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Dodge Street 3500
3500 Dodge Street I.` 0- Target Stores C- Conlon Construction Erect retail sales bldg. BP 783 7/10/79 $1,245,000.00 ! 0- Parkins Cake & Steak C -Elder -Jones Inc. Erect restaurant comm bldg BP 1464 10/29/79 $413000.00 0- Dillingham Associatesf 11 /-C-Conlon Construction Erect mas /st comm bldg BP 1512 11/6/79 $979500.00 0- Randall Foods' C- Conlon Construction Erect mas/st comm bldg BP 1524 11/9/79 $1047200.00 0- Dillingham Associates, p Sautuck Enterprises Inc. Int alt mas /st comet bldg BP 1719 2/20/80 $15000.00 0- Dillingham Associates C- Conlon Construction Int alt mas /st comm bldg (Payless Shoe BP 2165 6/18/80 $7100.00 If 3500 Dodge Street 0- Dillingham Assoc. C. Waterbed Creations" Remodel int. of mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 2644 9/26/80 $400.00 0- Dillingham Invest. C- Conlon Const. Co.R , , z,b4c : remodel int. of mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 2991 2/6/81 $33500.00 0- Dillingham Invest. C -Reg remodel int. of mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 3011 2/20/81 $30000.00 3500 Dodge -' 0- Dillingham Inv. C- Copper Mill Const.`" remodel int. mas. & stl.comm. bldg. BP3041 3/6/81 $2500.0( 0- Dillingham Invest. C -C. L. Haase remodel int. of mas. & stl. comm. bldg.BP3203 4/22/81 $1000.00 0- Dillingham Assoc. C- Cowboy's Const. remodel int. of mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 4460 6/21/82 $29000.00 0 -Jim Renier's Music C -Dick Loetscher, inc. remodel int. of msnry. comm. bldg. BP 5986 7/21/83 $6500.00 0- Reniers C- Signgraphics install 30 "x24' SF inter. illum. sign BP 6356 10/10/83 3500 Dodge 0- Sports Shack - tenant C- Signgraphics Inc. install one set int. illum. 24" letters BP 6770 4/11/84 0 -Doug Bausch /Steve Wood C- Owners remodel int. comm. bldg. BP 6905 5/7/84 $2000.00 0 -Radio Shack C- Signgraphics, Inc. add letters plus to exist. copy BP 7887 10/30/84 0- Domino's Pizza C- Signgraphics, Inc. install one 2'6 "x16' SF inter. illum. sign BP 8088 1/29/85 0 -Aetna Insurance C- Domino's Pizza remodel int. mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 8105 2/21/85 $15000.00 3500 Dodge 0- Warren Plaza C- Advanta Sign Co. add "Warren Plaza" plastic letters to exist. sign BP 92-4q--97/24/85 I�rr; c An__Go.�p.or -anon r.= u.b_Con.st erect frm. restaurant BP 10344 6/20/86 $340,000.00 0- Arby's Restaurant C- Signgraphics, Inc. install 3 stets of 3 leLLers BP - 1 - 0684 8 /18/8t 0 Mcl Fo- stcr(managcr -) C Bill— Wilford install partition wall, masnry & stl comm. bldg. BP 11322 1/26/87 '3000.00 3500 Dodge 0 -Hy Vee Foods - tenant C -Della Vedova Bros. Const. alter. to mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 11357 2/10/87 0- Beauty Mart C- Gene Bird Sign Ser15,000.00 j install neon letters on fascia BP 11373 2/17/87 0 -HyVee Foods_ C- Signgraphica_Inc. install two sets illum. letters 4'x32' & 3'x70' BP 11375 I 0 -Aetna (Hot Looks) C -Ron Smith Const ?