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Dodge Street 1480
1480 Dodge 6t. Laude Whelan. neroof frame dTellinE. B.P. 281 10/15/35 200.00 0— Mrs „ Stanley Mart-in— -C— Owner rec t S.F iltssonny Dwelling RM.- /48 -4/ $4, 5oo.o0--i O. Walter Hagge C. Giese Sheet Metal Co. Reroof S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 1008 11-1-65 568.00 0 -J e an Hartness C-F3ullock Garage Erect detached fr garage B.P. 212 7 May 75 2300.00 1480 Dodge Street' 0 -Jean Hartmann eroof SFBrk Dwllg, B.P. 627, 6/23/77 500.00 0 -Jean Hartness C- Giesler Bros. Reroof SFFr Dwllg., B.P. 814, 7/28/77 1200:00 0 -Jean Hartness C- Mid -State Improve. —T eroof SF b-rk dw l 1 g B- P- -5043 10/1-/-82-47-00,00 0 -Iowa DOT C- Tschiggfrie Excay. demolish SF frm dwllg BP 15755 8/9/89 N/A