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Ellis Street 1850
1 85 Ellis St. S.of A, Petn. to Waive Lot Area Re0uirmenit for Erection P e_ Efficiency Art, Bldg. 40 Units, Reconsidered Granted Locket No. 27 -65 9 -10 -65 0-Clin Qua Inc. Erect Br.Ven. Apt. Bidding B.P. 20 1 -3-66 220,000.00 0 -Ellis St. Partnership C -Tom Zwack repair fire dam. exterior, MF brk dwlig BP 4270 5/17/82 0- Clin -Que Apts. C- Rafoth $9000.00 reroof MF dwllg BP 10845 9/16/86 $5000.00