/ alter. to inter. mas. & stl. comm. bldg. BP 12378 8/19/87 _ 0- Hot Looks, tenant C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. $5000.0C install alluum cabinet w /vinyl face, sgl face z 9/10/87 3500 Dodge 0- Arby's Restaurant C- Advanta Sign Co. add two 4' high reader boards near exist. sign BP 12935 12/9/87 1 0 -Aetna Insuranace C -Jim Steil Const. alter. to inter. masnry & stl comm. bldg. BP 13010 1/21/88 $500.00 0- tenant: Oak St. Furniture C- Advanta Sign Co. remove exist. sign, install 3'x12' illum. sign BP 13014 1/22/88 0- Renier Co. C -Bill Hartman inter. alter. to comm. bldg. BP 13169 3/23/88 $8000.00 O- Reniers -TV- Stereo - G-Larry Weitz Sign Syst. illum. 3' & 18' high letters to bldg BP14494 10/7/88 i 3500 Dodge -Cleve Trust Inc. C -Tim Pancratz alter to inter. masonry comm. bldg. BP 14498 10/7/88 $7500.00 0 -Jim Renier C- Aerial Promotions erect temporary inflatable balloon BP 14747 12/27/88 N/A 0 -Cleve Trust Realty C -Tim Pancratz remodel inter. to make retail space, comma bldg. BP 14850 3/1/89 $15000.00 0- Beauty Mart C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. remove letters, relocate letters BP 15472 6/21/89 N/A 3500 Dodge 0 -Betty Jane Candies C- Advanta Sign Co. install 30" x10' wall sign BP 15709 8/1/89 0-Betty Jane Candies C =Total "Structures, Inc. L inter-alter., drywall, part.- wall, comm. bldg. BP 15734 8/4/89 $6000.00 0 -Fam. Wgt. Loss Center C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install one set ilium. letters BP17450 8/l3/90 0 -Cleve Trust Realty C -R & K Const. inter. alter. to make office space, comm. BP17510 8/22/90 $9800,00 0 -Floor to Ceiling Store C- Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install one set ilium. letters 30'x23" BP18541 5/14/91 N/A 3500 Dodge /0 0 -Terry McEnroe C- Aylsworth Bros. Movers move frm restaurant to fndn at 1755 J.F. Kennedy BP19470 10/17/91 N/A 0 -Cleve Trust Realty C -Tim Pancratz Const. L - remodel - inter. for- reta-i1 space- BP1-9797 2/25792 S1- 6000.00 0 -Sally Beauty Supply C- Gene Bird Sign Ser. install letters on bldg fascia BP19921 3/25/92 0-Cleve Trust - Realty/tebacta - C= ilm Pancratz f i_nter alter. retail space,comm. BP20193.5111192__54400_.00 0- Hy -Vee Foods C -Della Vedova Bros. Const. erect fndn for future bldg additionBP20321 5727792 N7A__ 0- Target Stores, Inc. C- Conlon Const. Co. _____ erect add. to retail store phase I, BP20376 6/3/92 N/A 3500 Dodge 1/ O- HyVee- Cleve Trust C -Owner erect temporary sign BP20417 6/11/92 N/A 0- Lebeda Mattress C -Gene Bird Siggn ser. install ilium. letters 2' x22r6PI7//92 B N/A O -NyVee Food - Store - -- G-- De- i- l -a - -V do-ua- Bros- Gonst. erect add to masonry & steel comm bldg BP20505 6725/92 $980000.00 0- Perkin s__ C- Tech _Bldrs -I nc. inter. alter. & new canopies, assembly bldg BP20690 x/ 23/92 $59800.00 -. 0- Perkins______ ... __....