Delmonico Drive 2219 z - 2219 Delmonaeo Drive
0. Midwest Realty, Inc. C. Carriage Corp.
Ereet SF Frame Dwelling B.P. 815 10/12/72 14,000.00
0- Thomas Boever C -Owner
tear -off, reroof SF res BP23848 5/16/94 $825.00
0 -Tom Boever C -L S Gudenkauf
Install patio door, siding, gas, t /o, reroof, SF, sl
BP 33237 10/10/95 $6700.00
Board of Adjustment Docket 45 -99 for Special Exception
to build att. carport 6" from no side prop. line.
Approved w /cond. 1' setback, 8/26/99
2219 Delmoni co
0-Toni Boever C-Mark Gudenkauf Const.
ere ct ' att . -- carport — on s i St g B
__1.0413,L9_9 $_4000 . 0_0_