Delhi Street 1755 /3 >'f .✓�r°�f'' '
79g i t ell 7 01 a r
of "—c,u! -3 ppa m' - e a/L Xo /yl -f 4..Jg
1755 Delhi St,
0-Holy Trinity Lutheran Church C -Anton Zwack, Inc,
Addition to Church Building B.P. 124 4 -10-62 80,000.00
C. Carl Blosch
Reside SF Fr Dw11g: B.P. 747 9/3/74 1,500.00
0 -Holy Trinity Church C-Burke Alumatic
cover soffit in bell tower, church BP 8976 7/30/85 $150.00
0 -Holy Trinity Lutheran Church C -Total Structures
close one window - msnry church BP 9253 9/25/85 $1000.00
0 -Holy Trinity Church C -Total Structures
insulate, furr out int. stairway, church BP 9534
12/19/85 $3500.00
1755 Delhi St.
Board of Adjustment Docket 8 -87 for variance in rear
yard setback to allow construction of handicap ramp
and entry enclosure 6' from rear prop. 1i -ne. Approved
3/26/87 w /condition "No Parking" sign
0 -Holy Trinity Lutheran Church C -Bob Petsche Const.
install handicapped ramp & elevator, church BP 12882
11/18/87 $30,000.00
0-Holy Trinity Luth. Church C-Rafoth
tear -off, reroof church BP 15450 6/20/89 $30000.00
0 -Holy Trinity Lutheran Church C -Frank Timmerman Const.
furr out walls, drywall, church BP24276 7/15/94 $2800.00
1755 Delhi
0 -Holy Trinity Church C- American Sign
erect 4x8 alum face free - standing non -illum sign BP35925
9/9/96 $n /a
0 -Holy Trinity Church C- Gerardy Const.
erect exter. stairs, planters, sign base, church BP36322
10/30/96 $10,000.00
Board of Adjustment Docket 44 -99 for Variance to build
an addition 14'_ from _frt prop. line, 11' from - east - prop.
line & 16' from rear prop. line & to permit a variance of
66 off - street parking spaces in R -2 zone. Approved w/
condition no unaffiliated activities allowed. .7/22/99
1755 Delhi
0 -Holy Trinity Lutheran Church C -Prism Corp.
erect conc /mas /stl addition to church & remodel,
- h ure h , - -B P- 41003 -a 1-/-1-/19 $-1, 800 -, 000: 00-
-O-- He }y- +rin- ity- Lut- h - -Eh— C United-State-s- Fire-Pro. -_ - - --
'revise exist. sprinkler system and add new sprinkler heads
!for new addition BP41352 3/15/2000 $45,907:00