Delhi Street 1705 1705 Delhi Street _......_ .._.._ f 0. Robert Jordan !Erect Frame Business Building B.P. 190 4/6/73 10,000.00 Klauer Optical Remodel Pr Bus. Bldg 31,805 443 5 - - 0- Klauer Optical C- Nativity Church temporary sign BP 12355 8/17/87 O- Klauer Optical C -St. Joseph's Church erect temporary sign BP 12514 9/9/87 0- Klauer Optical C- Resurrection Church erect temporary sign BP 14038 7/26/88 0- Klauer Optical C- Resurrection Church temporary sign BP 15645 7/18/89 1705 Delhi St. 0. Klauer Optical C. Resurrection Church Erect Temporary Sign 17290 7/16/90 N/A ,Board of Adjustment Docket 70 -90 for variance in frt yard setback to allow const. of new bldg 10'5" from front prop. 0- Klauer Optical C- Petsche & Sons install fndn for future optical off. bldg. BP18001 12/19/90 0- Klauer Optical C- Petsche & Sons Const. : :o _ ::.r ' 7/91 $220,000.00 1705 Delhi 3 O-Klauer Optical C-MtDermott Excavating demolish one story mas/frm comm. bldg. BP18539 5/13/91 N/A 0-Klauer Optical C-Resurrection Church erect temporary sign BP19014 7/26/91 O-Klauer Optical ' alter. to4n-ter. of frm-comm. bldg 8P1-9O59-8/5191 $1500.0-00- O-Klauer Optical C-Advanta Signs two 4'x17'6" signs, one on north wall & one on so. wall -B-P-19-544-11/6/91 LO,KlauPr Optical C=Adyanta_Signs lone dbl faced freestanding sign mtd. on pedestal BP19545 11/G/9-1 1 1