___._ - C- D-ub ugue _Graft_ Leagues -- -- erect temporary sign BP20939 9/1/92 3500 Dodge. Board of Adjustment Docket 71-92 for sign variance to allow 517.5 sq ft wall mtd signage, denied 9 /24/92__ 0- Perkins Family Rest. C -Tech Bldrs Inc. remodel inter., alter. frm comm. bldg BP21337 11/10/92 $40,000.00 0-Harvest Savings C Internat. Bank Tech. inter. remodel for bank office at comm. bldg BP21359 11/16/42 $25,000.00 0 Hy - Vee Food Stores Sign Co. wall signage, internally illum. with neon BP21464 12/30/92 N/A 0 -Hy Vee Food Stores C-Walton Sign Co. add 10 *x6' by -vee sign to exist perimeter sign BP21465 _12/_39/92 N /A__.._. 3500 Dodge 0 -Cleve Trust Realty C= tarry Weitz Sign Syst install one set letters &logo Harvest Say. Bank BP21492 1/13/93 N/A 0 -Tandy Corp /Radio Shack C -Elder Jones Inc. remodel inter-: comm. bldg BP21535 2/1/93 $21732.00 10 -Target Stores, Inc. C- Conlon Const. Co. inter. modifications, retail store BP21563 2/11/93 $1,025,000.00 0-Cleve Trust Real tors C -Tim Pancratz - Const. inter.alter.to retail space,Comm. BP21743 4/9/93$1500.00 0 -HvVee C -Owner temp - balloon,nrndmntd EP21867 5 /3/93 NA 3500 Godge St. 0- Fantastic Sams C -Gene Bird Sign Co. install set of illu.ltrs(30.6sgft) BP22205 6 -16 -93 0 -Hvvee Foods C- Owner temp balloon.arnd mntd BP22212 6 -16 -93 0- Warren Plaza C -Dub Craft League erect temporary sign BP22357 7/12/93 N/A 0 - Warren Plaza-Perkins C -Dub Craft League erect temporary sign BP22616 8/23/93 0 -Video Adventure C- Advanta Sign Co. install fabricated letters to exter. wall BP22900 10/6/93 0- Perkins C -Dub Craft League erect temporary sign BP23136 11/17/93 n/a 3500 Dodge d5 0- tenant: Great Dragon Rest. C- Portzen Const. inter. alte to tyke restaurant, eomm: - b - 202 1/17/94 $12000.00 0-Great Dragon Rest. C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install high channefi - letters on bldg fascia 8P2J341 ��23194 0-Miller Medical Ser. C -Nagle Signs Inc. I 8-"— neon + + gbt- ed&& -eh-an ne 1 12ttars fP 489 / 1 / 94 0- Doland Jewelers C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. install channel neon letters on bldg fascia BP23637 4/-2 -2-/94 0 -fyVee C_ -Dub Symp Orches League - -erect temporary sign B_P23988 6/2/94 le 3500 Dodge 0-HyVee_ Store- G Dub- Craft teague erect temporary sign BP24259 7/14/94 0-Perkins C-Dubuque Craft League erect temporary sign BP24622 9/1/94 Sri/a 0- Book Nook C- Weitz Signs I—Install-All-um-letters, replace singleface sign BP26362 10-21-94 N/A 0- HyVee Store C- Dbq Craft League Erect temp ground sign BP26807 - 11‘ , 2 - 94 N/A 3500 DODGE /7' 0- Perkins Restaurant C- Weitz Signs Install 2 sets of letters, 1 on east, 1 on north, 3a' each, BP3-0036- 3- 22 -95 $ nfa 0- Perkins C -Dubq Craft League Erect temp grd sign_. 0 -Oak Country -- C -Acme Sign Co Install 16 "x12' ltrs, illum BP 31769 8/1/95 $12.00 0- Perkins Restaurant C- Dubuque Craft League Temp sign BP 32046 8/14/95 __ 3500 DODGE 0- Firstar (Harvest) C -Larry Weitz Sign Sys Remove exstg ltrs, replace w/ new BP 33590 11/2/95 0- Perkins Rest. C- Dubuque Craft League erect temporary sign BP34129 2/26/96 n/a 0- Perkins Rest. C- Dubuque Craft League '- -erect temporary sign BP35442 7/15/96 $na 0 -Mail Boxes Etc. C- Advanta Sign Co. install set of wall letters BP35601 8/1/96 0 -Mail Box C -E.J. Hinz & Sons remodel inter. of mas. & stl comm bldg BP35692 8/12/96 $11,000.00 3500 Dodge 1? 