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Deborah Drive 2007
2007 Deborah Drive 0-Hillerest Builders, Inc. Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 25 1 -7 -57 11,000.00 0. Earl Miller C. Dennis Donavan Reside - Reroof S.F. Fr. Dw. B.P. 215 4 -24 -69 2,000.00 0 -Paul Schaefer C -Dub. Custom Firescreen install 2 solar panels - wall mtd., SF res BP 9295 10/3/85 $500.00 0 -Russ & Julie Kerper C -Owner t /o,reroof SF BP35351 7/5/96 $608.33 0- Russell & Julie Kerper C -Owner replace windows - smaller, reside(v) SF BP41805 6/12/2000 '.: VD 00.00