Delhi Street 1732 1732 Delhi St, 0- R,W, Edwards C- Owner Reroof S.F. Brick Dwelling B.P. 210 6/14/47 e75,00 B.of A, Waive side & Rear yard requirement for erection of garage, Granted south wall of garage 72° from Grace St, property line, Docket No. 22 -62 0-Neil Hanson 1,500,00 Addition to rear of S,F.Br.Dwellg.B,F, 509 7 -16 - 62 0 Dori ght Graham C -Jos Puccio Reroof S.F,Br.rwellg.D.F, 707 10 -19 -70 450.00 0 -David Lau C -Owner erect 11x20 open deck on side SFfrm /brk res BP20318 5/27/92 $1500.00 1732 Delhi 0 -Happy Tykes Daycare C- Advanta Signs 2'x2' sign on frt porch BP22933 10/13/93 Board of Adjustment Docket 66 -93 for Conditional Use Permit to allow licensed day care center for 12 children ' in R -2 District. Approved w /conditions 8/26/93