Dodge Street 1075 1075 Dodge St.
B.of A, etn. to permit billboard in local bus. Dist.
Granted providing it does not exceed 10 ft from top
of ground & 15 ft long & 16 ft from front prop.Line.
Docket No. 13 -42
0 -Frank r, Kelly - C -E, K. Steheli
Erecting gasoline filling station B.P. 603 0/8/41 //
$ w S 15. or o-a'
10 ?5 Dodge St.
B.of A. Petn. to extension of Local•Business District
50' to the East. of present District.
Granted Docket No. 13 -56
0-Frank Kelly C -Cy Hanten
Erect Filling Station B.Y. 959 10 - - 1,000.00
0. Rainbo Oil C. Midwest Insul.
canopy, roofing, soffit, fascia, siding BP 2488 9/2/80
1075 Dodge
0 -Quick Stop C -John Schwendinger Const.
cut new door into restroom, comm. bldg. BP 8955 7/25/85
0- Rainbo Coro. C -Gene Bird Sign Ser.
change copy in outdoor sign panels BP 14439 9/26/88
0- Rainbo Corp. C -Gene Bird Sign Ser.
install 7'x7' & 6'x7' signs BP 15186 5/10/89
0- Iowa DOT C- Sproule Const
Domo14eh -•3Q -x 9- bua-1- ding - Comm BP -30109 5-23 95