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Dodge Street 3925
3925 Dodge O-Menards Inc. C -Prism Corp. install foundation for future frm comm. bldg. BP 13632 5/26/88 N/A 0- Menards C -Prism Corp. erect fun comm. bldg. on exist. fndn. BP 13992 7/20/88 0- Menard's Lumber Co. C -Jones Sign C61,313,698.00 erect 3 signs, mansard, pole mtd., wall mtd. BP 14161 8/17/88 0- Menards Inc. C -Prism Corp. replace frm comm. bldg. on exist. fndn. BP 14749 12/29/88 $1,313,698.00 - 1st -bldg destroyed Iv fire 3925 Dodge O- Menards C- Prism Corp. install elevator _._ frm /mas . comm. __- bldg BP20360 612/92 $142,731.00 1 0- Menards C -Owner erect temporary banner 11/12/97 n/a Q-Menards - _.- ____ -- C- Country B ±drs Inc. -shore- up floor - new Ibeams, COMM. .._bldg _BP39070 - 7/30L98 _ $79,000.00 O- Menards C -Owner -erect tempo- r- ar--y- - -s -i- n- -BP -3- 9939 1- /- 2 -5-/- 9-8 - -n /-a O- Menards Inc. C- Renaissance Const. Corp. repair fToor = new floor truss system, comm. BP41057 'i 1 2/99 $25,000.0 - 0 — —