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Dodge Street 3434
/ 3434 Dodge Street O. Inns of Iowa- Dubuque Ltd. C. H.G. Hall Const. Co. _ Erect masonry Motel -Bus. B16g.B. P. 770 9/6/74 1,946,800.00 O_ — _ Dubuque_ Inn_C__ -_ Conlon., _Const_ Alteration to int. of bus. bldg, B.P. 8, 1/3/79 300.00 O- Cenpar & Associates C- Stierman & Associates Remodel interior for dental off. BP 528 6/1/79 --.... -___ - _- - - - - -- -- --- - $50,250 .00 - -_ -_ 0-Dubuque Inn C- Conlon Construction Remodel int - mas- st -comm bldg BP -1644 12/20/79 $32000- .00 - -- O.Dubuque Inn C. Powers Const. erect patio deck around pool BP 2496 9/2/80 2100.00 3434 Dodge Board of Adjustment Docket 11-86 for variance in size & location of satenite disK7 Approved - 5722786 04huau install roof mounted satellite di_s_h,_c_omm. BP 10361 6/23/86 $500.00 0-Dubuque Inn C-Satellite Movie Co. nstel-l—roo-f-m tc1-8=s a tc1-1-i tc di-sh , corm. dg-. BP 11073 10/23/86 $2000.00 3434 Dodge 0- Dubuque Inn C- Conlon Construction remodel int. of mas. & st. comm. bldg. BP 3019 2/26/81 $7500.00 0- Dubuque Inn C- Phillips Const. Co. int. remodel. of off. comm. bldg. BP 4110 4/1/82 $500.00 0- Dubuque Inn C- Conlon Const. erect mas. & stl. add. - comm. bldg. BP 5992 7/22/83 0- Dubuque Inn C- Signgraphics Inc. $780,000.0( one set 12" letters, one set 10" letters BP €422, BP 6423 0 -John Van Duyn C- Rafoth 10/25/83 tear -off, reroof Class A epdm room,comm. BP20702 7/28/92 $54,000.00 L F 3434 Dodge ' 0 -John Van Duyn C- Conlon Const. install a - ceiling, lighting, HVAC BP21060 ■ 9/22_/92 $76,800.00 0- Dubuque Inn C- Dubuque Symphony erect temporary sign BP22908 10/8793 0- Dubuque Inh C- Jim Giese Comm, Roof -- reroof Comm . BP35323.7/3/96__$25,000,00 0- Dubuque Inn C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install 40' pylon sign to replace exst. _BP35703 8/14/96 na 0-Inn Plaza - C =Gene Bird Signs remove _ - exist. ._- freestanding sign, install new - -fs sign BP40763 919/99 n /a - --