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Earl Drive 1560
1560 Fail trine 0- Edward A. Beard C -Glenn Carris Erect S.F.Frarae Dwellg.B.P. 365 6 - - 12,000.00 C_Nodern Siding & Roofing C o. Reroof fS,F; rame Dwellg.B.P, 738 9 403.00 C-Edwards Const. Co. Erect '' „ached Garage to side of 2 f, Frame Dwelling t 771. 11 -10 - 3,500.00 Alteration to SF Fr Dwllg Edw. Beard 500 5 -20 -76 453 1560 Earl Dr. 0-Ed Beard C -Burke Alumatic siding, soffit, Sr dwrl - g BP 55�r3JTCT/8 3ODO.uO 0 -Ed Beard C- Bel -Aire Home Improve. — t ar=oIf reroof SF dtd } - B - P - 1 4f1 9 /89 - $2o00 flit - tL1, iik.e_.Reed --- .___ -- _C Q;aa1 it_y Con.:tra.ctor-s_ t/o,reroof SF sd BP35187 6/19/96 $1550.00