Delhi Street 1815 1815 Delhi St. 0. Earl Turnmeyer C. Dubuque Insulation & Siding Reside S.F. Fr. Dwellg.B.P. 1127 9-22-66 780.00 C-11. P. Kluck & Sons Inc. Erect concrete garage in bank $3 4-2-71 c2- 1815 Delhi St. 0-Mrs. W. Luke Reside S. F.Frame Dwellg, B.P. 380 6-15-54 225.00 0, Earl Turnmeyer Remodel Living Room B.P. 259 5/4/72 100.00 1815 Delhi St, B,of A. Petn. Garage in bank. Granted provided front of garage must not extend out beyond top concrete step of stairs going up from University Ave. G Docket No. 56 -56 0 -Earl Turnmeyer C -Don's Roofing Co. tear -off, sheathing, reroof SF frm dwllg BP 11274 1/7/87 $2400.00