetlands Grant Program-EPA.(3/3) ,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,, ~ Wetlands, REAP Funds for the Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail; Grant fo construct on Schmitt Isiand.(8/4)(72/7) .... , . 209,323 Whalen, John, rezoning of property W of 71376 N. Cascade Rd. - 8 E, of Tyra Lane from R3 to C2.(6/2) .....~ .:. ............154 Wheel Nouse, re: Dbq. Yactrt Basin to sublease property etc.; Cig. PermiT, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5/5)(9/15) .............. 178,720,127,248 Whiskey River, C. Streff, 7064 University, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (4721)(912) .............................. 708,235 White Cane Day Prociamation.(10/6) ........ White, Charles M., Claim; Referral to Crawford ins. 313 4127 256 White House Tap, D. Hoffman, 450 W. Locust, Cig. Per)(Liq. tic. 63,105 {717)(72175) .......................................... 180,344 White, John, requesting Floodwall be named for Congress. Cu{ver. (612) ...................................................158 White St. & 17th St, reconstruction of Traffic Signals. (912)(7076) .................. .. 241,242,264,265 White St., 7704, rezoning from C4 to C1 for Neil Kelley's.(6/16) .. , , 173 White St, 7733-7735, acquire property from M. Lucas.(2/17) , , , , 55 White St. between 11th E. 27st etc., Cooperative Agree. with !DOT re: Joint & Crack Sealing on Northbound U.S. 52.(12115) , , , , , , , , , , 338 White Streef, 1704, rezoning from C4 to G1, requested by Neil & Katherine Keliey,(8/4) ......... , . .........210 ................. /'\ 128 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 ~~ SUBJECT .PAGE W White Tiger, Inc., Union Cigar. Store, 336 Main, Cig. Per.(6/2) :......153 Whiiewater Creek'Bridge, 3 Agreements -County, Fed. & City. _ (6H6).,........: .........:...........:............ ..966 Whitey's Bar-X,t. Miller, 2616 Windsor, Liq. Lic.(9/15) ........... 248 Whitt, Roger, re: JuvenileCUrtew Ord.(5/S) .................... 121 Wickham, iyle III, Claim; Referral of claim of Crawford Ins.(2117)(3!3)........::..:......:. . ... .............. ..49,63 Wiezoek, Mrs. Robert, approving rezoning of 475 E. 28th from R2 to Ll etc(12N5) r.._.:.:.:.:....:..: :....:................::.347 Willis, Robert, requested rezoning at 1982 Rockdale Rd. from C1 to cs.(an9)(9/2) .................................:...... zzsz3s Wilt, Nanette, Claim; denial.(7/21)(8f4) .................... 190,208 Window Replacement, City Hail Basement Pro..(3l17) ........:.... 78 Windsor Ave.,3485, Stonehill Care Center, amend PR Dis. -Assisi Village projecL(3/17)(477) .....:.~ ......................... 84,96 Windsor Park ID Dis., amending to allow alcoholic bev, sale. (1120)(2N7) ....:........::.:::' .....................:......29,52 Windsor Tap, G. & J's, Inc. 2401 Windsor, Liq: Lic.(Clg. Per. (5/5)(612) ............. ...... .. 121,153 Wine Licenses -alcoholic beverages etc., -New Ord. (11117) .. 314317 Wingate Place, improvements accepted, Bevel. J. Gantz(i0/6) ....257 Wirth, Steve, claim, deniaL(4!7)(4121) .:..........:.....::.....88,105 Wissink, Patricia, employee of Rainbo Oil, dba Kwik Stop Food Mart ": at 2297 University, alcohol sale violation.(7121) .....:...... . . . 196 Wolff, Larry C., CWim; referred to Craw(ord.(8/4)(8118) .:...... 208,219 Wolff Road & Radford Rd., deletion of Stop Iniersection.(9M) .:... 240 Woodman, Myra, Aragon Tap, 3103 Iowa,big. Per.(6/2) ......... . 152 ~~~, Woodman,Myra, Central Tap, 1046 Central, Cig. Per.(6/2) . ....... 953 __ Woods, Anne M.,Claim;referred to Crawford lns.(iYtO)(2/3) .,., 18,34 ~~ Wood's Addn., re: Union Ave. -now known as Kirkwood St., vacating of a portion:(8NH) ......:... ..,... 224 Workers Adjustment & RetrainingNotification Acf, re: Canadian Pacific RR re: Soo Line employees info.(2/3) ' ...:.............. 34 Workers Compensation Program, Agree. with Cottingham 8 ............ ....... .............. 35 Workforce reduction at McGraw-Hill Co.(1/6) .....::.............. 9 Worksession scheduled for Mississippi RiverwalkPra.(4121) ..... 107 Worksession to review Housing Code AmendmenL(8/4) ..... ..215 World Aids Day Proclamation.(1211) ....,,,,, .,,.. ,320 Wulfekuhle, Phil, re: Town Clock Plaza reopening.(9/15) , .. , , , , , , 24g ~~ 129 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT X "~. ~~~ ~. PAGE 130 INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT ~ PAGE ~i Y Y.E.S. Impact Pro., Four Mounds Foundation, Cpl Funds. (5/5) ........................:................ .. 132 Yacht Basin, subleaseproperty to Jennings, dba Wheel House. (5/5) ...............................: ....._........ .118 Yacht Ciub re: Ice Harbor Walkways & Transient Boat Docks etc. (1113) .................:... ._...295 Yager, Mike, request for planter construction on St. Jahn Dr. (6H6) .................:... .. 171 Yaggy Colby Assoc., contract to provide construction services for the Dbq. Ind. Center South Develop.(6Y1) .........:............ 160 Yardarm, 120tShiras, Cig. Pec(7/21) _ ........................ 198 Year of the Ox wishes to Sister City Han Dan, China.(213) ......... 34 Yen Ching Res., Suds Corp., 926 Main,.Liq. Lia(11/3) ; .. _ , , , _ , , , ygp Yield intersection, deletionpf Miller Rd. 8 Kelly Lane; southbound. (9/2) .. ................................_................. 240 YM/YW Drive name requested for frontage road near YMCA. (10/20)(11/3)(12N)(12/15) .....:...........:..... 277,295,333,349 Yoko, Greg applicant to ZBA; appointed.(3/3)(3%7) ........... 66,79 Youth Appreciation Week, Proclamation.(11/3) ................. 288 Youth Curfew requested.(3/17)(4/7)(4/21) ............. 83,92,105,106 Youth Hockey Assn., Lease of portion oT Veterans' Memorial Park.(1/6)(iM0) :......:................:............. 14,26,27 Youth in Government students swornin.(4q) ..........:........ 88 ."_'\ 131 Z ZONING ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (213)(2117)(3/17)(s/1s}(6/is)(7121>(E/18)(9/1s)(1a/2o)(1v1){1v1s) • • • • • • • • • • • • • ............34,49,77,136,165,190,219,243,274,320,335 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: (v3)(3N7){4/7)(5/19)(6!16)(7121)(814)(9/15)(10M0)(11/17){12/1)(12115).. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ......34,77,88,136,165,190,208243,274,301,320,335 Zaber, Connie, re: Lentzkow Racing Challenge - LIVEstock Festival EvenT.(5/19) .............................................141 Zirkelbach, Dennis, Zirk's, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.. (1/20)(7!7) ..........................................24,25,180 Zirk's, D. Zirkelbach, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lia; Cig, per. (1no)pn) ....:....... ...2a,2s,lso Zoning -1697 Jackson St. from R2A to C1 as requested by Vicki Bechen (Old Washington Tool Library).(11/17)(12/1),,,,317,318,332 Zoning Adv. Gomm re: final plat on Cedar Cr. Rd.(2/17) , ... , , , , 49,50 Zoning Adv. Comm. interview of applicants S. Hardie, D. Lochner, F. Nester 8 R. Smith; appointments of §tephen Hardie S Ferd Nesler.(612)(6/16) ................. .. 154,168 ............. Zoning Adv. Comm, resignation of Kevin Geraci.(11/3) , , , , , , , , , , , 2gg Zoning Adv. Comm. re: Subdivision Regulations re: Private Drive, & plat review.(12/1) ...... ...........................333 Zoning Adv. Comm., denial of text amendment re: private streets.(12/1j ........................... ...333 Zoning Adv. Comm., interview of applicantr E. Bird, Ja, D. Lochner, R.Smiih; appointment of Ron Smith,(1211)(12115).,,..,,,,330,345 Zoning approval re: PUD at 777 Edwards Rd. for Edwards Precasf. (3/17) ................................. 78 Zoning, amendmenrt to Planned Res. Dis, at Starlight Dr. & Crescent Ridge Rd.(i0/20) ............ , , , , • , Y8B Zoning re: approval of survey plat for 2319 W. 32nd St -for Hahlen's 8. Hedrick's.(7/21) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 181 Zoning, survey plat approval of portion of South park HiII Subd. (8H8) .............................................. 220,221 Zoning -approval of Survey Plat of Lots 1 & 2 State Street Subd. - M.Duehr.(11/17) .................. ... 305 Zoning approval of Survey plat in FOL FirsEAddn, (12/1) .. , , , , , , , 322 Zoning approval of Survey plat of property W of Kerper & N: of E. Zonin re:a •••••••••••••322 g pproval of Survey Plat for property at NW Comer of Main SL & Tenth St.(12115i ............... ........336 Zoning Bd. of Adjustment, interview of applicants; appointment of Greg Yoko.(313}{3117) ................ ... 66,79 Zoning change from AG to C3 for property S of Asbury Rd. & W of NW Arterial.(1/6) ................ Zoning change from C2 to C3 for 1105 Universd Ave. 1/6 5 Y ( 1 ......... s Zoning change to Windsor Park ID Dis, to add sale of alcoholic beverages {requested by Spielman's).(1120) , ; , ; , , , • , , , , , , , • 29 Zoning change from R2 to OR at 120 Bryard St., requested by J. Holt(1Y10)(2/3) .............. ....... 