Dodge Street 1230 1230 Dodge c-4. C-S.H. erect 1 story Tile 1, welling, 13,P, 2860 1.46/27 C- 1E _Lt to 1nteI 1 ocr ix:-o. (7, 0-Owner Rerocf iflM3 B.P. 1688 2/25/43 9000 0-Dave Somers C-Owner erect 14x22 add. to det. frm gar. SF frm dwllg BP 4808 8/17/82 —$3065.00 1230 Dodge ° U- lowa��T C- Tschiggfrie Excay. demolish SF frm dwllg BP18307 4/2/91 N/A