Elm Street 1222 1222 Elm St. 0- Frs. 0. Beckius_ 0- Dihueue Roofing Co. Reroof S.F. Frane_ThnellinR. B.P. 556_10/11/46 122.00 0- Clarence Schlarman 1222 Elm St. _. &- A1teratjon " to rear of S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 381 6 -1 9 -52 700.00 Erect Frgme G rage B.P. 515 7 - - 450.00 0 - Clarence Schlarman C Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co. Reroof S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 382 6 190.00 Enclose front porch B.P. 688 5 Sept 751000.00 0- Clarence Schlarman C -Owner change a window - SF frm dwllg BP 7198 6/18/84 $150.00 1222 Elm 0- Clarence Schlerman C- Advance Design - - -- _ New — roof, -- hou- se- -&- -deb garage, sd -,- - -SF -BP- 26401 10 -24 -94 $2650.00