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Edith Street 0700
700 Edith St. 0- Harry _="arrinr ton C- .0^jner Erect S. B. Frame Dwelling B.P. 387___8,/646 "5000.00 Convert S.F.Freme Dwellg.to 2 ram. B.P. 581 10 -5-48 98.00 0- Harvey Harrington Erect two car frame Garage B.P. 384 8 -1 -51 300.00 Const. Carport Side Frame Garage B.P. 1101 12 -1 -63 300.00 Erect carport on sf ffr dwllg B.P. 843 10 -13 -75 300.00 700 Edith 0 -Mrs. Harvy Harrington C -Burke Alumatic Co. siding,fascia,soffit,wind. trim, SF frm dwllg BP 11394 2/25/87 $3 000.00 0- Don Harrington C- Owner New roof, sd, SF frm BP26744 11 -1 -94 $1500.00