Dodge Street 3430 3430 Dodge St 0-Cenpar & Assoc. Erect Mas. Comm. Sales Bldg., B.P. 568, 6/14/77 500,000.0 0 - C.E.N.- . Partnership _ Finish interior part of comm. bldg, B.P. 1132, 9/6/78 11428.00 - C.EN. Partnership - _.... _. "inish Interior beauty shop /travel agency, B.P. 1175, 9/15 8548.00 78 O - -C.E.N .Partnership Alteration interior to mas. & steel bus. bldg, B.P.1310 - ... 10/11/78 7650. -_.. e C.E .N- Partnership .finish -- interior -of -2 _. -shops in - -comet -bldg, B.P. 1474 - - -- - -- 11 /15/78 9607.00 3430 Dodge Street 0 -Inn Plaza C -Don Donath Alt to int of comm bldg BP 858 7/19/79 $2000.00 0 -Inn Plaza C- George Donovan Int alt mas /st comm bldg BP 1270 9/21/79 $8000.00 0 -Inn Plaza C -Dave Schmitt Int alt to comm bldg BP 1357 10/9/79 $2000.00 0 -Inn Plaza C- Conlon Construction Int alt stairway mas /st comm bldg BP 1428 10/22/79 $2500.00 0 -Inn Plaza C- George Donovan Remodel int first floor comm bldg for Gorsuch -Grace Printing BP 1583 11/27/79 $2500.00 3430 Dodge _ } 0-Inn Plaza C -J &J Pool Company Century Nautilus Health Club Spa BP 1632 12/14/79 $6285.00 O -Inn Plaza C -Mills Construction Int alt mas /st comm bldg (Olin Mills) BP 1697 2/6/80 $7500.00 0-Inn Plaza C- Hartman Contracturs Int alt mas /st comm bldg BP 1698 2/7/80 $1175.00 0-Inn Plaza C- Hartman Construction Int alt mas /st comm bldg (B &B Distributors) BP 1879 4/21/80 $3500.00 0 -Inn Books C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. install non- illum. letters on bldg. fascia BP 5524 4/27/83 3430 Dodge f 0 -Inn Plaza C- Conlon-- Const. remodel int. of mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 5793 6/14/83 $1100.00 0 -Inn Plaza C- Conlon Const. remodel int. of comm bldg. BP 5885 6/30/83 $3500.00 0 -Inn Plaza C- Conlon Const. remodel int. of comm. bldg. BP 5886 6/30/83 $1200.00 0 -Inn Plaza C -Ron Smith Const. remodel int. masonry comm. bldg. BP 6281 9/23/83 0- American Realty Homes C- Signgraphics $4000.00 install 4'6 "x36" DF Int. - ill . - display on pipe 10 /10/83 BP 6353 3430 Dodge , 0 -Inn Plaza C- Conlon Const. remodel int. of mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 6465 11/9/83 $12500.00 0- American Realty C- Signgraphics Inc. install 3'x12 int. illum. SF sign BP 6466 11/9/83 0 -Mr. Quix Printing C- Conlon Const. remodel comm. bldg. BP 6562 12/27/83 $3000.00 0- Dubuque Inn C- Conlon Const. remodel int. of mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 7215 6/19/84 0 -Mr. Quix Printing C- Signgraphics $11500.00 install one 5'x12' dbl faced freestanding sign BP 7632 9/10/84 3430 Dodge 0- American Realty C- Signgraphics, Inc. install one dbl face neon sign to present sign BP 7633 9/10/84 0- Buttons & Bows (tenant) C -Jim Steil Const. inter. remodeling mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 8026 12/13/84 $500.00 0 -Inn Plaza - House of Travel C -Jim Steil install divider partitions - mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 8035 12/17/84 $1000.00 0 -House of Travel C- Advanta Sign Co. remove exist. letters, install new plastic letters BP 8036 12/17/84 3430 Dodge 0- ABBADENT Family Dental Center C- Stgngraphics Inc. 