Davis Avenue & Windsor Ave. Davi & Winds or Xavier Hospital C -Giese Sheet Metal Co. Repair roof of Hospital Bldg., B,P.645 945 - 800.00 0- Xavier Hospital -_ C- Willy_Gonst. -Co. 6 1000 00 Erect Attached garage to Masonry Bldg.B.P. 647 9 -25 -58 C. Giese Sheet Metal Co. Reroof Hospital Bldg. B.P. 628 7 -22 -63 4,700.00 C. M. P. Kluck & Sons Alt. Int. Masonry Hospital Bldg. B. P. 141 4 -1 -68 10, 000.00 C. Total Structures Alterations to interior of Brk. Hosp. Bldg. B.P.85'2 /4/72 Knnn oo Davis & Windsor Avenue C. Xavier Hospital C. Total Structures Install Fire Curtain Doors B.P. 282 5/11/73 lhOO.O0 C-Braconier Inc ddition to hosp bldg B.P. 1041 11-19-74 62,120.00 C- Anton Zwack Alteration to ground floor brk med bldg B.P. 73 21 Feb 75 67,687.00 0-Xavier Hospital C-Owner Int alt to mas hsp B1 05 9/1/779 $450.00 Davis & Windsor Ave. Xavier Hospital 0- Xavier Hospital C -Owner remodel int. of 4th flr. hospital BP 2973 1/22/81 $15,000.00 0 -Mercy Health Center C -Willy Const. conversion of emergency entrance into Urgi- Center BP 5204 11/29/82 $91,516.00 0 -Mercy Health Center C -Frank Hardie Adv. install 2x8 dbl face non - illum. sign BP 5208 11/30/82 0 -Mercy Health Center C -M.P. Kluck & Sons Inc. remodel exist. bldg. for dining rm. /greenhouse and model apartment BP 5758 6/8/83 $116,571.00