Elm Street 1376 C- 4. tt iiffer y° o on Const tile Be 2.2.2-14 V11/31 4120.00 0 -Waif. Berk C -Omer Reroofing sing. fem. frame dwelling B.P. 1443 8/18/42 I 430.00 C - Berk de fran e cbellinE B.P. 17 3 6'21/1 TT5.00 0 —Mary Reynolds C —Major Roofing Co. Reroof S.F.Fr.Dwellg.B'.P._390 6 41 -56 190.00 1376 E1m St. 0 —Neal Kelley Erect Cone, Block Gar g B,P, 157 4 -16 -62 500,00 Reside S,F, Frame Dt.Te11g. B.P. 1964-27-70 500.00 0 -Neil Kelley _. _... Repair Fire damaged to detached mas gar., B.P. 250, 4/18/77 1100.00 o- eil Kelley C -Owner � ,.Ft fr. dwllg - BP 415 5/10/79 - $300.00 - - 0 -Neil Kelly C- Bullock Garages erect 24x30 det. frm dwllg SF dwllg BP 4281 5/18/82 $7000.00 1376 Elm ,,. 0 -Neil Kelley C -Owner change 4 windows, remove old siding, replace porch SF f m—dw -1 ; -g —Q,o 9087— Sf2 -6/$5 $2000.00 0= Nei_LK.e11ey C -Owner erect 14x28 carport det., SF res BP 16620 4/2/90 $2066.00 0 -Neil Kelley C -Owner emo is rm dwl BP182yb 4/2/91 N/A