'nstall one set non - illum. elastic letters BP 8467 5/9/85 0-Audio C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. • ' 3" letters—en bl- derBP 10 0 -Inn Plaza C -Audio Room alter. to int. mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 8653 6/5/85 0 -Dub. Inn - Inn Plaza C- Conlon Const. ' i.ii inter. alter. , par ' . s' _. ?: 0 -Tnn P1a7a C -Gary Witter Const. $3000.00 inter. remodel, wals, soffit, comm. bldg. BP 8704 6/13/85 $3500.00 3430 Dodge 0 -John Van Dyne C -Jim's Const. erect pdrtitron rraYls cnmrz. htdg - BP - 9862 - 4797/86 _ -. $11_75s9n 0 - "Body Talk" - tenant C- Advanta instal 4xT6 non -T FTum vid T BP 119 673/87 — — — - C=.arry Weitz - Sign Syst. install set of 11-um._1ett.er.-s_BP- x488-7- 3-/-2-0/89------- - - - - -- 0- Dubuque Inn C- Conlon Const. construct - demising wall, new exit, comm. bldg. BP 14991 Qui x Pr i nt in g_ C l airy -_4Le install non- illum. plastic lettes on frt BP 15391 6/9/89 1 3430 Dodge 0 -John Van Duyn C- Conlon Const. alter. to inter. mas. & stl comm. bldg. BP 15410 6/13/89 S23 000.00 0 -John Van Duyn C -The Edge (tenant) alterations of int. mas /steel comm bldg BP15594 7/10/89 700,00 0 -Nutri Sys ems C- Larry .taeitz Signs install one set illum. letters BP 15722 8/3/89 I0 -Audio Room C -Owner inter remodeling, dtvising wall, comm. bldg - 8P19541 1 3500.00 0- tenant: Amer. Fam.Insur. C- Advanta Sign Co. install 5'x6'- wall sign 31 1212/92 N/A 3430 Dodge 0 -JohnN anDyne= Siebe "Studios C- Wes" "Siebe inter._alter._for. photo studio, comm, __bldg_BP21585 2/23/93 $8000.00 0 -Siebe Studio C- Advanta Signs replace letters with new letters BP21673 3 /30/93 0- Elite- Images C- Advanta Signs 22 "x144" wallmount sign BP22311 7 -1 -93 na__ 0 -Avco Financial Ser. C -Doty & Assoc. remodel inter., comma bldg BP22377 7/13193 $11815.00 -- 0 -River City Gift Shop C- Advanta Sign install plastic letters 15" high, BP22571 8/13/93 3430 Dodge if 0 -AVCO Financial C- Nesper Sign Co. install one 4'x10' SF sign on mansard BP22656 8/27/93 0- Sprint Cellular C -Gene Bird Sign Co. install letters & log on fascia BP22796 9/17/93 0 -Dr. Robert Meyer C- Owner ' inter. alter. to make offices, comm. BP24078 6/15/94 $5000.00 0 -Meyer Clinic of Chirop, C- Gene Bird Sign -Sera - erect 2'x16' s/f inter. illum. sign 32 sq. ft. BP24251 7/13/94 n/a 0 -360 Cellular C -Nagle Signs Inc. I remove exist. letters,install new channetletters BP34145 2/28/96 3430 Dodge 0- tenant: H & R Block C -Tim O'Malley Const. remodel inter. for offices BP38448 4/14/98 #17000.00 0 -H & R Block C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. remove exist.letters,install 4'x8' sgl face sign BP38668 5/19/98 $n /a 0 -Rod Wagner C- American Sign Co._ install 3'x5' lighted wall mtd sign BP39086 8/3/98 n/a O -QUQ Prop. C- Nesper Sign Adv. remove exist. channel ltrs. replace with new letters BP39100 8/4/98 n/a 3430 Dodge -- 0_QHQ-/ -terra nt :_EdwnicLJone s __-C -Rena is-s_anc e_Cnas t ._ -Corp ` remodel interior erect wall, comm. BP41128 $6000.00 - _0- Edward Jones INvest. C_Gene Bird Signs erect 32 sq. ft. wall sign BP41210 1/17/2000 n/a 0- Verizon Wireless C -Acme Sign Co. ( remove sign, replace witfiindiv dual repTate -- pane- l- 8P42041_ 7126 /- 2000 . -_n./ -- _._ - - -- 0 -Gene Bird Signs C -Gene Bird Signs erect 14'x48' billboard 50' h d/f BP42156 8/18/2000 n/a o=ff R__BTock -- - - - - - C =Gene Bird change copy_in_paaais- H242692-1 9-/2 -00 n/a