Dodge Street 1111 1111 _Dodge St ® 0 -John Stoddard C- Reindecknecht Const. Co. Erect 110 Unit Foel Bldg., B.P. 554 7 -6 -61 500,000.00 0. Holliday Inn Dubuque C. Rinder Knecht Const Co. ErectSxi.43 Unit Motel Bldg. B.P. 1002 11 -1 -63 150,0 0- Holiday In Inc. C- Rinderknecht Const. Co. i?dc'_tion to Motel Building B.P. 692 10 -12-70 160,000.00 0. Holiday Inn of Dubuque 60000.00 Alter Interior/Erect Canopy /StoreFront B.P.4 1/2/73 1111 Dodge St. 0- Holiday Inn C -M.P. Kluck & Sons convert 5 guest rooms to apt. comm. bldg BP2854 11/4/80 $1000.00 0- Holiday Inn C- Powers Const. install fire code sheetrock BP 3554 7/22/81 $15400.00 0- Holiday Inn C -Jim Giese & Co. reroof comm. bldg. BP 3860 10/13/81 $25430.00 0- Holiday Inn C -L.R. Peterson Const. remodel int. of coml. bldg. BP 5868 6/27/83 $5000.00 0- Holiday Inn C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. install new 11'x18' dbl face sign, w /copy changer BP 9565 1/15/86 1111 Dodge 0- Holiday Inn C -Jim Giese Comm. Rfg. reroof comm. bldg. BP IIO35T07T7/86 - $ZC; OO OU O�+olictay inns — C=Owner -- instal1 5' diam. comm. disc comm. bldg. BP 13865 6/27/88 0- Holiday Inn C -Jim Giese Comm. Rfg. $400.0( partial reroof comm. bldg. motel BP 1ZV54 9 1 /BB - $20,000.00 - -. ' 0- Holiday Inn C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. replace panel 28 "x44 ", sf lobby sign, 6'1(TO' — panel B - B /89- 1111 Dodge 0 -Days Inn C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install new 3'9"x18'3" & 10' diam. half cir. signs on exist. pole BP18026 1/4/91 0 -Days Inn C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install 5'x16' dbl face, inter. illum. copy sign BP18053 1/17/91 1 0- John VanDyne C- Best Built Erect 16x20 garage, concrete slab, frm, storage, Comm 1 BP26198 10 -18 -94 $3184.00 0 -Days Inn C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. move sign to new location 9'6 "x18'3" BP27983 2/21/95 0 Iowa DOT C Sprothie Constr Demolish 3- story -- Commercial-_building- BP 2854n3- 24 -95 1 1 1111 Dodge 0 -Days Inn C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install one 7'10 "x15'4" sgl face, exter. i1Tum sign BP37514 7/25/97 $n /a 0 -Days Inn C- Owner erect temporary sign BP38189 1/2/98 n/a 0 -Days Inn tI C- Owner - erect temporary sign BP38242 2/2/98 n/a 10 -Days Inn C -Owner erect temporary sign BP38295 3/2/98 $n /a 0 -Days Inn C -Owner erect temporary sign BP38385 4/2/98 n/a 1111 Dodge 6 0 -Days Inn C -Owner erect temporary sign BP38579 5/5/98 n/a 0 -Days Inn C -Owner erect temp. sign BP38798 6111/98 $15.00 O- Days Inn - - -C- Owne -r erect temporary sign BP 38898 7/1/98 n/a 0 -Days Inn C -Owner -- erect temporary sign BP39077 7/31/98 n/a 0 -Days Inn -__. _ - - - -C — Owner_ erect temporary sign BP39277 9/11/98 $n /a 0 -Days Inn C-Owner erect - temporary sign -- BP39538- 11/5/ -98 n/a 1111 Dodge 0 -Days Inn C -Owner erect temporary sign BP39630 12/8/98 n/a 0 -Days Inn C- Owner erect temporary sign - BP39682- 1/5/99 -n/a 0 -Days Inn-- -Dubuque C- Owner erect - temporary sign BP39741 2/10/99 n/a 0 -Days Inn - Dubuque C -Owner erect temporary sign BP39787 3/4/99 $n /a 0 -Days Inn C -Larry Weitz Signs install 3'x3' dbl face entrance sign BP40057 5/7/99 n/a 0 -Days Inn C -Owner erect temporary sign - BP40145 -- 5/21/99 -n/a