Delhi Street 1306 South Side corner Lt Grendview f Delhi .._ B.of A. Petn, to erect bide on side lot line. Denied. Docket NO. 33-35 1 u r ,e_ :::. er L._csc (flter3tions to rick st oBe b ui ld no 313 9/7/33 B.of A. Petn. extension of Non conforming use. Rear of Bldg. 5 ft from lot_line -no - loading dock allowed. Docket No. 49-49 C -W, L, Hansel & Son Erect Addition to Bus. Bldg. B.P. 562 9 -7 -h9 6 B.of A. Petn. for extension of non conforming use for off St.Parking for W.116'6" of Lot 1 Summitt Add, Granted Docket No. 47 -59 1306 Delhi St. B.of A. Petn, to waive Var, of Art VA Loc. Bus. A Sect. A and G waive front and rear yard requirement for Erse, tion of store Building,Granted Bldg. line East front corner of bldg., in line with house to east and west front wall no further out than previous front. Mast Maintain 10 from rear lot line. Docket Not 40 O. Brammers Supper Value C. M.P. Kluck & Son Const. New Front &entrance Br.Bus. 6001 0603 1306 Delhi St, 0_Branmer Super value C -Carl Blosch Alterations to interior of Illason ,_ Bus B c,, BOP. 998 10- 24;63 ! 34,00 C. Anton Zwack Inc. Erect Masonry Bus. Bldg.B.P. 27 1 -11 -68 60,000.00 0- American Legion Post No. 6 C - Haase,Contr. remodel Int Masonry Club Bldg. BP444 6/11/74 8,700.00 0- American Legion C- Portzen Const. int alt to kitchen and remodeling to Ass bldg BP20584 7/1 7/9/92 $30000.00 1306 Delhi 0- American Legion Dub Post C -Tim Pancratz Const. install folding door inter. assembly bldg BP34313 3/27/96 $4000.00 0- Amer_- Legion Dub.-Post #6- C- Portzen- Const.— remodel for new restrooms, comm. BP39737 2/9/99 $41,900.00