0- Perkins C -EAA 327 erect temporary sign BP35710 8/14/96 n/a 0-Perkins C- Dubuque Craft League erect temporary sign BP35722 8/15/96 n/a 0- Target C -St. Joseph the Worker erect temporary sign BP35905 9/6/96 n/a 0- Perkins Rest. C =Dub Craft League erect temporary sign_BP36334 11/1/96 $n/a 0-Perkins Rest. C -Dub Craft League erect temporary sign BP36578 2/12/97 n/a 0 -HyVee Food Stores C -HyVee Weitz Const. alter. to inter. of mas.& sti comm. bldg BP36617 3 /10/97 $8000.00 3500 Dodge 0-Warren Plaza C -E.J. Hinz & Sons Inc. erect demising wall comm. Ildq BP36633 3/14/97"$2000.00 - " . ' 0-Cleveland Trust Realty C- Robert Sheckler- Subway erect partitions for retail space BP36733 4/8/97-314000A0 0-Warren Plaza Check 2 Cash C- Golderman Const. inter. remodeling for office space BP37071 5/29/97 $21000.00 0-Perkinss Restaurant C- Dubuque Craft League erect temp sign, comm BP37356 7/7/97 n/a 0- Perkins Restaurant C- Dubuque Craft league erect temp sign, comm BP37357 7/7/97 n /a 3500 Dodge =/ 0 -Town Rebel-Darlene `Trilk C =Gene Bird Sign Service issue _1 set of 20___upper &_ lower. _ case letter facia. _of bldg, comm BP37433 7/15/97 $n /a 0- Bradley Realty C- Goldermann Const Inc install restroom (ADA), move panel fur out south wall - insulate drywalled, comm BP37442 7/16/97 $9500.00 . 0 -Check into Cash C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install channel letters BP37479 7/22/97 0- tenant: Towne Rebel C -Bob Trilk remodel inter.,walls, retail - space - BP37624 -- 8/15/97 $500.00 0-Bradley Realty C -St. Joseph the Worker erect temporary sign BP37750 9/5/97 n/a 3500 Dodge 0-Radio Shack C Gene -Bird Signs change bldg sign BP37971 10/21/97 n/a 0-Perkins Rest. C -Dub Craft League I erect temporary sign BP38018 11/3/97 $n /a 0- Perkins Rest. C- Dubuque Craft League erect temporary sign BP38280 2/17/98 n/a 0- Perkins C -01d House Enthus. erect - temporary sign BP38463 4/17/98 n/a 0- Perkins C -Dub_ Craft League erect temporary sign BP38942 7/7/98 n/a 3500 Dodge 2 0- Perkins Rest. C -Dub. Craft League erect temporary sign BP39146 8/12/98 n/a 0- Perkins Rest. C -Holy Ghost Parent Assoc. erect temporary sign BP39465 10/21/98 n/a 0 -HyVee Stores C- Nesper Sign Co. add new neon letters to wall "Pharmacy" BP39817 3/16/99 n/a 0- Perkins C -Dub Craft League erect temporary sign BP40411 7/1/99 n/a 0- Firstar Bank C -Sign Prod. Inc. install 2'x10' 24" channel ltrs BP41043 11/9/99 n/a 3500 Dodge O- - Ara €ri - can— Rome— P- a-t -ie t G Nag -e Si- ga -s_) nc-.---------------- install SF wall sign 67 sq. ft., remove letters BP41137 f2Tf0799 n7a 0- tenant: City Financial C- Gerardy Const. r inter. for office space B 3/10 19000: -- -- O-Citi C- Gene - B - ird Signs i_n-stal l one_w_a11 sigru92 sq_. £t._$P_ 41367 -- 3-/22/-2-000- ._n /a 0- tenant: Video Games Etc. C- Advanta Sign Co. install new fetters on ea fiacing wal /5 - sgft. _BP41831_6/_1_9/_2900_._n_ a_._ 3500 Dodge 2T 0- tenant: Video Games Etc C- Advanta Sign install new wall letters 15'h 18.75 ft. BP41920 7/6 /2000 $n /fl