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Dodge Street 3400
3400 Dodge 0-Midwest Heritage Inn C- Tharaldson Develop. Co. install fndn for future mas. &frm motel BP19622 12/4/91 0- Fairfield Inn_ C- Advance -Signs Ltd. 1 install 12'3 "x16' dbl face inter. ilium. sign cabinet BP1 -9689 1/8/92 N/A lO- Midwest Heritage Inn- C- Tharaldson Bevel. Co. erect frm & brk ven motel on exist. fndn BP19706 1/17/92 $550,000.00 0-Fairfield I nn- G - Advance - -Signs Ltd install cast letters to bldg fascia, two 76sq.ft. BP19971 4/2/92 3400 DODGE ST 0- Fairfield Inn C -Disco Bldg Impr_ Siding, Comm, sd BP 33114 10/3/95 $1244.00 0- Midwest Heritage Inn C- Tharaldson Cap. Improve. remove non- bearing wall to enlarge lobby, motel BP41257 2/15/2000 $8000.00 0- Fairfield Inn C -Owner erect 2 banners on bldg BP42674 1/3/2001 n/a