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Ellis Street 1918
1 9 1 8 Ellis St. 0 -Riran Raster Repair open front & rear porch to two fam. Brick Dwe11g. 8.2. 99 4 -22 -50 75.00 C- Dubuoue Insulation & Siding L o. Reroof 2 fam,br, dwellg, B.P. 157 4 -5 -61 400,00 0-Bernard Mihm C -DISCO Reroof 2f brk dwllg B.P. 793 1 Oct 75 1860.00 Replace back porch on 2f brk dwllg B.P. 202 ¢6 Apl 76 $ 500.00 1918 Ellis a Reside SF Fr Dwllg, B.P. 1147, 11/5/76 2375.00 1918 Ellis St 0- Bernard Mihm C -DISCO Alteration to front SE Brk Dwllg, B.P. 1088, 10/19 2400.00 0 Randy – Weber— E– Disco-- B-1-dg I mprovemenw - remodel inter.,reroof, 2F res. BP21769 4/15L93 $11750.00