28,39 Zoning change, 1982 Rockdale from C1 to CS, requested by R. Willis. (8118)(912) ............ ........ 229,238 Zoning, change re: SW Comer of NW Arterial & Asbury Rd, from AG to C3 with conditions, for Jeff Streinz.(9/15)(10/6) ......... 251,262 Zoning change for 3285 Asbury from OR to C2 as requested by Paul Fahey-(11117)(12115) ......................... ... 318,346 Zoning, Clarke Cohege Campus Master Plan change; amend ID Dis,(2/17)(8/18)(9/2) .. .... ... ......... ... 50,229,236-238 Zoning change, amendment of PR Dis, for Stonehiil Care Center at 3485 Windsor AVe.(3/17) ................................... 84 Zoning change from R1 to R2 at 624 N. Burden for J. Sanner.{3/77)(4/7) ...........: .......................... 84,94 132 _ _ _ __ ~: INDEX -BOOK 127 1997 SUBJECT PAGE f""\ Z Zoning changeat SE Corner of Hwy 61N51 8 Lake Eleanor. Rd. from AG toPUD -Dbq. Industrial Center South -Site F. ::..(4!21)(5/5) ...:. .:............:................. 110,11'1.122-126 Zoning change of 1600 Manson Rd. from AG to R1 for Karen 8 Gary Newt.(4Y11)(5/5) ...............:......:..:.......... .'. 110,127 Zoning change re: property West bf N. Cascade Rd. & East of Tyra Lane from R3 to C2for J. Whalen.{5/19)(612) ....... . . . . . . . 144,154. Zoning change at 1104 White St. from C4 to C1 requested by Neil & Katfierine Kelley.(6/16)(8/4) ............:. .. 773,210. Zoning change at 13320-1350 Highway 20 West from AG to C3 for E. - 7schiggfrie.(6N6)(7I7)..:........... .........:. 172,173,181 Zoning change at 3170 Nightengale Lane from AG to R1, requested - by P. Kennedy's.(7Yli)(8/4) ...:..: .. ................. 204,210,211 Zoning change of property N of llS Hwy 61/151, W of Kerper, S.. of Pengler St. & E of the I & M RR from HI to MHI.(7Y27)(8!4) .... 204,211 Zoning change, re:2349 Eim Sf. from R-2A to CS, requested by Jerry &Deb Spiegelhaliec(9/15)(10/6) :...,..... .._...:: 251,261 Zoning change, re: 990 N. Booth from R1 to RZ, requested by Wm. & Helen Eisbach.(10M0)(11/3) ,,,;,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,., _, 286;290. Zoning change requested for property at end of Radford CL from C2 to CS for Quade & Sullivan - denietl.(10120)(N73) ... , .. , , , , 286,291 Zoning change for 395 Cedar Cross Rd., located in a PUD Dis.. amending Ord. No: 8J6.(11/3) , , , , ,: , , ........ 292-294 Zoning change of 305 W. 16th St. from$S to OR, with conditions, as requested by Henkel, inc.(11J17) :.......: ...............:... 318 Zoning change of property at 475 E. 28th St. from CS & RZ to LI as _ requested by Fred Jackson Tuck ointin :11717 12715 ~~ P 9( )( )..;. 318,347. Zoning change of property at NE Corner of12th & Pine Sts. from H 1 __ to MHl as requested by City of Dtiq.(11/17)(12/1) ,,,,,,,,,,:318,331 Zoning, Conceptual Plan Amend. for UiO., 2000 University. (2117)(3/3) ..:.:......:....:.......:.:...:..:.........58,67-69 Zoning, denial of rezoning of property 1005-1007-1071 Rhomberg from R2A to R4.(2/17)(3!3) .......... . ...............:.. 58,66,67 Zoning-final plat approval of 3990 CentraL(3/17) ..... ........... 77 Zoning Comm. -final plat of 2914-2940 Pinard St. to subdivide property for M. Launspach to create 3 Tots, frontage on unimproved Brunswick St.(4/21) .................:....................: 106 Zoning, final plat for Elmwood Green Subd, for Joe & Rutfi Graham.(5/5)-.. , . 132,133 Zoning, final plaifor portion of OId.Mill Subd. , re: near Manson Rd.-Gary Newts.(8718) .:................:........ ..220 Zoning, final plat of Wertzberger Acres for W. & C. Wertzberger. (10Y10) ................................ :275 ...... .Zoning -final plat of Tamarack Business Park at Hwy 61/151 - South in Dbq, County for J: Luckstead.(11/17) .:.............. 304 Zoning, final plat approva(of Industrial Parkat former County Fartn:(12/15) ...........:.................................. 335 ZoningMap change at 3100 Brunskill Rd. from R4 to PUD as requested by Larry S:.Anne Kretz, Midway Mobile Home Park. Zoning Ord. change to establish a time limit for site plan'approval.. (1120)(213) ................. ...... 28,39 ........... pP.....(..)..:.:... 72 Zoning Ord. revision, request for consultant a royal. 3/4 Zoning Ord.,new Schedule of Development Services Fees; Proof. (3/4)(4/7) .. ....75.88 Zoning re: Tax amendmenfto amend Section'?-1 (req'd fees):. (2/17)(3!3) ............... .............................: 58,69 . /`~ 133