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Deborah Drive 1974
1974 Deborah Drive 0- Kenneth idalert Erect S.F,Frame Dwellg.B.P. 574 9 -2 -58 13,000.00 O -H. Admuson C -Merle Mozena Construct. Erect addn SF fr dwllg BP 2051 5/27/80 $8000.00 0 -H._- Amundsen C -Owner reside part of SF frm dwl1g BP 4811 8/17/82 $900.00 0-Harley Amundsen C -Tim Rellihan Const. install skyl-ight SF frm dwllg -BP23713 5/2/94 $500.00 0- Harley Amundsen_-- C Bel -Aire New roof, sd, SF BP27240 11 -17 -94 $3884.00