Dodge Street 1195 1195 Bodge St.
B.of A. Petn. Ice Cream Stand Temporary Certificate.
Granted 1 0'x15° on skids. Temporary certificate to
Dec. 1, 1949 Docket No. 8-49
C- Heintman Const. Co.
Addition to store Building.B.P. 147 4-4-57 16,000.00
O. Rink Holiday Inc. C. Elroy Hinz
Ext.Br. Bidg.B.P. 135 4 -1 -68 2,500.00
0, Merlin Apel C. Globel Rfg & Siding
Reroof Part Brk,Bus Bldg B.P. 517 7/13/73 1,400.00
1195 Dodge St.
Westerly Portion of Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1" of
M. L. 67
B.of A. Petri. to use extension of 50' extension
of Boundary Line. Granted Docket 60-45
0- Merlin Apel C- Ulrich Pd111y
rect one story Business Bldg. B.P. 534 12 -14 -45
0- Merlin Apel 0- ;Woodland W. Ball
Erect frame bus. bldg. on skids, B.P. 819 3 -22 -49 500.00
1195 Dodge
0- Movies America C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst.
install set of 24" letters to read Movies America
0- Movies America - Jim Gross C -Owner
install drive -up window, comm. bldg. BP14623 11/1/88